No. 78644 we have a thread about Poppy?
She's some forced "up-and-coming star" with horrible music and tumblr tier aesthetic
-Tries to seem deep and strange/random
- extremely self obsessed
- pretentious and annoying tweets like:
"I like myself again
I finally found a friend
His names nobody and
He loves me"
"Everything is alive. me and you."
"I wish I had a rich dad." (lol)
- Makes awful tryhard videos
- Seems to be keeping her full name a secret, because soOOo mysterious No. 78651
>>78644I fail to see
why you felt the need to make an entire thread about this nobody when you could've just posted this shit in the Aspiring Idols thread.
No. 78658
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Her name is Moriah Poppy, pic related is Poppy before she was just Poppy
No. 78667
>>78658Thanks for getting the name, she really is a butterface.
I wonder what she will do when people tire of the littlegirl aesthetic
No. 78670
>>78654>"up-and-coming star">not trying to be an idolOkay, so she might not be "aidoru", but American Idol has been posted (at least once) in that thread before.
There is also the Youtube thread in /b/.
tl;dr: Dedicating an entire thread is unnecessary for this nobody.
No. 78680

>>78671It's her boyfriend, an edgy emo hipster douche with the amazing name of Titanic Sinclair. He makes and writes all her videos and probably her songs, and does the exact same videos himself. He just repeats the same forced meme irony attempts over and over.
There's probably a better word to describe it, but the whole thing is clearly a marketing ploy to advertise a mediocre pop singer and get internet hype cause she's "so weird and quirky and mysterious". It's a persona that he came up with. He tried to do the exact same thing with his old girlfriend, Mars Argo. Then they broke up (I wouldn't be surprised if he cheated or realized he'd have better potential at fame and money with a different girl) and he did the same thing with Moriah.
The worst part is it'll probably work, and one of the dumb videos will go "viral" and her album will sell way more copies than it deserves. No. 78706
>>78697Mars Argo was his ex-girlfriend who he tried to pull the same schtick with.
>>78705It's just generic edgy "consumerism and rich people are baaad" "parodying".
No. 78708
>>78680HAHAHA so this knob saw like what a clip of some andy warhol shit and decided it was his new identity
i bet he pretended to like punk before this - why aren't people like this shot during school shootings
No. 78712
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>>78708I can't decide if either of them are self aware creatures or not.
No. 78731
>>78708his entire persona and the persona he designs for his weird "puppets" of girlfriends are totally artificial
it's really weird. i don't know if he does it just for the internet fame and money, or if he's a controlling fuckface, or both.
No. 78776
>>78670That thread is for weeby wannabe NND aidorus and you know it.
>>78687"Snow" isn't really about drama though, it's for snowflakes. People who think they're special. And she does think she's special, or at least that's her "thing." Not sure why people are so up in arms that a non-weeb non-ana got posted here. Did it throw you guys off or something?
>>78731I half wonder if that's the whole thing. They're all aware that Titanic Sinclair is the performer and the puppeteer girlfriends are the performance.
No. 107977
>>78680This video is really cringey. He's trying to make some social commentary but there's just not enough intellect there. Pointing out the trite nature of social media is neither new nor interesting. What pathetic, lazy, wealthy babies.
I just googled Mars Argo girl and she's dramatically cuter and less contrived looking than Poppy.
You'd have to be a massive asshole to name your son Titanic. I know because it's the kind of thing I'd do.
No. 109011
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>>108861every once in awhile I'll see a new, completely unwarranted thread about this bitch that always says "Who is she?"