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No. 17681
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>>17680to kickstart the thread, today I've learn that in the EU only 3% of the LGBT funds go to lesbian, what a worthy sacrifice from our foremothers.
Between having to cap for gay men and having to hear about bi women and their nigels… I'm so tired
No. 17687
>>176813%?! God, that's depressing.
>>17686Same. I fell for the "sisterhood" lie and spent many years trying to achieve that. I kept telling myself that it's ok if the last woman I tried befriending treated me like a perverted freak of nature because I'm a butch lesbian, surely the next one won't! Cue a conga line of women ready to kick the shit out of my self-esteem.
No. 17702
>>17688Honestly, being a butch lesbian is a blackpill in and of itself. You're a disgusting abomination to polite society and, like you said, so many lesbians (again, the search for sisterhood fails) hate us for a variety of reasons and even women attracted to us can be assholes about it. In the past I've had women basically be like "ugh, I hate that you're hot to me, just fuck me and get it over with", they'll often make references to their femininity too like I'm being visited by an angel. Ironically, I prefer androgynous to butch women in terms of pure looks, which makes it even more stupid. At this point I'm glad I'm autistic and that my modest social life is enough to keep me feeling satisfied.
>>17696Ye olde "mean lesbian" trope has done so much damage, and it's like… did you morons ever stop to think about
why we're acting mean? Hearing terms like "lady dick", "mouth feel" and "cotton ceiling" is enough to make any stable minded woman froth at the mouth with rage. I worked with a bearded non-binary scrote who also had a gf like what you describe. Some of the older women in the office who were basically peaked because of him and the other troon we worked with shared the gf's tiktoks in group chats. They were so funny to watch with newly peaked women who had no idea how crazy TRAs could be. It was the average "wahhh mean fags and dykes won't be our fwieinds" "why is going out in public in fetish gear bad?" and "did you know people who oppose troons are litcherally white supremacists?" but it really cracked me up hearing her get obliterated by women who were usually mild-mannered and "live and let live" in regard to troons. Gives me hope for normie women. But yeah, the amount of caping this woman did for him online was insane given what a miserable, fun sponge he was. Like if he was a really sweet and friendly guy I might
kinda get it, but it's almost always the worst of men these pick-mes choose to defend and advocate on the behalf of.
No. 17703
>>17687>>17688>>17702Being a butch lesbian truly is being dealt the worst cards available when it comes to trying to have a social life. I'm not even a full on provocative bulldyke type when it comes to looks but more of a soft butch yet even I get treated as a freak who will sexually assault you if left alone in a room. I'm barely seen as a woman because my mannerisms are so masculine and I've done an advanced job deprogramming the female socialization out of myself. And now I'm barely even seen as a fucking lesbian, it was just last week when a straight girl went off talking over me and schooling me on issues gay people face like I had no idea. Left me utterly speechless, this hettie bettie really considers herself an authority figure on what I experience every day.
>even women attracted to us can be assholes about it.My bisexual ex called me her "boyfriend" like it was a compliment and it still makes me want to hurl. I'd rather go to the grave single than date a bi woman ever again.
No. 17711
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Have any of you had a chance to read the 90s comic book Hothead Paisan, the Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist?
No. 17766
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I'm usually not bothered by my online friends complaining about nigel's issues in group chats because they make it short and I drop a truth bomb that sometime make them reflect a bit but my god my friend irl make me want to scream. I tell them thing I told my mom when she would complain about my dad, but my friends still comply to moids. I truly cannot say HOW refreshing it is to chat away with a lesbian. In a way being a lesbian feel like a great power with great responsibility like being a woman, an insight on life ones who are not will never have
No. 17791
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Saw this in the celebricows thread. It was said by Yellowjackets star Jasmin Savoy Brown. Idk who the fuck that is or what Yellowjackets is. But if anyone asks me why I guard myself against OSA women, why I've been hurt by their rhetoric, I might just show them this image, as it covers most of the main talking points.
>muh compulsive heterosexuality
>subtly hinting that lesbians aren't real women because only sleeping with men is "gender affirming"
>subtly hinting that lesbians aren't "fun" because we won't suck a cock
>muh sex work
>"just feeling like it" as if sleeping with a moid is a silly little whim you get like wanting to eat cheese before bedtime
>evil goldstars
>insinuating women who came out later were just having fun with men and not closeted due to homophobia
>muh transwomen (kek at her admitting that sleeping with one would void your goldstar card)
>shilling lesbianism as a freeing political identity
>shilling Stone Butch Blues
Usually I can just laugh at actors or singers or w/e saying stupid stuff because I never expect them to say anything of worth. But I've encountered this kind of woman IRL and they are absolutely infuriating with their misogyny and lesbophobia (never outright homophobia because moids are worshipped ofc). But we're the bad guys because we think words should have clear definitions.
No. 17793
>>17791Samefagging because I forgot to add:
>I invite you to go out into a real-world lesbian spaceMost of can't because they're NEARLY ALL FUCKING CLOSED! Seriously, how ignorant can you be? I bet she thinks the average gay bar is a lesbian space just because we have our initial in the alphabet soup. No real lesbian would ever be so naive.
No. 17820
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>>17817I actually paid money to have a physical copy of SBB (I hate e-reading) after it being recommended to me for years as the butch bible. Man, I was so pissed off when I read that fucking thing. Some moments hit home, sure. But the part where Feinberg's self-insert commits rape-by-deception against a straight woman when she's living as a male disgusted me. I only finished the book to see if she ever addressed that but nope, no remorse. People argue about whether or not that actually happened in Feinberg's life, but IMO I think it did. She was so deep in tranny nonsense that she wouldn't see anything wrong with doing such a thing. Probably made her feel like she passed real good, when the only reason she wasn't clocked despite looking like picrel was because female trannies were so rare back then. I always wondered if Feinberg's somewhat early death was related to taking testosterone for so long, but who knows. I just wish that fucking book would stop haunting masc women. You literally get looked at like a philistine if you haven't read it, or worse, actively dislike it.
No. 17821
>>17820I've seen people debate the rape by deception by saying it's TERFy to say she ought to have disclosed her transness… This community is so fucking lost. Butch identity has always been entangled with gendery stuff and I am pretty comfortable with that as we get targeted with a type of misogyny so intense that it's impossible not to develop problems with self image. However this fucking book is nothing but trouble for someone too young to grasp the full magnitude of what it's talking about, it's one of those books that one should be reading with a critical eye or not at all.
Tbh I doubt she was able to actually trick a straight woman into thinking she has a dick IRL, did they even have double density straps back then? According to my het friend it's really easy to tell when something is an organ vs a piece of silicone, from temperature to texture.
She said dicks also pulse during sex BARF. I think it's possible for transwomen to trick straight men but I'm not sure a woman could be tricked, we have a lot of attention to detail.
No. 17824
>>17821I feel the same with the gendery stuff. It's no wonder we brush up against trans ideology when we get a double dose of misogyny and often are targets of homophobia from a young age. I'm early 30s and I've never had to come out to anyone because I was always assumed to be a lesbian. I never had the privilege of hiding my homosexuality because everyone knew before even I did, ironically enough. I have struggled with "dysphoria" (I use that word loosely, IMO it's just the end result of receiving such amounts of bigotry) but even in the grip of it SBB never appealed to me. In a way it was helpful as it made me realise how fucking dumb this shit is. It's easy to justify your own mind saying "ooh maybe live as a moid" because when distressed it can seem like the grass is greener on the other side. When someone else lays out the same idea, you realise it's actually nuts. I really hope the part about the straight woman is wishful thinking. The fact there's even discourse about disclosing her sex to start with makes me want to rope. Anyway, I have to go and vomit now because dicks do
what during sex?!
