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No. 408303
Last Thread:
>>326814Instagram: website: fan page: Accounts -
>Both Libera and Bravo seem to have kicked Kooter to the curb for good.>She recently made a guest appearance on the Japanese talk show 有吉反省会 (Ariyoshi Hanseikai), looking nearly as awful as she did in the FITs commercials. Japanese Twitter and GirlsChannel rip her a new one as a result.>In her interview she showcases her fucking disgusting eating habits and how she ~*never expected to be called a barbie*~ and ~*never thought that she was anything special.*~>To the excitement of literally no one at this point, she suddenly decided to upload her first YouTube video in over nine months:>Dakota's bitterness towards girl's who she thinks stand any chance of stealing her shine still hasn't died down. Two girls have come forward over being blocked by her. >The first is an Australian model in Japan who goes by Keirashley on Twitter. She was blocked for tweeting to Dakota how surprised she was about how different she looked in her appearance on Ariyoshi Hanseikai compared to her photos. Shortly afterward she was viciously attacked on Twitter by a mysterious account, totally unaffiliated with the Ostrengas.>The second is some cutesy style blogger, amber_kohaku_chan on Instagram, who had discovered that she had been blocked out of nowhere by Dakota despite having no prior interactions with her. No. 408350
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>>408313Problem, anon?
Sage for garbage meme
No. 408475
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>>408442Wow anon! I can really see the resemblance!
No. 408543
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>>408540Every time you bufoons don't sage, you make Koots cry.
No. 408545
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Some newer stuff she's done.
These always look nicer because her hair is done differently. It makes a difference.
No. 408547
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No. 408548
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This color suits her. Her sister looks better with darker hair too.
No. 408551
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This pose is weird.
No. 408552
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She would look cute as hell with short hair.
No. 408553
>>408543Every time I see a picture of her face it just hits home how bad she looks with no makeup on. Her blue eyes would look more stunning if she just put on some damn mascara and eyeliner.
>>408545>>408547Dem cankles
No. 408555
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I can't believe I'm saying this, but her modeling has gotten a bit better.
She actually poses and moves her face, instead of the uncanny valley doll look she constantly had. (picture unrelated)
No. 408558
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>>408556Yes, it's easy to tell because each image makes her look so different. It's hard to consistently shoop the image she's trying to create from all different angles.
No. 408559
File: 1508810686405.jpg (168.42 KB, 644x354, 1507435780346.jpg)

Felt the need to repost this lovely comparison.
( someone should post it to girls channel … )
No. 408563
>>408559OH HELL. How could anyone ever think the pic on the left isn't shopped. Not even in comparison to unshooped pictures, but just looking at it outright, she did such an awful job.
>>408555She makes the same face and victory hand pose in every picture she takes with another person and puts instagram.
No. 408581
File: 1508813298477.jpg (241 KB, 598x395, kootshair.jpg)

>>408543>>408560>>408573more than anything, it's the long, limp, and greasy bog witch hair that ages and ruins kooter the most.
both the ostrenga's had hair (and styles) during their myspace scene phases that suited them so much more than the sad, single-layer Amish hair they're both trying and failing to pull off now.
No. 408616
>>408350holy fuck I lold thanks anon
>>408540well damn, good for her. that’s pretty cool.
>>408573This looks like her old MySpace photos but yeah it does look better than wtf she’s doing now
No. 408642
>>408545>>408547This shoop is buck wild and yet they couldn't give her ankles.
>>408555That face mask and sucking in her cheeks won't even hide her chin…
No. 408663
File: 1508825932965.gif (1.41 MB, 800x800, 160721_Focal-Length-Test_DSC81…)

If anons are interested, I can point out a few things she's doing in her recent video to make her face look completely different.
First off, it's filmed very close up with a short focal length lens (i'm going to say very short, like 16mm. For an accurate depiction of what the face looks like to the naked eye, most photographers agree that either 35mm or 50mm is the best). You can tell by the fact that only her face is in focus, and anything from her ears back is blurry. Short focal lengths distort the face, making it look narrower while making features look larger, like pic related.
She's also used the freeze mask and face tracking tools in AE to distort her chin and eyes, and possibly her lips. You can tell because any time her hand crosses in front of these areas, there's a blurred/ pixellated region that forms in between them. AE has improved vastly from when she first started, but there are still some telltale signs you can look for. It likely takes her months to upload these videos because she has to manually edit every single frame to make sure there are no gaps in the effect.
I would sage this for photog sperging but I think it's actually relevant.
No. 408680
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>>408663>>408673Photoganon again. I forgot to mention in my previous comment that she also definitely used a skin smoothing filter in AE…you can see whenever she touches her face that some of the blur spreads onto her nails. She's also probably squashed the video vertically to make her head look so much shorter, which only works because it's so close up.
I can't believe anyone would look at these two videos and think this is the same person.
No. 408685
>>408680She looks like such an ugly little gremlin in her most recent vid
Even mass amounts of video trickery can't make her look cute, youthful and healthy
No. 408686
File: 1508830166759.jpg (198.16 KB, 1019x494, nails.jpg)

>>408680Here are a few examples of her fingers/fingernails melting into her skin because of the face smoothing filter.
Another giveaway is that the video is only in 720p, which is the highest resolution she's ever uploaded a video in, despite posting much higher-res photos and the fact that every single smartphone has 1080p video capability nowadays. It's easier to hide the editing in a lower-res video.
No. 408695
>>408691Yep, she distorted the entire video. It's easy to do in most editing programs and that's why her face looks so squished.
While most people understand that you can easily edit photos on your phone, the majority have never even dabbled in video and are clueless about it. I still hear people say things like "you can't photoshop video" when that couldn't be farther from the truth.
No. 408717
>>408663>>408680>>408695Thank you, photoganon, for these ELI5 posts. I find them very helpful and interesting. Just wanted to let you know that.
No. 408742
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>>408558This one is hilarious.
No. 408752
>>408543Girl needs bangs and some makeup. This so-called "fresh faced" look makes her look so old. Was she always this potato-faced and lumpy? Looks like mashed potatoes.
>>408559RIP Dakota. She is unrecognizable and now looks like someone's aunt.
No. 408774
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>>408752Well at least does have bangs again. She's definitely aged but the bangs help soften up her face a bit so I'm glad to see them back finally.
No. 408780
>>408774Wasn't that video still edited or at least sent through a filter. I mean her face is like half it's length, her chin is tiny, her eyes are huge and widely spaced. I mean isn't
>>408559 what she looks like now?
No. 408940
>>408918fuck now that you mention it, she totally does
like a mom of your friend who works on the marketplace kek
some nice soviet style headscarf would suit her and mask that balding
No. 409263
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>>408918oh you’ve probably inadvertently complimented her, anon. she used to desperately emulate and shoop herself to look like russian and models like Vlada Roslyakova (pic related)
come to think to it, she was looking up to and copying the “porcelain doll-faced” models of the mid and early 2000’s for quite a while. not even the living doll thing was original.
No. 409445
>>408663Thanks AE anon, she def uses motion tracking in her vids since the dawn of time and it flubs whenever she moves a certain way. That's why the old ones were stiff non-movement videos, just like her gifs.
Just imagining how much fuckery it would take to get this frond looking thing with one eye higher than the other
>>408559 to the bottom left image at
>>408680 is mindblowing.
No. 409518
File: 1509000872426.png (485.3 KB, 2967x1278, 2017-10-26 03_31_02-Search Res…)

look what came up when looking for taylor
top kek
No. 409576
>>409574Woops, meant to quote
>>409532But adding to that, I think it’s interesting that YouTube disabled viewable tags back in
August 2012. Convenient for Dakota, eh?
No. 409709
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New pic..
>>409518Use to be able to just go to View > Developer > View source on my mac to see the tags, but either Youtube changed that or she didn't put any tags on her most recent video.
No. 409957
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>>409709She missed a spot
No. 410128
>>409709So funny how she tries to frame her meaty jowls with her hair and hand poses all the time
Oh and you know the leftover fucking photoshop fragment on her neck there
No. 410492
>>410488>>410487Don't reply. Just report them and move on.
>>409957Is that photoshop? Looks like it could have been a crease in her neck from one of her tacky necklaces or something.
No. 410624
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>>410496was that suppossed to be a joke
No. 410625
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>>410624i mean the resemblance is uncanny
[pic related from last thread]
No. 411332
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a very strong jaw is not a bad thing, but it's extremely mature and looks best with western makeup (no cute/youthful/kawaii). that's why she looks so "old" without editing. forcing a youthful look on a person with mature features will just make them look older.
No. 411374
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New pic.
I wonder if it ever gets frustrating to take the pic > upload on computer > photoshop > re-upload on phone > post to IG.
I honestly don't feel like all her photos are edited by phone apps, atleast not with Kota's shitty vision. Plus it'd be to hard not to screw up hardcore when you're changing that much detail on your face.
No. 411386
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Sorry for samefagging fam. I made some comparisons.
No. 411426
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>>411404she used to hide her jaw with her hair back in the first candids. otherwise her jaw looked the same
No. 411443
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>>411404Most didn't make fun of her jaw, but rather made fun of her chin that constantly wiggled or changed back then. Currently now though, her jaw has gotten beefy from weight gain and age.
No. 411450
>>411443>her jaw has gotten beefy from weight gain and really hasn't.. when are people going to understand that's her actual jaw bone. it's not beefy, it's bulky. this right here
>>408559 is all bone. even if she lost weight, her face would never look angular.
No. 411492
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Hmm, she really could make a career out of shop videos. Like people send their pics in and show goes to town on them.
No. 411493
*SHE not show..
No. 411499
>>411374i like this shoop tbh.
at least its not wonky cell phone quality
No. 411501
>>411492I think some other anon said this in the last thread, but she would never do that. It would take all the attention off of her fake dolly-ness, and she's probably too vain to want anybody else to look good.
>>411374I agree. Even using all of the new features on Meitu, it'd be incredibly hard to change your physical features the way that she manages to. All you can really do with the phone apps in terms of changing your face in make your nose smaller, eyes bigger and jaw smaller. She manages to do all of this magic shit with photoshop.
No. 411505
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Why does Dakota even bother making makeup videos anymore? As if anyone wants to watch her basic ass self put on basic ass makeup. There's a million beauty bloggers with far, far better and more relevant makeup skills, and are much more likeable and honest personalities. Nikkie for instance never lies about her appearance and is upfront about her makeup and cosmetic surgery like lip injections. And she's more famous than Dakota the fat slobby laughing stock will ever be. She's just one of many who are much more successful and living their best life.
Hope you keep wallowing in your irrelevant mediocrity Dakota you nasty little gremlin of a person.
No. 411508
>>411505sage for ot but not everybody LIKES this style of instagram makeup thats so in style atm anon. youtube has niches.
not everybody who wears makeup wants to be doing MUA photoshoot-ready faces. some people want casual, practical makeup.
some people just like watching cute girls do cute stuff
No. 411513
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>>411508>dakota>cuteLmao even AE can't save her
No. 411605
>>411374I think she used to try. There’s a couple of really wonky ones out there where her eyes bug straight out of her face. I think she got lazy for a while but when she saw how she was losing what little internet presence she has left, went back to the computer.
I bet she lives with a constant worry about being exposed in a lie. She knows she can somewhat lie in Japan, and culturally, most people will be polite to her, even though she’s a total fraud to anyone with eyes. Her recent lie about how she “had to present as Barbie, (thus the extreme photoshopping) even though she never asked for it!” Would be shredded to pieces in any English speaking country. She’s lucky she can somehow stay in Japan all of this time, but eventually her looks won’t be enough. She better invest in talent or personality, her looks and stick are definitely waning.
No. 411645
>>411508Cute? Anon, please. Maybe in her shitty photoshopped pictures. I think what
>>411505 was trying to say is that there are far more relevant beauty gurus that can do the same style of makeup, and on top of that, are charismatic on camera and have something to offer. Although, using Nikkie was a very, very bad example.
No. 411720
>>411645I like Nikkie, even if I'd never wear her style of makeup myself her vids are fun to watch and she has a positive attitude.
But the bitch won a Teen Choice Award. Dakota is nothing compared to her nor any of the other popular makeup gurus, in any style of makeup. Dakota is so irrelevant she has to spend money buying views and likes and she always turns off comments and ratings on Youtube where she can't control them lmao.
No. 411874
>>411749She couldn’t go back to that if she had to, she’s too fat and she’s aged too much.
No. 411894
File: 1509368587069.png (259.85 KB, 932x396, Screen Shot 2017-10-30 at 9.01…)

New post.
Its a video, and I'll be shocked if she keeps it up because you can see how chunky she is.
No. 411960
>>411894>>411902She’s using Snow again, and it doesn’t make anything skinny but your chin/face.
I’m pretty shocked she put this up too.
No. 412016
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>>411967Hasn’t she been saying that since the beginning though?
No. 412070
>>412059Did she say she's dying her hair ?
I almost hope not since I don't think her hair can take anymore damage.
No. 412171
>>411374She looks like that one actress. Chloe something.
Is she trying to moroh into her now.
Its funny cuz Kota could be cute if she wasnt eating like a pig and keot herself up.
No. 412199
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>>412171Chloe Moretz? I don't think so. It's so damn weird looking at her in comparison to people around her age. It really drives home how unfortunately old she looks.
No. 412213
>>412016She may have said it, but it was completely evident that was not the case, as referenced by her video tags in the beginning. A lot of us were present for that and remember that.
It was also obvious she was throwing everything at the wall and waiting for anything to stick. And the "real Barbie" Japan train called and she got on the first chance she got.
I legit wish for her to just be who she really is. Her and her sister both would benefit greatly from just being themselves at this point. No point in trying to hide behind this ethereal empath innocent facade anymore.
No. 412214
>>412213I went looking for the caps on PULL but of course the tinypic links to the pic are broken. Somebody must have them somewhere, I find it hard to believe that the Ostrengas are this good at censoring the internet when even the
government isn’t. Imagine having to constantly live in fear of your blatant lies popping up on some obscure corner of the internet when you least expect it, just because you want to truck people into thinking you’re something you’re not.
No. 412221
>>412199>>412193Yes her. Kota's edited pics remind me of her a bit.
But i know she could never hope to look like her. Chole has looked the same for years like het facial struture was set from birth. I can still picture her in aimtyville horror and her now.
No. 412424
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Look like we might not get to see that Halloween make she teased until it goes through PS-AE, which might take a few days. She must be busy editing now though, she got online to squeeze out a last minute happy Halloween tweet right around midnight. Also, she updated all her bios from “American model based in Tokyo” to just “model” in katakana. Weird?
Also this guy corrected her kanji and didn’t get deleted/blocked, AND got a nice reply. Color me impressed.
No. 413754
File: 1509658955977.jpeg (158.86 KB, 1200x900, DNo4GDfVoAAXQwS.jpeg)

New photo from Twitter.
No. 413780
>>413754>the wall all around her head, hands and arm>the sweater all around her neck>the boob areaThere's probably more shoop but the wall and sweater having a visible grain makes it too obvious.
You know bitch's head is twice the size of the lady beside her.
No. 413790
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>>413786nono, i mean there's a
perfect rectangular cut around her hand, like it was cropped out and put back ??
No. 413820
File: 1509666530449.jpeg (55.98 KB, 581x590, CFD86472-04A0-4FA2-80C0-623E00…)

>>413754hahaha wow this is some of her sloppiest shooping
No. 414174
File: 1509716389076.png (526.14 KB, 605x449, Screen Shot 2017-11-03 at 9.36…)

HI DAKOTA !!!! I C U Lurking .
I love how you guys harp on how poorly that picture was edited, so now she took it down and uploaded a new one.
No. 414180
>>414174Kek I'm screaming
She looks like a shitty yaoi character
No. 414192
>>414179How does one upload a picture so blurry and shitty and not realize immediately before even posting ? Or realize its shittyness while still editing it.
I'm going to take a guess that this was a meitu/phone edit thus the shit low quality compared to other pics.
No. 414194
>>414174Dumb lying liar who always puts shit in front of her jowls to hide them.
Her shooping used to be fucking amazing what happened?
No. 414195
File: 1509718268950.jpg (128.39 KB, 1060x812, 1509716389076.jpg)

is this a strand of hair or did she draw a dark line from her jaw to her neck?
No. 414360
>>414354Imo she noticed her career was going nowhere even when she shooped everything carefully (she'd make dumb mistakes before like shooping out her ears but it's be more meticulously done) so she might as well say fuck it and take 5min to shoop some pics.
Pretty sure every company knows how much of a terrible chunky liar she is so she's only shooping her face for the hell of it and her insta aesthetic, it's not like her fans are gonna notice it anyway, or even care.
No. 414364
>>414354Except that the way she shoops herself now is pretty on par with a lot of east asian shoopers. It's looks bizarre but some people still seem to believe and tout her abortion shoops as being kawaii.
She adjusts her shoops to match what she is into at the time. She always has. She shooped to look like Vlada Roslyakova, then a literal doll (her best shoops), then a mixed Japanese girl, then copied the same style of editing as her Popteen counterparts, and now she is into this weird style of editing that I've seen from other JP girls on twitter.
No. 414394
>>414354I personally don't think she has body dysmorphia. That's a pretty extreme thing to assume. There are many girls in the whole kawaii-insta community that shoop themselves just like she does, changing their features drastically, and it's not because they have dysmorphia (although I'm not ruling out that some of them might), but it seems to be more just for the aesthetic of it, and to appear as something she's not.
Depression is another thing, it's possible that maybe she does, giving how she's becoming more and more irrelevant, but that's just tinfoiling and it's also possible she's just a lazy fuck. Saged
No. 414398
File: 1509738614409.jpg (98.49 KB, 500x723, e413a4b942dffcacb15d4bdc6729ed…)

