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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 322612

Made a thread for linking to AVs (porn) that our favorite snowflakes have made. I broadened the thread to include hosts & kyabajo because not everyone uses hostlove. I'll post links to the Sere/Lorena vids so everyone can get use a similar format.

Include: a link to the AV, a name, and an IG handle and/or host2/caba2 profile link.

A good place to browse JAVs is ohyeah1080.com or FC2.

If you don't know who is in a particular video, post a link and ask!

No. 322617

No. 322620


Name: Lucas Murai

IG: @lucasmurai7

He's a former host and underwear model named Lucas. This is a gay for pay AV he did.

No. 322643

Stop trying to make a new sere thread happen! Its not going to happen…also how the fuck are the rest of these people cows? SHIT THREAD

No. 322656

It's not a Sere thread. Read the description lmao

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