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File: 1517685514318.jpg (341.17 KB, 1609x2048, IMG_20180203_140905.jpg)

No. 491851

Olivia aka shokohoshi
Social media
Idolcringe: https://twitter.com/shokohoshi
Curious Cat: https://curiouscat.me/anzufutaba
>Pedophile on Twitter, 2D idol fandom
>Jacks it to 15 year old anime girls
>hates jews
most likely runs "idolcringe"
>makes self posts to "expose" herself?

No. 491856

yikes wrong link to idolcringe, it's: twitter.com/idolcringe

No. 492122

all of this is weak as shit. no real milk here

No. 492254

>hates jews
nothing wrong with hating joos(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 492362

File: 1517713955228.jpg (176.17 KB, 1051x1049, PicsArt_02-03-10.10.14.jpg)

hmm… found something weird, how old is Bakugou like 15? Also what's with all these 'lesbians' loving fictional men

No. 492368

File: 1517714601982.jpg (25.83 KB, 960x245, IMG_20180203_221950.jpg)

what the fuck

No. 492373

Yeah, what is up with that? I've seen a lot more of those bihets who larp as lesbians lately. Seen a lot of straight men do it too…

No. 492420

So like when are you gunna post caps of the milk OP?

No. 492440

This should be a twittercow general, there's milkier and worse girls than just her.

No. 492478

seriously thought by the op image that this was a new momokun thread

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