File: 1444164122327.jpg (130.68 KB, 500x669, OP_image.jpg)

No. 39582
I didn't see a thread for Kato, so I'll share what I know:
>denies her shooping>hides her husband (Dr. Steel) in order to acquire followers/gifts/donations>promises reviews/advertisement to independent artists & then drops them as soon as their products arrive>sells poor quality clothing for high prices>uses models for shoots/erotic photos and then never pays them, photoshops them without their consentLinks: reveal post was apparently taken down by Kato's lawyer, the 'evidence' supplied in this post also seems to have disappeared via DMCA claims?), can be read via Google translate, but native speakers are welcome to provide a more accurate translation) web store)
No. 39584
File: 1444164159439.jpg (284.26 KB, 600x900, shooped1.jpg)

No. 39585
File: 1444164178086.jpg (1.56 MB, 1840x2740, shooped2.jpg)

No. 39586
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No. 39587
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No. 39588
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No. 39589
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No. 39590
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No. 39591
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No. 39592
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No. 39610
>>39605she admits to having a boob/nose job done, but I personally suspect that there's more.
the polish link has a comparison shot of her tits that's really…wack.
No. 103754
File: 1457572920952.jpg (99.12 KB, 768x944, katodivorce.jpg)

So apparently the gf's which she found and perused were his?
No. 105189
>>105184You can easily find ex-employees and ex-partners that have had serious troubles with her if you look hard enough, but from what I know; she tends to have a lot of them gagged as they don't want to get involved with attacks from her fanbase.
It's like, they're not some random people who have beef with her just because she's an "e-celeb" - it's people who have actually worked with her and have ended up being really mistreated by her and taken advantage of because of their kindness.
It's only afterwards when they realize that they were never thought of as genuine friends of hers, just disposable slave-workers who she never respected or cared for.
No. 105239
File: 1457940050444.jpg (85.99 KB, 1200x612, collage.jpg)

I would reckon she's had about fifty surgeries by now. Tiny nips and tucks and then a few big ones, like the bolted-on tits, labiaplasty, eyelid altering, etc.
No. 105318
File: 1457967371626.jpg (14.04 KB, 260x195, 6694569_f260.jpg)

>>105239There have been confirmations from those closest to her that's she's already had (at least)
>>Boob job>>Labiaplasty>>Eyelid surgery>>Nose job>>Lip fillersIt's extremely apparent that even being able to afford to modify her body and face doesn't find her solace or happiness in herself, that's why she additionally shoops the crap out of her photos.
I've heard she's has quite a small frame in person in comparison to most cosplayers, but this
>>39587 is total bullshit.
Whoever she went to for eyelid surgery has totally botched that up, she has Jocelyn Wildenstein's eyes now.
Narcissists like her will never be happy. That's why they're very prone to abusing and mistreating those around them for their own gain. The only thing keeping her going are those who appeal to her vanity, give her free stuff (including working for her for free) and making her feel more important than she could ever deserve.
She also didn't get a "lawyer" to get the PULL topic taken down, she got a few of her employees to whack some DMCA claims on there, so if she went around telling people that her (internet) "lawyer" dealt with that matter, she's a delusional liar.
…scrap that last part of the sentence actually, her whole life is a lie and I've heard that's the only thing she's really good at doing.
No. 105334
File: 1457970889091.jpg (25.9 KB, 310x600, kodona style.jpg)

