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No. 410442
Alex Mahan or Yandere Dev, basically the living embodiement of an incel, creator of the edgy sandbox meme "game" Yandere Simulator:
>shilled his shit streams on /v/>made incel tier posts on Gaia online>showed MikeZ sempai, programmer of skullgirls, his shitty prototype>Instead of kissing his ass, sempai decided to criticize his code and give him genuine advice that would ironically be needed for his newest game>eventually he would come back to /v/ with his early idea for yandere sim>/v/ likes it and even volunteers some work for the game; however, this was short lived as it is soon found out that evaxephon and yandere dev are the same person, /v/ and /a/ get on his ass about this>after a failed attempt at trying to win 8chan's love, alex decides to find a home within his reddit, mainly filled with edgy 13-year olds and ass-lickers where he posts giant ass text walls of edgy bullshit>the game has now turned into an edgy convoluted mess of memes and random bullshit>Including but not limited to; big busty boobies on underage girls, using colored panties as currency, kidnapping and torturing underage girls, brainwashing girls into killing other students, shoving someone's head into a fan causing a giant bloody fountain, killing someone using weights/an avil, etc.>made a 10 minute video complaining about emails and a green haired girl to represent his fanbase, which he repeatedly kills as a way to represent how much he hates them>entire game is programmed with if/else statements>game is plagued with bugs, shitty models, design choices, voice acting, and runs at 12 fps (even with high end pcs)>most of his game is filled with stolen assests (from mmd no less)>is planning on making a kickstarter of 1 million dollars despite already having a patreon that he earns 4-5k each month>recently partnered with tiny build, hopes that they will finish his game for him > tried to victimize himself (he does this a lot) and harass twitch after his game was banned on it>currently development on the game has come to a screeching halt, mainly because alex has been spending an ungodly amount of time streaming>repeatedly lies to his viewers, stating he works 24/7 and has dedicated a good portion of his life to the game (missing birthdays, weddings, etc.) despite evidence proving this false>currently, rabid fans of his have harassed someone to the point of suicidal thoughts (a la steven universe infamy) and alex doesn't carePatreon: Harassment Drama: chat: No. 411462
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I was wondering why this fucker didn't have a thread here yet, kek. He's convinced people pointing out how much of an incompetent douchebag he is is "harassment" and "trying to destroy his life".
No. 411472
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I remember when this picture used to be posted in 4chan cringe/rage threads back in 2009/2010.
That's all I remember him for. Damn he has aged.
No. 411528
>>411486Because the majority of YanSim's followers are underage girls who use Ayano as a self-insert and edgy weebs who think that this game is deep because they get to kill underage girls. There's also a handful of LPers that play YanSim too.
What I don't understand is how Alex's fanbase can stay patient for so long. Like, people lost patience over the delayed development of Hiveswap and Omori Boy…so why does Alex still get $5,000 a month just to stream ecchi games in his parents basement?
No. 411536
>>411472Stop making games about torturing and killing little girls and maybe people won't think you're a fucking freak. Or spend that Patreon money on a goddamn nose job. His nasty personality is just so clear on his face.
I don't know much about Yanderes, but I know the term basically means someone whose love has become destructive, and Yuno from Future Diary is the poster girl for the term, and due to the story being a death game is why she's a crazy axe murderer. I think Yanderes are most interesting when it's about the psychological aspect and the fear of being in a situation where you're the object of their affection and how terrible it would be, rather than just a crazy gore fest. I played a visual novel years ago that was very short where your character is mistaken for the person the yandere loves, and you can either help get her into a mental ward or she pushes you in front of a train when you try to play along, and I find that way more creepy and interesting and would totally play a bigger version of that than some eroguro shit.
No. 411540
>>411536even school days is better than this shit. yandere basically just means what you said, someone who's in love and mentally ill in a way that causes their love to be destructive. things like obsession and stalking and isolation attempts and paranoia tend to happen because the girl is so crazy. it's like the fans who love musicians so much they try to kill them, only smaller scale. most yandere don't even try to mess with outsiders, especially physically, and more often try interfering by manipulating their love interest. yandere sim is a weak, weeb, even cringier, representation of something that's already represented in a cringy way, and liked by cringy people. i agree that yandere in media can be very cool, because it's fucked up, not because the character or representation is cool. people who identify with or like yandere characters seriously are fucking insane tho.
