File: 1685702385129.jpeg (16.36 KB, 275x244, 1620635678657.jpeg)

No. 15322
File: 1685770212204.png (36.21 KB, 606x593, sadly she got banned.PNG)

Going to sage because this isn't manifesto anon but whenever I see posts like this one I can't help but remember her. Her spirit is still among us.
No. 15358
>>15321please share nonna
>>15262manifestochan definitely carried the torch of decades worth of feminist intellectual thought and knowledge
No. 15448
>>15358Here you go nona has no expiration date so as long as the site is up other nonnies can download it
No. 15555
File: 1686031627680.png (49.82 KB, 944x1116, zip folder.png)

>>15543sure, I uploaded the zip, this is how it looks.
No. 15621
>>15448thank you nona, this is truly a gift to have.
I may print these out and physically archive them.
No. 17148
File: 1690032117159.png (339.25 KB, 3515x843, all men have mommy issues.PNG)

>>15448>>16969>>17096Going to post all the caps from the zip file to make it easier for nоnnies to read and so that it's archived here too
No. 17149
File: 1690032148337.png (362.47 KB, 3626x1712, anger, deprivation and soyboys…)

No. 17150
File: 1690032195040.png (596.35 KB, 1981x1487, artificial niche carving.PNG)

No. 17151
File: 1690032223934.png (194.96 KB, 3625x624, chivalry is a meme.PNG)

No. 17152
File: 1690032254896.png (630.17 KB, 1751x1317, compartmentalizing.PNG)

No. 17153
File: 1690032286200.png (107.34 KB, 778x509, cuckolded reddit pickme cope.p…)

No. 17154
File: 1690032311829.png (51.25 KB, 1469x361, cuckqueen 1.PNG)

No. 17155
File: 1690032346248.png (105.15 KB, 981x545, cuckqueen 2.png)

No. 17156
File: 1690032373568.png (222.16 KB, 2098x1593, cucks and cuckqueens.PNG)

No. 17157
File: 1690032402915.png (53.33 KB, 1911x188, cucks and handmaids.PNG)

No. 17158
File: 1690032427802.png (139.71 KB, 1706x969, cumbrains.PNG)

No. 17159
File: 1690032467943.png (89.28 KB, 1720x474, diversify your portfolio.PNG)

No. 17160
File: 1690032546985.png (157.18 KB, 1688x770, dunning 1.PNG)

No. 17161
File: 1690032569387.png (128.93 KB, 800x597, dunning 2.png)

No. 17162
File: 1690032741207.png (109.81 KB, 902x533, dunning 3.png)

No. 17163
File: 1690032818732.png (333.58 KB, 838x1348, every straight mans goal.png)

No. 17164
File: 1690032877843.png (185.82 KB, 1647x686, evo psych 2.PNG)

No. 17165
File: 1690032914128.png (330.96 KB, 1735x1843, evolutionary psychology.PNG)

No. 17166
File: 1690032960143.png (46.8 KB, 1628x240, exclusivity meme.PNG)

No. 17167
File: 1690033016296.png (332.94 KB, 3604x1873, exploitable ethics.PNG)

No. 17168
File: 1690033130347.png (273.66 KB, 851x1273, exploitative sexuality.png)

No. 17170
File: 1690033172845.png (236.11 KB, 1715x1247, externalising.PNG)

No. 17172
File: 1690033208483.png (421.47 KB, 2029x1267, externalising2.PNG)

No. 17173
File: 1690033274474.png (564.65 KB, 1715x1734, freud.PNG)

No. 17174
File: 1690033322993.png (198.77 KB, 3444x1297, game theory.PNG)

No. 17175
File: 1690033362038.png (144.06 KB, 1763x1074, how to kill warm fuzzies.PNG)

No. 17176
File: 1690033465636.png (603.24 KB, 891x1426, how to tell if a guy likes you…)

No. 17177
File: 1690033529589.png (73.42 KB, 862x440, impersonal porn.png)

No. 17178
File: 1690033567111.png (135.9 KB, 3551x459, incelsectional 1.PNG)

No. 17179
>>17174You new farmhands are all retarded you could have removed your farmhand status from those posts before you posted.
And i know you are a farmhand because poor jannys only have the ban or delete option.
No. 17180
File: 1690033715652.png (159.49 KB, 1637x817, incelsectional 2.PNG)

>>15321>I still have the zip the admin gifted us of manifesto-chan. even after years I still haven't read it, she's too smart for me. No. 17181
File: 1690033752211.png (177.85 KB, 906x877, is it wrong to cheat.png)

No. 17182
File: 1690033842665.png (115.14 KB, 865x570, is porn impersonal.png)

No. 17183
File: 1690033915169.png (234.06 KB, 879x799, lol.png)

No. 17184
File: 1690033948813.png (900.86 KB, 2012x1901, male evolution.PNG)

No. 17185
File: 1690033992609.png (362.37 KB, 865x964, male psychology.png)

No. 17186
File: 1690034046011.png (234.62 KB, 907x1121, men cheating more later in lif…)

No. 17187
File: 1690034100832.png (46.01 KB, 3585x228, men dont have standards.PNG)

No. 17188
File: 1690034128825.png (317.41 KB, 1747x1813, morality externalisation.PNG)

