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No. 30600
A thread for all of us nonnas who were delusional enough to fall for the gendie propaganda and want to talk about it in a personal way. Talk about the funny, the infuriating, the lousy, the mock worthy, the chunnibyo, etc. Examples included but not limited to:
>Characters you wanted to look like or act like>Pinterest / Tumblr induced ""gender euphoria"">Bad friends or friend groups pushing you to transition>Internalized misogyny, nlog-ism, pickmeism, etc>Cringe haircuts and fashion choices>Nonbinary, agender, demi-boy/girl and other gendie ideology crap>Retarded labels and pronouns>Things you regret looking back on it>Why and how did you peakFor a more serious discussion about detransitioning, use the following thread thread:
>>>/g/230474 No. 30602
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>be me
>be depressed due to personal life circumstances
>read all of tokyo ghoul
>"Omfg I want to be kaneki"
>cuts hair short and boyish and wears binder
>eventually falls out of love with the manga and genderism, sells the volumes to a classmate
>classmate suddenly becomes gendie
>classmate gets female and male symbol tattoos on her wrists because she's committed to the cause
>mfw not sure if I caused this to happen
In all seriousness though why do gendies love kaneki?
No. 30606
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Post characters that made you want to transition
No. 30607
>>30605I really don't get posts like these. It always comes off as some anon high on her own farts that wants to play
victim blame game.
No. 30616
>>30600>thread picI miss when fangirls were confident enough to admit 2D is "sexy", rather than the autism behind calling things "gender". His body proportions are definitely male, a man that actually puts in effort is gonna look more like this than a TIF.
>>30602>why do gendies love kaneki?Tbh it reads to me exactly the same reason why TIMs troon out because of yuri; they're attracted to a fictional character type that doesn't exist in real life and offers a moment of escapism for the harsh reality of sexism and the way society looks at the sexes. For TIMs, it's because women IRL aren't vapid morons with zero social nuance that men can relate to/traits that anime girls have that draw in low value males. For TIFs, it's twinks, feminine men, and men who are open about their feelings, because too many scrotes are severely lacking in them/assume they're women and should troon out if they feel any less than macho emotion at all. It leads some TIFs to want to be the men that actual men are failing to be for us because they're on about trying to "become women" instead of trying to be better men.
>>30606I'm very thankful that puberty made it impossible for me to even consider the TIF route, and a lot of "TIF" characters are just pretty boys I would kiss if they were real.
No. 30626
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>>30602i never understood why tifs liked crybaby kaneki and this fagtard, is it edgyness or is it just misplaced attraction?
No. 30628
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>>30626It's interesting because Mutsuki, the canon tif, is right there
No. 30630
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>>30605>i'm the smartest person in the room heh… that'll show em…no way, seriously ? don't think anyone would have guessed without your help.
>inb4 triggered, i've never been been anywhere remotely close to tiffing out No. 30635
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I think a few years back when I realized I wasn’t a tif was one of the most cathartic experiences of my life and I’ll never forget it. I realized I was just a gender non conforming girl and that’s perfectly fine. The fact doesn’t make me a male, it makes me, me.
No. 30636
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i remember wishing my body was more androgynous as a teen and thinking this must mean i might be nonbinary. i didn't go full-on gendie because i
>a) did some soul-searching and realised what i felt wasn't gender dysphoria
i didn't hate my body and its sex characteristics. i actually liked the way it looked. i just hated the unwanted sexually charged attention my female body brought me and
>b) had more importand things to do instead of getting fixated on my identity and how people percieve me
even though i didn't fall down the gendie rabbit hole myself i was still very accepting of trannyism. it was easy to do so because i never interacted directly with trannies and their spaces and had an idealised view of them pushed onto me by intersectional feminist bloggers and influencers
>Things you regret looking back on it
i regret being openly libfem-leaning and leaving this impression on some women i used to be friends with. i don't like thinking that's how they remember me lol
>Why and how did you peak
i realised my acceptance of gendieism was based solely on emotions (be nice, accept people for who they are just because it's a good thing to do, not doing so is evil and bigoted) and decided to "listen to trans people" as they always say kek. as a result saw gender ideology for what it is and never looked back ever since
No. 30637
>>30635>The fact doesn’t make me a male, it makes me, true
nonnie. i'm happy for you
No. 30640
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>>30610This is the mentally ill bpdchan autist
femcel website. if you want normies go back to facebook.