>>414354>a very severe case of body dysmorphiayes.. she set unrealistic beauty standards for herself by getting the reputation of being a "real barbie" when she wasn't. it's impossible to live up to that, so it can only make her increasingly insecure about her true self the more she tries to keep it up. it explains perfectly why her edits have been getting less and less human. she didn't use to be so insecure about her jaw or anything before all of this. she didn't mind uploading this back then
No. 414417
>>414394Agree. it's not body dysmorphia, and tbh I think she doesn't care about what people say here or PULL about her body and edited pictures. Years and years of doing whatever she wants to her pictures, it's consistent, she doesn't care.
I think the only things she cares about are the gossips about her age, that's why she has her birthday and age on all her social media sites and made the video with her passport.
(It's a legit passport tho, the last 2 numbers are bigger in all passports, just google it, my passport is like that too. Also, The police reports are FULL of mistakes. for example, the birth date and the age they wrote doesn't match, check and do the math. It also says Kiki has brown eyes and they mispelled her name. So it's not a document you can trust. Another detective in PULL posted even more evidence recently that supports her claims)
So yeah, it's all that evidence vs. a total stranger saying she
remembers that Dakota said she was older.
The other thing that I think she hates are the gossips about her relationship with her family. Every time I see tinfoils about it, they post a lot of pictures together and often talk to each other in public.
No. 414432
>>414418Yes! that's the detective I was talking about. That was crazy, but necessary. Nice detective skills.
They have a big brother, Kiki has his picture, so that obituary proves it. They have another picture when Kiki is already a big kid and Dakota still looks like a baby, definitely not one year apart.
Dakota IS 22. (1995/09/19) No. 414498
>>414432Tbh I think it’s funnier that she’s only 22, especially given how rough she looks these days without shoop and generous lighting and mattifying powder. Hell, even if she
was 24, she’d still be a rough 24. She looks worse than Kiki.
No. 414521
File: 1509747555634.png (349.8 KB, 552x456, Screen Shot 2017-11-03 at 6.14…)

new fits pic.
I'm surprised they even bother releasing anymore pictures of her. Even the best pictures don't look good.
I wonder how bad these pictures really looked before they touched them up ?
No. 414522
File: 1509747579212.jpeg (58.52 KB, 1280x720, 240F1641-6235-4C5E-88AF-4A19BF…)

She really needs to go back to makeup looks like this. Ngl I would have thought this pic was a huge photoshopped distaster back then but now when I see it I do think this is what made her Barbie/doll-like. I really do wish she could sit down and realise what she is turning herself into when she modifies all her edited photos like the way she does.
No. 414673
>>414522>omg I wish she would go back to 2012 makeup/style!!!1Even if she tried to recreate this exact look, it would still be a hot mess. You have to remember,
she never looked like that. Dakota’s photobook and debut interview are what her livin doll makeup looked like without the photoshop and after effects. Dakota could never have made it without either of those, and the fact that her career has been sputtering along these last few years proves that. If her actual face and personality were good enough for her to be a ~toppu moderu~ then she wouldn’t feel so ~forced~ to upload her “kira kira shashin” and she could actually go out and be a normal girl.
No. 414798
>>414508They both look old and used up tbh. If they look this bad at 20 something, they will be full cathy in a few years.
>>414606>>414533Kek, really does have that anime con feeling. Especially with the "I don't need makeup" look many weebs have.
No. 414810
File: 1509771619417.png (579.18 KB, 494x784, Untitled.png)

>>414398Ah the good old alien forehead days.
Her jaws weren't that meaty yet tho so she didn't have to shoop them.
No. 414905
File: 1509797865992.jpg (76.1 KB, 550x880, Kotakotirealface.jpg.jpg)

>>414821It's shooped to hell, her true form was kinda like this..
No. 414918
>>414905How old was she there? Her hair is already so
damaged, yikes.
No. 415991
File: 1509894109517.png (142.33 KB, 333x308, Screen Shot 2017-11-05 at 9.59…)

>>415909Different anon.
Those images were shooped back then, the only thing is that she didn't concentrate on her face she put all the effort into making herself a skeleton.
I wonder what would have came to be if she never went over board with photoshop and left her face to be. Those earlier images weren't too bad minus the terrible body shoop.
No. 416587
>>414905Dakota is pretty. And it’s stupid to think all of the companies she had work with photoshop her photos to make her look like in her videos.
>Reee she’s famous only because she photoshopped her pictures!1!1 Do you think it’s that easy? Why don’t you photoshop your pictures and become a model in Japan then? Do you really believe her manager saw her irl and said : “oh she’s fugly without ps, but I already paid her plane ticket so there’s no option but to lie everyone and all these brands and ask them to shop her face to make her look pretty because she’s ugly”
They could fucking find someone else if she looked that ugly irl, but they liked her for a reason, she’s pretty, get over it.
No. 416605
>>416602And here we go with the tinfoils…
sigh Annoying af
No. 416626
>>416515Beauty apps = edition , Anon.
That’s why they say it’s beauty apps and lighting. Some beauty apps can actually make everything PS does but the quality isn’t the same, so it ends up looking weird if you check it closer.
Instagram is the world of ilusions and delusions, I don’t know why someone can take whatever is posted there seriously.
Dakota isn’t a regular poster and everyone knows it’s edited somehow, why is it still relevant to you after all these years? She does whatever she wants though
No. 416649
>>416587The reason her manager didn’t turn her away was because she went viral.
They wanted to cash in on her viral fame.
No. 416684
>>416649Nah Magibon went viral. Where’s she?
A lot of people go viral and don’t get contracts or a job just for going viral.
The reasons why she ain’t that active anymore is in my opinion very simple
1. Dolly trend, the reason why she was known for, is no longer a thing.
2. She’s an adult now
3. She gained some weight and completely changed her style.
She’s seems to be more into tv and tarento work than modeling so probably she doesn’t care that much about her weight, however, yes, it probably had some kind of negative impact but, everyone has lows and highs, your physical appearance is something you can always change. She can lose weight.
>>416651It’s on topic so no.
No. 416797
>>416769It’s a tinfoil if you are all paranoid and say
>Hi Kiki >Hi Cathy Every time someone disagrees or criticizes your post about Dakota. Sit down.
No. 416835
>>416775It’s true tho..
>>416811Witchhunt and nitpicking central.. Dakota’s, Taylor’s, Ahri’s thread were saged for a reason…
No. 416925
>>416684Pretty certain magibon went viral and got a job in Japan. You know… Same shit as Dakota.
Think she outgrew her viral look and settled down with family now. (other anons please correct if I am wrong)
So saying it wasn't the whole viral thing that got Dakota a job is bullshit. Using Magibon as an example is even worse. She did a better job than Dakota.
No. 416936
>>416684Clearly you're not educated about Magibon lore.
She was in playboy for fucks sake.
Also, a couple of years ago I watched a video where she was doing reviews (a camera I believe) for some company.
No. 417043
File: 1510063447733.png (593.45 KB, 455x633, Screen Shot 2017-11-07 at 8.39…)

Holy poop shoot guys …
Do you really gotta recycle the same old argument from 2012 ?
She was 16 and didn't have as high requirements as adult models did. Half the Popteen girls looked like shit too. There are a lot of random weebs who get catalog modelling gigs just like Kota did. Kota was signed to a bunch of gigs before they even knew what she looked like, but they went fine as she was only required to look cute of the sort. She wasn't hideous when she was a teen, but come mid 2015-early 2016 shit started hitting the fan. ( weight gain and aging )
This picture was when she was younger and she wasn't fat nor ott ugly. She use to be able to pull off the cute look. Bravo kept her because they probably actually liked her and could see some semblance of potential.
I refuse to believe that Kota is some powerful weeb that could bend the will of a huge modelling agency.
No. 417044
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Kota updated her IG yesterday, but I see no one posted them so I will.
No. 417047
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>>417044She also posted a video.. But I have no idea how to post the actual IG video on here.
( screen shot )
Said something about a meeting .. ? So I take it she's still trying to get modelling gigs/agency.
No. 417065
File: 1510065519690.jpg (8.87 KB, 173x241, MagibonTrolld2.jpg)

>>416684magibon wasn't cute outside of her angles. She stil had some gigs in Japan. Counting down time on a big somewhere downtown tokyo, several appearances on TV together with a translator… it just didn't work out - but they tried.
No. 417066
>>417044I have that same sweater, it's from H & M in the men's section…. I found it on the sale rack on september 31st, it was like $14.
Saged for useless information
No. 417070
>>416797yep. it's barely even worth shutting these bitches up when they go off their rocker because they don't even have a real response, they say "hi cathy" and think they won the argument. nice try jelly, you didn't.
>>417065imo magibon's teeth where the sole problem, not her whole face. she had a major expose tho very much like the one that blew up /cgl/ when Dakota first went on TV, but I think she was a much weaker person and she let it get to her, so she practically went into hiding. She was also really older, nearly 30. She did do a few guavare (whatever you call it) for magazines, which I think was one of PT's dreams~
No. 417189
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>>417070I couldn't have said it better. It's better to stay factual.
>>416936>Not educated about Magibon>Magibon was in PlayboyOk.
>>417075She looks normal in many pictures and videos
>b-but she edited her videos!!! Pop teen edited everything too! No, they didn't. You can see in this picture normal expression lines, look at her cheeks, nose, etc. She's only wearing circle lenses.
and when you compare pop teen videos and pictures to her videos you can see she was just using very intense lighting and circle lenses. Nothing too complicated. There's a video where she explains everything she uses for videos too.
Someone in PULL explained what she used for her last video too, Camera lenses can make a person look very very different.
No. 417201
>>417047>So I take it she's still trying to get modelling gigs/agency.It's not like she invited herself to a meetings,
you sound so bitter anon. She wrote AFTER meeting.
No. 417263
>>417201Bitter ? Because I assume she's likely just calling a resume drop off a meeting ? and applying for jobs ?
Its no mystery she's agencyless and scarce for jobs, anon. Stop being so salty when someone say anything remotely negative about her. All I pointed out is that it seems like she's not giving up yet.
No. 417320
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>>417189Anon. She definitely uses after effects on her videos.
>>408663 explains it well. And Popteen shooped her all the time, not the extreme way she shooped herself usually but this was her Popteen intro photo. Don't tell me it's not shooped.
>There's a video where she explains everything she uses for videos too.She lies about everything. Even small things. She is allergic to the truth. She stood on TV with her obvious circle lenses and claimed they were real.
No. 417479
File: 1510086418006.jpg (34.68 KB, 275x146, 1489964992636.jpg)

>>416587>she’s pretty, get over itWhen she edits herself into a monster and can't even get into women's clothing anymore, why bother saying this?
We have so many candids and that Fatt's commercial now. She has no agency, no hair, no nails, no apartment and is looking for work. Things aren't on the upside for her..
No. 417524
>>417479She hit her peak in 2012 to 2014. I think she's pretty–BUT–only when she embraces how she really looks and doesn't try so hard to be the ~youthful Barbie~ model she just can't fulfill any longer. She's over the hill when it comes to that kawaii schoolteen aesthetic that she had five years ago and tries so desperately to cling to.
When people like me say she's not model material, I don't mean she's ugly. It's just that there are plenty of people who are attractive but just lack certain things that make their careers take off. And for Kooter, clinging to these gigs is all she's got left. So of course it seems like an insult in that light, we're suggesting she make something else of herself that involves work and less deceit.
No. 417549
Well looks like Kooter has a new agency. New milk anticipated. agency.
She looks so plain next to the line-up of the other tarento. No. 417570
I don't think anybody here is saying that she's hobbit-level ugly, but compared to what she was in the past and what she's photoshopping herself to be now, she's nowhere on the level of cute she once was. She looks older now. She can't fill out the kawaii dolly aesthetic. Like anon said, if she embraces what she looks like now, and did her makeup to suit her face, and dressed fashionably, she would look fine. I don't think she's the most attractive person on the planet, but she's average.
No. 417799
>>417570>She’s average why are they still hiring her?>There are prettier girls!1 >she looks old>She’s irelevant >No one likes her >No one wants to work with her. (That’s what weebs who can’t stand that she’s in Japan tell to themselves every time a contract is over)
Anything of this isn’t new at all, they have been saying Dakota looks old and average since she was 16 and that her career is over (Every year someone says her visa is over and that she’s coming back to Florida for good in December… then when she gets a new job someone says she’s fuckingn her manager) You repeat the same things over and over again.
No. 417852
>>417841So you admit she's not got any decent jobs for 5 years? Ok then.
5 years of low level jobs is nothing to be proud of, it really does place her below a huge swathe of foreign models whether you like it or not. And the situation is only getting worse, peep her resume.
I didn't say shit about her visa or how she's staying in Japan, only that she's barely scraping projects.
No. 417866
>>417852No, anon, I just said I have seen these comments before, your reading comprehension skills are shit.
>Low level jobs You are delusional if you think she hasn’t worked with big celebrities and for big brands
No. 417880
>>417866>>Low level jobs >You are delusional if you think she hasn’t worked with big celebrities and for big brandsIn the last few years? No. She got a couple of gigs after her debut and it's been downhill from there. Being shoved to the back of Popteen and Fit's small time commercials is not a decent career by anyone's standards.
It's very much you that is being delusional in thinking that more than a tiny fraction of Kota's career has involved 'big celebrities and for big brands'.
No. 417889
>>417866She really hasn't though. She's never had a big fashion campaign. And the biggest celebrity she's worked with was Kyary on the shampoo cm, a job she got when she was a direct booking.
She never booked any of the big 109 brands like Liz Lisa or Ank Rouge, brands that for a "living doll" should have been her bread and butter.
No. 417933
>>417866>You are delusional if you think she hasn’t worked with big celebrities and for big brandsMy sides, anon. You talk about Dakota like she's the white-girl-in-Japan equilavant of Tyra Banks or Gigi Hadid. She may have worked with Fitt's and popteen, but being shoved into the back of a cast of models and used as the token white girl is not a ground-breaking achievement and enough to make you a huge star.
Inb4 "you're jus jealous anon!!1! She's a big starrrr, so pretty!!" She's not ugly by any means, and maybe she still has a tiny bit of star quality, but she could have done so much more with her career.
No. 417993
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No. 418160
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>>417549Soooo…. 4 gigs in an entire year.
No wonder she lost her apartment this year.
( And apparently only 7 the year before )
Also I google translated part of her profile :
>Size: T 165 cm / S 21.5 cm>September 19, 1995>Hometown: USA>Hobbies: painting, horror movies, novels, art auction, animals, games>Special skill: drawing, graphic designKek kek oh KEK.
"special skills : Graphic design "
Shooping your face isn't graphic design Tooters. So much Bullshit in her profile yet again. "art auctions" are a hobby of hers despite she can't even afford new clothing or nails let alone bid for art for her barren walls. " Size 21.5cm" WOW, she's really going to carry on telling people she's got a waist that small.
>>418140Taylor's Bf never got her into any dramas, anon. She has a really good profile/resume from HK, and a manager that really pushed her. Taylor is also more talented and prettier then Kota.
Kota probably refused the aim for any Tv show because she couldn't control the angles or editing. If you could remember her and her sister copyrighted all clips of her Tv appearances and commercials back then. Whether it was the official programmings account or random person.
No. 418175
>>418160Haha Dude you sound crazy af
>No new nails This is something extremely stupid to nitpick about. Also she often shows pictures of that anyway
>Lost her apartment Is this the new “Koots has a sugar Daddy guys! She has no new clothes, no nails but she has a sugar daddy because she’s still in Japan, that’s impossible, she’s fat old and ugly”
Yes, you sound that stupid.
No. 418221
I feel like there's been a lot of oddly placed Dakota defensiveness in this thread lately. Not even stuff like "I don't think Dakota is ugly, she looks healthy, her career isn't over abd she can revive it" kind of stuff, which is fine and people shouldn't be called out as Kiki or Cathy for saying. More along the lines of
>>417805 >>417841 >>415909 >>417866
>>418175 where imo it's not really disagreeing, it's just "you sound stupid af you're wrong ur just a big nitpicker idiot" while trying to disregard facts like how she hasn't been landing many jobs for whatever reason. I'm not trying to tinfoil, not saying it's Cathy, not saying it's Kiki, not saying it's Dakota, but it's just really weird. Sage for no milk and what may be considered tinfoiling.
No. 418260
>>418225At this rate this thread will be autosaged too. Which tbh I actually don't mind the idea of it happening as it toned down quite a lot of infighting.
Sorta feels like Kota's thread is sometimes the chill out spot for some farmers when the milk is dry, though, this random surge of rage is weird since JG vs SR drama is blooming.
No. 418349
>>418305Correct me if wrong but I thought some Koreans lost their shit on twitter about it ? and thats how that fiasco started. I also thought she complained on Twitter about the hotels being shitty and cold, as well as lying on Tv in Korea about her contacts being her real eyes as well as saying she wasn't wearing lashes.
I always see mention of it with something along the lines about some Koreans being offended. Honestly thought, old Pull and Old farmers were x10 harder on Kota then any of them now. Pulls a hugbox now.
No. 418356
>>418349You're remembering correctly anon. Korean netizens lost their shit over the rude things she said. It was considered especially bad because she wrote it in Japanese.It also killed any chance she had of expanding her career in Korea. Etude House kept her pictures up for only about a month before taking them down.
It was not just PULL talking about it.
No. 418364
>>418349Actually not so many, its not like it was a trend topic, others defended her as well, including Korean people. .
>>418356The Korean girl who asked her used Japanese as well. Also do you know how many people on YouTube say things like “ewww natto” “ew this candy is gross” “ew raw fish..” no one really cares except for SJW. Dakota just said “I hated Kimchi”, nothing else, so don’t say “rude thingS”, literally she just said answered a question.
No. 418370
>>418221Exactly. It's very specific stuff the defensiveness is about, like it's being taken personal. Almost like someone
wants it to be autosaged again.
The nails thing is funny because it's true. She has stub(?) fingers and only posts pics every few months when she gets nails done.
No. 418375
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>>418370Agreed. There has been a strange rash of Dakota defense. Not just in this thread but in places you wouldn't expect (like Venus's thread wtf). I could be wrong but this anon/anons has/have a specific sort of style and misuses certain words over and over.
>tinfoils>SJWIt's the same pattern. And I do think they are trying to get this thread autosaged again.
No. 418382
Ok, so I'm really glad I'm not the only one who has noticed it. When I posted
>>418221 I questioned whether I was just being crazy or not, wondering if I was just being suspicious. You can tell it's the same person every time, not only because of the defensiveness, but kind of because of the way they type.
No. 418388
>>418387Wow, the posts I pointed out here
>>418384 are getting deleted too.
Didn't kaka do the same thing?
No. 418394
>>418364I'd be real curious to see your claims because I only ever saw actual screenshot evidence of the opposite.
>>418370This is probably major tinfoiling, but I have noticed that whenever Dakota's threads are fairly popular, a lot of infighting/nitpicking/etc. start up. I noticed when we find anything about her new jobs or work, a bunch of dead threads get bumped to the front. I was against the auto-saging, only because I think the Ostrengas still lurk on the daily and have been trying to get any negative things about them taken offline. I didn't mind her thread being autosaged in terms that you didn't have all of this strange white-knighting from nowhere (it was actually pretty much only relevant posts for a long time) but it was also pretty damn hard to find, and I think they've been trying to make things that way.
I know a lot of time has past since most of Dakota's shitty Stickam behavior, but you can't say a single bad thing about her without the whole family losing their minds, and that's exactly why PULL and staminarose formed; to discuss some of these lies because they constantly deleted even a hint of shade their way.
In any case, I still like following Dakota's career, and will continue to do so until she fades away. I think a lot of people would have been her fans if she was a bit more honest.
No. 418527
>>418519Koreans Dot have a lot culturally that’s 100% theirs and not borrowed or adapted from other Asian cultures. They’re sensitive about kimchi because it has significant cultural importance.
Dakookoo just mad she got laughed at on tv and booed out before she could get free plastic surgery.
No. 418564
>>418370Its weird that the nails comment really got under their skin. You could tell it was all the same person because :
>Your bitter>nitpicking>Puts works in your mouth -" This the new Kota has a sugar daddy too ?" "Your going to say this next" >Your crazy af>Bitch/ obsessed bitch/ tumblr bitch> Kota has done some really large/high end gigs >Kota never edited her videosThe irony is I remember someone coming to the last thread before saging happened, and throwing a fit about how profession Kota is and all the MASSIVE GIGs she's done. Nicknamed : Essay anon. ( only anon to ever argue she's done high end gigs ) If it isn't an Ostrenga, my moneys on it being that spanish chick from IG.
>>418519They're a tough crowd. I recall Simon and Martina having a lot of issues with them whenever they didn't like something or spoke about Kpop. I wouldn't say Kota was rude purposely to them, she clearly under estimated how prideful they are of things. In U.S and Canada as someone said, no one cares about if you like it here or not.
No. 418797
>>418370>>418383>>418564>>418408i'm not the anon you guys are talking about, but please, I'm going to explain this nicely, all insults and catfighting aside:
there's more than just one person here ""defending"" Dakota. Unless you seriously hate her guts on a personal level, there's no way you can be blind to the fact that a lot of a-logging happens in her threads. The only time I say something in her defense is when someone tries to start false info. some anons here like to make shit up on the spot with no proof, and then aggressively stand by it, this is what causes the most of the arguments.
No. 418994
>>418849Korean is a lot easier to learn than japanese. And if Kota got into this shit around the height of the kpop fad she probably could have become a model there hell even a trainee at some small agency.
But like others said she blew it because she was just so rude and saying it all in japaneae when there is animosities between the two countries for WW2 and post.
No. 419071
>>418994Hangeul is easier to learn to write than the whole kanji/hiragana/katakana thing, but phonetically, Japanese is definitely an easier language for an English speaker to learn.
Sage 4 language sperg
No. 419279
>>419257Koreans are fucking savage. I doubt she could have ever made it if she tried to be a model there. They think we're harsh? Her ass would have been torn to shreds over her physical appearance there. Maybe they wouldn't bitch so much then.
>>419031Can you imagine her half assing her dance moves and trying to squeeze into the tiny costumes they wear? Sage for nitpicking her appearance, but I just can't imagine it.
No. 419347
>>419003>>419031I meant model trainee since alot of agencies have different subdivisions. Like for acting, modeling and kpop.
But hey dont rule out kpop since they have non asian trainees, of course they never see the light of day and either drop out with tons of debt or just live in the basement.
No. 419455
>>418527I loved her fake accent in this video
"Hellooo nice to see yuuu"
"Thank you so much for inviting me on this shoooooow"
"I'm really excited to be here" (looks like she wants to throw up)
No. 419474
File: 1510232665216.jpg (107.17 KB, 1200x800, DOLdBgqVwAEf4md.jpg)

