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File: 1443186724388.jpg (47.12 KB, 497x750, 5dcd59ea6f0c8902c489f0476317d5…)

No. 36913

Trans youtuber

What do you think of her/him ?

No. 36914

>What do you think of her/him ?

Bad case of manface.

No. 36915

Cant decide if this video is ridiculous or disgusting

No. 36916

Been watching her for a few years now and she's gotten better at passing but there's something really off about her face. Not sure if it's her nose or jaw. Just screams clock me.

I find her attention seeking a bit cringeworthy like the Amanda Todd-esque video she made.

No. 36917

>I started bleeding so much! and it hurt the next time I stuck something up there! :O
Well golly gee, I wonder if that has anything to do with someone furiously sticking their dick into what is essentially an open wound???

No. 36918

She passes fairly well, but her persona is like an annoying, sassy gay friend from a badly written TV show. She should really tone that down.

No. 36919

The way he carries himself is kind of like the stereotypical homosexual caricature

No. 36920

It's how long her face is. That is something that is unfixable and upsets facial balance.

No. 36956

Looks like a straight up drag queen. And nothing will change those lack of hips.

No. 36996

annoying voice and speech patterns, but this person isn't a cow. there's no drama or scandals. literally this is just a trans person on YouTube documenting their life like thousands of other people do…
this thread is pointless.

No. 37001

The thread was in /b/, nobody specified her as a cow.

No. 37181


my bad, but it's in /snow/ now which would imply this person has snowflakey qualities, and I'm just not seeing any. being trans doesn't count.

No. 37195

She's got that long man face most Asian men would kill to have yet puts on a dress and chops her dick off.

No. 37204

Threads about specific people should go in /snow/.

No. 37304

Ignorant much?

No. 37305

I watched some of her videos after I saw this thread, and I actually find her interesting. Doesn't seem like a cow? Maybe people just wanna pick on her because she stands out.

No. 37393

I love Julie. Her personality is pretty intense, but if anything she is about the only YouTuber ive ever seen who will actually go into detail about transitioning and SRS etc. I think she is very important to a lot of kids, and she's not sugar coating anything. Watch her video about SRS.

No. 37419

Seriously. What a waste.

No. 37420

She's important to kids? How? by telling them having a mental disorder and mutilating your own body is okay?

No. 37428

I think Joules tends to be more informative instead of blatantly telling trannies to mutilate their genitals. Like in her SRS video she pretty much says that it's not really worth doing and trans people shouldn't feel the need to do it, which I think is a good thing. I like how she isn't afraid to answer questions about her experiences.

I mean, yes trans people are mentally ill and we shouldn't cater to their dysphoria by putting them under the knife, but it's a thing that's currently happening whether we like it or not, so if they have some frank guidance in the form of a trans jewtuber, great. If it stops a bunch of mtfs from chopping their dicks off (and then later de-transitioning), then it's a good thing.

No. 38527

hate 'her' voice. all of the "look at my vagina" videos are obnoxious. I guess it's for other mtf's so it doesnt matter but from the way they describe upkeeping their "neo-vagina" im not convinced that it's anything like a real one.

No. 38531

Wow, she was actually a really attractive guy.

No. 155699

I've actually met this girl in person at Pride Parade Vancouver a couple of years ago. Before that I'd see her at a mall frequently. Not only is she incredibly rude in person, but she's got a horse face and bathes on perfume.

No. 155714

Like many people on here, I personally don't agree with the whole transgender thing and don't like how mtf trannies conform to gender roles/act like a caricature of a woman, but Joules isn't so bad imo. At least he's not like Gigi who literally lies about having bottom surgery, pretends to have periods, pretends to be cis in general until it's convenient for him to be trans, and in general glorifies the whole thing.

Speaking of Gigi, would anyone be interested in a thread on him? The only forum that has an active thread on him that I know about is GuruGossiper and they all flip their shit every single time someone ~misgenders~ him or points out that he's very masculine looking irl

No. 155716

sorry for double posting but I wanted to elaborate on how he glorifies being trans but pretends to be cis at the same time. The way he glorifies it is that everyone knows he's trans but he never talks about real things involving it and acts like everything about his life is glamorous/exciting.

No. 155717

She was super hot as a guy. RIP

No. 155721

Being trans=/= a cow

Gigi on the other hand is one

No. 155750

go back to tumblr

No. 155753

Wow, didn't see a clever reply like that coming

No. 155754

What' I'm saying is that usually someone in /snow/ has to do some scummy shit, is there any milk on this person?

Did they steal someone's boyfriend? Scam fans? etc?

At the rate this thread is going it's just going to be transphobic people recycling the same shit, and is that really any different from the taylor spam threads that have been happening?

gigi darling, another mtf, has done a bunch of scummy shit including lying, sugar daddies, and gratuitous plastic surgery. Wouldn't that be a better topic to dissect?

No. 155755

well somehow he has more ass than most asian women

No. 155756

You're fucking on point about the caricature of a woman thing. I hate that shit because they all, for whatever reason, seem to shit on other woman like it's ok.


Make a thread.

No. 155771

they're just a tranny that people don't like because… well, they're a tranny. what else is new?

>manually entering the post number in your post instead of just clicking the post number you want to reply to

No. 155772

0:44 "I feel like I'm living in the wrong part of the world."

This made me chuckle.

No. 155783

File: 1468555206845.jpg (78.9 KB, 681x800, pepe.jpg)

Summertime, and the livings easy

No. 155786

lurk more newfag

No. 158122

obnoxious little shit

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