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No. 804368

A 33 yr old radical feminist and political lesbian who believes that sexuality is a choice and that heterosexual women are contributing to their own oppression by liking men. Because of her politics she has an intense hatred for mothers, actual lesbians, men in general and people who are critical of her in any way.

YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/user/iremythpurr(shit thread)

No. 804390

is there any milk or do you just disagree with this person?

No. 804402

There's tons of milk on this person if you look on their YouTube channel.

No. 804405

best of luck with that approach

No. 804510



Go fund your own army, tranny.

No. 804709

she's just a run of the mill lesbian separatist with bad politics. try to survive anon or take this to the radfem thread in /ot/ if you want an actual discussion.

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