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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 59839

Can we please talk about this huge cringe factor

No. 59840

Can you please post links and information instead of linking only to their Instagram?

No. 59944

idk anon, he looks okay and even cute

No. 59948

Can you lurk moar before starting new threads? Please?

No. 59952

OP, don't forget to set your e-mail address as "sage". It's very important when posting on lolcow.

No. 60156

Lol he seems okay to be honest

No. 60160

Really silly, but I've seen worse. You should've seen some bronies and their dA edits.

No. 60161

it is pretty cringe that he edits himself into manga… and he has a massive nose.

But that's about the extent of it.

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