>>30627Anyway, for me, it was being a tomboy. I've noticed there's two pipelines for the gendies that a lot of us ex-gendies fall into, and one is the one that has dysmorphia, or is discontent, or wants to fit in with friends, gets too much into yaoi… and the other where I fall into is someone who struggled to connect to female peers and was bombed with the message that she was "failing" at being a woman (kek) and transgenderism offered a very convenient explanation for that, especially as a black and white thinking autist. Oh well, if I don't "act like a woman", that must mean I am a man!… I was raised in a sexist conservative culture, am ESL, and got exposed to tumblr.
>>30600 >Characters you wanted to look like or act like >Bad friends or friend groups pushing you to transition it was fucking dave strider, embarrassingly enough. Though he came in late. I was so depressed I hardly ate, just mentally ill enough to believe in retardation like otherkin when the transgender explanation "made sense". Happened to have a brush with the homestucks and they enabled it. I had even picked a name and clinic to go to before I gave it up. I notice the want to be a man delusions spike whenever I'm depressed or smacked again with ~not acting womanly~. But I am now actually capable of stopping those thoughts for the most part.
No. 30641
>>30635I'm very happy for you
nonnie, it's one of the best feelings in the world.
No. 30643
>>30640>this is the mentally ill bpdchan autist femcel websiteLMAO if anything it's the stacy larper website, but going by zoomer lingo use of
femcel, I guess that's the same thing.
No. 30646
My retarded ass got into gendie crap at 11 and I seriously believed the whole genderfluid nonsense. Wooooooow, some days I like wearing dresses and somedays I like wearing pants and cutting my hair short. Totally means I'm half boy and half girl…so retarded. But I never wanted surgeries or even hormones, I was fine with a short haircut and buying clothes from the men's section, and I also liked my deep voice. Also, I come from a poor, religious, Asian family, so I couldn't afford that shit anyway. And I didn't want to change myself drastically because I didn't want my family to disown me. Weirdly enough, I didn't like trannies much. I thought they were too extreme with their stupid surgeries and how they wasted so much money on them. I didn't hate them because I wanted to be on the 'right side of history', and fit in with the rest of the lgbt gang but they just didn't sit well with me. In 2020 when the gendie shit boomed because of tiktok, I made friends with 2 tifs at school and I remember secretly judging them and thinking how pathetic and girly they were even though they called themselves men. I felt smug at the fact I was more masculine than them despite not even being a tif, and they also always told me how I gave them 'gender envy'. I actually hated other gendies, especially the they/them ones. I only went by either she/her or he/him pronouns. I tried to suppress the thoughts of course, because I didn't want to be cancelled kek. I dressed and acted like a roadman, so I hated the weeby, coloured hair, queer, neopronoun-using gendies. I remember thinking I was so much cooler than them KEK.
>Things you regret looking back on it
'Dated' one of the tifs I mentioned earlier. She asked me out and I pretended to like her back. I secretly hated her but she worshipped me and it felt goooood. I thought it was an easy way to get pussy. She'd always cry about no one ever seeing her as a man, despite me doing the exact same thing, secretly. In the end, I ended up ghosting her then breaking up with her because I was so embarassed to be seen with her, and talking to her gave me a headache because she'd always cry about her dumb tranny feelings and surgeries. Can't believe I ever 'dated' her. So embarassing, a stain on my life.
>Why and how did you peak
Found lc while looking for news on a cow. Lurked the whole site and peaked within a week. I guess it was easy because I was never too deep into it, and hated a lot of stuff about it.
>Characters you wanted to look like or act like
Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul, the dude from Blue Exorcist, and any other edgy dark-haired anime dude, but as a roadman.
No. 30648
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I'm too old to have become a TIF but in high school in the late 2000s/early 2010s my friends all had male OCs of themselves that they'd draw and write fanfic about. They'd have headcanons where two of their OCs were dating - like my two friends themselves were not dating and as far as I could tell didn't have any romantic/sexual tension between each other (despite one of them now being married to another woman), but their male OCs were. I started doing it too and spent practically all of 2010 daydreaming about what my life would have been like if I'd been born a guy. I daydreamed that all my problems with school, family, money etc. would go away because I figured if I had been a guy I'd be more responsible and able to take care of those problems. But the more I thought about it I realized that I'd have been a much different person if I had actually been born a guy: my friends, interests, crushes/dating, relationships with family and teachers, political and social beliefs were all pretty connected to my gender and I wasn't sure if I'd like the actual guy version of myself kek. After I moved out of my mom's place my life got a lot better and I slowly stopped daydreaming about my male OC. Daydreaming about being a guy was simply a cute escapist fantasy. I was glad I'd been born a girl.
Not really a former TIF experience but I wanted to add because gender exploration is nothing new.
