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No. 11728
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I feel like azealia banks is a crypto terf, actually no, just full out terf kek and i love her for that. And i believe the conspiracy that azealia is a farmer
No. 11748
>>11645>(fake woke excuse) I don't really like labels and I'm not sure what gender I am or if I'm like agender or something so I don't feel comfortable putting anything solid downAnother fake-woke argument I've read for not having pronouns in bio is that they're actually
problematic, because some people might be closeted or just because someone has a certain identity doesn't mean they inherently use certain pronouns. I kind of like saying that I'm "any pronouns" (except "it" or something made up) while only calling myself a woman, just to kind of show that's meaningless, and I don't care about "misgendering". Why should I care if someone calls me a "he" when I'm clearly a woman and look like one, lmao.
No. 11749
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good thread idea anon.
i've been playing ignorant with some people, and just asking basic questions as if i know nothing about the gender debate. which always results in the other person saying something along the lines of "yeah… I know it doesn't really make much sense but… I dunno" or "I know what you mean… but…umm"
you can tell a lot of people just don't want to think about the logic or reality and want to be kind and it's fun to watching them expose how fickle their support actually is, just by asking innocent dumb questions about gender.
in the end they sympathise with my confusion because they know they can't explain it. i don't know if this will make them re-evaluate their stance though, that is yet to be seen.
No. 11756
>>11749>i've been playing ignorant with some people, and just asking basic questions as if i know nothing about the gender debateSeconding this strategy, it works to protect yourself and you can get away with being a tiny bit "terfy and ignorant". I think it works best with 1 or 2 basic questions before you change the topic as if you're not really that interested.
>>11750What do you need to do to not be blacklisted? I'm fairy certain I'm blacklisted in a few spaces based only on not having pronouns in bio kek these people can't handle anyone having a different opinion than themselves
>>11753nta but I think saying things that a normie would think but that are now seen as evil and bigoted can work. Like saying "trans people are men/women who feel like they were born in the wrong body and like they should have been born as a man/woman instead right"? "i don't really understand non-binary, how is it trans if you're not transitioning at all", "wait but boys can like pink and barbies too, that doesn't mean it's a sign a boy is trans, right? it's so sexist to say that being a girl means you like pink and barbie". "Only transwomen who had the vagina operation go into female changing rooms right? no real woman even if trans would want to expose little girls changing there to dicks, that would be so creepy and gross"
No. 11774
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not really a radfem anymore but definitely crypto (as in I believe in reality). Nice thread anon. I want to ask nonnies in here: is it possible to be friends with gendies while being a crypto?
No. 11778
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I'm the collector of TIF friends somehow.
Best friend is a TIF. Not a weird fujo but one of the butch lesbian "trutrans" variety that trooned out because she couldn't handle the expectations from her hyper conservative korean family who wanted her to get married to a nice korean man and have 3 children by age 22. I love her to death but I know the second I bring up GC shit, that's the end of our friendship right there. She already called all the JK Rowling stuff "terf dogwhistling" and I asked her if she read it and she said no, fucking lmao. She was the one who could benefit from reading it the most.
Then one of my writing buddies online also trooned, got top surgery and everything. When I met her she was just a cool lesbian living with her partner and then in less than a year she got gender therapy and cut off her tits. It's a good thing she did that because that instantly killed all of my desire to be her friend.
It makes me incredibly sad tbh, I feel like everytime I gain a cool GNC girlfriend, I lose her to troon shit. I'm only crypto to the bestie though, everyone else knows I'm GC. Luckily our friendships don't overlap. I do feel that inevitably she will figure it out and it will instantly implode our friendship of 10+ years. Just waiting for that moment, tbh.
No. 11781
>>11778the culling of cool GNC lesbians is real and makes me very sad. one of my best friends i've had since childhood has always had body dysphoria and hated having breasts etc. since puberty - this was long before the gender shit was a thing. for a long while she was starting to work through it, after she came out and got into feminism and learned that performative femininity was bullshit and there was a reason puberty made her uncomfortable etc. but now she has been given this
new shiny explanation for all her experiences as a woman not fitting right and think she is just getting sucked in. plus she equates trans and non binary people with "being gender non-conforming" which is especially annoying. I've tried subtly questioning her and saying "but aren't those things the opposite?" but felt like i reached a limit before i would have to go full
terf-mode and definitely don't want to lose her friendship. i will put up a huge fight if she starts taking hormones or considering surgery though.
No. 11807
>>11771>I genuinely believe you are all contributing to this madness and for what? To avoid a brief potentially awkward encounter?To avoid losing our jobs nona. They have proven to harass workplaces and family members of complete nobodies for speaking up online. I can't speak against it but I can completely ignore it and not give it attention. I can only talk freely with people in person, which I do so they know exactly how deranged these people are.
