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No. 98529

Instagram: Peachy_Bubbles
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJel4xaxuH3CHhqxpqJgQZw

How does such a boring 15 year old have 18k followers? She's starting to jump on the DDLG bandwagon and posting pics of herself in pacifiers and shit.

No. 98538

Iirc board rules changed so that you can't post people under the age of 16, right?

No. 98539

Buying followers is very easy.

No. 98541

Has she done anything lolworthy.
No? Then gtfo

No. 98551

Idk her age for sure, I was just making an estimate from her baby face and braces.

No. 98564

Definitely not 16 or over. I know people can have baby faces and braces while in their twenties, but this girl looks and acts 10/11 (this is coming from someone who teaches that age group on a daily basis). And of course, there's no wonder why she would lie about her age considering all social media networks require users to be 13 and over when signing up.

No. 98566

I think this girl is 12 or 13.

No. 98567

Seconded. She looks and sounds really young.

No. 98706

Minimum age of thread subjects is 16.

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