No. 17189
File: 1690034169265.png (183.57 KB, 1670x899, mother strategy.PNG)

No. 17190
File: 1690034198310.png (160.66 KB, 1647x605, muh apocalypse.PNG)

No. 17191
File: 1690034248992.png (545.26 KB, 1634x442, muhapocalypse.PNG)

No. 17192
File: 1690034292186.jpeg (170.78 KB, 597x952, on commies.jpeg)

No. 17193
File: 1690034322771.png (166.53 KB, 3573x480, on communism.PNG)

No. 17194
File: 1690034364019.png (366.3 KB, 1998x574, on feminism 1.PNG)

No. 17195
File: 1690034415669.png (250.08 KB, 1679x1234, on feminism 2.PNG)

No. 17196
File: 1690034475870.png (162.06 KB, 3502x607, on politics.PNG)

No. 17197
File: 1690034569826.png (63.25 KB, 824x353, on radfems.png)

No. 17198
File: 1690034612222.png (165.52 KB, 3518x580, on socialisation.PNG)

No. 17199
File: 1690034657035.png (72.07 KB, 820x402, on therapy.png)

No. 17200
File: 1690034694694.png (293.89 KB, 3617x1643, opportunism.PNG)

No. 17201
File: 1690034737435.png (387.07 KB, 3613x1702, parasitisim.PNG)

No. 17202
File: 1690034793434.png (230.13 KB, 3613x1375, pedophilia.PNG)

No. 17203
File: 1690034835034.png (329.68 KB, 1994x1589, pickmes never win.PNG)

No. 17204
File: 1690034872364.png (419.96 KB, 1701x782, poisonivylul.PNG)

No. 17205
File: 1690034918723.png (567.39 KB, 1932x1430, porn 1.PNG)

No. 17206
File: 1690034957956.png (525.11 KB, 1392x536, porn 2.PNG)

No. 17207
File: 1690034999082.png (457.13 KB, 1688x1679, porn 3.PNG)

No. 17208
File: 1690035040352.png (466.42 KB, 2004x1645, projection.PNG)

No. 17209
File: 1690035077814.png (224.18 KB, 3522x562, psychology 1.PNG)

No. 17210
File: 1690035103450.png (293.84 KB, 3637x1571, psychology 2.PNG)

No. 17211
File: 1690035139936.png (280.9 KB, 3672x1535, random posts 1.PNG)

No. 17212
File: 1690035174878.png (74.21 KB, 2953x338, random posts 2.PNG)

No. 17213
File: 1690035204471.png (66.71 KB, 1951x401, reminder- all men watch porn.P…)

No. 17214
File: 1690035268742.png (370.39 KB, 3547x1906, romantic love scam.PNG)

No. 17215
File: 1690035302748.png (134.09 KB, 3444x665, same_meme_gets_owned.PNG)

No. 17216
File: 1690035355054.png (177.55 KB, 1949x1196, schooling.PNG)

No. 17217
File: 1690035396389.png (1008.6 KB, 2025x1813, sex dolls.PNG)

No. 17218
File: 1690035452468.png (869.12 KB, 1995x1826, sex segregation.PNG)

No. 17219
File: 1690035491958.png (374.78 KB, 1937x535, sexual attention = worthless.P…)

No. 17220
File: 1690035557955.png (351.7 KB, 849x1406, sexual opportunism.png)

No. 17221
File: 1690035589027.png (156.83 KB, 3509x497, some advice for lolcowfarm.PNG)

No. 17222
File: 1690035622594.png (155.24 KB, 844x840, some useful observations.png)

No. 17223
File: 1690035650137.png (386.67 KB, 3578x1967, strategy 1.PNG)

No. 17224
File: 1690035732389.png (327.05 KB, 1580x920, strategy 2.png)

No. 17225
File: 1690035774865.png (118.98 KB, 1662x437, tantrum forecasting machine.PN…)

No. 17226
File: 1690035804598.png (85.04 KB, 3535x306, tard wrangling advice 1.PNG)

No. 17227
File: 1690035838379.png (42.58 KB, 1652x199, tard wrangling advice 2.PNG)

No. 17228
File: 1690035871605.png (70.21 KB, 3556x253, tard wrangling advice 3.PNG)

No. 17229
File: 1690035939445.png (136.27 KB, 961x637, tard wrangling advice 4.png)

No. 17230
File: 1690036009540.png (353.79 KB, 1073x1104, tard wrangling advice 5.png)

No. 17231
File: 1690036080413.png (205.92 KB, 1958x558, the degenerates of gender.PNG)

No. 17232
File: 1690036131302.png (67.09 KB, 3483x212, the gender of rationality.PNG)

No. 17233
File: 1690036315581.png (584.54 KB, 1320x2424, tr00n masterpost.png)

No. 17235
File: 1690036411131.png (37.94 KB, 2991x194, trad shilling.PNG)

No. 17236
File: 1690036478477.png (104.65 KB, 3614x296, virginity.PNG)

No. 17238
File: 1690036546255.png (37.6 KB, 1975x205, we wuz logic.PNG)

No. 17239
File: 1690036589971.png (117.68 KB, 1006x589, whiteknight gets owned.png)

No. 17240
File: 1690036645475.png (166.12 KB, 3153x482, why do men seethe.PNG)

