File: 1493285083144.jpg (277.08 KB, 761x500, pearwaii.jpg)

No. 299602
Most recent developments (pls add in the replies if I missed anything)
-Max started going back to his roots, making disgusting vids. He is currently in Hawaii with Ian and the pear
-Chad is slowly but surely drifting far and away from the crew.
- Ian is officially the new King Cuck, going back to bad unboxing videos, looking grease as fuck, some say he might do a content cop on faxman aka onionsun due to the recent drama but not likely. Currently in hawaii with max and the pear. Seems miserable as fuck. Seems happier with fans than he is with pear.
-Anisa is still hanging and possibly flirting with edups 2.0 aka chris, they took many candid shots together. She is still trying so hard to take cute selfies with ian but failing miserably, claiming she has an eating disorder for attention. Still one of the guyzz. wearing the same shorts (still)
-Chris (edups 2.0) may not be part of the cancer crew but he is playing an important part of the recent events so he's included.
Misaki did some fucked up shit to one of his employees (he is from samurai buyer the company ian advertises a lot on his vids) also some clients have said they get mysterious charges and/or their product never arrives. full story on the Misaki incident: social media
twitters: instagrams edgelord ~alt-youtubers~ like pewdiepie, h3h3, jontron etc. are allowed to be discussed here and are not considered to be off topic.
No. 299613
File: 1493288511658.png (545.2 KB, 758x498, spiceypear.png)

The OP picture is a masterpiece but I wanted to make my own rendition.
No. 299640
File: 1493298945981.jpg (35.78 KB, 639x330, milksaki.JPG)

>>299635well TOO BAD FOR YOU, BUDDY!
No. 299642
File: 1493299306395.jpg (37.85 KB, 590x491, wat.jpg)

this adds nothing but i can't believe no one commented on this beautiful shoop anisa posted of her watching ian kiss max
how does her mouth constantly looks like it's full of marbles that are threatening to fall out
No. 299648
File: 1493301952008.jpg (564.83 KB, 1067x1678, Screenshot_20170427-100339.jpg)

I just think this looks weird.
No. 299652
>>299648She's two posts away from some "life & love" quote typed over a sunset
basic ass bitch
No. 299660
File: 1493303119086.png (78.74 KB, 608x405, joji.png)

Meanwhile, Joji is STILL trending on YouTube (#18) and he even got a description LMFAO
"The Japanese-Australian comedic rapper, best known as Filthy Frank, goes serious on this new single."
No. 299733
>>299722I kniw exactly what youre talking about. Horse shirt and horse pencil topper too. Omfg.
>>299648 she has sone big fucking hands.
No. 299752
>>299648It's just a pic of hands but Ian and Anisa still look awkward lmao
and holy shit Kat is so pale
No. 299848
>>299722Oh, fuck,
that girl. We had one who didn't grow out of it, she was "the horse girl" all throughout middle school and high school. Hell, probably still is that girl.
The most basic form of basic bitch.
>>299735She can't even brag about a fancy art degree, anon, she never graduated. She just brags about classes she took, like "that time I took a kinesiology class" and "that time I took a criminal justice course". Wow, Anisa, how impressive.
I've taken a CPR and First Aid course, guess that makes me a fucking doctor in Anisa-world, better go set up a YouTube channel and dole out medical advice. You there! You have a prolapsed anus. I just know, I took a CPR and First Aid class in college, trust me.
No. 299852
>>299788Just look at the guy, he reminds me of a neurotic chihuahua with insecurity issues, shaking and pissing whenever people get too close, there's no way he
doesn't have anxiety issues. It's probably what held him back from fucking a real life pussy* until he was in his late 20's.
*It's likely Ian used some kind of contraption, like a Fifi (, in the pre-Anisa days.
No. 299865
File: 1493324749825.jpg (43.38 KB, 240x240, don't do this.jpg)

>>299849That's exactly the sort of person who'd give lolcow a shoutout. Lesson is never learned until their profile pic becomes a meme.
Pic related.
No. 299933
>>299902Nah it's still there. In the previous thread anon showed what picture its under.
If I was Anisa I would sure as fuck delete it. Her fans will be able to find her mentions in threads and either retaliate or find out how retarded she actually is.
No. 299970
File: 1493336252464.png (131.39 KB, 750x849, IMG_9439.PNG)

Odd when I think Ian looks the most well put together in a picture. (He looks nice in a thirty year old dad kind of way.)
No. 299974
>>299970Tbh they're all kind of ugly.
Also Anisa's head is fat af.
No. 299987
>>299974Yeah, my eyes just darted from face to face thinking "No, nope, nah, nope."
While he's still by no means attractive, props to Ian for FINALLY abandoning the absolutely horrible mustache that slithered onto his face, getting a haircut and, apparently, bothering to shower. Katt looks, y'know, cute. She's alright, nothing special. Anisa looks like a fucking anthropomorphic potato instead of a pear, this time. Max just looks like some random dude I'd never give a second glance.
The Unfuckable Four! Fighting crime by drying up even the sloppiest pussies known to man! Huzzah!
No. 300060
>>300051I was about to be like "Meh, nah, those are average collar bones…", but then I looked at the tendons in her neck and, holy shit, she
really is giving it her all to make those collar bones pop. It actually says more about her that they're still pretty average looking despite straining that hard.
Ew, at myself, for totally being one of those girls who cares about visible collar bones, too. Oh, leftover anorexia bullshit.
No. 300063
>>300059"Hey, Max, pass me my water, CUNT, hahahahaha"
"Hey, our tour guide is so ugly, I bet she's a feminist tranny, hahahaha, that cunt, hahahahaha"
"One time Ian and I were fucking and–oh, by the way, we, like, fuck
all the time. If you guys weren't here, we'd definitely be fucking. Right, babe?
glares at every nearby female to make sure they understand she has marked Ian as her own with her pussy juice"
"Hey, did everybody see that JonTron video? You didn't? Fucking cunt, hahahaha"
pretends to dryheave, looks at Ian to see if he's laughing, does it again"
No. 300104
File: 1493347705272.png (484.89 KB, 932x548, YoungLove.png)

Ian, the guy staring at Anisa like "Goodness, stop fucking taking my picture, bang-maid, I've already indulged your absurd, petty fancies enough for one day. Back into your kennel with you."
No. 300494
Here's everything that I could rescue from the Misaki drama. (before someone says "ree use the imgur url thing" "ree learn how to imgboard" I can't since both of them are big posts with multiple images)
the whole story with multiple screen caps conversation merry(the person that got robbed by misaki) had with a "reporter" (who was working with the same misaki himself" No. 300806
File: 1493437553264.jpg (234.43 KB, 1860x893, p8bium9.jpg)

Even when she's posting a "shirtless" selfie to show her "body" she's padding. This bitch will never not be fake.
I just don't understand how it's possible to be so fake. If anything, it's actually impressive. I look forward to her blog/vlogs in 10 (20?) years when she looks back and tells the truth behind all the fake.
No. 300841
>>300820She a hoe. She wants you to see her areolas.
…but never the nips b/c lewds b4 nudes!
No. 300851
>>300839>>300839lol more like
No. 300869
>>300577>Ian's a smart lad. He'll do the right thing. It'll be interesting though to see how he handles real world cunty behavior. Uh-huh. He's handling it responsibly, and doing the right thing.
By zip-lining in Hawaii.
No. 301027
>>300820Once you realize her areolas are peeking out, you get an idea of how much is tit meat and how much is padding and the padding on that bikini top is crazy. It's seriously half padding, she's a B at most. I don't know why she would even bother with that "Wahhh, muh BDD, I hate muh HYOOGE TITTIES, so sad…" bullshit, it's almost insane. I mean, literally insane, as in mentally ill. The kind of person who'd lie about having body dysmorphia due to big tits that are so easily proven to be on the small side of average would have to be pretty bizarre.
It'd be whatever if she expressed insecurity about NOT having big tits, which is clearly what's actually going on with her, but this whole BDD-please-pity-me-and-my-overwhelmingly-huge-tits shtick is just…god, I wanna say unhinged. She's combined humblebragging, attention seeking and sympathy seeking all with one lie. That's not normal, she definitely has something wrong with her and it's kind of creeping me out.
No. 301114
>>301085I wonder if any part of Ian thinks "Oh my god, she's crazy. She's fucking crazy. My girlfriend is batshit" when he sees her IG posts bawwing about her tits/titty related BDD and prancing around on the beach with these bikini tops that are so heavily padded, it's like she has prosthetic titties when the dude has seen her naked and is very familiar with her tits by now.
I'm sure the first few times they hooked up and she dropped her bra to the ground, he was too amped about having sex to care, but he
has to have stopped and been like "Wait a second…" by now.
I wonder if she even keeps up the pretense with him, like, she puts her bra back on in the morning, makes eye contact with him, scowls at him with crazy eyes and says "I have huge tits" and he replies warily "…Y-you have huge tits. Yes."
Probably would stab him if he ever pointed out the obvious truth.
No. 301127
>>301114Nah. He's just stoked someone wants to fuck him that he'll forgive anything.
She's trash and I doubt he'll realise that unless she stops giving up ass, which doesn't seem likely because she can't lose her only source of income.
No. 301131
But you're probably right about the bra thing. She seems like she's so insecure that she'll wear a shirt during sex.
No. 301132
File: 1493498425738.jpg (96.45 KB, 1037x391, Screenshot_20170429-163820.jpg)

The cows have come home.
Where are the bikin pics of her and Katts Disney swimsuits? She seems like she would get upset if someone else took a pic of her because her selfies are the only thing that thin out her fat head.
No. 301146
>>301132>>301134Imagine the shitfit she would have over Ian or Max taking a candid shot of her and Katt hanging out on the beach or playing in the surf and she can't take the time to do her contortionist act first so they can only get her at flattering angles.
Or, god, I can so easily see her telling Ian to take 70 photos, but she scrolls through them and ends up spending the rest of the day fucking
hysterical and requiring constant, hardcore reassurance from Ian that she's not a big headed or boxy and he's like "You're fine" because he hasn't spent enough time with insecure women to know "You're fine"="You're barely getting by" in their minds, so she just flings herself across their hotel room, flops onto the bed and sobs into a pillow like a dramatic teenager.
What a fun vacation. Whooo.
No. 301276
>>301204this whole situation is sketchy tbh. On top of Merry deleting all the tweets, why did he think it was just ok to up and leave and go back to Tokyo? Without seeming to notify anyone? It probably looked like he abandoned his job.
I totally believe Misaki is a sketchball but there's probably more to what Merry did than he's letting on.
No. 301388
File: 1493531865041.jpg (61.88 KB, 810x378, IMG_20170430_075715.jpg)

No. 301398
>>301388omg i hope this means they are breaking up and she realises she has no way to make a living.
hahahahhahahaha this is so good. even if they havent broken up her streaming again isnt a good sign for them. i bet ian gave her shit on vacation about paying for all of it, he seems the type that would.
No. 301412
>>301398I really doubt thay means they're breaking up.
Anisa going back to streaming means she realized all the fuss she made about her YouTube dreams are over.
She failed at making her dreams come true and instead of getting a normal job and stop leeching, shes going to crawl back to the one thung shes mildly good at. Shoving her tits in a camera and basically begging for money. I have no hate left for her, all I feel is shame.
No. 301413
I apologize for typos.
Sage because its freezing and it's making me a sloppy mess.
No. 301422
File: 1493538212481.png (732.96 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Trouble in paradise ? Very weird to comment something so petty about your SO on Instagram for everyone to see. Especially right after coming back from a vacation that HE paid for. Something totally went down and i bet they've got the shits with each other rn.
No. 301446
>>301422naaah it's not being petty, it's just her attempts to show how quirky they are and Ian is such a 'meanieee uguu~ >w<'
The funny part is when you realize she literally took a picture of their trash
No. 301484
>>301422>Nothing more dishearteningReally, bitch? Boo drinking your fucking Martinelli's is heartbreaking, but not him smacking you on camera, calling you a cunt/stupid, making an effort not to be associated with you, not helping your YT channel thrive, persuading you not to follow up on a legit opportunity because he thinks Zoie's a whore and he's more worried about his own brand than you doing well, not the fact that he can't be fucked to even
pretend that he's happy to take a picture with you?
No. 301489
File: 1493554023802.png (357.49 KB, 584x625, IT'S_A_TRAVESTY.png)

>>301422She didn't just post a picture of #TheGreatMartinellisTragedyOf2017 on Instagram, she tweeted about this shit, too.
If they really had a fight, I honestly feel like this should be a red flag for Ian. If she's willing to throw your ass under the bus over a spat and try to paint a picture of you on social media as the selfish, asshole boyfriend after drinking her fucking sparkling apple cider, then…I dunno. I have a feeling she's going to take to the internet if he ever dumps her and she's going to
really cry and wail about how mistreated she was by him.
She has a compulsive need to be seen as the hapless victim in every situation, if you dumped her, my god, just imagine.
I'd never try to imply that my boyfriend treats me poorly on twitter or IG, I wouldn't air our dirty laundry, even if it was small. Not just because it's private, but because most people are embarrassed by problems in their relationship. The vast majority of people would prefer to pretend everything's perfectly normal than to take to social media to let everyone know their boyfriend is an asshole. Even when you break up, normal people will maybe make some vague "I'm sad" posts and leave the crying to private conversations with friends.
But Anisa isn't normal. Her need for attention and sympathy trumps her need for dignity.
No. 301560
>>301388Wish I had something witty to say, but I just about gave myself a migraine from the intense facial expression and quick cackle this forced upon me.
You shouldn't have taken a lot of things for granted Anisa. Bet you sit up at night whiffing in Ian's foul musk, listening to gurgling breaths from his gaping, drooling mouth as you take side glances at him sprawled on his back taking up 85% of the bed with a picture of Max tenderly laying against his chest and just sigh as you try to push memories of Akaadian and your old life out of your mind and stop the what ifs from buzzing around you like angry hornets.
What if I didn't cheat to be with Ian and still had a loving, supportive partner in my life? What if I didn't turn my back on other titty streamers who wanted to work with me and help boost my popularity doing the *one
* thing I actually know how to do? What if I didn't have to desperately try to convince everyone that I'm smart and talented and worthy of dating a big YouTube celeb?…What if I left Ian for Chris? Would that reset everything?Oh yes Anisa, perhaps Hawaii has done it, and it's finally dawning on you how many horrible mistakes you've made.
>>301422Looks like it's happening boiz! Remember how so many of us said that in the end she would try to gain sympathy and then turn it all on Ian as the asshole who abused her? This looks like the downhill, this is DEFINITELY how it would start. Subtle manipulation of the fans to show how Ian is…not sure nice to her. This cow is about ready to milk.
No. 301658
File: 1493581091501.png (4.38 KB, 261x107, twtr.png)

>>301388Well guess she's gonna have to cange her twitter bio then….
No. 301702
>>301697she is the beard of some edgy virgin who used to be kinda popular on youtube for like 4 months before everyone lost interest in his repetitve and overly edgy content.
of youtube.
No. 301769
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No. 301795
File: 1493595739377.jpg (661.69 KB, 1680x1932, anisa-bingo.jpg)

>>301769she makes it too easy
No. 301798
>>301769Her caption is a complete response to us.
Hey, Anisa,how's it going in paradise? :)
No. 301858
File: 1493605568940.jpg (309.83 KB, 1019x984, Screenshot_20170430-222235.jpg)

Here are the two responses to that shit heap of a comment someone from here left.
Tbh, it reads really jumbled amd idiotic. Kind of like an anisa. Also Ill point out that her "fans" dont know her either. They probably refuse to acknowledge all of the shitty things she's done. I get want to be positive, but Anisa's heart is empty towards you unless you fill it with attention and praise.
No. 301939
>>301858Holy fucking run on sentence.
Honestly, yeah, I would say something to a friend if they were embarrassing themselves in public, self diagnosing themselves with mental illnesses and using said mental illnesses just in an attempt to reap sympathy and compliments. All of that behavior is unhealthy, weird and tasteless. As a friend, you gotta sometimes pull people to the side to give them some real talk for their own benefit. Not like Onision's BROOTAL HONESTY, but you do need to confront people from time to time because, otherwise, you're
fucking enabling their shitty behavior.
Secondly, Anisa's not our fucking friend, we dislike the bitch, so why would they even pose the question "Would you say this to your friend?"
I'd make sure to avoid being overly harsh to a friend, but Anisa's a fucking lolcow. She's
earned this level of scorn.
>She's not an attention whore, you fuckOh, honey, no…
No. 301969
>>301210Yeah I think one of them got all
triggered that the OP included joji in one of the pictures they did a few threads ago, they were like "leave joji out of this" "joji is not even part of the drama anymore, he is too good for that" "joji is an amazing guy" this place fancies joji waaay too much, I bet they all want to give him the succ.
No. 301981
>>301210The fuck is wrong with you? They asked you a question, don't get
triggered because you can't answer it.
No. 301986
File: 1493631479317.jpg (66.81 KB, 1184x282, answrlc.jpg)

>>299602>>301969>>301985I mean when I talked bad about his music here, the natural response from his diehard fans is that I'm clearly a "Hater"….
No. 302004
>>301986You were right tho. His music is mediocre even by meme rap standards. His fanbase only eats it up because they're 14.
Like he's not even cute, y'all need to get a better husbandu. Ugly god is better/10
No. 302010
>>301990lol, lovely, you nailed it
He'd also grow back his pedo stache and keep zooming on it throughout the video
No. 302043
>>301969For some fucking reason every anon in here is having a really difficult time having anything other than a black or white opinion on this. Most of this leave Joji out stuff started because he's
actually not doing anything lolcow worthy. I'm pretty sure some of his fans have slipped in. Personally I watch FF content sparingly because it tends to be a little too stupid for me, I prefer the ranting stuff or comment reading stuff. BUT Joji does seem to be a decent guy who is playing a character unlike the others. There's a lot of evidence that he's a progressive, down-to-earth person though we can't really know because as recently stated it
is pretty shitty for him to apparently start ghosting his friends for his image. Even if we think they're shit they've still been his friends so maybe he's a fuckboi. Maybe he's pretentious. Maybe he's a good guy. Maybe he's a fucking normal person who has a mixture of good and bad personality traits. The point remains that he doesn't produce milk. All he's doing is making music. I don't fucking like it, but he's doing things outside of the bullshit the rest of the crew is doing.
This is an 18+ board right? So can we be fucking adults and acknowledge that some, perhaps a good percentage of us, just recognize that in relation to the rest of his crew Joji isn't lolcow worthy thus not we're interested in discussing him unless it's to hammer home points about the absolutely shit quality of stuff the others are doing in relation. You know, it's not about frothing for his fucking dick for everyone?
Really the only people sounding
triggered are all the ones getting pissy because someone randomly says "good on Joji". Either way, this infighting over Joji is getting stupid. If anything just ban discussion of him
unless he produces milk.
No. 302109
File: 1493656786693.gif (1.15 MB, 320x180, 1PFSUHM.gif)