New pictures incoming.
No. 419499
>>419477Why does Kota always shoop herself to look like a autistic charity case.
Has she really gone that blind that she can't tell how stupid she looks in these edits ?
No. 419504
File: 1510238035078.png (708.83 KB, 712x570, Screen Shot 2017-11-09 at 9.32…)

new pic from fits.
No. 419541
>>419473Oh my god
Was that her singing? Because even if it wasn't, that was garbage. I guess we can rule out singing idol being a comeback for her.
>>419504She doesn't even really look chubby in these pics, just…big? Like she has a lot of muscle.
No. 419611
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>>419541>>419587Yea, she def is big.
No. 419675
>>419641Yeah, I don't think it's lip syncing at all. She sounds just like she did it the Fitt's commercial. Not quite a high voice, but not super low either.
>>419671She used to take care of herself, and wear makeup that suit her face. A combination of not eating right and not getting proper sleep/exercise can take a toll not only on your body, but your face as well. Age is also not her friend. Some people just have bad genetics.
No. 419961
>>419907I thought that’s what all “tarento” were tbh, like gimmicks. It’s funny that she got dropped by Libera after only
one job and had to go to a talent agency instead.
No. 419963
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>>419477she used chromatic aberration in this photo and i have no idea why?? for those who don't know, this isn't a filter. it's a photoshop trick that requires you to make a bunch of layers and move around the color channels. a lot of digital artists use it for cool effect. i added a photo from google here next to hers to show another example of it
No. 420195
File: 1510305240119.gif (1.74 MB, 275x155, IMG_2441.GIF)

>>420191Yes that's her. Read the last thread. There are plenty of pictures showing how chunky she got.
>>344311 No. 420197
File: 1510305460490.jpeg (166.11 KB, 1200x966, DDj3JFjW0AATx94.jpeg)

>>420191Yep, it's from some clothing event or something. That other picture with her back to the camera was taken from the Twitter of the girl's she's posing with here, iirc. Trying to find the full picture right now.
No. 420217
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>>420200>>420208It's not that hard to Google image search, Anon.
Especially when it's the fourth result.
Here's her Instagram: No. 420223
>>420208>>420217Same anon as above, she's a Japanese dancer by the name of "Nazuki" according to their FB
Found a couple dance vids of hers like this one (girl on the right)
She also modelled for a brand called "Topsy"
No. 420230
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>>420225Same, same anon; she's actually called "Ayastella"
She's fucking divine on her Insta, but pretty average in reality like most people: No. 420291
File: 1510318815797.png (130.78 KB, 326x482, Screen Shot 2017-11-10 at 7.50…)

Any bets on how long her contract with this agency is ?
(Platinum Products)
Like since one anon said it was a talent agency, does that mean you're less likely to be boot since looks aren't as important ?
Oddly enough she's still calling herself a model in her descriptions. Guess she can't let go of that title despite not technically having it anymore.
No. 420340
>Bravo :( 2012 ) - late/end of 2016 ( December )
>Libera : ( January 2017 ) - mid 2017 ( June )
> Unsigned/no Agency : ( Mid June 2017 ) - ( November 2017 )
> Platinum Productions : ( November 2017 ) - ___________Now, my timeline isn't accurate as nobody knows the exact dates of when she was dropped, but they're when farmers acknowledged/realized removal of agency on all social medias.
I personally didn't think she was going to find an agency because I thought she was going to be stubborn and only accept a modelling one. Though, its completely possible that modelling agencies denied her, so she had no choice but to go for talent only. Sad thing is 2015 is when Japan broadcasters seem to have started losing interest in her gimmick. She was "rude" on Tv, gave the same comments/responses, used the same real barbie gimmick and all over has the personality of a wet blanket. I lowkey think the talent agency wont last too long if she sticks with the same shitty gimmicks and acts. So tired of hearing different stories about her first time in Japan and why she came.
No. 420345
>>420340thanks v informative. now excuse further ignorance, but what does a talent agency do? is this only for her to appear on tv shows or gum commercials like an actress or star guest? I don't see her having any actual 'talent' as far as the definition of the word. she's mostly sold as a pretty gaijin who speaks japanese but is otherwise vapid.
>Unsigned/no Agency : ( Mid June 2017 ) - ( November 2017 )jobless for 6 months.. i guess she must have a boyfriend who supported her financially during this time. or a backup savings.
No. 420354
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>>420345mmm, maybe commercials ? ? I'm not utterly sure myself. What I do know is they are the ones that get her on game shows/ interviews like the recent one she was on. I think commercial work is more modelling related then going on a Tv show. Basically she's the "white fill in " to give the show a look of "more diversity", but not to actually add any real substance. Almost all of her talent work is 5 mins of her talking, then the rest is just her standing/sitting awkwardly off to the side. ( The token white role )
No one knows if she's ever had a boyfriend because she's extremely secretive. Though she did try to push a rumour about her dating some cute Japanese actor by purchasing similar clothing/decor and posting it online.
She lost her apartment in July, and ever since then has been crashing at a friends. SO I guess she had just enough saved up to afford rent for 3 months. She didn't have a lot of work in 2016 either, so I think she's probably been dipping into her savings for a while.
No. 420518
>>420354Commercials for what?
No one's exactly hiring for Skeletor impersonators
No. 420535
>>414521She should really backcomb her hair at the very least.
It'd make her look less greasy or whatever the fuck is going on with her hair.
No. 420579
>>420535There are a multitude of things she should do with her hair to make it look better. Layers, back combing, a good dye job wouldn't be that bad. She's had the same ash brown for a while now.
>>420354Or she could have been getting money sent from her parents. Japan is fucking expensive, and I doubt that a few modeling jobs would give her the money to take a huge hiatus. Also, how did that whole rumor turn out? I didn't know about that.
No. 420612
>>420473yup. 8 years later, i doubt they ever sold a single one.
>>420579if she was really smart she would have been saving since the beginning have a large sum to fall back on. maybe a few youtube bux help too, maybe that's why she made a makeup tutorials 4 years too late.
No. 420750
>>420354She just moved, it’s old news. I think the wording might have thrown you off.
No. 420856
>>420749->no name getting an invite
>ppl still denying shes someone sugar baby in a wayI cant imagine anyone but someone with a sugar fetish putting up with Dakota.
Shes sure hit the jack pot for finding domeone who loves foing favors for her. It cant be because shes charming.
No. 420889
>>420856it's reeeeeeeeeally not that difficult to find gaijin obsessed asian men, including ones with a lot of money. And I mean for regular girls with normal social media or normal irl connections. As a model in Japan and having such a large media presence with "kirakira edited" photos, Dakota would be swarming in suitors (*99.9% would be ugly/older).
whether she has or has ever had one probably depends more on if she's the type of person that would renounce to old/ugly as long as they have money. or if she only likes men who are young and good looking.
No. 420900
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>>420856>>420889OR, she was the plus one to the friend she is sitting next to. She has made friends with a few popular models in the industry, and its not that hard to assume that she's just a plus one.
She has literally nothing to show if she was in a sugaring relationship. No new clothing, no makeup, no apartment of her own, barely any outings, falling apart hair and owning the same old electronics from 2012. Dakota's a scrub, but no way do I believe that she'd sell her body just for a Visa alone. Especially not with how she scrambled for several months looking for an agency.
I know some of you dislike the Ostrenga's, but Kota isn't Kiki. She isn't riding the dick in hopes for a free ride. Kooter's was somewhat cute when she first started out, and was kept because they liked her and could use the hype that came with her.
No. 421055
>>420889If its not thay difficult then why is there a gajin thread full of ppl visa dodging?
>>420900Not all sugars know better. She might just put up with it because she is livibg on her own and away from her parents not all sugars selk their body. Like i said she musta found someone who loves to buy things for people because they have too much time and money.
Again she must be charming as fuck if her friends are doing all this for her. Thats alot to take in since she isnt in a position to pay them back. I must be underestimating human sympathy.
No. 421063
>>421055>If its not that difficult thenstandards. you need to be either desperate, or a gold-digger to settle for literally anybody as long as they have money. If you're either of these things and also young and pretty yourself, then yes it's easy. Again, gaijin obsessed asian men are plentiful. I don't go to the gaijin thread, but I'm sure they're waiting for hot young Japanese guys to marry like all weeaboos.
not that i believe she has one. crashing with friends is more likely. If Charms is to be believed, Dakota was supposedly considering moving in with her to leave her family just before she got the modeling contract.
No. 421171
> She musta found someone who loves to buy things for people because they have too much time and money.. But… Anon…
If she has nothing, not even a home to call her own. What is she exactly receiving from said rich sugar daddy ?
This shit is even lower then a splenda daddy, because she isn't even getting jack shit. Her agency is giving her a working visa, and her bestfriend is giving her free room on board and everything else is tarnished and old.
Again, she's got nothing to show.
>No travels >No gifts>No unexplained money>Not many outings and non of which are all that fancy>No self love ( nails, hair, skin care, spa shit ) >No paid for apartment >No expensive dinner datesTaylor fits all those criteria more then Kota does, but anons will argue tooth an nail that she isn't solely because "she's nice" and "makes her own money."
Yet there is a lot of SB's that work full time and/or go to school and still do it. Then in some instances fall inlove/start a real relationship.
But nobody has proof of either being SB's. This debate is futile and is never going to go anywhere in either cases.
-sorry for the lengthy crappy post.
No. 421295
>>420354>Though she did try to push a rumour about her dating some cute Japanese actor by purchasing similar clothing/decor and posting it online. That’s like just your theory man. Theories aren’t facts so be careful with your wording.
You need to dislike her so much to believe Dakota went to buy all that “similar clothing” (actually it was the same) to make it look like she was dating an actor.
No. 421323
>>421314No need to fight anon. Here’s the original article :上遠野太洸が彼女がダコタローズで炎上%E3%80%82理由は-562/2I can’t say if they were really dating, She never talks about her relationships in public, I just don’t believe she bought all that stuff to make people believe she was dating that specific actor.
No. 421324
>>421314And this article was time ago
>>421323 , no one knows if she’s currently in a relationship or if she was before. “She bought all that stuff to make everyone believe she was dating him” without anything to back up such accusations, is pretty weak theory, same with the sugar Daddy theory. It’s not like it’s important though.. this girl has no milk.
No. 421346
File: 1510447588133.png (298.1 KB, 398x475, Screen Shot 2017-11-11 at 7.33…)

>>421295>>421314>>421323I remember it being the theory people were going with at the time due to this one picture. The sweaters didn't match up as his dark patch stretches out onto the shoulders and hers only on the chest part. Everything else was an easy thing to find/purchase, so most anons when the news broke just assumed she was feeding into the rumour and wearing/buying similar stuff. ( Stuffed teddy bear, fuzzy PJs, Sweater and random action figure to a show he was on )
Sorta came off like she was a fangirl, so most anons dismissed the idea that she could be dating an actor. On top of that like one anon already said, there wasn't enough evidence to support either theory.
No. 421354
File: 1510448626041.png (370.25 KB, 556x655, Screen Shot 2017-11-11 at 7.56…)

Just to add on : This picture of hers is grey scale and could generally be any colour. PLUS his has a texture to it an hers doesn't. If you look really close you can see that there are little diamond shapes.
So thats 2 objects that are not the same. Leaving only one set of Pjs and a teddy to be the same. The action figure only proves she was a fan of the show/movie its from.
No. 421357
File: 1510448699476.png (96.97 KB, 245x206, Screen Shot 2017-11-11 at 7.59…)

>>421354Hope this is clear enough.
Sorry for the spam fam.
No. 421376
>>421363I don't see any pattern on Kota's and I also don't see the pocket either. . .
Please don't tell me that her thinly splayed hair is hiding the horizontal pocket but not the rest of the sweater peeking thru it.
No. 421385
File: 1510451305456.png (669.62 KB, 626x533, boohbah.png)

>>420749>>420900>dakota>friends>RICH friends who care enough about her to get her gigsI'm gonna need some receipts.
Aside from her randomly posing every once in awhile with random girls and claiming to have friends (who she never actually takes any normal selfies with or seems to hang out with) I do not see evidence of this happening. Still betting on a cheap sugar daddy.
No. 421397
File: 1510452589371.png (7.03 MB, 5120x2880, IMG_2449.PNG)

>>421385I can't be the only one who saw this and though of the mannequin head in hoodie video
No. 421403
>>421385Rich, no.
Model friends that she occasionally sees and/or catches up with from time to time, yes. Model friends that plus one her to a dinner, yes.
You would rather believe that you know everything about her personal life based off of selfies and that its completely impossible that thru 5 years of modelling work she has not one friend….
But instead you believe she's some charming arm candy or a fuck toy to some older man that gives her nothing in return….
Sure gurl, sure.
>>421399She probably quit smoking when she entered Japan, due to age restrictions. ( Not being old enough to purchase. )
No. 421414
>>421403I can tell which posts are yours because you always sound salty.
Dakota smoking doesn't sound that crazy of an idea, even if it isn't confirmed. The only reason I think that is because it would probably explain her haggard looking face. If it's not smoking, it's just bad genes.
No. 421421
File: 1510455022314.jpeg (175.21 KB, 978x640, 1C1EA81E-DFE9-42FF-99AC-114FB1…)