>>11774Yes, but any time they bring up gender stuff it's annoying as all hell, but they can peak. I've had woke friends who are now peaked terfs.
No. 11810
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Pretty sure Lauren Mayberry is crypto. Prominent feminist, speaks out and posts about lots of social issues but completely silent on trannies and gender shit. A few years ago she was harassed and receiving death/rape threats for speaking out against Chris Brown, so I can definitely understand wanting to just live in peace these days without stirring the pot. I have a good feeling about her and really hope I’m not wrong.
No. 11811
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>>11810sorry to disappoint
No. 11812
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I have a feeling Diane Morgan (Philomena Cunk) might be crypto terf or at least GC. She is connected to Ricky Gervais and Charlie Brooker - him and his wife are quietly GC - and just seems intolerant to bullshit and nonsense.
No. 11840
my wish for 2023 is that at least one cool well known famous person will be revealed to be gc or openly peak. if you could pick anyone anons who would it be?
>>11774yes you can definitely have gendie and handmaiden friends as a crypto but i think it's wise to keep in mind that not everyone will be open to being peaked or peakable at all. some will be open to it depending on the issue being discussed and their own personal experiences but some just won't allow themselves to open up to the "wrong" way of thinking and risk getting weird and aggressive.
No. 11900
>>11897>I also really don't like how right-wing men tend to hijack threads made by terfs to propel their own bullshitwhenever i see a terfy hashtag trending now, it's always overtaken by right wing moids (nearly always matt walsh) that are just piggybacking off of feminist arguments, that in reality they don't give a shit about but are just using one aspect of an argument to push their anti-LGBT or whatever.
it reminds me of how Tommy Robinson made the grooming gang story a right-wing issue by piggy-backing off of feminists who first raised the alarm for girl's safety, and then he distorted it into an anti-muslim thing. all the women's hard work in uncovering and trying to protect those girls was now undermined by Tommy foaming at the mouth about immigrants. this kind of shit is always happening.
No. 11912
>>11883I always get a laugh out of how anime fanfic groups are true female-only spaces even though half the people there claim to be male or genderless
It does make me sad to see women in their late 20s and 30s buying into it though. Like sis please your brain is fully developed, I know our hobby is immature and cringe but you're better than this.
No. 11923
>>11774i'm wondering this too. i have such a hard time speaking to people that are so ideologically different from me.
>how do you deal with it irlnormally, but i don't have to make friends with my boss or coworkers obviously. in my hobby spaces though…i would like to make friends and talk more but their minds are so far from mine it's annoying. how do they cape so hard for an ideology that can be blasted apart with simple questions like,
>what's a woman/man?>what's it mean to "feel" a gender?>what is a gender? No. 11931
>>11916radtwt and overlapping groups are alright, tbh it's kind of degraded over the years from a larger community to multiple smaller kinds of groups. there's women of all ethnicities and backgrounds there if you want to connect with other
woc who discuss feminist issues in general and not only trans shit.
No. 12176
>>11963This sounds very interesting, I hope you're able to find the posts. If you remember any exact phrases you can put them in double quotes "like this" using the search function.
>>12052The problem with that is that I don't think there's any online pay method other than crypto that keeps your real name/address completely hidden from others if you want to take commissions.
No. 12232
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I'm gonna lose it. Even when they complain about men hating on women's interests, men get to be labeled men while women are "vague unknown entities who are the primary audience of such interest but must not be named because it triggers my and all my aiden friends' fragile mental states to see this category of people be applied to my interest". As if the act of calling it a women's interest is somehow worse than moids seeing us brainless subhumans on the basis of being female. I feel for TiFs and their dysphoria and their method of coping in a woman-hating world, I really do. But I am so sick of them.
No. 12262
>>11642>Any celebs you suspect of being crypto?Maggie Smith wouldn't even have been crypto, she would have been a proud
terf is she was still alive
No. 12278
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>>12264nta but i thought she wasn’t alive anymore either…
No. 12395
>>12264so she's a
terf then kek
No. 13848
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hate getting reminded of how much my online associates (that word is cheesy but i can't call them "friends") hate terfs. i can be in the midst of settling in and growing comfortable in a server or a gc, then BOOM tra shit. today it's "jkr is an evil transphobe". god i want to ask them what the hell did she say. i wonder if any of them even know
No. 13941
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>>11642Most of my friends have trooned out and I have no idea how to make them spit out the troon pill. Im so tired of having to lie about being a "tirf" on my Twitter so I don't get rape threats from trannies
No. 13950
>>13949Also it really chaps my ass that they bring race into it, every chance they get for extra discrimination points.