The last one!
>>15448>>17096Thank you nonnas for uploading!
No. 17402
File: 1690144465264.gif (2.46 MB, 664x377, im-doing-my-part.gif)

>>17380>>17391Manifesto-chan's wisdom has to be circulated and shared, it was extremely worth posting her collection! I had the zip downloaded before the link stopped working, but wasn't comfortable posting it myself, glad a nоnny shared it again (ty nоnny!). Given that this is an imageboard, thought it was only fitting to also include them all here too
No. 17455
>>16969it seems they tried to censor the truth
>>17096glad you saved it
nonny, thank you for your service. if it goes down again I can re-upload it too.
No. 17473
File: 1690211971086.png (106.08 KB, 1226x562, manifestochan.PNG)

I only appreciate the original Manifesto-chan's posts that were like powerbuffs to women but the posts with the autistic FDS bullshit was written by another anon. Picrel is my one and only Manifesto-chan.
No. 17665
>>17630>>17651The farmhand who dumped the docs censored the IPs in the posts so they could be from a couple of different addresses she tracked down, there's no way to know. Anyway, the focus is heavily on the manifesto-chan writing FDS crap while posts like
>>17473 aren't included in the dump, and that in particular was one of the first emergences I had seen from the anon writing these eloquent feminist manifestos. So there are possibly a few different anons who have been coined as "manifesto-chans" but personally the FDS ideas are in direct conflict with the academic manifesto-chan vouching for separatism and a heavy leaning towards bioessentialism, something missing from the posts included in the megadump.
No. 17672
>>17651>>17665I think the reason that post wasn’t included was because all the posts in the dump are from 2019 at the latest. I think her point was basically this: it’s absolutely not worth it to be in a relationship with a man unless you’re getting something tangible out of it,
>>17225and you need to compartmentalize like you would with a dog. I don’t think she ever claimed to have any kind of ideology or be blackpilled really.
No. 17690
File: 1690375664435.png (808.26 KB, 645x4088, seven-strictures.png)

>>17670Not Manifesto-chan but there is a Tumblr that scratches the same itch. I've compiled some of my favorites of hers, I hope other nonas find them as insightful as I did.
She is not a radfem although radfem-adjacent in many ways.
No. 17699
>>17690>females used to pair bond with other females before the inception of sexual reproductionWoo woo, also failed middle school biology. She sounds fucking dumb. Also
No. 17823
>>17818Yeah since the blackpill anons are tru and honest trans men, they try to humiliate us like they think men would.
>>17777Wish your mom had sucked your dad so you wouldn't be here.
No. 17967
>>17857>If women don't want to be humiliated then they don't have to act in ways that makes this insult true but reminding women they actually have agency will always make them throw tantrums and mald (lol)Nta but this is somewhat true. I don't want to use misognistic terms to describe other women and refuse to use this one specifically, but not because it's offensive to women uwu
>>17818 because it isn't "humiliating to women". (As if all women engage in this behavior by nature lol) but rather because I believe it to reinforce and glorify males that, and it's repulsive. I agree with the sentiment though, I don't see much point to pulling punches when women are autonomous and capable of free will. Packing women in cotton is pointless. Women should be shamed for stupid actions and should never be shielded from reality.
No. 18018
>>18016I don't think sexuality is set in stone like rape apes would have you believe in order to conveniently make this argument that "straight women need love too" uwu
What you're really arguing is "Straight women need to humiliate themselves uwu" it's a spineless and weak counter argument. Being attracted to and loving an oppressor is pathetic. Making this argument on the basis of what some people get pleasure from is bleak and fucked, some people derive pleasure from rape and children but we don't magically allow it because "no power dynamic involved" uwu. You don't get to pick and choose when "power dynamics" (which is just code for degradation and humiliation btw) are involved. The problem with your argument is it isn't even a counter argument, it's just coming up with harmful excuses to worship rape apes and dick suck.
No. 18020
>>18016It's like you're defending makeup "I only wear it to look pretty for mysef!!1!1" Kek you sound stupid as fuck right now.
And OSA women are notorious for putting each other down for promiscuity, calling each other sluts and whores but being totally okay with engaging in that behavior themselves because while they recognize how degrading it is for other women they think they themselves are special or they just can't accept that the degradation applies to them or they just do not care.
No. 18068
>>18063Male genitals - cock
Oral sex on men - sucking their genitals
Osa women are cocksuckers and dick sucking is the most despicable, subhuman male supremacist shit you can ever do. So what's the problem? Women suck so we have to face the consequences of it by not allowing ourselves certain words?
No. 18070
>>18063You're incredibly unintentionally based for conflating het women with cock sucking then acting very kind about it kek. I don't think I've ever seen such a apologetically anti het post that's so damning that the actual humiliating act of cock sucking is conflated and stated as inseperable from your made up sexuality.
>>18069Both are cocksuckers, yes what's your point? Cock sucking women aren't in competition for the rights of the humiliating term it's earned from doing it, the number of women or men doing it is meaningless.
No. 18078
>>18074Insult targeted at our natural form that literally all of us share at birth that is beyond our control == insult describing degrading behavior that most women choose to do
So those things are equal in weight now apparently.
>>18077It's very clear anon has not had female friends because I've been bombarded by talk of women I used to be in close contact to who were proud of and constantly talking about being "cocksucking whores", in their own words, as in they described themselves that way. And cocksleeve and every other degrading word under the sun they were (and I'm sure to this day still are) proud to describe themselves with.
No. 18081
File: 1690647376679.jpg (27.99 KB, 640x569, 109bee80f616626f1536c663dd2ac4…)