>>421414Not to mention her yellow teeth and terribad wrinkles. Wasn’t there also a rumor of her being spotted kissing Taiko outside a pachinko parlor while smelling strongly of cigarette smoke? I remember calling BS then, but Dakota being a smoker or not is whatever. Regardless of what she is or isn’t doing, she looks rough for her age.
No. 421423
>>421301>>421399lol i made that screenshot. Let me see if I can remember some of the things she had said..
>1. Dakota's dad drove them to downtown disney. In the car her dad was super embarrassing and kept promoting her. Charms was wearing a bat shirt, and her dad said "you like bats? Dakota made a shirt with a bat, you should buy it". He also played Kiki's music in the car and promoted that too. Also went on about how good Dakota's art was and how it should be displayed it at disney's art area. >during their hangout Dakota kept touching up her makeup every 5 minutes. They were also supposed to hang out for a longer time, but her mom didn't let her.>because of her age (16), her dad was with them the whole time. they talked about her age a bit, and Charms said if she was really 18 that would have been weird, and she agreed. >Charms never knew she had a brother, she never mentioned him and found out through /cgl/.>Charms said that Cathy and Kiki were extremely critical of looks.>i don't remember much of this, but she said that her mom was abusive, that Dakota would sometimes come on AIM crying, and that it was all directed at her and not at Kiki. Charms said it was "so bad" that she offered her to move in with her, and she was about to agree to it before her ticket to Japan came. >when asked how she looked irl, Charms said like a normal human being. when she was showed her photoshopped pics and asked if she looked anything like them, she said "of course not">Dakota thinks really disdainfully of her haters, she thinks they're all ugly No. 421441
>>421423Abusive ? Damn…
That actually sounds really sad that they favoured Kiki so much that she got all the slack for everything. It has been such an argument on here about Kota's living conditions back in FL , and why she rarely goes home. AT THE SAME TIME though, they defended the fucking shit out of Kota online and bought her and Kaka a bunch of crap.
Was there anymore deets about the abuse ? Or just her getting yelled at/ blamed for everything ?
( I wonder if they regret favouring their one child that went no where and still dwelling in their basement ) kek.
No. 421444
>>421425>>421436Here we fucking go
>>421441That is pretty sad. But didn't they both have a fucked up choldhood to begin with? I don't remember any names, but I'm thinking along the lines of that story about Kaka's boyfriend and how he killed himself after statutory rape claims?
No. 421463
’d like to remind everyone that Charms never said explicitly that Dakota was physically abused by Cathy, just that she made her cry and screamed at her. A while ago someone was trying hard to imply the that Cathy used to beat Dakota.
Here’s the link to the /cgl/ archive thread where “Charms” (off trip) posted a lot of anecdotes about her and their friendship. No. 421464
File: 1510459576579.jpeg (126.88 KB, 640x729, 45C5EF97-CE59-47F3-B504-988D60…)

>>421423>Charms said it was "so bad" that she offered her to move in with her, and she was about to agree to it before her ticket to Japan came. This was even confirmed by Charms herself.
No. 421496
>>421403Actually I can believe that in her 5 years of "modelling work" (the majority of things that weren't utter shit being within the first year) she has not made any true friends, especially not friends who land her gigs. She has been described as rude and unlikeable by coworkers and she is clearly self-absorbed enough to spend literal hours shopping her pics as well as apparently never leaving her house. I really, really don't believe that she has "model friends" who would help her out. Because what the fuck has she done for any of them?
It's more believable she's sleeping with some guy who's big in the industry or at least enough to land her spots she never would normally get.
No. 421515
File: 1510467658068.jpg (73.58 KB, 640x475, med_1486841139_image.jpg)

>>421397it reminds me of cool guy
No. 421518
File: 1510467892824.jpeg (128.1 KB, 545x636, 732D9562-FE50-4B08-ABDC-A0DDD1…)

>>421496I tried to go back in the cgl archive and find the post about the Russian model Dakota did a pachinko shoot with, she said Kota wouldn’t let makeup artists touch her and that she kept touching up her makeup, and she was rude and offputting. She also said the staff told her Kota was a “top model” in Japan. I didn’t find that post, but I found another one made by another model describing the special considerations and censorship required to use her, pic related.
No. 421522
File: 1510468216848.jpeg (Spoiler Image,107.74 KB, 700x700, B7BB38EF-17B2-4BF4-B4EA-0854E6…)

>>421518I also found pics of a shoot she did when she first went to Japan for a brand called Milk, where apparently the reaction to Kota was so mixed/bad that they cropped her head off and blurred her face out on their website. Interestingly enough, Milk isn’t listed under any of her previous work on Platinum or Bravo. Seems they scrubbed her and she responded by pretending it never happened.
No. 421536
>>421518This was probably bullshit because I remember that Tokyo model tumblr was outed as a fake. That being said, Bravo was insanely unprofessional about Koots from the beginning. They were constantly deleting any critical comments about her on their facebook, even ones that weren't rude but just questioning.
Honestly it was this behavior on their part that made me think she was involved with someone in that company because I have never heard of an agency covering for a model as much as Bravo covered for Kooter. They used her own super-shooped photos in her official portfolio and on her comp card. They didn't have her do any test shoots.
After her initial popularity died down and Kooter was one step away from being dropped when(despite her being in Japan at the time) they had her listed as being away which meant whatever client hired her would be paying for her transport and accommodations themselves instead of Bravo paying.
Then suddenly after not working for about 6/7 months Bravo switched her to being a direct booking. After that she got hired by Candydoll which really relaunched her career. Then apparently according to that russian girl she was treated like a princess on shoots even for basic-ass purikura booth shoots.
Considering how utterly shit she was at the time (couldn't speak Japanese, basic af looks, shitty personality that was constantly evident back then). What exactly was she bringing to the table that made her worthy of that level of special treatment especially considering that out of all the Tokyo high-fashion agencies, Bravo is known to be one of the harshest and least forgiving.
tl;dr- Bravo always acted super shady in regards to Koots career
No. 421559
>>421536Especially after signing her sight-unseen based off a video chat interview.
She tagged her own videos with sex doll and blow up doll, hiked up her cleavage and played on her perverted asshole sex doll gimmick until she had to start acting polite and shy because people were getting sick of her inconsistencies and attitude so quickly.
No. 421647
>>421627Man, I dunno …
People keep saying she's a huge cunt and all, but then I read stories like this and truly start to wonder.. Kota sounds like a really broken person with really horrible influences. She hasn't really done anything rude or ott cunty in YEARS.
>>421518Too hard for me to even slightly believe this as I've only ever seen Lolcow refer to Kota as " Kooters ".
This interview however (linked below ) was from a model that met her and worked in Bravo. Would seem that people didn't hate her for being rude, but rather hated her for getting a modelling gig with Bravo so easily.
In some sense … sounds sorta like jealousy … No. 421715
>>421651Yes, so cringy to assume someone has no friends when THEY NEVER POST ABOUT THEM OR @ THEM ANYWHERE ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Sooooo cringe. You sound like someone who has no friends so they have nothing to post about either.
Anyway, a token gaijin friend is one thing, but claiming Dacote-chan has rich friends in the industry who are willing to land her jobs is pants on head stupid.
No. 421716
>>421647There was a video that came up on YouTube a few years ago ofna maleodel going into bravo to audition andntey basically turned him away at the door, even though he was a real model with a portfolio and previous experience. And yet, they were willing to photoshop a 16 year old girl from Florida because she didn’t look like her pictures, because… she’s cute? It’s just too weird. Nobody hires an employee who can’t do their job
and then does it for them, even after they repeatedly fuck up. It’s like the plot of a bad self insert fanfic. Kawaii bullied weeb loner is whisked away as an unbelievable beauty and everyone else is just so jealous~~
All the years of Ostrengas obsessively googling themselves and censoring the search results, changing stories, and deleting fucking everything have made it easy for them to just pretend Dakota is this innocent little victim, but nobody gets a handout like she did just for being able to photoshop. They can pretend all they want, but the real world isn’t like that.
Dakota catfished an entire country and they were too embarrassed to do anything but play along.
No. 421725
>>421715>claiming Dacote-chan has rich friends in the industry who are willing to land her jobs is pants on head stupid.It’s not though. Every job is like that, nobody gets anywhere in the working world by themselves, that’s what
references are for. Dakota is friends with Yula, Tsubasa, Michopa and a couple other big name models, and without them she wouldn’t be where she is now. Bravo went above and beyond for her, but it wasn’t just them helping her.
I think they feel bad for her because of all the drama that always surround her because of her trashlord family, but pretending she’s innocent and was jut slog for the ride is bullshit. She was a cocky bitch when she started getting attention and she rode it until she had to feighn humility, and now that her reception is lukewarm at best everyone pities her and wants to help her out because she pretends she never wanted any of this to happen.
No. 421740
>Claiming Kota was slobbing on old man nob since 16 is pants on head stupid. Don't fight stupid with even stupider ..
People weren't saying that she had rich friends getting her jobs, they said she had model friends who plus one'd her to dinners and events. Have you never been a plus one to a friends/boyfriends company event or dinner ?
Also anon, she has posted pics with friends. Its no ones fault that you refuse to accept them as "real friends" because you hate her that much.
No. 421779
File: 1510511960784.jpg (251.83 KB, 1067x539, bieber.jpg)

>>421769Dakota has a lot of parallels with Cindy Kimberly. a girl who edited her photos, they became famous because Justin Bieber instagramed them, and just from that she got a modeling contract and became known for being Bieber's Crush as her whole gimmick, despite the fact that a lot of her qualities, including her green eyes turned out to be fake.
No. 421786
>>421518>Kooters >Literally a special snowflake >Shooping Seems legit.
Lol all that edge…
No. 421804
>>421779Inatagram is full of that.
I don’t support it but i don’t dehumanize them either.
No. 421975
>>421346>The sweaters didn't match up as his dark patch stretches out onto the shoulders and hers only on the chest part.The shoulders of her sweater aren't visible. It's the inner lining of her coat that you're seeing.
sage for who gives a shit
No. 421985
>>421785I don't think so. There are many unedited videos of Cindy on YT and she looks the same as in her photos. Sure, she denied the lip injections first but did admit them later.
In terms of authenticity, I would never compare Cindy to Dakota.
No. 422070
>>421651Different anon but yea "koots actually has friends
sarcasm." Yula seemed like her only "true friend" but after popteen dropped her she did to. She's just the gaijin token model everyone uses for exposure nothing more.I guess her friends all coudn't make it to her birthday every year.
No. 422223
This thread: Dakota has no friends, all of the girls she takes pictures with are just using her as a token friend or feel pity for her, lost her apartment, has a cheap sugar Daddy, hates herself, creepy fan girl who buys men’s clothes to make everyone believe she dated an actor, has no money, Dakota is jealous of other models, Keira is now a top model in Japan, lied to 3 model agencies and a whole nation, ugly and old for her age, fat, balding, fucks for a visa, fucks with her friends’ boyfriend and kills dogs for fun.
Wow, I think she’s a reptilian. Probably fucks with Charms in secret.
No. 422391
>>422223farmhand already said a few posts up to report the excessive nitpicking. it is against the rules after all
>3.5b Don't engage in overly repetitive nitpicking of a subject's and move on. there's only like 2-3 seriously salty people on here.
No. 423031
>>422690I just reported a few of them.
>>422452 said they did too. I'm not really sure what to put in the "reasons" bar when I report specific posts, because it's not really nitpicking but it's just being excessively arrogant and not contributing anything to the conversation, just getting angry. Sorry, Saged
No. 423162
>>423031As long as they are saging and not nitpicking they aren't exactly breaking any rules, unless it's derailing.
If you can't think of a reason that doesn't help your case.
Excessive nitpicking and not saging are bannable offenses. I can't just ban people because they dislike Dakota.
No. 423168
File: 1510612894885.jpeg (126.32 KB, 1200x824, DOiyhINUMAAgvo9.jpeg)

She put this up on Twitter not too long ago. Maybe it's just me, but the proportions on this pic don't seem quite as horrifying and alien-esque as the usual stuff she posts?
No. 423201
File: 1510614192223.png (428.67 KB, 463x507, Screen Shot 2017-11-13 at 5.57…)

>>423168Despite some of her shoops lately looking horrifying, I do find they are in some sense slowly progressing to normal looking. Especially when this was what she shooped herself into 2ish years ago ( pic related ).
I mean she technically isn't a model anymore, only a talent which doesn't really require looks as much as it does personality.Plus she sorta expressed the barbie image was forced and only done because " people made me feel obligated to uphold ". kek
No. 423230
File: 1510615378787.png (1.72 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-11-13-18-17-56…)

She also put up this weird insta story. Maybe she's trying to show some semblence of a personality for once outside of "quirky, babydoll gaijin that's into creepy-cute shit."
No. 423309
File: 1510623562324.png (672.54 KB, 932x584, Screen Shot 2017-11-13 at 8.28…)

-new post
Baby shampoo… Why doesn't she just invest in some good sulfate free shampoos and conditioner.
No. 424309
File: 1510722828098.jpeg (169.68 KB, 1200x800, DOot_ljXkAE_772.jpeg)

New pic
No. 424318
>>424309She really wants to be Taylor.
Oh Dakota, you could be your own person if you had but the courage.
No. 424340
File: 1510726272274.jpg (513.75 KB, 1200x800, CONEHEAD KOTA.jpg)

>>424309I couldn't help but notice how big her forehead would look in this picture without any bangs, I tried to erase the bangs but I failed so bad (I tried tho) I just wanted to exemplify what I first saw in this photo, Kooters is slowly evolvin into a conehead
No. 425494
File: 1510838504442.jpg (63.09 KB, 720x704, -tAETdaFKps.jpg)

>>424343>>424360that's not photoshop. Dakota has both a big forehead and a big chin, it's sorta balanced out from top to bottom. but since she shortens the whole lower half of her face with photoshop now, it just makes her forehead look disproportionate.
No. 425504
File: 1510839770717.png (620.81 KB, 940x454, Screen Shot 2017-11-16 at 8.37…)

new pic
I guess not having bills to pay anymore except for your phone bill means throw money around rather then save it.
tsk tsk Koots.
No. 427468
File: 1511048633078.png (374.11 KB, 588x399, Screen Shot 2017-11-18 at 6.42…)

new pics
Says something about getting a new couch.
No. 427495
>>427468At least she doesn't have to edit her man jaw if she's wearing her sweater like and idiot.
>>426235It's true. My dad went to Japan on business for the company he worked for at the time, and the Japanese sales reps invited him out to drink and get sloshed on the job. I don't know much about the culture, but he said it's a very large part of socializing. Saged because I think this might sound like a blogpost
No. 427974
File: 1511133873403.png (445.26 KB, 502x611, Screen Shot 2017-11-19 at 6.23…)

new pic …
No idea where the VK site found it from.
No. 427995
sage for OT but what sort of cosmetic surgery can be done to minimize the width of the jaw or general face? koots has decently marketable features but it's like they were shrunk in the middle of a moonface. )-:
No. 428074
File: 1511140779187.png (579.76 KB, 928x452, bff.png)

Thought this was interesting. Never see Koots in any other image.
No. 428075
File: 1511140864993.png (801.2 KB, 596x776, sag.png)

Also this is Dakota's vid (bottom) vs. her friend's vid. Not sure how to save IG videos.
No. 428087
>>427468Honestly what even is her content anymore? She used to show off some great shit like the clothes that she uses to wear. I’ve noticed she only takes face shots now.
What is she trying to prove? That her facial features are this level of realistic? I don’t think so.
No. 428090
>>428074She's so much prettier when she's not shooping herself, it makes me so annoyed! How on earth could she think that down syndrome alien baby shoop is cuter? Fuck.
You know there's nothing wrong with square/round faces and normal sized eyes ffs.
No. 428103
File: 1511142389904.png (1.25 MB, 1385x884, vid.png)

It's weird what she chooses to keep up and what she doesn't. So many that are hidden/deleted were loads better than the ones she kept up.
No. 428332
File: 1511161922327.png (466.59 KB, 588x409, Untitled.png)

>>427495Anyone with eyes can still see her jaw. It's extra awkward given the nutjob editing she does to herself.
>>428090Those pictures are still shooped, but with a phone app.
No. 428361
File: 1511170222775.png (849.63 KB, 835x576, kota.png)

No. 428364
File: 1511171270325.png (486.81 KB, 429x576, kota.png)

i think shes actually really beautiful everytime i see a non-edited photo of hers. I will never understand why she feels the need of editing. I feel bad about it.
No. 428382
>>428364>>428361Im laughing so hard what the hell.
Also it says she got whitening. Good on her
No. 428418
>>428398hm. Maybe all the "her teeth look cigarette stained" comments got to her.
Her spending her money wildly makes me wonder if she is even helping her friend out with the bills. In her old apartment she did nothing but lay around and boil cabbage.
Would at least think she'd put some of it away rather then spend spend spend.
No. 428448
she made her features small af but she left her jaw lookin like kronk from new groove
No. 428568
File: 1511201584263.png (103.93 KB, 247x287, 92d90efb1c7047588eb1c749f04dcb…)

Giving me flashbacks of this little nightmare.
No. 428951
>>428520>Or she's trying to flaunt off how rich she is againreally? nitpicking..
people have been saying for years that she had yellow teeth, i remember it all over PULL. Same with Venus, and now they both got whitening.
>>428136100% looks like her clone
No. 430949
File: 1511482636783.png (1.57 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_2017-11-23-19-13-38…)

