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No. 580390

Is anyone here familiar with this drama channel? I've seen a lot of people comparing him to John Kuckian for months.

He has another channel & exposes scientology:


This wanker angered a lot of youtubers in the drama community when he posted videos about a woman named Jen Gerard (owner of a pupular cosmetics company) and said she sexually harassed some guy.

It got exposed that he was contacted by a man who stalked Jen for years and bloody helped him stalk her. she sent him a cease and desist which he ripped up on camera on twitter. she also served him with a subpoena & had to honour it in 7 days and did not comply.

He said gross things like she should go on tinder if she can't keep her sexual desires to herself, if her stalker was going to kill her he would've killed her already and produced fake documents of previous employees supposedly sharing similar experiences with her.

many channels called him out for it and he lost it. proved he's a pathological liar and a sociopath. he even outed youtubers that suffered from addictions in the past becaus they criticised him.

his current endeavours are him claiming he is suing a few drama channels. he recently doxed one of the channels he says he is suing and used info from a gossip forum.

he also hosts live streams where he makes money off harassing other drama channels and a younow employee shut down his stream last night because he was doxing.

he purchases subscribers whenever he is in a major scandal that made him lose subs. he purchased over 250 last night.

the best part is this numpty is married to an attorney who is at least 35 years older than him. he uses this to his advantage whenever he gets called out. his husband doesn't intervene and is aware of how he treats people online and has made appearances in his drama and scientology videos and his live streams. he is also racist and has a twitter full of racism


all of Mango Tea's social media is: stevenmango

drama channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-9cnK7qpCei9e0AAok2jpA
scientology channel- https://www.youtube.com/user/mangoman7591

No. 580395

i know all about this loser. i'll post an expose post on him later tonight. this guy is dangerous and isn't above slandering others.(namefagging)

No. 580940

You said you were going on post information on this guy….
Also, who are you manda and why did you put your name on your post? Are you another YouTuber? I just want to know if this is some smear campaign done by another pathetic "drama" youtuber

No. 580945

He has had lots of videos and posts made about him in the past, he is a total cunt but I don't know much outside of that. I'm hoping 'Manda' comes back

No. 580994

This guy loves to Google himself so don't be surprised if he claims that lolcow is hate a site made by scientologists to smear his good name, haha.

I never knew about his drama channel or him suing people though. I only know about his Scientology stuff. Those videos were interesting at first but I had to stop watching because his content got repetitive really fast. I especially hated how he kept milking his cameo in that one Scientology documentary.

No. 581022

The person who made that video is a rather well known unreliable source. They're super biased and if you know them off GG (or their own damn twitter) they're a cow themself. Plus that video is pretty stupid for the most part, the end is the only part worth watching. (And out of a 40 minute video that's just rediculous). I'm not doubting mango isn't great and potentially a cow, he honestly gives me a super creepy vibe, but I have yet to see much evidence to see him as anything worse than a weird person who did one scummy thing with the camera situation. It doesn't help that the main people making videos against him are a junkie and BTS. What also doesn't help is when you look at everything that's happened with gen Gerard and the drama "reporting" that happened, who knows the actual truth! I sure as fuck don't trust Sanders, I don't really trust mango's source or gen Gerard herself given past history. If Manda actually spills some real tea or someone has actual proof I'll start believing it more than my gut reaction to him which I don't think is enough to form a real opinion on the guy

No. 581173

It totally is a smear campaign posting him here. Steven's a pretty tiresome youtuber but he has no need of a separate thread of his own, he could go into the youtubers general thread for example.

He's suing someone at the moment and seems to be in the midst of a catfight with some other beauty / drama channels. So he does have drama, but the way this thread has been started is suggestive of a vendetta. Top tip to newfriends: we tend not to care as much about male thread subjects.

This smells like a selfpost tbh >>580945

No. 581176

GG thread on Beauty Truth Sleuth, who he is suing for harrassing him: https://gurugossiper.com/viewtopic.php?f=186&t=33179

(and probably the OP here)

No. 581183

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Here's Mango publishing her mughsot while she pretends to be unbothered. In fact, here's a whole twitter thread of how unbothered she is! (link because it's too long):

No. 581186

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Here's where she hints about something to do wth lolcow? Is she implying Steven's on here? But why, when the only beauty youtuber thread we have on here is John Kuckian and his thread is dead? Does Steven like to talk shit on Raven Sparks? If so, welcome aboard.

The beauty drama community is far too senstive for this place.

No. 581187

One more. Mango's recent video "My Drama with Drama Channels, Who I’m Suing + My Apology". There's plenty of crazy shit going on but the focus on the lawsuit specifically starts at: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=TpdWqvOdTOM&t=7m6s

No. 581918

I totally agree. BTS no longer is liked or supported on GG (maybe due to her sudden twitter thread against it despite being on it for years and coming back within like a week) so I wouldn't be surprised if she came here to try and get some people on her side/hating mango but honestly, no one here gives a shit. We have people like Onision and Vicky who give milk daily, mango is small fish comparatively.
It's also suspicious "Manda" never returned

No. 581958

And drama channels start beef for a living. Manufactured drama is never that interesting which is why we don't talk about Youtubers too much outside of a select few like Grug.

The OP reads very much like the stuff this woman is saying about him elsewhere:
>married to an attorney who is at least 35 years older than him
>uses this to his advantage whenever he gets called out
This isn't even milk yet it's in the OP as if it is - this isn't fucking GOMI. She has a real thing about the age gap in his marriage and also about having a free attorney on tap.

All these beauty/drama youtubers are backstabbing bitches but they do everything with such polite words and longwinded explanations. Peter Monn losing his shit because Steven used his image in a thumbnail, then going onto one of this chick's streams to badmouth Steven for revenge. They're all messy bitches but at the same time incredibly naive and they're constantly backpedalling at the same time. It's pathetic to see and none of it's really milk. John Kuckian is the only true cow among them and even he's not that productive of milk.

No. 582492

This whole community of youtubers are hilarious to be honest.
The Kukian thing happened and they all sort of pretended to "come together", but in the end they all find ways to attack or turn on each other. The drama videos can be fun to listen to, but their interpersonal drama is like a whole thread in itself honestly. Petty Paige is probably the best out of all of them.

I liked watching Mango's videos at first, but he gets really cringy. He would have segments of himself dancing for like a minute before the video would start. Honestly dude no one is here for that.

No. 583275

I'd be up for a general thread about them if we get to to talk about the meta aspects like this.

No. 583602

I'm a little behind on who's mad at who right now. I've only been watching Paige & HFTT (as awful as she is on social media, her videos are always really well put together).

I stopped watching Peter Monn after the whole pedo drama thing. His videos aren't that great, I hate the drama channels where they clearly just sit there and ramble without a script. It's too annoying to watch (Sanders, Rich Lux, etc). Mango seems pretty prime to take over Kukians spot for most egotistical youtube drama channel.

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