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File: 1495144548458.png (18 KB, 257x190, MIL.png)

No. 315847

Mars In Libra (MIL) is a tumblr radfem known for:

- having BPD, and a whole lot of other mental illnesses
- suicide baiting, abusing and manipulating people as a coping mechanism
- "death curses" people because shes a witch
- makes violent threats towards people
- uses mental illness as a way to "excuse" those behaviours
- says anyone who practices monogamy is abusive and controlling


No. 315849

File: 1495144611309.png (52.46 KB, 945x305, death curse.png)

No. 316460

never heard of her and i've been on tumblr for about 5 years. but scrolling through her blog, i haven't seen any more "personal" posts about her bpd or any of that. provide more screenshots.

side note: did she literally take her URL from her theme's name…

No. 316476

I never thought there would be a thread about her, she's my pet cow. It should mention in the OP that she's 27, from California, and apparently has gotten fired from her last job because she cried randomly?

I don't have any screenshots but I make sure to archive her interesting posts here: http://archive.is/marsinlibra.tumblr.com

Also, I think a general thread about the crazies in the tumblr radfem community would be better. And radfem-gossip, that's a good source of milk.

No. 316669

bpd, not even once

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