File: 1531764174327.jpg (656.06 KB, 1539x1344, nemu.jpg)

No. 638289
Christy Lynn Walker is a 26-years-old Tumblr artist and 4chan tripfag obsessed with putting underage characters and characters from children's media in graphic, disturbing, and often sexual drawings and fantasies. They usually involve vomit, radiation poisoning, and scat, all of which she very vocally fetishizes.
>>>/snow/636919>>>/snow/637030Her MO includes grooming teens (for example urging a 14yo to get her nipples pierced), encroaching on children's spaces like the Fairy Oddparents wikia, where she linked her fetish deviantART page, and calling herself a "nice lady!!" and "mama" whenever she can. As if that wasn't bad enough, she also used to be a substitute teacher. Despite desperately wanting children, she has decided not to have them because she knows what she would inevitably do to them. At some point, she decided that she had a sex addiction and renounced porn altogether, harassing others for drawing or enjoying porn while she kept fulfilling her weird-ass fetishes.
The first thread started on /ot/ and was intended for reminiscing about a *~harmless and kooky and really nice!!~* artist, which was then moved to /snow/ and almost immediately suffered an influx of whiteknights and ex-friends coming to relay their witness accounts.
She's known to excuse her
degeneracy paraphilia with tales of child sexual abuse at the hands of her father, though former friends have spoken out in the last thread and it was implied that she admitted to lying about it.
Some of the fetishes she has claimed to have acted out irl:
>stuffing vomit up her vagina or having her vagina used as a barf bag>a threesome with her boyfriend and their dakimakura involving decapitation>wrapping pizza in saran wrap to stuff it up her vagina>shitting in a bathtub with her bf to engage in scatplay and eating itUpon getting called out for her freakish behavior and her thread making the rounds on Twitter where she's currently most active, she has gone into full damage control mode by disabling social media accounts and announcing to get mental help for the umpteenth time, so remember not to post links without archiving them first via screenshots, or the wayback machine.
She has an obsession with fucking "fat and ugly" (her words) incels which includes her older boyfriend whom she cheated on with the help of a GoFundMe campaign under the guise of getting away from their abusive relationship. Her boyfriend David Hoernlen himself has come into the last thread to speak at length about their tumultuous life and has all but confirmed that she's a manipulative psycho and compulsive liar.
>>>/snow/636932In the midst of his mental gymnastics to defend and enable her, he managed to let her legal name slip.
>>>/snow/637098 He also confirmed that she may or may not have shat and vomited in tupperware boxes for herself to eat.
>>>/snow/637067Known usernames:
>Holden>angrypauly>malfunction54>krocodilekore>_miserymire>ppauly>nemu-nemu>ippycake>lovexshine>mintypuke>love-ribbon>ocdmrcrocker>000trachea>nemulife>clockwork-pauly>pushypauly>paulybreath>toganou>breaker137>castlecrush>ruined84>weddingcakeSocial media and other links: (some defunct) changed to: (David/boyfriend) No. 638309
Also ex-friends of hers are giving their stories with her and reaffirming everything said here. One of the most helpful so far is from Xan, someone who was VERY close to her (they were friends for several years and Nemu talked about her all the time) has detailed exactly what has done to her and others
>>638303Nemu will appear here sooner or later with an post almost identical to what David wrote. She'll probably end her's with "I'm leaving the internet forever guys" and then make a new twitter to continue posting what she loves to post as she's done the past THREE times she "left the internet"
>>638306I have them. Where should I upload?
No. 638310
File: 1531765342520.png (4.1 KB, 630x73, Nemu.png)

I got followed by a twitter account claiming nemu is a pedophile just yesterday
No. 638312
>>638306I think an anon in last thread archived them but they weren't particularly milky. The most milky part was Nemu casually rubbing sandpaper on her bf's back.
Weird how Nemu even harrassed her friends into taking down ENTIRE convention vlogs just because she appeared in them and it got posted here. Says a lot about how manipulative and controlling she is, she wants to try and run away so badly.
No. 638318
File: 1531765643398.png (12.72 KB, 633x157, oh dear.png)

whoever is running this is linking the lolcow thread
No. 638323
File: 1531765888631.png (437.78 KB, 582x1043, screencapture-twitter-mommyxan…)

More details from Xan
No. 638324
File: 1531765893571.png (5.55 KB, 339x286, bio.png)

also just adding that a link to lolcow is in their bio
No. 638348
File: 1531766992638.jpg (62.86 KB, 674x680, Db07Ua5U8AI9a4l.jpg)

Not exactly the most relevant or interesting thing, but did anyone upload this drawing of hers yet?
orbiters might pull the "grasping at straws" shit but I still find it disturbing that she draws herself so childlike here.
No. 638360
>>638336I think that we really need to get Chom in here to tell his story to clear the suspicions that anons had of him.
Chom if you are in here, clear your name somewhere that Nemu can't erase it. Judging by her boyfriends comments she is denying that anything happened between you two and effectively trying to erase your existence in her life.
No. 638386
>>638385I don't agree at all
>>638384I'll check streamable
No. 638394
Here's one of the vlogs, its from AWA 2017 had to shave a minute off the end as this site only lets you upload up to 10m
No. 638403
>>638397"ew the straights eww
i'm a nice queer lady"
No. 638404
>>638378yeah, no, considering her intense ocd and phobias i wouldn't doubt if it was true. she's said that she carries a spare pair of panties in her purse because she's so scared of people knowing that she goes to the bathroom, and would rather just piss herself than let anyone see her go into a restroom.
there was one time when her bf had friends over and she was so stressed out because they would see her go to the bathroom that david had to take her there himself while assuring her everything was ok and nobody cared if she had to use the toilet.
iirc this phobia wasn't about being shy, or nervous about people hearing her pee, it was just the fact that people would see that she went to the bathroom and had to pee like everyone else? it's so weird considering she's so open about eating vomit and shit and ripping huge farts
on the subject of farts, david had a raging fart fetish and every time she'd let one rip she'd do a cutesy 'oh my gosh who did that it wasn't me' thing to get him riled up. it was like an every day thing for her.
piggybacking off of that, she and david also did poop fetish stuff daily. not necessarily eating or playing with scat, but every time one of them went poop they'd berate the other. 'oh that's so stinky, you're such a filthy girl, look at this cute girl taking such a big smelly dump' etc etc. and she liked to sit on his lap while he took a dump.
No. 638405
>>638393He's not going to post, I'm relaying the message here via screenshot.
>>638395Yeah odd since David posting here didn't have anybody saying things similar to this.
No. 638406
>>638405god damn it.
he should still post tho. xan has her own questionable past and anons still found her testimony very valid.
No. 638418
>>638407>>638409I remember her saying on Tumblr that the reason she likes female characters like Mr. Crocker's mom, Olimar's wife, Torbjörn's wife etc is because she has huge mommy issues. Her fantasies of her female waifus are sometimes sexual but mostly tend to be of them caring for her.
While she's open to her mom about her fictional crushes, she felt awkward/don't talk about her female waifus because if her mom asked her "why do you like her?" her only response would be "because they're the mother figure I never had".
This is all from memory, someone correct me if I'm wrong.
No. 638426
>>638407she did say she was into BBWs and gushed about how hot and pretty xan was, but i think that's the extent of it.
she wasn't into women puking at all. when i followed her i thought that was pretty strange, since her 'soul was literally vomit' and it was a huge lifestyle fetish thing for her.
a bit more on the puking thing since i don't think the details of it were fully talked about.
-it wasn't just a gross kink, it was a full blown exclusive paraphilia. she went to a sex therapist for a while and she was diagnosed with exclusive emetophilia. she absolutely could not get off without fantasizing about puke.
-for her and her boyfriend's health, they only did puke play about once a month. she didn't want to upset his stomach, and she didn't want to get any infections.
-she believes she was wired from the start to be a puke fetishist, which i don't doubt. she'd play educational video games and read books about the human body and would focus on the gastrointestinal parts. when she read harry potter as a kid, she was really into the scene where ron barfed slugs. her book was permanently broken at the spine to open up to that page because she read it so many times
-the favorite vomit she had ever eaten was after her boyfriend ate a bunch of ice cream and fruit. the worst vomit was the aftermath of an all you can eat buffet. she still ate it, though. she ate david's super spicy filipino food vomit too.
i feel so weird that i remember all of this stuff. i followed her for years and i'd check her tumblr daily just because i was so fascinated by her bizarre life. i wanted to be her so friend so badly so i could get a deeper insight into her life. she was a regular subject i'd talk about with friends, like in the way chris chan is. she was the weird puke fetish girl who is actually pretty nice and had a cute art style, so people weren't disgusted by the puke stuff. fun conversation starter with other people who were into lolcows.
No. 638482
File: 1531777749182.jpg (182.73 KB, 1212x1061, 18-07-16-16-46-53-224_deco~01.…)

Here's a list of her orbiters, given from an ex-friend of Nemu's
No. 638484
>>638478recently i remember her saying something about her physically not being able to because of her vagina or something.
>>638469i don't think there is a way. I know that Christy had posted images of her neopets account on her instagram so unless someone somehow archived that or screenshotted her stuff then i guess we'll never know.
No. 638523
File: 1531781672046.png (180.06 KB, 588x1004, JfG2vS4.png)

>>638310What's up with the replies to this account?
>abusive tweetHer orbiters are just as bad as her.
No. 638527
File: 1531781804615.jpeg (315.43 KB, 750x991, 04D5BCAA-40FC-4584-A54F-2C524A…)

>>638493To add: it’s fucked up how krystal has some professional success considering the babyfur/pedo shit they’ve drawn. i remember the pokemon porn was of their boyfriend moth’s rape fursona
sticking its dick in a crib and making the pokemon suck him off. spoilering because it’s sick and uncomfortable but i really wish people were more aware of how fucking creepy she and her boyfriend are. reminds me a lot of pk.
here’s some old nemu art that’s been deleted to stay on topic. sorry about the repost i fucked up the file lol
No. 638553
>>638539they probably knew the second shit hit the fan with Christy that they were going to follow
Also: Xyla, you saw how David went down when he started posting here. You wanna follow in his footsteps? At least post in the new thread
No. 638611
Ok so I used the birth date to find her chart, since I didn't have the birth time we don't know the ascendant, but the general placements must be accurate. The chart only highlights what was said in this thread, the sexual abuse might be true lol. I'll try to find info about the more specific stuff like pedophilia and the vomit fetish
Mars in Capricorn
- "With Mars in Capricorn, there is generally a powerful need to stay in control."
Moon square Saturn:
- "The opposition especially tends to attract wayward and irresponsible partners that they have to parent OR conversely, these subjects can attract older and parental mates that take on all the responsibility."
Sun square Pluto:
- "They experience a simultaneous urge to express themselves and to hide themselves. They struggle with a deep need to control themselves and life itself. "
- "fear of losing control, and this might stem from some traumatic event in childhood, or the childhood might have been crisis-ridden or emotionally-charged in general."
- "They need to be careful, however, to avoid reading negative or dark things into situations or people. They need to know that if their tendency is to hunt for dark “truths” rather than unbiased truths, this is a self-destructive behavior that stems from fear."
- "manipulative tactics to get their way, or attempting to control others through subversive tactics"
- might attract manipulative, possessive, or jealous people into their lives. With the square, there is more of a tendency to attract dangerous or upsetting situations in the life. "
Chiron in Leo:
- "addiction to drama and intensity; romance/love addiction"
- "constituently seeking attention for recognition sometimes only disconnects them more from their true selves and creates over time, even more frustration"(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 638646
File: 1531788295574.jpg (Spoiler Image,147.61 KB, 774x1033, w.jpg)

Can we get back to posting actual milk? Especially anons who have or can find her old posts. We need to archive everything with how desperate she is to take it all down.
No. 638651
File: 1531788673840.png (2.16 MB, 1425x1989, Screenshot_2018-07-16-09-30-40…)

>>638611My sides are fucking hurting who in the fresh hell relies on these
No. 638672
File: 1531790354025.jpeg (63.6 KB, 396x485, BEA339AD-FE4D-4AFD-9B5C-F2EAB8…)

art she posted fairly recently on her public twitter of a children’s cartoon character holding a sex toy
No. 638796
File: 1531801475573.png (230.54 KB, 1313x833, chom.png)

Here is Chom's side of the story.
No. 638817
File: 1531802925366.png (736.41 KB, 587x788, ronstop.PNG)

Nemu's NeoPets story about Ron Stoppable
No. 638877
File: 1531810900781.png (727.93 KB, 634x899, bydavid.PNG)

lmao I found this article David wrote in college about furries. He used a photo of Christy, which Jenelle took.
No. 638878
File: 1531811028173.png (42.76 KB, 658x329, comment.PNG)

>>638877And someone decided to comment about the photo, too
No. 638898
File: 1531813745987.png (Spoiler Image,512.26 KB, 437x1225, homura.png)

Pornographic drawing of Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magica. She's believed to be 14 years old.
No. 638899
File: 1531814002266.png (Spoiler Image,56.65 KB, 454x285, toadally.PNG)

No. 638903
File: 1531814405725.png (94.85 KB, 497x524, nemu makeup.PNG)

Nemu's favorite makeups!
No. 638912
>>638796He seems like he's still under her manipulation spell, despite her revoking him from her life and pretending he doesn't exist. But this was a really helpful insight and I don't think bad of him at all, he's just another of Nemu's victims. I hope he can build a better life away from her now.
David needs to see this and see if he can STILL be in denial about her sexual relationship with Chom.
No. 638913
File: 1531816949646.png (68.52 KB, 1128x745, fopwikiedits.png)

I compiled a few of the more outstanding edits Nemu made to her Fairly Oddparents wiki profile page
No. 638923
>>638921>During her student days, she has masturbated while sitting at a table in the university library. When an acquaintance of mine called her out on how appalling it was, she said it was fine because she's a cute girl. I might be able to get screenshots of that conversation.I'm fucking rolling, what a goddamn loon
hopefully you can get those caps
No. 638926
>>638918Are you the same girl from Twitter who whiteknighted Shadman, then backpedaled? Yes, doujinshi artists who draw lolicon are generally pedophiles pandering to a pedophile audience.
Stop trying to convince everyone that you masturbating to the idea of children is okay. Just keep your shit out of our faces (something Nemu has failed to do) and know your place.
No. 638927
File: 1531819406903.png (175.16 KB, 420x350, kiss1_by_mintypuke-d94t893.png)

No. 638928
File: 1531819513113.png (231.9 KB, 481x590, tiedupscrooge.png)

No. 638929
File: 1531819616995.png (378.63 KB, 1007x793, commission__ichimatsu_by_minty…)

she was an osomatsu fan at some point too
No. 638934
File: 1531820057907.jpg (271.16 KB, 1024x731, day_of_the_tentacle__harold_by…)

No. 638935
>>638918Yes. Yes they are pedophiles. Shit, lots of them straight up claim it. Also Homura is an especially loli-looking character. It's not like she's one of those anime tittymonsters who are still somehow a high schooler.
Face it the person you orbit is a pedo.
No. 638939
File: 1531820267404.png (197.97 KB, 600x650, resizedimnottransparent_by_lov…)

I wonder who this drawing is about
No. 638941
>>638935>>638926lmao okay wow there is power tripping colonialism ideology being pushed around here,
1. im not defending her
2. other art she drew were for childrens cartoons, madoka is for adults.
3. anime/cartoons is an apples/oranges comparison. by going off age alone then by your logic kanna from dragon maid would be okay in your eyes because shes thousands of years old? no its still gross
4. depiction of loli is gross but homura looks like an adult in that image
No. 638943
>>638941>colonialism ideologyI'm fucking screaming.
>"Not liking pedophilia?? RACISM. BEGONE COLONIZER!"As someone born and raised in a country that was actually colonized (hint: Japan was never colonized by the west, and lolicon is not some traditional, sacred aspect of its culture just because greasy, child-predating neckbeards beat off to it, you fucking sperg), go back to Tumblr.
No. 638945
>1. im not defending herOk Xyla
>2. other art she drew were for childrens cartoons, madoka is for adults. Sexualizing a child character from a cartoon targeted at people in their late teens to early adulthood is still sexualizing a child character. You tried.
>3. anime/cartoons is an apples/oranges comparison.Nope, it's really not.
>by going off age alone then by your logic kanna from dragon maid would be okay in your eyes because shes thousands of years old? no its still grossThis isn't anyone's logic but actual lolicons/pedophiles (eg you). Kanna is depicted as a child and her personality is based off actual human children's. Dragon Maid itself is gross, pedo-tier shit if you've ever looked at the manga, or observed scenes like>4. depiction of loli is gross but homura looks like an adult in that imageThis is your only non-idiotic argument, and even then, nowhere has Nemu stated that's meant to be an adult version of Homura.
Seriously, fuck off, orbiter. Pedophilia is pedophilia.
No. 638964
from a user on kiwifarms who made a drive of nemu's art is able to be public edited right now)
No. 638970
>>638796another point with this:
The fact Nemu told Chom that David raped her means Nemu was NOT living an "online fantasy life" as she was telling REAL offline people in her REAL life the same info
No. 638972
File: 1531827504095.png (Spoiler Image,328.07 KB, 397x625, tumblr_nhnz4vTfhr1rksd3yo1_500…)

found this, i think it's a character from the wolf among us
No. 638975
File: 1531828046527.png (8.55 KB, 505x91, bdee4ac2997a12c7d19fffa6c3b53a…)