“They kicked me out because I’m a BLACK trans woman!!!”
Like uh, no, it’s because you’re a grown man with a penis, we don’t care what your skin color is
No. 13979
I'm similar to a few here, social media artist that gets art commission mostly of bl ocs from she/they gendies. I peaked last year but before then I had she/her pronouns on bio. Now I just keep a female symbol. Every now and then I get "terfs dni" bio following me kek.
>>11774Unfortunately, yes. I've justified it as having a friend with a religion that makes them smoke a day and possibly increase risk of dying.
No. 14070
>>14044Yeah, I feel lonely knowing I'm possibly the only sane person in that space. If I didn't have a few peaked friends and lc to vent on I'd go insane. I try to limit my time in those spaces now because I realized no one can grow as a person nor thrive in a space where mistakes and honesty isn't allowed.
The TRA community is practically the definition of
toxic positivity: always affirm, be kind at your own expense, reality and truth is too mean so we must deny it, disagreement is seen as violence, honest mistakes are acts of internal bigotry.
These people will rarely get out of the cult unless they want to themselves, they will only spiral further and there is nothing you can do to a whole group. For the sake of your own mental health you should really try to stay out of those spaces and find better ones. You know these people will not accept you as you are, they will not tolerate your thoughts the way you are tolerating theirs despite knowing the harm they cause - are they really your friends?
No. 23331
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sorry for necro but i need to vent. i made friends with a girl today at my liberal arts “gender diverse” women’s college today and we get along so well! she’s in my major and we both love our subjects and we want to do similar work over the summer. but then she starts talking (out of nowhere) about how she dropped her friend because this girl is a radical feminist, specifically because she was anti sex work and “believed women are oppressed”. i wanted to rip my hair out. and i just had to play along.
it’s so depressing making new friends you actually like for once and then realizing they would drop you in a heartbeat if they knew anything about you. it’s so disillusioning. i feel so isolated because almost everyone is like this, and i constantly have to perform. i also have adhd and as a result i tend to blurt stuff out and say more than i mean to, so i am terrified i am going to betray myself. i just feel worn out from having to so carefully monitor myself so often.
No. 23367
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I'm newly peaked so for now I'm keeping quiet and waiting until the shock of learning the truth wears off. If I let my emotions take over, I will sound like a hateful rambling alt-right nazi scitzo lunatic
TERF and my words will be dismissed. And it's really fucking hard because the deeper I go into this rabbit hole, the more insane it gets.
For example:
>The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), the international association which sets guidelines for the medical ‘transitioning’ of children, has been collaborating with participants of a fetish forum that hosts and produces fictional child pornography and extreme sadomasochistic content. I came across this article a year ago, I'd think it's some misinformation spread by hateful bigots and wouldn't even bother to read it. And here we are.
Most of my friends end up agreeing with my GC takes but still respect trannies pronouns because well, they (my friends) are good and well-meaning people who don't want to be mean and offend anyone. I don't want to lose any more people, so I'll take it slow.
No. 23369
>>23333I always wonder if those types of women (misogynists in mostly female spaces) only like men because they're not around them so they conflate their fantasies of future male partners with men irl.
What opened my eyes to men early on was the way men acted online, especially when they thought they were only around each other. I made the mistake of joining an old school star wars forum back in the day and my experience there always sticks with me. Not to mention 4chan and reddit.
No. 23562
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i am so exhausted. im becoming closer friends with these girls at my college and we have long, lively conversations in our dining hall and spend hours talking about anything and everything. and today i brought up the idea of beauty rituals and how anti pornography i am… and they agreed with me! keep in mind we haven’t known each other super long yet and being antiporn is super “terfy” apparently. but i did my best not to mention gender. though one girl was like, sexuality has to do with actual sex yknow… and i couldn’t tell if she was talking about genitals or having sex, because both were relevant to the conversation. they also joked about me being anti pornography. i am hopeful but also terrified because i can’t tell if they were just agreeing with me to be passive/get along or actually agree.
i go to a very very very very terf-phobic school, like public ostracization if you’re even considered a terf and since i’m the head of the gay club it’s double danger. so it’s very dangerous and you have to be annoyingly careful, because people here LOVE to hate and are extremely catty and insane. i don’t know. it’s very stressful being crypto and having to constantly monitor yourself, especially since i accidentally got too comfortable too fast. i’m trying to practice thinking before i speak. it’s just difficult and a lot of energy. i wish people could just agree to disagree and leave it at that, but it turns into a sort of social witch-hunt.
picrel is something actually found around my school printed out by what i assume is the administration (because they do shit like this)
No. 23581
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>>23579I'm in the same boat, but I've kinda started showing my actual female friends screencaps of males being awful & links to news stories and pointing out how it's ALWAYS MEN pulling the awful shit and I've successfully gotten them in full agreement that most men are indeed evil. I've carefully floated rephrased SCUM manifesto things and they ALL agreed with it every single time. Even my genderspecial girl friends. AFAIK, none of them have read it, or at least have never openly said they have. I've also never directly asked, purely out of fear!