No. 30649
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>>30646>'Dated' one of the tifs I mentioned earlierI like this paragraph a lot because you didn't censor yourself. Surely nonitas out there will judge you but if moids are allowed to think and do this, then women should be allowed to. I think that you're based and cool but you might be antisocial or something like this. Average women (even nonas here) arent usually brave enough to be this edgy kek.
picrel is just a twitter artist im currently autistically obsessed with No. 30751
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I had been going by they/them online since about 13 after being constantly being annoyed by pedos when I disclosed my gender at 12. I realized by saying I was a guy or nothing at all people would treat me like a person. Honestly didn’t realize they/them was a gender thing until I was around 15, just thought of it as a way to further anonymity online.
I hated my body and myself. I hated my birth name for as long as I could remember and honestly I still do. I came out as non binary online as a way to recreate myself. Never came out to my family though because I couldn’t find a name I truly enjoyed and didn’t want to confuse ppl by changing it constantly.
Eventually peaked after being in a space with a bunch of gendies and coming to the realization it was all game of charades. I looked at these girls who I called he/him or they/them and realized I didn’t see them as that. I was pretending and they were pretending and it was a stupid ass game of make believe. It hurt being called by my birth name and pronouns when I wasn’t in that space and people weren’t playing into my delusions. It was all stupid and it felt pointless to keep up the charade.
Funniest thing is that my favorite name was the character I mained from a fucking supercell game. I wanted to be Bo the buff eagle man who shot arrows and threw land mines.
No. 33518
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It wasn't really a character that made me want to transition as much as pretty goth boys and an idealized version of Victorian dandy fashion. Valentin Perin was the main one because I was a huge Emilie Autumn fan. But also Daniel from Cinema Strange and Rozz Williams. A little of young Nivek Ogre and young Peter Murphy. Thankfully I never really transitioned other than calling myself "gender fluid" and telling people online that I was born male. This was the 2010s so I felt like transitioning was never going to make me truly male. In hindsight, I was completely right. If I had been a teen with those feelings now, I would have trooned out. In reality I needed therapy for my eating disorder and ptsd from classi think my adhd contributed to my obsession with yaoi and pretty, effeminate men. I remember I wanted to go by Avery kek
No. 33558
I have a question. Now that I've accepted that I, as a woman, just want to be "masculine" (or just neither "feminine" or "masculine", but a combination of both without having to worry about which is which), but
also like men and women that are kinda like me in terms of femininity vs masculinity, does that mean I'm autoandrophilic or something?
Because I think certain "masculine" clothes are attractive when other people (male and female) wear them, for example, but I would also like to wear them because they look cool. Or am I just attracted to those people having good fashion sense? It's like wearing masculine clothes gives me what troons call "gender euphoria" but I'm afraid that it sometimes actually turns me on looking at myself in the mirror looking "handsome" based on what I find attractive. Or maybe I'm just so horny all the time that I'm giving sexual meaning to something I shouldn't consider sexual.
None of this means I hate being female, though. I'm perfectly comfortable as a woman, it's the external appearance that fascinates me so much. I think just going against gender norms is exciting to me, and sometimes it turns me on. Is that wrong? Do I have a cross-dressing fetish? Fuck, I don't know. But I know this isn't affecting my self-esteem or daily life, so it's probably harmless.
>>31844>>31843I think gendies believe GNC falls under the "queer" umbrella, but if you don't believe in that crap, there's nothing wrong with being GNC, it's not the same as being a tranny.
GNC simply means that you don't conform to the standards imposed upon your sex, but there isn't really a consensus on where the line is drawn between being gender conforming and non-conforming, because there's so many stereotypes you could be breaking. An otherwise hyperfeminine woman with short hair could be considered GNC by some. A tomboy that likes some girly things could be considered "not truly GNC". Where does gender conforming end and GNC begin? It's quite dumb. The more I think about it, the less clear the labels GNC and tomboy seem to be.
>>31844>I hate femininity. I also just think transitioning is just an insult to women. Like why do i have to transition to do what i want to do? Femininity is hot garbageYou've got the right idea. I don't hate women or being a woman anymore, I've realized what I hate is the idea of femininity and how it is, by definition, tied to femaleness. Femininity was made up for us. Why do I have to use the word "masculine" to describe things that shouldn't have anything to do with having a penis? I like wearing "masculine" clothes but if I say it like this, people will inevitably think I'm trying to be a man. I also hate how doing some things that are considered feminine or having some feminine traits makes me think "is this alright?" as if it mattered. I wish our society didn't obsess so much with categorizing things as either masculine or feminine and just let people be.
>>33518>Thankfully I never really transitioned other than calling myself "gender fluid" and telling people online that I was born male. This was the 2010s so I felt like transitioning was never going to make me truly male.Me too. Calling myself genderfluid was as far as I went, except when I really wanted to be a boy because of all the yaoi porn I consumed. It's not that I hated being female, I just really wanted to have a penis to penetrate men with. But I went to therapy because of this, and it really helped me realize that I don't have to be male to be able to be a "seme". Especially if all the sex I have is in my head, kek (I don't mind at all).