No. 639004
>>638908Oh for fuck's sake. Really? Anal sex while giving birth?
I don't know why out of all this madness - eating her own vomit and shit, rubbing one out to images of radiation poisoning, the relentless attraction to children, the vomit in her vagina - this one was finally a bridge too far. But here we are.
And later today I am sure someone will pop over here and tell us another fetish of hers that will be just as WTF.
Christy really is the grossest person ever. She's even grosser than Nick Bates and that trans boy who killed all the neighborhood animals for craft projects.
No. 639011
File: 1531833643541.png (3.11 KB, 498x61, osomatsu.png)

>>638929i noticed an osomatsu plush in her ebay sales history yesterday.
>>638970true. she was making false rape allegations about real people, to real people, and neither chom nor david seem to particularly care about this.
No. 639016
>>639004one of the fantasies that she was called out on was being banged while holding a newborn baby. some gross 'come on daddy fuck me! but be careful and quiet, we can't wake the baby!' thing.
>>639011yeah she's into todomatsu. saging because i'm really into osomatsu personally, but i thought the show would be softcore porn to her to her since they're all cartoony neet virgins. she likes todomatsu because he's the least popular in the fandom though.
No. 639065
>>639056I honestly am not convinced the allegations are false. if Nemu was lying about this then she managed to keep a consistent story for several years about his behaviour.
Evidence the rape allegations could be true:
-Nemu kept up a consistent story for several years with extremely precise details
-David's own mother was hesitant to let her grand kid (some sort of tiny kid relation) visit them
-Nemu told her irl friends that it happened, taking a huge risk that one could contact the police
-The only person who has claimed the to be false is the accused, who was revealed to be lying about other things in his statements as well as changing stories
Reasons the allegations could be false:
-The accused denied the allegations
-The accused says that the life Nemu put online was completely fictional and this includes the allegations
-Nemu has been proven to lie about many things, for example, David agreeing to an open relationship
It really is up in the air right now where the truth actually lies imo
No. 639082
>>639076should be on the archive of her art twitter
>>639079yeah, I really think there's more truth to what Nemu said than David would want us to believe
No. 639092
>>639082Checked the archive, saw nothing about a gamer guy
Wonder if theres more people she tried to play the "i love ugly guys" trick on?
No. 639125
>>639115Korean guy?
If hes fat, sounds like her style
No. 639142
>>639090>>639029p. sure they're referring to joji
and no, they're not in jail
No. 639210
>>639205Ran into her at momocon in the artist alley while she was wearing the "all might got me pregnant sweater"
We arent mutuals or anything so I didnt bother approaching her but she was with Jelly and David so she's DEFINITELY still attending cons and buying merch from artists
No. 639229
>>639195this is going to sound crazy but I think her saying she "only liked vomit for shock value" WAS the shock value
Like it was far more shocking for her to say she DIDN'T like vomit. I really believe she does love vomit and when people get tolerant of it she gave them a ~twist~
No. 639390
>>639195I remember her saying she was attracted to the reaction of people knowing what she got off to was gross. She admitted vomit and shit tasted nasty, but the nastiness is what got her off.
She posted videos of her eating vomit and shit back on Tumblr, we saw those substances enter her mouth.
No. 639407
>>639393Every once in a while on her Twitter she would say to unfollow her if you were under 18 because
somehow a minor slipped through her locked account. I'm pretty sure one just got too noticeably close for her friends to see and she wanted to clear that assumption.
No. 639417
>>639411She definitely knew about my age but she did not know my real name, location, etc. and that is why I think she was so "secure" in talking to me. Just speculation though.
No, sadly I didn't think much of her behavior back then. Left tumblr behind ages ago. Had I known that she'd continue with this I would've definitely archived everything.
No. 639420
>>639415Sure. But it seems to be what a lot of people here are harping on, when there hasnt been anything incriminating. Conjecture, conjecture.
Im more interested in hearing about her manipulation problems and cheating on the man she just got engaged with. And she said she was aromantic
No. 639434
>>639425She talked to minors on Twitter? Wasnt her account locked most of the time after tumblr?
Also there has been evidence of her improving her overly sexual behavior. Maybe not a drastic change, but she did change a lot
No. 639485
File: 1531863698589.png (Spoiler Image,378.84 KB, 412x803, boyss.PNG)

>this exact expression on boys is all i ever fap to
No. 639488
File: 1531863813938.png (Spoiler Image,163.19 KB, 424x470, boys.PNG)

>this is how i like my boys
No. 639492
>>639491post away, just spoiler with a disclaimer lmao
was this on twitter or tumblr?
No. 639494
File: 1531864662770.png (70.64 KB, 456x810, tumblr_now2exp4qq1sn2e0ko1_540…)

Someonelse's old screen taken from tumblr. Why would her mother go through her trash?
One thing i'm very interested in is her fear of pencils and ovens, it's a very specific and odd thing to be afraid of and even weirder she chose careers where show would have to work with said objetcs. Does anyone know why?
No. 639496
File: 1531865024216.png (7.15 KB, 482x119, homo.PNG)

nemu being uncomfortable with gay people lol
No. 639511
File: 1531866598858.png (Spoiler Image,226.55 KB, 500x608, tumblr_lxh3b0ogYV1r1k53vo1_r1_…)

found more art
No. 639512
File: 1531866680682.png (Spoiler Image,378.02 KB, 406x586, tumblr_m82jjkPFp61ro8ahdo1_500…)

No. 639513
File: 1531866729926.png (Spoiler Image,120.59 KB, 500x722, tumblr_ly2wv9tyUR1r1k53vo1_500…)

No. 639514
File: 1531866775288.png (Spoiler Image,144.54 KB, 500x327, tumblr_maghtuITs31ro8ahdo1_500…)

No. 639515
File: 1531866840782.png (Spoiler Image,210.08 KB, 500x481, tumblr_ma7l0oXoDd1ro8ahdo1_500…)

No. 639518
File: 1531866921364.png (168.06 KB, 479x856, SOHOT.PNG)

nemu believes she's every girl with a bob and blunt bangs
No. 639522
File: 1531867257232.png (15.69 KB, 507x201, 98y7.png)

i really doubt this happened
No. 639526
File: 1531867608437.png (18.87 KB, 517x424, cb5af7df581fb000f904668ca590cc…)

didn't find the whole pic but she gives you an idea of what's going on
No. 639549
File: 1531869074493.png (Spoiler Image,88.57 KB, 514x298, 455.png)

same case with this, cant find the whole pic since she deleted it from imageshack
No. 639556
File: 1531869380164.png (Spoiler Image,118.07 KB, 400x550, tumblr_mj0lu7vNXe1qbf2rfo4_400…)

No. 639557
File: 1531869532995.png (Spoiler Image,335.53 KB, 413x619, 78u8yh.png)

her boyfriend came on this just like the poster?
No. 639558
File: 1531869570467.png (333.4 KB, 739x467, tumblr_mz6ji37qPk1sm1433o2_128…)

No. 639560
File: 1531869598124.png (42.58 KB, 488x128, monoku.PNG)

No. 639562
File: 1531869630837.png (54.99 KB, 516x149, dagan.PNG)

No. 639597
File: 1531871829829.png (104.08 KB, 500x522, 1519711289334.png)

>>639567Zer was more of an unlovable edgelord back then and also mainly habituated furry-based sites (before she got banned from all of them lmao). She's also older than Nemu by almost a decade, I think. I highly doubt the two of them ever crossed paths before.
I'm also pretty sure Zer would just give Nemu a ton of flack for her disgusting fetishes and draw sub-par hate art for her behind her back, if they ever attempted to be friends.
No. 639614
>>639515Is that the bouncer from the Studio Killers music video? She really does seem to go out of her way to make porn of the most obscure characters.
>>639522What do you mean, anon. It's perfectly normal for people to share videos like "2 girls 1 cup" at regular family gatherings.
No. 639642
>>639641alright, here it fucking comes.
Aloysius O'Hare has a coded sort of language, truths and lies and seduction all dripping off of his honeyed tongue. He's so easy to trust, so shrewd and yet so slick. For example, very early on, when he was less bloated on his own power and thus much more afraid of scandals, he referred to your vacation getaways to luxury hotels as "conferences with other companies." He even had names made up for the companies, like AAA (Aldous Aqua Association), Soylent Inc, and Oceania Weather.
Now, the public knows what he does. He takes you to the fanciest, most expensive hotel he can find, and he fucks you senseless. It's something that occasionally makes the news, some little gossipy piece discussing your relationship, and he doesn't mind. He likes everyone to know that you're his.
The hotel is in Thneedville, one you've been to before, and there's not much difference really between your room and this hotel, but it shows off his status. Besides, his room is all gold and white, and this room is pale blue, with soft, glowing lights and a circular featherbed with silk sheets.
He looks at you, and you never thought that someone could stare at you so dominantly while being so short, yet he gazes at you, as if sizing you up even though he knows that he could take you down.
"So, Princess, do you know what I want to do with you?"
"No, I don't!"
"I hope you're ready for this," he says unpacking, his suitcase.
The first thing he pulls out makes your throat go dry, it's a blue and white marbled dildo, smooth and reminiscent of a cloudy sky in the summer. But it's strange, it's small. He would never use something small when he knows you can take his entire arm.
It all makes sense with the second item he pulls out of the suitcase.
A harness, made of blue synthetic fibres.
You make an unflattering wheezing noise, and he chuckles, laying them on the bed.
"Ah, but not yet, Princess. I can't take that just yet."
He grips your shirt, pulling you down to mash his lips against yours awkwardly. Despite his puffery, he kisses like a clumsy teenage boy. It's wet, and awkward, but you love him for it.
"I ate dinner in my office before we left, but you haven't eaten anything tonight, have you?"
"No, sweetie."
"Well, I'm not ordering room service. I brought something for you."
You tent your fingers and bite your lip as he pulls a some more things out of the suitcase.
A cute pink box and fancy little silver spoon.
No. 639643
>>639642You whimper, and he begins undressing, nonchalantly letting his jacket fall to the floor, and tossing his shirt on top of it. His nipples are cute and pink and puffy, but you only suck them when he tells you to.
He unbuttons his pants, steps out of everything, and kicks the clothes aside. He's fully naked, and you wonder if you should also undress, but before you can ask, he looks at you and says "Get down, I want you to watch."
You nod enthusiastically, brushing your hair out of your eyes and kneeling on the carpet in front of him. He turns his back to you, squatting over the box.
He spreads his ass cheeks with his hands, and you squirm a little, seeing his tight, firmly shut asshole, and realizing that you're going to get to fuck that later, you're so excited.
The head of the first turd peeks out, and he tenses a little, making a small and unbearably sexy grunt. With a push, it slides out slowly, bit by bit, solid and a healthy russet colour. The room is permeated with the scent of it, and you take a long, deep breath, staying focused on what's going on with O'Hare.
He pushes out another, smaller piece and you gulp as you see his asshole flicker slightly, and then open only the tiniest bit, like the aperture of a camera, as he lets loose a long, high-pitched fart.
The room stinks by now and you love it. The final piece is a slightly lighter colour than the rest, interestingly enough, and long and thin and comes out quickly. He stays still for a moment, and then stands up and turns towards you, grinning.
You nod frantically, but he pushes the box to the side and lies down on his back, legs spread.
"That's the entree, you have to eat the appetizer first! He punctuates this by patting his ass.
You get the rather unsubtle hint and move to lie down on your stomach, head up against him and hands on his tiny thighs, and when you start licking he moans a ragged moan.
You ever-so-carefully tongue the creases, the little folds of skin, devotedly getting every molecule of O'Hare's shit out, and then dip just the tip of your tongue inside to sweep the area. He tenses, twitches, growls and sighs, and you can hear him stroking his cock above you.
When the whole area is sparkling clean and you pull away, he abruptly scoots backwards and lunges towards the box. With two or three more quick pumps of his cock, he gasps loudly and spurts cum onto his own shit, frosting it.
"So, you sick little pup," he says, accentuating the last word sharply. "Are you hungry?"
"Yes, yes, I'm starving!" Drool is running down your chin.
"And, my awful little girl," he says, "do you love me?"
You nod, and you want so desperately to show how much you love him.
He picks up the box and scoops up a spoonful. "Then open up that pretty whore mouth of yours."
Your jaw practically drops open, and he feeds you a spoonful. The cum on top is salty, and the shit underneath is bitter, but the satisfaction it gives you to eat what is his makes it taste like custard and caramel. You open your mouth again, and he gives you bit, after bit, after bit. It's like rich chocolate, sweet cream and buttery toffee to your brain, even though you know that what you are eating is bitter, and salty, and otherwise mostly flavorless. But your thighs are shaking ever so slightly, and he's panting.
"Want some more? You greedy slut, not just greedy for cock but greedy to eat up my shit!" He gives you more, and you swallow it down.
"Hmm," he says, looking into the box. "None left. You really ate it all?"
"Yes, I'll eat anything if it comes from you, Aloysius."
"What a bad girl you are!" He peers down at the carpet. "You're so wet, just from eating my shit. You're a depraved fucking slut."
"Yes, I am."
No. 639644
>>639643 "So, you sick whore, want to do what we came here to do?"
You undress, put on the strap-on, fitting the dildo in, and he swaggers towards the bed and showily gestures to the bed with both arms, like someone would when showing off a new car.
You get on the bed, helping him up, and he puts his hand on your stomach, pushing you to lie down on your back. He lubricates it for you, and kicks the suitcase off of the bed so you can spread out fully. You're digging your fingertips into the blanket, and he stands above the tip of the strap-on. Finally, he carefully, ever-so-slowly lowers himself onto it, getting just the tip into his virgin asshole.
He winces slightly in discomfort, but sits still for a while, letting himself absorb the sensation before lowering himself further, bit by bit. His eyes are shut tight, and he's sweating, but finally his ass is flush against your hips. He opens his eyes, and lifts himself up again, carefully. Soon enough he has a steady rhythm going, and he's so damn sexy to watch, blushing with his teeth gritted.
You buck your hips up, and he has to grip your sides for balance.
"You look like you're about to come! And you don't even have anything in that greedy pussy of yours!"
"Fuck, ff-Aloysius, you're so sexy like that!"
He shoves himself down, his cock sliding along your belly. "Say my name again."
"The whole thing."
"Aloysius Remington O'Hare, oh my God."
He's right, you feel like you're about to come from nothing but the sight of him, and you can't come until he tells you. He'll punish you for it. You reach for his thick cock,
and begin jerking it off quickly and frantically. He moans hoarsely, grinding down against you.
"Yeah, stroke me just like that, fuck, how many dicks have you handled in your life? You were just born to be a little fucking whore, weren't you?"
He glares down at you and you gulp, answer "Yes, I'm a bad girl."
"Mm-hmm, and you're my bad girl, and my bad girl comes when Daddy tells her to."
"Do you mean…?" you say, tense, shaky and half-gasped.
"Come for Daddy."
He moves his hips in a way that pushes the base just right against your clit and you choke back a groan, coming under him and squeezing his cock as you get swept away on the waves of your orgasm.
He sucks in a breath and then lets out a shuddery, throaty moan, and you can feel his warm cum splatter onto your twitching stomach. You manage to open his eyes just enough to see his face, twisted with pleasure, and it's so sexy that you feel like you're about to die.
He sits there for a while, riding out the aftershocks after pulling himself up and off of you.
"Don't wash it off just yet," he mutters, lying down next to you and stroking your face. He doesn't kiss you, for obvious reasons. You both catch your breath, and he eventually picks himself up and beckons you to come with him to the bathroom for round #2.
and that's the end of it. i need a shower.
No. 639661
>>639567So what caused Nemu to go back into hiding this time anyway? I know she did so before because of someone accusing her of being a pedophile on tumblr, she hid a couple times on twitter to keep it close knit with her friend circle, but all of a sudden this thread about her explodes and she admits herself to the hospital?
Whats the story?
No. 639673
File: 1531875959617.png (417.38 KB, 698x431, manga.png)