No. 17877
>>17826As a SBB hater this was a really interesting post. I'm a dumbass that dropped out at 15 and I forget about the shit "educated" people do. You're completely right that SBB was just… there. It just ticked a box I guess. I should've known that as my bihet ex studied women and gender studies or some shit, but I try to blot her ramblings out of my mind. My publisher actually asked me if I was interested in writing a book on my experiences as a butch lesbian who went through conversion therapy after I published my junkie memoir (don't judge me, I wanted the money kek). But I turned them down. Reading this kinda makes me feel like I should've said yes just to get another voice out there. But in this day and age? There is no way I could speak frankly. There's far too many sensitive topics I would touch on, it's too risky. At best, the book would have like five fans and would lose money for the publisher while making me look stupid for writing the damn thing. At worst, some booktokker would post about me writing something "
problematic" and I'd have weapons grade autists trying to track down my pen name and ruin my life. It's cowardly, but I just don't need those worries.
>>17828I hate anyone who makes their sexuality their personality, but bi women are the worst offenders because they can talk the talk but not walk the walk. The "wahh I'm invisible" shit annoys me the most though. Yeah, you're not read as gay because you're in a relationship with a whole ass MAN and won't leave the house unless you've got a full face of make-up and dressed like an insta baddie. I wish I could be invisible and just go about my business without getting hassled, that sounds awesome.
>>17837>straight until 22 and fucking men because no representationAs a tattooed, bodybuilding butch with short hair, I was so happy to see her on the thumbnail. Then I clicked the link and she has to go and say all of that. I don't wanna be mean but… you don't need representation to know you're gay and if you're doing the deed with men… ok I'm gonna shut up. I'll watch the video and give her a chance.
No. 17889
>>17877 and just heard her say the words "
toxic monogamous mindset" and that's it, I can't listen to any more of this shit. It's awesome to see a masc woman out there being proud, but she's basically just an edgy libfem. Her manhating doesn't go deep enough. It's just "omg men SUCK I hate them I don't wanna be like but I did fuck them because uh… no representation". I've heard it too many times before, it brings nothing to the table.
>>17876Same, I would hate to find out that she trooned out. She's a dumbass and definitely reads as a bi woman mostly into women, but masc women are so rare these days. Hope she stays strong. Calling herself a stud is very odd though. I asked my wife if she knew any white women who did that, as she's a black lesbian from burgerland. She said that it's not uncommon in "wiggers" who chase black women, but also a lot of post modern types will just use the word because they think butch is icky or isn't cool enough or w/e. My guess is that this YouTuber is the latter if she's harping on about that "fluid" bullshit.
>>17884No! I love cowboyjen so much, she's so positive and sweet sounding. Damn, gold stars can't have shit.
>>17885Not in those exact words but yes. It's near the beginning if you wanna hear it.
No. 17892
>>17889Oh she is big into black femmes, that's her whole deal. She has some actual studs in her circle who are clearly not actually okay with her calling herself that but are tolerating their weird wigger friend because she does seem like a sweet person otherwise. She's so into this life coach growth mindset bla bla thing too so I mostly look at her content to feel schadenfreude. She is half Italian half Japanese and her family do
not speak with that accent she's got going on, very Ariana Grande coded of her.
As a half-white woman with a liberal family in fucking California she has zero right to be saying there was no representation for a butch lesbian for her to be fucking guys until her mid 20s bro please. Comphet is not real unless you live under sharia or some sort of religious bubble with parents controlling your devices etc.
No. 17895
>>17892AYRT and hooo boy. Surprised she hasn't been called out for fetishising or w/e if that's the case. I thought the accent sounded a lil inorganic though. Like a middle class girl tryna act tough and street smart, kek. The comphet thing is very annoying, it would be much more progressive of her to admit to being bi. Bisexuals online are mostly represented by het leaning feminine women, so she has a unique perspective in that way. Gotta get that sweet, sweet clout tho and bisexies are
so 2010s.
>>17893As an Arab woman this video made my pussy drier than the sandy hellhole that spawned me. The white guilt is incredibly annoying and some of the shit she mentions is not even exclusive to non-whites. Thanks for posting this though, nona. Got my wife and I laughing our beautiful, spicy, honey dipped, coloured asses off.
No. 17898
>>17895HONEY-DIPPED that fucking GOT me I will not recover anytime soon…
>>17896NTA but yeah for someone Jen's age I don't actually think it's illegitimate. Idk what post anon was referring to, maybe there's more to the story but my impression was that she let them use her body without getting anything out of it and then eventually figured out why that was the case.
No. 17910
>>17903I'm gonna ignore the touch grass ass comment because you already know you're being petty for that but I wasn't even saying she's a bihet or something. It's just strange to have slept with women and then go fuck a man for no reason, I said I can't quite grasp why she'd do that. She's indeed from an older generation than I am
(I'm 29) and I already acknowledged that in my post. Idk what you want me to say.
No. 17941
>>17914Agree, I definitely don't think a "lesbian" having multiple healthy, fulfilling relationships including sex with men up until her late 20s or something is "comphet" but just plain bisexuality but the obsession with gold star purity reeks of insecurity and/or polilez and I say this as a bona fide older gold star myself. Some people just need to find themselves via trying out their options and seeing what works and doesn't work for them and they can even doubt their sexuality later in life because women regardless of orientation are manipulated into looking for male validation. Not all of us are born out of the womb certain of their sexuality with no experimenting and most of us don't even meet other lesbians up until college age, if ever.
>>17924The main problem I have with my bi friends besides them always selling women short to please men is that they all date a long term Nigel yet still act like authority figures on lesbian issues, but also immediately distance themselves from those "mean gatekeeping lesbians" when the situation sees fit. It's like they're having their cake yet eating it too, they get the "clout" for being LGB but with no commitment. My most hated discourse is the "overt sexualization and objectification of women is okay because bi and lesbian women exist" one.
No. 17946
>>17941>Agree, I definitely don't think a "lesbian" having multiple healthy, fulfilling relationships including sex with men up until her late 20s or something is "comphet" but just plain bisexuality but the obsession with gold star purity reeks of insecurity and/or polilez and I say this as a bona fide older gold star myself.>women regardless of orientation are manipulated into looking for male validation. Not all of us are born out of the womb certain of their sexuality with no experimenting and most of us don't even meet other lesbians up until college age, if ever.Exactly. I think most women who talk about "having comphet" like it's an affliction are bisexual and self-aware of knowing men are shitty, so they write it off as something society coerced them into (it's not, it's just knowing men suck even if you're attracted to them), but the OG definition that compulsory heterosexuality is how all women are socialized to care about men's feelings has some merit even if it was written by a polilez (yadda yadda, a broken clock is right twice a day, and you need to read things you disagree with, so you can criticize it). But speaking as someone who grew up religious and had lesbian friends who did too, I legitimately didn't see same sex attraction as natural for most of my life and being surrounded by unhappy heterosexual relationships, talk about how PIV is painful, not even knowing that women could orgasm or what a clit was until I was an adult, made me assume I must be straight too and will inevitably marry a guy when I'm 20-something. I live somewhere rural so I've never met a lesbian IRL yet, but I also didn't meet women who were enthusiastically into men until I was a teenager.
I've also felt like I had to keep my sexual trauma a secret in online lesbian spaces, because even if hardcore gold star types say "rape/SA doesn't count" (I've never willingly done something with a man or had an ex-BF), it's not rare for abuse to make you question what your sexuality really is, especially if options to date and have healthy sexual relationships are out of bounds. I've given up on dating because not only is it a numbers game, but I have a "damaged goods" mentality that no lesbian would want someone as broken as I am. Not to mention when I stopped being religious, the only alternative I could find was the pomo kweer shit online that preached "sexuality is fluid", so I went from identifying as straight to bisexual because like I said, how else was I going to know what real healthy sexual attraction was (I'm a late bloomer in that sense) and relationships when you're stuck between a rock and hard place, and drunk the politics Kool-Aid?