>>302043Just ignore either side, there's no reason to even make a blog post about it, nobody cares. Let's continue to what it's actually relevant which is talking to what it's actually going on between Ian and Anisa. Possibly the whole Misaki thing since those things have relevancy in this whole thing, just ignore either side.
No. 302231
>>301986Lot of people (me included) agreed with you in the last thread, dipshit.
And even the anon praising it said that they might like his music a lot just because they have a soft spot for lofi, not because it's that great.
Did you get this butthurt because not everyone had the same opinion as you?
Cry more.
No. 302251
This whole
>Lullllz you said something positive about Joji? FUCKING STAN.shit is beyond tired. We've already covered the fact that some people like him, some people don't, that's life, fucking move on. It was boring in previous threads, what changes that now? If dude started producing some milk and being a legit cow rather than the peripheral character he's become, I'd say fucking go for it, but the reason a lot of anons react to George in a positive manner is because he's managed to
not become a cow, he's managed to come across as a well-adjusted adult who's handled this e-fame shit pretty well despite hanging with a crowd of dudes who are such attention whores. He looks good in comparison for just being normal.
Inb4 some "You're
triggered over your precious Joji" shit. I enjoy FF rants, I like how he seems to be a really creative, imaginative guy, but I'm not crazy about his music. Some people are. So it goes.
No. 302253
File: 1493670171815.jpg (195.84 KB, 1052x1007, Screenshot_20170501-162034.jpg)

Everyone can shut the fuck up about Joji now,
One of our cows is going to make her second coming on twitch.
No. 302261
>>302253Is somebody down to record it? Or do y'all think it's not even necessary? I think it could produce some lulz, Anisa trying to appeal to her old audience of neckbeards who're there for the padded tits while drilling home how she's
absolutely not a titty streamer, you guise, she's above that, fuck Zoie Burgher.
No. 302285
>>302253You didn't really need to sage this. It's pretty relevant and the thread hasn't been bumped in hours…
so, bump
No. 302293
>>302285I didnt mean to, I have it saved to always sage.
I apologise and thank you.
No. 302297
File: 1493674282655.png (163.92 KB, 750x1091, IMG_0737.PNG)

>>302253Will pearnisa be able to make a grand return to twitch or will their supposedly shitty internet fail her? Kek
>>302287>>302284Seconded. In case she doesn't flake out it would be much appreciated if any anon could record her return to titty streaming.
No. 302301
>>302231I just wanted to make a statement( + with that reply).
I don't get butthurt over this. It's lolcow ffs.
But thanks for agreeing with me.
No. 302319
>>302300Yeah, but those commentary channels
are the exact same people she's pandering to: naive betas who actually fall for that #notlikeothergirls bullshit. Only difference is that they make some shitty videos.
No. 302328
>>302305At least he showered and cleaned up that nasty haircut tbh
Also, the opening made me laugh, can't lie
No. 302345
>>302305Dull and not funny. 3/10.
I'd bet money Ian's not even working on a Content Cop. 90% of his audience is subscribed and sticking around because they're looking forward to the next CC, they sit around barfing Idubbbz memes online, speculating as to who's getting roasted next, but I'm almost certain that he hasn't even started it. Hell, he probably doesn't even want to think about it, it's probably a stressful endeavor with all that pressure to outdo the previous one. He's probably like "I wonder how many more Bad Unboxings I can shit out before I
have to make a new Content Cop. Fuck."
Avoidance issues, huzzah.
No. 302381
File: 1493681347745.png (134.73 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5183.PNG)

"Me and Ian's house"
No. 302448
File: 1493684907416.png (14.94 KB, 578x100, Screenshot 2017-05-01 at 8.27.…)

Sad day for raihnbowtitz :( sorry neckbeards, you'll have to settle for porn tonight.
No. 302496
>>302396He does seem to think quite highly of himself and he did come across as decently intelligent in the past, how is he ok with dating a girl who can't even spell plagiarism despite having studied art.
On another note, could it be that Anisas return to her previous occupation has anything to do with yts fucked up ad system? As in Ian isn't getting much revenue these days so after spending a load of his money on their Hawaii trip and "Me and Ian's house" she finally has to start making some income?
No. 302546
File: 1493694617001.gif (56.2 KB, 444x200, 200_s.gif)

>>302533>Pic relatedThis is how I imagine you, anon
No. 302555
i got bored and i watched some of her videos (procrastinating) and she mentioned her old channel from 9 or so years ago. video related i guess you can see her debilitating struggle with anorexia (she's so thin!!! to be expected of a growing girl on a 300 calorie diet) and she's eating in that video too!! crazy! what an inspiration to conquer BDD and be able to be filmed in that mental state!
i also didn't realize how pearshaped her head is. she works her angles quite a bit but she's slacked on it recently. i'm guessing that's how she got popular on twitch, she looks cute in it also helps how she's fairly far away from the camera, it helps hide the teeth.
No. 302557
File: 1493695773579.png (6.35 KB, 432x83, YLMWJQM.png)

sage again im a fucking moron
>>302556 No. 302656
File: 1493709359028.png (77.62 KB, 593x427, Wannarexia.png)

>>302555Before, I had these doubts that she only crash dieted for a summer, I didn't want to be a dick in regards to somebody possibly having had suffered from an ED, but I've only seen one picture of her looking skinny from her teen years and multiple videos from said teen years where she's either a bit chubs or average and it's getting to the point where my doubts are being washed away.
Just discovered the term "Wannarexia" and this Urban Dictionary definition almost knocked me over: the fake ED, the attention seeking, the Starbucks, contorting themselves in mirror selfies, holy shit…if Wannarexia were a diagnosis in the DSM-V, Anisa would be textbook.
No. 302678
>>302673i actually find her more tolerable like this.
like i know she wants to be taken seriously as a cool YTer who doesnt have to resort to showing off her body but shes got nothing interesting to talk about.
and even though she has a 5/10 body she's good at pandering to neckbeards and showing off that (lack of) body. it comes naturally to her, you can tell, being like that. she shouldve just stuck with it, the bimbo. but i'm glad she took a break and is going back to it, tail between her legs, it's funnier for us.
being a titty streamer isn't the worst thing in the world. it's just hilarious because it's anisa and she's fucking retarded in so many ways.
No. 302704
>>302687god, shes one to talk. listening to her almost makes me agree with that statement.
women aren't expected to be as funny as men because we're valued pretty much entirely on appearances. another thing that she perpetrates by having her tits out and pandering to a bunch of twitch tards.
No. 302729
>>302704I hate that streotype sooo much.
Again, like I said before, I wish more people would realize that this stereotype is mostly American and isn't based on truth at all.
No one in my family has ever heard of it before.
Tbh I hope that it won't spread because of the internet.
Pearnisa pissed me off so much when she said that. Her streams were overall pathetic.
I almost feel sorry for her.
Also, she looks way worse than in her YT videos. What are those eyebags? She looks like a middle-aged lady.
And the way she behaves shows that she has zero self-esteem.
Sage for my OT butthurt
No. 302734
>>302729I mean, it's definitely spread across the internet already, at least the english speaking part. It's such a bizarre stereotype. The only things dudes accomplish by repeating that shit is proving they've barely spoken to any women IRL and haven't put any effort into finding good comedians. The only thing women accomplish by repeating that shit is looking like an asshole who panders to the the aforementioned dudes and everybody knows they're pandering because they have garbage self esteem and the beta dudes are so desperate, they're seen as easy pickings and will treat the substandard bitches like queens.
So, all in all, both genders end up looking like complete fucking fools.
No. 302773
>>302750Guhh. It's been posted, like, once in each thread, just go back and look.
>>302740Anisa's body makes me feel like a straight up babe in comparison, it's great for one's self esteem.
Also, wouldja check out those HYOOJ TITTEEZ. Did she forget the specially made padded bra with cutlets glued to the inside for that stream? God, there's so much evidence she doesn't have the C or D cups she's trying to pretend she has, why does she even bother?
No. 302777
File: 1493736597333.png (2.15 MB, 2212x984, 404 Ass not found.png)

How her non-existent ass goes from her back straight to her thighs is so disheartening.
No. 302802
>>302727I guess one of the reasons why ? quit her booby streaming is that she can't really compete with these girls. Celestia's body is really fucking banging, as a straight woman I have never seen such perky well formed breasts. I just imagine oh wait NONONO DONT IMAGINE THAT.
But these blatant esluts all have something. Some have boob jobs, some have a huge booty, some have hot tiddies, and some are just facially attractive. Pearnisa literally has none of that. Which is probably one of the main reasons why she didn't join Zoie's crew.
No. 302821
File: 1493741381542.jpg (149.06 KB, 752x1536, aiming too high.jpg)

>>302802I agree. She tried desperately to suck up to Zoie and Celestia at one point, but they didn't pay any attention to her and didn't respond (pic related).
Then less than a month later, she denied that she ever did @ Zoie.
I don't think she ever realized how much out of her league they are and that she never had a chance with them, just like how she never realized she's never had a chance of becoming a Youtube commentator.
Anisa, the queen of aiming too high.
No. 302827
>>302824Fucking samefag, just had to add. Just not a troll, but yeah, like
>>302821 said. She damn sure isn't at THAT level. Anisa is a weirdly stupid mix of self-esteem devoid and delusional about herself.
No. 302844
>>302834I actually would appreciate it if Ian made an Onision Content Cop. There's so. much. fucking. shit to cover and nobody wants to give him the attention he so desperately craves, so it'll likely never happen, but Content Cop
is a career killer the majority of the time and it would make up for him being a power abusing prick who lashed out at Tana just because a few tweets from her hurt his fee fees.
It would return a bit of charm to his channel, Onision actually
deserves to get chased off of YouTube and if Ian managed to do that, I'd give him props. Onision's audience always ignores anybody who tells them how fucked up their idol is, but they lost their shit on Gerg when he insulted his audience for watching Ian. There's a big chance they actually would listen to him, they seem to love Ian even more than Gerg.
But, again, it'll likely never happen.
No. 302855
>>302802That and she actually was threatened to be kicked out by her father when he found out she was titty streaming. He's very religious - Muslim and her and her mother kept it a secret from him.
I think if that never happened, she'd still be a titty streamer, it's where she got all her attention. Lord knows she isn't getting much as a YouTuber or even as Ian's gf no matter how much she name drops him
No. 303007
>>302824I agree, I don't think she's butt ugly or anything. But these inspirational walls of text about wanting to remove her ribs or hating her body needs to stop. It's probably inspiring to young girls but I'm sure most of her fanbase consists of teenage boys from her booby streaming and from Ian.
I don't follow the other titty streamers too closely although I skimmed a video of Celestia's. She talked about not fitting in as a kid and moving schools and trying to starve herself to fit in. That came as pretty authentic to me, and I see Celestia as very forced at times. Especially when she does her "esluts" schtick. But that's just one video and what do we have from Anisa… Essays and essays…
No. 303057
>>303047Her views are around the 200k mark, and for a channel with roughly a million subs… eh. Making a content cop on her would give her more attention & relevancy than it would hurt her.
Sage because somewhat OT
No. 303132
File: 1493772382985.png (44.58 KB, 585x351, Screenshot 2017-05-02 at 8.43.…)

>aw look… ian's fans- wait i mean MY fans suck up to me on tumblr for fan points uwu ily guys <3 i'm sure you're all dying to see another anisa jomha vid <3
Oh look, Anisa is stepping up her game, guys. I'm sure we'll be seeing some top quality content from here on out.
No. 303134
>>303132What is this wedding/party theme shit about. Oh god…is
that happening?
No. 303140
File: 1493773322313.jpg (290.62 KB, 1019x1267, Screenshot_20170502-205943.jpg)

>>303132>>303134Top tier ian copy cat trash possibly coming
No. 303144
>>303065Do you live under some sort of cyber rock, anon? She was so popular last year, she might've been the biggest storytime YouTuber. Usually got 1-3 million views per video and had a super dedicated and annoying fanbase of Teenz™.
Meanwhile, no one actually gives a shit about Nigiri or her papercut lips. Maybe he'll do one on ricegum since he's running out of options.
No. 303176
>>303173Different anon but it was one emoji.
Dont be such a territoral cunt about a fucking image board.
No. 303191
>>303181Same anon it was one emoji. No one said it was the norm. Calm down.
Your "muh safe space" is fine.
No. 303229
>>303181shiver me
triggered lass!
you sure are acting like an ass
if you had some class
you wouldn't call a single emoji the norm oh so fast.
No. 303251
File: 1493786430775.jpg (317.97 KB, 500x672, backtodapear.jpg)

In honor of our dear pear going back to the twitch streams I made this
No. 303318
>>302305It amazes me to think how much all that stuff people sent him likely totals to.
People can spend their money how they like, I just can't imagine feeling any satisfaction over seeing the thing you sent in one of these videos. Can you imagine being the person who sent him the play doh set? (Which costs £17.) "Ah, cool. I saw him. With the play doh……………. cool." And this is one of the items he actually spent some time on, nevermind the shit he opens, says the name of, and moves on from. What's the point? He's genuinely apathetic about it these days - beyond the pretending to be too cool for this act. He obviously just doesn't care.
No. 303415
>>303407This comment is from 1 day ago though..
Didn't she already say she's streaming again here
>>301388 ?
No. 303558
>>303322Eww. God, that person needs to reevaluate their lives. They'd feel fucking
honored? If Ian didn't smash it, he'd just insult and sneer at the guy and I'm sure the "honor" from
that would make him jizz his pants so hard he'd pass out. Ian stans are the fucking worst.
Blogpost, but I'd tweeted at Ian about the Misaki shit when it first happened, something about how he's an idiot for clearly not looking into Samurai Buyer whatsofuckingever before pushing a sketchy company onto his audience and some stan came out of the Twitter wasteland to berate me for being so cruel to his idol. The guy's bio was 80% Idubbbz references and he was attacking a tweet that wasn't a reply to something Ian said, he'd found it by just searching "Idubbbz" on Twitter and reading everything related to Ian. Like, what the fuck is it with his fans?
>>303329When I was still a fan, I'd have been so sad if I'd sent him something I'd drawn and watched him tear it up 4 teh lulz. I remember having to train myself not to care when I'd give friends drawings as gifts and discover they left them around on their floors, letting their cats pee on them and shit, but if I'd sent artwork to someone I was a fan of and watched them nonchalantly destroy it…oof. I get that part of Ian's "charm" is how disrespectful and dick-ish he is to his audience, but I can't figure out what is so appealing about watching an entertainer you enjoy destroy something you worked hard on. Ugh.
No. 303824
maxmoefoe? the guy whose main channel is him stuffing his face with all sorts of nastiness until he projectile vomits?
idubbbz? the guy that ate hair cake, glue, literal moldy trash from a can, etc?
No. 303865
>>303322I can almost get that part. Seeing someone your admire receive something you sent in is what people want and his demographic is lame edgelords who see him the same children look up to their teenaged older brother, and think even being slapped and teased by him is great cause at least he's letting you hang out with him.
It's the apathy about it all that gets me. The us boxing videos are so phoned in you can see it from space. Beyond his holier than thou fake attitude he just completely couldn't care any less about this shit people send in. He probably tore though at least £50 of items in the video linked here by fans simply because it was his fancy one day that people do that.. then he burps, opens it, says the name and throws it off the table. Done. Whatever. Cough over the dough Adsense.
All the shit people say about Anisa really is so transferable to him.
How long before Ian sets up his own twitch stream, with a thousand items on screen, sits there visibly sagging into the chair, eating random shit for tips online? He could even sit next to Anisa and they could combine their comehoring efforts.
Or has he done this already? As soon as I wrote this it sounds too much like something that he'd have already done.
No. 304093
>>303865Nah, he only did that stream with Anisa where he shit all over her, but he made an active effort to dissuade people from throwing money Anisa's way just because he was there. I'm guessing he was trying to make it clear to her that she wasn't going to get rich off of his name, but, anyway, yeah, I
could absolutely see him doing that in about 2-3 months. Anisa will probably see your post, feel inspired, pitch it to him as her idea and boom: fuckery occurs.
>>304082>>304083To be fair, I have couple friends who have their own rooms. They have 'em to avoid feeling like they're living on top of one another, like they'll sleep together the majority of the time, but if they ever feel like they want their own space, like they want to do something by themselves in quiet or they're angry or whatever, they'll go to their own room. However, this is usually in smaller apartments; it's done in an attempt to not kill each other living in a cramped space and Ian has a fucking house.
No. 304100
File: 1493874782082.png (54.09 KB, 626x261, Screen Shot 2017-05-04 at 1.09…)

>>304098Yeah, sounds like Matt knew what was going on. (tweeted same day Anisa posted the very first picture of her and Ian on her instagram).
No. 304104
>>303767That's so fucked up.
Seriously, made me unsubscribe. Not sure why I was subbed in the first place. Max's content is shit.
No. 304109
>>304098>Aggressive accusations are so dishearteningI'm pretty sure Ian's bought her a word of the day calendar in an attempt to battle her fucking shit vocabulary. It's probably at a 6th grade level.
>>304100>>304102You're such a cunt, Anisa. Just because Matt knew you were being a sketchy bitch and cheating doesn't
negate the fucking fact you cheated. Telling your boyfriend you've set up a backburner relationship or simply making it obvious you were doing so still makes you an awful person. There's really no way you can spin this shit ("Oh, we broke up first" "No you didn't" "Okay, but he knew…") to make yourself look good, a decent person would just acknowledge they did something wrong and be contrite, not keep trying to paint themselves as an innocent party when there's so much evidence that proves otherwise. Fucking asshole.
No. 304149
>>304139Just took a look at her stream and someone donated for "healthcare" (regarding her teeth?)
Is she finally fixing that horror show mouth of hers or is it actually about toothache I wonder.
No. 304177
File: 1493882568842.png (1.44 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20170504-031756.png)

