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No. 319841
This is a thread for "Artsy" twitter hoes.
Let's start off with @slaylonie (pictured) who is a Bipolar BPD Polynor knockoff artist who has been recently hitting fame with her colorful au naturale body hair landing her interviews with popular media sites.'s best friends with Esme or @mycatismean who is a 18 yr old BPD polyamorous twitter hoe who posts pics of her with cum on her face and has a new "lover" every other day. She sells nudes to fund her "creative ideas" which are all knock off ideas from other artists and steals makeup to sell on Depop. No. 320636
>>320377Holy shit you're right, I didn't even notice the reviews of people not even getting their things.
Her twitters a fucking nasty mess w "i love dick" and dumb uwu mental health posts so I don't know why anyone would buy from her anyways. Feels like the shit she sells would be all sticky when you pull it out of the package, ew.
No. 320670
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>>319841does she not realize how gross her makeup looks
No. 322490
i only know the second girl, followed her because her antics and constant obsession with different the men she fucks is pretty amusing
>>320000i always wondered how she had so much shit to sell on depop? like random ass makeup, you think she lifts it?
No. 328380
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>>328292tbh it sounds like a fucking fanfic. Idk. Some Jimmy stepped out and said it seems like someone described him hanging out with Esme but added made up rape. He wrote the statement and shit, but I don't think it prooves anything? Literally any of her friends could "take the blame". Sounds like bs for me, but that makes the rape story a little more believable. Hm
I'm curious how this evolves
No. 329069
>>328380I fucking know Jimmy and he's honestly really slow and passive…he lives in his parents shed and smokes weed all day…I am not surprised he'd be taken advantage of and deny it to cover up esme because he's one of those people who tries really hard to fit in.
Also it's pretty convenient that lalonie dips out the moment esme gets in trouble. true friend right there ..
I am going to say esme is probably guilty because she hasn't made any statement on all the accusations.
No. 329072
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I thought I screenshot all of it but I guess I didn't. Basically slaylonie threw a pity party in her statement to make her seem like she's the victim. You can read some of it if you close up. Esme is a heroin addict and posted a picture of slaylonie sucking dick at age 16 I guess.
No. 329120
>>329072Kek esme is such a looney bitch.
They're both awful in this situation but I love when shitty people get exposed.
No. 406446 necroing an old thread but she just posted this video
basically explaining how she didn’t know about her underaged mentally ill friend raping people and even if she did it’s not her fault because she’s a VICTIM who is also mentally ill and was underaged.. also briefly talks about how 4chan is the source of all her misery lol
some parts are fucked up but she's not entirely innocent imo
No. 406449
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>>406446some great cringe material in here