Had no idea this girl was a lolcow i keep seeing her pics pop up under kodona so also didnt realise she was into steampunk (im not really knowledgable about all these fashion styles) Is this pic shopped then? Not good at picking these things up i believed she naturally looked like that (guess im easily fooled?)
No. 105351
>>105348It's obvious that
>>105239 was being hyperbolic, but it's been confirmed she's had at least five surgeries since the start of her career.
No. 105400
>>105388You're only half wrong, there have been accounts from previous lovers that Dr. Steel is an abusive cunt, but you're wrong about him sponging off Kato a'la Scrappy & Big Lottes.
Kato is a known scammer, either it being through not paying her employees to shipping poor quality/broken merchandise out to her fans and not caring about quality-control… she sponges off everyone else.
She has been photoshopping her own images ever since Rion taught her how to do at the start of her career, she's under no pressure at all to continue to do it, especially now she's divorced… she does it because she's a self-hating egomaniac who NEEDS to look perfect for her fans.
Charms used to be beautiful without plastic surgery and the obesity due to drugs, she was already rich when Scraps got with her, that's why he sponges off her and keeps her sedated for his own benefit.
Kato wasn't beautiful to begin with, also poor, she moved in with Dr. Steel and sponged off him for her own benefit and ended up getting loads of plastic surgery in an ideal image of herself.
They're two completely different people in two different situations, and their relationships are not the same as one anothers either.
No. 105421
>>103754Uhh, Kato… your ex-girlfriend begs to differ and says YOU wanted to keep the marriage private, she said that years before you've now came up with this bullshit that it was the other way around.
You also wanted your ex-girlfriends to accept him whilst being in a relationship with you, going so far as to wanting to end your relationships with them if they wouldn't fuck your ex-husband as well.
So many lies come out of this cow's mouth, it's unbelievable at times.
She would be dirt-broke if she lost all those things to him as she claims to, but she still has cash to travel to conventions all over the country and commission artists to create costumes for her.
She's either lying about her financial situation or she has a whole new collection of lapdogs working for her for free again.
No. 105442
She's with this dude now, he's member of a band. her trashiness is increasing everyday.
No. 105446
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My favorite thing about her is that she always claims to be so above all the drama surrounding her, yet she's the one who perpetuates it all.
She's such an underrated lolcow, she will forever provide milk, both fresh and curdled.
No. 105453
File: 1457985696159.png (788.03 KB, 839x541, milkduds.png)

>>105442I see the difference! Those babies on the shirt would actually be more nourished by milk provided by natural titties, than those mutant encapsulated gourds nailed to her chest.
No. 105472
>>105383Yikes! her dark heaired self looks like another person entirely. thanks for that anon. never thought she manipulated her height i guess i assumed that you can be slender and tall i wonder how tall she really is.
>>105395what is it? i heard it being talked about as a style so took it on faith it was. i dont know much about j-fashion outside this site.
No. 105480
File: 1457989678713.jpg (107.36 KB, 564x846, fc8bec865cf4d42e075019bc40578b…)