She said its her room but its also ians prop room.
he just throws all his trash in one spot i guess. Also she just opemed his prop box.
No. 304191
>>304177Holy shit…does she just have the shortest torso known to man or is that just her boxy-as-fuck-frame looking even stumpier than usual because she hiked up her shorts? What the
fuck? Honestly, she should stop wearing the super padded wonderbras, "big" tiddies just make her look…I don't know, the only word coming to mind is "blumpy-er".
No. 304307
>>304249She discussed her bikini she got with Kat (said her hips were too fat or something)
Talked about how she didn't like how half the questions were about Ian.
Discussed a few tips about anorexia.
Listened to animal sounds for 20 hours.
Nothing super juicy. She kept supposedly blocking people but had a tangent about how she doesn't block people and believes in freedom of speech.
Chris Ray Gun joined, said hello, and left. But little pear got upset because he left after 2 seconds.
Her" thigh gap" dissappeared in this video.
She discussed her huge Titties.
Talked about how she didn't cheat on Akaadin
Talked about her sparkling cider
Idk it was super boring
No. 304329
>>304307>>304258You're forgetting the flirtation and 20 or so minute conversation with chris about eating ass.
She like aggrrssively stated that chris wants to fuck laci green a couple of times, then got a little awkward when he agreed. Just suck his dick already.
No. 304426
File: 1493911654703.jpg (857.14 KB, 1166x848, 2PiSH2M.jpg)

Saw this in another thread but fits here because Chad said it.
No. 304446
>>304307Bitch, please. She
wishes her hips were too fat, she's got dude-hips.
>>304329That's honestly pretty milky. How are you gonna cry about people accusing you of cheating on Akaadian and then flutter your eyelashes at Chris in the same stream? Who the fuck discusses eating ass with their buddy? Also, fucking lol at her getting awkward when he agreed, she probably was hoping he'd just say "NO WAY, I'D PICK YOU AS A SENTIENT WET HOLE OVER LACI GREEN ANY DAY EVEN IF YOUR TIDDIES ARE 3/4 PADDING U R TEH BEATIFUL SEXY LADY YES" and then she'd fake blush and bitch at anybody who suggests they're inches away from fucking.
No. 304491
>>304307Anorexia tips? Could you elaborate?
And it's common knowledge that she cheated on Akaadian. I don't know him but I was in a discord channel with a few streamers (not pros) and when someone brought anisa up, it sparked a big anti-anisa circlejerk
Not that I kind, she a bitch. It's kind of incredible how much she's disliked, I guess it's the whole cheating thing. I can't name any other egirl that has such a huge vendetta against her.
No. 304549
File: 1493921099465.jpg (38.55 KB, 600x525, ios_large_1473928021_image.jpg)

Can someone confirm here that Ian's PO box still exists/is open
Is it PO box 2001 Vista, CA 92085 United States
I'm fuzzy on the story behind why he closed it, I imagine he may have gotten in trouble with the law with some of the messages written on the boxes and especially the contents.
Did something bad happen?
No. 304550
File: 1493921104424.png (503.5 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5193.PNG)

First date goals.
No. 304765
>>304760first of all sage your shit and girl she has no personality whatsoever if by her "personality" you mean her "tits" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But tbh Anisa has the personality of a table.
No. 304793
File: 1493943322536.jpg (40.68 KB, 500x277, 3665443_1434842412170.58res_50…)

I was trying to remember what anisas lips reminded me of and I figured it out.
No. 304809
>>304792I'm not an Ian or Anisa fan. Actually I watched to redicule. But I guess the promise of tits and I prefer thicker women. Just simply the case of genitals controlling the mind I guess
And I saged this time so chill your tits man.
No. 304827
File: 1493946133646.png (743.53 KB, 800x795, Untitled.png)

>quits raihnbowkidz name
>doesnt change her twitch offline image
yo is this kid fucking retarded
No. 304833 was looking through her twitch and this level of boob enhancement just looks downright painful.
>>304827I wonder if it bothers her that she can't go full tiddy streamer anymore so has to settle with a more mediocre and boxy looking form
No. 304920
File: 1493956492542.png (22.28 KB, 336x379, 8AbZW3U.png)

do people actually ask if her tits are real? and is she actually looking to finish art school.. somehow i really doubt that.
i noticed this vod don't really care about titty streamers, they aren't my thang but if that's what you want, go ahead. but i hate what anisa does. she tries to act as if she is/was above every other booby streamer, pretending she was doing everything "ironically." go fuck yourself anisa, no wonder zoie and celestia didn't let her join her ho squad.
No. 304921
File: 1493956508608.png (68.54 KB, 610x531, 5eQOhmE.png)

>>304920Sage for relevant pic
No. 304972
>>304827i dont get how she manages to look kinda cute in pictures but like a downright troll in youtube vids/on actual stream
does she just take 2000 pictures til she gets the perfect angle
No. 305270
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>>305198Is that Anisa he was fake screaming at near the beginning? Bc yikes.
No. 305480
File: 1494025321799.png (154.33 KB, 1440x836, Screenshot_2017-05-05-17-00-29…)

S.. Six hours a day? Wtf
No. 305781
>>305480what the fuck is this grammar
> just so everyone knows to clarifygo back to fucking school, anisa. you're a gormless bint.
No. 305917
>>304921Oh my fucking god. You stupid cunt, who the fuck falls for that? "You guize, it was one part performance art, one part social experiment, I did it for teh lulz, I-I'm not REALLY a half retarded ass who sees her own boxy, blumpy body as nothing more than currency one can trade with neckbeards in exchange for attention, heh heh…heh…"
The sad thing is, her audience will nod and eat that shit up. The only people dumber than Anisa are babies with microcephaly and her fans.
>>304920>Be who I am because that's what makes me happyCorrection: Be who I think people want me to be because I'm fucking miserable and empty inside, I have no idea what "me" is, I'm simply a blank sheet of paper for your personality to be projected upon, oh god, love me, please.
No. 306080
>>306071there's proof of the info being true though, at least the name and family stuff.
>>306075lol I bet she wanted to go and Ian wouldn't let her or at least strongly implied he'd rather go alone. Now she doesn't get to meet her ~idol~ franku.
No. 306082
File: 1494104694239.png (978.9 KB, 1065x1678, 20170506_170302.png)

Anisa took his John Cena Carboard cutout for her stream and keeps saying, "I should put it back before he notices." Almost like she was scared. Their relationship is odd.
No. 306088
File: 1494105168662.png (1.73 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20170506-170953.png)

>>306085Here's a better one just for you, bb.
In this still she was saying that the current commentator community on YouTube is extremely whiny and going downhill, which is is why she doesn't want to be a part of it.
No. 306091
>>306088thanks bae,
>extremely whiny>going downhillshouldn't she feel right at home, then?
No. 306103
File: 1494106240845.png (1.76 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20170506-172504.png)