Even though I have a negative knee-jerk reaction when I see the phrase "comphet", I think we need to analyze it on a case-by-case basis instead of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
No. 17949
NTA and I am very suspicious of anyone saying anything about comphet but I would not read you as a covert bihet personally. I understand what you're saying and think you deserve happiness and dignity. I had a similar experience where I identified as asexual until my mid 20s, I assumed I was a traumatized bisexual because I was acutely aware of my attraction to women as long as I can remember but had been subjected to noncon touching and general sleaziness by males and always felt uneasy and grossed out around them. Yet as long as I can remember I was told I must like the dudes I simply wanted to do shared hobbies with. For a long time I bought this idea that I'm only disgusted because I'm juvenile, that adults understand my feelings better than I do so I'll grow into being with men or something. There were no SSA girls my age around me as far as I knew, though I actually reconnected with some high school friends who turned out to be lesbians too lmfao. I had not really considered lesbian as a label because that simply did not ever come up in my community, being involved with males was something I took for granted all my life, an inevitable ending, even from infancy there are several videos of my parents talking about how I ought to get with a family friend's son. Although I did not live in a religious bubble, being gay only came up in the context of men and I did not meet any lesbians until my 20s after I moved to a western country. Lesbians did not exist in my country's media ever so I could not have seen them on TV even. As you said, straight women complain about every aspect of their het partnerships and that compounded my assumption that OSA just involves being grossed out and hating the man and not wanting to be around them very much, I already felt like a cornered animal whenever I was the object of a male peer's affection so I thought this was just how it feels. At the same time I was terrified of "objectifying" my female crushes because I knew how disgusted I was with my male peers doing that to me, obviously nurturing sexual feelings towards me that I would eventually either be confronted about or find out via receipts. I thought my crushes would feel the same way I did, seeing as they're not interested in me. In university I definitively understood that I will never want anything to do with males because of how deeply I felt for women I knew to be SSA, took some additional years to realize I'm not just traumatized and bi, I've just never had any attraction to men even before I got assaulted. For me meeting women I knew could potentially love me is what melted my shame away and I realized very quickly how actual attraction is. I had to do a lot of work looking back to my early life and untangling the narrative of my parents and community from my own real feelings. It's weird growing up being told things over and over and never seeing a single person going against that grain. If I had met even one butch as a youngin my entire gender confusion and framing myself as a broken person would not have happened. In hindsight I did pour ALL of my teenage sexual energy into jerking off to cartoon women and never once a cartoon male which should really have tipped me off sooner but I digress.
This is terribly rambly, sorry.
No. 17950
>>17941This is a libfem rape ape way of thinking. Most people don't "sleep around" speak for yourself, why would you normalize this? Most people don't have to fuck others and whore out to figure out their identity, do gay men fuck women en masse to figure out their identity and what attracts them?
There's nothing wrong with gold stars and women safeguarding their relationships with other women. Women aren't STD collecting faggots and STDs carry a far greater burden and risk with women than men. You don't speak like a gold star at all, or even a women not acknowledging this basic fact. Sexuality is "fluid" and flexible for everyone, no one is born straight, gay but that doesn't give you the right to whore yourself off because you're just "figuring out stuff" it's not fair to the other non whore partner. Gold Stars are the natural reaction to women being fucked over by whore centered female culture as dictated by rape apes, mass propagation and promotion in a libfem world of mass abortion, mass birthrate decline, mass prostitution etc. That and bisexual women picking rape apes over other women. And no, gold stars aren't "insecure" over not having STDs, their betrayal of women partners and contact with predators, just bleakly disillusioned and hardened. This sounds more like a libfem rape ape whorish bi opinion than that of a Goldstar tbh.
No. 17953
>>17950Book a therapy session for those projection issues and go back to the blackpill thread to sperg about whores
nonnie xoxo
No. 17957
>>17956Yeah no shit they wandered out of the blackpill thread, but you just posted
>>17952 which didn't highlight the other terminology she used.
No. 17966
>>17958Faggots anon and obviously faggots is solely a gay male insult. The bizarre gay moid defending pearl clutching and lack of a real response to my post and the obsession with the words used baffles me. Quite clearly there is bp lingo being used here already and cross over in opinions, this is the same board after all.
>>17953What exactly is being projected by my post, not being a whore? Yes, I am projecting not being a whore I suppose. Catty posts like this with no argument are pointless. If you want to promote sleeping around with males why not go to nearly every forum ever xoxo anon?
No. 17972
>>17971NTA, a comphet one? Anyways, tell the fag hag
>>17958 that then. It doesn't change that her post wasn't aimed against lesbians, it was defending lesbians from the comphet blogposters. If anything, they are in the wrong thread, and definitely on the wrong board.
No. 17975
>Some people just need to find themselves via trying out their options and seeing what works and doesn't work for them and they can even doubt their sexuality later in life because women regardless of orientation are manipulated into looking for male validation. Not all of us are born out of the womb certain of their sexuality with no experimentingWhy is this being posted here in a thread that was made for lesbians to talk about what they can't on the main board, and any lesbian who disagrees is being outcast by people raging against mild takes on comphet and gay men? There's nothing stopping you from invading the main board with very long paragraphs about lesbians potentially needing to sleep with men, or complaining that lesbians using the slur faggot is homophobic even though it's used against some lesbians like
>>17971 said, which is why this thread was made.
No. 17977
>>17941>but the obsession with gold star purity reeks of insecurity and/or polilezAnon, polilez are the ones who invented comphet and still promote it to the dismay of lesbians. Read the works of any renown radical feminist who calls herself a lesbian.
>>17893Is she doing a skit? Please tell me she's doing a skit.
No. 17986
>>17983>If you don't know how to clock someone sperging about "whores" and "faggots" and "apes" then idk how to help you but whoever this person is, they do not belong in this thread.The underlying problem anons arguing with her had was her disagreeing with comphet, though. They (you?) were already blogposting against lesbians for that, before she said begun ranting at you about bihets. This is a lesbian vent thread, you know. It's to be expected.
If you really don't want anons to think there's as much hostility against posters calling bihets whores as there is against calling men silly names, then express that from the start. Hell, stop flaming arguments in which you defend men from posters calling them those names. There is a surge of infighting happening, and it can be pin-pointed to anons shitposting at someone they call blackpill anon. Report her for saying whore, ignore her, just take your war out of the lesbian vent thread. It isn't a safe space.
No. 17988
>>17986I think maybe you're missing some context. Outside of the lesbian threads on lolcow there has been a big influx of anons acting homophobic while hiding behind manhate but showing their true colors when pressed on it and I'm hyper-vigilant because of that. A few people posted about it in the lesbian thread actually, I'm just wary. As for her actual point, I actually agree with her that we don't need to try men
ever and it's fucked up to try to normalize that. The original discussion was actually about Cowboy Jen who is an old lady who grew up in a different time where things were not as straightforward and we didn't really have the legal protections we have today. I'm not sure most of you even read the entire exchange.