This cant be legit…can it? She doesnt appear to have this ass in her clothed pics. Giving me iggy vibes
No. 105488
>>105479The people she associates with who are more talented than her will make her costumes, just the same way as Jessica Nigri gets hers.
Whether or not they get paid by her directly for it or have to wait until she makes revenue from the photos and prints she sells are a different matter completely… maybe she pays them just through EXPOSURE! Some artists if they're dumb enough; fall for that, but it's been known that she drops advertising those more creative than her once she gets what she wants out of them.
Example being, one of her ex-girlfriends is a seamstress and craftswoman and it's not hard to make the connection there.
If you look on her 'steampunkcouture' site, you can see that Kato's own take on costume design and creation is inexplicably poor work. isn't Mori-Kei fashion in the slightest.
She's using bits of fucking tablecloths, lace curtains and your grandmother's doilies to produce nightmares.
No. 105491
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>>105472Well as you can see from the photos, her height is the easiest part of manipulating her shoops. The ones of her face are the best ones where she is completely shaving off her jawline and using the blurring/cloning tooling on her natural facial lines until she's left stuck in one expression.
No. 105500
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>>105488Yeah those were the clothes i was looking at, they are so ugly. I do like her trousers in pic related, she originally got around for being this amazing clothes maker. Would love to know who she got the trousers off.
No. 105516
>>105508Most of it went under the radar to be honest, especially for goths when a name like "vampire clothing" came up on the top of google searches from her clothing line.
The products they received were flimsy as fuck, you couldn't give them to a homeless person without feeling guilty.
As for your second question, I don't know but like other anons have said in this thread, she doesn't make her own elaborate costumes.
No. 105519
>>105513They live like that because they use normal, helpful and kind people as stepping stones with the promise that they'll make them "famous" at the same time and that they'll keep them in their lives as friends forever.
It's not even uncommon anymore, there are so many cosplayers on this site that have screwed people over for their own gain.
Making fun of how they look is a by-product of their ugly personalities.
No. 105529
>>105513You can be a model if you have a sweet and lovely face, which is what most high-end modelling agencies go for, especially eyes that smile when you genuinely smile.
It helps if you have interesting and unique features that sets you apart from the mainstreams idea of beauty too, they don't want stereotypes.
OT as hell, forgive me, but I wanted to cheer this anon up.
On with the milk!
No. 105574
>>105550Grey hair works when you actually have it.
Kato has burned her hair out to Charms levels, the point of no return.
No. 105594
>>105400Mind sharing any info you have about Dr. Steel being abusive?
Damn, this is a real shock to me that this is his ex-wife. After Dr. Steel retired from his music, I never thought I'd hear anything about him again. It's a shame it had to be something like this.
No. 105772
>>105594Well, not really because her whiteknights will be patrolling this thread for any give aways.
I'd say your best bet is to ask her ex-girlfriend models if you follow any of them.
No. 106164
>>105574Kenya makes perfect long lasting grey dye, and olaplaex is a dream. totally possible to hair silky grey hair, you just need to get in touch with a professional to either get it done or be told what products to use.
only a slight upkeep too, mainly just colored conditioner rinses, i have it currently. just clearing up a myth bc charms is lazy and stupid and can't hair.
No. 106168
File: 1458082057353.jpg (57.24 KB, 452x720, b258190c5893ca424f5cb47903ba45…)