Can't post the mp4 file, so here's a screenshot of some short video she posted on Twitter. Nothing interesting, no sound or anything. Just her waving. No. 430952
>>430949I'm liking how she's posting more and trying to be less… Koots. Hopefully she comes out of her shell and interacts with people online more. I wonder if Koots is getting tired of upholding a fake shooped persona.
No. 431076
>>430952Agreed, usually when people put on weight it's because they know their life and worth isn't dependent on it.
I hope she feels free from those contraints and continues to improve upon herself and become comfortable, the same as id wish for any other human being.
At the end of the day we all have to realize Kota didn't photoshop her pictures maliciously/with any ill intent at all.
She just wishes she looked that way, the same as I'm sure every 15 y/o old version of ourselves used to feel (with our own spin on our desired look).
No. 431257
File: 1511540228099.jpg (102.97 KB, 1024x768, pepesilvia.jpg)

>>431189i feel the need to make a TIMELINE OF KOTA SINS for ignorant anons who didn't lurk /cgl/ when they were underage like me
No. 431311
is a /cgl/ archive, and Dakota’s old tumblr is still up with some of her old posts where she’s more of a salty bitch, but she deleted everything really juicy. Of course we have her Stickam videos and the caps of her old profiles where she says she hates fat and ugly people (oh le irony, eh?) and wants to be a model.
I’d be down to help out with a timeline, but really what would even go on it that still exists anymore?
No. 431387
File: 1511560646564.jpg (78.15 KB, 720x714, ZQlfBEC27x4.jpg)

Taken from her VK fanpage. These Fits shoots are the worst, man.
No. 431497
Anonymous now No. 431495
>>431189This. Why are so many people under the belief that she was almost completely innocent and never malicious at all? You don't even have to go back to cgl to see that she was a lying, manipulative bitch all this time. You can just go back and read some of these threads. Dakota is by no means innocent, regardless of if she went through some shit with her family.
No. 431521
>>431519That would definitely be great for collecting all the rare/deleted images! I'll get on that.
But I would actually like to create a site with a proper timeline including all the Ostrenga shenanigans (Myspace to now, plus related shit like Cathy's insanity etc) and the associated images/videos. I don't even know what format that'd take, I guess a Wiki would be decent but a whole site dedicated to their shit would be even better.
No. 431608
File: 1511595992182.jpg (757.99 KB, 500x308, 137f2a0d32a7940925adf37a015681…)

>>431257I remember a few dick moves.
>she would reject and block comments that asked if she was wearing lenses, but would approve of comments like "you're so pretty, it makes me want to kill myself".
>she tried to humiliate someone on twitter, but it backfired. Supposedly someone was sending her many messages asking for beauty advice like what product she uses and she never responded. that same person later wrote on twitter "kotakoti is a homophobic bitch". She screenshot it and said "this old hag who constantly kissed my ass on tumblr is now talking shit about me on twitter, asskisser busted". unfortunately tho people responded by bringing light to being homophobic, and she had to delete the tweet.
>she once posted this gif along with the caption "how i feel whenever someone asks if i'm a real person".remembering some of this shit reminds me why she was so easily disliked back then. she came off as arrogant as fuck with a very nasty attitude.
No. 431651
File: 1511611885330.png (120.24 KB, 640x1136, 69E899C7-712A-4084-B970-FBDCC6…)

>>431608Yup. She used to be super liberal with calling people faggots, too. She left up some pretty funny humble brags on her old tumblr, though.
No. 431667
File: 1511616145853.png (1.1 MB, 1224x912, 2017-11-25 14_20_07-DAKOTA ROS…)

>>431655the vk page has so much extra stuff. How do they even do it?
Also I like how the set dakota is wearing has another girl modeling them online. And how the skirt is supposed be layered underneath the top..
No. 431685
>>431655>>431660>>431667I think their sleuthing abilities scare even Cathy and Scott shitless. They must know if they ever tried to take anything down from VK they would get trolled to hell and back, and who knows what else.
Also, didn’t Kiki steal music from a Russian DJ?
No. 432273
>>432265Sage before you reply pls.
She was wearing all sort of taobao shit from the beginning wearing “luxury” brands, but actually cheapness from the cost of the clothes obviously proved that they were fake knock-offs.
No. 432396
>>432265One of them was a rip-off “planet” charm on a bracelet or necklace that looked similar to the Westwood orb logo, but the rest was pentagrams and stars and moons on cheap fabric and lace. Zero originality but not
technically stolen.
No. 432525
File: 1511754278771.jpg (35.07 KB, 575x204, kotakoti_fake_clothes-575x204.…)

>>432273I thought at some point she was also claiming to make shit ? I could be wrong as I was late to the party, but wasn't this frilly shorts something she claimed she crafted ? ( Or was it something she claimed was designer too ? )
No. 432870
File: 1511809988771.png (420.78 KB, 716x479, Screen Shot 2017-11-27 at 2.08…)

JFC but why does Kota's art always look like furry mutated Magmars.
-new pic
No. 432884
>>432870Legitimate question:
Is this supposed to be two bunnies, two goats, or a goat and a bunny?
No. 433376
>>433262Into what? She's just a shitty artist. It doesn't go deeper then that. Although I agree with
>>433249 , at least her art style is unique and not the constant kawaii pastel marker stuff that everyone shits out.
No. 434276
File: 1511962595429.png (502.72 KB, 910x430, Screen Shot 2017-11-29 at 8.32…)

Does she actually get paid to show up to these exhibitions ? Or just turns up hoping people will recognize her or think she's rich.
wtf is she even wearing .. 5-6 years as a model and still has no clue how to dress herself.
-new pic
No. 434497
>>428497fucking finally
>>430949damn, she thick
No. 434763
>>431387her hair looks so sad here I almost feel bad for her
No. 434998
>>434787sage ur shit.
ffs you do know that this is not her actual face, right?
No. 435380
File: 1512097482335.jpeg (53.76 KB, 477x598, 1507257671822.jpeg)

>>434787She doesn't have the delicate features cute chubby girls have.
No. 435621
File: 1512134327401.jpg (60.38 KB, 281x899, 281px-Kotakoti_Loves_herself.j…)

For the anon earlier. Dakota dramu was some wild ride back in the days. Her humblebragging was hilarious.
I wish I could find that screencap of her "kawaii elf goddess" tag she had in one of her vids along with living barbie,half,…
No. 435622
File: 1512134365346.jpg (23.61 KB, 574x261, Kotakoti_pedophile_lesbian.jpg)

>>435621And off course,a classic
No. 435623
File: 1512134648291.gif (322.25 KB, 450x1087, 450px-GIF.gif)

Ngl I kinda miss that time because of the funny shit (montages,drawings,…) people would do out of her bullshit
Sorry I forgot to sage my previous posts btw~
No. 435657
>>435621My personal fave was the one in which she "met with a model agent" and they were like omg you look exactly like your pictures and you're so tall! Then realised she was wearing platforms.
Since when would a model agent who sees genuinely tall girls constantly comment on that
No. 435659
File: 1512139991357.png (360.6 KB, 603x404, Screen Shot 2017-12-01 at 9.50…)

-New pic
I miss when she had spunk, but also understand she can't be like that out there. I wonder if it was a deal breaker with her manager at Bravo at the time, to behave on social media and not make them look any worse.
No. 435977
File: 1512170990144.jpeg (100.11 KB, 720x714, 1561858B-8D2C-4C32-A46E-753D8B…)

Another Fitt’s pic. So, is this the only work she’s had this year??
No. 435985
File: 1512171884602.jpeg (179.96 KB, 640x1042, 9557D402-3667-4ED9-BEF6-CBD5CF…)

>>435977 again
>2017年1月20日 Hiromichi Nakano ファッションショー>2017年2月5日 LOTTEのFit's イベント>2017年8月30日 関西コレクション2017>2017年9月16日 Girl's Award>2017年10月7日 「有吉反省会」 日本テレビSo she did work about half the year it looks like. Nice 6-month break there after Fitt’s, I’m guessing she got paid pretty well for that campaign.
No. 436007
>>435657I remember this one, good times. She then had fake measurements put on the Bravo site like a smaller waist, boobs and taller height when even back then she was chubs, flat and short for a model.
>>435985The break is between agencies. If she got paid well she wouldn't be living and looking homeless..
No. 436072
>>435985Doesn't the agency take majority of the profit ? Anyways, 5 jobs doesn't seem like its enough to keep her afloat especially when she's recycling 5-6 year old clothing, living at a friends and can't even afford contacts, decent hair extensions, makeup and has been kicked by 2 agencies.
Has she even scored a singular job yet with this new one ?
No. 436127
>>421657>caught having an IP from Germanyomg I vaguely remember this
seems like it was forever ago
No. 436194
>>436127samefag but tbh anyone who blatantly makes up shit is retarded. I get it, certain cows and flakes I really don’t care for either, but there’s no point in completely making shit up.
At most it just takes away from when they actually do do shit, since us “haters” are already proven to be liars. Way to go, thanks, idiot. What do you even gain from that?
No. 436240
File: 1512213851078.png (755.76 KB, 1440x1695, Screenshot_2017-12-02-06-21-22…)

>>436219Maybe because of the weird ass neck? But then again, when has she ever given a shit about her pictures making any kind of anatomical sense. Also she posted a short video on instagram.
No. 436241
File: 1512213960580.jpeg (151.33 KB, 1200x1200, DQB8YV_UQAEoA3g.jpeg)

>>436240And got her nails done. See that jelly haters? Totes not broke at all.
No. 436272
>>436219Probably because it looked weird.
A fat head with 2 sausage links hanging at the side, yea, I'd delete it too.
>>435985Why does her head look so weird in this picture ? Like the top looks oddly pointy.
No. 436411
File: 1512241608059.png (7.11 KB, 368x84, sperg-chan.png)

>>436389Kiki has a lot of spare time, after all
No. 436506
>>436411OT : Because has nothing to do with Kota, but seriously …
Did this bitch seriously get disability for having an arch in her back ? The amount of people I know with the same problem work hard labor jobs, and are always on their feet. I mean I could understand it if it was a mental health work exemption or leave, because girl be batshit crazy.
Couldn't one of her parents get her foot in the door of a job ?
No. 436760
File: 1512293224115.png (145.83 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-12-03-10-13-54…)

No. 436761
File: 1512293242870.png (207.85 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-12-03-10-13-59…)

No. 436766
>>436763Her head at the beginning of the video damn..her body dysmorphia is getting worse.
Also why is she taking a taxi through Omotesando? Can't be seen walking among peasants?
No. 436768
>>436761Size: height 165cm/ shoe size 21.5cm
September 19, 1995
Birthplace: America
Hobbies: drawing, horror movies, light novels, art auctions, animals, video games
Special talents: drawing, graphic design
No. 436832
File: 1512309986035.jpg (498.56 KB, 1603x1016, wat.jpg)

>>436763Her hand and the pattern on the seatcover is so distorted.
Literally every shot that has her face is extremely quick because some AE was done.
No. 436844
>>436506I don't think she was ever on disability, it was just an excuse to not say "I'm a NEET".
>>436834>She has moneyAnd that's where you're wrong kiddo. If it was only one procedure, then maybe. But to achieve her "alien doll" look she would need at least 20.000 dollars worth of plastic surgery, and there's no way she can afford that.
No. 436851
File: 1512312783666.jpg (374.98 KB, 1354x758, handlol.jpg)

>>436832Honestly is this a joke? How can anyone think this looks realistic?
No. 436868
File: 1512316446657.png (271.84 KB, 330x552, Screen Shot 2017-12-03 at 10.3…)

>>436861Its possible she lost some weight, but also very possible she's using AE to slim down in video too. Think back to her outfit videos where you could ever so slightly catch her legs morphing when she did a turn or a chunk of her waist vanishing.
I love that in her IG shoop she pushed the chest area out to make it look like she has boobs, when in reality she's as flat as the walls. (
>>434276 )
Do you think this may be part of her new contract ? To get back into youtube ? Since she's an talent/entertainer now and not a model anymore.
No. 436903
>>436888Eh, she would fail. Kota has the personality of a wet sponge. Vloggers have to interact with their followers/viewers and be very friendly and likeable.
Kota just isn't, and her insecurities/pride are too high to confess her lies. Also, if she did it could heavily backlash with the Japanese and cost her her job. People are going with her lies over there, and only girls on gossip sites seem to be aware of them.
Perhaps she should practice editing more and move back into beauty related videos ( hair / nails / makeup )
>>436890Leave her apartment to crash at a friends. Its evident she can't afford a place on her own, and therefor can't afford plastic surgery. I remember last year when she finally went home for Christmas she said its been awhile because she couldn't afford to fly home to visit them. Imagine that, she didn't go home at the peak of her career (2014-2015 ) because she couldn't afford it. I think Kota is making far less money then most think, that or she's spending recklessly.
No. 436909
>>436903Talent things and modelling don't even pay that well in Japan. She isn't working enough anyway. My bets are on her having a sugar daddy behind the scenes. Most gaijin models supplement their income this way anyway, some are just better at hiding it than others.
She's probably also pretty depressed and can't go back to the states as there is nothing for her there (look how well Kiki is doing…) and doesn't speak enough Japanese to properly interact with society.
No. 436926
>>436909I truly don't understand this " there isn't anything in the states for her". Like yes, fame wise there is absolutely nothing, but her fame is dwindling in Japan so no real difference there. AT this point a store clerk job would pay the same if not more then what she's doing now.
Both of these girls are still young and could study and get a real job and do social media on the side. They claim to love animals so why not go to school for something involving that. Sheesh, their mom can crank out 5k for a crappy movie role then she certainly could pay for college. They could go to school for makeup or hair dressing or even fashion, and attempt to build their own brands. A lot of artist start out on selling stuff on etsy. I vaguely remember Kota talking about wanting to design her own clothing before, so why not go home and go to college for fashion and do just that.
Truly both these girls are just fucking lazy and expect the rest of the world to do as their parents have, and that is to hand them everything on silver plater.
>>436922I think it would be a working visa. Taylor was signed to a agency with a working visa and had far less jobs then Kota. Some agencies are lenient.
I mean look how far Bravo bent over for Kota. Wouldn't be a reach think think that most agencies would be lenient with the visa. Besides, her agency is low tier and shitty and her application probably looked like gold.
No. 437278
>>437161Loren of high profile teen idols, so I guess they’re just playing to the crowd. It’s weird but maybe it works. I know Kota’s “secret admirer” in the commercials has a huge fan base.
I still laugh about how she takes taxis everywhere. I’m sure that someone told her early in her career that it was safer or better for young girls or something. But it’s silly for someone that seems to rarely leave Tokyo. I wonder how lonely she feels there. Japan in general can be a very isolating place.
No. 437326
>>437278Maybe she has an incredibly poor sense of direction and takes Taxis because she couldn't find her way out of a shoe box ?
She basically never leaves the apartment, and when she does she usually has someone with her ( manager, friends or a taxi driver ) I'm mean… Kiki is kinda the same way in which she is either out with her parents or being a parasite to some poor asian dude.
No. 437328
>>436861She used AE to make the video a lot longer and thinner than it really is. There's also some around her chin.
>>437278The few times she takes a taxi she has to do a selfie, even if it shows her lint-covered trousers.
The only reason she doesn't come out of the car at Ginza or Omotesando is because she can't afford to shop there!
No. 437370
>>436851what the fuck
No. 437387
File: 1512357322650.png (134.85 KB, 226x463, 12c3138c9a62777d86688c762bfe9a…)

Lol at the thumbnails. Totally legit, no editing at all in the new video.
No. 437391
>>437381She's not near native at all. She has a great accent and intonation (and knows some slang). That's it. And tbh that's a lot more than most gaijin have, but her vocabulary and grammar are still really questionable.
She started getting better when she was working on Popteen. Plus she was pretty clearly living with a native speaker.
She didn't study formally.
No. 437406
>>436868The video is stretched lengthwise a lot. The eye on her bag, the thing on her arm, the shape of the hangers and her earrings aren't the right proportion anymore.
Also is the orange boots and hat a Taylor thing?
No. 437409
>>436926> Taylor was signed to a agency with a working visa and had far less jobs then Kota. Some agencies are lenient. Taylor hardly worked at all, she got her agency due to her rich boyfriend/boss/CEO having connections and was able to get her a visa, her agency just occasionally threw her a job to do once in a while
If Koots wants to make good fast cash, she should write a book if she'd be willing to spill everything from her fucked up myspace childhood, her sister, and everything up until now. Koots and Venus are the only two snowflakes I'd buy a book from in a heartbeat lol
No. 437416
>>437409>Taylor hardly worked at all, she got her agency due to her rich boyfriend/boss/CEO having connections and was able to get her a visa, her agency just occasionally threw her a job to do once in a whileThat's just not true. Her boyfriend does not have those kind of connections. He's not in fashion/entertainment. he's in new media.
She got signed because she had 7 years of modeling experience under belt before she relocated some of which was in Japan itself. She had a solid portfolio with lots of tear sheets and campaigns. Also unlike Koots she was signed under a regular entertainment visa (3-6 months then renew). Her agency considered her social media to be tarento activity.
No. 437538
>>437409>>437416tbh we actually don't know if Kota is leaving Japan every six months to update her visa. Just because she never talks about it, doesn't mean it couldn't be happening.
This isn't bravo anymore, and I highly doubt this one is as lenient as the last one. I mean look at her profile picture, it isn't some over shooped picture of her. Her list of talents sounds like some 14yr olds Tumblr about me " I like drawing and like horror movies and animals. "
No. 437566
>>437557Why isn't she living with him then ?
I mean that theory made sense when she was in the two bedroomed apartment, but she lost that and is crashing at a friends. Would have also thought she'd pull a Kiki and brag about it.
Unless they broke up, and he kicked her out.
No. 437570
>>437557You need to leave to renew an entertainment visa. You don't need to leave to renew working or student visas. Japan is really strict about entertainment visas because women used to use them to hostess illegally and employers to bring women over for hostessing and mizushobai.
I think Bravo or Libera managed to finagle for Koots to have a regular working visa instead of the entertainment visa, most models have. Just part of the special treatment she received.
No. 437861
>>437538She has never left to renew her visa. If she ever was to go on a plane or something that seems expensive to her, she'd always take tons of pics.
She can barely afford to fly home or pay for a checked luggage, much less go to another country to renew every 3 months.
Plus going 6 months without an agency proves she has no problems staying in the country without representation.
No. 437868
>>437557I just saw this: many years was Kota in Japan?
No. 437973
>>437861And you know this for a matter of fact ?
Whats glamorous about flying economy and staying in a cheap hotel or hostel to renew a visa in Korea ? A country that trashed her. She can't afford flights to go back home, but if Margo can jump from Korea to Japan then so can Tooters.
Could we stop turning speculations into facts, please ?
>"She has no friends because she doesn't post enough" >"She's married because she never leaves Japan" >"she never leaves because she doesn't post about it"> " She has a sugar daddy, but has nothing to show for it" There are a lot of things she does not post about… Actually she practically post nothing about her life besides tiny little snippets of cafes and events and random selfies. Thats not a lot to base anything off of.
No. 439628
>>438062I rather they don't every time a speculation come up koots have to try to prove her
haters wrong. Just recently,she started posting pictures of her friends and getting her nails done. Before the speculation she could care less the speculations and rumors must be getting to her.
No. 440425
>>439682why is koots much better at acting than keeks hahah
anyway this was horrifying
No. 440477
File: 1512767126196.png (258.72 KB, 815x467, kooterplatnew.png)

