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No. 652938

Someone mentioned she should have her own thread in the Vegas Weebs thread so here we go.

Rini Is a 25 year old, actual psychopath who is infamous in Vegas for being someone who would take you out to eat and DEFINITELY poison your food. She spends her days adding virgin weebs from tinder, PoF, Match.com and Facebook so she always has a consistent army of desperate men to drool over her “hot body” and tell her that her football head looks good. She a narcissist and compulsive liar but pretends to be innocent to lure people in.

Some of her antics over the years include:

> Lying about her mother having cancer for sympathy points

> threatening to shoot up a party because one of the guys who was hosting didn’t want to smash

> telling people she got hit by a car on the freeway but was “saved” by an Uber driver

> stalking people when they disagree with her or don’t fall for her act and then proceeding to blow up their notifications with petty bullshit.

>Tells people they should kill themselves and she would be happy if they died

> sending her nudes out to men in a desperate attempt to get attention but then getting upset when they were shared.

> Claiming to be innocent but messaging people asking if they want to go to sex parties/the green door with her.

> Attacking girls that she is jealous of/who have boyfriends that she wants.

> Always posts about being positive and fixing relationships but is the exact opposite of what those posts describe.

Current Antics:
Still stalking guys who she wants and then going berserk when they reject her. Feel free to add any more milk you have on this crazy bitch.

No. 653267

>will literally poison your food

What? Deets?

No. 653527

You haven't given links or anything. Who is she

No. 653623

>low res image
>no links

get the fuck out of here op with your shitty ass vendetta

No. 653995

Wow this is a poorly made thread.

No. 654567

This thread will be locked due to vendetta.

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