So this is apparently her but her face looks different (from what you can see) and i know shes slim but something looks off about her whole mid section
No. 106643
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Yeah, her silicon tits have her making eye contact with her own nipples.
After she filed the only competent employees she had, all her photos leaked and there were no little Dutch boys to run around and plug the dam cracks. Now you can get all that "membership exclusive" Steamgirl content for free with a simple google search (or just head to tumblr:
Also, she's having a next-level mental breakdown. She's simultaneously trying to get pregnant and start a band with her gross beanpole of a boyfriend, and she's also going alt now - she's got a huge black tattoo around her arm like an armband, and her hair has gone blue. It really doesn't work for her and she looks like a joke.
No. 106646
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Wall-eyed nips…someone got lazy with the shooping
No. 106713
>>106709My experience is very similar to most of the professional situations I've caught wind of, but my dealings were a bit more specific, as I was among the first of the short lived employees she took advantage of. So I apologize if my descriptions are vague for fear of being outed.
I was hired under false pretenses essentially. I was coerced under the guise a false sense of friendship, so I trusted Kate's offer which promised x amount of money. After I moved for the job, I was told I would be paid far less than x amount. I made it work, while barely getting by working full time for essentially less than minimum wage, while being promised more eventual pay and a slew of other trade/collaboration like services. Some time went on, I worked very hard and enthusiastically because for a time I did really enjoy the work (which I later learned was basically equivalent to the work 6 separate employees should be doing). I became wary of Kate and her husband (actually glad to hear she got away from him) so our "friendship" slowly dissipated. I became tired and started looking for a different job, while hopeful Kate would eventually pull through on her promises, but also realizing I probably couldn't last that long financially. I found out she was planning on going through with some huge unnecessary expenditures that she was trying to hide, but when she finally admitted to them I tried to be supportive as a friend and I stuck by her despite the personal and professional betrayal. We stopped talking almost altogether and then I found out that again, they were repeating the same actions but this time letting me know they could only pay me a fraction of the already low wages we had agreed on. There's a lot of junk before, between, and after our falling out, but that's generally the gist of our interactions.
No. 106915
(Posting from my phone now)
I can think of about a dozen people I know of or know personally that this or worse has happened to off the top of my head. But by now I've lost count. I think there are really only a select few that haven't left her on bad terms, and if they stay with her it's because they're using her for her following. (Which, I'll put in my two cents - is not a very quality following. It took me years to shake off the creepers she collects.)
To the next question, her ex is abusive. He's a classic narcissist and sociopath, but he's VERY good at it. Kate is the same, but she's not as smart about it. I do believe that he's been teaching her how to be this way for maybe a decade, but she's been at it much longer than that. Her husband was one person she worshiped other than herself, and she needed the narcissistic supply and citizenship from him. Theirs is a very text book definition of narcissistic instigator/enabler. Usually, a narcissistic man with enabling tendencies will pair up with an overpowering narcissistic woman. They tended to switch back and forth between the two. He is very dangerous, more so than Kate, because he has a scary temper and is much better at hiding his illness, gas lighting, and manipulation.
Young models may be in less physical danger now that Kate's husband isn't in the picture, as I know that the two of them had "mommy and daddy" fantasies - meaning they wanted to be in a sexual relationship with a very young girl and control her. But in all honesty I think that they just gravitate toward the younger crowd because of the aesthetic (they are obsessed with youth, beauty, and health, because of some weird alien religious Sitchinist philosophy that may or may not suggest it's possible for them to live forever? I can't remember the details) BUT MOSTLY because they're naive and very pliable. So yes, young models are still in danger of being pressured, taken advantage of, and put in dangerous situations with other people that want to take advantage of them. More psychological and financial danger is what I'm getting at.
No. 106947