>>639658She looks very young in the manga tbh. Especially compared to other character. Reference the right image here for example.
No. 639689
>>639678Okay? But for the other anon's reference, it does appear that she is a child.
Really, I don't see why you are trying to pass this off as "she didn't know she was a child character" anyway. She's drawn a ton of porn of characters who are confirmed children, so who cares if she "wasn't sure" about a few of them. She's drawn heaps of cartoon cp regardless.
No. 639743
File: 1531881118155.jpg (27.63 KB, 640x625, 20597054_10203513155747722_914…)

>>639642>>639643>>639644i hope the author was paid well
No. 639818
>>639814I would be interested!
To contribute I remember her telling a story about how her and her coworkers were hanging out in the back of the restaurant and then they started showing each other their tits and wow omg her coworkers loooover how boobs omg they were so great. Idk it sounds like something that could be real but….. why would people just take their boobs out at work and compare.
No. 639823
File: 1531888447035.png (416.62 KB, 576x721, humminah_by_mintypuke-daj9725.…)

This is a really weird, probably pointless remark, but does anyone remember her pictures of this girl? There are two things that bother me. First, as far as I know this character was made to ship her with Mr. Crocker in canon, but Nemu didn't seem to be jelly as she always is, in fact she claimed she loves her. Second, which bugs me even more, does anyone remember her self-insert drawing with this girl and a dumbass statement like "my oc sometimes is a lesbian" or something similar, I clearly remember her using the word "lesbian" there. What kind of a sane bisexual pulls this? Is she really bi is what I'm trying to ask, or is it another part of her fake Internet sona?
No. 639826
File: 1531888563020.jpg (83.34 KB, 640x640, 531f30733fcc6.jpg)

>>639818I was more friends with Bitsy, who's mentioned earlier in this thread, but there was overlap between Nemu and I and I talked to her on multiple occasions about personal things because of her "Mama Nemu" personality. I always thought she was a great person and looking back at it now with this lens of information makes me feel sick to my stomach. For reference, I was around 14-16 years old, and she would have been around 20 if I'm doing my math right.
- she worked at some fast food place at one point, I'm pretty sure it was a chicken place and she talked about their biscuts a lot
- she LOVED ghouls from Fallout bc of that whole radiation fetish she had, specifically I think the one from Fallout 3 that works in Megaton
- Before the chicken job she went to school somewhere that allowed her to have a little space for her art and she would paint these big tapestries of herself I guess, a lot of them vomiting.
- She runs/is involved with an Overwatch LGBT discord as of like.. the past few months. She's obsessed with Torbjorn/his wife.
- I talked to her about my personal health issues because they seemed to be similar to hers, and my issues with obsession (I have OCD and she's… obsessive?). She did give me good advice but she also talked shit immediately after through passive aggressive public posts, saying that people take advantage of her "Mama Nemu" personality by exploiting her for help. (She offered to be a listening ear to me).
- I do remember her talking to me about Bad Dragon dildos when I was probably 15, offered to sell me one. I WISH I had that proof still but I don't.
- She'd talk about her physical therapy and how her boyfriend would pressure her into anal sex because she couldn't do vaginal, she would go back and forth between trashing him and praising him. I think I remember her claiming that he was in one of the photos of that guy posing with buttcracks at a Magic tournament. I attached one of the photos, idk if that's her fiance or not but it's the series of photos she mentioned.
I followed her on Twitter after she left tumblr and I remember that I was really scared and worried about her, but now I just feel disgusted and ashamed that I was ever associated with her. Sorry if this was a little rambly or some points have already been covered, but I couldn't stomach the entire thread. Just wanted to share my experience with her. If anyone has questions please let me know.
No. 639840
hey, i'm another one of those (former) minors she had no problem talking with. no screencaps as it was years ago on a skype account i don't have anymore, sorry.
i was 14-15 when i knew nemu, right after something traumatic happened to me. because of that, i was especially vulnerable and nemu definitely influenced me in ways that were very unhealthy. i regret ever meeting her. i don't know if i can call what she did to me grooming, but if it's not that then i don't have any other explanation other than that she must be very, very stupid.
i remember when i followed her, she followed me back, saying she was happy to see another pink blog that liked professor layton. i was happy to be acknowledged, and at some point we became friends, talking about professor layton, sharing artwork, stuff like that. at one point in a conversation, she asked how old i was. i told her the truth, which was 15 at the time, and she responded with something along the lines of "oh, good," though i am paraphrasing since it was so long ago. i was a little weirded out by it, and asked her why, and she said something like (again, paraphrasing) that she just assumed i was 15 and it would have been weird if i was actually like, 20+ or something. i didn't think much of it and i still don't know if that's important. i guess it highlights that she knew i was a minor, and that even if i didn't tell her how old i was, she could tell by how i acted.
anyways, we talked about kink and sexual stuff from time to time. once, she asked me if i was into vomit. i truthfully said no, and when i asked why, she told me that i was basically a "mini-nemu." and the part that gets me the most, is that at the time, i was FLATTERED! i remember following that up with something along the lines of "well, i don't know if i'm NOT into it, i mean i've never explored it or tried it haha" because i wanted her to think i was cool. i was so dumb.
this is something i'm still conflicted about, but i once posted on tumblr that it would be easier if i just had friends that would model for me for figure drawings. nemu responded, saying she'd send me some pictures over skype. when i posted the response thanking her, she asked me to delete the post, since she didn't want people thinking she'd send nudes to just anyone. i believe she sent me two or three naked photos of herself, in innocent poses. i didn't think then that it was anything inappropriate, and i'm still not sure if i do, to be honest. after reading these threads on her, i'm really doubting how much of her "nice and helpful lady" persona was real, if any was at all.
i don't remember why i unfollowed her, but she stuck around in my mind for a long time. at some point, though i had moved blogs a couple of times for unrelated reasons, i got an email saying she had followed me. i freaked out, checked my follower list, and she wasn't following me. i can only conclude that she was looking at my blog for reasons unknown, and accidentally followed me.
it wasn't until maybe two or three years later that i realized how she had affected me. and it wasn't until i read these threads that i actually got angry about it. i'm also angry at myself, because when i found her on deviantart after she got ran off of tumblr, i really thought she had changed, and that everything she'd done had been a very, very stupid mistake caused by her untreated mental health and tragic past. i felt sympathy for her. i mean, i was cringy and obnoxiously into the misguided sex-positive scene on tumblr too. but i was 15, dealing with some fucked up shit, and nemu was 20. i grew out of it, she clearly has not.
a while ago i archived the professor layton section on paheal. i can't find the original image i was searching for (a lot of the images on older pages don't load on the wayback machine), but i found these two: pic is flora, obviously a child. the second is an npc from the first game, named adrea, who doesn't have an age stated anywhere, and i guess looks old enough, but here it is just in case. her official game description also refers to her as a "girl" while a character that is obviously an adult is called a "lady." again, nothing definite, just mentioning it. actually, the picture i was originally looking for was of adrea and another npc from the same game named lucy, who are stated to be good friends. lucy is obviously a child. the picture itself was just them naked, i believe it was a commission for someone else.
reading these threads, recognizing names, and remembering that i saw a lot of this stuff first-hand has been a trip to say the least. so that's all i got. peace
No. 639846
>>639840wow okay i didn't even realize how long that had gotten, sorry for all that text.
>>639826you/your story sounds exactly like me at the time, it's freaky. i'm sorry you went through that as well. it seems more young people fell for her "mama nemu" shtick than i thought.
No. 639857
File: 1531893571328.png (33.6 KB, 196x197, 1519748418699.png)

I used to be mutuals with this chick on Tumblr for a couple years, but I've known about her since she was known only as Olimarpuke-Chan. She was pretty harmless in the beginning but she didn't treat her body well at all. She drew images describing how she often vomited so hard her eye/face vessels ruptured. There are (or were) photos she took of Captain Olimar and Shacho from Pikmin in bowls filled with vomit, too.
At some point I guess she fell in love with a guy who was a tripfag on 4chan with that name Captain Olimar. He turned out to be a fucking cunt who probably warped young Nemu's mind or something. I vaguely remember her explaining what happened on tumblr.
I initially followed her for her art style and the weird sense of humor that laced the majority of her posts. I also reading her ramblings about whatever obscure ass character made her taco tingle that week and found them strangely engrossing. She just seemed so candid and open about sharing everything (maybe WAY too much than she should have), and that's what I started liking about her too.
Later on I saw her giving sexual advice to preteens, which made me uncomfortable. She started getting worse as time progressed with her obsessiveness and how wrapped up she would get in fictional characters. She was seeing a therapist at this time, but I honestly think they were doing more harm than good by telling her that this behavior was okay and it was fine to shelter herself with these characters as a coping mechanism.
No. 639865
>>639857So is Christy bulimic then? She seems to have always stayed rather thin, even recently, despite her long-term live-in boyfriend being quite fat. She claimed to not enjoy herself throwing up, and had him throw up for her, but she's stayed very thin and he's stayed very fat?
Maybe I'm just tinfoiling here, but you would think someone would put on some kind of weight when going from puking all of the time to not.
No. 639867
File: 1531894748435.png (Spoiler Image,165.72 KB, 443x518, enoch_puke_by_mintypuke-d5uho6…)

not exactly the most interesting shit but i found some off porn she drew back when that was the tumblr flavor. dumping it.
No. 639875
File: 1531895042962.png (370.62 KB, 597x390, 8960dce9a331544c75bf1721720dbe…)

Her old Pikmin OC's name was Holden.
No. 639876
File: 1531895349966.png (36.21 KB, 699x299, a7d0d7f913d2c7a298d5e28d22f956…)

at the middle right bottom reads
>the whole school knew i wanted to fuck little boys
jesus christ, nemu
No. 639880
>>639867speaking of, i remember she had a self-insert that the game's actual creator drew art of. it was yet another NICE LADY mamma with blunt bangs, but as a crocodile.
i can't find any pictures, but i know it's out there somewhere.
No. 639886
File: 1531896085257.jpeg (69.14 KB, 504x861, 0C7FDE0C-F1A6-4336-AE43-F48544…)

the other minors’ stories in this thread are basically exactly what happened to me. i wouldn’t call what she did predatory but she absolutely was grooming children even if it wasn’t an outright conscious effort. if anything that makes her more dangerous, imo. the bitch is wack and forces people into her distorted reality by acting fake cute and happy and ready to solve every problem that’s ever existed. of course she just happened to surround herself with children and stunted adults that still acted like children that would never try to do anything but enable her. she’s textbook manipulative and toxic and if you haven’t snapped out of her spell yet she has you where she wants you.
pic is porn of the day of the tentacle guy she posted to twit
No. 639912
File: 1531900848230.jpg (35.46 KB, 500x667, tumblr_maogo5ruOe1ro8ahdo1_500…)

Nemu cosplaying as Professor Layton
No. 639944
i'm amazed and mad, the ippycake ebay account posted in the previous thread is mine (though my mistake, since i obvs did get the username from one of her old ones just cos i thought it sounded cute, look where this got me)
on that note, i followed her for years, up til the last second of, well, all this stuff
and i think a lot of people feel the same as me, that this is a person who we saw as one way and now, it's like I don't exactly know what to think… just goes to show you, that when you have a community presence, you effect more people than you know (even those you've never personally spoken to)
idk I have some thoughts and internal conflict going on, i'm gonna keep following this thread and see where it goes
No. 639957
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No. 639982
File: 1531916559985.png (79.68 KB, 1158x296, Screenshot_2018-07-18-07-21-29…)

>>639980It's insane how specific your guess was
No. 640012
File: 1531920552818.png (4.46 KB, 267x111, new phone who this.PNG)

hey guys it's the kiwi who made the art google drive. well.. someone deleted the nsfw folder from the drive but i am not a fool and backed it up so it is still there so. nice try :^) No. 640023
File: 1531922108848.jpg (59.98 KB, 436x611, IMG_20180716_183323.jpg)

No. 640093
File: 1531929124582.png (402.72 KB, 602x644, 1b47bb03cb6e668330df85b2ada662…)

I don't have much else to add to the Captain Olimar/Matt tangent of Nemu's story, other than this drawing she made for him that I found. His tripfag code is written on Olimar's spacesuit.
No. 640103
>>640097maybe try the desuarchive search? the fact that it's set to 'r9k.' You can change which board you want to search and you can search through multiple. Maybe we can try her different names and if anyone remembers any specific posts she made (like key words) maybe something will show up
No. 640122
File: 1531932239891.jpg (232.27 KB, 574x688, 1405777547506.jpg)

Here's a thread she posted in 2014: vintage nemu
No. 640180
>>640122I definitely have vivid memories of her linking to that thread. It's funny most of this stuff we're finding she's done is way under 5 years ago.
>>640172Learn to fuckin green text orbiter
No. 640215
>>640020hey samefag here
i would but alas someone came in (no clue who i was. my post has the name and idk who it is so ?) and deleted the nsfw folder. posting it here would be helpful either since i have been pulling art for here. my un is in the farms thread if you wanna reach on to me on kiwi also.
yet, who ever the anon that really helped me out on it was. thank u…
>>640012its there. i forgot that i didnt mess with it's settings yet and its on private in the mean time.
No. 640216
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a relic from the wreck-it raph phase
No. 640224
File: 1531940680947.png (198.92 KB, 500x379, e8c1ea01-b131-4cec-bbbc-2cd66b…)

her lillith cosplay from nge (i think i recall her saying this was her most favorite, special cosplay to her?)
No. 640229
File: 1531940747301.jpg (44.38 KB, 400x400, tumblr_ner9ooNmiz1sm1433o1_400…)

No. 640238
File: 1531940875999.jpg (938.86 KB, 1280x954, tumblr_miyrje4ObV1ro8ahdo1_128…)

her therac 25 fetish art ( i believe this was a school assignment?)
No. 640240
>>640193Where is the proof she continued to visit cartoon fan sites to pursue children specifically? People keep saying this but never have actual proof of it. For all we know, she's the same as any other person in a fandom for cartoons.
She made the mistake of giving sexual and inappropriate advice to minors and later stopped, thats basically all you pedophile whistle blowers have to go on and its getting really old.
The other side of this story is she is manipulative of people around her, and suspect of wanting to make up her own drama to gain sympathy.
Also cheating on her dumb bf and getting caught is way more entertaining.
No. 640242
>>640224If I can recall, Christy can't make cosplays for shit. Everything she cosplays is 100% made by David.
Any actual effort she does in making her cosplays is buying premade stuff online like that D.Va bodysuit.
No. 640244
File: 1531941139934.jpg (166.22 KB, 428x800, 8ffb6e4a-1f69-4dfd-b1b9-eccf9f…)

nemu christy feets
No. 640246
File: 1531941210222.png (500.47 KB, 500x707, 49ab50aa-5606-4c70-867b-21e2a7…)

her work in her school's paper (i think this is the one that won her that award?)
No. 640248
File: 1531941271456.png (436.89 KB, 500x464, 63c22a55-b80c-4f17-9a82-f625e8…)

playing out fetishes with jenelle (?) in cosplay of underaged girls
No. 640249
File: 1531941330957.png (Spoiler Image,212.11 KB, 490x676, 1178262 - nemu_(artist) off su…)