>>18069In my language cocksucker is an exclusive insult for men, so I don't get this discussion in the first place.
Also this is lc, if someone calls other posters sluts or whores or whatever, they should go back to the smegma infested shitholes they came from. Don't shit up manifesto-nonnas thread with this trash.
No. 18085
>>18083>sometimesWe can tell you're here all the time seething over any slightly blackpilled opinion and crying in other boards and threads about it. Stop moralfagging
>>18081When you hate men so much you end up worshipping them through defending cocksuckers and being a denialist
No. 18092
>>18020Off topic, not targeting any anon. But personally make up can be so creepy to me and a huge
trigger. It's a lot to explain but basically I think the urge to perform femininity is somewhat natural but the person who does it identifies with the femininity and this femininity performance and wants to bond with others and the external reality over this identity but not every woman identifies with femininity or masochism and it personally disconnects my mind from my body, I would feel like I'm wearing a mask but without wearing make up our position in the "society" or other human minds changes so I can't stand the idea of having to wear it just to be accepted/attractive and to not be punished by others. I can't stand the fact that I have to look aesthetically pleasing to be liked if I literally dont identify with my external appearance
No. 18107
>>18081Based sister
>>18074This is true
No. 18282
>>18233One person got offended or wanted attention and everyone gave them that and now it’s a shit show over here.
this thread is fucked now, kek.
No. 19363
>>17148Late but thank you so much. That original .zip link utterly blew up my computer with
sus popups
No. 19591
File: 1693256520194.jpeg (1.69 MB, 1242x1520, 1688859427051.jpeg)

>>15448It's been deleted, can anyone post it?
No. 19600
>>19591read the thread
>>17148 >>17148
No. 20658
File: 1698936599437.png (159.91 KB, 3588x401, wailing loser faggots.PNG)

Dropping some rare 'chans
No. 20659
File: 1698936645037.png (206.54 KB, 3567x603, government gfs.PNG)

No. 20660
File: 1698936684288.png (172.91 KB, 3602x498, muh male genius.PNG)

No. 20661
File: 1698936717571.png (108.73 KB, 3500x505, penile pride.PNG)

No. 20662
File: 1698936750086.png (92.03 KB, 3579x305, inceliat.PNG)