No. 17990
>>17977It's textbook politicizing lesbianism to treat it as some female separatist experience and not a sexuality that's often hard to figure out in a heteronormative world, and in my experience most of the lesbians really obsessed with the gold star discourse are the cringe baby gay radfems aged 16 to 23 who have barely even dated anyone and thus are "gold stars" by default. Anons acting as if there's only "came out as a lesbian in kindergarten and never doubted their identity" and "had sex with 50 men but kissed a girl once" with nothing in between do sound insecure as fuck when
a lot of lesbians have the same story of trying to date boys, realized it did nothing for them, had an experience with a girl and found out that they aren't broken frigid wenches after all and realized they can only love women. Possibly with a lot of repressed memories from adolescence. An anon upthread brought up a point about how most hetero women are miserable in their relationships and it's easy to think that you're just supposed to hate being with a scrote anyway.
I mean kudos to the anons who somehow met an entire lesbian community in their formative years or live in a place where teenage dating isn't a thing anyway but god just listen to yourself for a second. It's totally fine to not want to date anyone else but gold stars and obvious bisexuals whining about having comphet are obvious clowns, but it's low empathy behavior to claim that women of all sexualities aren't pressured into conforming to male relationships or that people don't experiment with their sexuality when nobody in their right mind would call straight college girls drunkenly making out anything but heterosexual. It deserves to be talked more so that women who are genuine lesbians will relate to these feelings and be more encouraged to live as their authentic selves.
>>17981Calling women whores is disgusting no matter the context and you don't win edgy internet points for doing so. Honestly I was on board with a thread about OSA woman cringe because they sure do serve but knew it would devolve into infighting with the worst kind of NLOG shit that focuses more on hating women in general and clawing at anons who don't fit their fragile hugbox mentality and aggressively misunderstanding them just to have their based and bwackpiwwed LARP, it just happened much faster than I anticipated. Please do leave for your own amazing lesbian site and then silently disappear when you turn 27 and the nicest Nigel asks you out.
No. 17993
>>17990You are confused, and calling lesbians whose views align with sespursongles the "real" political lesbians here - when yours align more with polilez radical feminists, the inventors of the comphet ideology you're blasting the thread with - is a very bold choice.
Nor is it political lesbianism - or even separatist, or even feminist actually - to say the idea lesbians sleep with men comes from separatist feminists. The audacity of some of you to lie that it's goldstars causing women to fake being lesbians. The length of your comphet blogposts were very offputting. It sure didn't take long for them to take over this thread like they did the public one, either. Their lengthiness does not add depth, or make your attempts to turn this thread into another comphet defense league any more welcome. You can try to bait and derail it into being that with as many buzzwords you've memorised from the goldstar lesbians who've said those things to you and your buddies, though.
>>17992Of course you would assume that somebody who read your post couldn't disagree with it, and of course your reply to disagreement is just more snark. You have nothing else.
It's quite impressive to get this angry about lesbians not sleeping with men.
No. 17995
>>17949I can't tell if this is a reply to my post, but I'm assuming it is since mine is above it and mentions some points I made. I do think the phrase "comphet" should be phased out by actual lesbians because of what it's been twisted into, but at the end of the day my issue is the obsession with "gold star"-ism. Even if I'm technically a "gold star" if rape/SA/CSA doesn't count, I legitimately don't feel comfortable in any space that scrutinizes if lesbians are gold star enough. I've been asked about it before, and I see no point in sharing the gritty details of literal assault I went through to decide if I'm not some interloping bihet.
>>17990>It's textbook politicizing lesbianism to treat it as some female separatist experience and not a sexuality that's often hard to figure out in a heteronormative world, and in my experience most of the lesbians really obsessed with the gold star discourse are the cringe baby gay radfems aged 16 to 23 who have barely even dated anyone and thus are "gold stars" by default. Anons acting as if there's only "came out as a lesbian in kindergarten and never doubted their identity" and "had sex with 50 men but kissed a girl once" with nothing in between do sound insecure as fuck when a lot of lesbians have the same story of trying to date boys, realized it did nothing for them, had an experience with a girl and found out that they aren't broken frigid wenches after all and realized they can only love women.>It's totally fine to not want to date anyone else but gold stars and obvious bisexuals whining about having comphet are obvious clowns, but it's low empathy behavior to claim that women of all sexualities aren't pressured into conforming to male relationships or that people don't experiment with their sexuality when nobody in their right mind would call straight college girls drunkenly making out anything but heterosexual.THIS. Thank you so much. My biggest gripe is how logged on lesbian spaces do treat lesbianism as this one-size-fits all narrative of "knowing since you were a little girl" or whatever when that's not always that simple. I'm equally skeptical of most cases of "late bloomer" (as in age 40+, married with kids suddenly coming out), but a lot of lesbians I know didn't even have crushes until they were teenagers or young adults, and I didn't feel attraction to a woman until past 25 after seriously unpacking my trauma growing up. It's always the age 16-23 crowd too engaging in typical zoomer black-and-white thinking.
No. 18003
>>17995>I've been asked about it before, and I see no point in sharing the gritty details of literal assault I went through to decide if I'm not some interloping bihet.Basically. My sexual experiences are only with women and I have never slept with a man but was assaulted by one, and even mentioning my trauma seems to be setting off "bihet" alarms in those goldstar obsessed peoples' heads. It's beyond mentally ill. They tend to be the chronically online activist type though, never in real life have other lesbians been
this obsessed with the term and are understanding of how finding your identity isn't a cakewalk for most people, but they can also laugh at all the LUGs and larping late bloomers. The black and white thinking is what really grinds my gears and makes me feel like I'm the only adult in the room.
>>18001And this is why creating a lesbian thread in 2X was a bad idea.
No. 18004
>>18003waaaawaa, it's funny to make fun of other women fucking us over but when it's on our precious nigel/son/gay best friend it's not ok !!!
I have compassion with gay men who can say upfront gay men sex culture is harmful, and much prefer them over OSA moids.
call me an evil conservative homophobe tradfem whatever but as someone who work in an industry with many gay men (beauty industry) it's something we talk about irl with both SSA and OSA women, libfem or non feminist, old or young.
No. 18045
>>17893I'm not a black woman nor American but how is the mentality espoused in this video not seen as inherently racist as fuck?
>Calling black women creators of life>strong black woman>Equating black women to dark chocolate like a fetishizing moid >hair that can go through changes therefore black women can "become a different woman overnight">God is a strong ass black woman>black women have good taste in music, style, food>Equating black and whatever "POC" women is (in racist othering Americans opinions) to "spices" whereas white women are flavorlessIs racial stereotyping, exoticism and fetishism what people consider grounds for attraction? What kind of 1000IQ Zoomer racism even is this video? where you are so racist and constantly obsessing over a persons race that you take a 180 degree turn obsessing over them and turn to exoticism and fetishism. Not only is this espousing pathetic white guilt but it is genuinely racist to "
POC" people because the woman in this video is treating them as inhuman as if they're so unapproachably special and exceptional that they aren't like white women lel. I didn't know black women were stereotyped as aggressive but now I'm aware of this racist stereotyping by a strange fetishizing source of white guilt reminding me that all sides hate black women. Assuming all black women and "
POC" have gone through some sort of struggle is also strange racial stereotyping.
POC itself is a term that is designed to other and amalgamate identities of the "good"
accepted whites and the "other" people too. Its absurd, just call people by what culture they are.
>>18005>it's so obvious none of you are butch or older than 25 or have faced pussy.I didn't realize being a SSA woman operated on RPG mechanics where the final level is butch lesbian.
No. 18124
>>18120You're probably going to get more rabid responses for this, but IMO not really. I'm in the "fiction isn't reality" camp (in the sense I don't think liking "
problematic" shipping means you approve of it IRL, etc.), but I have a hard time seeing sexual interest in 2D dick as lesbian even if it's not real. Most women I know like husbandos because real men suck and use 2D as a proxy because it's not like you can turn off your sexuality. But I have friends who genderbend or make a female OC version male characters and hornypost about them as women, and I don't see an issue with that, it's the rational response to how most female characters in media kinda suck.