So Platinum Productions changed her profile pic to this. Plus it's full of her 7 year old shoops. wtf. No. 440485
>>440477Oh wow, I’m fuckin dying. They think this is gonna get her jobs after Fitt’s? Is that Dakota’s only trick, catfishing? How pitiful that a grown woman isn’t embarrassed to use such old ass pics for her professional page
knowing she never looked like that and never will.
No. 440508
>>440485Not to mention that she was 15 when these were taken. Even if she had looked like that the, she would still look different now.
Eternal catfish Kooter.
No. 440637
File: 1512786256352.jpg (421.38 KB, 1500x1498, IMG_6756.jpg)

>>440566Are you implying that the Japanese are retarded ?
The Koreans could tell she didn't look the same as her photos, and all the girls on the japanese gossip site can tell she doesn't look like her pictures… One even referred to her as a gorilla.
I mean, you'd have to be absolutely retarded not to be able to tell the difference from ott shoop and a greasy ham. Weight isn't going to make people oblivious to how shit she looks in comparison to her shoops. Dakota's only fans out there are probably little girls who haven't seen her tv appearances ( Real face ).
Her name has also been worthless since 2015. People have moved on, and are over the "real barbie" shit.
No. 440659
>>440637No, not racebaiting. I've had Japanese people mix me up with someone who looks similar many times, much more than in Western countries. Once a guy even held a photo of another person similar to me next to my face and literally thought it was me.
Like when people say that "all Asians look the same". Obviously they don't, but if you're not used to the facial features that separate people of a race it can be difficult at first. Japan also has very few foreigners and there is the language barrier as well, meaning most Japanese just don't spend much time around Western people.
It's worth noting that Korean is more focused on beauty than Japan and so are likely more perceptive to changes. While Japanese people will obviously notice a huge difference, I just think they are less likely to notice smaller ones, especially compared to people who see pictures of her regularly. She isn't doing enough campaigns now anyway for the public to have a fixed idea of her in their mind.
Just my opinion anyway.
No. 440715
>>440566>>440659Japanese people aren't fucking blind, especially when the difference between photoshop and reality is insane.
>>440702Must have been a quick delete. The ostrengas are very active lately though.
No. 440748
File: 1512801252293.png (1.35 MB, 1502x1201, Screen Shot 2017-12-09 at 1.28…)

>>440566>>440659>>440715juuuuuust gonna leave this here.. PeachMilkyTea (who looks nothing like Dakota) has been mistaken for her at least twice. The first time I remember her mentioning it on her instagram, and the second time was this person who posted it on twitter. It says "I met Dakota Rose in Harajuku, it was too cute" Someone even commented it saying "Dakota Rose-chan looks lovely" in Japanese.
No. 440838
File: 1512817328984.jpg (72.49 KB, 1080x795, 24845607_172276226842134_81708…)

Newest Kooter pic. I just can't. I can't imagine how awful this looks unshooped. She's shooped herself to the same proportions she used to. Who does she think she's fooling?
No. 440868
>>440838Almost everything she's wearing is 5 years old.. She really doesn't have much, does she ?
What an awkward shoop too. You can tell the tummy area was bulging. There is also a part of her leg she decided not to shoop because it was too close to the corner of the wall.
>>440659General public doesn't matter as much as employers do. Employers are the ones hiring her and giving her jobs, and if they can see the difference than no, she's got no chance in hell.
She's catfishing again, but it wont fool employers who are use to working with gorgeous woman.
P.s I think Peachmilk and Taylor who have both been mistaken for Kota are cuter than Kota, as well as taller and thinner.
No. 440944
>>440838Someone commented about the shoes on tatami thing in Japanese and Kota replied with an apology, saying it was for the pic and the shoes were new & that she took them off after (that’s all I can gather with my shit Moon).
>milkshu: 畳の上に靴はやばい>kooter: 写真の為に新品の靴を一瞬はいてすぐ脱ぐ感じでやってます!ごめんなさいShe really is bending over to be nice to her few remaining Japanese fans. Too little, too late?
No. 440947
File: 1512838716443.png (235.52 KB, 344x504, Screen Shot 2017-12-09 at 11.5…)

>>440944Hold up….
She claimed they were new shoes ? More like they're from 2013-2014.
Haha, she's so broke she's trying to pretend old things are new. kek.
No. 440964
>>440947Google translate gave me this:
>For the photo, I'm doing new feeling shoes for a moment and feeling off immediately! I'm sorryJapanese language anons pls respond
No. 440974
>>440964My translation:
>milkshu: 畳の上に靴はやばいShoes on the tatami is a bad situation
>kooter: 写真の為に新品の靴を一瞬はいてすぐ脱ぐ感じでやってます!ごめんなさいIt was for the photo, the shoes are new and it was only for a moment, straight away I took them off, I feel the same! Sorry!
No. 440991
>>440947Nice catch.
To be fair she's probably never worn them outside, just posed in them for attention.
No. 441015
File: 1512845411253.jpeg (118.93 KB, 640x587, 1AB2A195-0C75-4AB5-868E-9EB936…)

>>440997They will anyway I’m sure. I mean, she’s been living in Japan for 5 years now, and “Take your shoes off indoors” is literally Weeaboo 101.
No. 441016
File: 1512845430652.png (123.26 KB, 259x668, Screen Shot 2017-12-09 at 1.49…)

>>440981Dokota removed the videos I uploaded. I still have them on my flash drive tho. I will upload more later.
No. 441033
>>441017It's their mother who does it. This is how Kiki and Dakota have become so famous - they have someone ready to fanatically send friend requests/contact newspapers/send takedown requests etc on top of their own efforts.
Fair use would be a 10 second clip. I'm not sure if multiple clips would fine but youtube tends to side with the copyright holder even if it isn't a valid claim.
>>441016Make a torrent or upload them on some Russian or Chinese site that doesn't care about copyright.
No. 441042
>>440991Thats probably the same for 95% of her shoes. They don't look comfortable, and are too high for her to walk in.
Those black shoes literally look like she'd break her ankle trying to walk in them.
>>441016I said it in the Kiki thread, but I'll say it here too. Someone needs to create an actual website to post them on that can't be copyrighted. Unless you find it fun re-re-reuploading only to be taken down every time. They'll never stop.
No. 441113
>>441073Isn't ED open to public/ changeable ? Meaning Kota or Kiki could access it and change details ?
I could of sworn years ago Kota and anons got into a war over ED because anons kept changing her age to older on it. ( could of been a different cow, it was long ago )
No. 441177
File: 1512863140306.webm (11.89 MB, 240x180, Dakota Rose & Kiki Kannibal.we…)
>>440981Here it is in webm form. Now they can't take it down.
No. 441178
>>441177btw, you can download youtube videos posted to lolcow by clicking the
[DL] link
No. 441268
File: 1512871770728.png (195.13 KB, 755x639, Screen Shot 2017-12-09 at 9.08…)

Here all are of the videos of Dakota I've saved.
No. 441316
>>440748This girl does look like Dakota's most popular shoops from years ago though. As we can see from
>>441177 >>435380
>>417479 Dakota has always looked the way she does in candids, so nobody would recognize her "real" self.
>>440873Nah, she'd be able to afford stuff if she did.
No. 441318
>>440838Just when I thought her clothing sense couldn't get any worse.
She use to be decent at nanchatte seifuku style but this is a mess.
No. 441331
File: 1512876037186.png (1.77 MB, 1440x2040, Screenshot_2017-12-09-22-18-42…)

lmao at how fucking shady her VK fanpage is
No. 441354
>>441328PeachMilky looks more like Koot's shoops that Koots does.
>>441343She's been fat for a few years now. This kind of fat doesn't happen overnight.
No. 441366
File: 1512879655248.jpeg (72.1 KB, 590x885, 23868B8B-375D-4366-B7FA-F7B998…)

>>440947Found a less blurry pic of the same shoes. Nice 6-year old “new” shoes, lel.
>>441343You can go back in her Line blog and see that she mainly eats carbs, candy, and pasta. She’s also said in past interviews that she only eats once a day, which slows your metabolism down. Pair that with riding taxis everywhere and you get a recipe for fatness. Remember when Popteen claimed her body fat % was soo low they were making jokes about her having as much body fat as a man? And that she could eat whatever she wants and not get fat?
No. 441370
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>>441365Not to mention, she looks fuck all like her shoops. People could be next to her in a conbini and just assume she’s some rando chubby American with a mask on.
No. 441371
>>441366I remember that in the scene days Koots was always chubby. Then 2009-2011 she was scary skinny, and now she's wide. I guess she's one of those people who is prone to gaining weight if they don't watch themselves carefully.
>>441370oh please. With a surgical mask, probably. I don't doubt that she goes out with a mask, sunglasses, and caps to not get photographed. But to say that she's
literally indistinguishable without them on is you trying to fool yourself.
No. 441381
>>441371>But to say that she's literally indistinguishable without them on is you trying to fool yourself.I didn’t say that, you did. And d course she wears masks in public, she posts pics in them all the time, and she’s even wearing one while scrolling through her phone in
>>441331 after taking the selfie with the model girl. She probably only takes them off around friends, in restaurants and for pics.
No. 441482
>>441400I lol'd so hard.
Never change, Ostrenga clan.
No. 441505
File: 1512902512511.png (248.98 KB, 626x1085, DEXATI20171210054054.png)

When you think you're a living doll but really you look like gollum
No. 441558
>Claimed by Discontinue uploading videos YOU DON'T OWN. I cackled.
You should go to the chinese sites and collect some of the missing videos such as the old apartment tour.
Did anyone get in touch with the newfagscience anon ?
No. 441574
>>440981>less than 24h later, the video got already Ostrenga'dLmao, hi Kiki/Cathy/Kota! Try deleting this now
>>441177>>441268As other anons said, send a mail to and send them all the videos. I don't recognize some of the thumbnails, many of those videos must be rare. You're doing god's work
No. 441577
File: 1512921019287.png (165.49 KB, 479x594, Screen Shot 2017-12-10 at 10.4…)

>>441574lol thx.
Look who got my account suspended.
No. 441581
>>441577See, every time anons tag on Kiki about getting a job or findi a hobby, I think back to this shit and realize that this probably
is her job. She’s Dakota’s publicity stooge, spending all her time taking down her sister’s old videos instead of living her own life and having fun. She’s puts more effort into erasing the past and defending Dakota than she does into her actual life and interests.
No. 441603
>>441577>>441581You're right anon, this is Kiki's job. Kota's unpaid ghost secretary.
Girls working overtime for that Christmas bonus coming in the new year. Maybe another new z grade horror movie 10 second role ? or maybe her bonus this time will be to fix her honker.
Anyways, I wonder if Kota is going home for Christmas this year as she currently has no bills or jobs preventing her.
>>441587Would be lowkey funny to get the Canadian version of (.ca) as the host site. The american one is expired, but it seems she still owns it ..
No. 441635
>>441629From what I've seen is also hosting Raven's videos, so it's not Onision-only stuff… why not.
Btw I didn't notice this
>>441400 and holy shit, "Discontinue uploading videos YOU DON'T OWN" you can almost hear the anger and the furious keyboard tapping. The Ostrenga snapped
No. 441767
>>441660The reason they’re still complete snowflakes relies on their own actions.
A sincere apology, some transparency, and some real sincere gestures like using their “star power” for charity or for good somehow really would have changed things for them.
Even as snowflake-y and cringy Taylor R became at different points, she learned you can’t just sweep things under the rug, eventually. She didn’t play the eternal victim. And now I see people even mentioning her in some mainstream English stuff. People generally like her because she doesn’t take herself too seriously. Basically, the polar opposite of what the Ostrenga sisters have done.
No. 441793
>star power Wot ?
Kiki has to pay for gigs and Kota is barely scrapping by… Kota also tried writing an apology and it got crapped on and shut down. I don't recall the content of it, but I wouldn't blame them for not taking that route. Besides from not wanting people to post her old videos and shooping herself to hell and back .. Kota hasn't done anything cunty in years.
Kiki might be the only one that would even benefit from a sincere tell all, because she's still being a cunt.
Kota's cunty moments are ancient, and were addressed.
No. 441808
>>441042Not to defend kooters or anything but I think these might be prop shoes aka just for photoshoots
several fetish models wear crazy height wheels like these
>>441400that's rich coming from the ostrengas
No. 441809
>>441808I meant to quote
>>440991 my bad
No. 441819
>>441801>>441800Anons, like I said. I don't know the content of her apology, I just know that she did write one.
And if there is something I'm missing, then perhaps list said "cunty" things Kota has done in the most recent years. Losing her contracts and spiralling isn't being a cunt, its just lolzy. Most other stuff was just speculations as that is what 95% of this thread is.
>>441808Makes sense. Though she did wear those massive ugly white heels to her last tv appearance. I wonder how many of those heels she even fits anymore ? Like in her apartment tour video you could see she still has them all, but never wears any of them.
No. 441885
>>441857I never said anywhere that people had to accept her apology, and clearly she couldn't give two flying fucks if people do.
I simply pointed out that she did address it, and its ancient news that she sees as done and over with. Whether you or anyone else sees it that way. Its also gone like her website "" is, so its hard to add any context to a site thats dead and gone. ( Hardly had any web traffic just like her current one too )
Also, how is it that apology was up for years and not one person has a screenshot … I tried wayback machine and weirdly got a " This website was excluded from wayback machine" .. Can you pay to exclude your site, or is it because its expired ?
No. 441901
>>441885I didn't mean to imply that they have to, just offering an explanation for why it failed.
I believe you can contact the wayback machine to ask for pages to be excluded.
No. 442012
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Here, it’s your lucky day. Too bad no one screenshot the original. This was back when she wasn’t リアルバービー yet and I think most people had no reason to believe she’d just delete every single thing she didn’t like off the internet.
No. 442015
>>442012It reads like it was written or at least edited by her mom tbh. The typical thing where they pretend to be the actual victims in the situation.
Very much a "sorry I was caught and called out" than really being sorry for anything.
No. 442037
>>442012I literally only read two lines, and she was saying how she can't be racist because she "never used the 'n' word".
Bitxh there are more ways to be racist than just using that word… Like the time you made fun of Asian people…. Guess you conveniently forgot about that now you're a "kawaii moderu in nippon"
(apology for saltiness)
No. 442062
>>442012I love how even an """"apology"""" is mostly fixated on how much the Ostrengas are victims. There's no hope for these morons, they'll always be this way - whining about everyone else and doing nothing to fix themselves.
>GLBTG No. 442076
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>>441885Looks like they covered their bases, eh?
No. 442097
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>>442037>she was saying how she can't be racist because she "never used the 'n' word".Racist logic.
No. 442101
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I literally had no idea how horrible it was. I've only ever read other peoples comments on it which were usually just " She's blaming her age and being a stupid kid"…
This is the most hateful sour apology I've ever read.
I still stand by what I said though, which is that she sees it as done and dealt with. The chances of anyone getting her to apologize or even bringing up her past from 10 years ago is next to nothing.
>>442076She didn't cover her twitter or Tumblr .. odd.
But there isn't all that much showing for either anyways. Unless you can pick certain years to censor.
No. 442187
>>442101She went back and deleted a shitload of posts, but left her tumblr up just or the teblogs and tags/publicity. Every time a screen cap of a post of her was deemed salty, cuntish or a proven lie she went back and deleted it immediately. She doesn’t even care how obvious it is.
>Kiki having chunky, bloody shitsWell, now we know why she looks so bad- her health has probably been fucked since she hit puberty.
No. 442244
Everyone does shitty things when they are a teenager. Unfortunately we are part of the generation that has just began to realise that posting these on social media means that they stick around. Posting a sincere apology is enough, no one is expecting her to grovel over something she did when she didn't know better. Anyone who kept bringing it up after that is a jerk. The problem is, she only made a half-assed apology where she blamed everyone else but herself.
No. 442326
>>442244>>442244>Everyone does shitty things when they are a teenager. This argument
again? Yes, they do, but again- not everyone goes on camera screaming expletives and racial slurs. Who does that? Attention-starved ignorant brats who want to shock people into paying attention to them.
>Posting a sincere apology is enough, It wasn’t sincere at all, it was literally her placing blame away from herself.
>no one is expecting her to grovel over something she did when she didn't know better.She was 14-15, not 4-5. Teenagers know what racism is, saying Dakota didn’t know any better is admitting she’s no smarter than a small child and thus no more accountable for her behavior than one, which is horse shit.
> Anyone who kept bringing it up after that is a jerk.Welcome to the internet. It keeps being brought up because it was wholly and fully bullshit.
All this effort and censorship by the Ostrengas is just a desperate attempt to keep the safety bubble of future fame and fortune wrapped around Kiki and Dakota. Kiki said it best herself, it’s all just an internet fantasy game. Dakota made herself an avatar, stepped into it and assumed the role and has been playing pretend ever since, and any time someone tries to apply real world logic and rules to her she sends her mom and sister to silence the haturzzz who dare tell Princess Dakota that she isn’t what she sad she is.
These girls want to be rich and famous and loved for being beautiful and irresistible, and nothing else but it’ll never happen because they both shit all over whatever they try by being lazy, crude and half assed. Imagine being so dedicated to your fantasy life that you spend all your time on the computer in your bedroom stalking yourself and rehashing everything you ever posted over and over again, just to keep yourself convinced you aren’t wasting the only shot at youth you’ll ever have. What is Kiki gonna do when she’s 30 and still having twitter meltdowns over animal gore and rape? She can’t even do a job she claims is her passion, much less one to pay her bills.
No. 442346
>>442326I think people need to be allowed to move on from their past mistakes, no matter the age. They do need accept and apologise though.
I meant before that her apology was not sincere which why is still the videos are still being brought up. If it had been sincere that would have enough in my opinion. Once someone has apologised and accepted what they did, there's not much point in people repeatedly bringing it up. The apology will be there for people to read if they want the story. Of course, she goes on to do something shitty again that negates everything.
No. 442362
>>442244>Everyone does shitty things when they are a teenager.>she didn't know betterPlease don't normalize the Oestrengas or pretend they were having "innocent fun" by consciously being a bunch of cunts.
>>442359Someone should post the gif of them doing the "eyes".
No. 442457
>>442359My guess is the reason is that they were mocking “Chinese” in this video (buck teeth & the accent and stupid shit she was saying) and most of the Asian cultures are sort of racist towards each other. She would have been REALLY fucked if she flat out said she was mocking Japanese and probably never would have made it in Japan. She is ignorant and stupid to Japanese customs still, clearly, but she hasn’t shit on the quiet like she has Koreans and Chinese.
In some alternate reality, Kota went through with her Chinese classes and got to China and her racist videos came out and the Chinese ripped her a new asshole.
No. 442460
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I wouldn’t be surprised if many people these days don’t even know how shitty they were back then.
No. 442463
>>442371I don’t know if you were around when she was gaining popularity, during and after the stickam days but she was an edgy tryhard for a long time. I think that’s somewhat normal for some kids that age but no one was correcting her. She thought she was funny and cool. Of course she was “gobsmacked” about the flack she received later because not a single person checked her on that shitty behavior.
I’ll admit, I was personally a shitty teen but thankfully my parents didn’t let me broadcast what an edgelord I was all over the internet. My sperging has limited evidence. Too bad for the Ostrenga girls they were being poorly supervised and guided.
No. 442473
>>442350>>442359>>442457I doubt most Japanese care. She made fun of everyone as a kid…and she's an adult now anyway.
Clearly she isn't racist against Japanese since she's been living there, learned the language decently (a lot of gaijin in Tokyo go 10, 15, 20 years and still can hardly speak the language), has local friends.
I know people on this thread want everyone in Japan to hate her, for her to be found out as a hooker sleeping on someones couch or kicked out of Japan for not looking like her shops etc etc. Any apology she made would probably be picked apart tbh so it makes sense she wouldn't bother appeasing farmers/PULL users since it wouldn't do any good and she'd probably receive worse criticisms.
So yeah:
>>overshopping pics is normal in Japan>>gaijin models don't have to be that great looking>>Most people are forgiving of someone being dumb kids when they were younger, especially if they clearly changed their behavior as adults>>Even if Japanese are exposed to her old videos, the reason there isn't much vitriol is because its obvious that she was a kid and it was more stupid humor than actual hatred. Likewise, it's obvious she doesn't hate Japanese.>>even if Dakota apologizes, it will likely just draw more attention to her past and most anons won't forgive her No. 442490
File: 1513052300639.png (126.84 KB, 515x542, Dakota_Rose_Ostrenga_Kotakoti_…)

