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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 43009

Let's talk about "gamer girlz!!1". All the fun and attention whoring.

No. 43011

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No. 43012

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No. 43019

We get it. You're gross and boys don't like you. You're jelly that hot girls that also play video games get more attention than you.

You are the gamer equivalent of hamplanets whining about how guys are always going after "skinny bitches" instead of appreciating your "real" curves.

No. 43021


are you a gamer girl?

No. 43023

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Gamer girlz come in all sizes

No. 43036

Hammy, that's not food.

No. 43070

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Heh well this was posted in another thread but this "girl" has made a whole website as to how much of a gamer girl she is (girl in quotes because it wouldnt surprise me if it was actually a guy)

No. 44142

Can we salvage this thread and talk about the ridiculous Twitch "gamer girls"? All the personas they put on are so ridiculous but they get mad dosh from lonely betas so should I even be judging them?

No. 44146

>All the personas they put on are so ridiculous but they get mad dosh from lonely betas so should I even be judging them?
As long as lonely betas are willing to put money down their throats you can't blame them for putting up fake personas to cash in on sweet money. And as long as they are getting paid enough to stay around en masse don't complain about them, complain about people giving them money.

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