When it comes to enjoying yaoi with sex scenes, I guess it depends on if she's getting off to it or imagining herself having sex with the guys or something. I like homosexual shipping in general, but I skip past sex scenes in fics or not look at explicit fanart because it doesn't turn me on.
No. 18153
>>18120No. The only exception is when the woman likes the character when genderbent into a waifu. I see a lot of repressed bi women who have husbandos, call themselves lesbians, and then attack lesbians for being confused about those two statements.
>>18151>Many lesbian women watch gay pornWhat the fuck are you talking about. No they don't lmfao, as if clothed scrotes IRL aren't repulsive enough. Are you a fauxbian?
No. 18181
>>18179You're very attached to identities and escapism doesn't mean porn. Anon mentioned waifu/husband parasocial relationships which clearly is in either SSA or OSA camps of behavior.
Calling "straight" males who watch gay porn as "only aroused by the stimuli" is an absolute pivot, it's gay moid cope Libfem logic to think porn "brings out the sexuality in someone", whatever that means. A trope as defined by depraved coomers only helps to prove my point that all males are eternally gay. It baffles me you'd defend the overt fagginess of moids copes. And escapism doesn't equate to porn, who in their right mind here wants to defend porn? Escapism equates to anything other than being smashed into one singular identity of either straight or gay which many want to preserve out of fear of subjugation as SSA women and in order to uphold male supremacy in OSA women. Yaoi is made by women for women primarily, and in the case of women OSA or SSA any media that does not see women as humiliated and degraded through a fetishistic male lens that sees them as subhuman is escapism. I'm not here to defend porn as a medium I don't even want to talk about it, I don't care if some gay moid "became" gay from gay porn that's hillarious if it were true, but it's as retarded as arguing males "become" pedofiles from pedo porn and rapists "become" rapists from rape porn.
No, they were already all those things, porn doesn't magically transform anyone into anything and neither does escapism.
No. 18226
>>18162have you considered that those "other lesbians" may be repressed bis who are obsessed with males and yell how '2d =/= 3d' and 'they're just lines' when anyone doesn't immediately pat their asses about it? do they imply that lesbianism is "restricting" or "has too many rules"? because that's not lesbian. it doesn't compute when that crowd claims its just so much easier to have a husbando - it's literally just the febfem version of the 'i'm attracted to all women and 2 guys but i still only date men' cope
>A lack of attraction isn't disgust it's just that; a lack of the context of lesbians supposedly watching gay porn, you might as well just say 'oh i don't dislike eating shit, im just not a fan of it'
No. 18228
>>18226>may be repressed bisYes, and I said that earlier in a comment. If you are creating whole ass parasocial relationships with male/females of course that's reflective of sexual orientation. However this is my opinion and sexuality is flexible.
>because that's not lesbianPeople here are making rules about "lesbianism" whatever that means including the random het anon shitting on bi's for being male approving when really what they're shitting on is performative male identified behavior. I don't see a purpose of upholding a rigid system of het or homo, both are one side of the same coin, this only helps rape ape males. I don't understand, do these women who identify as straight want to be broodmares?
>in the context of lesbians supposedly watching gay porn, you might as well just say 'oh i don't dislike eating shit, im just not a fan of it'Misognistic fag moids will call women disgusting dehumanizing shit about female bodies. This isn't sexuality, if you aren't attracted to things you ignore them, not cope over their existence and reiterate how "disgusting" it is. This is misogyny being filtered through a camp gay perspective.
No. 18231
>>18228>sexuality is flexible>I don't see a purpose of upholding a rigid system of het or homo>rape ape>do these women who identify as straight want to be broodmares?blackpilled polilez spotted, get out of the lesbian vent thread
>if you aren't attracted to things you ignore themso true, which is why lesbians dont watch gay porn or have husbandos
No. 18235
>>18120As your only media unless you live in a place or don't speak languages who give you access to interesting media made by female or your social group is fujoshi only it's a bit weird, as someone who loathe mainstream lesbian medias. Never been a fujoshi so I never liked the explicit sex scenes but I kinda differenciate with the strange ethereal censored sex scene you see in some .
I can enjoy the whole courting process in fiction ( unless it's the male who is dominant over a female ) and when it get too explicit it loose it's appeal. But irl seeing straight or gay males couple doing more than hand holding, hugging or quick kiss repulse me.
No. 18236
>>18231>Get out of the thread wahLolno, why are you still gatekeeping being SSA, It's absurd.
>so true, which is why lesbians dont watch gay porn or have husbandosYet here we are where a proportion of SSA women are given no mediums at all to project their sexuality and attraction of other women on that aren't saturated for the purpose of male fetishes and not representative of lesbian sex or what women find arousing. Unfortunately you don't speak for every woman ever. First this started at moving the goal post to claim males aren't Uber gay for watching depraved and gay shit because they're uber straight and "it's the porns fault if they're gay and now". Strangely it's the opposite for women, that women are absolutely straight for engaging in media that is written for and by women. Both arguments confirming sexuality is flexible and not rigidly defined. Instead of nitpicking language use repeteadly and showing your willingness to assign heteronormative labels to people and things, have a counter argument. I could elaborate on how heteronormative shit only reinforces male supremacy, degrades women, reinforces the mentality that they are nothing but broodmares and seeks to separate, alienate and other homosexual activity but it seems like you'd rather be married to this idea of rigid side picking.
>>18229Probably, though I don't speak for all lesbians and SSA women.
(infighting) No. 18251
>>18120If the husbando doesn't have a dick and they're pretending it's a butch lesbian which is passable with soft drawing styles, same with yaoi if they're pretending it's a butch lesbian couple but butches still have titties and vaginas so wouldn't you be missing that? And I bet they show the dicks in the yaoi scenes
>>18151Lesbians don't watch gay porn kek everyone in this thread is fucking bonkers whether it's the polilez comphets or the sexuality is fluid tards
No. 18257
>>18256No, I actually am genuinely not the retarded "can lesbians like cartoon dick" bait anon you're talking about and who you've been feeding for the past 30 posts by falling for it. I just disagreed with them here
>>18251 but the point remains a couple anons keep spamming blackpill and polilez because of beef with different anons and it's retarded
No. 18259
>>18249This is why I recommend lesbians date other lesbians. I know it's hard to find each other in this day and age, but I've dated multiple bi women and they've all treated me like a cheap fuck. Hitting me with that "well I think I can only commit to men" and "but I want a family!" it's infuriating. Before anyone busts in here sperging that it's not all bi women:
I know that. But it's a helluva lot of them, and lesbians have the right to be cautious.
No. 18260
>>18258Do you mean when they said they don't want to be a broodmare for a rapeape? Report and ignore language about straight women that offends you. Just keep your obsessive drama out of your responses to people and subjects that clearly have nothing to do with it, it's really annoying to have to pagecatch a thread full of cliquey accusations against literal anonymous people you think are someone else, when their posts in this thread legitimately contradict your accusations about being blackpilled or polilez (but they are still extremely stupid posts). All it leads to is this
>>18256 type of "you must be them too" infighting, it's so boring
No. 18262
>>18250They're just like those right wing moids who beg to debate you.
In fact they're actually pretty likely to date.>>18259NTA and agreed on les4les, I will never ever let an OSA woman into my life. I don't really care if they're febfem, I prefer someone who actually shares crucial struggles with me and is thus able to be sensitive. It's similar to certain demographics choosing to date within their cultures when they go to melting pot locations, some of us don't want to explain ourselves and swim upstream constantly. Also tbh OSA is legitimately disgusting to me, it's on part with an extreme fetish in terms of how much it turns me off to know she's turned on my male bodies.