>>106915Thanks for posting so much about this. I wondered about the models that are with her now so I'm assuming they're on the good terms side.
>>106939Her nose is still really odd. Why doesn't she just get another nose job so she can match her shooped one?
No. 107129
>>107069I'm happy for that Chloe girl then. Was at that time when I started to dislike Kato. It was so obvius that she jumped on the mori style because it was kind of trendy and was taking advantadge of this chick (she was the one doing the clothing, right?).
>>106918Why did he forbade alcohol?
No. 109135
>>107813You're very welcome. I just want this to be a place people can find to make an informed decision about working with her. There is too much misinformation surrounding her and I think the truth is very important.
Anyway, I'm surprised at the baby comment, but based on her saying that I would assume that perhaps her new beau already has children? She tends to assimilate any man she's with - it's quite sad how little of her true identity remains. I also wouldn't be surprised if this new man was also a musician liike her ex. lol
No. 117090
>>40153man, I just started watching Steampunk'd this weekend. Such cringe. Kato was absolutely without a smidge of personality during her stint as a judge, she was basically just a pair of tits carted from episode to episode, but even knowing how she edits her photos, the difference between internet-Kato and irl-Kato was jarring. she's kind of showing her age nowadays.
…also, is it just me, or was the entire 'Steampunk'd' show kind of cringe? I love seeing competitive realitv programs, but
every challenge they completed, regardless of which team won, the finish product just looked…tacky and/or garish. There has to be a way to do steampunk tastefully, but nobody amongst the contestants seemed to be aiming for that. It was all 'put a gear on it! yeah!'
the finale made me want to punch that one dude who makde the gear-studded smoking jacket in the snout.
No. 164973
>>158883Morbid fascination is what lolcow is about. She's like CWC with a
formerly real vagina and armies of orbiting betas.
I've been digging around on Wikipedia during the course of looking for her birthday, and the lurking maintainer of her article immediately removes year-adding edits
they all claimed 1982 but were unsourced? saying that he spoke to Kato directly and she wishes to keep it private. He cites WP:BIO for this which is nonsensical and the same thing happened when she was trying to pretend she wasn't married to Dr. Steele. a 55 year old dude guards her page all day, and I'm willing to bet any other site that could get decent exposure has a similar orbiter installed.
Looking up her schools and her place of birth was also a dead end. And
>>158721 suggests that business records will also be a dead end.
I just want to know whether her visible decay is natural or due to stress and cocaine.
No. 172082
>>39582>>39582Not sure if you guys did the math or not but she was dating D Punk long before her divorce from Steel. Do some homework and check that shit out. Girl is hot to me but bat shit crazy.
Love you guys.
No. 181156
>>181126He sounds it:
"I'm looking for women in the 25-35 age range. (Though I'm open to those outside that range; What counts most to me is maturity and intelligence. Age is mostly irrelevant to me, though I usually get along better with younger people; most of my best friends are 20somethings.) Friends with benefits/fuckbuddies/whatever you want to call it - I'm not into one night stands at all . Not really looking for a relationship - but if one happens, I'm open to it."
I've never seen so much glibness and hyprocisy in such a short space. Also laughing at him thinking he looks 35 no he fucking doesnt he looks like a desperate creepy 48 yr old kek.
No. 239414
Kato drama is so under-rated. I know there's more, just more people need to come out with it. I'm still so shocked at how well
>>106643nailed it, because her and that dpunk guy are working on a "secret project" i'm 99% is a band
No. 240932
>>239414 I thought same about the band stuff.
I hated it how every so often she would post pictures of clothes she made and she would keeps saying she is working on a big thing with Draculaclothing etc. so that her designs can be sold just like the ones from 2015.
She would posts about it and even at one point she said she shipped the designs so they would be available to buy, but it has been 2 years and still nothing.
I bought one of her skirts - Brown Vex Skirt back in 2014 I think. To be fair - customer service was nice - she would reply to my e-mails very fast. She also packaged the parcel like it was a parcel from a friend so that I would avoid horrendous handling fees.
But the skirt itself… I'ts pretty but definitely not worth $200 I have spent back then. Same with aviator beanie - it's nice but it's like fancy dress cheap-y type of clothing. Hence I was really looking froward to some of her new stuff to see if anything would change after she signed a contract with Draculaclothing. Shame.