OFF pee porn
No. 640255
File: 1531941482018.png (Spoiler Image,130.56 KB, 341x556, tumblr_inline_n5m4q4ybKR1speh1…)

onceler pee porn
No. 640258
File: 1531941627309.jpg (Spoiler Image,88.25 KB, 250x338, tumblr_mx78xbeger1sm1433o1_250…)

egg laying stuff she drew in class iirc
No. 640260
File: 1531941748232.png (Spoiler Image,110.56 KB, 255x507, tumblr_mb1jmzERYq1ro8ahdo1_400…)

i remember her kinda mentioning that she had a very very traumatic experience with her childhood cat dying that very much shaped her? does anyone remember the story?
No. 640261
>>640240Her FoP wiki page has come up several times.
The reason pedo shit keeps coming up is because of her hypocrisy. During her anti-porn tirade she accused several people of being pedophiles for liking adult characters with "young" features
No. 640262
File: 1531941829933.png (Spoiler Image,323.25 KB, 430x534, tumblr_m5pdutUfTD1qkpphbo1_500…)

very very explicit professor layton guro
No. 640264
File: 1531941967469.png (Spoiler Image,398.27 KB, 500x357, tumblr_inline_n71vd17ThH1speh1…)

she had fantasies of ohare snorting cocaine off her "lily white ass" as she said
No. 640267
File: 1531942039163.jpg (72.15 KB, 762x548, DJBNcdaXcAANGiB.jpg)

what's the story behind her and cement trucks? i remember her mentioning it a few times
No. 640271
File: 1531942198749.png (Spoiler Image,309.2 KB, 314x548, tumblr_inline_n799t61o2y1speh1…)

ohare snake fucking
No. 640273
File: 1531942250241.jpg (167.97 KB, 420x526, tumblr_inline_mxbhieQAkT1speh1…)

masturbating with vidya
No. 640275
File: 1531942314119.jpg (36.61 KB, 434x720, FB_IMG_1473534405568.jpg)

a classic!!
No. 640285
File: 1531942576050.jpg (46.99 KB, 491x671, DJBSvipWsAE4YE6.jpg)

>>640276sorry meant to attatch this to it
No. 640290
File: 1531942745718.png (529.5 KB, 672x900, Screen shot 2016-10-23 at 10.1…)

a classic pt. 2!
No. 640296
File: 1531942847567.jpg (29.04 KB, 720x540, FB_IMG_1473534622976.jpg)

No. 640305
File: 1531943184687.jpg (110.9 KB, 575x856, UEmo5S5S.jpg)

Nemu did cosplay Madoka with Jen as this is on Jen's instagram
No. 640306
File: 1531943213132.jpg (233.32 KB, 937x1200, DJFmQUVXgAAtGKf.jpg)

colection of self inserts thru the years
No. 640307
File: 1531943238815.jpg (286.23 KB, 937x1200, DJFmQzWWAAQa0bN.jpg)

>>640306self inserts pt. 2
No. 640309
File: 1531943289836.jpg (65.74 KB, 720x719, FB_IMG_1473534510142.jpg)

back when xan was bffs with them ):
No. 640310
File: 1531943321571.png (Spoiler Image,118.27 KB, 484x402, e5b7.png)

>>640278>>640293the link's art it's not hers for sure but i think she drew this
No. 640316
File: 1531943457516.png (290.46 KB, 329x636, Screen Shot 2017-08-23 at 5.15…)

No. 640324
File: 1531943624366.jpg (61.74 KB, 720x519, FB_IMG_1473534743218.jpg)

>>640315i remember jen, antonina, and krista were the main 3 (aside from xan)
No. 640329
File: 1531943782876.jpg (65.93 KB, 577x724, 75ViF71i.jpg)

No. 640331
File: 1531943846469.png (Spoiler Image,2.21 MB, 1024x1024, tumblr_ng8va3pcY61sm1433o1_r1_…)

even homestarrunner isn't safe
No. 640335
>>640332i'm the person who shared that tweet. there is A LOT more to the story.
David instructed Christy to quit her job. He told her he would look after her, pay all the bills, etc as he had just got a high paying graphic design job. After she quit he refused to buy her food or pay her bills.
No. 640336
File: 1531943953275.jpg (114.05 KB, 768x768, tumblr_navdo2erWs1sm1433o1_128…)

she had a weird deoxys phase too one time
No. 640340
File: 1531944111523.jpg (78.96 KB, 577x742, IXjHSMLI.jpg)

I absolutely believe posts like this about David are real. She kept this up for years, told her rl friends about it and the stories were always consistent with each other.
No. 640346
File: 1531944420309.png (Spoiler Image,103.55 KB, 456x358, tumblr_inline_nfsd45hgeO1speh1…)

No. 640348
File: 1531944455329.png (90.8 KB, 459x492, tumblr_inline_nfvc6tzr2l1speh1…)

No. 640350
File: 1531944511850.png (Spoiler Image,245.16 KB, 341x638, tumblr_inline_n51i5kZTHw1speh1…)

more ohare poopy
No. 640351
File: 1531944537852.jpg (155.91 KB, 576x1024, tumblr_nx3tveHdiY1ql2y73o1_128…)

No. 640352
File: 1531944561343.png (154.7 KB, 301x460, tumblr_n50v1okFzc1sm1433o1_r1_…)

No. 640354
File: 1531944587120.png (Spoiler Image,12.31 KB, 289x327, tumblr_n5rfbxUZUT1sm1433o1_r2_…)

mediogre schlong
No. 640355
File: 1531944689295.png (Spoiler Image,175.5 KB, 666x510, KGFE7eQ.png)

No. 640356
File: 1531944697773.png (89.27 KB, 524x791, reactions.PNG)

>>640335The funny thing is she got her job at the hotel a week or so before posting this.
No. 640357
File: 1531944732408.png (Spoiler Image,296.55 KB, 991x988, tumblr_nb8r4cRSQi1sm1433o1_r2_…)

some more TWAU work
No. 640360
>>640309not denying she was fucked up but man i feel bad for xan. imagine being cut off from your closest friends because your boyfriend is unstable instead of having them support you.
she would’ve been a lot prettier than nemu if she were less overweight, imo.
No. 640361
File: 1531944949781.png (107.69 KB, 418x393, tumblr_md7ihhAa461ro8ahdo1_500…)

No. 640364
>>640360^basically a lotta this, yeah
even with her weight, you could tell xan had a very nice face
No. 640366
File: 1531945060784.jpg (68.31 KB, 600x707, dead_to_me_2_by_love_ribbon-db…)

the other xan/dead to me drawing
No. 640367
File: 1531945139646.jpg (78.86 KB, 561x800, 0149790713df3e68e98eaac4b42a1f…)

not pregnant but here's her oc and another pikmin character
No. 640369
File: 1531945197850.png (24.93 KB, 391x387, tumblr_inline_ngtrhnoSXC1speh1…)

mlp pukey pie
No. 640372
File: 1531945364653.png (Spoiler Image,161.07 KB, 331x448, tumblr_n5ckqeKoJD1sm1433o1_r2_…)

the mom from the lorax; she really loves mamas huh
No. 640373
>>640307I know it’s been said, but it really is a shame she’s such an awful person. Her art is legitimately good, and she experiments with different styles really well. her character design is neat too despite it all being different versions of her.
She could really go far in the industry if she wasn’t such a detestable human being.
She would be good with children’s cartoons, but she should NOT be trusted with that kind of thing.
No. 640390
>>640382How is that not a "mistake"? Especially when she attempted to stop interacting with those minors on such a personal level?
Im sorry(not sorry) your victim mentality isnt being pleased by my words, but youre really reaching at this point.
No. 640401
File: 1531946725891.png (71.08 KB, 521x567, it'sokshe'ssickguys.PNG)

She got in trouble quite a few times when she subbed, but it's OK guys, she's sick!
No. 640406
File: 1531946966397.jpg (16.33 KB, 600x600, jfc.jpg)

>>640390quiet everyone, a pedophile is talking. let's all listen carefully and respond thoughtfully to what they have to say.
jesus fucking christ, this place sometimes.
No. 640410
>>640390she’s shown time and time again she can’t keep it in her pants and plenty of minors have “slipped through” after she made huge gestures about not wanting to talk to them in any form. still, i’m not saying she’s continuing to do this at this very moment because i have no evidence for that. i am saying she should be held accountable, though, and it deserves to be spread, especially when plenty of people who interacted with her as minors are stepping forward and sharing the damaging impression she gave them.
sending porn to a minor /is/ illegal, though i’m definitely not saying she should be actually charged with anything lol. just let her be called the fuck out and made an example of so this shit isn’t okay anymore. there are plenty of creepy fandom moms just like who she was still out there and they all deserve to be held accountable whether they’re still continuing their behavior or not. sorry about the essay, but yeah people deserve to know about her past behavior, no matter how much she’s “”changed.”
it says a lot that you’d stand in for a sex pervert instead of the kids she impacted. it’s disgusting even if she was just trying to spread sex positivity, uwu.
No. 640415
>>640410Sage for not contributing, but did you follow her up to when she just wiped? Even when I left a year or so ago, she was already saying exactly what you are. That she fucked up and was directly responsible for fucking up people like you who looked up to her and trusted her. You have no obligation to forgive or ignore her, but she knows and admits that what you're saying is true. There's no contest on this. What you're saying is right and she agrees.
So maybe use this thread to blow off some steam and rip on her but after that…get some help, man. I'm not saying this dismissively. You guys were legit hurt by this and you're gonna need help working through it.
I'll delete this in a bit, just wanted to say I see you guys and I'm kinda worried for you.
No. 640421
>>minors have slipped throughWhat are you referring to? Tumblr? Minors talking to her on a website that made it difficult to keep other users away is a bad example.
Twitter is different if her accounts were locked and she kept around people she KNEW well before were minors. There is also the chance those minors never said anything to her when she announced she no longer wanted to keep them around her social media just so they could fly under the radar.
The point is there are way too many factors that throw a wrench into her continuing her grooming.
Sorry you guys are scarred for life by her stupid behavior, but this pedo shit isnt funny or interesting, its just pathetic
No. 640426
>>640415my guy, you didn't even sage lol, but christy explains herself time and time again for fucking up and revealing she's not actually getting any better. that's her manipulation tactic. she does this every 3-5 months explaining how she's getting better and whatever just happened during the time of her writing was a slip up. she's made like 5 deviant art journals trying to excuse her behavior in the past 3 years.
the thing that fucks us up is people still believing in her bullshit excuses.
No. 640436
>>640421There were literally people in this thread talking about their experiences with her and how she went out of her way to explicitly talk to them about sex, her fetishes, and send them nudes.
">>I'm not defending her I'm just making sure everyone knows she's not a child predator because it's boring and unimportant cmon guys just talk about her totally normal vomit art instead."
No. 640443
>>640421she literally spoke to me, a 15 year old at the time, about bad dragon dildos and offered to sell me one. when i was 15.
she groomed me.
No. 640444
She admits, verbatim, "The whole school knew i wanted to fuck little boys"
>>639876This is something she has only RECENTLY started trying to cover up, and only as damage control. If no one had said anything about it, they'd let her keep openly talking about wanting to fuck pure little virgin boys & posting lolicon ""For coping reasons"". Fuck off already
No. 640599
>>640440>>640443Yeah we get it
So have you got anything new to say?
No. 640607
File: 1531962464041.jpg (67.34 KB, 400x494, not_your_____by_love_ribbon-dc…)

i'm pretty sure she made this artwork in response to getting fired as a sub
No. 640612
File: 1531962608619.png (104.92 KB, 484x550, randomjapanese.png)

this is some poorly written japanese that i think translates to "I'm bad, Ginko-san"
No. 640683
File: 1531966605248.png (307.88 KB, 1440x1887, Screenshot_2018-07-18-21-11-10…)

>>640661March 7 of this year. Guess not, the SJW freakout was on March 16. She had it coming.
No. 640686
File: 1531966814555.png (426.13 KB, 552x526, 4eea.png)

did she sell this? first time i see it
No. 640706
>>640680i have some on an old skype account, i managed to remember the login info.
problem is, it's been years since then, so she's no longer a contact of mine (though i can see her in the chat history) and have moved computers. after some googling the only recovery methods i could find depend on you having the same computer, so i assume it's impossible to recover those messages. but just in case, anyone know of a way?
No. 640744
>>640740oh yeah you
she said you were "mean and scary" to her in overwatch or something
care to elaborate on the nemu experience?
No. 640770
File: 1531972939400.png (41.13 KB, 222x230, 4226.png)

>>640749Ooh we got a rat up in here!
No. 640810
>>640744Sorry im at work so i cant check on this a ton rn
Im kind of an irate gamer sometimes, but i would usually shit talk others in chat. She would tell me to "be nice".
There was one time we argued after playing OW because we played with a couple of my friends and she got upset over something they said(not to her or about her) and i wasnt all that bothered. But that was over a year ago.
Recently i cant recall ever being mean and nasty to her while we played, i actually reassured her a lot when she got self conscious in the game, because she had bad experiences in the past with TF2 and some other guy she played with years ago. Way before me.
Anyway as an experience…she was fun to hang out with, we had a lot of fun. Usually we would play games, we used to watch movies and cartoons but it really got rare late last year.
She did have a lot of red flags that i kept wondering about about but ignored because i thought it was just shit to work on in our relationship.
No. 640814
>>640749Basically, but i honestly dont even remember what they said, i remember it sparking a massive argument that ended up with her hanging that shit over my head for a long time.
I remember feeling fuckin butt clench anxiety over how over reactive she got. I raised my voice to her after she compared David's job to mine, obviously trying to insult me and i let her know that wasn't cool and she began bawling really hard.
No. 640822
>>640686I mean, the art is sort of cute if you ignore the crap message.
>>640443Groomed you for what?
No. 640833
File: 1531976721947.png (Spoiler Image,106.89 KB, 540x671, tumblr_n7rvag2olF1s6k853o1_540…)

commissioned porn of her snakesona
No. 640861
>>640837Actually this all reminds me. During our last few months where she would ghost me for weeks at a time she said she may have breast cancer? Does anyone know if that ended up developing? Also apparently she stopped seeing her therapist, anyone know why?
Im curious because its pretty much icing on the shit cake lol
No. 640883
Her cyst was brought up to me early 2018, i assume that was a typo?
Anyway, i got worried about her probably having cancer, for nothing i guess.
No. 641010
File: 1532006109291.png (101.07 KB, 500x571, sicklevi.png)

A sick Levi from Attack on Titan she drew
No. 641013
File: 1532006686657.jpg (17.68 KB, 570x159, LankyKong.JPG)

Christy wanting to fuck Lanky Kong, a fucking ape, apparently.
No. 641201
File: 1532021444890.png (877.81 KB, 1434x1637, Screenshot_2018-07-13-19-05-32…)

>>641195293 was last I checked.
No. 641225
>>641223 Either that or she may be soft blocking people to weed out her "enemies", besides the people she is pissing off of course.
I hear she is beginning to block random friends because she is paranoid theyre against her
No. 641243
File: 1532025052826.png (332.18 KB, 919x521, krocodilekore2348.PNG)

>>641201Isn't her twitter locked down?
Just checked, this is what it looks like for me.
No. 641281
>>641274Didnt plan on it. I expected at some point itd come up tho.
Anyway yeah, I dont want to humiliate her, just get called on her bullshit
No. 641291
>>641277I'll describe the more interesting ones:
-Licking a sprite of the fat skeleton from Undertale as she holds it between her tits
-Showing off Lisa Frank stickers on her nipples
-Pulling up her skirt to show her vagina in a public place
-Photo of her genitals after using a pussy pump (it's extremely disturbing)
-Photo of her kneeling with a dog collar on with King Candy posing in the background
That's pretty much it. Afik she was never nude in the vomit eating photos/videos. I'm probably going to delete the nude photos as there really is no purpose in having them and I'd be disappointed if anyone else shared them here. I only archived them as I was on "archive everything" mode for her for quite a while.
No. 641296
>>641282i recall her saying she doesn't like to vomit herself, but one time when she was sick, she vomited up some medicine she took. not wanting to waste it, she said she ate the vomit. i want to say it was birth control, since that causes nausea and is a little pricey so i can see her not wanting to waste it. i could be wrong about the kind of medicine though.
i may be a little fuzzy on this one, but i think this was a separate instance: she posted a photo of her vomit in a bowl. i think her king candy toy was in it? i remember her pointing out that she doesn't like to vomit but did so on this occasion because she wanted to play with some.
>>641294i'm very curious on this as well. was she lying about this?
No. 641297
>>641247Are you a guy she attempted to cheat with as well or some underaged girl?
That aside, I find it hard to believe she wasn't posting nudes publicly, either on her tumblr or maybe anon on /soc/ or something if she was just tossing them out for free like this.
No. 641306
File: 1532029074668.jpg (75.2 KB, 577x732, O9_A28Zq.jpg)

No. 641308
File: 1532029085846.jpg (47.15 KB, 577x451, 70uQraG-.jpg)

No. 641338
>>641333No it didnt. Her vaginal opening had a bit of extra skin, remnants of her hymen.
No. 641344
>>641338>remnants of her hymenWut…
Did she tell you that or did you learn sex ed from watching hentai?
No. 641352
File: 1532031613211.jpg (Spoiler Image,104 KB, 638x479, anatomyof-female-genital-tract…)

