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No. 785270
Rin is a 20yo “makeup artist” formerly discussed in the fakeboi thread. Hailing from the depths of Tumblr, she dabbled in cosplay and hoped to be a model before ultimately getting into the makeup hobby. She’s currently at 150k followers on Instagram and 30k on Twitter, sponsored by companies like Lime Crime and MILK Makeup, followed by James Charles and other meme MUAs, and is gaining notoriety for her attention-seeking, hypocritical and dramatic behavior. She has been criticized by some flakes like Anzujaamu lately for a rape controversy she dug herself into despite her open SJW-posturing.
>terrible MUA who slaps garish colors all over her face and calls it a day, then whines at length if her “look” “flopped” on her social media and begs for more likes>begs brands for collaboration and PR packages, despite slamming their products publicly>openly posts DMs from brands when they don’t suck up to her 100% to “call them out”>would sperg at length about the makeup industry not being ready for such a revolutionary person who is both trans and a POC, while she passes as white and looks like any tumblrina girl ever>decided to quit her job as a pharmacy tech to move to LA and pursue makeup as her full-time job, is now constantly begging for money for bare necessities and uber rides>attaches herself to bigger names like Thomas Halbert with constant begging for attention and validation on social media>shittalks some brands for being not includive enough or ~problematic~, but works with Lime CrimeGender charades:
>presents as hyperfemme 100% of the time, but loses it when misgendered or “deadnamed”>admits to not feeling gender dysphoria except for a debilitating fear of pregnancy>has a stereotypically masculine (with long hair) boyfriend and claims to be in a homosexual relationship with him>said boyfriend refers to her as a man>calls herself a bottom in reference to vaginal sex because it’s still gay because she’s a man!!!1>does not grasp the concept of a private account and tweets about loving her boyfriend’s “nut” all day long as well as talking about her tits and periods at length>Kalvin Garrah (who also made videos about Laineybot) called her out for transtrending, which caused her to go on a months-long spergout about literal violence against trans people and circlejerks with her friends>claims that every relationship or attraction she has is “gay” because she’s pansexual and nonbinaryFurther annoying behavior:
>preaches about cultural appropriation and racism but got her chosen name Rin from the yao-bait anime “Free!” after cosplaying an eponymous character from the show, thus giving herself a Japanese name because she’s the ultimate weeb>preaches body positivity and no-bullying but regularly posts screenshots of private messages she received or makeup looks by people she doesn’t approve of>made 9 instagram stories screeching about a liquor store cashier who wouldn’t sell to her because she’s not 21 yet, calling her a “bitter Brenda” and having an absolute meltdown>crowdfunded money from her fans to afford a ditto purse, which has yet to be worn once No. 785271
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Recent Rape controversy:
>used to date a guy named MC
>her best friend of 12 years told her she was raped by that same person
>despite constantly spewing “believe victims!!” rhetoric, Rin accused her of being jealous, dropped her and proceeded to bully her together with her friends until said girl attempted suicide
>when this girl moved on and got married, Rin subtweeted her relationship and made further fun of her
>swept everything under the rug with claims of having been abused herself, until this was recently brought back up by the original victim
>made a video to defend herself, which only made her look worse, so she removed it again
Screencaps include the tweets that initiated this whole mess, and the half-assed apology Rin scribbled in her notes app.