No. 283830
>>283820(I'm different from
>>283156 btw if that wasn't clear. just another curious ex fan/camgirl)
No. 284216
>>283830It has been close to a decade since I worked with her and a small team a few times, so maybe her hiring etiquette has changed, but probably not. I kept up on some of this drama until about 2013 (when things started to get kind of gross and nasty and she wasn't really a part of the fashion industry anymore anyway) and up until that point it seemed like most other women have had similar or even horrific stories about working with her. I jumped into this thread because of the talk from models, which made me feel like I needed to put my red cape on. So here we go. For me, I got a couple of barely paid gigs for streampunk couture but I needed the money after a little down time from modeling and I thought the clothes were interesting anyway. Like several other girls, I was promised quite quickly to become the new "face of SPC"… which I wasn't so sure about because my modeling book is much more commercial than alternative. But I was open to it. Anyway, I'm getting winded. Long story short, she'll tell you HOW PERFECT you are for everything, while bringing other girls down she's worked with to make you feel better, but despite your being so perfect, she'll embarrassingly Photoshop you into oblivion to the point you're nearly unrecognizable. She'll actually do your makeup to look like her and then retouch you to look like her. That alone makes it unusable for a modeling portfolio. If other people in her team fall short and are late on making something, she'll ask you to come again later for no pay, basically trying to say that the shoot you're being paid for is still going on, but there's just a several day break so that means you shouldn't get paid for an extra day. She'll hook you in by offering something great for the first shoot, but if you ask her to pay you your regular day rate for shoots after that, she'll guilt you for not being grateful for this once in a lifetime opportunity. Therefore roping you into days of free work, almost like a threat… Two of my old friends modeled for her too, I haven't touched base with them in years, but back then they said the worst part was wanting to be a part of the project and being offered trades in services instead of pay, and then never getting those trades. For example, one was offered help with a costume for a con I think, and another was offered help shooting other images to use to pad her nude portfolio with fashion. She's the queen of little pay, uncomfortable and rude comments on set, embarrassing photo manipulation, and unfulfilled promises. I do know of many girls that have worked with her once just expecting to get a little momentum in the social media aspect, when having a FB page was cool and stuff, and they were okay with ending the professional relationship after one shoot and they felt it was fair. One shoot might be fine if you want a little exposure and that's it (good luck getting her to tag you correctly) but a relationship that goes further will be detrimental to your well being and career. All of that being said, she's not the worst I've worked with or the worst I've researched. I've been working on starting a boutique modeling agency so I've had he pulse on photographers and designers coming in and out of SoCal for the past ten years. You have to be careful when shooting with ANYONE, and sometimes you just can't predict who's going to turn out shady. The sad thing about Kate is that her patterns have always been more or less the same so she's constantly leaving a wake of models behind her that need repairing. It's exhausting for people like us who are trying improve the industry. 9/10 times Kate will behave unprofessionally. You MIGHT get one of those rare 1/10 times if you're clear about expectations and stand your ground, but you might become the subject of another one of her loony smear campaigns. Be very wary, girls.
No. 309053
>>305481I think (in a way) it is mutually beneficial for them both. They both use each other. Kato is definitely his sugar momma lol.
Plus, her boytoy supports her awful drinking habits that she claims she uses to cope/ has often posted about going sober. In his most recent insta story he says that he drank half a bottle of wine (with her) + full bottle the night before, and is now drinking even more today (most likely with her).
Calling it now - she reads here and is going to post about her alcoholism, or get her friends to post about how great she is.
No. 312288
>>105334This is a great fucking outfit, though. I tried to buy the suspenders from her at the time and she hemmed and hawed about shit so I basically told her to name her price and I'd pay it.
She still turned me down, she's a lazy whore and the quality of the farmed out clothes–is it Draculina now?–is kind of shit.
No. 340798
File: 1498343708346.jpg (168.54 KB, 523x929, IMG_0809.JPG)

