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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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File: 1503853765316.png (139.33 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2017-08-27-10-47-25…)

No. 381000

We hit the jackpot today gentlemen! For those of you unaware @indigoats on tweeter was essentially the most stereotypical femnazi, gg, tumblrina. She would go after ANYONE who was slightly in no way pc and try to ban/lecture them. Eventually the mighty Jon Crumb printed out her .avi and nutted on it giving her a mental breakdown leading her to change @. It was as funny as it sounds. low and behold we found her new base @/horrordelight and shes even more turnt, feel free to show her some love, humor to demonstrate how much we still love her.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 381001

"Feminazi" shut the fuck up. This is a site full of women, that shit doesn't fly here.

No. 381002

File: 1503854764691.png (23.89 KB, 499x349, howhardisit.png)

OP is retarded.

No. 381003


This is not reddit

No. 381005

This is embarrassing.


Most of us are women. Go back to 4chan.
>mighty Jon Crumb
just lol
Avatars are not .avi files.
>was as funny as it sounds
It doesn't sound funny.
>low and behold
It's 'lo,' and I'm not sure you know what that means.
"We" don't want you here. Delete this.

No. 381006

boy bye

No. 381007

You are confused OP, this isnt r/incel, take your fedora and your autism as you leave thanks.

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