No. 20675
>>20658>>20659>>20660>>20661Thank you for sharing these here, anon. Which thread did you find them in? Also,
>commiecel assumes his rightful position in the nomenklatura, where Bernie Sanders personally dispenses him a bangmaidCracked me up. Whoever this anon is, she plays with words like musical instruments. It's kind of like what I call "intellectual masturbation" where creative quips get intertwined with already uncommon or foreign words, but she somehow does all this without coming across as pretentious. Really entertaining.
No. 20704
>>20700This type of information only turns into a negative if it's in the hands of a scrote, but you could say the same about anything concerning women. Males twist anything that is pertaining exclusively to females and make it something to exploit, mock or capitalize on, no matter how positive and non-offending the original statement is.
Women having higher empathy levels on average - which is one of the most important things for caretaking of offspring - got turned into "women are too emotional to hold any position of power". You know, the thing that makes women best fit to moderate and control the trajectory of the species with production of offspring - yeah, that makes women unfit for moderation and control. There's a Manifesto-chan post about that somewhere up there, to reinforce this statement further. You think if you just say the 'right' things about women, suddenly misogyny will
poof and disappear? It's more adaptive and inventive than you give it credit.
Knowing what happens on a microlevel in your own body if you get fucked by males is crucial information. Even if the blog is not completely factual, why are you so quick to rule out the possibility of semen (not sperm, by the way) leaving some imprint inside of you? I understand that the thought is uncomfortable, but shutting down discussion at the first negative feeling is counterproductive.
No. 20716
>>20700I can see where you're coming from in that ""once you're tainted you're tainted forever"" bullshit ala purity culture that is weaponized against women but
>that men's sperm will forever actually change woman's geneticsThis is literally how meiosis works and fertilization. There are surface antigens on spermatozoa. This is how all viruses, some parasites and pathogenic disease that alter your genetics work, including cancer. This is much of how immunology works. Once you contract a virus you have that in your genome forever. We currently don't have a way to alter genomes and to cut viral RNA/DNA out once its in a human genome hence why HIV is so harmful to this day and even HSV and HPV which has a direct correlation with cervical cancer. Viruses cannot be "cured" because they integrate in the genome of the host and can only be managed. I won't speak on it deeper but its also why some people are skeptical of vaccines and are antivaxxers. Its one of the few things antivaxxers actually have reason to be skeptical of.
The immune response in reaction to sperm is actually theorized to be an offshoot of the antigenic response. That's not even a tinfoil; its how antigen-antibody interactions occur and capacitation and the acrosome reaction during fertilization occur. Also I'm not a weirdo personally obsessed with this shit kek (though it is interesting). Its part of my major since its human developmental biology. I agree with this anon
>>20704 as males will turn information against women the best you can do is unironically trust your perceptions lel and discuss this with other women, not shut it out.
No. 20747
>>20716Spermatozoas definitely dont fertilize cells that arent ovum. You cant claim smt changes ENTIRE GENOME just because it does technically change it for one (1) cell. Not to mention that the way viruses work is drastically different from the process of fertilization, claiming otherwise would earn you an F on exam.
>>20704>why are you so quick to rule out the possibility of semen (not sperm, by the way) leaving some imprint inside of you?Not op but 1) because its supposed negative effects can be explained more "easily", in terms of Occam's razor, with sociology, 2) rationalizing negative feelings connected to sex with males and motherhood with biology is very
sus, since they are clearly caused first and foremost by patriarchal society and moid behaviour
No. 20752
>>20747I didn't claim shit that isn't taught in a undergraduate molecular biology course ESL anon, I can't understand what you're saying or your vague arguments. Spermatazoa have antigens on their heads that are detected by the womans immune system. When fertilization happens foreign DNA is integrated into the womans aka meiotic division. The ENTIRE GENOME is affected because this foreign DNA grows into a human after many cell divisions which redirects the blood vessels and energy of the womans body towards growing, the womans adaptive immune system doesn't kill this growth and needs a way of recognizing that it isn't pathogenic. The crux of the discussion was that ferilization involves meiotic division and foreign extragenic DNA working it's way into a womans body, which is true. Also no one's being assessed for this weirdo shit, we're discussing it on an anonymous website smooth brain.
>Not op but 1) because its supposed negative effects can be explained more "easily", in terms of Occam's razor, with sociology, 2) rationalizing negative feelings connected to sex with males and motherhood with biology is very sus, since they are clearly caused first and foremost by patriarchal society and moid behaviourThat's not the most simplest solution. The most simplest solution is biology and the most primitive reason for survival, not sociology. The needs for survival come before the needs for societal structure and comfort, you've read Maslow's hierarchy in reverse. Also The entire field of "sociology" kek. Sociology deals with society wide behavior but it's not second to ethology, animal behavior and biology. You're putting the cart before the horse. Rationalizing negative feelings with males is not "
sus"(go back) female animals do this too due to things like traumatic insemination. Traumatic insemination in the animal kingdom isn't caused by man made "patriarchy" you nonce. "The patriarchy" is literally being forced to, choosing to and supporting that other women copulate with the oppressor, not some abstract intangible icky feeling about males as created by humans.
No. 20755
>>20751I dunno, but it definitely wasn't started by fucking sperm
>>20752>ESL anon, vague argumentsNice microagression, faggot. As if your og post wasn't a bunch of unintelligible bullshit. As for ESL - I am not going to double check my posts on ibs for grammar and vocabulary errors lul
>spermatozoa have antigens on their headsJust like fucking pollen, your point being?
>/too much to reference/The ENTIRE GENOME is affected AFTER IMPREGNATION happens, you fucking donkey. Ie its not caused by ~sperm~, but by process of gestation. The og argument was about SPERM BY ITSELF CAUSING CHANGES IN FEMALE GENOME, just in case you forgot that for whatever reason.
>That's not the most simplest solution.Facepalm.
Its simple by Occam's razor, ie by the amount of proof it requires, learn to read. You simply need much more proof to blame male biology, since its supposed to be a constant, something cannot be influenced by time and culture. Which is why societal explanation is "simpler", since its both easier to prove and disprove.
>maslow's hierarchy, insemination, rant about sociology, mega stupid definition of patriarchy, etc?????? Stream of consciuosness much?
No. 20757
