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No. 99745
>>99744 APPARENTLY her and kissu were supposed to kill themselves together…
but seriously that is the most weeby way to die tbh. she was cute tho, wtf is wrong with these people? just learn japanese, get a degree and get a decent job and contribute to society for fuck sake's
No. 99749
>>99747They BOTH wanted to kill themselfes together. And so with different theories: kisu just backed off and ran away, or and that's the more common myth, kisu pushed her down.
I've never found anything on Japannese media though. I even tried dates close to this, but nothing…
No. 99814
>>99810Probably the same person baiting the sere threads lol. Nice try.
This seems like a big vendetta tho. The only interesting thing is that kisu possibly killed the pink haired girl. Other than that these girls aren't even doing anything much…
The OP should be moved to the gaijin in Japan thread.