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No. 326805

Essy and Terry Terata have to be the most obnoxious, fame hungry weebs I've seen in awhile. Both are roommates and for the longest time Essy made her followers believe they were dating until she finally posted a photo on her Instagram saying 'Happy 1 year Anniversary!" to a guy who she has barely mentioned (She has more photos with Terry than her own boyfriend in that whole year). I don't know if she's embarrassed since her boyfriend only has about 1,400 followers compared to her 49k. Oh and might I add that she will legit sponsor anything (ex: period panties…like seriously?) Essy is also know for being quite the fake hungry, little bitch on her early Tumblr days where she posted nonstop about herself in Japan, trying to piggyback some already well known faces in Japan.

Terry got basically famous off shameless self promo on Soompi for trying to be a 'hot ulzzang and RL animu boy' and nonstop entering ulzzang contests. He spent his Tumblr fame days crying about how his first boyfriend would break his heart and how he hasn't eaten in days/can't stop crying from the pain, yet run right back to him and return to posting sexual photos of each other. This legit went on for over a year. It was like nonstop emo posts about Anthony and how he was his first boy love. He basically screwed over his prior gf to be with Anthony so karma's a bit of a bitch for him.

So both of these two are still on their conquest for weeb fame, dying their hair every unnatural hair color there is to appear like they're straight out of an anime. Both have a track record of screwing over past friends/relationships when they no longer need them. What are your thoughts?

No. 326807

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In case you didn't believe me about literally sponsoring anything lol

No. 326810




No. 326811

Does Essy still claim to be half Japanese?

No. 326812

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No. 326813

No. 326817

Lol no she's finally admitting she's Korean.

No. 326820

I have no idea what ethnicity Terry is claiming to be. It changes every now and then lol

No. 326821

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No. 326823

He looks philipino

No. 326944

She looks like Xiaxue from her IG pics

No. 327099

She does. Never thought of that before lol. Her makeup looks tragic and both look like they're going to end up with no hair in about 10 years

No. 327107

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The irony lol

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