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No. 583235

NCZ/ninjacoachz, as the subtitle says, is an admin of Behind The Voice Actors, a website cataloging voice actors and their roles, as well as voice comparisons. The problem, of course, is that he is completely unable to take any criticism of TPCi, even going so far as to delete posts criticizing their dub!

You see, one ongoing debate n the Pokemon fandom is the debate between the 4Kids dub and the TPCi dub. Most people now prefer the 4Kids dub (the only show they dubbed you’ll see this for, save for the voice acting in Yu-Gi-Oh), as TPCi’s dub lost any advantages it once held over the former dub (notably that TPCi’s dub has now replaced more of the Japanese music/OST than the 4Kids dub did, see:

And has gone back to visually editing the Series like 4Kids did…also see: https://twitter.com/pkmndubmusic/status/985937165862490113

However, there are still a few people that defend and/or make poor excuses for TPCi, and NCZ is no exception.

But NCZ wouldn't be deserving of a thread here just for having poor taste. The issue is that he is paranoid and trigger-happy. Examples:

http://archive.is/30Nts (Even though they have different opinions, NCZ still sees fit to ban them!)
https://web.archive.org/web/2016032...oiceactors.com/video-games/Pokken-Tournament/ (NCZ stressed over negative comments about the current Pokemon dub, as an admin he should be used to this by now. By the way, gotta love how he always points to the worst dub 4Kids did for Pokemon - the first movie- as an excuse to negate the other seven movies and 400+ episodes that they dubbed while holding a double standard in TPCi is above criticism, deleting posts criticizing the dub, etc.)

Not just limited to Pokemon, either, a Sonic fan had this testament to make regarding Mr. NCZ:


No. 583236

this guy……..
he's an oversensitive snowflake

No. 583237


this is probably more suited for /snow/ if not another entirely different website.

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