>>641344>>641338Image of RL vaginas. If you google search images of hymen breaks or vaginal openings, it's usually a pretty clean hole, but she might have some extra skin there (I do too, it's not a gaping hole). I don't know what causes this but it's some sort of tissue I guess.
>>641347You sound confused/retarded, it seems like Chom is talking about inside. Not the lips.
No. 641355
File: 1532031888252.jpg (Spoiler Image,778.45 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180719-132419_Chr…)

>>641347>>641344>>641341You guys are morons
>>641353Youre wrong. Google search it
No. 641392
File: 1532034467030.png (338.62 KB, 1440x1280, Screenshot_2018-07-19-16-05-17…)

>>641232I know the tweet was deleted but her friend replying "That's how mormons do it!" lines up so well because that anti-porn website was coincidentally mormon based.
No. 641496
File: 1532038731301.jpg (73.51 KB, 599x700, cOOL NICE LADY.jpg)

Here is Nemu's Nice Lady! bingo card
No. 641534
File: 1532039683635.png (4.31 KB, 468x96, MISANDRY.PNG)

Seeing comments from Nemu that she'd never say today are hilarious
No. 641548
File: 1532040648116.jpg (69.91 KB, 470x470, what is this shit.jpg)

>>641541Letting it leak all over her drawing tablet is was phases me the most
No. 641588
File: 1532042491094.png (32.27 KB, 681x132, plstag triggers.PNG)

Nemu: please tag triggers i have a phobia of pencils
Also Nemu: Hi! Vomit isn't actually NSFW so I'm not gonna tag it as mature. People vomit all the time actually so please leave me alone!
No. 641605
File: 1532043147968.png (338.73 KB, 519x690, old blog.PNG)

I found an older blog from 2015 calling her out. No. 641635
File: 1532044821579.png (803.35 KB, 557x634, davidcry.PNG)

My bad about thinking Nemu was obsessed with Mac Tonight. It was David. Apparently he cried when he saw Mac Tonight in Chicago.
No. 641639
File: 1532045015744.png (Spoiler Image,299.13 KB, 393x611, 5dc00907a777e24d8be24143167ae0…)

>>641541she was selling this dildo
also, i saw that she sold at least one dildo, it was a red one from the other dildo post she made
No. 641670
File: 1532046233667.png (50.42 KB, 251x255, Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at 8.20…)

No. 641687
File: 1532046625764.jpg (72.39 KB, 500x535, 64279711-2bb0-4339-b560-25530f…)

does anyone remember that nemu said (the "first time they were ""engaged""""") they were gonna have their transformers at the front of the reception at their upcoming wedding
No. 641692
File: 1532046813736.png (530.01 KB, 601x601, Screen Shot 2018-04-02 at 11.2…)

accidental harold cosplay
No. 641715
File: 1532047645528.png (Spoiler Image,255.48 KB, 540x698, tumblr_n7rq5j4PXH1s6k853o1_540…)

>>640833apparently this was a 3 part commission, that one is 2/3
this is 1/3
No. 641732
>>640049What the hell was his reasoning behind asking her to quit her job so that he could take care of her and then refusing to pay her bills or even buy her food? Did anyone else see or witness this or do we only have her word on it because it doesn't even make sense.
It would be one thing if he decided to be very controlling as to how much money he gave her or permitted her to spend. That happens and it's a dick move but it's definitely something seen in men who are domineering or afraid their women will leave them. Limit their resources and you have more control.
But to ask her to quit her job then refuse to even buy her food? Even with the most irrational man, this makes no sense. If she submitted to this she would starve and if she didn't she'd need to get another job and they'd be back where they started before she quit. So what was the point of doing it?
Sorry, this has been bothering me. It just sounds so dumb and unlikely.
No. 641769
>>641732Since i was talking to her during this time, even i dont remember exactly why she was scarcely getting food or why he was slacking with helping her.
There were a couple times where i offered to send her money for groceries. She didnt always accept it. I just remember being pissed at David when she told me about her not having food. I even urged her to get some kind of food and id want to help teach her how to cook over Skype, since apparently she didnt know how to cook ANYTHING at all and was embarrassed.
No. 641773
>>641732Here is the story as I remember it:
Nemu was really, really struggling at her job as a fry cook. She was crying at work constantly and begin to disassociate at work and hurt herself because of it etc. David got a new, high paying job as a graphic designer for some company. So he told her to quit her job so she could focus on her mental health and attend therapy as much as she required. So Nemu quit her job. But David wanted to show off his new income. He bought new laptops, new PS4s and a new car. But the problem was his pay wasn't high ENOUGH to pay for these things AND for someone else's bills. I guess David realised he'd rather have PS4s and cars rather than support his partner. So he told her he wouldn't pay for her bills or food after all as he didn't have any money after buying all this pointless shit. I believe Nemu was telling the truth. Look at how David was in the last thread. He's clearly a fucking idiot and doesn't truly care for Nemu's well being (he both doxed her and focused any blame on him onto her EXTREMELY quickly after entering the thread.) Nemu mentioned before that he has Asian parents who put A LOT of value on looking rich and successful. I'm sure David asked Nemu to stop working because it made him look like a big man who can afford a housewife, and it wasn't until after he got one he realised he couldn't afford it.
No. 641800
File: 1532050370043.png (3.44 KB, 509x61, ththappened.PNG)

Another story of Nemu being hit on
No. 641860
File: 1532053663594.png (Spoiler Image,14.07 KB, 501x709, stop.png)

>>641859Sorry, meant to attach this
No. 641899
File: 1532056001516.jpg (133.21 KB, 500x375, a83e9ddf-fed5-455d-8aaa-dc798f…)

christy's waifu collage in her childhood bedroom
No. 641976
File: 1532060566217.png (256.53 KB, 400x769, fop_sketches_1_by_mintypuke-d9…)

that reminds me, another example of nemu playing out her fetish in a pedo-manner….. her FOP character is (described by her) a 'creepy janitor lady' who likes cleaning up the puke
at the school
children's puke
No. 641986
File: 1532061285096.png (Spoiler Image,752.93 KB, 1180x1080, lemonadeslime.png)

>>641232nanacomic is at the same level as nemu. she draws a fuckton of shotacon and some loli. Her nsfw tumblr and twitters are "lemonadeslime"
Idk why she thinks she's above Nemu lol
No. 642026
No. 642027
>>642019Im pretty sure youre blind and stupid because that screencap proves neither of those things.
Drawing fuckin cartoon characters =/= child predator or manipulative liar
No. 642038
>>641773Thanks, anon. This helps me understand. It was less a concerted and/or stupid effort to control her than a financial miscalculation by an asshole who put impressing his family over keeping his promises to his girlfriend. Thanks to also to
>>641769 for verifying that this may have happened.
This really is the most disgusting thread on the farms right now. I've felt nauseated reading it. Perhaps going hungry wasn't such a bad thing for a womanchild who brags about masturbating to images of people dying from radiation poisoning or who gives advice on sex or genital piercings to minors. Don't want her to starve or die but maybe she deserves a bit of discomfort.
No. 642050
>>641899It's pretty striking how much more
relatively normal this batch of husbandos is compared to her later ones. Obviously a few of them are a little perplexing or concerning but for the most part it's adult humanoid men with normal proportions who aren't outrageously ugly, as opposed to the ugliest/oldest/fattest/tiniest/least human character she can find for any show.
I've seen plenty of husbando girls with the same ratio of weird/understandable crushes as this. It's also mostly from media aimed at teens and adults as opposed to elementary school children, even though she was younger here. Interesting considering her go to explanation is muh childhood coping mechanism
No. 642059
File: 1532065519739.jpg (342.04 KB, 1024x768, tumblr_nbvn43QrxQ1sm1433o2_128…)

>>641899probably high school binder
No. 642063
File: 1532065656693.png (Spoiler Image,250.43 KB, 500x581, tumblr_inline_ngcuskCTxV1speh1…)

oh, yeah, some more snakesona weirdness for the drive(spoiler images like this)
No. 642068
File: 1532065945611.jpg (49.62 KB, 1152x1152, FB_IMG_1531918398520.jpg)

This is what her ex, Captain Olimar looks like now lol
No. 642070
>>642065It may seem like a stretch but at this point i think she adopted the Mikan Tsumiki personality a bit, since she WAS danganronpa fan.
Knowing her personally, she was also a fan of Celeste Ludenberg, which is… also ironic
No. 642073
File: 1532066237198.jpg (26.95 KB, 471x714, FB_IMG_1531918558820.jpg)

>>642069Yep, his beard used to be to his bellybutton
No. 642104
File: 1532068349927.jpg (354.73 KB, 680x765, tumblr_mm0wn4UaFe1ro8ahdo1_128…)

so, people have been sharing who were close to her, but i wanna share about my experience and how this has, maybe moreso than it should, messed me up a bit
So, i've suffered from bpd before, one of the symptoms being that you kind of make the personalities of others a part of your own- obviously it leads to loads of internal conflict and struggle, that's not the point here anyway
I first found out about nemu when i was browsing yume nikki r34, cos i liked masada a lot, and thought her art was unique and cool. followed for the art, stayed for the quirky nice sweet lady (as i'm sure many of us did)
Now, because of my tendency to shape my entire being off somebody i admire, someone who i think has their shit together more than me (wow, this girl is the same age as me, yet is going to school all on her own after getting kicked out of home, pays her bills, has a put together life while still being her funny, weird self and doesn't let that stop her from being herself!!), i wanted to be just like her. Art was a passion of mine forever, and when i found her work, i knew i wanted to emulate hers. I just wanted to BE her, because that's the unfortunate way my brain worked back then.
Now, i have always had my share of weird paraphilias, even as a young girl, and those were never things i saw as problems, instead, i embraced them, because she taught us all it was okay. Actually, it was probably BECAUSE i saw a person i loved so much enjoy/portray these fetishes, a lot of them became my own- again, the bpd is kind of at fault here for me, i believe-
no, I'm not saying that she made me have weird fetishes, and I'm sure a lot of the issues i have regarding my sexual preferences are my own, but it all just made me okay with it at the time. To the point where i would inappropriately do things like her, such as express unorthodox fantasies to people who had no business hearing of them- "normies" i guess for lack of a better word
the times she left the internet, i was devastated. what was i to do? i depended on this person to keep showing me how to shape my entire self, and here she was gone, would i ever see her again? when she'd come back on tumblr, I was so happy, finally, my guidepost to how i want to see myself and my life has returned! then she hit her ocdmrcrocker phase and went sjw and (having gone thru a phase like that myself and recognizing how atrocious of a person it made me) I wasn't sure how to feel about this woman who had so drastically changed. Suddenly, she was making me feel awful about myself by speaking out against the very things she had done and taught me to be.
I keep bringing up the bpd, because it really messes with your identity when you emulate others to this degree. imagine only knowing that you want to BE this person, and then this person telling you thatnow, all of that, everything is wrong.
Now, since then, I have gotten professional help and I am so so much better with these things, but I still followed her on the internet, purely for her art. I felt uncomfortable with who she had become as a person (Imagine that, uncomfortable when she ISN'T lewding little boys from vidya, what a trip)
Some of the things i saw her post recently on krocodilekore/kerozeene started not making sense- for example, i mentioned in here earlier about how she just got engaged, but i vividly remember them being engaged back in maybe the angrypauly days. I brushed it off as, oh, maybe they were unengaged for a while, got reengaged, etc.
But then i started thinking of so many other inconsistencies, so many times she would say things that contradicted previous stories (as many have posted in this and the other nemu forum)
Then all this discourse happened.
I don't know, i think what I'm trying to say here is that, imagine the person you looked up to the most for such a huge part of your life, the person who's life you used to want, the person who inspired your fasion/artistic/music choices…suddenly you're reading things in a forum about her that show just what a messed up person they truly are (messed up going beyond barf in her pussy; in a way, the /really/ sick shit she did doesn't even involve what kinds of substances she interacted with sexually), i mean the grooming/the insane inappropriateness of how she demonstrates her sexuality, things like that.
It actually took me a whole day to stop denying things, that's how bad it was starting to mess me up. But y'know what, maybe I needed this. Cos, in the end, the important thing is that a person who does some very concerning things gets called out, but for anyone like me who was trapped under her 'mama nemu' spell and were maybe caught up in the life of some internet person who made us feel some type of way, maybe we need to be snapped out of that and start to recognize that, hey, this is why you're supposed to be your own person.
I'm not sure if this is contributing much, maybe not many people had an experience like mine, but maybe someone did and can relate to me, because unfortunately, this has been on my mind the last couple of days much more than I wish it was.
Again, I wanna stress that I am very much healthier now and have been for a few years, so this isn't the sort of thing I would lose sleep over anymore, but I hope i conveyed why it's still as upsetting to me right now as it is.
I said once before on here, just goes to show that when you have a community presence, you have NO idea what the things that you do affect other people, even if you've never spoken to them before.(blogposting)
No. 642114
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>>642111not glad that someone else feels this way, but it's kind of a relief to know I'm not alone here. you described the parts about parts of yourself being lost now, and i 100% get it.
i think us mama nemu victims need a fucking recovery group or some shit lmaoo
No. 642139
>>642114Maybe not a group with all of you in it, maybe you do. Anyway, the point is you guys need help, dont focus on her problems, focus on your own from now on.
Im not one of those that have BPD and were affected like you, but her behaviour has caused a lot of harm for many and thats why this backlash is happening. She keeps saying she goes to therapy and gets help, but there is so much about her that is unhealthy that it will be years and years of dramatic change for her to get straight.
Honestly she may never change even
No. 642142
>>642139I definitely agree, the ones who came out of this the worst are people like her friends who she's personally affected, and those minors who she has groomed and exposed to sexually. A few who were younger at the time have spoken out, but I'm 100% certain there's many more who have encountered her in an impressionable state and have probably been affected by it in their adult lives/as they got older.
She's said she's been a victim of sexual abuse as a younger person, and I feel like she has been self aware enough of all this to know better.
No. 642146
>>642142I dont claim to know much about Schizotypal Personality, but her disconnection from reality may be part of that issue. Still she often is cognitive enough to know she is causing a lot of problems.
Why do i think that? Because she will end up apologizing, she will get very depressed, and she claims to feel guilty. However she is also a coward. She would rather ignore that guilt until it no longer hurts
No. 642152
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>>642104just wanted to say i had a very similar experience and thanks for sharing all of that. best wishes anon
No. 642162
>>642104I think this is the thing people need to realize that is/was so dangerous about Nemu's presence in the community. Because reading your story I was nodding along going, "yes I had the exact same experience." The fact there's been about ten people in this thread alone come forward with such damaged effects of her normalization of things that should NEVER be normalized shows how dangerous she is. I think people still teeter back and forth whether or not she's worth the discussion now but I think that's exactly what she wants. Her entire persona was vulnerability and relatablness and whether or not she realized it she inappropriately interacted and groomed countless people. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience anon.
Also I recall when she went all anti-sex that she made a huge rant blaming 4chan and being raised on 4chan and wanting to be a big titty anime girl and that's why she was so messed up and did everything bad she did. (maybe someone can get the screens they were on her art twit) But thinking back that sounds like a crock of shit.
No. 642203
>>642162I dont think putting some blame on 4chan and similar boards is entirely unfound. Those boards created some fucked up mindsets all for the sake of laughs, and an abused kid like her was ripe for the picking to be influenced by the nature of the community. That doesnt excuse bad behaviour, but its not only her fault.
Anyway i think its better to get the message across that her current method of coping isnt helping her actual problems right now
No. 642288
random recollections i have from following her years ago. these are from my memory so the details may not be exact but i believe they’re all true, or that nemu presented it that way.
iirc this was the name of a side tumblr blog (or a similar name) she made when she felt she couldn’t share certain kinks on her main tumblr. yes apparently nemu felt that feces was ok for her main blog but other things weren’t. this blog had an entirely black and white layout and contained lots of reblogs of abandoned, decaying, and otherwise derelict buildings. she explained here that her “destroyed buildings” fetish had something to do with the fact that they were tainted or badly damaged, which turned her on.
she would also post nudes of herself on this blog as if she were taking them for her “fictional others”. they were not very graphic and it was really one of the less cringey things she would do.
i also remember that she made a post one time on that side blog where she did something pretty out of character, at least from what i knew of her, which was actually engage in some self reflection about one of her fetishes (i followed her mostly in the worst of her acting out and before she began “recovery”.) she wrote a post about her mother’s suicide attempt and what she had witnessed and went into detail about how her mom had vomited all over herself from trying to overdose and nemu, who was young (a toddler i think? a child?) at the time, was trying to comfort her without understanding what had happened. it was a horrifying account of just one incident in a fucked up childhood and it still unsettles me to think about the scene she described. but knowing that story filled in a piece of the puzzle about why she’s the way that she is, and how some of her unusual sexual deviancies might have formed. i am not here to armchair anything, but clearly the memory was/is very vivid for her.
>nemu and vomiting
one thing i remember is nemu saying more than once that she did not often engage in vomiting herself not because of a lack of interest, but because the act was physically painful and uncomfortable for her. she said vomiting would cause blood vessels to blow in her face and give her headaches, really bad side effects, etc. i found it strange that she made it seem like she rarely vomited due to this, but that she also talked about wild vomit sex scenarios she had or wanted to participate in. i think with most nemu related things the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
>nemu and accountability
i’ve seen comments here and on kiwi farms about how everyone is so surprised that nemu was able to be a teacher and do all the things she did on the internet, and how they were shocked she could get hired, etc.
you severely underestimate nemu’s ability to repress information. she is adept at reinventing herself, and despite having images of herself linked to a long internet history, up until david said her full name, the VAST majority of nemu’s tumblr followers had no idea what even just her real first name was, let alone her bf’s name or where she worked. nemu was actually very diligent about separating her online activities from her real life, and the fact that she went YEARS online without something like this happening is proof of that. it also helped that for most of her time on tumblr she had plenty of friends who were almost just as attentive about her privacy. to find information on nemu back then, you really really had to dig.
No. 642294
>>642288continued. to clarify on the david thing, i mean that up until he wrote “christy walker” in the last thread, you would not be able to find even the smallest link between that name and the online persona of nemu. it was honestly unlikely to have ever come up in this thread if he hadn’t LITERALLY doxed her. i don’t know what he was thinking when he did that. all of that work nemu did for years to keep her name private for the sake of her career and schooling, and now it is gone and can never be undone because of the man she has spent the last decade with and is now engaged to. wew lad, if i had a fiancé do something like that to me i think i’d be searching the deep web for a hitman right about now.
i have a bunch of other random nemu factoids and stuff floating around in my head but i’ll return to this thread later.
No. 642326
>>642294I'd agree that tumblr was something of a walled garden, but she was sloppy on other social media platforms and her friends were even sloppier. Prior to her most recent blanking spree, there were more than enough dots to connect. Some of us wanted to watch the shitshow, not chase her off the internet.
That said, David sure is a moron.
No. 642330
>>642326oh, i agree, some sleuthing would have enabled interested parties to figure it out back then, but all i’m saying is that there were no real, direct connections between “christy walker” and “nemu” that would come up on a quick google search by, for example, a possible employer. but now there will be.
hope you have a way to make that one up to her, david.
No. 642349
>>641976didn't think this was particularly noteworthy, but this post makes m think it's worth mentioning. at some point she said she worked in a movie theater, and that one of her coworkers was an ex. after being told to clean up some kid's puke, the ex says "you should get nemu to do it, she loves vomit!" she made a point to mention that this upset her, because oh, her love of vomit comes from a special place of wanting to care for a sick individual… no way would she be turned on cleaning up some random kid's puke!
even at the time i thought it was weird. if that happened to me, i wouldn't post about it online. really seemed like a thinly veiled attempt to evoke sympathy, like "i'm just a nice lady that likes vomit, this guy even implying i'd like kiddie puke just because of my unconventional fetish is SO mean :("
No. 642480
I used to be friends with Nemu. We didn't talk every single day but we talked quite often and I think that fucked me up, considering I was a minor (this would've roughly been 4 - 5 years ago, maybe a bit less, I don't remember that clearly).
As someone who didn't have a great relationship with their mom, someone like Nemu was such a draw-in with how caring and ready to give attention she was. And someone else also mentioned you get drawn in to wanting to be like her - I experienced this too but not so bad.
I think when you like her you can ignore how overtly sexual and gross she is because she is just so nice. But when you're a kid you don't realise how much of it you actually take in. I cannot vomit from having too much alcohol without thinking about Nemu, instantly. I can't have someone mention vomit, pregnancy, whatever, without thinking of it as an inherently sexual thing.
These aren't even fetishes of mine, I don't find them to be sexual or arousing. But there is a constant, persistent, association of these gross things with her. I was happy being exposed to this sort of content at first because I think people should celebrate what they're into, but I think another anon mentioned that normalisation of THESE types of kinks to THIS extent to kids does no good whatsoever.
Nemu could do so much better and could reflect real deep on how she treats others, how her public image effects others, but the fact she chooses not to and her boyfriend nor friends don't try to help her move past it either is so disappointing and degrading to people who were like this that actually bothered to try to change how they were
No. 642489
File: 1532111793295.png (71.73 KB, 616x346, huh.png)