No. 785272
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>>785271Contents of the apology video:
>PetiteVanilla (rape victim) and MC are in a relationship, break up>Rin has known PV for 12 years and MC for less than a month>Rin asks PV if she’s okay with Rin dating MC, PV doesn’t tell her not to date him>Rin gets together with MC>PV tells her about the sexual assault, Rin assumes she’s just jealous>Rin confronts MC, he claims PV is just a manipulative liar, case closed for Rin>MC cheats on Rin with another girl who is a friend of Rin>Rin doesn’t believe her friend would do that to her, so believes that MC was the one who initiated>Girl confirms that he did but doesn’t call it assault>Rin and MC break up>Rin and MC get back together>MC dumps Rin>Friend opens up about how it actually was assault>Rin believes it this time>Later, the situation is brought up on Twitter by a mutual friend who calls Rin out for bullying PV over the whole situation>Rin reaches out to the unnamed friend>Admits that Rin ignored the red flags because she was infatuated with MC>Admits what she did was awful>Invites followers to vent in her DMs
>a few days later, deletes this video entirely>Rin states she had consent from both of his victims when her ex-friend had told her NOT to make a video because she wants to be left alone and move on>girl comes out on twitter to say she wants nothing more to do with Rin>continues to harass this girl with phonecalls and messages to have her name cleared>Rin’s manager’s husband chimes in and starts harassing the victim and her defenders in broken english>Rin posts some “woe is me” tweets and instagrams and laments about how she’s so misunderstood and everyone’s just twisting her words into malicious actions>announces she’ll delete her twitter>tweets publicly at PV one more time, then abandons twitter>has since been living it up on instagram with her LA life and bragging about how incapable she is of taking care of herself alone, constantly begging for money while simultaneously showing off purchases, and ignoring the twitter drama as well as deleting any IG comment that refers to it No. 785274
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>>785272Rin throwing herself a pity party.
No. 785278
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>>785274Compilation of Rin bitching about other youtubers/beauty brands.
No. 785280
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>>785278Rin can't seem to post a single look without it ~flopping~.
No. 785281
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>>785280More complaints/begging.
No. 785282
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>>785281Rin's new favorite artist to steal from.
No. 785284
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>>785282Rin also got into a bit of drama with Kalvin Garrah, pic related. TL;DR Kalvin accused Rin of being a transtrender and Rin is still hurt over it to this day.
No. 785720
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>>785713>>785717Aranza/Rin is Mexican. I thought she was some kind of east asian at first too, but nope just yellowface.
Also Gass.y doesn’t follow Rin anymore kek.
No. 786027
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>>785282Not to be that person, but rin in the wild compared to pictures she takes of herself is an
oof No. 786106
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for as much as she goes on bout being poc she looks really white washed here might be lighting but still very pale compared to other pics js…
No. 786107
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No. 786108
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"Rin is our king hes so handsome uwu" this is what her delusional fanbase be saying in the comments lol (sage for no milk)
No. 787020
>>787006Oof delete ya post.
But your post also reminded me about how she jokes abut being a "bottom" when it comes to penetrative sex with her bf .
(emoji) No. 787023
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Can you just go to PULL if you don't know how to sage and stay anon? This isn't your blog. Thanks
Anyway, this was Rin's latest attempt at "apologizing".
No. 787114
>>787029She's always been severely butthurt about being referred to as "they/them" but honestly? If a stranger comes up to you, dressed super feminine, and refers to you as a female I highly doubt it's a big deal. She parades the title around to make her "unique".
>>787023What is it with PULL folks acting like they are on high ground and have morals on a gossip board? Like you either like an influencer
or not, jfc.
No. 788045
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Recent developments:
>Milk Makeup has removed all but one photo of Aranza from their insta, despite having taken Aranza on a PR tour just this month to promote their new primer
>the Milk owner has unfollowed @gothfruits
>BlackMoon Cosmetics also only has one image of Aranza left on their account even though Aranza had a "takeover stream" using their account just recently
All this just after making the move to LA, lmao.
Also one of Aranza's closest friend speaks out about the situation. (pic related)
No. 788047
>>788045More news:
The girl who was raped (PetiteVanilla) uploaded her own video to explain why she's so upset, in which she states that her entire town knew about the rape because of Aranza's twitter spergout and that she was forced to open up about it to her parents because everyone knew who it was about, which was a conversation she wasn't ready to have or ever planned on having.
No. 788048
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>>788047PetiteVanilla also asked Aranza to delete some tweets with details to protect her identity, which she refused to do and instead bombarded her with messages to try to get her to speak out about it publicly. (Already posted here
No. 788080
>>788047Just learned about this girl and can’t even watch this video it’s so beyond fucked up she had to make it. If she does report it, harassing a rape
victim is illegal and she should take action. People like rin do not learn and definitely do not care. I hope and know la will eat her alive.