Someone said, "youre the reason grossgore got banned"
And she basically said it was a good thing.
Then someone mentioned Grossgore is going to be a father so now she's screencapping grossgores video where he announced hes going to be a dad and watching it with her fans.
Shes trashing him basically.
Here's her quote: "too bad that nose job wont transfer to the child."
Shes trash.
No. 306106
im not even remotely a fan of Grossgore but why does she care so much. She already used him and put on a big show where she cried and made him out to be the bad guy. Now she's milking his situation for attention.
She is so gross.
No. 306132
>>306103Grossgore had a crush, she lead him on, she shut him down, he made a video about it without even mentioning her name and she ran to her little fucking neckbeard army and had them fight her fucking battles for her and attack the dude–even though everybody still knows
she was the asshole in that situation–and now she wants to shit on the dude's looks and his baby.
The fuck is wrong with you, Anisa? There's so. much. shit. wrong with you.
You're also one to talk when you fucking look like that. I'm sorry, your little beta clitriders have no standards, you are a 6, 6.5 on a good day, with your bullshit chicken cutlet titties, chipmunk cheeked pear head, shitty sperm-brows and, to top it all off, you reek of desperation. Maybe you're pissed because he could afford plastic surgery and Ian won't throw any money your way, maybe you're pissed because you know NOBODY will ever want to stuff your stankhole with babies and you'll die alone, I'm not sure, but either which way, you come out looking like a piece of shit. Trashbeast.
No. 306133
>>306082I don't follow many streams, but is it normal to have your webcam window take the full screen while the gaming window is cut down in a corner? What's the point if your viewers can't see how you pl…
…Ah… Titty streamers.
No. 306152
>too bad that nose job won't transfer to the childUh huh. And how exactly is she gonna manage to squeeze HER baby's pear shaped head out of her vagina when she has a baby? Assuming that someone will want to procreate with her which I seriously doubt. Also assuming she doesn't have to get C-section because the babies worm lips will get stuck to the womb. Or hey! Maybe it'll be just like Juno seeing as she looks like a fat version of Ellen Page!
Seriously, who the fuck does she think she is making fun of OTHER people's appearances? She's probably going on an ego trips and feels sexy now that she's been reunited with her old neckbeard Twitch fanbase. How pathetic.
No. 306166
>>305636Make me feel bad for him. I think he wants to put effort in, but is pigeonholed into CC. But really, man up and do what you want, Ian. Being miserable forcing this shit isn't worth pandering to an audience that's waiting to ditch you like they did Leafy.
Anyone think he might be slightly growing out of/becoming less interested in the edgy stuff as well?
No. 306173
>>306166Anisa said in her last live stream that he does talk like that (his videos) in person.
It could be maturing mentally with age but he made references to his old jokes in his last bad unboxing
No. 306241
>>306167I mean, I think all of us have been in one of those situations where you're with two of your friends, but they don't know each other and you're playing mediator, you're hoping they'll get along and like one another, but the only thing they have in common is you. That's a painfully awkward situation.
Now make a little change to it, make it your boyfriend and the guy you make fuck-me-eyes at over the internet everyday. God, that would be horrible.
I feel more for Ian and Chris, though; Ian because he has to sit there and humor his dunce of a girlfriend, acting like he doesn't know what the fuck is happening and play friendly host. Chris because he knows he'd bang this dude's girlfriend the second she gave the go ahead, but he's a guest in said dude's home and has to pretend he hasn't jerked it to her faux-titties a million times before.
I'd also be really irritated if I were Ian. Chris is making a living off of copying Ian's shtick, it's as if he's plagiarizing Ian's very fucking essence. Of all the asshole edgelords on the internet, his girlfriend wants to fuck the dude doing an impersonation of him (like,
goddamn) and he has to sit there and smile at this dude and hand her some spending money so they can go giggle and sneak furtive glances at each other over coffee. Fuck thaaat.
No. 306279
>>306262Really? Most of my friends growing up were guys and I still catch myself making my voice higher when talking to men. Studies actually show that A LOT of women raise their voices about an octave when talking to guys, probably in an unconscious attempt to fit into social ideals we've been taught since we were young (being non-threatening, demure, etc).
I can't imagine why a chick would DEEPEN their voice in an attempt to seem hot (unless they had a creepy baby voice, but even then you see a lot of guys who like that for SOME reason). It would make sense if she wanted men to take her seriously and see her as an equal rather than as a fuck-toy, but she just uses "one of teh guyz!!1!!" as part of her shtick to make men think she's sexually appealing. She's trying to tap into this male fantasy of finding a girl who likes "guy stuff", but will also cook your dinner and then blow you while you eat it. She's not very interested in being taken seriously by men–the "one of teh guyz!!1!!" act seems that way initially, but it isn't–so the idea that she would deepen her voice to discourage them from thinking she's
just a warm hole doesn't really line up with her priorities, she lives to be jerkbait. I dunno, I need to mull this over.
No. 306297
>>304809>thickerbitch looks like a fridge
have some taste anon
No. 306318
>>306058…Who the fuck told her she was "decently well spoken"? Did she come to that conclusion on her own? Like, Anisa, we make fun of your HORRIBLE grasp of the english language all of the time for a fucking reason, even Ian made fun of you for sounding like an idiot in the stream you did together. She even fucks up basic sentence syntax when writing tweets, then reads it back to herself and thinks "Yeah, sounds good".
What was she thinking, believing she should co-host Baited? She's a nobody. It's not like you need to be big, Tommy C or Chad do not have huge channels, but she's literally just "Some guy's girlfriend who used to titty stream". If she offered to guest/co-host a smaller podcast first and proved she could be engaging, entertaining and provide interesting commentary, then sure, but she thinks she's qualified to co-host one of the biggest YouTube podcasts because…why? Did she even think that through?
"Dating Idubbbz" doesn't count as a skill, Anisa, people don't automatically care about your opinion just because you suck off a popular YouTuber. Talent isn't siphoned out of your partner's dick, I hope you understand that.
No. 306391
>>306279I always deepen my voice around everyone. Maybe if you have a deep voice by default (or are a part of the Asian culture that loves the cutesy stuff), you might want to make it higher but otherwise I don't get why. If you google it, deep voices are perceived as more trust worthy, calm the person down and overall have an advantage over higher voices. When you think 'sexy voice' you think of a deep smooth voice.
Sage for OT
No. 306418
>>306391Huh. Yeah, I actually do have a naturally deep voice. While I totally agree that, yeah, deeper voices are perceived as more trustworthy, calm, confident, etc., I stand by what I said before about her not really interested in being perceived as an somebody men should take seriously. She really seems to love playing the role of Betty Homemaker; making him din dins, doing his laundry, rubbing his feet…I get that some women simply enjoy a more traditional role, but I get the feeling she thinks "This is what I have to do to be loved", she almost seems to think you reel them in by being one of the guys and then keep them by being submissive, agreeing with all of their opinions, demands, what have you.
She's trying to appeal to the betas she attract's fantasies…that's the key part of sex work, which is what she's essentially doing, you're a canvas for them to project their fantasies onto. Maybe her having a deeper voice plays into the "one of teh guyz!!1!!" fantasies because a higher pitched, airy voice would make the kind of guy she attracts think of the Stacy who laughed at them when they asked her out in high school. Once again, she plays up how she's the COOL BUDDY who's NOT LIKE THOSE OTHER GIRLS, but then switches it up by stroking their egos to make them feel in charge and powerful. God, she probably goes back and forth between "Cool Juno girl buddy" and "Sexxxy baby kitten" voice modes all the time. Ugh. Ew.
Sage for tinfoiling/armchairing.
No. 306474
The queen of aiming too high and falling so low does it again!
Can't wait to see what out-of-her-league stuff she tries and fails at next, then cries sour grapes
No. 306540
>>306537It's syntactically correct from a linguistic standpoint.
It's just incorrect from the standpoint of stuffy grammar rules arbitrarily made by elitist academics some hundreds of years ago. Similar to things like "no splitting infinitives" or "don't end a sentence with a proposition".
Informal grammar != incorrect grammar.
Sage for grammar.
No. 306548
>>306540No, because you should always be able to remove one of the people from the sentence and make it have sense. Therefore it should be "My and Ian's house." before bc I forgot my sage.
No. 306686
>>306614Yep. Also, you don't even need to be an english major who's taken a linguistics course to know that something like "ain't", for instance, is commonly used and we all know what a person means when they say it, but it's still grammatically incorrect. The "Me and Ian's house" example, even if it
was grammatically correct, doesn't erase the mountain of evidence that proves she's a functioning illiterate mule.
>>306588Absolutely, Anisa is one of those girls who somehow has two or more guys wrapped around her finger and you just scratch your head in confusion as you watch the those dummies box for her affection. Really? Her? Usually, you see that shit with much younger guys, but I guess if you've never been much of a ladies man, you wouldn't have learned by their age that there are far prettier, nicer, smarter women out there who won't lead you on for months while dating a guy who's paying her bills. Those two need to move to a city with a bigger dating pool and realize they've been putting up with a New York City 5 or 6.
No. 306751
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In other news… pearnisa posted this on twitter
No. 306752
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As well as "art school dropout " needs you to design for her.
No. 306756
>>306752I will bet money she dicks over any artist naive enough to work for her and refuses to pay them, a la Leafy, but Ian keeps his head in the sand and refuses to see how he's somehow ended up with the kind of person he'd roast in a Content Cop. She's such a shady bitch, I could absolutely see her tweeting "So-and-so is attacking me for no reason, all lies, oh my god, my dudes, this is so disheartening, what did I do to deserve this, it's
triggered muh BDD, halp!" in a week despite this
>>306751 bullshit.
No. 306777
>>306769She believes us Bisexuals
choose our sexuality, that we're selfish, greedy little pigs for not just "choosing" to be gay or straight and that it's selfish of us to demand our partners put up with our, in Anisa's mind, selfish decisions.
That's the most biphobia/bi erasure I've ever seen one person barf out in one single sentence. Fuuuck.
No. 306810
>>306759i guarantee you that she said that because she hates bi girls and thinks they are all attention whores. her hatred for other girls is so sad.
also "theres nothing wrong with being straight"? who the fuck has ever said such a thing? there are gay people being tortured for their sexuality right now and this bitch is acting like straight people are suffering the same discrimination. please anisa, show me the religions/entire countries that are against straight people, i want in. such a dumb bitch.
No. 306831
>>306817>How is that a lot to ask? Is it not a lot to ask that she not fucking cheat on her ex boyfriends?Fucking seriously. Blogposting: I'm bi, but I've never cheated on anybody in my life and I've been dating the same dude for 5 years now. My sexuality has never been an issue in my relationships because I'm a typical monogamous human being, it's not like I wistfully stare at the ceiling and daydream about pussy whenever I have sex with my boyfriend.
Meanwhile, she ditched Akaadian to go off on a sketchy ass date with Ian while at VidCon and has something going on with Chris. Being a chronic cheater and opportunistic dick hopper is 1000 times more selfish…it's kind of the epitome of selfish…and I'd have a hard time getting into a relationship with somebody who had a history as sketchy as hers. If someone like Anisa demanded I trust her, THAT would be a lot to ask.
No. 306852
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>>306831Here's your roasted pear platter miss, bathed in a disheartening sparkling apple and grape cider glaze.
No. 306856
>>306810>gay people being tortured for their sexuality lmao
C'mon with these anons taking it so personally lol. She just has retarded opinions. She has no power over you and your desicions in life.
No. 306858
>>306856…Yeah, nobody is suggesting Anisa actually influences our lives in any way. We're just marveling at how fucking dumb and shitty she is.
Glad to know you think LGBT people being murdered in concentration camps in Chechnya is lulzy, though, kudos.
No. 306887
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These lumpy ass tits.
No. 306891
>>306861>>306869His name sounded familiar, but I had to look him up and, holy shit, that kid suuuucks. The thing is, to me, he's a little fucking asshole for shitting on trans people and bitching about feminism, he's a typical alt-right teen, so…who are you to bitch about him, Anisa? With your "women are incapable of being funny" bullshit and insisting bi people choose their sexuality? Chris says some fucking idiotic shit, too, and now he wants to start beef with some fucking sixteen year old boy because he's "stealing" the mannerisms that Chris jacked from Ian in the first place?
Congrats, Anisa, Chris, Hunter, Shoe, Blaire: you're all trash, you all deserve one another.
No. 306921
>>306913How does her audience see those "yooj" tits when she's wearing a wonderbra today and then these
>>302777 way smaller tits FIVE days ago and, yet, never put it together that the reason her cup size is all over the place is because her "boobs" are actually padding?
There was that Anisa stan who angrily responded "She's not an attention whore!" to the anon who commented on her IG (I imagine she has a lot of similar sad fucks throwing cash at her) but they don't notice her using black magic to create the illusion of sooper yooj, hawt tiddies while ebegging and digging for compliments on Twitch? How do they reconcile their belief that she's some cool "one of the guys" girl with all of this evidence that posits she is indeed suffering from severe GOTIS?
No. 306931
>>306922But you quoted an anon who is referencing the human rights violations occurring in Chechnya (>>306810), sooo…? You do get that that's what they were talking about when they said
>there are gay people being tortured for their sexuality right nowAnd you quoted them, right? But now you wanna argue over something they were never insisting in the first place?
You also come across as sheltered for thinking LGBT rights have reached their zenith in first world countries, that queer people no longer face any prejudice or danger by being out in public. It's like you're insisting anti-LGBT violence and discrimination doesn't happen anymore just because you, personally, haven't experienced it. That's a pretty silly worldview. I'm sure you can think of one or two things that you've personally experienced that I haven't, I can't tell YOU said experiences never happen, I wouldn't know better.
Sage for being pretty goddamn OT
No. 306932
>>306922I mean they're being killed in Russia and such so the other Anon is half right.
>>306887She looks like she can't breathe.
>>302821I'm embarrassed for her. She's like that weird girl in highschool who tries to latch on to the popular chicks JFC
>>302777At this point she should convince Ian to pay for her tit job or something because her magically disappearing and reappearing breasts are ridiculous.
No. 306957
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No. 307106
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>>307102>>307007Well fuck me I deleted it.
No. 307124
>>307119I personally dont recall Ian saying anything against any sexuality.
Just terms like, "faggot", or "what are you fucking gay?" I dont think he meant harm. Anisa straight up said bi sexuality is selfish.
Theyre both retards either way and I think Ian gets a pass because they want to fuck him. Anisa, however, not so much, so they can easily throw her away like trash.
No. 307127
>>307106lol that of all those things, THIS was where that person draws the line. jfc. and i'm saying that as a bi person.
i'm not in the least surprised that anisa has some dumb-as-shit concepts of sexuality. she probably has plenty more. she probably doesn't understand what it's like to have standards and actually care about what your partner is like, though, so it makes sense in her little squirrel-brained world that bi people are "greedy" - because she is already greedy, and goes about relationships in completely the wrong way and for the wrong reasons.
also, journalism major and needed to say "me and ian's" is nowhere near acceptable grammar, EVEN in casual conversation, unless you are speaking with literal children (elementary school or below). it's not like how many people can sometimes misuse "___ and i" in place of "___ and me" and vice-versa. speaking of which, you always put yourself last when listing other people, but that's more of the "don't end a sentence with a preposition" type rule, since it will still make logical sense. it just sounds childish as fuck, because children put themselves first when talking due to being selfish at young ages.
tl;dr: everyone who's over the age of 18 should definitely know it would be "ian's and my house" (though "ian's house" would be more accurate). that isn't some esoteric super-proper way of speaking. it's outright standard and i honestly doubt the age of anyone who thinks "me and ian's house" is grammatically correct.
>>307119>>307124tbh i am kind of surprised at someone who cares about fatphobia (and uses that term) being a fan of Ian, come to think of it.
i mean in ian's words "it's all ok or none of it's ok" righttttt
the cognitive dissonance is strong in them. they probably only care when something directly relates to them. shitty people posing as not shitty, really.
sage for sagey as fuck
No. 307136
>>307106>>307119Well from what I've seen from Ian/cancer crew fans on tumblr, they're okay with Ian doing things like saying faggot or using racial slurs because they know he's 100% joking and isn't seriously insulting someone when he does it.
Anisa on the other hand is saying something extremely bigoted and is 100% serious about it. so I can see someone is more upset about one than the other.
Plus, there's the fact they actually LIKE Ian. Fangirls only pay attention to Anisa because of her association with him. As soon as she does something
problematic, they have no problem dropping her because it's not like they were invested in her anyways. Most of them have already disowned Chad.
and like
>>307127 said, they probably only care about an issue when it relates to them, tumblr tends to pick and choose what they'll cry over
No. 307137
>>307119>>307124Yeah, Anisa basically just broke Ian's golden rule: "CONTEXT MATTERS!!!"
Ian uses slurs (I don't like it and I don't agree with his weak ass justification of it, but…welp) in a "comedic" context, he's not directly attacking gay men and spouting off homophobic rhetoric in his videos, he just screams "FAGGOT" and calls shit "gay" because dude has serious arrested development/thinks saying slurs for the sake of saying them is funny.
Meanwhile, Anisa just admitted she thinks being bi is wrong/selfish and she apparently believes people choose to be bi which then implies she doesn't even think bisexuality is real. Like, if she was playing biphobia/bi erasure bingo, she'd have won, she barfed out 3-4 common negative stereotypes in one sentence.
If context is
everything, then there's really no way for her to explain this away as acceptable, but Ian's not gonna do shit about it. Dude probably agrees with her.
No. 307139
>>307137Samefag. I forgot: Her "It's a lot to ask of somebody" comment implies she thinks it's selfish and demanding to expect your partner to accept your bisexuality because she thinks bisexuals are unhappy unless they have a dick AND a pussy in their lives and, thus, fucking suck at monogamy. That's the common myth, so I'm assuming that's what she meant, that she buys into that bullshit. So there's the 4th biphobic thing she managed to cram into one sentence.
God, I wonder if she thinks people choose to be gay? If you assume gay and straight people only end up being bisexual because they're confused and choose to do so, wouldn't that mean she thinks people choose "alternative lifestyles" in general? Or does her rotting brain think it only applies to bisexuals?
No. 307326
>>307136Honestly it all just comes off as them justifying what would be cognitive dissonance so they can actually enjoy stuff that conflicts with tumblr's impossibly high standards, because they actually just fucking like it (god forbid!). But yeah, then comes a short blurb from Anisa spouting some ignorance of bisexuality, and it's time to "burn the witch"!!! Like, ok lol.
Blog: used to use Tumblr for a while years ago and am so glad I left it. Everything posted felt like walking on eggshells. Like I said, impossibly high standards. Now I'm just doin' me and not giving a fuck and not having to justify or explain shit.
Honestly they are doormats to their own community.
And yeah, they probably just want to fuck him. He's an awkward nerdy dude who used to look somewhat presentable.
What was the context (ha) of Anisa's biphobic comment anyway? Really curious what brought that shit out of her mouth. Though considering her case of verbal diarrhea, it would be believable for there to be no context at all.
No. 307404
>>307394Yeah, like, literally everything else about her.
I checked that Tumblr page though and I guess she has always had ill feelings towards our pear, so shes just using this as a means to justify her hatred.
No. 307478
>>307394I don't expect every anon to swoon over her saying this shit, especially if they're straight, but this is actually pretty fucked up in my eyes. I also get how irritating the hypersensitive people shrieking about privilege 24/7 are when you're online, it's why I abandoned my old tumblr, but this isn't like Anisa said "I dunno, I don't think obesity is just genetics, I think anybody can exercise and eat right and lose weight" and anons are bawwing over her "fatphobia" and "thin privilege".
She said an entire sexual orientation is inherently wrong. She has young fans and, undoubtedly, SOME of those kids are questioning their sexuality and coming to terms with who they are. Imagine how hard that would be for some 14 year old bisexual kid to hear from someone they look up to. It also encourages the more easily influenced kids to go out and parrot her idiotic opinion.
She's shitting on an entire community of people simply for who they are. It's bigotry. Again, I get how
any anti-discrimination stance is considered cringey these days because it's so strongly associated with asshole Tumblrinas and their outrage addictions, but, plain and simple, what she said was intolerant and fucked up.
I think a chick who loves to play "Inspirational, feel good, love-yourself therapist" one second but then barfs out casual prejudice the next deserves some hatred. If you wanna prioritize hating her for her padded titties, desperate pandering, shitty grammar and whatnot, then go for it, but I also think the anons who are bisexual and were offended have every right to feel that way.
No. 307479
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Pewds under Ian's Crystal Wash Balls vid trying to be 'cool', but ending up pretty pathetic imo.
ew dude, gtfo and take your ~edge~ with you.
No. 307518
>>307478I don't disagree with you, but I do think she's a terrible role model
without this incident even in consideration. Take a look at her flaunting of ED/BDD and using her "boobs" as her only "talent" and compulsive cheating…
If kids are looking up to her, it's kinda their own damn fault in a way, and they would be influenced negatively one way or another.
Also, what she said is just a singular remark. She's not going Onision-mode and making 10 videos preaching about …whatever. She's just an idiot who doesn't pay attention to anything she says, ever.
I won't deny what she said was shitty, but there are more important reasons to dislike her, Tumblr be damned. Excusing cheating on people but then being hurt because of an unoriginal stereotypical biphobic remark… is just shitty. It's people only caring about stuff when it affects them, as stated. Do they give a shit about Akaadian? (I have no idea so I'm seriously wondering lol)
But it's really, as I said, a stereotype that we bisexuals encounter fairly often from the ignorant. We KNOW we're not greedy.
Growing up in a strictly religious and homophobic environment does WAY more damage to people's views of LGBT.
> If you wanna prioritize hating her for her padded titties, desperate pandering, shitty grammar and whatnot, then go for it, but I also think the anons who are bisexual and were offended have every right to feel that wayLol, this isn't why we hate her, and I'm a bisexual anon. We just pick on her for being a shitty person as well as fake and an idiot. She's been shitty for a long time, and she is still shitty. I'm not trying to minimize the biphobia but in the big picture, shit like her social-climbing, friend-losing, dick-hopping talentless self is going to be the reason she fails and falls in public eye, not because she said one casually unoriginal biphobic sentence that one time.
No. 307569
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kek the pear replied to the the retarded anon.
No. 307577
>>307518>Do they give a shit about Akaadian?Actually, yeah, it's a pretty popular topic. I actually referenced him and her history of infidelity when I first saw the quote.
>>306831Also, I realized
>If you wanna prioritize hating her for her padded titties, desperate pandering, shitty grammar and whatnot, then go for it, but I also think the anons who are bisexual and were offended have every right to feel that wayCame across as though I was saying it with attitude when I was being sincere. My bad. I genuinely don't care if somebody prefers to focus on her other flaws, even if it's just the annoying, dumb ones, instead of being pissed off by her saying this. I just feel like a lot of people these days roll their eyes and scoff at others for feeling offended just because
they personally don't feel offended.
I was discussing this with a friend a little while ago, how people are allowed to feel upset and that, just because what upsets them doesn't personally upset you, that doesn't mean their feelings are now invalid. There's so much "Don't be hypersensitive" sentiment these days because of Tumblrinas losing their shit over the tiniest microaggression at the drop of a hat. "Offended" is synonymous with "
triggered" now, there's a certain amount of pressure to keep it to yourself if you are offended because bringing it up it will just end with you being ridiculed and labeled as an SJW, even if somebody else said something legitimately fucked up. I suppose I just wanted to defend people's right to be insulted by this because, I mean, it was insulting.
Just hearing that kind of shit pisses me off to no end. It's more frustration than anything. I'm so fucking tired of these stupid bi stereotypes and assholes like her not even bothering to read a wikipedia article before thinking "All bisexuals=cheating sluts. Yeah, I'm 100% certain of that, no doubt in my mind whatsoever, sounds right." Like, it takes minimal effort to acknowledge you don't understand something and do a bit of light reading, but no.
I know I'm not selfish or greedy, but it's so exasperating seeing dumb cunts encouraging that kind of thinking.
I totally agree that she has a SLEW of other godawful traits and habits, she's a complete asshole, I suppose I was just like, whoa, I guess Anisa wants to take being a piece of shit to a whole new level. I'll think that this is as shitty as she can get and then she somehow surprises me. Oof, my muscle relaxer is kicking in.
No. 307602
>>307518Agreed anon. However, the biphobic statement is easy to be upset about because it's clear. I assume most Ian tumblr stans don't know shit about Anisa's past or even watch much of her videos (prob only QnA's in hopes of Ian references)
I didn't know any of the shit Anisa has done until lolcow- I didn't know much about her before. I had no reason to dislike her until this thread. I figure Tumblrinas are in that same spot, which is why this s the first thing that alarms them
No. 307609
>>307569Honestly, "context matters" and "it was a joke" only works if she had made it obvious she was joking / saying it in a joking or sarcastic manner / had set up some sort of punchline.
Otherwise, "it was a joke" looks like damage control and falls flat as an excuse.
And if it was a "joke" why did she delete the VOD hm….
Anyone have a video of it? I would like to make a judgement myself
No. 307614
>>307569Please correct me if I'm wrong but i'm under the impression that traps are transwomen or very feminine looking men that dress in women's clothes and still have intact male parts. Why would a person who is into traps want their partner to have "both parts"?? Unless she's talking about guys who are into post-op transwomen which I think is a different fetish all together. I'm probs putting way more thought into this than she did.
Also, I was at the stream and while she was talking about traps at the time the way she said the comment reeally did not sound like a joke in the slightest.
I also recall someone in her chat saying "As a Bi person I am
triggered by that comment" She read it out loud, shrugged it off and moved on to the next one. That was probs what contributed to her decision not to enable the VOD.
No. 307616
>>307569She picked up the worst from Ian.
>barging into someone's event and yelling racial slurs is totally ok! Because it was just a joke!>titty streaming is not whoring! Because it was just a joke! (>>304921)>expressing biphobia is totally ok! Because it was just a joke!Go ahead, do or say anything no matter how retarded, damaging or morally wrong it is, you can always backpedal with this one simple get-out-of-jail-free card: "it's just a joke".
It's the newer, cooler version of "it's just a prank bro". Ian made a content cop bashing prank channels last year, then made a content cop justifying his own personal type of prank later.
Now… now we get this shit as a result. Eugh. They're all moronic, Ian, Anisa, but most of all their fans.
No. 307630
Ian liked a photo of Joji w/ Rich Chigga on Twitter, Joji uploaded a picture of him with Post Malone, and Post Malone is in LA right? That means that Joji is
already in LA. He is going to give a small concert there and probably stay for Vidcon
No. 307653
is going to Vidcon. It was confirmed on Anisa's stream
No. 307669
>>307666No, Anisa is not going.
If you read what has been said before on this thread, you would know a lot o things lmao
No. 307690
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Sorry this is kinda unrelated
LMAO it's just funny to see George hang out with someone like Ian and the ideologies we know he has and defends
Ian also keeps liking Jontron tweets
No. 307693
>>307677>>307678Why, what do you expect?
It's just gona be acquaintances meeting. Boring af.
Maybe chatting up on camera, maybe having a night out and filming it. Still boring.
Sage for your retardation
No. 307697
>>307693Lol, boring in
your opinion. Idk, I'm just curious to see how it goes
No. 307726
>>307693Lmao, interesting because I anticipate to see how they interact- aka will we be able to confirm what we've been saying, that they've grown apart etc? We're curious.
I could give less of shit for the "entertainment" part of it (spoiler alert: there is none), I never was a fan of the Cancer Crew, never really liked them at all. Not everyone in this thread are ex-stans, lol.
No. 307790
>>307776We're not even the same person in those posts.
And what the hell is your problem? If you're not even slightly interested in what happens in the Cancer Crew then you might as well just leave this lolcow thread
No. 307797
>>307776Being interested in the Cancer Crew's interaction while keeping up with the Cancer Crew thread on lolcow
= retardation
… ok
Sage for dumb infighting, why the fuck is this even a question
No. 307801
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Aren't we all just THRILLED? What's bound to spout from her mouth this time??? Homophobia? Transphobia? Racism? Spin the wheel, roll the dice, take a guess!
No. 307818
>>307569so she can't write for shit. and she can't speak either. her wording was really strange, i don't think that anyone got that she was joking about traps. even in her response she still has the most confusing way of explaining herself.
that's why her youtube videos never got popular. she was playing the "le rationall xd" part when its obvious that's she an idiot. legit Dunning–Kruger effect in action. how can Ian stand her?
anyways, "immolateyourself" was being extra too. "biphobic" lol. everyone involved with this titty streamer is a mess.
No. 307819
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>>307803not that anon, but where do you think we are? i don't like anyone in the cancer crew but i keep up with this threads for the drama and to talk shit. its kinda the point of /snow/… kek at you thinking that this was a place for cancer crew fans.
No. 307820
>>307819But if you
are interested in the drama and talking shit, then maybe you
should keep up with eventual vlogs & whatnot? That's where their interactions will be seen. Just saying
No. 307919
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"Im not a titty streamer"
Also she had a big discussion with keem about people who just say shit because they want to sound smart or how they lie for attention. She's trying really hard to sound more eloquent now that keem is watching.
No. 307957
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No. 308030
>>307818>anyways, "immolateyourself" was being extra too. "biphobic" lol…How was it not biphobic? She said bisexuality is wrong, she implied that she doesn't even think it's real because she seems to believe you CHOOSE to be bisexual. If you heard somebody say that it's wrong to be gay and that people choose to be gay, you'd know that was a homophobic statement. There'd be no doubt. So why is it suddenly ridiculous if you switch out "gay" with "bi"?
I don't agree with immolateyourself commenting on her IG, I feel like they're probably an anon and it's cowtipping, but of all the things they said, describing Anisa's comment as "biphobic" is the least extra. This is from the Wikipedia page on Biphobia:
>It can take the form of denial that bisexuality is a genuine sexual orientation, or of negative stereotypes about people who are bisexual (such the belief that they are promiscuous, or dishonest).Like, Anisa's comment was textbook biphobia.
She's full of shit, like
>>307614 pointed out. Her "joke" explanation makes no sense, it just seems like she made a shitty comment re bisexuality because she's a shitty person and now she wants to excuse her shitty behavior with a shitty lie.
No. 308413
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>>308364She posted a selfie along with her twitch link and I just cannot take this. Unflattering photo anisa. You should at least use some other filters next time
No. 308494
>>308465Yeah I don't really see what's so bad about this pic, other than her necklace looking weird especially where it meets her chin.. looks like some weird accidental stroke in a graphics program (pen stroke, not the other kind of stroke, but that's possible too with her I guess).
I'm sure the full photo of her face looks bad, but this crop (with her hair positioning) hides her pear-shape.
>>307957Wtf is with "lady of the night stream" and "Victorious Secret"? What a horrible thing to name your stream if you're "NOT A TITTY STREAMER GUIZE" like she isn't even pretending to play games now lmao pathetic.
>>308030I'm pissed that it might come off like I'm defending her in any way, shape, or form, but
> She said bisexuality is wrongNo, she didn't. She had verbal diarrhea as usual and said shit that sounded like a tired biphobic stereotype. But it's totes ok because she was actually being transphobic! (maybe? idk) She never said the word "bisexual".
> Her "joke" explanation makes no sense, it just seems like she made a shitty comment re bisexuality because she's a shitty person and now she wants to excuse her shitty behavior with a shitty lie.Reeeally sounds like you'd be ok with her bashing trans people, as long as she isn't bashing bisexuals.
Anyone who knows anything about Anisa knows that she is absolute shit at saying anything, so she could have meant to joke about literally anything and had it come out like that. Do I think she hates bisexuals? No.
But I do think she dislikes women in general because her perspective of life is distorted and she has a squirrel brain.
>>307577Goes to you too.
I'm bisexual and realize how important it is to CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES (something Tumblr does not understand except in the sense that they tend to not care about things that are inconvenient for them).
Harping on something she said and labeling her as biphobic is taking focus away from the more important details.
>I was discussing this with a friend a little while ago, how people are allowed to feel upset and that, just because what upsets them doesn't personally upset you, that doesn't mean their feelings are now invalid. There's so much "Don't be hypersensitive" sentiment these days because of Tumblrinas losing their shit over the tiniest microaggression at the drop of a hat. "Offended" is synonymous with "triggered" now, there's a certain amount of pressure to keep it to yourself if you are offended because bringing it up it will just end with you being ridiculed and labeled as an SJW, even if somebody else said something legitimately fucked up. I suppose I just wanted to defend people's right to be insulted by this because, I mean, it was insulting.Honestly this gives me the "Go back to Tumblr" vibe. I think bisexuals can defend themselves just fine without someone white knighting for us. Personally, I don't care for reasons I've stated (I really don't think she meant it the way it sounded, yeah that doesn't excuse it being a shitty thing to say, especially if she was still picking on some facet of LGBT). If another bisexual is upset, that's still valid for them.
But just
> microaggressioncmon anon, you know what site this is. The point is to insult, not be insulted.
No. 308517
>>308515Lurk more.
Also there is no general consensus.
Even just reading this thread alone would give you a decent idea.
No. 308562
>>308494I dunno. I think she's just so poorly educated when it comes to gender identity and sexual orientations that she somehow made the mental leap from "Discussing whether or not 'traps' are gay" (like…I need context, that sentence is confusing the shit out of me) to "discussing sexualities".
Anisa is quoted as saying:
>there's nothing wrong with being gay and there's nothing wrong with being straight. I think when you start to mix the two that's selfish. That's just a lot to ask of somebody.How is that not about bisexuality? How is that about trans people? I'm genuinely curious, I'm having a hard time reading that and seeing where trans people fit in, thus why I think she just kinda jumped from the one topic to "bisexuals".
Unless she thinks being a pre-op trans person means…I have no idea. She just comes across as so,
so poorly informed about LGBT people in general. She really should read up on gender ID, sexuality, etc. before attempting to discuss it during a stream again, she just sounds so fucking dumb.
>Reeeally sounds like you'd be ok with her bashing trans people, as long as she isn't bashing bisexuals.Nope. You're jumping to conclusions. I just don't see how
that particular quote addresses trans people. I don't know what she said during the "traps" discussion right before that comment, so I dunno if she barfed out any casual transphobia, but I also wouldn't be surprised if she had and, if it did happen, then it just makes me hate her that much more. All I know is that she was "discussing whether or not traps are gay" (WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? Obviously SOME trans people are gay. Who even says "traps" and isn't a 13 year old /b/tard? Guhh), that's all the anon who watched the stream said.
No. 308587
>>308575It doesn't, it's a terrible idea. The only way she could get anything more than a tourist visa is by marrying Ian or by returning to Canada, finding work in America, reapplying for a work visa, being approved and moving back in with Ian. She doesn't seem interested in the latter and, granted, it would be far more complicated and take a lot of time, but that's the thing with gaining legal residence in another country: it's complicated and takes time. She also probably has jack shit in the way of work experience, she's been streaming/doing YT for a long time now, so I can't see her finding work in the US too easily. This plan is fucking garbage. It's just going to end with them either breaking up because it's too much of a pain in the ass or she'll go back to Canada and try to return ASAP.
She could literally return to Canada, turn right around and cross the border, there's no required waiting period between tourist visas, but customs would probably raise an eyebrow and shut down her attempt because it would be clear she's trying to live in the states without working or getting married. That probably won't work out. I
suppose they could end up getting married, but I also…I just don't see it happening.
No. 308738
>>308581His real name is George but he goes by Joji as well.
>>308553Fuck off, I'm
>>308517 and deliberately made my response neutral.
You're the one who's
triggered by even the mention of him jfc.
>>308562You have to remember we're talking about Anisa who is as dumb as a sack of bricks.
She is the last person anyone should take seriously.
Other anons mentioned the trans stuff.
Anisa-speak is like reading hieroglyphics.
> She just comes across as so, so poorly informed about LGBT people in generalYes.
> She really should readYou can stop your sentence there and it would be the best advice.
I'd rather her not think she's some sex educator expert or anything of that sort, though. But yeah, if she's going to be ignorant, she should keep it to herself. Regardless of what she's talking about.
No. 308964
File: 1494406911518.jpg (83.36 KB, 800x770, 16789086543000.jpg)