No. 411547
>>411540It's even worse when you have guys that are like 'omg muh waifu I wish a cute girl loved me so much she would want to kill me that would get me hard' Bitch no you wouldn't. I remember huge threads on /r9k/ where really pathetic guys talked about that being their ultimate fantasy. And this guy totally panders to that crowd and the fact that they pay for him to do it is baffling to me.
I'd really like to see a horror game that explores that subject and shows that it is not love, and it's not something you would want to be the object of. It's all the psychological stress and damage, not just hot girls and gore.
No. 411568
>>411547>>411557Slightly OT but
Doki Doki Literature Club is pretty much the game you describe. It's well made, very scary and free on Steam. It's also developed, written and coded mostly by one gUy so TAKE THAT, ALEX. (sorry for posting this like five times, i suck on mobile.
No. 411574
>>411557I honestly can't remember because the game was so short, I actually think it was Western, but the girl had silver hair and yellow eyes. I'll try to look it up.
>>411559Isn't the main character in School Days a cheating, sex addicted jerk that cheats on the girls and kind of drives them to being so crazy and violent? I'm only going by the show that I've never watched.
>>411568I was actually about to mention that game, my boyfriend watched a stream of it and described it to me, and all I could think of was how someone basically made a better version of Yandere Devs game that's actually creepy and disturbing and has a message at the end that if you're the kind of person that's attracted to these games and characters you need to get a life and stop making severe depression and mental illness a fetish. I hope people let this dude know he might as well give up on his shit because that game blows his out of the water.
No. 411677
He's an idiot and done well, but the main character girl manipulates him from the beginning and she ends up very guilty. Only one of the characters is innocent, but she still ends up crazy.
No. 412394
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>>410510Holy shit, that roaring and grunting killed me. What a fucking betafag.
No. 412476
>>412378Yeah, no, Google Translate is the worst for any form of translation. Grammar is out the window, for one. And the modeller shouldn't have to go out of their way to understand what you're saying (half of them will just ignore messages that aren't in Japanese anyway)
I do recall someone who did correspondence for a modeller known as TDA who spoke both Japanese and a reasonable amount of English, but whether he'd help other modellers go after YanSim is questionable at best. I believe they go by damesukekun on deviantart?
But if you can prove the assets are stolen, and can prove which modeller/model they're stolen from, I suppose going to him is your best bet?
No. 413035
>>411536Are you really going to sperg about a game premise?
I mean sperg about his incel shit and raking in 5k a month while complaining about having to work on his game, but you sound retarded acting concerned about an 'edgy' game.
>What is 90% of anime No. 413039
>>411559There's only one girl who goes yan in school days, and it's only in a few of the bad endings.
In one of the sequels you can fuck the underaged sister. One ending you basically black mail her into fucking you so you don't leave/cheat on her sister
No. 456796
>>411574>and has a message at the end that if you're the kind of person that's attracted to these games and characters you need to get a life and stop making severe depression and mental illness a fetishBut there isn't?
Seems like you are projecting your opinion of those type of people
No. 497647
>>497533You're ignoring the countless other assets he stole from custom 3D girl and the MMD community. If you're gonna reply to an old thread with stupid shit you can't even research, at least sage.
Fucking idiot.
No. 641079
>>641076I actually found this
>>641065 yesterday after watching the Repzilla video on YD (i'll link that video as well).
I didn't think too much of YD until I watched these, my knowledge of him was just that he was a prick that was lazy in updating and working on Yandere Simulator. I wasn't aware of the sexual deviance, stealing other peoples work, and his overall cowishness.
No. 732343
>>732340he made a poll between two decisions he can make
>work on the game>address the accusationswhy can't he work on the game AND address the accusations? It's not hard YandereDev, you can keep working on the game after talking about the criticism lol
No. 732975
>>732594>>732597It might be mostly because of
>they're mostly just people repeating the same thingsHis actions are fun to watch like a garbage can continuously combusting but most of him is already known and nothing much can be said. All's fun to do is to just watch what dumb shit he does next.
No. 733066
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>>732340Was looking up the artist because I cannot understand why people want to work with this man and ruin their repuation. After seeing what this artist had to say after someone told them to watch out for working with YanDev, its not shocking to see trash people working with each other
sage for ot
No. 1272014
>>1271967>i hope they find how hurtful it is to be excluded in a community that you grew up in.i almost cries when they banned me>community you grew up in>it’s yansim discord serverYou need to get a life.
>>1271970Everyone involved sounds like a maladjusted loser, as expected.
No. 1905988
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>>1905736Screencap is from the video since basically there's grooming accusations with proof in toe in the video, for your tl;dr.