>>442012I gotta say that reading this, I think she was being really sincere and is not homophobic. You can't call those pedo lesbian stories "excuses" because if she had not told them, then you wouldn't know what started everything. At least imo I would have just assumed she learned it from her family..which is worse.
uugh, if she would write more like this and be open and honest about misinterpretations and false rumors, she would probably be seen as more human and get compassion, and some of them would not gone so far as they did. Being super quiet while all of this rages on just lets anybody get away with saying whatever they want because she won't confirm or deny it, and just comes off as cold. I mean, this apology obviously didn't work since the homophobe gifs are still being shared all the time. but , at least for some of us it would work.
>Fabricating "quotes that I have made" and saying I called someone an "ugly fat nigger lesbian"?This is true, she's referring to pic related. It wasn't so much "fabricating a quote that she made" as a it was just the /cgl/ artist taking a shit on her because everyone was mocking her with memes for being a racist homophobe when it first came out.
No. 442504
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>>442490Idk… I struggle to believe her pedo lesbian story.
>They knew what I was wearing>when I was out and where I was> Knew all my social media accountsLegit sounds like Kiki pulling a prank on her sister. She went and followed Kiki everywhere as a kid, and seeing what a nasty spit fire Kaka is … I wouldn't be surprised if she did something to startle Kooter. Like who else would know all her social medias, what she's wearing down to a T and where she's at… Family.
Still also doesn't explain why she did black face, or made fun of asians and fat people. People literally made it her logo "geh, step off pedo lesbian", and thats likely why she addressed that one the most if not only.
I also don't think that image/fanart was to be taken literally.
No. 442506
>>442490>You can't call those pedo lesbian stories "excuses" because if she had not told them, then you wouldn't know what started everything. At least imo I would have just assumed she learned it from her family..which is worse.She
did learn it from her family. The “pedo lesbian stalker” stories are all fake. Dakota started throwing those words around like confetti when her shoops started getting attention and girls started OTT complimenting her look, and she took it like a twat and began her tirade about how gross lesbians and dykes are. The only time the “you’re so beautiful I want to kidnap you/be you” type shit was ever posted to her formspring it was anonymously or with a dead ass/empty account, which means it was more than likely them. They’ve been caught attacking
and complimenting themselves with god only knows how many accounts over the years.
No. 442511
File: 1513054310024.png (649.82 KB, 1000x440, 693C4B4C-339C-4EBE-B7F6-2957CE…)

Dakota was 1000% a homophobic cunt.
No. 442521
>>442473Is lying about over-shooping normal?
I highly doubt that most models completely deny they use these apps. There's a difference between omittence and straight up lying.
It's true that probably most Japanese don't care about how shitty of a person she is. And she's truly pretty damn irrelevant in the big scheme of things in Japan too. Lived here for three years and don't see her really anywhere, except for a little bit of advertising for Fits.
I also think she was at least a little homophobic but a lot of the "fag" talk was somewhat "acceptable" at the time as something that dumb kids say. What I mean by that is, that it wasn't unheard of to hear people regularly using those slurs as a common insult. Again, she thought her edgy talk made her cool and different. She grew up in her sister's shadow and did a lot of really stupid things to stand out.
No. 442528
>>442506>when her shoops started getting attention and girls started OTT complimenting her look>began her tirade about how gross lesbians and dykes noooo. wtf? the homophobe video is from 2010, so is the tweet, and her formspring is even older. seriously stop making up false rumors.
>>442504yeah, she did make fun of asians, and all the other stuff. I'm not trying to defend her or say she was innocent saint this whole time. Just that I believe her apology and every said in it. I don't think she's homophobic. It's a fact the ostrengas have been plagued with creepy weirdos for being so exposed on the internet. i've seen tons of the come and go over the years, so i have no problem at all believing the pedo story.
No. 442561
File: 1513063922244.jpg (84.72 KB, 1127x561, Kooter.JPG)

It's always fun to see Kooter defenders tie themselves in knots trying to prove she isn't a shitty person.
Anyway, apparently she had a photo-shoot yesterday where she smiled too much and hurt her cheek muscles. I guess catfishing does pay off.
No. 442584
>>442521>Is lying about over-shooping normal? Some models don't even do public appearances because they're completely sold on the overshooped persona.
Most cosplayers (though it's not a profession) often ask people to refrain from posting unaltered photos of them without permission.
It's not really a matter of lying, it's more that it's an industry standard to the point where if you go "She's shooped!", the Japanese people around you are going to look at you puzzled while muttering "…and…?"
In the sex industry too (on the customer side) it's kind of a running joke ingrained in culture that if you order a girl from a photo catalog she's not going to look anything like the picture, especially in seedy places.
Honesty just for the hell of it is more of a western concept. The Japanese understand full well that models are products, and that it only makes sense that they'd try every means possible to up their own value.
No. 442637
>>442504Literally everything about them was lies posted by only them. If something really happened, we'd have screenshots or something to prove it. We wouldn't hear it "after the fact" or used as a story to validate her looks, from her.
I was around during the time Kota said stuff like this and literally all she ever posted was about how OTHER people who the internet will never meet/see/hear tell her she's just soooo attractive and like a doll.
Meanwhile IRL she looked like shit and that's why all the shoop and AE kek
>>442559This. No coincidence Kaka and Kota are active whenever there's inconsistent defense "omg false rumors no milk!"
No. 442642
>>442584You said it better than I ever could have.
Instagram models are also a good example of this. A lot of commercial, younger models are picked for their social reach…just look at all the celebrity kids models
No. 442649
>>442637True, and if anything in that story did happen you know you'd never have heard the end of it from Kota. She would use such a thing to trash talk lesbians even more then she does, because she would have actual cause to hate them.
Bitches got big mouths when it comes to people they don't like. Sheesh, look at Kiki who instantly ran to a magazine to sell her story about Danny, and then years later makes youtube videos about it. Or even look at the Taku shit, he did nothing to her and she is making it out to sound like he was awful to her.
>>442561Interesting .. They asked her to smile ?
That'll be harder to edit.
>>442584Its that bad in Japan ? I still feel like the models are actually pretty in real life with the proper measurements. I mean, at Koot's standards anyone could get in. Nothing looks the same, and all measurements are fabricated.
No. 442893
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How do you let yourself go so much and yet still continue to eat badly?
No. 443025
>>442909Those are mushrooms. You usually only see that type in soup.
That base tho.
No. 443106
>>442893Thats a sad pizza, but looks more like a fucking tortilla topped with mushrooms and chunks of wood.
( Or an unravelled used tampon with maggots )
No. 443398
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No. 443399
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No. 443408
>>443398Is she trying to edit like her old style again ?
Since she decided to use incredibly old shoops for her profile ( which also links to her IG which shows an entirely different person)
No. 444944
>>442649>Its that bad in Japan ? I still feel like the models are actually pretty in real life with the proper measurements.Mind you, I'm not saying that all models in Japan are secret uggos that shoop themselves into different people.
What I'm saying is that if they are uggos irl, no one is going to bat an eye at their photoshops if they try to edit themselves. Unless you're an idol or another profession with required contact with fans, you're just an image.
The Japanese mentality ends up being: I'm never going to see her in person anyway, and she's an image on my screen. Isn't it better if they make it look good?
They are very nonchalant about it, caring more about the end result than how it was obtained.
People on sites like 5ch may be snide about it at times, but no one else cares.
No. 444969
>>444944Lol,but she goes on Tv and then they put her shoop right beside her.. Or announce her as "real barbie".
Sorta hard to avoid the comparisons/differences when she's now more a talent then a model. Tv broadcasters aren't going to AE videos for her, or up the brightness so she doesn't look so haggard. Japanese gossip site girls seemed to actually care that she looks so different too. I suppose it'd be all fine if she only stuck with modelling work off screen, but she isn't.
All of her comparisons are made from Tv show screen shots …
No. 445566
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Dunno if this has been posted yet as it was just added today on the VK page. Can't believe fits shit is still popping up.
No. 445668
File: 1513497191232.jpeg (199.31 KB, 1200x1200, DRO1FtiVAAEwKh6.jpeg)

New twitter pic, but I feel like she's posted these before? Unless I'm thinking of another incredibly similar photo where she's wearing a similar outfit.
No. 445698
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>>445668How flat does one have to be to not know how real boobs look when shooping?
No. 446550
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>>441366thanks for bringing up that particular shoot, i remembered how awfully unrealistic her waist was shooped, but this is ridiculous
No. 448222
>>448042Where did this come from??
I'm surprised we don't see more pictures of her in the wild.
No. 448720
>>448559Kota has no rhythm because these arent the kind of commerical shes used to. Not defending but unless you practice for months or are used to being a back up dancer in a commerical like Fits you woukd have struggled too.
She looks horrible regardless but im not faulting her dancing because she obviously cant and isnt used to having too.
No. 448826
>>448463So sad that she had to look at clothes she couldn't fit into and didn't buy any.
>>448720>unless you practice for months or are used to being a back up dancer in a commerical like Fits you woukd have struggled tooThis is extremely basic repetitive choreography and it's very possible she didn't even understand the instructions being called out.
There's no effort in her expressions to be energetic. Giving off cute genki looks is far more important than perfect dancing and she did neither.
No. 448923
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>>448559>I think she's going without make up in an attempt to look younger…Actually I've been thinking for a while that she's trying to force herself to get rid of her insecurities. If that's so, then good for her. A few years ago she used to hide as much of her face as possible by framing her hair on the sides to cover her jaw, and thick blunt bangs to cover her whole forehead. In old videos she would cut out scenes where she turned her face to the side, and of course use illusion makeup to make her jaw thinner, her nose thinner, her eyes bigger, and her lips a different shape. Lately she's been going out with her hair behind her ears, no bangs, and no makeup. Back in the tumblr days even a picture like this (despite being edited) would have been way too bold for her.
No. 448948
>>448923Shit what is this even?????
At least her shoops used to look pretty. Now they look fuglier than the real thing ( maybe that's what she's trying to do?) and not even human any more
No. 448961
>>448826Again. Shes not a dancer. I get fucked up from just trying to do bssic vine dances.
Its even harder when you lose focus in a group because you have to keep track. She was set to fail regardless. Weebs still practice probably much harder then she did.
>>448733It probably would have better to slap a dark wig on her. How she even got this fucking job i dont even understand. Shes the only foreiger. They pribably did a favor or thus was an old contract that finally got fullfilled.
I cant see them hiring her if they werent gonna have her be more prominent orginally but scaled it back when she turned out so badly.
No. 449063
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No. 449174
>>449138It wouldn’t make her jaw or chin smaller, but it would help with her face looking so beat. I don’t want to say her skin looks “saggy” but I work in a health clinic and seeing the women who get Botox in their faces before and after, I
really think it would help Kota out a lot. Her diet is crap and she doesn’t seem to take care of her skin (I remember her saying she washes with whatever bar soap is around and doesn’t get acne), so a cosmetic procedure would only help her. I don’t know why she’s rather be naturally ugly than admit she needs makeup/styling or a minor procedure to look better as a model.
No. 449183
File: 1513879872149.png (1.31 MB, 640x1136, 28DA2C29-0F7D-46EC-BA2A-A1D000…)

These are some before/after pics of Botox masseter reductions.
No. 449373
>>449365They had to disable comments on the Fitt’s videos on YouTube because of the flood of commenters shocked at her appearance. That’s why she went on that TV show and make up the story about how she only uploads “edited“ pictures because she feels expected to (and not because she’s been lyi about shopping for 6 years). Libera dropped her right after that, Fitt’s was the only job she got through them before she went to Platinum Productions (a talent agency) and is now using her 2012 shoops as her official, legitimate modeling portfolio pictures. Not even any of her work with Bravo.
Every time she gets a good gig with a lot of press, the comments get disabled and it’s a shitshow and then Dakota goes into hiding again for months. Someone is pulling hella strings for her for sure.
No. 449735
>>449183Damn, I need to get that shit done.
Kota is foolish for not doing something like this to get her the look she's trying to achieve.
No. 449789
>>449354>>449762>>449785i could tell even from the thumbnail on lolcow's frontpage when it was first posted that this was shooped by her lol. the head shape is a dead giveaway even in thumbnail size.
>>449373i thought she only said that she "kirakira-ed her photos" which to me sounded like a downplay of "oh i just add sparkles and color filters with phone apps". did she actually say she felt expected to edit her photos?
No. 449949
>>449887This. She basically acted as if she was some victim in this grand scheme that
made her shoop herself.
No. 449954
>>449174Not everyone is eligible for masseter botox. If your jaw appears to be squared because of the masseter muscle, then botox will help; but if that's the actual shape of your jaw, botox can't reduce the bone.
Plus, are there even doctors performing this treatment in Japan? It's sort of new and doesn't seem like the kind of stuff that Japanese people would get. They don't even get braces when needed, let alone facial fillers/botox.
And at last, Dakota was barely able to afford teeth whitening, and only recently, after years of yellow teeth. I don't think she can afford that
No. 449980
File: 1513960953865.jpg (106.64 KB, 528x690, e9bb33bcf23787055e01ce91f2d3cd…)