>>301210>anon asks legitimate question>anon responds with literally no argument beyond "waaaaahhhhhh why does everyone like Joji????!!!!"Stay mad.
No. 309261
>>308964learn to sage and stop responding to derailing posts almost 2 weeks old. your post is worse than the one you responded to.
just lurk please.
No. 309376
>>307569her explanation kinda makes sense to me. if she was referring to traps, then she's saying it's "a lot to ask" to expect your partner to accept the fact you look like a woman but have the genitalia of a man, or vice versa. i guess she sees that as "mixing" the lines between gay and straight???
however, the whole "it's selfish, you need to choose one sexuality or another, blah blah" mess definitely came across as offensive, she was better off keeping her mouth shut whether it was a joke or not
No. 309440
File: 1494446512511.jpg (159.13 KB, 600x619, trainnpink.jpg)

>>308964I agree with
>>309261it's pointless to bring shit that is two weeks old just to derail the thread. Also using an anime character as part of your reply is fucking retarded.
No. 309472
File: 1494447603536.png (66.8 KB, 629x604, lol4.png)

Sky really needs to take a break from the "lol I'm so anti-pc xD, why are you offended??''?" community.
No. 309475
File: 1494447727221.png (71.63 KB, 634x628, lol5.png)

>>309472Samefag. The replies he got.
No. 309633
File: 1494458783858.png (357.63 KB, 592x613, pear.png)

>looks off in the distance
>pearnisa's greasy lips on his equally greasy face
>"if only… if only i could… if i could… just.. break away…"
No. 309887
>>309657I mean… he has the pedo stashe though. Or one of a teenage boy who doesn't realize it's time to start shaving.
>>309729I agree with this, and have taken a fair bit of psych courses. I've never heard anything about interpreting a photo such as this, especially on its own. Eyes can be screwed up for a slew of reasons (medications, drugs, lighting, allergies, etc).
Also Ian doesn't seem a very smiley guy. Smiles for photos, in general, are often forced if they aren't candid (which it obviously isn't).
But from what we know, I do think it's safe to say he isn't happy. We've known that for a while now.
The only thing that is worth noting about this photo, imo, is the fact that Ian could look the damn same if she was completely removed from the photo, and he'd probably look
Perhaps I'm just a bit autistic and can't read people's faces as well as others, though.
>>309440lmao thank you. I wanted to include something in my post (
>>309261 )about the anime pic, but calling it "cancer" in this particular thread would probably be a compliment, so I just let it slide. Glad I'm in good company though.
Also re: Sky, dammit. Can he just stfu and stick to dragging Anisa and shit? Does he not understand what people want at all?
No. 310024
>>310003>>310022this has been discussed to death. there is reason to believe he has no serious past relationship history, so he could be insecure or he could be closeted or he could be not that interested in relationships for anything more than getting his rocks off.
also, admitting he fucked up so massively with her would backfire and dent his armor of a reputation. she would also probably cause a shit storm.
like lurk more? idk
No. 310230
>>310173 how in the fuck can saying he's socially retarded and stunted be conceived as fangirling? The fact that he's a shitty person has absolutely nothing to do with the original conversation where
>>310003 noticed that it's not logical for a guy who truly despises his gf like everyone seems to want to believe, to buy everything for her, let her live with him rent free, take her on vacations to meet one of his close friends, and even bother to placate her with the shitty publicity selfies. He has to like her to some degree. Stop trying to derail with the everyone is a fangirl bullshit.
No. 310290
>>310173I agree. I wouldn't say he's stunted or anything but he definitely seems behind when it comes to relationships.
>>310266>anime icons>not understanding imageboards Please fuck off back to Reddit if you can't figure out how it works here.
No. 310615
File: 1494559624831.png (944.06 KB, 1080x1654, 20170511_232504.png)

Anisa is live and wearing cut off booty shorts, but she has the flatest ass.
Late night snacks with our favourite fridge.
No. 310634
>>310615Christ. Blog but I'm nearing 30 and am skinnyfat basically and still have way better looking legs and especially ass than Anisa. …Who claims to be some fitness guru or some shit.
Also some people need to learn to sage in here.
>>310295 No. 310660
File: 1494563585118.png (1.86 MB, 1920x1006, 20170512_002919.png)

I cant with this girl. She pulled those shitty shorts up so high. Lmaoooo
No. 310692
>>310661Tbh I brought it up a couple of times in her chat and she wont answer, bb.
>>3106687Attention obviously. Also Chris is watching. ♡
You guys shes been giving out dating advice. "Ive been cheated on so many times" its a real shit show and the autism is cranked up high in the chat tonight. I cant watch anymore tho, it's too much trash.
No. 310957
>>310624code for "my parents are well off and i'm used to giving men money or gifts so they'd stick around because i don't have any other qualities that would make a guy want me"
>>310615>Late night snacks with our favourite fridge.kek
No. 311047
File: 1494603955931.jpg (51.81 KB, 597x585, goodlifechoices.JPG)

sage because it's not real milk but i want everyone to know this is a thing.
No. 311115
File: 1494608875845.png (542.35 KB, 1366x639, reddit.png)

>>311047LMAO and Max retweeted it
On other news, it seems like George may be ending The Filthy Frank Show soon. No. 311451
>>311115If he feels like it's time to end it/he's not happy doing FF anymore, then it's probably the right thing to do.
However, if he's just ending it to focus on his music, then that's dumb. Imo, the only reason his music had any success was because FF was so popular and most of his fans were willing to buy it. I know music is his #1 passion, but why can't he do both? Idk, leaving a successful channel to do something that MIGHT be successful doesn't seem smart
No. 311470
>>311451Then again, he doesn't upload frequently on FF anyway. If he wants to focus on music (which I feel he's already doing), I feel like he shouldn't end FF all together, because like you said, it's what got his popularity in the first place. Maybe just upload much less frequently/less time (not lowering the quality, just less uploads), and do music as a main thing.
Sage for no new info
No. 311593
>>311551she probably likes "innocent" guys because in her mind they're more likely to worship her/treat her like she's the hottest girl ever, even though she's average at best.
combined with the whole 'breadwinner' thing (she claimed before ian she used to make more than/equal the amount of money as her partners and would give them money?) it sounds like she wants control in a relationship
No. 311608
>>311593But that was a lie??
She wants control, but in a more manipulative sense.
No. 311747
File: 1494649031540.png (1.85 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20170513-001247.png)

She's live.
Thw first 15 minutes was staring at a chair becaise she had to go get Ian to help her get rice out of her gross ass tooth hole. Now its just her dressing up a banana. Shes just a boring girl, man. I cant even watch this shit.
No. 311748
Sage for spelling mistakes caused by sleepy eyes.
Im just over her.
No. 311783
>>311593Yep. A lot of girls with absolutely shit self esteem/self worth go for inexperienced, sometimes younger, naive dudes because it makes them feel like a goddess.
Blogpost, but I dated a dude who'd only had two one night stands, no serious relationships in his past and was in his mid 20's. He acted like I was the best thing since sliced bread, he seemed grateful that I'd even
consider dating him and was FUCKING THRILLED by little things no experienced dude would bat an eye at, i.e. seeing me walking around in the nude post-coitus, being even SLIGHTLY sexually adventurous in bed, etc.
It was pretty hard not to let it go to my head, but you have to keep in mind that it's not actually YOU. These guys would be all moon-eyed and giddy over ANY girl who's willing to sleep with/date them.
I hope Anisa knows inexperienced dweebs like Ian drooling over her isn't irrefutable proof that she's a super-babe. I mean, I hope some part of her understands that she's simply hooked on the high their adoration provides, but she…she's not exactly known for her self awareness. #SquirrelBrain
It's the same kind of mentality that older guys who chase underage/barely legal girls have. Our resident lolcow Onision is the fucking king of taking advantage of easily impressed, innocent girls and their low standards.
It's one thing to meet and date someone who happens to be inexperienced, it's another thing entirely when your type is innocent, inexperienced types and you repeatedly pursue them because your shitty ego craves it.
No. 311975
File: 1494687678142.jpg (10.26 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>>311047holyfuckingshit. Is that a real tattoo?? Because even out of context, it looks like shit. Max looks like Rocky Balboa after his fight with Apollo.
No. 312301
>>311933>>312246>>312282lolcow, where sometimes farmers suffer an identity crisis from milk withdrawal.
sage your shit and stop derailing.
No. 312319
File: 1494720448752.png (321.89 KB, 598x512, 64646.png)

>>312262Seriously, I feel so awkward and uncomfortable watching these now. The tension from his annoyance and dislike for Bad Unboxing videos could literally be cut with a knife.
No. 312363
File: 1494727079026.jpg (687.61 KB, 1080x1774, 20170513_215700.jpg)

>>312343Please actually read the description.
It says padded.
No. 312375
File: 1494728875466.png (671.83 KB, 555x574, GhGdEbl.png)

what is this pose and the awkward arm outstretched as far as possible so her arm fat looks as thin as it can at a 90 degree angle
No. 312402
File: 1494731792594.png (626.58 KB, 551x527, zSTT3qF.png)

>>312376>>312380are you people not saging on purpose
anyway i'm pretty convinced anisa is poot lovato
>actually had an eating disorder>is an incredibly talented singer>(imo) attractive pear shaped body>square shaped face, nice cheekbones>cute nose>got famous due to her voice (and shitty acting)>obtained cute straight teeth through fixing her gappootnisa:
>lies about having an eating disorder>amateur level art school dropout>square (rectangle) body>pear shaped head, no cheekbones>jew nose>gained recognition through leading on a popular streamer then "breaking his heart" (in his words) by rejecting him after she said she liked him, by dating a pro player then cheating on him with a more popular YouTuber.>annoying orange teeth No. 312410
>>312402You are so right.
Someone, please make an edit with Poot and Anisa for the pic for our next thread. It would make my day. Thank you in advance.
No. 312449
>>312406Is this what she's putting her precious entertainment visa on?
only Anisa, goes for the visa she wishes instead of the one she's most likely to get. gotta hand it to her, she's a big dreamer.
No. 312553
File: 1494755366275.jpg (25.97 KB, 322x339, lazy.JPG)

>>312406whatcha lookin at
No. 312832
>>312617I honestly agree with Anisa, the other day she said that she equates it to "swapping jerseys", and the fact that Lacie keeps talking about SJWs and "red pills" shows that she's just doing it for attention. Even if she really did change her morals it makes her seem fickle and pandering to automatically start going "huhuh I took teh red pill". That being said I'm sure jealousy has something to do with Anisa's opinion as well.
>>312785She seriously just makes fun of him all the time like a middle schooler trying to make sure no one knows she has a crush.
No. 312896
>>312832>>312659If this keeps going, there could be a Laci thread, but I watched the video Laci made and it's basically her spouting common fucking sense and the commenters jizzing uncontrollably that Laci is explaining that she has skepticism and that thinking is important etc. She does use the red pill analogy in her video but it doesn't play a huge part, and she doesn't say she IS red pilled. Unless she's said that on twitter or something idk. She said that in the future, her channel will have her "debating" with anti-feminist types. But red pill in itself, as she describes it, should just be not taking everything at face value or following a herd (which even many anti-fems do). She talked about having conversations with anti-SJWs and getting along and them being nice and so forth.
It's really not a big fuckin deal and it is WAY too soon to determine if she is faking or not. The vid was literally just a "future of my channel" kind of thing.
Anisa is just hating on women and 1000% projecting.
But people praising Laci already and acting like she's suddenly the second coming of Christ need to change their damn pants honestly. It's flakey as hell to go from despising someone to fawning over them just because they make a vague video spouting things no one in their right mind would disagree with. But then again, that describes Anisa's audience completely (anti-SJWs who want to see their opinions spouted from a girl, any girl), so yeah~
sage for long and semi-ot
No. 313746
File: 1494897781129.png (2.04 MB, 1920x1011, 20170515_212125.png)

I went to go check out Anisa's stream and the tits are back out and she's upset that someone thinks she looks fat. "I worked really hard with Insanity so it kind of hurts to hear that."
No. 313763
File: 1494899903215.jpg (763.6 KB, 1040x1060, Screenshot_20170515-215634.jpg)

Tbh I can't fathom why she always posts her constipated looking facing thinking it's cute.
It's not a flattering photo at all, she's done way better.
No. 313817
File: 1494907015724.png (154.43 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3550.PNG)