No. 788967
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Buzzfeed published an "article" about the rape drama:
>He is adamant that he's "grown" from the incident and does not believe he should be re-tried in a public, social media court today.
>"I hope these people can move on — I wish them no ill," he said. "I want them to know that I am sorry for the hurt I caused them because I was just caught up with being [with] this cool older boy."
>"I’m turning 21 this year and I don’t want to be remembered for the things I did when I was 17."I wish they'd included how Aranza's manager's husband is
still attacking people who comment negatively on Aranza's posts, but maybe more will come out of it still now that Buzzfeed contacted some of the makeup brands Aranza is sponsored by.
No. 788982
>>788967ofc it's a buzzfeed article. such a fucking joke
>hegod damnit
No. 788986
>>788982Buzzfeed is ~woke~, what do you expect?
And in any case, any criticism that refers to her as a woman would automatically be cast aside on grounds of being ~
transphobic!!!~ so this is the only way to go if you want to get through to the vast majority of people in this subculture, sadly.
I still think that despite the semi-neutral wording, it's very critical of her, especially if you look at the photos they chose, the fact they linked the PULL thread, and contacted the brands. Especially her statements make her look pretty bad.
No. 789017
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This comment on the buzzfeed article kinda confirms a suspicion I had that Rin has kind of mannish features and that's the main reason she gets away with being a ~nonbinary boy~ cause people's first instinct is to think she's a hyper-feminine male cause the mental gymnastics you have to go through to be a girly feminine-presenting female and still be called he is too insane for the average person.
No. 789104
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The BuzzFeed article got her dropped by Milk Makeup LOLLL
No. 789166
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>>789105Between her beak and how haggard she looks for her age, no wonder she never achieved her model dreams. How you look 45 at 20? Maybe she can use her portfolio to get into circus school since she wants to be a clown so bad.
>MFW other news sites are picking up or borrowing what Buzzfeed wrote, making her name and handle is synonymous with being a bully and rape apologist
No. 789450
>>789374I agree w/ you but sjws have this mindset that misgendering a person is the ultimate sin and that it doesn’t matter how shitty the person in question is — you have to use their preferred pronouns. again, that’s not my stance just how they see it.
Because of this, If the articles had used female pronouns it would have given the opposition something to latch on to and distract from the actual issue of Rin being a piece of shit. Even sjw types who are against Rin would say something like ‘Yeah what Rin did was horrible but you still shouldn’t misgender someone under any circumstances.’
It’s dumb but that’s how it is rn.
No. 789598
>>789450need to focus more on the character and less on the pronouns
the reason why the pull thread is trash is bc there's no proper thru line or consistency when the thread posters flip flop between the wrong pronouns like clockwork (it's either he or they for this bitch) and demonize and hiss at anyone who calls her what she is- comfortably female.
if anything it's detracting more for me from how shitty she is that ppl even show her "pronouns" respect while criticizing her… that's how I see it
a flake like this doesn't deserve to be treated with even that level of "sjw decency" but I gues we live in that politically correct a society, that spergs more over someone using the "wrong pronouns" for a flake than the flakes actual behavior being gross no matter what the fuck you call them. I'm a fucking leftist but I'm not going to call you a "they" or "he" if you're 100% femme and clearly don't have dysphoria, sorry
No. 790129
>>790110lmao they only now decide to "apologize" after theyre dropped by their biggest brands. theres no emotion in this video and it screams "im being forced 2 do this to save face"
No. 795387
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No. 795388
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No. 795389
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No. 833483
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This thread needs to be revived
No. 876235
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Can we like discuss this and why he has so many followers?
No. 876249
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And hella followers on TikTok too
No. 876257
also why are you questioning her follower count if you're following her too?
wait, did she stop doing makeup stuff?
No. 919986
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Rin remade on twitter