No. 18264
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mfw every time i enter lolcow lesbian threads or honestly any lesbian online space filled with you mentally ill bickering assholes
No. 18269
>>18267>>18268No lesbian would feel comfortable staying in a thread with people cosplaying their sexuality, hence it makes sense alot of the anons here speak and act like polilezs hence the common obssesion that polilez women have with bi women.
We've seen how many of you polilezs look like and my only sugesstion it to hit the gym and take a shower.
No. 18302
>>18297That was not a blackpill, or even a polilez, no matter how many times you try to twist their definitions so as to continue your schizo vendetta of accusing everyone and anyone of being one anon from the blackpill thread who has
triggered you into hyperfixating on blackpill and seeing it where it isn't.
No. 18312
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i don’t know why but bi girls love spreading “no one is really fully homosexual” rhetoric, all of my osa“friends” have said something along the lines of “no one is really born gay”. it’s irritating. osa women see us as women who fake being lesbian for male attention and it’s all just a phase. they’re so stubborn about it too, they always project their expierences onto us. the only lesbians i’m truly comfortable around are goldstar lesbians for that reason. i dont wanna get told “are you sure it’s not just a phase?” in the progressive way again.
No. 18313
>>18310>A lot of times they'll even marry women and have kids with her then come out as gay 20 years later.Sounds bi. The irony of double standards here is bizarre it's as if you have to pass a high vault just to prove SSA as a woman but gay men are always untouchable and unquestionably gay. Why is same sex attraction considered more genuine with males than females? Neither male or female need to fuck the opposite sex to figure out their sexuality. I don't understand how rigid sexual orientation rules help at all. Describing Comphet only solidifies this in my opinion, and polilez is a pointless term that only exists to make an out group of SSA women, which again doesn't seem to exist in gay men as it's a double standard.
>>18297Not a straight women, never said that ever, I didn't realise that thinking sexual orientation is not exclusively innate is somehow blackpill. Eitherway I can't imagine sleeping with a male ever, never have and never will. The whole thing started when an anon complained of Gold Stars being too purist but later threw a no true Scotsman about how lesbians and how SSA women can't like media made for women because it's not "lesbian enough". The entire thread has been a series of infighting, of women all accusing each other of not being "gay enough" so it's bizarre only I got red texted. I suppose the pettiness of my response was the reason but I've seen just as petty across the thread if not the whole site.
I would think being lesbian would mean exclusively focusing on relationships with women and thats it, but you also must meet apparent requirements to be certified lesbian. I can understand feeling betrayed by women who regularly do sleep with males and use other women but that's no excuse to throw every SSA woman under the bus.
>The blackpiller itt also said she got turned on from gay pornNo, I didn't. I said some lesbians watch homoerotic male media made by women, for women. I don't understand the purpose of using blackpill as a pejorative, this is on the 2X board and there is always bound to be considerable crossover of opinion with SSA and lesbian women.
>>18312As opposed to the natural order of Comphet? There is no definitive evidence that sexual orientation is natural or environmental but the most hetero enforcing aligned view would lean towards the natural argument to justify subjugating women and othering gay people. I also see merit in goldstars but I see no meaningful counter argument against Comphet theory, it seems to reflect reality the most accurately. The flip side of "no one is truly homosexual Is no one is truly het" either. Just complaining about it and calling everyone who does bi isn't much of an argument. What are the opinions of comphet here?
No. 18319
>>18313i’m not calling people who say lesbians aren’t born gay- bi as an argument, i’m saying they usually ARE bisexual like that is literally what they identify with. it’s not an “argument” it’s fact. bi women and men tend to be the ones saying that, and it’s frustrating as a lesbian lol
however my opinion on comphet is that i think it’s been misinterpreted a lot and that it’s really just the feeling that as a woman, you NEED to marry or date a male. comphet doesn’t just make you attracted to men.
bisexuals can expierence comphet and so can straight women
like there’s neurological evidence proving that lesbians can’t be attracted to men, “comphet” or not. No. 18320
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>>17696it’s how they all are, they whine all day about “evil lesbos”. i remember seeing a tweet by a lesbian asking why so many bi girls leave lesbians for men. and all of the responses were “maybe my nigel is better than the lesbian i broke up with”. they obviously know that’s not the reason but they hate having their “gayness” taken from them because they think it’s the only thing that makes them special
No. 18352
>>18346>I'm so sick of lesbians having to be everyone's unconditionally compassionate and self sacrificing mommy to validate the same people who throw us under the bus every chance they get, or else we are the bad guys.Hit the nail on the head for me, nona. If lesbians aren't viewed as gross, predatory, broken women or fantasy fodder for moids then we're being treated like doormats. Gay men have been using lesbians as free therapists since we played nursemaid to them during the AIDS crisis. Straight and bi men will befriend GNC lesbians as "one of the boys" if you have more traditionally masculine hobbies like sports, video games, etc. But you're never given as much respect as their male friends and the
second your guard is down they ask you invasive sexual questions; or worse, tell you that you need the right dick that just so happens to be dangling between their unwashed legs. Straight libfems use us for clout: "I'm so accepting of LGBTs! I say hello to this one dy- I mean, gay lady, at my work! I even sit next to her sometimes because #NotAllLesbos are predators" and bi women will fuck up our whole lives for regular sex that actually makes them come. "Yes babe, I'm so in love with you!" while you're treated as a dirty little secret that she does her best to hide. Nigel on the other hand? All over her socials and already met her friends and parents. I'm so glad my wife is a lesbian and the majority of our closest friends are lesbians. Cultivating that social circle has done wonders for my mental health. I was actually diagnosed with "dysphoria" a few years back, but funnily enough those thoughts don't haunt me when I surround myself with people who treat me like a human being.
No. 18365
>>18363Are you talking about
>>18361 ?
Cause it is serious and a serious question: what the fuck?
No. 18399
>>18352>I was actually diagnosed with "dysphoria" a few years back, but funnily enough those thoughts don't haunt me when I surround myself with people who treat me like a human being.It's funny how my life-long dysphoria completely disappeared once I met the first lesbian friend I had in my life in my late 20's and she understood everything I talked to her about through her own experiences. Like over a relatively short period of time it was gone. Having social representations and someone who validates your experiences does wonders. I try not to poison myself too much with how much everyone hates lesbians since dwelling on hate doesn't help me heal, but straight people often do make it incredibly hard.
>>18391Like mentioned above, all it took was just one lesbian friend for me, one who wasn't the kind of LChat lipstick lesbian who hates butches and thinks they're stinky faux men or a disguised bihet who totally thinks you're
valid and brave but will feel uncomfortable when alone in a room with you or will drunkenly tell you she'd totally fuck you if you were a man.
No. 18433
>>18391This is so sad anon, not only were you in a vulnerable state but the health officials choice to diagnose you with dysphoria and straight up try to get you to transition must've been dangerous.
I hope it gets better for you.
No. 18613
>>18602Because it gives them power, leverage and authority over women in the communities they are apart of. They could say whatever bizarre, false or misogynistic thing they want and if another woman calls the out then they can just call that woman "lesbophobic" to shut her up, silence her.
They don't want to look like straight women with internalized misogyny so they go the polilez route and hide all that misogyny behind being a "political lesbian".
No. 18615
>>18613>if another woman calls the out then they can just call that woman "lesbophobic" to shut her up, silence her.Nobody takes lesbophobia seriously. It isn't a superpower to say someone is lesbophobic that silences women. If it was, political lesbians wouldn't exist after how many years lesbians have been fighting them out of our community for being lesbophobic. The amount of times lesbians get accused of misogyny to shut them up, keep them in check for speaking against the OSA hivemind, is seriously common. Lesbians are portrayed as "misogynistic men lite" so often by OSA women.