I wonder if this is a dig at ian or max
Sage for tinfoil hatting
No. 314242
File: 1494969825814.jpg (1.01 MB, 1069x1524, Screenshot_20170516-172305.jpg)

No. 314382
>>314336yeah, that's what stands out (literally) to me lol
but as much as i hate anisa, one reason she looks like a larger person here is her posture vs kat's. kat is angling her body to the side and her legs are crossing/overlapping.
PLUS kat is pulling her dress fabric, which emphasize how it's much larger than she is.
meanwhile anisa is facing the camera head-on all she-hulk not trying to pose at all. she's not cute, and her tight clothes give a visual illusion of making her look even larger/blockier than she already is, as other anons have stated.
guess she can't pose without the bathroom mirror.
No. 314389
>>314301>naturally tiny nah look at her arm. pearhead's is thinner. it's just like
>>314382 said, anisa doesn't know how to pose and her posture is shit lel
No. 314550
File: 1495015488086.png (1.01 MB, 1108x796, kattt.PNG)

>>314301Katt is kinda thick herself. She might have lost some weight though.
Btw is it me or is Max getting ugly lately? This is a bit older pretty cringy picture (still not that long go though) but he looks better and younger than in his recent videos or pics. Now he looks like a smelly slob with bad skin, teeth and messy greasy hair.
No. 314734
>>314603I think in this position he looks cute. I'm by no means whiteknighting but Max wasn't that attractive before either. The way his brow bone sticks out and his eyebrows being so long in the center of his face makes him look like a caveman imo. Plus that hair is frizzy af. But the angle makes his arms look nice.
Side note, does Max's hands gross anyone else out? For whatever reason they gross the fuck out of me.
Sage for blog
No. 314995
>>314921>>314987Thighs spreading out like that when you sit but looking not as big when you stand is bc of a lot of fat on your thighs.
She's likely just skinny fat with a good fat distribution.
No. 315375
File: 1495092892911.png (1.57 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170518-123323.png)

here ya go Anisa ?
No. 316157
File: 1495171343378.png (863.51 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20170519-012137.png)

No. 316447
File: 1495196696542.jpg (624.9 KB, 1056x1664, Screenshot_20170519-082358.jpg)

No. 316493
>>316447How does she not have any muscle on her stomach? No definition whatsoever. I thought she did some hardcore sports a while back and she still goes on about how she excerscises.
Tbh if I had such a soft and fatty looking stomach, I would avoid crop tops. Looks bad on her and she wears is all the time.
Also her drawing is so shit I'm starting to doubt that she really went to an art school. She doesn't even know how to construct a face properly.
No. 316521
File: 1495208082461.jpg (133.24 KB, 600x999, IMG_20170519_113107.jpg)

No. 316571
>>316521Tiniest nipples ever!
They look like pinpricks. His belly button is twice their size.
No. 316702
File: 1495220468888.png (208.48 KB, 744x1167, IMG_3384.PNG)

Her hair is like lord Farquaad from shrek.
No. 316823
File: 1495232135238.jpg (21.82 KB, 262x193, IMG_20170519_180949.jpg)

No. 316876
File: 1495235523586.jpg (654.64 KB, 1060x1543, Screenshot_20170519-191027.jpg)

>>316852Whoops. Here you go.
Also she said "emo" not "blob", but I stand by my opinion that it looks like a blob.
No. 316885
File: 1495236526787.jpg (214.19 KB, 1280x800, IMG_20170519_181526.jpg)

>>316702Who wore it better?
No. 317166
File: 1495276145257.png (105.59 KB, 234x179, specimen01.png)

>>316702First off Anisa, we can't see the fucking shirt. Stand up straight and move your arms out of the way if the only reason you took this shitty pic is because of it. Secondly, what the fuck is that face? Who pulls that ugly mug when you have thousands of people viewing your pics?
No. 317192
File: 1495281702611.png (57.17 KB, 143x144, NXzXdWr.png)

>mfw reading this thread
No. 317439
>>317299Well he's not very comfortable when he has to act like himself on stage, and not being his character FF.
His set sounded horrible, which was not his fault, but his music sounds …boring?
I couldn't watch it til the end, it's like easy listening.
No. 317474
>>317439Pretty sure he mentioned once that he's shy or has social anxiety.
This was kind of weird music for the Boiler Room. It's good music to chill too, but doing it live just felt awkward as hell.
No. 317511
>>317311Damn hahaha
He's just a basic, Spotify, trap musician. Really boring and not very original or creative either, quite disappointed honestly.
No. 317526
>>317516well, not only high energy music is played live. It's just people weren't into it, I would say that's not what they came for. If you have a loyal crowd, you can play any music really.
I almost pity him lol and the comments on yt are like if he was a kid singing first time on some school event. Embarrassing
No. 317548
File: 1495315280576.png (437.62 KB, 551x556, maybeIguess.png)

>>316901When I was younger, my friends and I all had this thing where we were kinda addicted to switching up our hair with cuts and dyeing, so we'd all eventually get bored with one cut and go shorter and shorter and shorter until, bam, you end up with a pixie cut you regret and have to suffer months of the awkward-growing-out phase.
I have a feeling that's what she's doing. She's giving into boredom and antsy-ness regarding her looks without giving much thought to "Would this cut actually work with my features?"
She has a bottom heavy face, common sense dictates that having your hairline end at the widest point in your face will just emphasize said wideness. It's the worst cut she could go for. She needs to get it into her flighty, squirrel brain that the patience and discipline of growing out your hair pays off when a longer length is far more flattering for your face shape.
It would create the illusion of a longer, less stumpy face and, once she achieved something like shoulder length hair, she should have it shaped with layering so there's more volume, especially around the crown. Plus a bit of piece-y layering to frame her face.
Drag queens will always tell you: the bigger your hair, the smaller your face will look. That's how they counteract having big, manly heads. This current cut only serves to emphasize her big, manly head. Like, for the love of god, Anisa, create a "Haircuts" album on Pinterest, search for "Hairstyles best suited for inverted triangle/pear shaped faces" and then collect pics that appeal to you for that album. Once you've grown it out a bit, take 2-3 of your favorite options to the stylist and discuss which one they think is best for you. How To Be A Girl 101.
Despite the model pictured not sharing Anisa's pear-jaw, I think this would work for her.
No. 317555
>>317299I mean, while it's not the style of music I enjoy, it's decent for what it is. He's still new, as a serious musician, and he can't fall back on acting like a retard to cover up his insecurities and appeal to his stans. Putting yourself out there after always falling back on an absurd persona like FF has to make you feel vulnerable as fuck, like, I don't envy the kid. But, FWIW, I think it's alright. The sound crew definitely didn't do him any favors, that sound quality is fuuuucked. I'd say: give him some time, he might turn out to be pretty good after he figures out how to develop his own sound and gains some confidence.
InB4 "Lulz looks who wants to suck Joji's dick, you fucking stan, kys"
No. 317600
File: 1495319808419.png (801.54 KB, 937x601, sadnip.png)

I don't even know what she's trying to do here.
>that sad nipple on the lower left corner.
No. 317601
File: 1495319994692.gif (226.86 KB, 600x600, 729.gif)

>>317600Literally looks like a tranny now with that stupid as fuck haircut.
No. 317634
>>317600Oh god I can't stop cackling. This is almost the exact same face she's making in
>>316702 but she's just looking into the camera this time. Did she JUST discover the whole vacant-face-slight-open-mouth pose?? Teenage girls have been doing this for years, can she chill? The fact she thinks those pictures were decent, or "model worthy" is laughable. Also, the fact that she literally sits in her bathtub fully clothed to take photos of herself is even worse.
She looks retarded.
No. 317847
>>317600We're going to see that pose a lot in the next few months until her hair grows out… It helps obscure her pearchin which she managed to highlight with her farquad haircut.
>>317660Gross, who sends nudes to their housebound boyfriend when they live together? Don't they fuck?
>>317808Leafy isn't masculine looking. He has no chin.
No. 317850
File: 1495337285602.jpg (813.11 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-20-23-22-56…)

She's live.
No. 317993
>>317953The ripped usurper short jean shorts isn't a flattering look on most people, Anisa included. I don't understand why she's clinging so hard to it? We all get stuck in our ruts of thinking this is what we look good in but it's just not a good look for her in the slightest.
I feel like she'd suit dresses much more. She can wear the shorts underneath if she feels the need to!
No. 318534
File: 1495415156477.png (168.39 KB, 1527x573, IMG_5680.PNG)

Old but found it funny that she is the poster child for livestream fails
No. 318714
>>317600>>317850…did she claim to have big lips while over-lining them?
or is her lip shape just fucked up
No. 318790
>>318766Lmaoooo I fucking knew that hefer was lying about him being the one to start it. Also, she was a lot thinner before she officially met
Ian. She's getting him into shape and she's just gaining weight. Tragic.
No. 319398
File: 1495502557931.png (699.81 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5273.PNG)

No. 319492
>>319398why can't she just wear pants instead of pulling that pose?
also, is this something you'd post on social media? seems a bit too intimate imo
No. 319551
>>319329I really enjoyed it. I like post, and he helps balance out ethan. I personally don't have an issue with ethan at all, he just needs to learn to take a step back once in a while, listen more. I do like how he makes sure everyone has a drink and is an observant host. Also, I feel like you got to see a more relaxed real side of joji, which was nice. Weird that he believes in demons and loves baby showers, lol. Might go out and get me some seeds now.
>inb4 reee get out stanA lot of people have been pissing on H3 lately, felt like balancing the scales a bit.
No. 319581 interesting thing to happen on her stream.
That look of anger and disgust on her face is great. How are they still together?
No. 319615
File: 1495522774666.png (3.33 MB, 1910x997, Untitled.png)

The moment he hits her with his lighting equipment, now THATS A SPICY MEATBALL
No. 319641
>>319389Ethan's all about the money now. I've been following their twitch streams and God, he's slick AF. A couple weeks ago Hila and Ethan talk about how they love Amazon Prime and what a great value it is. Like, they're literally advertising for the Prime membership.
Next thing you know, they're asking everyone watching the latest podcast to use their free subscription option (you're able to subscribe to ONE streamer and donate $5 every month for free if you connect your Prime account to twitch) on THEIR channel, because you know, it's "free money". I've never seen another streamer explicitly ask for this.
He's smooth, I'll give him that. But the dollar signs are showing through his eyeballs more than ever. They're trying to milk their fans ASAP before they become irrelevant.
No. 319651
>>319616yeah it sounded like she was actually sobbing, what a terrible cover
she'd be better off just rolling her eyes
No. 319660
>>319641Unless they say it's a sponsored video from Amazon it is probably not sponsored. If they did get sponsored and neglect to put that info they can be punished by law for deceptive advertisement.
You're right though, just a couple weeks ago it was WE'RE QUITTING YOUTUBE BECAUSE WE'RE NOT DISNEY ENOUGH and there he is still uploading on his other channels. Hates youtube but loves money, fuck pride
No. 319671
>>319615omggg that haircut is just highlighting her weird head shape and huge lower face
it's horrible lmao. i love it
No. 319684
>>319329Who the fuck even is Post Malone and why is Ethan never further than an arm she length away from him these days? Do I have it right that he's some flash in the pan rapper and now Ethan is a loyal (aka see if he gives a damn when the money runs out) member of his ~~posse~~ while the fun lasts?
Post Malone seems like a nice guy but also doesn't seem to have anything to contribute to conversations. For his sake, it's not even a wise move to align himself with a bunch of youtubers, they're too prone to ridiculous scandal and career ruining drama.
No. 319708
>>319581I would force laugh too if the only reason I get more than 40 views on a twitch clip is because of my boyfriend.
Tbh I wonder what honestly goes through her head. I would probably cry non-stop if I finally put my tits away and the only reason the majority of fans have stayed was to ask about my boyfriend or watch in hopes that he shows up.
No. 319778
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No. 319802
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>>319778When do you think she's going to finally accept that no one gives a fuck about her other than as a titty streamer?
No. 319838
>>319615It looks like she has a major Neanderthal type underbite.
She's just got a lot of ugly angles
No. 320192
>>319581>>319615wow that haircut really aged her by decades, not to mention there's a bit too much going on face-wise. Seems like all her features are clashing (too much eye makeup, dramatic brows, over-drawn lips)
That laugh was definitely more of a sob; she seemed so upset when Ian hit her with the stand.
No. 320225
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Well, Ian, seems like you're happy that your girlfriend ~isn't like those other girls~.
No. 320247
>>320225i dont see whats wrong with the hat. its much more subtle than the other generic sayings the internet uses.
imagine being ian and having the personality of a basement dweller who thinks in nothing but terms of memes and whatever embarrassing shit the 4chan and reddit dudebros spout.
No. 320368
>>318678if you look at
>>316876 it LOOKS like she might have highlights done but went to shit salon that only did the top half of her hair
No. 320475
>>320410What in the world is this?
Anisa isn't even trying to be "subtle" about her crush for Chris anymore. She is full on jealous.
Also that forced fake laugh, again. Jeez.
No. 320502
>>320410I don't think it's jealousy towards him, I think it's envy towards her. The Pocahontas allegory is really telling.
She tries so hard
to be valuable in men's eyes, going so far as to compromise everything she is and believes in.
This manifests in different forms: her being in a male lacrosse team, her being a boobie streamer, her adopting the opinions of certain men, etc.
But here she is, confronted with the reality of a woman being desirable to a man by just being herself, without having put any effort to it.
She is MAD. How can they like her when she didn't suck up to them?! They're like from two different worlds! She tried so hard to become part of their world…
No. 320510
>>320502Wtf of course she's jealous of lacie, why would she be jealous of him? Also,
>a woman being desirable to a man by just being herself, without having put any effort to it>lacielol. do you even know who this bitch is?
No. 320542
Does anyone else feel pity for Ian? Or am I the only one?
Compared to Anisa, he's obviously pretty innocent romantically/sexually and it's pretty obvious that this is his first relationship. And Anisa - who's obviously pretty fucking experienced - does nothing to help him with working through their relationship when she has ALL of the experience to do so.
Yeah, he's done shitty things and he's not a very good bf, but I did really shitty things to my bf when my relationship first started because it was the first time I'd ever been with anyone and everything was totally new, so I didn't know how to be a good girlfriend yet. Luckily my boyfriend knew how to handle me when I was being shitty and cared enough to do so, so things got better.
But I feel like Ian doesn't have that with Anisa. Half of the time, I get this weird vibe like she -wants- to be in control and wants to guide Ian through the first relationship stuff (not for the right reasons of course, she's a pretty blatant fame whore), but doesn't have the intelligence or will to actually be able to guide him. And the other half, it's just like she doesn't care at all about making things better because she's only in it for her and not forever, so she puts up with the little annoyances like the mic-hitting incident and the burger eating thing because they're things she can tolerate until she gets what she wants. But it still very clearly annoys her.
So it just manifests in this weird, passive-aggressive hate for Ian because she puts up with the shittiness because some part of her thinks she'll either, a.) be able to fix his bad behavior because she's amazing and experienced and has Ian under her thumb, even though it's not fucking working because of her own flaws, or b.) just have to suffer through these things in order to get what she wants.
But Ian doesn't realize it. I get the feeling he's trying in his own way, like when he takes selfies she clearly asks for - even the hand picture Katt posted to her insta - and he wouldn't be a completely shitty bf if someone cared enough to care about him and correct his bad behavior. Maybe he'd still be annoying, because that's his personality, but Anisa is just reinforcing bad behavior because she either doesn't know how to be in control or doesn't care enough to do so. Like, look at that video of him slapping her. Ian's naive and stupid and probably legitimately autistic and so, he didn't realize what was wrong with that. A good girlfriend would have talked to him, but instead she just immediately reacted with her signature ugly anger/disgust, and then later posted that, "ROFL EVERYTHING'S GOOD GUISE" comment, which… Fucking why?
So Ian's in this horrible first relationship, and his experiences are just being totally ruined because he's got this cunt who doesn't care about him at all or is just too fucking retarded to figure shit out and make things better. Ian's not going to know how to do it because he's never been in a relationship before.
It's just sad and I genuinely pity him because I see this happen to guys and girls in first relationships all the time. And the thing is, you don't even have to be experienced to work toward a good, healthy relationship. You just have to have two mildly self-aware people who care enough about each other to make things work. And I just look at this couple and see a huge fucking mess. I mean, Anisa's been in enough relationships for this to not really affect her when it inevitably ends, but Ian hasn't been. I just feel bad, idk.
No. 320664
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>>320542>this level of projection>over a 25 yr/o man…
No. 320777
>>320699You're posting now though?
Get off your fucking high horse.
Just because anisa said something doesnt mean you need to be scared.
She's manipulative trash and you know, I'm sure she has good qualities too, but that doesnt negate the garbage part of her.
If you want to be a prominent figure on the internet don't do gross shit.
All of the trash parts of me arent projected to the world. No one hets a free pass. Somethings said on here are ugly and petty because people are reaching for milk, but that doesnt mean she's never done anything wrong.
No. 320783
Jackfilms made a song and it's got a bunch of different youtubers in it.
H3H3, Idubbbz, jenna marbles, etc.
It's kind of cute to see them just being normal people. No. 321102
File: 1495677688077.jpg (283.66 KB, 1200x1200,…)