The source of the patriarchy is both sexes biology, I hate the glamorization of womanhood in rfeminist spaces, female biology is designed for childbirth which requires a male. The egg chooses the sperm but when you see how it looks like, it look like a rape on some micro level and if men are parasites then why whole female biology revolves around being inseminated by them. Following this logic that patriarchy comes from both sexes biology, heterosexuality is actually a patriarchal invention, why do we need those relationships for if they are naturally a male dominance and benefit, women just demand to keep sucking. What if we lived without the concept of het relationships? It makes sense to reject them if you reject the "patriarchal society".
Libfems with men brainwashed us to think hetsex and relationships is something cool and beneficial a woman can do and that a lot of women who have hetsex aren't less intelligent (they are) meanwhile it's a glorification of female masochism. If women can't stop wanting men then they are patriarchal and only the internally complete women or women who are mentally malelike will reject them and be able to not need men, rest is "feminine", male identified (but as woman and not in a male brained way) and engages in patriarchy and female socialization even here, even in feminist or misandrist spaces. I personally consider myself a "crazy angry feminist"(I'm mocking the fact that people call me that way) and a "male brained" (it's actually proven that brains of autistic females are masculinized) woman who wishes I were a moid unironically sometimes(or rather saying this openly could possibly open a door to me expressing myself more freely which isn't allowed otherwise. I hate gender roles and how they are present in the way women naturally socialize and how the only spaces only without normies, pickmes and men are radfem spaces which guilt trip you for being in them without the purpose of serving others or activism as if we have to always justify our existence with "I'm serving others"). Rejecting womanhood means also rejecting something that burdened me for years: heterosexuality (even my own, just cause I have it doesn't mean I want it. Even eating food gives you pleasure that you didn't choose to feel, it happens automatically) and cool girlism(cool girlism is the same thing as female heterosexual attraction and het attraction doesn't exist without cool girlism and being male identified) and rejecting performing femininity which is also a natural female urge, they express themselves through it and it also exists to attract something as which attractor they identify as hetero women especially. Without men world wouldn't progress as much as it did but with men we are slaves but also without males influences, women are still the same. Rejection of patriarchy then means rejection of the concept of het dating and sex but what is life without it?
I think the world as we know can't exist without female exploitation. But how else human world could possibly look like.
Men are a natural born terrorists, oppressors and abusers of women I agree with that and their behavior is basically how ego works, ego is seeing yourself as separate from others and empathy as one. Without ego there's no maleness even without misogyny their male identity dissolves. But women on their own will never stop desiring extreme degradation and masochism and nothing will take it out of them, they are extremely heinous with their male worship which makes all the feminist words here and claims men create the patriarchy false. I could post proof but it would be seen as a ragebait or offensive to women meanwhile it's not me offending them, it's them saying they want to be owned, they obsess over men, they want their mouths fucked and asses slapped, feminist spaces have the tendency to deny reality meanwhile it's like one step away from us, being itself, we can look and I can prove what it is through just showing you it, my logic is based on real observations of real life(it reminds of when men deny reality and how we should read real female experiences instead of listening to pickmes and men). Porn exits and will always do and porn exposes the dynamic between men and women, and what male and female biology is separately through showing what it is as one in hetsex. Women will for eternity want degradation (i also think they make up for how useless to them their own sexuality is, with degradation and abuse because it provides them stimulation).
I don't know how else to explain the phenomenon of female masochism, human sexuality will always be brutal and humans have natural sado masochistic impulses, women love extreme misogyny in sex… That's why being pro sex is libfem shit.
I have observed reality for years, I'm a freak when it comes to watching people and researching human behavior. So I know that even the biggest feminists or women who come to rf spaces to praise their Nigels for being gentle and not watching porn, still engage in degradation and masochism and suck dick which is violent. I even went as far as stalking the perfect relationships for months or years in search of whitepill, I saw men being the "ideal" women dream of and acting straight up from a written romance novel with a perfect preplanned scenarios, being not like other men and yet it wasn't good kek. How a non patriarchal society can look like? Maybe it's time to stop glorifying womanhood I personally am tired and achieved independence, nobody neither women or men owns me or is entitled to demand I think this or that or not say this or that so I can't stand neither women or men and I recommend developing your consciousness as an individual that's not one with the society esp developing your consciousness as a woman through allowing yourself anger which otherwise would be disapproved of if you expressed it in front of others. But well, Do you wanna be outside society and reject sex and relations? Can world preserve itself without female exploitation? Men and misogyny is a cancerous behavior that spreads so quickly the second you look away but I dont know how female biology isn't servile. I know this will get aggressive responses. Can womanhood be something else than service to others especially men? I can't accept womanhood because of the sado masochistic human sexuality that's naturally abusive and women and men make me unconformable with it and the norm is to accept this degrading shit just cause wonen do it. This is a "patriarchal society" women participate in with smiles on their faces and dicks in their mouths (this is why I'm socially isolated, women love to socialize over their masochistic sexuality and pursuing het relationships, I'm done being brainwashed to see their sexuality as non degrading, I'm done seeing torture porn and trauma content). I have gone through hell due to both sexes I just don't get how patriarchy can "not exist" possibility, how women sexuality can stop being so tyrannical in a masochistic ways and male in sadistic. Celibacy is the only possible liberation from the patriarchal dynamic so far because sex is patriarchal. It gives me a relief. I think patriarchy origins are really both sexes biology, female heterosexuality is a sexuality "under patriarchy" because of our own and male biology, outside of the relation with men, is a woman still submissive if the male form that's designed as dominant can't define the female form through it's own physical dominance and vice versa? With men, women are submissive due to the design of our body (even piv leads to a male orgasm naturally but not female and being penetrated means submitting your body to the penetrator), only without them we can be NOT submissive technically. Men exhibit cancer behavior as a collective and can be called a terrorist group against women but I can't imagine life can be different, maybe I would if women weren't so severely retarded and make me lose hope, even in feminist spaces the aggressive responses and gaslighting are consent but outside them you see shit like "I wanna be an owned sex toy owned by my man and tattoo his name on my skin". "Male biology creates the patriarchy" sounds promising but doesn't exist outside this space.