They still will say all troons are
valid & TIMs are women tho, and gladly include them when they want to be… I really wonder how many of them are just trying to be careful & avoid trouble. I just try to avoid having to give my opinion about troons whenever possible, and never ask. However, one of my close friends admitted that she thinks a large number of TIMs are just AGP, when we spoke at length about Chris Chan in private.
You're right, it's super hard. Walking on eggshells sucks but like.. Sometimes you can plant a little seed, or get tiny little admissions, or get them thinking. They probably agree with more than you think, if they're women. It's just really hard to get anyone to admit anything because we're all so scared of being rejected by our whole circle friends. It feels super culty, it reminds me of when I was leaving my religion, and I don't like it. I still love those friends though..
No. 23590
>>23562This is so creepy because it's like it's made for children, those with a childlike mentality, or some form of repression/trauma around their genitals or sex characteristics. Who cares that much about the names of things as an adult? No mature adult worries about calling their vagina cute names (unless they grew up being extremely shameful about vaginas).
It's gross that a big chunk of transition feels focused around keeping people in an infantilized state while calling itself "therapy". Though it makes sense when you know they target autists and anyone in an infantilized state is more likely to walk into a therapist's office and unconditionally trust and follow the path in life they tell them to follow for a "better and easier life". "Trust the adults to tell you what's best for you but we'll make you think it's your idea cause you're letting us 'guide' you". Much easier to guide you down the path of lifelong medicalization if you want people to dictate your life for you and you trust others to do the thinking more than yourself
No. 23607
>>23605Right? There's merit to be had in proper packaging and troons have that down pat with their constant assertions of victimhood and "genocide" while everybody classically hates an angry woman who doesn't know how to sell herself. We need to be more strategic about this.
But it's hard when the cause is something that's so difficult to be public about. And furthermore, so many who do grouo up and get public about it then turn around and get into bed with right wingers for the ironic male protection of it all. I feel bleak about this often.
No. 23924
>>23917im sort of in the same position. honestly im just ghosting them and just attributing it to just naturally growing apart with age because I dont have the energy to even argue with these people anymore.
idk what to say to this really, but try to just learn to tolerate being around these people since unfortunately they will be in our working/education spaces until the tide changes, but don't ever involve them in your life or become enmeshed with them in any way. If youre feeling brave enough try being subtle and bring up terfy viewpoints and see if theres someone in your group of friends that seem more open minded. I got to still keep certain friends because either they dont give a shit about politics too much, or i was kind of an anchor they'd be able to lean on when they want to secretly complain about TRA's.
No. 24073
>>24044Agree with
>>24067 on just ignoring them, they usually get tired after awhile. I'm surprised you even got away with the forced transition explanation because I've seen so many troons shit on detransitioners for simply feeling like they were pressured to transition and didn't use the word forced.
I think saying something like "I don't draw trans content because I'm cis and I don't want to speak over trans people/misrepresent them" also works. This goes for any left-leaning related stuff but as long as you wrap your reasoning in wokespeak (like trauma as you said, making it into a privilege/representation thing, or just asskissing the group in question) they'll accept your explanation.
No. 30658
>>11642So apparently Steve Montano's (guitarist from Mindless Self Indulgence) wife went off on
terf rant on social media in the past couple of days. Kinda saw it coming.
No. 32587
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The temptation to send “trannies are gross” in discord chat is killing me
No. 36031
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It's all so exhausting, I feel like I'm tearing myself apart. I'm not a professioanl artist but I still do love art, painting, drawing, music, etc, so my friend group has always been made up of progressive artsy people. I'm pretty progressive and liberal myself, so it was all good for a while.
Until the troon menace came. Now it's gender this, nonbinary that, the most vile troons, both tim and tif, saying the most vile shit, and all I can do is pretend I don't want them all to die in a fire. Even the normal ones now play the gender game, talk about trans rights, etc. Most of the parties now are free for trans people. Wtf man. They're a higher caste now. Fuck I want to cry and shout from the top of my lungs YOU'RE NOT A FUCKING WOMAN/MAN, YOU'RE DESTROYING WOMEN'S AND GAY RIGHTS! But I keep my mouth shut and respect peoples pronouns because I'm a fucking coward who's so afraid of losing her friend group that she puts aside her morals and ideals. Kill me now.