Lesbianism doesn't give straight women power, leverage and authority, it doesn't even give lesbians those things. What sneaking in to lesbian spaces gives radical feminist straight women is a safe space away from the men who have traumatized them, and a sense of control over actual, SSA women; a badge to police how SSA women speak on our experiences with OSA women. Often their reasons for policing those convos are because we women need to stick together against the real enemy, men; the faux feminist concern works to shift the convos away from OSA, under the guise of the concern coming from a lesbian to add credibility.
No. 19140
>>19121I will never not be insulted by being called a word that originally meant odd/weird/strange/etc. I did not fight my way through literal
decades of both internalised and externalised homophobia, as well as internalised misogyny around being butch, only to let some dipshit call me a queer. Gay acceptance peaked at "born this way" and it's all been downhill since then. PoMo assholes are doing their hardest to disprove that we're born this way because that doesn't fit into their ~ sexually fluid ~ (gee, I wonder why only bisexuals talk about fluidity…) tranny loving dystopia. I now use the word "homosexual" as a kind of litmus test. Kweerios will balk at the word and tell you about it's
problematic history (because queer, faggot, etc has a fine and dandy history ofc) and then treat you with suspicion. Normal people don't give a shit about the politics of the word, they understand what you're communicating to them.
No. 19379
>>19140I noticed they use the word queer to erase homosexuality (especially lesbians).
Like there will be an explicitly lesbian woman and retards online will still call her "queer". They wanna erase us so bad.
Its crazy how Heterosexuals have infiltrated Homosexual communities and call us Faggots and "Queers" under the guise of le reclamation. I wish there was a way to kick them out of our community.
No. 19424
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>be me
>listen to podcast interview of cool GC detransitioner
>host seems cool and mildly GC too so I put on her previous episodes
>mfw she has an episode dedicated to butch4butch
>mfw the entire episode is discourse about how it doesn't exist and calling yourself butch if you're not doing 50s butch/femme is cultural appropriation
>mfw the "there's nothing revolutionary or interesting about butch4butch so who cares" butch identified cohost says she's technically bisexual but politically a capital L Lesbian
>mfw she starts talking about how she was so attracted to her male advisor that she wrote an MFA thesis about his dick
>mfw they read a poem on the air about how she wants his tender cock to invade her like kudzu and circlejerk about how profound it is
Academia was a mistake. Reading was a mistake. Words were a mistake. Maybe it's good that I experienced the cock poem because I think it peaked me on discourse. I just want to live in a cave and eat butch pussy every day and never speak to anyone or listen to anyone or read anything ever again. Posting here because I don't want to shit up the main thread with political vents.
No. 19425
>>19416I hate generalisations about women that are supposed to be feminist or whatever 'cause all you're doing is being immediately hostile, telling a woman she must be a liar because [women wouldn't do that]. Well, they do sometimes, we're not all one big sisterly monolith. I had a bi friend who did this to me, would bitch about lesbians all the time then wonder why they might not like bis but as soon as lesbians say anything about bis she flips the script to play the
victim of biphobia. Online it's even worse, like I've seen bis bragging about pretending to be lesbians to convince lesbians to sleep with them because they know their reputation and laughing at being told that's false consent gained by deception.
No. 19522
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like clockwork(trying to bring infight to another thread)
No. 19545
>>19540It's not the worst book in the world. Reading it as a standalone thing is fine, I'm glad I read it because it's a cool historical perspective. The problem is just when people hold up Feinburg as the patron saint of lesbianism and treat SBB as a Butch Bible.
If you do decide to read it heads up it's very sad. Constant rape, I had to put it down a lot and take breaks.
No. 19546
>>19538There's a farmer in the radfem screenshots thread on this board who's been infighting for the last several days about whether or not calling out tifs for using female-centric websites is being a "misoginist" and cruel to mentally ill women. The screenshot above was the beginning of a long rant replying to everyone who disagreed with her.
I'm assuming this is here because it reads like she thinks bisexuality is stigmatized by both gays and straights, but it also looks like she's contradicting herself every other sentence so I'm not actually sure what she believes.
(inciting) No. 19556
>>19545Thanks for the insight, I'll pick it up after I finish All About Love by Bell Hooks.
>>19121I don't like how queer is used an as umbrella term when it was a slur. Some people are obviously not okay with it. I also find that people think bisexual is a dirty word, and lesbianism is even dirtier to them. They say being a lesbian means being a non-man attracted to non-men. I've never seen a definition like that for gay men. It's so lesbophobic and disgusting.
No. 19842
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“internalised monosexism” made me kek how do you people expect to be taken even remotely seriously when you constantly think exclusively same sex attracted individuals are the Big Bad you should be fighting - lesbians especially, so retarded. why don’t ACTUAL homophobes piss them off this much??? we aren’t the same and we never will be i feel no community with these people.
No. 20111
>>20105NTA but lesbians aren't incels for disliking how bisexual women who date men treat them, all the while complaining about these men just to put up with it for sex. Why can they complain about their dating pool but lesbians can't? For the love of feminism please stop watering down the word incel by using it as a buzzword and easy insult at lesbians like a tick. You're not slick implying lesbians are seething at these women just for having sex. As if lesbians are like jealous men for complaining about retarded behaviour being unattractive, please.
>>20086Bis on the whole honestly act like the men they date.
No. 20277
>>20275Your fucking knee jerk rage at the number 30 made you blind to the rest of my post.
It's only a concern for me because my lesbian friends, who are my age, are all married. The "gay bars" near me are full of bisexuals and I'm not touching sperm residue or setting myself up to get cheated on. I'm wondering if I just need to move, or if it's like this everywhere.
No. 20298
>>20275Nonna grow some pussy and some manners towards women who are not in the troon cult. She has concerns you don't need to kick down like that.
>>20270Please have hope, sis. I found my lesbian gf through mutual online friends when I was 32 and she was my first time as well. Believe that once you turn 30 and over, your chances just alter alongside you. There are older lesbians in their 30s/40s and older who are not married who are open or looking for relationship (understandably the older one gets, like 50s, even 30 will seem too young), and there also will be many lesbians like you entering the 30+ age as we all keep aging at the same pace. But yeah, you just need to know where to find those in your area, online and offline. If your country has an LGB Alliance group, maybe that could be one place among others to find based lesbians in your area? And perhaps if you haven't yet, you could also reach out to your married lesbian friends if they know other lesbians potentially open for relationship that you could connect with? Visit them for coffee or tea, have a good time and talk, and use the power of networking. I hope you all the best on your journey, dear. Don't lose your hope, even if the world feels like burning around us these times.
No. 20304
>>20298Thank you for the suggestions and encouragement! Connecting with LGB groups is a really good idea, especially to find like-minded women. I'll make an effort to try and network.
It is incredibly refreshing just to know I'm not alone in this experience and that similar women have found success.
No. 20480
>complaining about women shitting on gay scrotes>calling most ftm posters gay scrotes>shitting on ftms is punching downIt's so easy to spot ftms kek. Which is it? We need to stop hating gay men, or support them shitting on ftms (as if anyone recognizing ftms as cows is a man, such a cope kek)? Let me guess, you identify as a gay man while being a yaoi enjoyer, right? You should recognize shitting on gay men does not include ftms because they're women.
No. 20569
>>20549Most annoying: TIMs
Least annoying: straight women
I'm too lazy to rank them all sorry.