No. 20758
>>20755>wasn't started by spermNo shit, no ones debating the violent behavior of cells, the context matters that you refuse to discuss or are coping out of discussing.
>Just like fucking pollen, your point being?We aren't plants and cross pollination is ironically usually pretty good for plants though lol the point being the recognition by immune system is an offshoot of antigen-antibody response of the adaptive immune system that happens when foreign/exogenous DNA is detected. DNA is universal too in all carbon based life and degenerate. Plants that reproduce by vertical gene transfer have a similar mode of reproduction like animals, the point being exogenous DNA is detected, taken up, identified and remembered and/or destroyed by the female’s immune system during instances of reproduction like how antigens and antibodies work with viruses for example.
>The ENTIRE GENOME is affected AFTER IMPREGNATION happensThat's what we're talking about, meiotic division following capacitation and fertilization/acrosome reaction. Impregnation follows fertilization/conception. Is fertilization not caused by sperm? Clearly there's something going on with immune system recognition at the time of conception, 50% of the genetic material is exogenous. At that moment the genome is affected since a copy of the exogenous DNA must be made to prevent the immune system destroying it.
>The og argument was about SPERM BY ITSELF CAUSING CHANGES IN FEMALE GENOMEOh you're shifting the goal post
>You simply need much more proof to blame male biology, since its supposed to be a constant, something cannot be influenced by time and cultureI literally give an example of traumatic insemination. Biology is a constant. Are you talking about human males or all males making an exclusionary anthropocentric argument? If so, traumatic insemination exists in humans too. What proof could you possibly want? 97% of sex-based crimes? Everything in criminology consistent with male biology? The societal explanation isn't simpler nor easier to prove it's much more difficult, and that's exactly why it's used to justify male violence. Testosterone makes males more aggressive at a cellular level and can be quantified through a hormone panel. There are genes that are associated with male violence. We know how how animals organize; primates in particular are violent and patriarchal, rape is a part of their "social explanation" for survival. Quantitative data in the social sciences also backs up and strengthens biological arguments, incidentally. Even people who argue nurture>nature who make arguments like yours (which is the most popular explanation for male violence) end up having to play damage control to explain away, mitigate and cope for male violence when nurture only confirms and exacerbates nature. People rush to come up with excuses for male violence and then what results are false and idiotic solutions to "train men not to rape". The reality of biology bleeds through the cracks until it can't be denied. Its visible through art and law, its visible through all institutions, across cultures and history. If biology is universal why would culture and social forces not be? People are aware that males are inherently violent biologically so laws are made to allow this violence but disguise it as "human nature" full well ignoring that women aren't rampant pedophiles and rapists. There's a manifesto-chan post that mentions this actually, it gives the example of "crime of passion"
>>17238. "Crime of passion" being a legal cope for allowing violent male behavior of almost certainly murdering women and children. The social explanation is not only not simple, its weaving elaborate stories to justify male violence and that women continue to tolerate this harm, unquestioning and scapegoat a few really bad males, fooling society into thinking there's a real possible solution for male violence short of castration, execution and imprisonment.
Either way, I don't really see your motivation for making this argument predicated on nurture>nature. Are you genuinely skeptical of biology? Then I'd suggest looking into it. I'm personally not convinced by the trust your perceptions blog, it's just an interesting concept to discuss. As for your argument that nurture outweighs nature and can be more easily quantified and is simple to explain by "social explanation", that is just not true.
>You simply need much more proof to blame male biology, since its supposed to be a constant, something cannot be influenced by time and culture. Which is why societal explanation is "simpler", since it's both easier to prove and disprove.You brought up Occams razor and sociology for some reason so I gave reasons why you're misinformed about the shit you're writing about, you casted a wide net on topics then became catty and confused when I actually tried to discuss them. Maslows hierarchy is commonly used in sociology to describe a hierarchical ordered by precedence, mode of behavior and it happens to fit well with the Occams razor shit you are spewing and perfectly contradicts it. The most simplest behavior would be survival-based, informed and predicated on biology, not whatever you're calling societal explanation. You then pivot to whichever one is "easier to prove" which isn't the original question but regardless biological is still easier to prove and the most simplest, second to social. You seem to think that genes can't be affected by "time and culture" but every instance of reproduction is evolutionarily important and informs social behavior. Nature is not only more simple and important than nurture; nature directly informs nurture in genetic populations. It makes sense, you can't have one without the other and one precedes the other, nurture is important too but nature precedes it. You brought up patriarchy, sociology and behavior in the first place and cannot understand or are too lazy to even see the content of what I'm discussing and write it off because you don't understand. I've at least tried to see your point of view. You don't seem to want to engage or know anything about biology or social science so why bother? There's nothing to gain from this discussion since you're too retarded to likely even read this in the first place and even more difficult, to comprehend any of it.
No. 20768
>>20757I think you're right and I've dealt with the same thoughts for years, I picked up on this pretty early as a kid and I didn't have to be abused in any way in order to start hating men and women who actively pursue men. I think my autism also made me less receptive to social and biological programming, which I'm grateful for, despite the existential isolation I experience every day. I'm bisexual but I never acted on the hetero part of my sexuality, I just can't imagine sharing my body with a man, male looks alone can be attractive to me, but the male biology utterly disgusts me. I'm not even talking about all the emotional and intellectual consequences of dealing with men, just physical repulsion by how their parasitic sexuality works and by their dicks. I don't believe this world can look any different. I think we just have to focus on ourselves at this point and, if posssible, reach out only to like-minded women. Feminism is a scam and we are alone in this world. There's a few women like you or me, but they're hard to find irl. All my female colleagues have boyfriends and they bond over femininity and things male-related and some of them want me to find a boyfriend and introduce me to their boyfriend's friends. In their minds, it's something good and they want me to be "included" in their tribe, which is logical from their point of view. But that's just another reason why I just can't actually connect with them, on a deeper level. Being male-partnered and being mothers will always be the core of female identity (in general). We just have to focus on ourselves, our personal growth, gaining knowledge, securing ourselves financially, investing in hobbies etc. and, if we're lucky, the few people we can connect to.