This embarrassing warpy ass needs to ground herself from the web. This is from her last IG post, one of the recents she likes to slap a #NORETOUCH hashtag on.
No. 340799
File: 1498343749047.jpg (89.27 KB, 750x525, IMG_0811.JPG)

>>340798#noretouch #nofilter
No. 353422
File: 1500191167156.jpg (287.11 KB, 849x504, Photos_couch.jpg)

I used to know Rion (Dr. Steel) back in the day. I don't even know if this is worth mentioning, or if it's been mentioned already in links, so I'm politely saging.
I'm not saying Kato is innocent, but she definitely wasn't alone in her skeeziness back in the day. Dr. Steel aka Rion Vernon used to do cartoon drawings under a female pseudonym because he could get more money from guys that way. This is also why he encouraged Kato to keep up the facade that they weren't married, so she would appear available to fans and that in turn would equal more revenue. He manipulated Kato hardcore, and if you look at his earlier drawings, he purposely styled her to look like his ideal pin up girl. All the surgeries she's had, he talked her into getting. I thought the labia thing was the weirdest, but he insisted because women in pornography-esque jobs make more money with an innie than an outtie. I think he said "they look cleaner", or something to that effect. Anyway, that's all I have to contribute on him. I saw people speculating on his role in all of this and figured I'd share what I knew.
No. 357909
File: 1500780023673.jpg (424.05 KB, 1136x571, f6ggNYK.jpg)