No. 37510
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I recently made a new social media account (not going to specify which) which I wanted to use to post about the fandom I'm in, but unfortunately said fandom is completely infested with trannies, to the point where just avoiding them isn't really an option if I want to make friends in it. At least it's a very female-targeted media with hot guys so I only have to deal with TIFs and not TIMs. My profile makes it clear I'm a woman but I also haven't mentioned anything to do with trannyism, only my thoughts about the character I like in said fandom and always using male pronouns for him. I've been fine being crypto like that so far (I think, anyway) but I do block TIMs and other undesirables on sight and I do worry that would be my undoing if it was found out.
I recently got the discord of a mutual I really wanted to be better friends with, I won't elaborate for obvious reasons, we've talked a little but all I want to do is see if I can peak her out of the nonbinary nonsense, she's worth saving from the cult to me. It hasn't come up in conversation yet but I'm so worried of anything I try to attempt not being successful and I scare her off a result.
No. 37529
>>37510I was part of the
enstars fandom (I'm assuming it's that one or maybe
project sekai) and I became friends with a she/they lesbian. I had a huge crush on her and we would talk so much everyday. One day I just said, fuck it, and I told her I was a radfem. She took it surprisingly well? She told me she didn't really mind, it's not like she had any DNI in her bio or whatever and she didn't care about me being a radfem. I guess she realized I wasn't the monster trannies always describe and like to whine about when talking about radical feminists, kekw. And she was pretty chill overall. I did use the tranny pronouns for
Arashi out of respect for her though. I just liked her so much. We ended up ghosting each other after three months, but I hope everything goes well for you, non.
No. 37717
>>11642I go to a school that’s well known/prestigious in my profession (animation) and I have a somewhat sizable following for someone in my community. It makes me kek so hard that I’m surrounded by untalented, navel gazing troons, tifs, and handmaidens 24/7 in real life and in my online sphere and I’m somehow managing being super crypto while also having plausible deniability because. You know. I want to have a job in this troon friendly profession. not trying to navel gaze myself, but it my sphere alot of said gendie/troon peers respect/ look up to me/are bitter and jealous and it gives me a mini ego trip that I’m also their political enemy KEK
If it makes you nonnas feel any better, the students who work their asses off in animation and actually end up getting jobs/internships and don’t end up e begging on Twitter drawing porn are non gendie or crypto women. I hope the awful corporate appeasing troonism being pushed in cartoons ends soon by our hand kek
No. 37725
>>37581Don't ask, don't tell.
>>37721'You're making me uncomfortable' should be enough to shut them up.
No. 38196
I'm crypto because everyone in my life is a troon or a tra. Even my own Dad called me a terf as an insult once, a nearly 60 year old man. (Although my mum is a based anti-troon queen ♥)
What I study is full of gendies because it's a useless degree (although if you study it critically you would be a terf). Because I'm in anime circles like lots of nonas itt (through cosplaying) there are TRAs everywhere in my life.
I do have hope though because I think I know two cryptos, one is a fairly popular cosplayer/ influencer who has reposted radfem and gc stuff subtly, and the other is my irl friend. I'm not too sure on my irl friend because we both are friends with a TIF and call her him (she's one of those who doesn't try to pass in the slightest and is overly feminine but just autistic and probably has sexual trauma). When me and my friend see troons in public we laugh to each other which makes me think she might be crypto, she called a moid with a tranny flag wrapped around him a femboy once but it may have been a mistake and I'm wishfully thinking. She's a lesbian and will screenshot moids on dating apps using they/them or she/they that come up, and I doubt she would everrr date a troon, she makes fun of "lesbians" who do in fact. When I write it out she sounds more and more crypto actually which makes me very hopeful…
The cosplayer crypto is funny to me, because I know if troons ever found out her or I hated them they would 41%. They assume every cosplayer loves them because they're either super sweet anime waifus or OF costhots who need troonbucks.
I think there are way more cryptos than it seems. A lot of women are naturally disgusted by trannies unless they've conditioned themselves or been deeply groomed. It's just impossible to talk about even in all female groups these days, but a lot of the time when I have to talk about precious trans rights there's an insincere tone from everyone, like they're just saying what they're socially required to kek. IMO the worse troons get with arguing about women's bathrooms, sports, prisons and what not (especially the full-on hons), the more cryptos there will be.