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No. 48473

Tumblr loves to make "call out" blogs. No, not the ones where some eceleb's friend reveals that they did coke and fucked homeless dudes in 2013, but call out blogs in which Tumblr SJWs "call out" people on stupid shit they deem problematic even if it happened 20 years ago. Found this one last week through my friend: http://bandomcallout.tumblr.com/
The shit on there is brain numbing if not worse.

No. 48474

There used to be a blog called yourfaveisproblematic or something and it was about all of the problematic things popular (white) celebrities did.

The majority of it was weak shit like "omg katy perry once wore a feather headdress in this music video" kek.

No. 48475



the most cancerous blog on the internet

No. 48476

takingbackourculture.tumblr.com is very hypocritical at times

No. 48477

I'm pretty sure thats a joke blog, I looked them up and they have a list of problematic things on a spongebob character and their own mom.

No. 48478


Yeah, I thought someone took over the url for a second, but scroll down a little further and you'll soon see the SJW bullshit

No. 48509

Fuck that blog. I remember coming across it for the first time and being so confused. Wearing feathers is racist? Not being gay is homophobic? The whole thing was a trainwreck, But I'm pretty sure that blog is the reason Tumblr SJW logic is so well known now sadly.

No. 48510

That's just one of tumblr's unfunny running jokes at the moment, making YFIP posts for obvious stupid things like cartoon characters. Then about 2 seconds later they'll reblog some 6 paragraph rant about why petting dogs at a certain speed is racist

No. 48528

Most of those "call out" blog posts are written with unwarranted sense of superiority. Fuck! That YFIP one even goes as far as "calling out" shit that was said decades ago (as if it were relevant now/the celebrity still stood by what they said) and remove any iota of context just so they have something to bitch about (as if the popular attitudes/viewpoints of the time weren't different to today's mainstream viewpoints). Funny thing is, I bet if you tried to do the same with them (the blog writers), they'd claim how they've "changed so much" and done a lot of ~self-improvement~ and clearly don't believe the same shit they said on their blog last week and you're the scum of the earth for suggesting such.

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