Sure, Jan.
Also ALL of this shit is or was on her amazon wishlist. Even the couches. I wasn't able to screenshot everything, but I don't think I need to.
I didn't want to clutter the images with arrows so for the objects are hard to see:
1.)Succulent plants and incense burner are on the table to the left
2.) Octopus pillow is on the right couch
3.) shadowboxes are on the right side of the wall.
No. 367196
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No. 372292
>>367196>level 33did she just finally state her real age.
this is new.
No. 374401
File: 1503015957536.jpg (105.38 KB, 450x338, SB1Z6mS.jpg)

I find her pre-steamgirl era to be actually quite endearing.
No. 374404
File: 1503016202243.jpg (72.71 KB, 600x800, wfqLfy7.jpg)

Sage'd incoming pic drop. 1/??
No. 374406
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No. 374407
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No. 374408
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No. 374410
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No. 374412
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No. 374413
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No. 374414
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She's just a regular girl tbh.
No. 374415
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No. 374417
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No. 374418
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No. 374419
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No. 374420
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No. 374421
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No. 374422
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No. 374424
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spoiler for boobies
No. 374425
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also spoiler for boobies
No. 374426
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*Bonus pic
Sorry for the spam y'all. Might drop some more pictures later. I honestly find her adorable in all of these.
She was born in 1975. I'm not sure why she continuously lies about her age though. Even without the photoshop, she looks normal for 42.
No. 374440
She actually looks really pretty here
>>374408 but then you look at
>>374412 and it's…yikes.
Either way dark hair suited her so much better.
No. 395692
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Found this thread searching for more info about her after I saw her fucking bitchy pretentious comments about crowdfunding. After buying her a handful of things from her Amazon wishlist awhile back and receiving some nice unexpected photos in return I actually considered signing up for her Patreon but after seeing this shitty hypocrite attitude I'm not going to bother. Thanks for all the info now I know better
- gullible bastard
No. 709152
Been following this thread for a couple of years, mostly out of boredom and having found it after reading the blog by Kato's ex-girlfriend. I think I was Googling Kato because I had gone off her after she started the porn and the joke 'mori girl' page. She also started coming across as more and more narcissistic, I thought her surgery had gone too far and it had occurred to me that her photos were blatantly photoshopped.
I first knew about Kato when I 'friended' her on Myspace back in 2007 because I found creative entrepreneurs - at least that's what she was purporting to be - and alternative fashion styles interesting. I'm surprised no one was aware that she was married to Dr Steel because back then it was not admitted outright but very obvious from her Myspace page. Her bio said that she was a full-time PA (obviously to Dr Steel because most of her Myspace was about promoting Toy Soldiers) and in her top friends she had both Dr Steele and his artist alter ego. Part of her bio said words to the effect of "In my top friends are" and she listed each one of the five by stating "one [whatever they were in relation to her]", one of which was referred to as "one soul mate" and I believe I recall her relationship status was "married". It was also obvious that she must be married because she stated on her Mysoace page that she left her home in the UK to start up her fashion line in the US which must have required her having to marry to gain US citezenship, seeing as Dr Steel seemed to be her "soul mate". At the time she was just starting her Steampunk Couture line. I also remember random people on Myspace stealing her image and using her photos as profile pics because she looked natural back then and was reasonably pretty. It must only have been after she gained a big following that she tried to cover up her relationship status, hoping that all her followers were new or had bad memories! Back in 2008 she even featured a photo of me in one of her Myspace albums as I had modelled in a steampunk themed photoshoot and she had offered to feature photos of Steampunk girls on her Myspace (that they had submitted themselves). I was interested in fame back then so submitted my pics but I'm a different person now lol! I also found Steampunk interesting at the time but I find the style tacky and horrendous now! She posted my photo in her album and commented, asking me what brand my boots were. I didn't reply because they were non-brand boots that I bought from a Chinese Ebay shop, that were sold by many Chinese Ebay sellers and I was a bit stunned that she asked as black platform boots are very easy to find on eBay. The very pair popped up immediately from multiple sellers every time you searched for "black platform boots"! I couldn't really find a polite way to reply!
Anyway, on her Myspace page, she always stated she was born on 16th September 1982. I was quite impressed by what she had achieved at her age (or what she had claimed to achieve) as she was 3 years younger than me. I also found her interesting because her birthday was close to mine and she was from North Wales where I was living at the time.
Some interesting points about her online image and her IRL image: I remember her having a modelling profile so that people could book her for modelling work (even though she doesn't identify as a mmodel!). It had her measurements, stating her waist was 23". I then remember her later posting on Facebook that she was selling some of her old clothes on EBay (having read this thread and other things about her, I expect it was because she really needed some income!). None of the clothes were particularly alternative or Steampunk but I remember her selling a pair of black bellbottom jeans and there was a photo of her wearing them as part of a photoshoot. They seemed to fit her well. The measurements of the trousers were in the EBay listing and the waist measurement was 26". It wasn't a case of her losing weight after that photoshoot, either, because she was already shooping her waist in her old Toy Soldiers photos which were apparently older than the pic of her in the jeans. I remember people commenting on her Toy Soldiers pics about her "long, thin waist".
Anyway, I don't know Kato personally but thought I would contribute observations I made about her 11 years ago as no one else seems to have picked up on what I did back then.(read the rules)
No. 758969
Kato seemed to have the potential to be quite a cow, but nothing really came of it after the ex gf stuff, which surprises me.
No. 795566
Coming upon this thread makes me SO glad I didn’t end up modeling for her when I had a chance just before she launched Steamgirl. The idea of someone like her having control over sensitive pictures is terrifying.
I still follow her because, as many of you have mentioned, she’s a fascinating person for all of her issues. The whole band thing just sticks out to me as incredibly weird. She and the dude she’s dating/in the band with started a Patreon and recorded a video begging for money from people and promising meet and greets, cool merch, early access to music, special entry to shows, and more depending on the payment their when they hadn’t even released a single song yet. It was bonkers to me that’s where her headspace is… “fund us while we figure out how to create music, even though you have no way of knowing if it’s going to be any good.” The sense of self-importance is astonishing.
A couple months ago when they released a new single, she posted a clip of the song to the band Instagram page with a caption that said something like “wrote this about a bitch that betrayed me this year.” I think the caption has since been changed because I can’t find it anymore (was going to upload a picture), but I remember thinking that sounds so cliche and weirdly bitter.
After a while if it seems like people keep “betraying you” left and right, maybe you’re the problem?
No. 803312
>>795566>>803279Yeah she seems to go to phases of being the best-est of friends with people and then 6 months later it is like nothing happened. I have seen Genevieve give her shout outs every once in a while. Rin and her still work under her parent company but never ever speak of her.
She also seems to have a beef with ex-model/photographer @ gypsy_ayria
Anyone have milk?
No. 919857
>>919809>>919810Well don't tease!
Can you spill?
No. 920991
>>919857Long story short, Arya (gypsy_arta) was paid, for most of her work, but not much. She shot a ton of European models and recruited them on her own time for Kato. Models were not paid. After Arya experienced some shady treatment by Kato, she quit shooting for steamgirl. She said she was tired of Kato photoshopping her photos and models even more to look like her. Arya was tired of also being asked to drastically photoshop her models (even Kato asking her to change their genitalia to look more like hers). After this, Kato told some of the models Arya recruited for steamgirl and shot that Kato had paid Arya enough so that she should have paid the models out of her earnings. Trying to put the models against her.
Later when Arya tried to publish a nude art book with a few steamgirl photos she had taken in it (with the models permission) Kato harassed and threatened to sue her.
No. 921952
>>921436>>921436From what I understand she barely broke even, and assumed Kato was paying models separately.
In hindsight, most people who’ve worked with Kato feel pretty stupid after agreeing to or tolerating unfair/unethical business treatment. She’s the queen of fake promises.
No. 1115820
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Looks like gen finally came out with some deets
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More people claiming she never paid them