>>642083 She's also removed all the pictures of Christy from her instagram. Is she actually seeing the light, or is this merely damage control?
No. 642495
>>642492she stayed pretty popular until and others started to call her out on her shit. even then people were vehemently defending her. she stayed quiet and only reblogged things, then shut down all together.
No. 642583
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She doesn’t mention Christy here, which I do think is kind of interesting. She obviously knows about the drama right now but you would think she would still mention her.
No. 642799
>>642785Christy lives off being online. Last time she got kicked off Tumblr she made a private Twitter 4 days later.
If anything she's probably on Discord getting asspats and telling her orbiters who to block next before she comes back.
No. 643076
>>642785Sadly it might have to go radio silent in order for her to come back. She was watching this thread like a hawk. Deleting her videos and profiles as we were posting them. She must be checking obsessively.
I went to watch a video just a couple hours after it was posted in the first thread and it was already gone.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she even sent David here to try to defend her.
No. 643087
>>643085I thought it was hilarious Polterheiist and their boyfriend deactivated their accounts because we saw that bullshit tweet of theirs "omg Holden called me and she helped out old men at the hospital I love that bitch so much!!!"
Tbh anybody else who's been defending her are people she's never talked about they're just attached to her.
No. 643105
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A tweet that Jenelle liked. Do we really think she’s just saving face?
No. 643160
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>>641930I'm pretty sure this is him
No. 643215
>>643212seriously she is. we were mutuals for a few months, but i had to unfollow her because she was so controlling. also the fact she felt like she had to have a say in everything just because she's dating a latino guy rubbed me the wrong way.
i always thought the cockroach thing was weird. i remember last year she tried calling out some guy because his dad was racist.
No. 643308
>>643277if he is, then thats hilarious. dating a former nazi fetishist? kek
i wouldn't be surprised if she still has the same mindset but is using the commie sjw shtick to hide it.
No. 643337
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No. 643338
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No. 643339
>>643338important note about this:
she had "cucking mama" as her public name on twitter. She would OFTEN have sexual name on Twitter. She usually had a kids cartoon set as her profile. I can't imagine the amount of children who stumbled across her profile seeing a cute cartoon only to actually read her name and bio.
No. 643340
>>643337She looks like she's being forced to act sooo quirky
Anybody else remember when Christy said she lost her virginity to a Nintendo 64 controller?
No. 643393
>>643385I doubt it at this point. When she wanted to be a cam girl, she was still really cavalier with her sexcapades.
She ended up not doing it because of how scared to be live on camera she was. So now that shes even going "all porn is bad!!!" She probably wont do sex work.
But considering the situation, who knows if thats believable anymore lol
No. 643441
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wowie zowie
No. 643449
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No. 643496 chombie
Why do you draw children getting fucked and then post in here about how bad that apparently is?
No. 643513
>>643496because he’s a degenerate waste of oxygen neckbeard.
remember that nemu was attracted to him for a reason. the fact that she treated him poorly doesn’t mean that he’s a good person.
No. 643595
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>>643588lmao Christy got this one commissioned in 2013
No. 643626
>>643496>>643513>>643573I didnt post in here about "how bad that is" tho?
These whistle blower anons are really bad at this lmao
No. 643679
>>643308>>643121>>643212history1970s is now alluding to someone or a few people attacking her, lmao is that in reference to whats going on here?
either way both her and mcgama seem to attract or stay in circles with questionable people. remember olias or rotating floor?
No. 643689
>>643340Lmao i feel like i vaguely remember this? I do remember she said she ruined a wiimote by masturbating with it- anyone got a list of weird stuff nemuchristy has stuck in her orifices?
I remember a picture of the SpongeBob electric toothbrush she used to masturbate with since she was younger, how she lost her anal virginity with a hairbrush (iirc?)
No. 643698
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>>643686i'm starting to think its unrelated but even if it is with the timing and all its interesting that searching her handle and lolcow bring up the site
>>643691no idea who that is
No. 643702
>>643699He also told absolutely everyone about his masturbatory habits and sent pictures of his own feces to friends.
Yet another cow related to all of this.
No. 643740
>>643698sure it was because of an
abusive relationship. even people with half a brain know fetishizing nazism (or communism lmao) is fucking gross, minor or not. she probably still holds onto that shit along with her hatred for other women but hides it by pretending to be an sjw saint lmfao
No. 643750
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just going through Nemu things i archived .. don't think anybody posted this one here yet
No. 643755
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No. 643763
>>643679used to be mutuals with her years ago and would talk to me about throwing up in general, asked me to send her pictures of my vomit and basically gave me tips how to make myself throw up which contributed to me developing an ED
when i was reading earlier threads i kept being reminded of history1970s and now it makes a lot of sense that they ran in the same circles lol
No. 643809
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>>643698Can someone do some digging on witapepsi, since she was mentioned in that history1970s tweet? All I found is she used to be mutuals with Nemu, most recent reply from November 2016. The rest is just video games, nothing super personal. And this tweet, which I think could only be in reference to this trainwreck
No. 643863
>>643809This is witapepsi, the tweet was about this whole thing. I was in here moments before David dropped my name in his… introductory letter lmao
If u want some weird fetish dirt from me all I made was some Layton tea porn in 2012 back when I first got into the friend circle on Tumblr, but that's it.
I unfollowed Christy in March the day she went SJW on the school kids lol it was too much for me
No. 643865
>>643650Who in this thread actually still follows Christy and her orbiters? Are there any updates?
Is there anyone who was a rabid follower that changed due to this drama?
No. 643877
>>643740afaik she really was in a violent abusive relationship, but imo she never quite got rid of her misogyny and she's always reblogging the most guilt-tripping, fear-mongering, terf-threatening, thought-policing posts tumblr has to offer. you would think someone who was once an anti-feminist and nazi fetishizer, minor or otherwise, would at least have a little
sympathy for people with views that aren't pure as snow tumblr approved opinions. but no, anyone who deviates deserves to be no-platformed or even beaten, except her, because she had an excuse. no one else gets one though! reminds me of nemu's attitude towards porn.
No. 643885
>>643877Tbh how does it not raise any flags to befriend someone who used to be a Nazi fetishist and now wants to be the local spokesperson for communism? Some prime example horseshoe theory going on over here.
Hist1970s actively seeks out non-whites to befriend, it's makes me skin crawl.
No. 643905
>>643897She most likely won't. I don't think she's ever been face to face with anybody because anybody who's for real spoken up about her have nothing to hide essentially and be up front about anything she'll attempt to get under their skin for.
Chrom knows who he is, Xan knows who she is, same with Mara, and anybody else who's spoken up.
The most she'll do is write a long essay about her stay in the hospital and compliment the nurses and old people and just say everything from her ocdmrcrocker blog in a different way.
No. 643944
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>>643890I laughed way too hard at this
Here’s some old Christy commission stuff i found while lurking sweet-bitsy’s blog so im not totally irrelevant
No. 644013
>>644011"Hi, I'm checking myself in to stay for a while." "Umm ok what's the issue" "I have shit and vomit fetishes and people are talking about me on the internet" "Okay sign here!"
Yeah I don't believe it.
No. 644017
>>644009You may not be in the US, but here if you need treatment, they treat you, even if you're flat-broke. That's how you end up with thousands and thousands of medical debt. So it's absolutely possible.
>>644013Nah you just say you're having a nervous breakdown and think you might hurt yourself. Those are the magic words, they'll shove you somewhere.
No. 644041
File: 1532258803389.png (605.91 KB, 476x794, mamnemu.PNG)

mama nemu giving advice on how not to be jealous of other people liking your fictional crush
No. 644043
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Toad with his dick out and puking
No. 644044
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She took her toys to work with her
No. 644045
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Nemu wanting to abandon everyone in her life to fuck a Monokuma plush
No. 644046
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No. 644047
File: 1532259995934.png (11.05 KB, 470x167, gob.PNG)

Who's gob?
No. 644048
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No. 644055
File: 1532261081516.png (29.32 KB, 394x105, triforce.PNG)

Nemu used to shave her pubes into a triforce in high school
No. 644058
File: 1532261527153.png (Spoiler Image,160.33 KB, 406x547, 4chandidthis.PNG)

>4chan did this
>This single picture from DeviantArt did this
pick one Christy!
No. 644258
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No. 644259
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No. 644260
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No. 644262
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No. 644263
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No. 644264
File: 1532280812731.jpg (88.66 KB, 457x742, tumblr_nnosg8AGEO1sm1433o7_500…)

No. 644266
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No. 644267
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No. 644276
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No. 644314
>>644310I can say that David probably wasn't lying about how much he didn't know how she acted online until recently when he got a Twitter himself.
I remember she did say he looked at her timeline from time to time, but mainly used the computer for himself and his hentai.
No. 644426
File: 1532294513174.png (6.1 KB, 571x215, OLIAS SHITS ON IPHONE.PNG)

>>643701He really is such a weirdo.
No. 644471
File: 1532297776284.png (Spoiler Image,410.56 KB, 662x894, 20180722_231452.png)

dump (heh) incoming
No. 644472
File: 1532297855281.png (Spoiler Image,868.64 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180722-231302.png)

No. 644473
File: 1532297912060.png (Spoiler Image,460.34 KB, 720x554, 20180722_231423.png)

she had a thing for sans at one point
No. 644475
File: 1532298053683.png (Spoiler Image,243.2 KB, 720x308, 20180722_231437.png)

christy showing off how far she can stick her hand in there to everyone i guess?
No. 644478
File: 1532298174865.png (358.79 KB, 720x339, 20180722_231358.png)

and that's all i could find for now, i thought i was certain i had more. anyway here's a super old pic of her drooling all over her DS. totes kawaii ^_^
No. 644485
I hate how I have a vivid recollection of these photos.
That fucking fisting one looks so weird.
>>644470He's still online lol just changed usernames.
History1970s' callout post: recollection of living with minipete: "never going online again" moment:' twitter: to add, History1970s is still spending money on expensive shit according to her Insta but it's OK though, right? She JUST got a job
No. 644505
>>644495She's extremely guilt trippy and manipulative when she wants money lol
I can't believe how she and McGama got to go to Disney World? Where'd the money come from? She goes to cons too? And also buys tons of Tamas and figures? I wish I could do that lol
No. 644525
>>644523That’s her whole schtick. Being obsessed with minor fat characters, and ugly fat villains.
Mainly so she can be special because she’s the only person who likes the character.
She’s been known to stop liking certain characters once they become popular.
No. 644530
File: 1532302292851.jpg (59.5 KB, 500x375, 1528741809937.jpg)

>>644525I guess that's why she stopped caring about sans then. Her and DisneyFan01 would be great friends if Nemu wasn't so fucking disgusting. Both have weird fetishes for ugly and deformed evil men. At least hybristophiles want to bang the hot evil ones.
No. 644539
>>644536I think so. She posts obsessively about horror movies but Friday the 13th and Jason Voorhees in particular.
Sometimes to an obsessive degree where she gets catty about it to other people.
No. 644575
>>644551back in the day she used to post so much guro, usually with a young pretty female as the victim. a lot of it really upset me and i was shocked and kind of disgusted when she turned around and got on her soapbox about her followers posting suuuuper
triggering images, when literally, some of the most disturbing and upsetting guro i've ever seen was from her blog. either take a wild guess about what might
trigger your own followers, like idk, depictions of rape an violence against women maybe, or lighten up when not everyone realizes an image might need to be tagged for poor little emma's sensibilities. but once again, it's ok when she does it because muh passion for horror or muh past, but everyone else is a dirty bigot who deserves no mercy and must watch what they do and say.
No. 644597
>>644594Wow… what a bunch of smol beans kek
The people Olias talks to are clique-y people with yellow fever no wonder Emma became friends with him
No. 644601
>>644594that's the pattern I've noticed with this group of people too. every time someone in their group is found out the rest of them make public statements and drop the person publicly.
as far as I could tell she still interacted with rotating floor after the callout
No. 644603
>>644601they all just seem horrified at the thought of being seen as
problematic in any way, like way beyond just a normal desire to be a good person, between constantly thought/speech policing each other, reblogging weird guilt-tripping sjws posts, and dropping any
problematic friends without warning. it's just all so fucking fearful.
No. 644620
>>644615oops i meant to reply to
>>644610>>644616are scoobert and emma still friends? i haven't seen them interact much since scoobert/dj sailor pluto got more focused on her public music persona
No. 644637
>>644609What? Can you quit the SJW speak around here? This site is a place you can actually be a normal human being. Does the thing in that picture have a penis or not?
>>644613I’m asking because of the extremely masculine bone structure and features. If that’s a woman, she’s incredibly shockingly ugly.
No. 644642
File: 1532312164354.jpg (101.1 KB, 420x501, fdd7a0ab-f5ca-4cae-9ad1-55df21…)

adding to theee nemu fashion dump
No. 644646
File: 1532312257991.jpg (64.1 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mqgfqa8alO1ro8ahdo8_500…)