For the recap, I don't know how to green text but here goes:
> The uploader introduces the vid saying there's been a shit storm over the summer when it comes to Yandev
> The video is re-uploaded cuz the OP, Jane 16 yo, who is the one who got the voice chats recordings, screen caps and originally had been interviewed about Alex and his involvement with her online, asked the interviewer and owner the Yt channel to remove that video.
> The voices in the recordings are lightly modified to protect Jane.
> Basically there's a lot of "oh you're so kewt. Would you stop being so kewt" coming from Yandev.
> It then escalates quickly into voice chats talking about him being a virgin, his penis' or Jane's breasts size or Only fans. They are excerpts of several voice chats happening at different times.
> Also there's is mention of another alleged grooming incident with a 14yo which Alex claims was a 14 yo boy who decided to troll the web for attention
> Big yikes moment when Yandev says he started working on the game in 2014 and Jane realizes she was 7 years old then
> Coming in afterwards are text chats with him, recorded while the discussion was happening "live" where he's looking forward to seeing Jane dress and undress, calling it erotic.
> Then the one that I screencapped since Jane probably was suspicious enough (at least until recently) of him attempting to groom her to record a buncha stuff. Enough to ask the owner of the Yt channel.
> The interviewer interrupts after the text evidence to explain that Jane then let herself be convinced by Alex that she can't share that "blackmail on him"
> More recording of "live" text from Jane chatting with him, where he makes himself into the victim. Claims to be panicking hard about the release of that info.
> He admits in the texts of having been in the voice chats, which he denied on the last post he made on his website (probably convinced his die-hard fans it's AI imitating his voice or something).
> He convinces her not to "ruin his life and career" with carefully chosen words
> Jane goes from thinking about it to letting it rest and asking if she can go to sleep at 1am on a school night
> Interviewer/YouTube channel owner gives her feedback on Jane retracting herself from it all, and sympathizes. Which is why the interview in the original video is not in the re-upload
> However she consulted other alledged grooming victims of Yandel and they all agreed that it's not just about them or Jane, it's about protecting the next minor from him.I think that sums it up.
No. 1906435
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The apology he posted is pathetic
No. 1906474
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>>1905988The video is such a textbook example of grooming and manipulation. The way the
victim started freaking out about "ruining his life and career" when he had absolutely no qualms about threatening to sue her and fuck with her education, all while acting like she's the one holding power over him. Picrel is another screenshot of their conversation.
No. 1906813
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Ayano and Senpai's voice actors also quit working on the game through statements on Twitter. I'm still dumbfounded how anyone didn't catch the fact that YanDev was a predator when he was exposed back in 2017 kek.
No. 1906815
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>>1906813Samefagging with another Twitter screenshot
No. 1906820
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>>1906813Posting her notes screenshot again, my phone fucked the screenshot while scrolling
No. 1906824
>>1906816Either that or he'll troon out kek.
>>1906821Looking back, the game was ruined from the start tbh. It had a great concept, but pretty much everything else is wrong, including the developer.
No. 1907043
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>>1906813YanDev got caught playing a game about molesting a 12 year old on a train, by the way. Archive: This has been known for years at this point. These people associated with him don't care about his reprehensible behavior, they're just smart enough to realize that there's no way forward from here.
No. 1907101
>>1907043They know that netizens will eat them up alive if they are still associating themselves with YanDev. I feel like people started to see things like grooming and posts like your picrel differently than how they did in the early 2010's. In other words, taking things like these more seriously and for a good reason.
I saw some comments on the clock app theorizing that the va's allegedly had contractual obligations, which i doubt since it was volunteer work. I think they just loved the sweet clout the game gave them, same with Jay (kubz scouts) imo. Jay was the sole reason the game got any recognition in the first place.
If they really did care, they would've pulled the plug long ago when YanDev's old posts and peoples' testimonials surfaced all those years ago, but they and the fanbase chose to litsen to YanDev sperging about "muh sjw's, muh trollz and muh enemies" and ate that shit up.
(sage) No. 1909565
>>1908959i get that it feels like shes being silenced, but man it doesn't look too good when she was regularly inconsistent and still defended YanDev. it really sucks.
on the other hand, why is the chat was so retarded the entire time? (like almost all stream chats are) they were awful at asking her questions
No. 1909576
>>1909565She was groomed too, so she probably thinks he's a lot nicer than he really is. Truth of the matter is that context or not the shit he said was reprehensible and disgusting. No well adjusted adult would say things like that about children. Not to mention, this is a pattern at this point. He routinely sexualizes minors.