>>320253>"Girls can do anything"You don't need to wear a fucking shirt that says that,
and no girls can't do anything neither can boys without the education, money, security etc. most people can't do "anything".
It's a retarded shirt designed to ilicit a vapid, generic response from most women. I've certainly seen worse but shit like this makes me depressed that people have to have meaningless platitudinous shit on their rags that keep them warm.
If you want to alleviate "issues" with women e.g the lack of representation of women in STEM; be the change don't wear a pointless t-shirt.
Excuse the OT but this threads been shrouded in dumbfucks who would actually wear shit like this.
No. 321146
>>321119Lmfao, that's what I was thinking. I personally wouldn't wear any of that shit myself and I scoff when I see it at the store but who gives a fuck if others want to wear it.
>>321102Cringe. No one cares about you blogging your opinion. You're pretentious and tryhard and desperately need to take that cucumber out of your ass.
No. 321148
>>321119>>321146I get the stupid shirt shit but otherwise the point I brought up is a serious issue that's greatly effecting women and you write it off as teh blogpost lul, and "your just saying it to impress men" catty bitchery.
Kill yourselves.
No. 321191
>>321102What makes you think that 'Girls can do anything' implies 'Girls can do anything without putting any effort into it'?
It can precisely mean 'Girls can do anything, including getting a STEM degree'.
>Don't wear this T-shirt, be the change and go to STEMWhat makes you think that girls wearing this T-shirt don't go to STEM? Or are not the change?
It's pretty dumb having it in a shirt but how is it vapid or rage-inducing?
No. 321196
>>319641A lot of the big name streamers were talking about how you can easily make multiple prime accounts to give out subs for free when it started.
I know Kripp got a hundred or so from just one guy making tons of fake accounts.
No. 321371
>>321361this lmao
was my first thought
No. 321399
>>321377>i used to think he was an intelligent guyWell there's your mistake. He's dumb as evidenced by his repetitive content full of 12yo "humor" such as constant belching and yelling nigger at public events, misogynistic as he's proven by his tweets time and time again, and a shit person, as we got to witness by him not distancing himself from Misaki when he should have.
They totally deserve each other.
No. 321485
>>321399In addition to all this, just like Anisa, he's no looker.
>>321467Just starting to think that? Click on the previous thread links, and follow them to the very first Cancer Crew thread. It started before the pear was in the picture. Get ready to be drowned in the pussy juices of Ian stans. Then witness the vitriol towards the pear being birthed from their frustration as she laid claim to their object of desire.
I promise you, it will be a fun ride!
No. 321492
>>321485Of course, as soon as the Pear was in the picture, Ian stans did a 180 in their attitudes towards him, in a classical "sour grapes" manner, and are still in denial.
Like I said, a very fun ride.
No. 321521
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People would take advice, especially regarding fashion from anisa??? Kek
Saw it on twitter and it really baffled me but I guess it's just typical fan behaviour.
No. 321573
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All that youtube money and they just have a mattress on the fucking floor, fucking wow
No. 321582
>>321449>>321573Not only that, but the house seems so fucking dirty. The close ups of Ian's desk showed that it needs to be cleaned, the carpet looks like it needs vacuuming and his office/room just seems really disorganized and messy with shit thrown everywhere.
I'm not trying to nitpick, but since Ian doesn't seem like the most hygienic person it's not hard to imagine his house being a pigsty. Even Anisa can't be bothered to clean the mirror before she takes a selfie.
Not saying everything needs to be spotless, but at least clean up a bit before showing the internet??
No. 321635
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>>321449Wow, his house is fucking gross; especially the carpet. Not quite Luna-tier, but someone needs to fucking vacuum.
Also, spotted this. Is this a hickey from Pearnisa at 4:55?
No. 321691
>>321664Yes, I did, and it was obvious from that "like I said". I just added a point I forgot to put in when I first posted.
I do not understand what you are so
triggered about.
No. 321735
>>316521he's actually got a very nice sharp jawline and chin. i think he'd look better with a nice haircut (i wonder if pearquad recommended this chop to him LOL) and maybe take off the glasses? his eyebrows look a bit light so maybe it might not be the best idea. his body is average slim, his protruding ribs are unnattractive and i would have preferred not seeing his tighty whities.
No. 321738
>>316521he's actually got a very nice sharp jawline and chin. i think he'd look better with a nice haircut (i wonder if pearquad recommended this chop to him LOL) and maybe take off the glasses? his eyebrows look a bit light so maybe it might not be the best idea. his body is average slim, his protruding ribs are unnattractive and i would have preferred not seeing his tighty whities.
No. 321778
>>321775i think they mean intelligent enough to separate internet meme thinking clouding his brain (what his filthyfrank persona portrays) from his opinions in real life which are actually chill in liberal, something people like ian and sam hyde are unable to do because theyre retarded.
i dont think id use intelligent to describe joji though since i dont know him personally. smart enough/laidback are more fitting.
No. 321779
>>321659this is exactly what i don't understand either. he could have his pick of fame whores, so why a fat and ugly one?
also, people say he's ugly, but i don't get that. he's not conventionally attractive yeah, but he's definitely got the cute nerdy thing working for him. and he seems confident, much more confident than anyone thinks. even for all his asshole/autistic behavior, he still seems confident. or at least he did before anisa.
also idk why everyone thinks he was incapable of having a gf before anisa. i'm p sure he hooked up with some girls at vidcon last year. look at the end of this video, 4:57. some rando girl is hotter than anisa lmao and i'm pretty sure he's trying to pull and it looks like he's succeeding. pic related.
i just don't understand, man.
No. 321785
>>319389>Like it never seems as if he's genuinely friends with any of these people, but more so wants to flaunt how many "important" people he knows.I've noticed this with Ethan a lot more lately. In his podcast with Pewdiepie he acted the same way. Very off putting.
>>319641>the dollar signs are showing through his eyeballs more than everWell he IS a Jew.
No. 321788
>>321770My guess is he's the very frequent pump and dump type. He's definitely a fuckboy. If you watched his boiler room performance, you'd see how much of an absolute ass he is. It wasn't even just during his performance, it was what he was doing after. He was mega fucked up during his set, not just ~nervous~ like all the joji stans want to believe, and then after the performance, acted like a total cringey party douche on stage during Keith Ape's set while he got even more fucked up. It was embarrassing tbh. Also I like how no one comments on the fact that during that set he was wearing:
1. women's sunglasses
2. a woman's robe or kimono
and 3. had actual makeup and glitter/highlight smeared all over his neck
It was hilarious.
No. 321798
>>321779Ehh, we're not on the same page. You sound like you done drunk the kool-aid.
1) Calling Ian nerdy cute while Anisa is fat and ugly? Nahhhh. Anisa is average and Ian is average.
2) What about that one second shot of that girl's arm and hair makes her way hotter than Anisa? Come on…
3) Ian, confident? LMFAO…no. He has shit social skills and acts weird/apathetic in public to entertain edgy tweens then makes self-deprecating jokes to hide under. A confident, self-assured man wouldn't be with a woman like Anisa either. Likewise, she's also insecure as fuck.
You sound like a stan. They both suck. All I'm saying is, hot bimbos flock to money and fame. Ian has that so I don't get why he settled for an average bimbo that's trying to leech off of his fame AND could plummet his stock. The only conclusion I can come to is that he's SO fucking socially defunct and shitty that Anisa is the only girl who wasted her time taking the bait. I wouldn't mind getting some tube bux and having e-fame. But I fo sho wouldn't trade my dignity like Anisa has for it. So must be a match made in heaven. Stupid ass doormat leech and e-famous socially retard prick.
Mystery solved I guess.
No. 321801
>>321788His look was the least of the problems during that set, but you're right.
He just needs that one hanger-on to bellow "HALF-JAPANEEEESE!" and the floodgates open. He definitely knows his selling point.
No. 321813
>>321801Yeah, no I know, I was just saying it was hilarious that he'd probably almost definitely been hooking up with some girl(s) before the set, then came on stage with fucking makeup on his neck, a chick's glasses on his face, and girls were talking about how ~cuteee~ daddy looked in the comments during the live stream. The level of delusion was just hilarious. And then when he got the call and dipped out of the party, "oh, his uber's probably here lol" or, "probably his manager" like bitch no, just no. He's 100% a fuckboy and you're right, he def does know his selling point.
I lost respect for him when he showed that side of himself tbh, just like I lost respect for Ian when he started dating Anisa, and Max when his ex made it known he'd cheated on her with Katt at the end of their relationship. The whole crew has revealed their true selves at this point, and they're just awful people.
No. 321835
>>321770A lot youtuber's i've seen have very similar socially awkward traits, or social anxiety etc.. A lot of individualists too, another thing that makes it difficult to form connections with other people on an individual level.
I feel like Joji likes to "play" at being a hardass, but he's really not.
No. 321893
>>321891Haha, just beat you! That entire post is screaming Anisa.
>"Umm, they're really similar and she's clearly kind of smart even if she's not the prettiest girl" Hmmmmmmmmm.
No. 321896
>>321890kek, now I'm just seeing the
>I understand why their together>their>She seems like some one I could have imagined him with>some oneIs the Pear among us? The more I read that post, the scarier it gets.
No. 321909
>>321788Was that highlighter? Omg, I only noticed it half way through the video and thought it was sweat. That's hilarious. His performance and shitty dancing were my biggest pet peeve. "Ohhh, my throat's fucked up. I'm sick. Don't smoke cigarettes, guys." Please don't say that out loud at your performance. No one wants to hear excuses.
I second anon though, how do you know he was fucked up? Is there a video of him after his performance and of him on stage during Keith Ape?
No. 321919
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>>321909Yeah, was definitely highlighter kek. I just have this image of him hooking up with some girl before his set, her getting her shit all over him, and then all of his fans being like DADDYYY, YOU'RE SO PURE PAPA FRANKU, LOVE MEEE, when he got on stage. Which is exactly what they did. It's cringe.
I was definitely annoyed by the excuses, too. He - and all of his fans - kept blaming the audio people, and they definitely fucked up, but Chigga's audio fucking sucked even worse and he still pulled it off in the end. He didn't whine. He was a professional. He gave it his all, Joji did't. And Joji's excuses were shit - he wasn't sick, he was probably rolling on molly and drunk af. I wouldn't doubt that that """water""" was vodka lmao.
I didn't record unfortunately, but I got some quick screenshots on my phone while I watched live because I was like yeah, I see u nigga. It's hard to see in a few pictures, but he was acting like a total dick on-stage. Keith saved the show in all honesty, fucking killed it, and then Joji strolls on stage with his annoying dancing, acting like a complete dudebro fuckboy. It was funny to see the contrast of Keith who was serious about what he was doing and Joji who was just making an even bigger fool of himself. He was also drinking on-stage and in the crowd, as if he needed to get even more wasted than he already was.
You were defff sick, bro. Definitely.
No. 321990
>>321950I can see how that could be part of it. In that case, if he can't handle doing live shows without the use of drugs, he needs to stick to producing beats via the internet and not participate in live shows or they're all going to be a boring mess like this. He can still make music, just… if you don't have the confidence or creativity to pull off a live show, don't. No one wants to see him pull off white boy dancing as he drones into the microphone. You can go to old folk's karaoke night in your local area and see that shit.
I thought his singing was terrible during this performance. It didn't sound like the studio version at all. His voice just sounded like his regular speaking voice when he was up on that stage and his random autistic screeching of random phrases that were trying to be funny weren't pleasing to listen to.
I think anon's already said enough about the outfit but even his fugly reddit streetwear would look better on stage. I knew I was right when I called him out on being a fuccboi in the first thread until angry anons hopped on my dick and were like "how is he a fuccboi xd". One look at his sushitrash twitter or instagram is enough.
No. 321992
>>321813I don't get why him partying and hooking up with someone would make you lose respect for him.
Or was it someone else? Not sure I get your point.
No. 322003
>>321990>If he's bad at liveshows, he should stopOr you know, he should continue and get better at it.
And the drugs are just your guess. He could be just drunk.
Still, I dislike Joji's music (especially the Pink Guy stuff), sounds like shit to me but you're blowing it out of proportion. Bunch of performers drink before they go in stage. Especially in this kinda ~~alternative~~ lofi music shit.
Not sure if you go to many lives, but people usually get fucked up, they hook up and just destress from work and so on.
Doesn't make him an ass or a douche, just your average alt musician.
Well, at least in my opinion.
I never understand how can anyone say he's pure though. His Pink Guy screams mental retardation and his Joji self screams fuckboy from ten miles away. Even in other people's vlogs you can see him picking up girls at parties.
No. 322068
>>322047I know that alcohol is a drug, but the way you said it sounded like you meant something a bit more hardcore.
Tbh that's not true. Alcohol doesn't suddenly make you play or sing bad if you were good to begin with, I doubt you could tell a difference in most cases since it just helps you relax and enjoy (ofc if you're not shit-faced, all in moderation).
Most non-pop non-supermainstream bands drink before/on stage, especially when performing on some smaller live shows. You might find it repulsive or whatever but that's how it is.
Hey, I absolutely agree that he shouldn't drink when he can't even sing on stage sober yet. But it's like, not anything shocking you should make a scene out of.
To say "if you're bad at something, stop doing it" is just dumb. He should obviously practice more to get better at it.
No. 322169
>>322162>Anisa>estimating a 32" underbustpls don't make me laugh this hard.
she has an incredibly wide ribcage, anon. not that other anon, but if you want to say she can't be a b, if you're using sister sizes as your backup estimates, she could very well be a 38b. i really wouldn't doubt it because, like i said, fucking yuge ribcage.
No. 322258
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What's the thing on the left supposed to be?
No. 322356
>>322258Anisa's art looks like the garbage you would have seen on Neopets in the early 2000's.
She should get a job illustrating ad banners for malware-riddled mobile games or something.
Her art is just dollar store Newgrounds flash art-tier shit.
No. 322357
Plus, that llama type creature is so out of her art style. I wouldn't be surprised if it was ripped from something else or traced even. Im definitely on a mission to find her "reference" picture.
No. 322671
>>321783I feel the exact same way anon.
Ethan of H3h3 should be discussed more. In one day he will post crying and begging for people to click on ads. The next video he hits post Malone with a STACK OF HUNDREDS TO BE SPENT IN VEGAS!
then the next video in Sweden at a fan meet up where over 2,000 people showed up, and he only met with 200.
Also his retardation in general is gross. I drudged through that podcast. He said verbatim
>I've lost fifteen pounds and I'm going to write a book about weight lossHow much can you suck your own dick about losing weight? Let me guess you cut out soda and red meat? He acts like he is the first one ever to lose weight.
I've lost any respect I've had for this guy. To me he has proven himself a cow.
No. 322851
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"very good at art"
No. 322869
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Anisa's freudian slip
No. 323388
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Is this what obsession looks like? Anisa pls…
No. 323637
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But what happened??? She was thin for a minute!!
No. 323999
>>323691>kinda chubbyshe's actually legitimately overweight though, not just """chubby""". not even being a bitch about it, just saying she's actually overweight. chubby is just a word fat people use to feel better about being fat.
i know she changes her height all the time, but i think she most recently said she's about 5'6". if i had to guess her weight, i'd say about 160 tbh. of course she'd say that's "boob weight omg these boobs are ~awful~" but she's definitely chunky.
which makes me understand ian's attraction to her even less since i vaguely remember him bashing fat people on a few occasions. it's so confusing. was she """thin""" like in
>>323637 when they met and she just got fatter once they were together?
No. 324058
>>324046She is, by no means, "skinny" but she's not fat either. Her body stores more fat in her arms and stomach. Her legs are thinner than mine. I have a curvier stomach and slightly bigger thighs and others consider me skinny.(my boobs look huge on me but I'm a 30DD in my most comfortable bras)
So when you have someone who mostly shows stomach up, and they have chubby arms, they look bigger. She should do more upper body toning.
No. 324101
>>324074>dates a titty streamer because her being a hot titty streamer strokes his ego>but also resents hot girls and… that's why he doesn't date them?Anon, your logic really doesn't make sense. If he resents pretty girls, then why go for a girl who markets herself as an uber hot gamer gurl? We know she's not pretty, but you're saying that having an attractive girl pay attention to him is what drew him in, when, according to your logic, her looks and slutty behavior actually would have repulsed him. She should have been another girl he resented like all the rest, then.
The only thing that I agree with is that he's inexperienced. I do believe that a lot of his decisions have probably been affected by that, but even when you consider that, nothing about him being with Anisa makes any sense. It's not just coincidence or jealousy that's making all of these people so confused about their relationship. There's something wrong there. Even if he were the most hideous, obnoxious, unintelligent dude ever, he's still got immense Youtube fame. That's enough for any fame whore to be willing to hop on his dick. Any number of which would have been prettier/smarter/all around better than Anisa.
No. 324105
>>323691no it isn't, she's an adult there. that picture is from around ~4 years ago. she had """""an eating disorder""""" in her early teens. this was during her gym phase where she did insanity and crash dieted, basically where she's trying to get back to…
by doing insanity and crash dieting. :)
No. 324199
>>324110Nice antisemitism
Too bad it's true in this case
No. 324221
>>324058At least sage your blogpost. No one cares about your stomach or tits.
And imo Anisa is not THAT overweight, but she's beyond chubby. She looks pretty fat to me.
Keep in mind that in different cultures it's perceived differentlyso maybe that's the reason of the opinion clash here.
No. 324263
>>324260did she actually? or are you baiting us anon?
this milk could be the most delicious milk yet.
No. 324279
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>>324277>>324278samefagging for pic
No. 324289
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>>324285>all those comments saying "it's just out of context!!!!!!!!"Also, I love how everyone becomes an evolutionary biologist and cherrypicks examples.
>Time to staple myself testes first to a woman and slowly merge with her body because anglerfish reproduce that way! No. 324292
>>324289To clarify, context is undoubtably important for satire, but it's fucking pathetic for a fanbase to simultaneously claim a line shouldn't be taken out of context while trying to turn it into a soundbite meant to
trigger ~snowflakes~ lmfao. Man, I thought the edgy humor thing was passé, but Youtube is too efficient of a breeding ground.
No. 324294
>>324285>>324289Also those people being like "our boi Joji making faces because he knows the SJW-storm it gonna create!!!1"
they just can't fathom that he's thinking this is something inaccurate and wrong to say. In their fantasy world everyone's a dudebro alt-right edglelord.
The awkward silence and even Post Malone getting awkward and trying to control the damage for Ethan, ahh delicious
No. 324297
>>324289I mean, you don't have to cherrypick. Yeah some animals have strong male dominancy and males just do whatever. But it's
usually that males either fight each other for females or the female chooses (or a bit of both). I wouldn't really call that "conquering" in a way Ethan uses it, interchangeable with rape - as he himself says at the end.
So it's stupid to say "women in nature setting' because that wouldn't be true imo.
No. 324686
>>324627according to her snaps she
is on her way to canada but doesn't mention if it's long term
No. 324693
>>324051Okay well maybe to you she didn't look like she was about to cry but she sure as fuck looked like that to me.
me she lookes like she's barely holding in about to snap or at least whine to him and in the clip her fat lips are practically quivering before she lets out that fake laugh.
