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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 541670

Bella MacTavish is an autistic wannabe Lolita from the UK who frequently makes an ass of herself in every possible online Lolita community.
>>Was part of rufflechat, CoF, her local comm and any other Lolita facebook group she could join.
>>Annoyed everyone by making irrelevant comments on literally every post, constantly shoehorning into all conversations.
>>Wanted to bring a replica bag to an AP event, was told not to, sperged about how "Lolita's are such bitches"
>>Constantly on cgl, lolcow (Hi Bella.) And tried to become part of Pettyfrills' community more than once despite all three places openly hating her.
>>Throws a massive pity party in every community (including on 4chan) when people tell her off.
>>Most recent pity party included telling pettyfrills that she pisses and shits herself
>>Admitted to specifically joining communities that hate her, likely so she can feel like a victim.
She is apparently leaving for three weeks but is still obviously posting here and on cgl and is suspected to have remade amino to join pettyfrills again

No. 541672

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Admitting to pissing herself too

No. 541673

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No. 541675

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How she behaves on 4chan.

No. 541677

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Proof the pissing and shitting confessions were her

No. 541683

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>>'If I act really edgy and obnoxious the 4channers will accept me as one of them!!!'

No. 541684

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No. 541685

This girl seems mentally unwell, I get Bonnie from CC vibes from her

No. 541687

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Cgl pity party #38429208 idk she does this woe is me shit anytime she doesn't get the reaction she wants

No. 541691

I don't doubt she's genuinely autistic and I would feel bad if she weren't such a manipulative cunt. She reverts back to guilt tripping and emotional manipulation EVERYTIME she doesn't get her way and milks her illness for "see you can't be mean to me because I'm a baby who pisses herself!"

No. 541733

I agree this chick is a huge snowflake but I don’t think she’s interesting enough to warrant her own thread when we have CC and lolita threads already.

No. 541744

I guess it might've been better in the Lolita thread you're right, but I also kind of want a place to catalog everything instead of being scattered between multiple places when she fucks up so often.

No. 548249

Post her in the existing lolita thread >>>/snow/79127

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