Regardless of whether or not the youtuber and drama channel handled this tactfully (Which it wasn't, to be clear) Yanderedev doesn't deserve an inch, not one tiny iota of leniency.
No. 1909617
>>1909576agreed. i sympathize with her because the attention maybe is scaring her a bit. imaging recording conversations and you decide if they should be released or not, but ultimately decide against it. then another person comes in to basically remove your choice in the matter. yeah, it's frustrating.
yandev deserved it though. the truth needed to come out so that fucking scumbag doesn't go near children ever again.
No. 1924267
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>>1905988>Basically there's a lot of "oh you're so kewt. Would you stop being so kewt" coming from Yandev.some recording bits are from his youtube videos
I wonder why he doesn't address that when he usually goes out of his way
did he not notice?
the only fans part is a monologue from one of his old videos where he responded to viewers or critics
it's not part of a real conversation
if even half of what is said about Alex is true then it's not a good look for him
he reminds me of a certain someone but I take everything online thrown around with a grain of salt
I think his game was doomed from the start like his other ones but he stuck to it because of fame and money instead of moving on
he thought he could make this game in a few months working alone
it doesn't make sense
any producer wouldn't have let him near anything that isn't code with that tendency of his to turn code into lasagna
and why did he think he could dabble in several industry fields at once, hes no jack of all trades
the other thing is being a jack or not has no influence on how much workload you can manage at once
that type of work management ethic reminds me of Madison Reeve but in this case he brought it on himself since he is basically self-employed to sage) No. 1987466
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One of the mods of r/Osana released voice recordings of YanDev admitting to receiving CSAM and him admitting that he listened to the kid he groomed masturbating on call No. 1987604
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>>1949718sage for old milk but i think this post didn't get the attention it deserved. I guess that's because everyone was too lazy to watch the video, understandably so. I'll post some highlights because kekkkk it's hilarious
No. 1988481
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>>1987604>you want all short men genocided???Yes.
No. 2005874
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Alex made a poll asking what his fans wanted from him, then went on a big schizo rant about how nobody picked the things he wanted kek
No. 2005875
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he also went on a big schizo rant about it on his discord server
No. 2008017
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More groomer allegations came out on r/Osana from a user named VelvetStar77. Additional context: Jelly is the name of the girl who initially came out with the grooming allegations that beat down Chalex’s already dying career last summer
Recap (taken from the other farms)
>In 2020 some 14-yo feels sorry for Alex and messages him words of encouragement. They start talking to the point that person "develops feelings for him"(ew) and Alex suggests they, of fucking course, switch to Discord>In 2021 Alex makes this person "do the tasks for him" and later promotes her to a moderator. Worth mentioning that Alex asked if her was 18 and when they told "i am not an adult", still made her a mod>In 2022 tasks become so overwhelming that began affecting her education, however, Alex began lovebombing her and their conversation got more personal>"After 2022, he became more affectionate with me. the things that stood out to me washim saying that he was willing to have me travel to him once i'm 18, as I would always tell him that once I'm 18" - if that's not a definition of grooming, then I don't know what is.
>things turn sour, since the OP becomes jealous and vents about personal stuff to Alex more and more>Alex sends her webcam videos, nothing NSFW, just some words of encouragement>It all progresses until Alex tells her that she makes him feel like something towards "a significant other">OP starts avoiding him because "he was flirting with his friends too much" which to me sounds like usual coomer routine on his server. >In the end he makes a private VC with her.>In July 2023 Alex starts getting bored with her. First she tries to win him back, but then goes through the accusations again and realizes what a PoS he is, yeah, just like Sisefs 15 years ago.>Around August 2023 she becomes tired of it all and leaves after an argument. Then Jelly happens and surprisingly Alex was able to convince her that it is not what it looks like. >Then video with DMs with Jelly comes out and she cuts all the contact with him while telling him to remove her work. All of this because Alex told her that he wasn't talking to any other girl while, yep, talking to Jelly.>What's interesting though is that she asked him to pay her for all her work in May 2024 and he agreed. That's something new since Alex refused to pay most of volunteers when he was getting 5k a month from Patreon alone, but he is willing to pay for something this minor now? >Maybe he was afraid she would talk even though there was nothing NSFW between them, but I don't know.OG Post: Drive: Kiwithread for those who wanna keep the thread here up to date