No. 20571
>>20549As a group not individuals :
tims (straight and bi)> bi men> tims (gay)> straight men> gay men> tifs (straight and bi)> bi women> tifs (lesbian)> straight women
No. 21373
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that twitter thread was so disgusting but true. Iv'e seen many bi girl like that, even one of my friend who told me she would love to randomly meet some perfect guy and have a family etc but with women she only wanted them as fuckmeat. I was so repulsed, bi girls are much worst for us than het girls ( and they dont pass on us STD from moid ).
No. 22337
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Is there a word for lesbians who behave this way? Because I hate them, honestly. Feels like pathetic handmaiden behavior. I feel like this is so common in radfem spaces. Every time TIMs in female spaces comes up some lesbian chimes in like "I ripped out my own eyes to avoid making women uncomfortable with my gaze! Please like me!". It's not feminist it's just self-hating and sad.
Also you know what? The homophobes I went to high school with obsessively policed the femininity of ALL girls, not just the out lesbians. It was nice of OP bow to their demands but without OP they probably just decided some other unpopular or ugly girl was a dyke too and targeted her instead. So even from a perspective of not giving a shit about lesbians it makes no sense to me that we have to coddle homophobic women because muh female solidarity.
No. 22719
>>22688>To say that she is the least desirable type of woman to other women and at the bottom of the food chain and it will take "at least a decade" to find someone… is she not drop dead gorgeous?IIRC, Kidology was raised by virulent racists who used her for weird, religious virtue signaling, then disowned her when she reached adulthood. Her scrote adoptive dad literally used to hang up pictures on his wall saying to kill black children. She really hates herself on a racial basis, and I think she relates to incels because of that. The "least desirable" stuff is pure delusion, she gets tons of simps and people calling her beautiful on her channel, but I suppose it doesn't mean much to her because of her past.
I don't agree with all her takes, but I feel sorry for her. I really hope she finds healing.
No. 25039
>>24964That sounds infuriating nona. I can't believe she tried to get you fired. I also hate how it's a fashion statement to so many women, it's just a cool aesthetic and political statement. But the second they see an actual honest-to-god lesbian, they're horrified and disgusted. And I know so many of these types of enby straight women who end up dating TIMs and acting like it makes them sooo lesbian. Like if the only "woman" you can stomach is a man, well, maybe that should tell you something. I wonder why being "queer" of all things has become so trendy?
>>25036Hasn't worked out for me, but I assume it has to work out for some couples. I think they key is that the bi woman has to genuinely decenter men in her life. The problem is that a lot of bi women still perform for the male gaze and are very attached to the "safety net" that being OSA affords them. So even when they're dating lesbians, many still fish for male validation and treat their lesbian partner like a cool accessory. If a bi woman can avoid these pitfalls and truly center women in her life, then I think it can work out.
No. 26134
>>25348Wouldn't that affect your preferences and how you're attracted to instead of what sex(es) you like entirely?
>>25191It's been awhile since I last read theory but heterosexuality is just as much as a social institution as it is a sexuality. "Conditioned into heterosexuality" is referring to the former. I honestly think most people would still be heterosexual even without patriarchy/misogynistic/homophobia/etc., but there would be a lot less women revolving their lives around men. I'm skeptical of the "comphet" thing but it technically was refering to how women are socialized to prioritize men in their life, even OSA women.
No. 26271
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im tired of bis and polilez clogging up our community with debate about our sexuality or retarded talk of "comphet". there's probably much less lesbians than there are women who claim to be lesbian. I don't know why people can't admit that being a kinsey 6 (an exclusive homosexual) or even a kinsey 5 is simply rare. "Social conditioning" is when you're a lesbian in a shithole homophobic country. I'm tired of women who hate themselves and hate their sexuality calling themselves lesbians and then proceeding to talk about how much they hate women. if sexuality is so malleable what is the point of calling themselves something that has a specific definition to it? (female homosexual). Lesbian is something you forever are, not something you become, even if there were 0 true lesbians that's still what it would be. I wish fake lesbians would create their own community with their own labels, I'm tired of their guilt about their sexuality being pushed on us.
No. 26572
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>>26248you are a lesbian or you aren't. if you are bi, call yourself bi, not "queer" or "political lesbian."
No. 31484

I hate subhuman frat shits. Look at the way this little smug subhuman sexually harasses these girls
ON CAMERA. But the worst thing about this is that these girls cave into it. I remember seeing subhuman jock moids be little rapeape shits to women in my high school years and still get a hot girl on the side. Theyd harass severly disabled girls, teachers, and literally every woman in proximity to them. It's still the same nowadays, moids just hide it better. I would slap the shit out of them if they did that shit to me though, I never cared about how many people were watching but anyways. Why are subhumans able to act like this? Why do I as a lesbian get treated like a sexual predator and moids who literally ARE sexual predators don't? What did i do? What is inherently predatory about liking exclusively the same sex to people? Like fuck every woman who treats lesbians as lesser but allows moids near them. Stereotypical "Chads" are the most disgusting kind of moid because they get away with every shitty thing they do AND get cute girlfriends (extremely naive retarded ones to be fair). So fucking stupid. Anyone who thinks looks makes moids different is retarded, they're all retarded rapeapes who love little girls. "Chads" are just more smug about it.
>>26700She's attempting to be "futch" too. So cringe
No. 31652
>>26700she's a coward and a hypocrite, she is personally friends with a degenerate who has proven to have assaulted men, women and teenagers (and even lets her infant son be around him), but she doesn't care because she 'knows him' better
>>31484what's a futch?
No. 31675
>>31652she's definitely a fame hustler. when I saw her in uncut gems I assumed she was some super talented actress who was doing some high level acting shit, but then I skimmed through her book and that was just how she was irl(she was a dominatrix and later a sugarbaby). I did feel she lacked a certain level of self-awareness in her book. sure the men she ended up with sucked, but why did you choose them? they were degenerates openly and on other hand the drug addled nights of partying just sound so sad and kinda pathetic but she makes it seem like those were the highlights of her life, it seems now she wants to invent a "woke" identity for herself and she's set to either become a
toxic boymom or troon out her kid for extra brownie points
No. 32309
>>31716I don't mind febfems, I have a lot of friends who consider themselves febfems and they're very chill. I try to exclusively date other lesbians but febfems are fine women.
>>31652>what's a futchMix of "femme" and "butch", I don't take the label too seriously but people are calling julia fox "futch" because she wears jorts and has a wolf cut
No. 32323
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>>32309samefag but recently I've been annoyed about how much kweers outnumber us. I wish lesbian communities online were more exclusive. "kweerness" is just annoying to deal with and hear about in popular culture. I wish we were just left alone, I cant help myself, I hate these people more and more everyday
No. 33988
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No. 34026
>>32631then it obviously doesn't apply to you
>>32323who's the second woman?
No. 34041
>>34026>who's the second woman?Julia fox, she's much older than the other girls. Iirc she dated kanye west and only came out as "gay" recently. Her "coming out" post was her just going like "teheehehe sorry boooyysss i like girls now!!!". Your basic attentionwhoring shit. These kinsey 2s are out of hand…
>>33988>queer studies scholarKek
No. 37540
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>"Why are lesbians so gatekeepy?"
No. 38128
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American Fakebian believes that MtFs gave all LGB people their rights during Stonewall…more at 5pm…
No. 38345
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Unconventional female attractions thread: Kind of controversial women, mid women, female criminals
Unconventional male attractions thread: Literal nazi soldiers, school shooters, dictators, TRUMP
Why do OSA women bring every normal woman down like this? Why do lesbians get shit for our sexuality? Why are we seen as the violent perverted ones who uphold misogyny? It's so embarrassing
No. 38394
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least homophobic bi woman