No. 644649
File: 1532312300907.png (910.31 KB, 720x845, 20180722_231506.png)

very ancient nemu pic with her cosplayer friend who goes way back
note the olimar and louie plushies in the background
No. 644652
File: 1532312358125.jpg (234.38 KB, 500x636, tumblr_mqgfqa8alO1ro8ahdo1_500…)

>>644650pauly closet cosplay?
No. 644655
File: 1532312478616.png (773.42 KB, 720x644, 20180722_231410.png)

No. 644660
File: 1532313011953.png (271.28 KB, 600x656, _unfinished__totty_daddy_by_mi…)

some nemu tittymatsu
No. 644663
File: 1532313083492.png (Spoiler Image,103.72 KB, 298x593, 1435504.png)

>>644662naked nemu drawing
No. 644665
File: 1532313192623.png (553.1 KB, 571x987, expression_meme_crocker_by_min…)

>>644663crocker expression meemee
No. 644667
File: 1532313354015.jpg (Spoiler Image,94.75 KB, 790x1024, IMG_20180723_033343.jpg)

more tits. she definitely does not draw them realisticly lol
No. 644671
File: 1532313434782.jpg (48.23 KB, 738x522, IMG_20180723_033338.jpg)

her cosplay of the sorrow from MGS apparently
No. 644672
File: 1532313451468.jpg (252.71 KB, 1187x1187, DG5CMf0VoAA5mrx.jpg)

schizotypal comic pt. 1
No. 644677
File: 1532313575563.jpg (25.7 KB, 540x424, IMG_20180723_033330.jpg)

also if nothing what has been said in this thread been enough proof for david to believe christy cheater on him, this pic should hopefully settle it. she posted this one on twitter, there is no way this was an innocent video call lol
No. 644679
File: 1532313641171.png (184.92 KB, 411x422, tumblr_inline_n89yiszxDu1speh1…)

No. 644680
File: 1532313709814.png (Spoiler Image,146.13 KB, 482x426, tumblr_mruhbtCtRz1ro8ahdo1_r1_…)

kitty kitty luya succing o-chan's old man dick
No. 644681
File: 1532313755044.jpg (Spoiler Image,153.93 KB, 346x513, 20180723_034054.jpg)

spoiler: it's patrick stump from fob puking
No. 644686
File: 1532313868699.jpg (82.06 KB, 500x375, 669a59f0-57ff-4b00-8c21-659a13…)

When she was a teacher she made this little board game for the students- they answer art history trivia and gain outfits for the paper dolls
tbh, i thought it was really really cute, wanted to share here
No. 644694
File: 1532314176492.png (208.66 KB, 357x447, tumblr_m9a04egDLM1ro8ahdo1_400…)

Pro gun Nemu
No. 644695
File: 1532314220849.png (Spoiler Image,220.77 KB, 500x533, tumblr_nngaduJbQy1sm1433o1_r1_…)

lapuss lazuli she drew for nina
No. 644696
File: 1532314225083.jpg (135.77 KB, 614x819, tumblr_maz52pCDEn1ro8ahdo1_640…)

Ancient Nemu drawings
No. 644697
File: 1532314268642.png (591.47 KB, 602x468, Screen Shot 2017-03-29 at 2.55…)

>>644695safe bet she drew this for emma
No. 644698
File: 1532314285139.png (20.9 KB, 448x317, tumblr_m9unzolLLF1ro8ahdo1_500…)

NOT PUKE. Ice cream.
No. 644717
>>644704interesting. anthropomorphising inanimate objects/thinking they have emotions, having imaginary friends, remembering things in cartoon vision, and feeling guilt for inappropriate things are all things that little kids do, and are quite common in little kids, but obviously if you don't grow out of it it's neurotic. it seems pretty rare to have a behavior common in children only begin in your teens but who knows and i don't want to armchair.
>>644650she kinda dresses like she's cosplaying herself kek. like she thinks of what her cartoon self-inserts would wear and then tries to make the real life version, instead of the other way around. guess it fits.
No. 644725
File: 1532316026009.jpg (50.79 KB, 408x782, even the noid isnt safe.jpg)

more christy art comin' right up!
No. 644728
File: 1532316118242.png (Spoiler Image,142.44 KB, 344x587, farquass.png)

>>644727more drawn christy tiddies
No. 644731
File: 1532316296117.png (Spoiler Image,57.66 KB, 454x599, len_kagamine_by_mintypuke-d4r0…)

correct me if i'm wrong, isn't this the vocaroo anime singing boy (spoiler for barf)
No. 644732
File: 1532316367735.jpg (139.3 KB, 1200x1106, DQUSGV7XUAcPjg9.jpg)

>>644731melanie martinez sandwich girl
No. 644735
File: 1532316512318.png (97.33 KB, 183x176, Screenshot.PNG)

>>644655Sorry, but can anyone ID that plush/pillow on the left?
No. 644738
File: 1532316581249.png (Spoiler Image,246.58 KB, 498x951, attack on titty.png)

>>644737spoiler for blood
No. 644739
File: 1532316601944.png (64.63 KB, 421x491, be confident.png)

No. 644742
File: 1532316655742.png (508.36 KB, 503x688, building porn.png)

>>644740her abandoned building porn story
No. 644743
File: 1532316675792.png (Spoiler Image,147.98 KB, 500x443, big o'cock.png)

No. 644746
File: 1532316722443.jpg (586.84 KB, 768x1024, college studio.jpg)

No. 644749
File: 1532316832314.png (38.61 KB, 392x343, hetero life partner.png)

xan and nemu when they were besties ):
No. 644754
File: 1532316947909.jpg (524.11 KB, 1024x731, nemu desktop.jpg)

No. 644756
File: 1532316990000.jpg (Spoiler Image,231.12 KB, 1280x1280, nemu vagoo.jpg)

drawing she did of her vagina
No. 644757
File: 1532317018615.png (Spoiler Image,80.48 KB, 500x199, ohare eats the booty.png)

No. 644758
File: 1532317038995.png (163.74 KB, 393x258, ohare likes big tiddy goth gfs…)

No. 644760
File: 1532317063272.png (Spoiler Image,165.51 KB, 400x495, oof.png)

a kaworu she drew for xan
No. 644761
File: 1532317084742.png (181.35 KB, 500x456, pet nemu.png)

No. 644762
File: 1532317100944.jpg (180.61 KB, 465x750, rainy day.jpg)

No. 644763
File: 1532317124436.jpg (554.68 KB, 768x1024, anamanaguccigang.jpg)

No. 644764
File: 1532317146126.jpg (171.33 KB, 400x534, duck tales woo oo.jpg)

No. 644765
File: 1532317161485.jpg (473.39 KB, 797x768, turbotastic.jpg)

No. 644766
File: 1532317231762.png (Spoiler Image,134.92 KB, 413x374, this thread makes me want a va…)

No. 644767
File: 1532317272825.png (Spoiler Image,93.36 KB, 376x342, THHHHHNEEDVILLE.png)

No. 644768
File: 1532317311833.png (Spoiler Image,700.94 KB, 1024x1228, the_worst_by_mintypuke-d66u4pq…)

No. 644769
File: 1532317332988.png (Spoiler Image,120.41 KB, 372x297, succ.png)

No. 644770
File: 1532317360744.png (51.82 KB, 401x724, spiderhare.png)

No. 644771
File: 1532317379759.png (158.6 KB, 500x435, tumblr_inline_nfxhoasKNB1speh1…)

No. 644772
File: 1532317401016.png (179.39 KB, 500x451, she sure likes interpol.png)

No. 644773
File: 1532317424300.png (278.77 KB, 600x704, same???.png)

No. 644774
File: 1532317456428.jpg (93.7 KB, 400x954,…)

No. 644777
File: 1532317519544.jpg (403.58 KB, 687x1024, this is a lotta stuff.jpg)

No. 644781
File: 1532317659448.png (156.12 KB, 571x388, steam.png)

i think the last name she used on steam is "pinkconcrete"
wasn't private a few days ago, it just had something like "dying" in the info box
now it's private though
No. 644782
>>644718She was recently diagnosed with bipolar(her words, so who really knows) by her most recent therapist (past year).
She started saying her visit to me was part of a manic phase, and that her manic phase recently ended the end of 2017.
Might be bull just to try and lessen the impact of telling me she was tired of me lol
No. 644806
>>644782I'm not your apparent mortal enemy (see
>>644785) but sexual promiscuity and cheating are like, classic hallmarks of bipolar mania. Some people gamble, some people buy cars, some people fuck a dude in a trailer.
No. 644835
>>644782she’s bipolar too now? damn lol. i know comorbidity exists but if she’s not making any of her diagnoses up she’s hardly even a human being at this point.
hope it hasn’t been mentioned already but did you know about the BPD diagnosis? do you think it’s bs or nah?
No. 644836
File: 1532323639093.jpeg (59.24 KB, 474x862, A3C071D6-56CD-4D07-8E40-958CA8…)

>>644766for someone who constantly talked about drawing themselves as true to life as possible she sure did love giving herself huge tits
No. 644838
>>644835No i didnt know about any BPD.(borderline personality)
I did a lot of internet searching on why the fuck she would behave like she did. (Totally changing her behavior toward me) So bipolar and such makes sense, although at this point im sure its more than just bipolar but my hunch is its not another mental illness.
David may have meant bipolar when he said BPD, since the acronym has a history of being confused. If he meant borderline, then i imagine theyre just making shit up at this point
>>644806Yeah, thats why i believed her when she told me about it. So again, i dont think she was lying about bipolar, but i think a lot of things she says could be convenient excuses.
No. 644847
Looking like
>>644471 but eating nasty shit like
>>644755. Her 30s won't be kind to her.
No. 644894
File: 1532332125816.png (20.47 KB, 397x169, same.png)

>>644890i guess she always had a very high metabolism or something, but yeah the way she would eat- entire pizza and 2 liter dr. pepper by herself- it was amazing she's been as small as she is
No. 645100
>>644828 and let the milk flow. Having someone here who can confirm Nemu's cheating sexcapades after David came in here in denial about them is great.
No. 645371
>>645325The narrative I know is, girl is either neglected/abused, emphasis on neglect, goes online, goes on 4chan, gets praised by the pedos, exposed to porn/hentai, internalizes it, adopts it as her personality in lieu of what she really is–a lonely and fucked up kid–and due to the horror echo chamber of Tumblr it's not until 20 or 21 that someone says "Hey this shit is fucked stop it."
She was an absolute mess until a couple of years ago but I just don't see that good old milky Nemu from the most recent caps. I don't think she's a good person by any means but I just don't see the horrible pedo some people are trying to push. Like comparing her to Nick Bates–i followed that story and that's one of the worst things I've ever seen unfold in real-time. She's a lolworthy SJW with some skeletons in her closet for sure but an active pedo? I'm not convinced.
No. 645435
>>644777Nasty teacher Nemu letting us know she sees her profession as sexual
>>645371Most of the recent milk is stuff she's done IRL (cheating on David, lashing out on minors at school, cosplays, dropped Xan, etc.) and not online, mostly because she locked her accounts so she can't show off and impress a large amount of people with her fetishes, only those who've been by her side since she left Tumblr. Her public art account she started doing milky stuff, such as subtly putting sex toys or erotic phrases and themes in her artwork. Besides that, she's just ongoing damage control by weeding out her remaining followers and starting drama between them when she feels like it.
No. 645466
>>645435Most of her shit seems to be compounding problems left unchecked.
She doesnt stand up to her circlejerk, she runs from her past, she engaged her obviously abusive boyfriend and pretends to be happy about it, she ig ores the people who are reasonable in her life
No. 645621
>>645373that just reminded me
she drew a picture back in the 4chan days talking about herself growing up and one of the things she wrote was "the whole school knew i wanted to molest little boys" like that was some cutesy shit.
No. 645755
File: 1532404032645.png (672.36 KB, 522x802, full of pedo porn.png)

>>645742sorry for the quality, i managed to find it on an old, broken phone of mine.
>told the whole school i wanted to molest little boys>got caught with shota warioware fanfiction in lunchroom and ate itshe may have been 13 but it's still disgusting she was jerking off to little kids at that age. i believe she must have been 17 when drawing this and even at that age why would you brag about something like that?
No. 645830
>>645755it totally seems like one at a glance, yeah, but it isn't hugely uncommon as a reaction to sexual abuse to view oneself as either the victim or abuser in different circumstances.
i'm not defending her by any account (if she had like actually gotten started on recovery i might be, but here we are), just trying to give perspective. nevermind the fact that we still have no idea whether she was bullshitting that part of her trauma, but w/e.
No. 645832
>>645790Maybe you arent a person who was abused or your dynamic may have been different. I sure dont know, but my hunch is thats part of her sexual abuse. Her being into older men characters.
People who were raped often project their rapers into situations and i believe its the same with those abused. So i can see the connection there, but i really am only guessing at this point since i never knew her personally way back then
No. 646043
>>645755I personally don't consider stuff like this to mean she is a pedophile. She was 13, clearly came from an abusive home. She most likely didn't understand the gravity of "pedo porn" and was just lashing out by being edgy.
I do think she has paedophilic tendencies in adult hood but I don't see this and "obviously she'd grow up to be a pedo" She herself was a little girl when she loved "little boys." Idk, I just don't see this as really reflecting who she actually is outside of "yeah she always loved to tell everyone her fetishes even as a kid"
No. 646159
>>646098>>646100At this point i dont think anyone who isnt willfully delusional, deny her "quirks" as a problem. Its kinda why this thread blew up
Its like beating a dead horse now though
No. 646417
>>646309I mean, pretty sure she's admitted to blowing entire paychecks on dildos and cartoon/anime stuff, but at least she's never history19's it and complained about it
So uh… a gold star for nemu?
No. 646642
File: 1532493604765.jpg (592.5 KB, 1024x768, tumblr_mvfuhxxXlo1sm1433o1_128…)

>>646636check for… jesus christ, check what did the late mr. walker have a fetish for playing with the poop of little girls too or something
No. 646686
>>646658>>646662From stories she told me and how upset she was getting during the time her dad was hospitalized, i feel i can believe her about her dad being a pretty big piece of shit when she was younger.
I am just going by intuition though, i wasnt physically there to see anything while she visited her dying dad. But i dunno why anyo e would make up some of the stuff she told me, even for attention's sake.
No. 646687
File: 1532502633718.png (306.41 KB, 840x996, Screenshot_2018-07-25-02-07-32…)

