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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 68697

You're either fucking blind with shit in your eyes or just plain retarded. Or both. Those pictures CLEARLY show a fucking lake. So you think I have a lake in my garden now? I will be recording in my garden tomorrow to prove you stupid, no good at anything cunts wrong. And also, what the fuck are those images of a fence all about? Because I find it hilarious how you think you know everything about me when cleaaaaaarly you don't. I've never seen that fucking fence, you dumb fuckers. Now, go get a life and stop hiding behind computer screens on your fat arses. Oh wait, my mistake, you're too SCARED to show who you really are. Aw, bless you. Pussies.

No. 68700

Get over yourself.

No. 68736

Moved to >>>/b/49450.

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