No. 324712
>>324691It's this one previous anon said around the 2 minute marker and 15-16 minute marker she talks a bit about it.
No. 324733
>>324712Thank you!
Hmm, anyone else see that genuine pang of hurt when Chris said he wouldn't come to Canada? She seems pretty upset at the prospect of not seeing him again anytime soon. Idk…if it were me, I'd be lamenting about, you know,
my boyfriend and then add in a "and then you too!, what will I do without you". I know some anons don't think she has anything for him, but I see it. When she mentioned doing her last stuff with Ian it was very…meh.
And we'll see how long it will be. I have a feeling she's not coming back for one reason or another.
Also, Anisa stop whitefacing.
No. 324734
Watching more of this, and seriously, the only excitement Anisa expresses regarding Ian is getting secondhand fame fumes when people recognize him in public. The bitch knows she's feeling Chris, but she's such a fame whore. Never heard her tell a story regarding Ian with so much gusto as she did this shit about fans.
No. 324741
>>324734Yeah imo it
looks like they have chemistry, the pear and ian clone.
Also it seemed so fucking awkward and random when she started babbling about Ian and their ~adventures~ "omg this chubby girl stared at us (him)" and "omg these kids keeps noticing him when we' go outside".
Sage for rant
No. 324752
>>324260>>324263>>324314>>324326>>324547>>324551>>324555>>324591>>324601>>324630>>324686>>324691>>324699>>324707>>324712>>324731>>324733Did you guys ever think shes going back to see her family or something?
I'm all for milk and salt but when some one goes back home its usually to see family or some stupid shit like that.
Your all reaching IMO and finding milk where there isnt any. Just my two sense.
No. 324760
>>324752Is it really that far fetched considering her lack of visa, anon?
Expecting her to have wisened up and gone back permanently =/= expecting her to go back for a while due to lack of visa.
No. 324852
>>324841Sage for blog post buuuut
I'd like to predict that Chris and Laci get "serious" (potentially move in with one another or something stupid and drastic) and Ian low key hooks up with other chicks. Maybe she'll decide "guize I'm staying in Canada until Trump is gone cuz he's scary n shit."
No. 324869
>>324862Maybe for views/dirt? Imagine getting such "innocent " people to agree with your racist/homophobic/rape joke? It'll skyrocket his views and make others look as pathetic as he is. These two are conceived by their fan base as "precious snowflakes too good for this world."
Sage for imo and no real info
No. 324872
>>324869Bored, got sucked in. Turned into the average Markiplier "I don't want to toot my own horn but…" cue several minutes of him talking about how much he does for charity and dying children. Ugh, that guy really gets on my nerves with his endless humblebragging. Smosh does that shit too, but Ian barely said anything about it other than in a conversational way. I wish I had money on Markiplier mentioning charity within 20 minutes.
Sage for OT
No. 324913
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>>324752How is it reaching? She moved in with Ian in what? January? It is absolutely the time when her tourist visa should expire and if she did get her entertainment visa she'd be posting the fuck out of it. She is probably waiting the month out before going back with another tourist visa.
Regardless, even if it is just to visit her family, she is voiding her current visitor visa and coming back she'll have to try to get a new one. She's not a citizen, she cannot come and go as she so pleases.
No. 324924
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how did pearnisa get her name? her body isnt even close to pear shaped
No. 324987
>>324101My apologies. By "hot girl" I meant "hot basic bitch ie. Tana Mongeau." (Yeah I know tana 'hot' but that isn't the point here. It's the image she portrays with young Tweens.)
For neckbeard types, gamur girls are speshull even if they act the same exact way as a basic hot bitch. They try to be 'cool girls, just like one of the guys!' and inexperienced guys eat that up.
I'm sure Ian has a hate boner for Tana.
"would not fuck elbows too pointy" kinda deal.
Just my two cents. Tldr armchair psychologist.
No. 325045
>>324987In Ian's older videos he seemed like someone who would definitely be consumed with his feelings and "hate boners", but imo he got some ass and grew up a little bit. He's still extremely childish. As for their relationship, it probs started out as a status grab, but she grew to really like him. They seem like they love each other, but not in a natural way, like two nauve kids falling in love for the benefits it gives you.
And for the chris shit, i think their whole "chemistry" thing is just because he gives her attention. She might not want to be with him, she just needs all the attention she can get and hes willing to give it to her. Like when lacie started getting his attention and she got more aggressive.
That's just how it seems from the outside. She could feel completely different, but she markets herself like an obsessive, attention seeking, child.
Sage for blogpost.
No. 325063
>>324862I don't get why do all these YouTubers want to be on his shitty podcast. It's unorganized boring wannabe-offensive mess.
But yeah… in Mark's case it's probably because he can't turn down any opportunity to talk about himself.
No. 325113
>>324913The standard US tourist visa is valid for 10 years for multiple entries, each visit lasting no more than 6 months. It is usually advised that you do not exceed 5 months anyway to avoid suspicion. She can use the exact same visa when coming back to the US as a tourist again, no need to apply for a second separate visa for that. The problem is if she tries to come back too soon (in a couple months at least), the customs agent might not be convinced of her "intention of tourism" and can even cancel her visa altogether at the border, making it difficult for her to apply for any other kind of visa in the long run. This is why she was trying for a different type of visa, but she's out of time.
If she leaves the US, she won't be back anytime soon. I've seen very creative solutions for this problem, but I guess she won't be trying anything of that sort.
For a student visa, she first needs to apply for a school. Then she'll be admitted, the paperwork will be produced and that will be processed by the US to give her a student visa. Not to mention that foreign students pay ridiculous amounts of tuition ($30k and up per year) to go to college in the US, with minimal flexibility for payment options - UNLESS she manages to get a scholarship… but who are we kidding?
TLDR, she won't be back soon.
No. 325228
>The problem is if she tries to come back too soon (in a couple months at least), the customs agent might not be convinced of her "intention of tourism" and can even cancel her visa altogether at the border, making it difficult for her to apply for any other kind of visa in the long run.This is what I see happening, primarily because of the climate we're living in right now. Anisa probably thinks if she goes home for a month then casually sidles up to the border they won't look twice because she's Canadian. I've heard of
Americans having trouble reentering the country when things are just the slight bit suspicious. I predicted this awhile back. I see her not being able to get back in the country and her and Ian making a slow break because it's too inconvenient for them to be in a LDR. Particularly Ian, who has likely gotten a confidence boost from this relationship and can just move on to the next whereas Anisa will likely hold on for dear life trying to scramble to find ways back in unsuccessfully. So much for moving to California, eh Anisa?
No. 325297
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>>325113I don't think she was bright enough to get a multiple entry visitors visa and be not bright enough to go a full 6 months and risk it all.
Didn't she have to ask on twitter about visas in the first place?
No. 325300
>>323999she's not overweight, anon.
>>324038>She just has a really boxy figure that doesn't hold the weight she has well and makes her look chunkierthis is really it. don't play doctor here, some of us have actually seen overweight people before lol.
No. 325470
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Michael Jackson lookin ass
No. 325528
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The face you make when chris says he has to go to the guardians if the galaxy screening and you wont shut up so he hangs up on you. Then right after you gi in a spastic attack accusing him of beung with lacie and frantically call him back trying ti get him to admit he's with lacie.
She's so fucking sad.
No. 325773
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>>325300eh, I've seen girls who were medically overweight but looked quite slim, a girl I went to school with was 5 ft and 135 , and had thinner arms, waist, shoulders, back and neck than most slim girls I knew, granted she was very pear shaped and had thigh and butt muscles
honestly, nissa doesnt look fat or chubby to me, she looks.. average, with skinny thighs, her stomach and waist look normal along with her arms, some women just weight more than they look, her face is chubby yeah and she has boobs, but hey, unless you look like an expensive sex doll lolcow will always find something wrong with your body if you got milk
No. 325807
>>325773Sage for blog
I don't think her body would be so attacked if she didn't emphasize it so much. And no, I don't mean hide your body and always wear a bra. You can look sexy, be sexy, show a little nip and who gives a shit. But when you have a wall of text defending your choice to post a picture and defending your flaws, that's when people look for them and point them out.
She's not fucking Shamu but she's definitely pretty shitty as a person so why not attack someone's insecurities while hiding behind the internet?
Again: SAGE SAGE SAGE for those fucking angry hoes.
No. 325810
>Nissa>she has boobs It's been discussed to death about how she made her whole career about her tits but she still pads her bras. Why you lyin tho.
Also no one has calls her nissa.
Hey anisa
No. 325814
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I can almost hear anisa crying from here
No. 325839
>>325807eh, I never really cared for her, what she does or what she does with her body, my personal opinion is it's okay to bash someone on lolcow but I don't like when they bash it with something thats untruthful, like when they said she's fat or chubby
>>325810 lol what? she wears padded or push up bras therefore I lie when I say she has boobs and her "making her whole career about her tits" is invalid? I dont understand your entire post anon, a girl wearing padded bras doesnt make her tits disappear automatically, she clearly does have boobs, whether she pads her bra or not, she has cleavage, and you can tell she has fat there, its not like shes completely flat with only the bra poking out, I know lolcow has high standards on what they consider boobs to even be called boobs, on whats fat, on whats slim, etc, but holy shit you are ridiculous if you think she has no boobs
No. 325882
>>325840She brought it up and called him on Skype and had a soaz attack. Then said, "i do it just for them memes."
Also she made some sad as joke about Ians last name being Farter and someone in her chat said "gonna see this on 'lawlcow' because theyre retards who dont understand sarcasm." Which she repeated and laughed about. Lmaoooo
No. 325887
>>325839Nah, B, your whole statement is how shes not fat, which I agree with, she just holds her weight in other places. Shes not even chubby and her tits are small. She just has heavy arms.
Also her teeth are weird.
No. 325901
>>325894Nah I just dont think she's chubby, just ugly as all hell.
I think you just want to think that way because you dont like her. I dont like her either, but im not making salt appear out of nowhere. Chill, anon, sodium poisoning is a real thing.
No. 325907
>>325901No, I'm seeing her that way because I have eyes.
She is legit chubby. Idk if you are too so you think it's normal but it's beyond average. Look at her full body pictures.
No. 325922
>>325916How do I sound like a fat girl when calling her chubby? You don't make any sense lol
I'm not hating on her weight, I just don't get your denial.
Never have I said it's bad to be chubby. But she's clearly not thin or average.
And 'stop derailing' right back at you.
No. 325987
>>325951Most of that is saged, newfag.
Look at the Anonymous, when it's blue, it means it's sage.
No. 326451
>>325814's her reaction on stream, at the very beginning. she's very upset and honestly it's obvious she has feelings for chris seriously
and she's being very vocal of disapproving of her friends new gf, that's a good way to lose thst friend. don't badmouthing your friends partners holy shit what a bitch
No. 326453
>>326451samefag she acts like she's totally joking to try to save face but anisa is a transparent person
she's really freaking out about it
No. 326458
>>326400>>326402>>326451She said, "no, im only 80% serious and I just do this for the memes" but overly freaked the fuck out over it.
After she said that she went on to explain how much and why she hates Lacie. Pathetic.
No. 326515
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>>326451Wow, not even trying to hide it. Nice job cucking the shit out of Ian for everyone to see.
No. 326614
>>325922okay fine, where, besides her face, is she chubby? go on I'll wait
>>325887Ikr, it's probably just the ana chans that came in, she looks pretty healthy and average, although her figure is unfortunate, she is 10-25 lbs away from chubby
No. 326615
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>>325907yeah lets look on over at her full body pics
she looks…. average, just not much of a waist hip ratio, I personally like her boobs even though farmers may say otherwise, although her waist isn't some tiny cinched victorian waist, her stomach is p flat, probably flatter than yours anon, but I realize it's lolcow, where all girls who have average bodies or above are fat, and if you are underweight you're anorexic, only way to win if you have milk is to look like a sex doll some rich man buys off of ebay
you can bash her, but bash her for something that's actually true, not being delusional to have insult her
No. 326624
>>326615Exactly what I was trying to fucking say, some farmers sound lije everything is truly based on jealousy. Possible Ian-stan.
Shes not fat or chubby? Shes has pretend boobs, a boxy figure, and chunky arms.
Also an unfortunate head.
She has a lot of stuff about her yo bash, like why push your weirf agenda?
Imo anisa is a liar and kind ofna cunt. I think everything she does is out of her need for attention. I personally dont think people who do awful shit like that because theyre insecure should get pity parties.
Thats how people get worse. He shit fans let her get away with everything and she never evolves as a person, she just remains the same gross anisa.
No. 326688
>>326451idk why she's so mad.
tho i have half a mind to jill off to her semi-naked body as a drunk bisexual rn
No. 326689
>>326672It's the first 20 minutes. Anisa isn't concise in speaking so it drags on for a long time.
Chris blows her off and Laci was probably in the room while Anisa was talking shit about her
No. 326693
>>326451someone in chat asks: who posts pics like
>>325814Anisa: not me
>>316521 you dumb cunt
No. 326702
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>>326451Holy FUCK is this pathetic. "Chris' skin doesn't look gray!!"
"Something is going on… And I don't like it." "I am so angry."
>Go on this stupid ass rant about how she will kill him>Calls him several times>Can barely control the movements of her lips, like is legit upsetThis pic is when he hangs up on her. I don't know if the picture captured it well, but fuck, she looked like she was on the verge of crying, like lips and cheeks moving and looking up to dry and hold the upcoming tears.
TOP KEK ANISA. You're truly one of the guys - Just a preschooler one that doesn't know how to deal with his crush. Awww
No. 326721
>>326702i am too sensitive and feel bad for her like a retard but she should've been honest with herself
she wants the fame and fears a content cop probably
like fuck imagine breaking up with someone like idubbz he'd be out for revenge and mock her relentlessly and so would his little fans
No. 326723
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I really hope that milk comes out of this lol. I can't wait for the tantrum Anisa is going throw if Chris and Laci ever confirm their relationship.
No. 326727
>>326702this screenshot doesn't do that moment justice. everything about her screamed jealousy.
also the cringe.
No. 326735
>>326451why would you livestream this?
she legit looks like she's about to cry 90% of the time…
No. 326746
>>326735I guess her reasoning is that she hates Laci and that's why she's upset/angry/whatever.
But anyone that has eyes can tell that's actually jealousy and her raging crush on Chris.
It's kinda sad because it looks like the first ""famous"" guy that she actually ever liked and isn't just faking for fame and followers, but hey, she made her own bed.
No. 326809
>>326615Still looks kinda chubby to me.
I don't get why you guys sperg so much about few of us calling her chubby. Chill. It's not a bad thing.
No. 326815
is chubby. no one was being a sperg over people calling her chubby. people sperged because some dude said she was overweight and 160
>>323999 that's where it started. if she was overweight she would have a huge gut (and if you think she already has a big gut: FINE, but that's not what "overweight" look like at all. jesus christ for how long is thing going to keep going.
>>326615again, y'all seriously think that this is what overweight or obese looks like? like that she should go to a doctor over these because she could be in danger for her health? nah, she's flabby but still in the normal range of weight for her height.
AGAIN, she's not thin BUT she isn't unhealthy for her height either. how is that not obvious?
No. 326825
>>326815I would love to stop talking about it but people were sperging about 'chubby' too.
>>325907This post says 'chubby' and nothing about overweight.
Also chubby people can seem fat to some and average to others. I guess it depends on people around you and what you're used to.
Let's stop derailing. This would be endless.
No. 326879
>>326809bitch where? because she has a bulge in her arms? back in my day chubby meant you were chubby in most places, not just having chubby cheeks in a bulge in your arms when you move it in a certain position
>>326815 no one said she was thin, she looks average, she may have one or two features that are a tiny bit chubby but she, is in fact, not chubby
No. 326887
>>326883>trying to stop people from discussing someone>keksure chubbiness is subjective but if people get to the point of calling people who are perfectly average chubby, that's where the problem begins, and some people did claim she was overweight
it's like if we started calling 6 inch dicks small, sure it's subjective, but to act like what is average, is flawed, is in fact, a problem
No. 326888
>>326887or like when people insist fat bitches are just normal-sized and ~average~.
stop being such an american, anon. just because you're overweight and surround yourself with beasties doesn't mean -actually- normally people can't see the chunker for what she is.
No. 326891
>>326879quit sperging about shit no1cares about, it's fucking embarassing
No. 326894
>>326888erm what, I like in east canada, not america, because I don't see how a girl with a flat stomach, skinny thighs, thin hips, average sized arms but have a bulge when she moves them a certain way and chubby cheeks, is chubby, means she's chunky?
not calling a girl chunky because she has a bulge in her arm means I'm overweight and american now, despite me being 104 lbs, okay then
>>326893okay fine, since she's soooo chubby and unhealthy please tell me where she is chubby at, her stomach and thighs? her stomach looks flat and her thighs look thin, her arms? because she moved them close together and they looked a bit chubby, like most girls arms look when they move them like that? and her arms look perfectly healthy in
>>326702 some people may even consider them thin
sure you can say she has a chubby face, but that's about it, and that really doesn't mean anything because there are tons and tons of girls who have a chubby face and slim body, not saying she's thin but it's an example
No. 326902
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she's clearly not chubby or chunky, it's unhealthy to call huge bodies average yes, but it's also unhealthy to call bodies that are perfectly normal, chunky, so let's just call normal for what it is, normal, she isn't thin, or fit, but she also isn't chubby or chunky, she's normal, YOU are the problem, are you from east asia where the second a girl hits the BMI of 20 she's a big obese chunky cow and anyone who think she looks fine encourages obese lifestyles? if she gained 10 pounds, yes I would think she is chunky, but right now, she is, not in fact, chunky
No. 326907
>>326906Because you're crazy and it's not healthy to entertain the delusions of mentally unstable people.
Please seek help.
No. 326947
>>326894jfc where are the mods? Anon, go get fucking therapy for your
triggered bs. We get it, you look like Anisa and you're sperging out because people are saying your fucking twin is chubby. no1curr, go away.
No. 326953
>>326902>>326894>>326910Just stop.
I love how you say people "insult" her when calling her chubby.
No one percieves chubby as an insult but you.
And then you try to be all social justice-y like a hypocrite.
You have some problems.
No. 326967
>>326953The original upset was that anon used the word overweight, so, y'all lost the plot…
>>326956You can hear the stupid in her voice, too. She sounds like a dumb person no matter what she says. It's almost impressive. What is her big issue with Laci Green anyway? She's said some dumb shit but she's probably the least terrible SJW on youtube, especially now that she's opening communication (and fucking) people with opposing views. Anisa is so transparent. Her only problem is jealousy.
No. 326998
>>326967She's acting super jelous. No normal friend would say it's 'disturbing' and 'upsetting' that Chris hooked up with some girl and then talk about his skin.
Haha, I wonder if Ian's gonna react somehow… I doubt it though.
What I don't get is WHY would she stream her upset. Why??