This thread is to discuss the abundance of local /cgl/ animu cosplay girls of particular annoyance.
Anyone have someone they despise? Despite them being the center of everyone's mututals? I'll start us off
Michelle Wong/Hachi/Mui Mi
>Just turned 30 still lives at home>Super cringe>Weird doublechin face>Works at local animu store in San Antonio RikRic OtakuCafe>Possibly is fucking one or more of her bosses>Total bitch to every customer that comes in>Center of all the beta boy attention>Cries constantly to her friends about getting stalked. Never reports to the police.>Personal friends tired of her shit>Is in a relationship with several boys in San Antonio and Houston. They are constantly leaking her photos>Cries her art sucks. It does.>Is probably being followed on social media by a mutual of yours.>Raking all the beta bucks on Steam>Drove my friend Jared to contemplate suicide because she has no feelingsHere's her Tumblr. Took down her FB and IG after being outed. Anyone you have a gripe with general