I received a message from someone who would like to stay anonymous about their experience with Nemu.
No. 646738
>>646711During tumblr days i was following all kinds of porn artist blogs, drawing and trying to get commissions. Nemu buys one from me, i looked at her art and felt like she was another cool and interesting porn artist to follow to get inspiration of some sort from. I was not into the content so much as i liked a few of the characters she drew. Then eventually i liked her sex positive views and her openness. I had no idea what she looked like for like a year or so, but eventually she posted a pic and quickly removed it. She looked cute, was a cue for some attraction, but thats it.
Eventually i was having problems with Pure-O type OCD thoughts about sex and minors and even my mom and sister, i thought she was nice, caring and knowledgable enough to confide in, and i was feeling very scared and desperate to find some kind of relief about the thoughts, as i couldnt get in contact with my therapist at the time.
She let me confide in her and we talked about it, she mentioned having similar issues with OCD and eventually we ended up talking more, we found out we had similar interests and began talking more and more from then on, it evolved into skype calls, sexting over snapchat and then eventually her visit. During and after her visit she kept telling me how safe she felt, how attracted to me she was, definitely boosted my low self esteem and my recently lost virginity helped me feel like i found someone who wanted to be with me.
Then we text constantly, every day. Id eventually become homeless due to our house being sold off and not having a replacement by the deadline. For the 3 months i was homeless while the place i was attempting to rent and eventually get was under construction she was still texting, sexting and supporting me through a VERY hard transition and push through anxiety relating to family(sibling abuse, toxic dynamics), work(finally getting a job after too long) and myself(shit self esteem, bad coping). I got a job a couple months later, she supported and helped me get prepared for that with advice.
I felt really good that i had someone supporting me after feeling horribly lonely and unlovable for years. I used that idea to keep myself steady and push myself along to keep my job and push through my anxiety. We were very close until the end of 2017, again sexual, talking daily, spent time together(online, she only visited the one time), were best friends, although i felt she was drifting further away over the year between 2016 and 2017.
We became less sexual over time, she would begin to deny any sexual advances i made more and more, but would want to and let me tease her and let me sext her about her F/Os, we still shared nudes for a while and she made it seem like she still loved me.(we were saying we loved each other for a while now, i believed it was true) We played video games and watched movies together as much as we could, because its all we could do besides sext. She called me her bf fir a while, i called her my gf to friends, eventually she asked me not to call her my gf because she was "aromantic" and didnt want to feel pinned down by the feeling of a comitted relationship. I thought she was just guilty about cheating on David, i told her that if she actually wanted to be with me, shed eventually have to leave him.
Despite her excuses not to leave, i clinged to the relationship because for one, im a depressed guilt ridden nerd that felt like itd be rare for anyone to love me like i thought she did, and i thought she would eventually come to her senses and stop being scared to confront David, and commit to me. I felt that way for a long while and it helped me push down the feeling i was very obviously being manipulated and played. Though it did come to a boiling point and any attempt to confront her on her weird, shady and manipulative behavior, she would treat me like im the bad, abusive, "not as sensitive as you used to be" guy.
I realize, i dont often tell people this shit, so i kinda enjoy writing it all out, even if its for rando people. Not ashamed, but i realize nobody actually cares lmao
No. 646888
>>646738It sounds like you both had selfish reasons for being together.
You both were clinging to a fantasy of what the other person was really like, and getting the opposite result.
No. 647624
File: 1532576156043.png (536.1 KB, 602x600, Screen shot 2016-11-26 at 10.4…)

Looks like the callout twitter, CwippyDippy, deleted? anyone know what prompted that, or did twitter itself delete the account?
No. 649922
>>649397Unfortunately she seems to watch the thread like a hawk. It sucks but the only way for us to get more milk is for it to be dead for awhile until she feels safe enough to post again.
Sad because she really is quite the cow.
Good milk comes to those who wait.
No. 649956
>>649930That is pretty stupid. I know she obsesses about drama surrounding her. (A problem she needs to deal with cuz its just unnecessary stress)
But why would she call the cops on a lolcow thread? That leads me to think if its true, its not on the lolcow thread but someone that seems dangerous… is there some fuckhead using this as an opportunity to threaten her irl? I hope not
No. 654548
>>644764>>644765I haven't seen this discussed, but does she always wear a wig or something? The "Hello!" stickers over her face she consistently uses are obviously hiding something, and what we can see of her hair in these pics looks different.
Maybe I've been in Shoe threads too long. But there has to be some reason for the stickers, wig or not.
No. 655125
>>654548I vaguely remember this sticker appearing after she mentioned being 'professional' and to not expose her face if anyone irl or from her place of work (I'm assuming the school she was a substitute teacher for) ever saw, because I remember she was very open about her other jobs with that fried chicken fast food place and mentioned it very casually but would rarely go into detail about the school work.
I followed her from her ppauly/paulybreath until ocdmccrocker when she rage quit tumblr after those 15 year old kids were making fun of her or some shit, but she never showed her face on her account at that time, it was always with the stickers, any the only other picture I saw of her at that time was the one when she cosplayed undertale with xan
No. 656601
>>656565Did you seriously bump the thread for this? Fuck off.
She’s not coming back as long as this thread exists and is active.
We just have to wait, and not bump the thread with useless shit.
No. 656867
>>656718Then a post a screenshot instead of contributing nothing to a dead thread, jeez.
Can’t wait for summer to end.
No. 656884
>>656867no, i was hoping if anyone has the screenshots.
>can't wait for summer to endsummerfag detected
No. 657283
File: 1533490329584.jpg (608.09 KB, 1075x1662, 20180805_132752.jpg)

>>656718I cant tell if this is bait or you're retarded, but she hasn't posted anything since she went into hiding. Unless you mean one of her or orbiters mentioned something about her?
No. 657356
>>657283I think anon saw the person who recently replied to that tweet and thought she was back. I looked at the user, they just don't go on Twitter often and purge reply/RT stuff from weeks before.
Lol glad to see her followers slowly dropping. She had 293 before others found out about this thread.
No. 657977
File: 1533574050455.png (793.97 KB, 500x721, tumblr_ng9128TECV1tuonzgo1_500…)

I know this thread is pretty dead but I stumbled across someone who Nemu was close friends with around 2014 in the malfunction54 tag who draws Undertale furry child porn involving scat, toddlers getting raped, hyper cocks and kids eating poop.
Her tumblr blogs were and Her url comes from being obsessed with the Picornavirus as a child, was she copying Nemu or something?
(Sorry, I'm not going to save or post the nsfw images because I'd rather not get arrested but feel free to search her username on rule34 or booru websites.)
I found her current blog is angelicmarble and old main blog was kobato-tan. She also happens to be dating a known pedophile who groomed and raped minors and was vaguely popular on Tumblr at some point.
Apologies in advance for the long ass post and if this is too off-topic to Nemu or comes off as a vendetta post; I just figured it was worth finding her old friends and looking into their accounts for dirt.
No. 658003
File: 1533578248682.png (206.39 KB, 1440x898, Screenshot_2018-08-06-12-55-19…)

>>657977I saw the post for her boyfriend tosh/bronzecatworld and look at who shows up in the first reblog… Miss Broke Ex-Nazi fetishist.
No. 658029
File: 1533580793879.png (509.86 KB, 1439x1555, Screenshot_2018-08-06-13-36-28…)

The Tosh situation seems to be super similar to Nemu's.
No. 658136
File: 1533588407010.png (182.94 KB, 500x433, b85f90a0197c59044b01b3902a59bb…)

>>658029I'm in absolutely no way trying to defend nemu, I 100% believe she's fucked up and might have pedophilic tendencies,
but comparing her to an offending rapist is kind of a reach and a ridiculous comparison.
No. 658528
File: 1533623348295.jpg (137.37 KB, 1024x768, o16n2kBlpX1ta3qyvo1_1280.jpg)

>>657977>>658003>bronzecatworldI'm mutuals with someone who's still friends with this person. Seeing that the hisstory1970s person was also associated with minipete makes me wonder how all these freaks on Tumblr are so uniformly connected. Even the "good" ones turn out to have some shit trailing them, usually to do with child grooming.
I wish we had a thread for Tumblr degenerates in general. All these people in their early to late 20s drawing cutesy art, being hyper-liberal moral police and feeding into that whole "smol bun uwu" scene. Meanwhile, they're jacking it to Pokemon scat vomit hentai and making 13 year olds uncomfortable, lmao.
No. 658534
>>658528>I'm mutuals with someone who's still friends with this person"The call…is coming from inside the house!"
But seriously, I've seen this shit before. The groups start out all chummy and then someone goes to far and they splinter, then splinter again, then splinter again. Each time only the worst people are left a.k.a. the actual unapologetic pedophiles. It's a fascinating process.
No. 659492
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Can't wait for her to finally come back and sperg about K. Rool being in smash considering it was even in one of her latest meet the artist thing.
No. 659605
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saw this and thought of nemu
No. 662692
>>658119There probably isn’t a thread surrounding his drama because there’s more than what’s on the surface regarding this whole situation.
His most “popular” victim is pretty disgusting themselves. They’re one of those tumblr kinnies that harasses and stalks other people (usually minors) who kin with their “elusive kins” even though they own none of those characters. They also obsessively stalk tosh and his current partner + anyone who associates with him to this day.
Anyone who still is around tosh at this point is a fucked person themselves because the only people who willingly stay in his circle draw exactly like him and act like his mini clones but honestly all the people in this situation, victim included are fucking cows because they’re still constantly following eachother around the internet being petty instead of trying to heal from trauma and avoid their abuser. It seems like there’s some kind of jealously thing going on since toshs victim seems to go after his partner a lot and the whole thing is weird. If someone sexually abused you, you would usually try to avoid this person at all costs and not follow and archive their every move for years.
The whole animecore/early web aesthetic community is full of toxic people with weird underlying fetishes. They were all in the same circle at some point and (not) surprisingly, all the friendship ending drama has to do with someones weird sexual deviance which causes the circles to break off into smaller ones.
(Sorry if this is blogposting but all the people who were in history1970s old circles are so milky and I feel like it’s an untapped source. I’d really like to see threads on all these people)
No. 662700
>>662667If she's been redpilled on trans shit, how dumb of a bitch can she really be? She looks like qt3.14 in her selfies too, her art just pisses tumblroids off
>>659605Interesting that trannies have so little self awareness they really think they have the right to call anyone else dirty
No. 662989
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huh just noticed this. she went on an unliking and tweet delete spree before her lockdown. even looking at the archive after she locked down, she unliked about 5 more tweets and deleted one.
No. 664573
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>>658152Yeah, because he fucking sent the dick pics to me unsolicited as a minor when I strictly asked him not to do that.
Sorry that I don't want other naive minors who are fans of his art to get groomed and raped. I don't see how defending myself and other victims when no one else will speak up against him is a problem.
I didn't even write the fucking callout, I was too scared to say anything about him at that point and someone who had basically no info on him did so I don't know what your problem with me is. I've withheld the most fucked up things he did for good reason and if you think Moni is innocent take a fucking look at her art (nsfl).
You can think whatever you want about me Olias and/or Tosh orbiter, in the end you're just as pathetic as him and I don't get your blatant vendetta about me. I don't even care if I took the bait this thread has blatantly turned into purely off topic samefagging.
No. 664635
>>664573the fact you even have that saved is worrying. if he hurt you so bad and the things he does are so
triggering to you why the fuck are you saving tosh and his gfs art? you even have pictures of his face saved, people who have been abused don't obsessively stalk and save photos of their abuser lmfao
No. 664900
>>664573Then maybe dedicate your time to actually warning people about tosh, his girlfriend and his friends instead of making it seem like you’re just constantly shit talking and stalking them for petty or jealously reasons.
It’s obvious who hangs around them even if they wanna pretend they don’t. They all draw exactly like tosh and moni makes it more obvious by drawing art for them. Call them all out already and then get over it because otherwise you’re actually worst than them if you keep obsessively stalking them all for no reason other than to get mad with your friends.
No one here likes tosh or his girlfriend because they’re fucking creeps, that’s already established. no one likes you either because you’re a creep in your own right and act like anime girls from early 2000s computer programs are your only identity and anyone who wants to have interests similar to you are going to take the only thing that makes you an interesting and unique person. Get over yourself and grow up.
No. 664911
>>664635>people who have been abused don't obsessively stalk and save photos of their abuser lmfaoThis is wrong. It's a common reaction to the threat of being told you're a liar with "no evidence". NAYRT, but I'm starting to believe you're Tosh or one of his orbiters, because this person doesn't look anywhere near as bad as the guy who's into CP, scat and furry incest.
>>664900>obsessively stalkingThis is Lolcow. We appreciate receipts. If you think this is "petty", you must be against anyone talking shit about Nemu (and really this entire site). Why do you want this whole Tosh thing left alone so badly? What are you trying to downplay?
I want to see how deep this rabbit hole goes. Keep exposing these fucks, max300.
No. 664930
>>664573this is anon you replied to, this was about nemu and her orbiters, not you.
i don't think anybody in this thread is saying what tosh did was minimal or not as bad as it actually is.
>>664900 is, gathering receipts and archiving is encouraged for all cases in case the person decides to delete everything. you definitely must be a tosh orbiter if you think max300 is just hate stalking him when she's been a victim. if max300 gets mad at someone because of a game so be it, she's nowhere near a cow like tosh unless somebody has legit milk on her.
we honestly need a thread for the olias/tosh/hissy70s circle.
No. 664931
>>664911Your reading comprehension must be terrible because I’m telling her to actually call these people out instead of throwing baby fits and stalking them without intention to collect receipts and make people aware of the kind of shit they’ve done.
She says she has worse dirt on tosh than what’s already out there, so where is it?
like it’s been said in every post where tosh is mentioned, he’s a bad person and deserves to have his dirty laundy out for everyone to see, same goes for moni and their goons. Just because max300 didn’t do shit comparable to tosh doesn’t mean they aren’t an annoying brat
Anyways learn2sage
No. 664934
>>664931You're asking for a callout post and then essentially for them to "leave it alone". Callout posts get deleted, fizzle in visibility and are lost in the anus of Tumblr. Lolcow or Kiwifarm threads/posts are much better. I'm pretty sure you already know that much, which is why I said it's an attempt to downplay shit. It's transparent.
>Just because max300 didn’t do shit comparable to tosh doesn’t mean they aren’t an annoying bratHow? What is your history with this person? Because all I'm seeing is "They post about experiences they've had with a confirmed pedophile (ie their abuser) on their personal blog and also likes early web culture and anime girls…..".
To reiterate
>no one likes you either because you’re a creep in your own right Literally where? Because they like Mayura? Post the max300 receipts if you want to convince anyone.
No. 664954
>>664934I have no history with this person. They’re just very popular in the anime aesthetic community and also well known for being aggressive about their “precious and elusive” interests. is your proof of them actively seeking out and harassing people for: playing a game they like and acting like just because they posted about the game in the past they suddenly are the only source of that games info, using pictures of characters they don’t even own that they reposted on their blog from japanese webpages, antagonizing someone about having the same kin as them in a way that makes it seem like they aren’t worthy of identifying with or even liking that character.
I don’t really care to look for other receipts because this should be enough but they definitely have done more than this.
I understand having interests that are special to you but doing things like this is weird, especially when these people mind their own business trying to enjoy things that have been popular long before max300 found out about them and decided they’re the only one allowed to enjoy content and characters like they own them
No. 664970
>>664954That twitter post is just weird but if that 65kogasa person stole their icon that's just fucking creepy and I'd be pissed off too.
I don't see how any of this is relevant to Nemu though. This person doesn't have any connection to Nemu that I can see. Can you find max300 interacting with her?
No. 665062
>>665057Calling it the "animecore/early web" scene might work (both are tags/descriptors that "group" often use for themselves on Tumblr).
I agree Omocat's crew are similar, except Omocat/their whole fanfare are a bit more mainstream and popular.
No. 672491
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so i follow one of her old friends (i didn’t think they followed her anymore for a long time but maybe not?) and they changed their icon to this which i’d be hard fucking pressed not to believe is her art. has anyone seen this before? bc if it isn’t old then she might still be posting art on twitter/discord
No. 674079
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i wish we had a thread just for her orbiters, honestly. what an obnoxious group of freaks. anyone remember faunafauna/jenna? i still don’t know exactly what happened within her fallout with cipher/bonnieventure/the rest of that crew but holy shit was she annoying. all i heard was she freaked people out by threatening violence over something and everyone dropped her at the same time. she’s still drawing her tokenism webcomic that gets zero notes, lol.
more nemu art to stay on topic
No. 674669
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>>674079i checked her blog and thought this was pretty funny.
No. 674773
>>674739sage for book sperging
Hate to be that person but I think youre reaching. The whole undercurrent of the book is that Holden doesnt want to acknowledge that he's growing up, and he projects that onto the children he meets and tries to 'protect' them from growing up. Its heavily implied that he becomes unhinged mentally after the death of his younger brother, and the way he interacts with his sister/other children may be weird but its definitely not pedo.
As for the other stories (Im assuming something like A Perfect Day for Bananafish) they also have similar undercurrents about innocence and innocence lost and how that relationship translates through adults and children, its not pedo its just an (albeit sometimes oddly communicated) idea.
No. 674781
>>673803iwpiccato deactivated their Twitter lol
Next thread pic should include an overlay of pencils since she's deadly afraid of them and should also have her orbiters be part of the topic too
No. 705203
>>641306I did this like two weeks ago but not that hard I just like wanted to suck my bd dildo and then I was like good texture
I used to follow her hard when I was underage if that says anything and I have a slight vomit fetish that I think I gave myself from being so into her tumblr in my mid to late teens