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gender critical and female politics
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No. 22093

Probably it's the first thread like this, so all of us nonnas can vent about all the world religions and about why they are all misogynistic. I don't believe self-censorship is needed here.

No. 22094

I was interested in Buddhism for a while. But the Buddha was a misogynistic prick. He got an existential crisis when he saw sleeping servent women and thought they were ugly. So he fled from his home and abandoned his wife and child. Wow what a role model!

No. 22095

I hate all religions, but I feel sad about reverend Tadeusz Isakowicz-Zaleski's death as he called out pedophilia in Catholic church:


No. 22101

Men invent religions to excuse the fact they love raping kids.

No. 22102

I apparently wasn't raised in Buddhism, so I would focus on Abrahamic religions, but critics of Dharmic religions are welcome here as well!

No. 22114

I'm still interested in Buddhism, but I cannot agree more on this. Scrotes ruin literally everything. On some small bright side, he stated that both men and women have the same potential in reaching the enlightenment, which I'd argue is a pretty big thing to say for a major religion thousands years ago. Still, that doesn't excuse other shit he said like this: "Of all the scents that can enslave, none is more lethal than that of a woman. Of all the tastes that can enslave, none is more lethal than that of a woman. Of all the voices that can enslave, none is more lethal than that of a woman. Of all the caresses that can enslave, none is more lethal than that of a woman."
Yes, sure, women are the worst offenders at anything. I fucking hate scrotes. I also hate how they all decided around the globe that sexual attraction is sinful in one context or another, and women are always "seducers" in their heads.

On topic of another religion, I learned about the Mount Athos today and apparently females aren't allowed. Yes, females, not just women - female animals are forbidden too.

Pure fucking evil.

No. 22116

lol no. you can only reach enlightenment as a woman once you’ve reincarnated as a man.
It’s like saying rats can reach enlightenment because they can eventually be reincarnated as human men.

No. 22117

I was also thinking about mount athos. Some women in America made a female only religion (dianic wicca) and the trannies cried discrimination about not being included and they even sued those women and are doing everything in their power to destroy them.
But if a trans man wanted to enter mount athos everyone would laugh at her and call her an entitled bitch.

Women literally cannot be in a room for a few hours without a male present but the scrotes get an entire peninsula to themselves.

No. 22170

nayrt. Where does he say that stuff about potential? News to me.

It's been a while since I've read buddhist scripture but I remember the bit about ananda convincing him to accept women as followers and him going "ugh fine but now it's gonna take a billion trillion more years for EVERYBODY to reach enlightenment".

The whole karma system is sexist too. Being born as a woman is inferior to being born a man, and you deserve the subservience and suffering of a woman's life since you are reaping what you sowed in a past life (this is why i'm asking you for more details about what you said). The whole "natural order of things" idea is baked in, just a different explanation than the abrahamic world

No. 22223

I guess this is sort of a reverse vent but I have pretty much ditched Christianity for being a Z Budapest-style Dianic witch and its great. Abandon mainstream religion embrace 70s radfem religion kek

No. 22231

based fellow polish nonny

No. 22306

Buddhism used to have a hell specifically for menstruating women because the blood was considered unclean. Look up the Blood Bowl Sutra

No. 22420

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I was raised as an atheist in a catholic country and I'm on the same path as you, it's comforting to find a spiritual belief system that is aligned with my political ideals (feminism and ecology).

No. 22555

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Sometimes I succumb to curiosity and pick up random christian paraphernalia like chick tracts and I am immediately reminded it’s an insane cult like all religions. I picked up these cards on a road trip through Tennessee this weekend, they were sitting on a shelf in a random business with some self-published paperbacks about salvation

No. 22556

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Another card set. If I didn’t know it was sincere it would almost be good shitpost material.

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