>>449954Jaw surgery and botox injections are a thing in Japan. The results just aren't crazy as the Koreans and It's probably not as popular. Japan started caring more about paleness and small faces when Korea introduced their fuck up beauty standards. Koot could had gotten surgery to live up to her lies but she thought people would still tolerate her shit and give her jobs, guess Dakota had to learn this the hard way.
No. 450102
>>449975>it wasn't any kind of "woe is me, here's the real truth, i'm a victim"It literally was. You can go back in the old thread and read all about how she went on tv with a segment titled “I’m not a real Barbie” when in reality the only reason Dakota is known as such is because she first started calling herself that. She claims she was an innocent girl who didn’t think she was special, and that everything else happened because ~she’s just sooo naturally beautiful~. She’s a thirsty lying bitch and the only think keeping her going is the fact that her mom and sister have all day to delete anything she doesn’t like.
Honestly I feel like all this shit Dakota and her family have been doing for years is somehow illegal or wrong as fuck. You shouldn’t be able to just keep lying to make yourself look better and getting legit job opportunities off it without any repercussion.
No. 450469
>>450102remember the “you are not aloooone” music playing in the background as she recounted her horrible tale of victimhood lmao
also the tear jerker story of having to scrounge up change just to be able to afford some bread lol ok
No. 450574
>>450102It's not illegal…but I mean, she's with a talent agency now. That's like ground level. Also using her old photos. This is truly the beginning of the end.
Also lol at her saying she feels "pressure" to shoop her photos because of the Barbie title. Her photos look nothing like her original "living doll" images. She's trying to look a young and baby faced as possible
No. 450854
File: 1514042452751.png (348.68 KB, 606x404, Screen Shot 2017-12-23 at 10.1…)

>>450469Lol, but by the time she officially moved to Japan she already had a whack of gigs under her belt, and there for money. Her 2012-2013 gigs were some of her highest paying .. I'm pretty sure her first stay she had her family with her. Also she was staying in modelling housing in the beginning and had gigs lined the fuck up..
How is she playing it off like Bravo never got her enough gigs in the beginning.
Also, new pic.
She got a new phone, so I guess she just received her Christmas gifts early and couldn't wait.
No. 450942
File: 1514051531248.png (137.43 KB, 275x597, Screen Shot 2017-12-23 at 12.5…)

This video is unlisted and comments are disabled, have no idea how but the VK group found it. No. 450946
>>450942I recognise that some of it's meant to be silly cutesy stuff, but her acting is as atrocious as Kiki's.
"I'm getting really… tired. Of you not listening to what I'm saying."
No. 450956
>>450942holy shit koots APPLY YOURSELF
that was such a simple role and you still fucked it up
No. 450958
File: 1514052795492.png (1.22 MB, 1440x1715, bald.png)

>>450942when your hair is this damn thin, you might as well just shave it
No. 450966
>>450942I like that they made her look like the English teacher since she’s too old and fat looking to pass as a student anymore, kek.
No. 450978
File: 1514054091343.jpg (25.3 KB, 278x484, english for dummies.JPG)

I see her art is still atrocious. That hand is freaking me out
No. 451003
>>450942At a first glance I thought it was Trump, don't ask me why.
Anyway, poor acting aside, she really needs to get rid of the puffy eyebags and put some eyeliner on, she would look so much better. Also fix that nose, natural or fake that it is it's too fake looking, small and pointy for her face. These two improvements alone and she wouldn't need photoshop anymore.
As for the hair I don't know, maybe use natural looking front lace wigs?
No. 451022
>>450942I scrolled down and thought it was a fat midget man. Then I clicked and saw she went to the kaka school of acting.
Christmas came early!
No. 451045
File: 1514060623470.gif (1.59 MB, 260x460, kekjustkidding.gif)

>>450942I dunno if I fully understand this script.. LOL.
She's fantasizing about being a frustrated foreign exchange teacher ? Because thats secretly what ever white person entering or living in Japans goals are.
Or is she playing two roles ( Teacher + student ) and complimenting her own foreign english abilities ?
No. 451056
>>451048I'm curious why they even brought her in for it to begin with. They unlisted and blocked commenting right from the get go… Even though out of all the fits stuff she's done, this is the one she looks the most decent in.
All that time and money to make a video not even really viewable/findable to the public. Unless when she got the gig she signed for the whole campaign, so they technically can't really do anything about it now. ( Besides censoring and unlisting Kooter content )
No. 451059
>>451056They did post it on their Twitter so it has been seen: they don't want to clutter their channel with the shorter clips? No idea really.
No. 451095
>>451017She must have filmed this before she got her teeth whitening done.
>>451045Same. I think she’s fantasizing about being an English teacher. Lol, isn’t that what most weebs end up doing in Japan when they fail at being a model or idol? I lowkey think whoever is in charge or her makeup and outfit are trolling her. This campaign is objectively the worst she’s looked in any big brand job she’s done.
No. 451153
File: 1514067946640.jpg (139.23 KB, 1199x900, DRqCAOyUEAE6Pzq.jpg)

>>451141Not that anon but here you go.
No. 451173
File: 1514068881889.jpg (39.97 KB, 521x494, asianpt.JPG)

>>451153Here's the post.
Dakota and her friend (who really looks like an asian PT to me in the face)
went out together. As always it was soothing but when she gets home she watches nothing but horror. And then she says that she loves her.
No. 451384
File: 1514087037065.png (614.29 KB, 789x457, Screen Shot 2017-12-23 at 9.44…)

>>408303i bet this is why amber got blocked
kota didn't like the idea of someone cribbing her title
No. 451401
File: 1514089788145.jpeg (104.13 KB, 309x574, 98E35123-9C4D-4965-8F42-6F06C4…)

>>451003>trumpahahahaaaa I see it
No. 451473
File: 1514102527051.png (548.69 KB, 457x616, 8ADAC133-61AB-4DE7-B0FF-6CF5BF…)

>>451422>abundance of opportunities Ehh, like what? I mean, she works sporadically, takes long breaks between jobs, and the reaction to her work are heavily censored or even deleted soon after release. I don’t see companies tripping over themselves to book her these days tbh.
No. 451525
File: 1514116093472.jpg (85.81 KB, 692x692, DRyjm5QWkAIqUnd.jpg)

No. 451866
>>451649damn she's been looking so ragged and chubby lately, i forgot she used to be cute. her hair looks so good here. dakota please do yourself a favor and buy your ass some extensions.
>>451807>>451860i also liked it. it seemed really carefree to me, and gave her personality.
No. 451880
>>451878I mean, it's Japan…
She seems nice and spontaneous in that video, opposed to her usual stuck up self. It's like watching another person. Dakota needs a wake up call.
No. 452019
>>451860Agreed. She also made a weird comment about how she's into older guys. Gross.
Sucks because back in these days, we had a lot of commentary and things translated, but they've been lost with time.
No. 452048
>>452019It's a scripted fake reality tv segment meant to shock and disgust.
Anyone who thinks it's her "personality" and a positive thing makes it funnier, because it was been rumored she lived with an older man for the longest time.
No. 452057
File: 1514202443593.jpg (122.86 KB, 615x959, wew.jpg)

>>452055I finally got around to watching this. The eyeliner helps.
No. 452094
>>451885She did it because her popularity was tanking after she started going on TV regularly and being an ass. Her dolly image was spoiled and once she got a grip on spoken Japanese she turned herself into the rude, gruff guro chick who likes older men and shops herself younger to appeal to them. It’s like a travel promo for a resort but done by a wacky variety TV show for awkward laughs, hence feeding her bugs and letting the old man creep on her. The entire vibe of the video was weird. She didn’t seem carefree to me, she seemed annoyed and like she was there because she had to be and was just going along with it.
For a few years there, Dakota was banking on soft core implied old man pandering hardcore. Of course now that she seems to be secure enough to get fat and start popping up with real jobs again, she can go back, edit her past and pretend that was never the case.
No. 452159
>>451384I've always wondered why Kota or other dolly girls haven't reached out to one another or became friends. Its not like every single dolly girl hates her or thinks poorly of her. Almost all lie and shoop or get plastic surgery anyways.Not like any are better than one another.
shrugs Kota legit automatically blocks anyone pretty or threatening to her. How pathetic .. She has no excuse/reasoning for not understanding why people don't like her.
Or does Kota assume that we're those girls ? secretly shit talking …
No. 452179
have reaches out to her, and to Kiki in the past, but they’re stuck up twats who only like people who are popular or rich, or can give them things or get them places. They’re extremely selfish and self serving, while also top level insecure.
No. 452656
File: 1514278173835.png (638.08 KB, 608x964, Koot.png)

>>450978Added it enlarged.
Her drawings are so strange. I like that she does her own thing though.
No. 452658
File: 1514278268717.jpg (80.03 KB, 960x750, 6de00c20df9eb291ca4c1f134817bf…)

>>452159they.. have. All of them in fact. I only consider Valeria, Anastasia, Dakota, and Venus (+2 other Russian ones we don't talk about bc of language barrier) the only real "living dolls", all of the others are cringy self-proclaimed wannabes and never got any real fame for it like being on the news. If travel allowed, all of them have already reached out to each other. Valeria is even subscribed to Dakota and Kiki on youtube!
I always thought that they just didn't want to associate 'with that band of freaks' bc they were "real models". Unlike the rest Dakota never went on any freakshow tv to talk about her "obsession with being a doll" so I think she took advantage of this label in a very different and much smarter way than all of the rest of them.
No. 452710
File: 1514294518966.jpeg (864.11 KB, 2560x2312, 755AFC4F-217A-4F4E-BBF6-D75FBD…)

>>452656I can see what pic she referenced, lol. Her shading is very good, but her anatomy is dicks. That hand on the notebook has my sides in orbit, not to mention the giraffe neck and alien head.
No. 452724
>>452710>Her shading is very goodwhat? are you actually blind? that shading has no direction or purpose, it's literally just a solid, rough outline on the inside of every shape.
the neck and anatomy i think is purposefully stylized though. her style used to be dark, creepy, and alien looking.. just like her back then. i guess it just hasn't changed.
No. 454079
triggered. Go back to tumblr and post your trash there.
No. 455253
>>455123I don’t know. The last time she went back she had a few ugly shops in very old clothes to show off… kind of odd she wouldn’t do it at all this time.
Maybe she’s still in japan just not doing anything she thinks is worth showing.
No. 455286
File: 1514489631063.jpeg (108.19 KB, 1200x820, DSKCKC2VQAgBPwM.jpeg)

No. 455287
File: 1514489643922.jpeg (145.87 KB, 1200x842, DSKCI_EVQAcCEi3.jpeg)

No. 455630
>>451649wtf is going on on this video?
it looks so creepy to me, like a date with that old man
No. 455704
>>455287I wonder if she'll delete this picture just like her other one where she left her head pudgy looking. Looks like she has downs.
Btw.. Did she change her lipstick for each shot ? Or just forgot to shoop one of them. The darker lip stick looks nicer.
No. 455742
File: 1514516475743.jpeg (23.54 KB, 236x262, 2E2F9D40-0D68-42C6-8A19-768C02…)

>>455286reminds me a little of Steve buscemi
No. 458769
File: 1514808437362.jpeg (153.58 KB, 1200x765, DSc7v_qUEAA8XFx.jpeg)

No. 458782
File: 1514811080302.png (48.88 KB, 320x320, 487898-charliebrown.png)

>>458769why does she insist on serving charlie brown teas with those bangs
No. 458809
File: 1514817181130.jpeg (20.29 KB, 560x304, EE49765F-97FF-4521-845E-DDEA50…)

>>458769She shops her head so small and her body looks massive. I don’t get the look she’s going for.
No. 458851
File: 1514823872612.jpeg (261.44 KB, 1242x1693, EE1BAE39-7A46-43F1-AD4B-C51FA0…)

She’s watching American Horror Story which I find fitting because the way she’s staring at nothing makes her look like she lost it completely
No. 459998
File: 1514935313400.jpg (1.78 MB, 1600x1197, IMG_2773.JPG)

I know it's kind of uncalled for but I wanted to see if I could make her look like her shoops using Meitu. I didn't really manage but I scared the shit out of myself when I used the compare before and after button.
No. 460087
File: 1514940230328.jpg (112.78 KB, 720x712, T6wn_jl8L64.jpg)

No. 460088
File: 1514940260886.jpg (115.42 KB, 720x710, CySZwEfqah0.jpg)

No. 460110
File: 1514942255643.jpg (960.03 KB, 1600x1200, Itried.jpg)

Here's my sad attempt
No. 460142
File: 1514943658296.jpg (1023.09 KB, 1600x1197, IMG_2777.JPG)

She really could make a career out of photoshopping. I have no idea how she does what she does to her pictures. Somevody should make a video of themselves photoshopping one of her candids to what she has on social media.
No. 460160
Gd autocorrect I swear
No. 460169
>>460159To be fair, all I did for
>>460142 and
>>459998 was run then through Meitu and touch them up. It took me about 5 minutes for each. But even in an app like that, with all of the features it has, you can't do the kind of stuff that she does with her photos, or make it look as natural as her shoops do.
No. 460905
>>460774Venus is probably blocked on all social media accounts of Dakota's. Seeing as Dakota blocked other girls without any contact between them being made.
Dakota needs to befriend some botox and exercise.
No. 461307
>>461257I don't know. She's gone for such a long time in her career doing things that would hurt her at the end. She's photoshopped her pictures for so long that it would probably be hard for most people to accept her for how she really looks, and we've seen how her general Japanese audiences reacts to any of her TV appearances, where she looks nothing like her pictures. She's also created a negative image based off of how she's rude to people, and alienated herself from people who could have helped her.
A lot of people might blame those old videos of her where she mocks the Japanese, pulling her eyes apart and saying some racist and homophobic shit, but in the long run, that's had a trivial impact to her career in comparison to everything else that's happened. So yeah, is he could change her attitude and turn her life around and become a more positive person, but I doubt that it would have any positive impact on her career now. It's too far gone.
No. 461353
File: 1515047702533.png (53.08 KB, 115x270, dffd.png)

i have nothing to contribute except that i keep scrolling past this and seeing teeny tiny gremlin legs and its making me howl
No. 461490
>>461307I don't think a revival at her age and with her current looks and past is possible in Japan. So let's say she returns to the US, what can she offer? by modelling standards she could never have launched a careeer there in the first place and outside of modelling she's only done tarento work which also doesn't help her outside of Japan.
Her only hope imo is to come clean and move on from the living doll alien baby shtick alltogether. She coukd probably reinvent herself by blogging or vlogging - granted she'd need a special interest because on her personality alone she's not getting anywhere fast. Idk maybe she could get pregnant and be a vlogging mom in Japan.
Honestly Its pretty decent that she's dragged out her career for this long. Bravo did her every favour they could but it's like trying to convince someone that what they're eating is lobster when it's sardine.
No. 461587
>>461503You could always just email them yourself …
As interesting as any of that would be, I don't think anyone here really wants to be the last nail in her coffin. Her fame and career have already been on a steady down slope, and she's already burned thru 2 agencies last year. Why kick a dead horse for little milk ?
>>461583With a food baby, maybe.
Kota has had history of bad weight gain from junk food and being lazy. You couldn't really expect someone to stay slim sitting on their ass eating potato chips ? Or eating out when ever they have the dime to.
No. 461609
>>461587No, but sudden weight gain followed by a long hiatus, a move, and coming back looking busted as fuck and downright exhausted? I’ve seen girls who
did hide pregnancies while working in public that don’t look as bad as she does in the Fitt’s pics from the last few months.
No. 461611
File: 1515078429665.png (201.56 KB, 224x339, tumblr_m2r7v6MuDy1r75cwc.png)

>>461013Personally I've seen some articles talking about her catfishing, on pretty big news websites too… not in English though. Maybe that's why they weren't Ostrenga'd.
No. 461655
>>461609idk man..
The hiatus was because she got fired ? let go ? and had no agency to get her gigs. Her last few gigs with Bravo she fucking looked wrecked. Greasy af and bumhole lips. The move was because she couldn't afford such an expensive place anymore. All her money was going into affording that place, and non of it was being re-invested into her looks ( hair extensions,diet, nails, makeup and photoshop subscription ) Its no wonder she went down hill so fast. Dakota's looks have always highly depended on Makeup and hair extensions, and without them she looks like shit.
Just because she got poor and fat doesn't mean she got knocked up. You act like her hiatus was her taking time off and having a vacation when all it was, was her being fired and out of a job for 6 months. Being fired and taking time off are not the same thing.
No. 462532
What does everyone want the next thread thumbnail to be? I vote for either
>>408559 No. 462547
>>462532I vote for
>>461353 maybe paired with that pic from behing, sitting
shooping is old, fatness is more fresh lol
No. 462558
>>450942did they use after fx or something with this? she looks pretty good here (compared to all the horrible candids)
makes me sad, honestly all she needs is to lose some weight, more hair and makeup
No. 462602
File: 1515161325128.png (632.66 KB, 642x634, 1495733213849.png)

>>462547Well then, this would be the best image for "fatness".
No. 462673
>>462532Make a collage with
>>461353 and
>>451401 and it would be perfect
No. 462993
>>462805Let me ctrl+f that for you anon.
> don’t forget to include her VK page.
No. 462996
>>462805Please use
>>420291I feel like she’s going to try to make these pics disappear now that they let her upload her catfish shoops to her platinum profile.
No. 463063
File: 1515200351835.jpg (1.06 MB, 1355x973, IMG_2810.JPG)

How's this, gotta get a little Kota-Trump in there
No. 463132
File: 1515204103849.png (71.75 KB, 246x275, IMG_7286.PNG)

>>462602I vote this flattering photo of Kooter
No. 463167
File: 1515206898749.gif (5.19 MB, 480x270, kooter.gif)

Seeing as its the new year, someone should just do a collage of all of Kota's modelling work for 2017.
I mean, you can't also forget this glorious duck waddle.
No. 463298
>>463296Sorry samefag.
13 to 23.
No. 463310
File: 1515221132265.jpg (1.63 MB, 1396x950, IMG_2818.JPG)

This should do
No. 463524
File: 1515260813340.png (273.19 KB, 597x404, Screen Shot 2018-01-06 at 12.4…)

The sheer size of her fucking hand in this image is mind boggling … Like why ?
And her face/head shape always looks like a potato.
No. 463549
>>463542Agreed, however if she continues to get no jobs she will be dropped.
I wonder how many agencies she'll go thru in 2018. I mean she went thru 2 last year.
No. 463566
>>463524She finally took a picture in a different spot.
>>463549She still hasn't received a job yet even with her catfish photos.
No. 464584
>>463566You can't catfish when the whole country knows you're ugly
The agencies know what's up