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No. 18144
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The myth of elevated lesbian domestic violence
No. 18145
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The 2018 "incel crisis" graph. The data is from the General Social Survey. The sample size of this data is too small to make sweeping conclusions. For example, in 2018, the sample size for "frequency of sex in past year" for men under 30 was 265, with 86 being non-answers.
No. 18165
>>18145If they want regular sex they should get married. Men act like being able to have casual sex is a good thing - it's not. It spreads diseases and causes pregnancies women either have to abort or raise on their own.
Also a lot of zoomer normie men and women are against casual sex and they're the reason why these stats are low, not the incels. They don't want to engage in degeneracy because they've seen what happened in the last generations(ex. hiv epidemic, hpv epidemic, etc.)
No. 18658
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Feminism is causing an epidemic of singleness and childlessness? Examples of rates of singleness in Western Europe in the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries. Hardly a feminist paradise in that time and place.
No. 18661
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In based trad 1950 USA, 34% (1 in 3) of women were still in the labor force. Definitely low, but I think most people are led to believe it was much lower, like around 5%.
No. 18662
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These graphs have recently been shared around the internet to make claims that zoomer males are becoming heckin BASED and (all) women are emotional and succumb to woke leftist manipulation propaganda. Even though the change in conservative identification is less than 5% for boys. And the change in liberal identification is ~10% for girls. The rate of conservative identification remained more stable, which suggests the increase in liberals could be a change in moderate or apolitical girls. 70% of girls still don't identify as liberal. A basic failure to read the Y axis and general statistical education in so many people. And of course there's no source provided for these graphs.
No. 18665
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>>18661In the 1940s and 50s, a hatred of mothers and "momism" became mainstream. Mothers were blamed as the source for many problems in society. Thus claims that retvrning to the 1950s will fix society are false.
No. 18669
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Many far right men want to scapegoat women for legislation they hate, most often the US Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration Act of 1965. A quick look on Wikipedia shows that men and women voted for democrats who introduced those policies at similar rates. The far right must blame both men and women.
No. 18674
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>>18669In the 2022 US midterm election, there was a 6% gap between men and women voting republican. This table from Pew Research shows the % of women voting republican increasing in each election since 2018. The claim from right-wingers that women are destroying society by being emotionally manipulated into voting democrat is false.
No. 19138
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>>18674Are women responsible for voting in Justin Trudeau because of his good looks? Yes I know this claim is absolutely retarded but it’s common. There are no exit polls in Canada but these are the “A+” accuracy polls conducted a few days before the election
Liberal (Justin Trudeau) vote intention
>Nanos ResearchMale 38.6%
Female 37.8%
>Forum ResearchMale 42%
Female 39%
>Mainstreet ResearchMale 37%
Female 34%
>EKOS Male 38.4%
Female 33.6%
>Ipsos & LegerGender breakdown not available
By the way I’m not saying it’s good or bad to vote democrat/liberal. Just tired of these right wing lies about women.
No. 19500
>>18165What about people who want to have sex with no strings attached? I'm not into relationships or marriage and I don't want to have to build one to 'deserve' sex in return. Plus making the point of marriage and relationships to be entitlement to sex is
an unhealthy mindset. Not trying to argue btw, just trying to understand your point of view and provide mine.