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No. 343084

started from the onion thread and someone brought this weird boob nazi lady, and so on


the thread where it started
we're basically making a thread so we don't OT the other thread with this ladies milk (no pun intended)

social media links


>talks about sex, turns on, etc in front of her children

>is a boob nazi
>talks about how it's "normal for a mom want to have a sexual experience with their child"
>making videos with close ups of her pubes
>basically an old boob nazi version of raw alignment
>had an on again and off again relationship with some white dude with dreads going to east asia all the time for "business"

No. 343086

Aw damn, you should have made a boob nazi general. There are quite a few prominent ones and they're all crazy.

No. 343087

oops didn't link the previous mention of her right

No. 343089

true, she seems like a complete cow though, surprised other farmers havent heard of her

No. 343093

I'm trying to make a boob nazi general rn, need someone other than her though

No. 343097

what a bout rainn florence? i havent checked in on her in about a year but she was basically having her 5yr ol live off nothing but her breast milk and like fruit/anchovies or some shit….she has some other milky shit about her

No. 343107

Why is there so many pedos on YouTube this day? What the fuck trend did Onion start?

No. 343109

boob nazi general guys

No. 343113

This woman died in a motorbike accident about a month ago. I don't think she needs her own thread.


No. 343116

still feel bad for her kids though and its not just because of their dead mom and gone dad

No. 343122

Her boyfriend, for some asinine reason, gave a detailed description of her dying(Mentions her head popping ffs), while perfectly calm when explaining that. His tears seem hella fake. She was six months pregnant, as well.

With that said, I agree about there being no need for a thread for her. We can talk about her tiddy obsession in the tiddy thread.

No. 343258

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Trigger warning: graphic images of the incident.

This is just heartbreaking. The whole situation is unreal, because of their online presence; the unfolding drama has been publicly documented. I can't help but feel like her peice of shit boyfriend is trying to profit/gain from the aftermath of her death.

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