No. 20795
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>>20783The glory of the past does not always reflect the present state of things, especially ideologies. Feminism was crucial in the past because, as Solanas words it, males and females were living virtually on top of each other in the nuclear family. Something had to be done to loosen up the chains of this. Feminism focused on loosening up the chains, BUT not on removing the chains altogether.
Feminists still do not want to remove the chains as is expressed by all libfems, half of radfems, and all sorts of other flavors of feminism. Feminists want to live with men, but they want to live with men while somehow simultaneously retaining the privileges of Free Women (who have no boyfriends, no husbands, no sons). Stardew Valley profile pic over here would rather suffer threat of incarceration for abortion or birth control with a thousand negative side effects than give up cock. Anon you're replying to is correct in her assessment of the situation, and there is nothing shameful or wrong about dismissing feminism in its current state. Expend your energy and effort on those who are receptive to it.
No. 20848
>>20745Damn, if only you guys knew how much i regret typing that post right now…
Leftypol is all blazing with heated discussion of how "females are just as violent as males", "dont rape and kill just because they are weaker", "when get the power become even worse than men", etc (it's not their only antifeminist point, that thread is genuinely raging, but the one that stuck with me the most, cuz i even bothered to rageply to it - my post being full with vocabulary errors, of course).
Like I said before I knew it was full of troons and had moid moments, but all that shit (from what i have seen!) was balanced with pro-feminist posts and lack of boardwide incel circlejerking. Which is why I was capable of browsing that board without feeling enraged/cringing inside - ie the emotions I feel when i lurk other male chans. But now since that full mask off, i dont find it to be any different anymore.
My fault, but I've learned my lesson and will never ever go again in male spaces for "fun" or "communication" again lol. For machiavellian reasons only. I would rather deal with rude and shizo farmers than with scrots.
No. 20854
>>20848its tolerable, but of course the exposure to feminist critique missions any man stuck in his right/left discourse to come to any excuse about the incompatibility of women’s freedom.
it’s the same strike as always, women are differentiable beings who in intellect and capacity cannot be compared to that of a man’s, and yet can bank on the same encroaching violence and plagues that men jointly weapon. i don’t think it matters whether they believe in an equality, they are stuck to the bone with ideas that already squash women’s actual societal well-being.
No. 20874
>>20848Women have no inclination to be “just as bad” as men. There’s no reason for it. Men rape, pillage, conquer, and violate women because they are biological parasites who have to manifest their own sexual bargaining through oppression since their gametes are so worthless. Women don’t want men like men want women. There is virtually no reason to oppress men (outside of reactionary reasons such as violence PREVENTION), there’s hardly even a reason to have them around in the first place.
Men love to pretend like they’re needed, that they are coveted by women the same way they cover women. They spin fantastical tales about a world where they matter enough to be violated by women, pretending to be disturbed by it. They’re annoying as fuck. They know they’re lying, but they actually want it to be true. These men would love to become domesticated sex slaves, but no one is buying.
No. 21521
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ATTENTION EVERYONE Manifesto-Chan is back!!! Please keep your eye on tradthots, leftcows and troons for more.
No. 21523
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No. 21525
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No. 21624
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Is this manifesto-chan too?
No. 21628
>>20150>>20153I wonder,
was this actually her in the PP thread? The typing style seems a bit different, but the points are all aligned with many of these screenshots, especially these:
>>17473 >>17476
>>17477Regardless, the posts are really well-written and I hope an anon with more time neatly screenshots them and puts them here alongside the rest of the goodies.
No. 29107
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No. 34857
>>34837>There are tons of neutral spaces that don’t revolve around men or woman giving to menCare to recommend any?
>And there are a lot of people who don’t give into the game of gender roles.Where would one find these women?
No. 35024
>>20757>women can give birth therefore women are designed to only be broodmares and nothing elsewhy do people always say this? Especially when women have so much more intellectual and creative potential than males.
It's like saying that because males have their prostate deep inside their assholes the male body is designed for anal rape only and nothing else. Which would make more sense actually seeing how men are all huge faggots who crave cock 24/7.
No. 35228
>>34837>u have a very polarized view of manhood and womanhood almost on par with incels judging from your post.That's because a human man and a woman are a polarity and gender in humans is a physical construct and sex is a fundamental part of the reality. We as women have a femininie voice, sexual anatomy and physiognomy and men have a masculine.
>And there are a lot of people who don’t give into the game of gender roles. Never met real exceptions or sex that was an expectation of the universal rule created by the structure of the physical reality. One woman had a username called littlefitcumslut and talked about how gender non conforming she is.
>what the actual male and female experience is, it’s alarming that you don’t (or can’t) see itI'm literally basing it all on observations of real human behaviors all around me and everywhere else in the world
>After that, you’re pretty much impenetrableThe female body was made to be penetrated.
You are literally dismissive of facts about real life we experience from the second we are born which is human biology. None of what you wrote changes the fact that as a woman if I had sex I would be a bottom and feminine. The sexual polarity we embody as humans is never changeable and it's a biological femininity(women) and masculinity (men). Dick is or penetrative with it's anatomy therefore it psychologically creates male sexuality and vagina is receptive, it also creates female sexuality mentally and makes them identify with sexual submission and femininity. Even what sex is is universal for everyone and not whatever you make it to be. Even "normal" sexual acts are sadomasochistic and involve deep female vulnerability and a submission which makes her mental state a similar to that of a bdsm sub.