Also, I was worried that no moid would want an unfeminine gal such as myself, and that I'd never find an appropriately unmasculine straight guy. I was wrong. Although I'm still not comfortable with the fact that moids will always be attracted to me because of my "feminine" features that can't be hidden (when a boyfriend complimented my ass I found it repulsive), so I don't like dating anymore.
No. 33924
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>cringe haircuts and fashion choices
I don’t know the character in picrel, but he has the exact same haircut as I did for like 3ish years. I used to genuinely comb my fringe into that shape and force it to stay like that to imitate the animu boys. My fashion sense was awful and I basically wore hoodies and synthetic shorts 24/7 and occasionally wore waistcoats and woollen tank tops over shirts. For this reason and the fact that I’m kind of ugly I passed as a guy most of the time. I tiffed out partially due to the pain and humiliation of puberty, but mainly because my best friend (who was ironically a lot more feminine than me, I was a tomboy as kid) started telling me how much she hated the idea of puberty and becoming a woman and that she wanted to be a guy. We were already bullied quite a bit due to general autism and odd behaviour, but it was mainly me who bore the brunt of it because I wasn’t conventionally attractive, I wore boy’s clothes, and also I was a fucking retard who didn’t understand social rules or cues and would pick my nose and eat it and get up to walk around in the middle of class. They also picked on me for having two mums. Due to this and being so close to each other to the point of being known for being inseparable, we developed this sort of nlog complex that we were better than the other girls because we were kewl and unembarrassed and outdoorsy and tresspassy and they were ‘sassy’ which was the word we chose to refer to any sort of girly clothing, behaviour, or “stuck up” sorts of people who made fun of us. Basically we thought they were boring for not being openly weird in public. Anyway, so this bred a resentment towards the idea of being a woman or relating in any way to other girls we deemed as “sassy” and she especially became averse to the idea of puberty and growing up because of how much we’d made fun of it to each other when it happened to other girls. I hated when it started happening to me because for me it started a little before her, and I couldn’t stand the idea that my body was changing and the pain of it. We even cut up and burnt books we’d been given that educated girls on puberty and periods. I didn’t want to be a teenage girl or have to grow up. Right around this time, I was about 11, my parents’ friend published a book about lgbt shit and ESPECIALLY tranny shit, and she gave a copy to me. I used to read it all the time until my parents caught on and confiscated it because they thought I was too young for it and didn’t really agree with a lot of it, but the damage had been done and at this point I told my best friend about the stuff in it and told her that explained why she wanted to be a boy. I really really regret this to this day as I feel like I was an instrumental part of her trooning out and I sowed the seeds for it. Anyway, we got really invested in that sort of thing and used to watch YouTube ‘relatable trand compilations’ together. We used to use headbands as binders and my friend even got her mum to make us a corsety sort of thing to use. We became obsessed with passing as boys in public and bonded a lot over it. I was also a fujo (despite bashing them on social media lol) which I think definitely helped contribute to my desire to be male. I also felt alienated from the girls around me because of my masculinity and attraction to girls so it also came from this naive belief that I could escape this (and my male family members’ comments on my development) if I just became a boy. I never told my parents properly or anyone else, but she actually did and changed her name to a boy’s one at school. She went stealth for a couple of years until she met another vendor friend who forced her further down into the cult and introduced her to Twitter and social media. I snapped out of that shit once I realised that no amount of hormones or surgery would ever make me into a natal male and it was basically futile to pursue because my desire lay in wishing I had been born a guy initially rather than wanting to look like a botched up midget man with a girl’s body and patchy beard.
No. 33925
Not vendor, kek
No. 34758
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>>30606these two in particular
No. 34878
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>>30606Kek I wanted to be him so bad
No. 34884
>>30607>victim blameSorry but who forced you to do all of this retarded shit? Are people who get radicalised by nazis online
victims? No, they’re just gullible and mentally ill. Take some responsibility.
(replying to months old post just to infight) No. 35000
>>30751Feels like i'm looking in a mirror.
tbh I still go by they/them online and use male avatars so I don't get bothered by creepy men and only disclose my true gender once i feel secure with someone. Just a lot easier to navigate online that way.
No. 36030
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>>30602I wanna share my story too,
>Be me>Awkward tall horse and wolf girl, unironic furfag and weeb, very autistic>Hangs out with boys growing up, picks up their mannerisms>Always bullied and excluded by other girls for reasons above>Boys hate me because i'm not attractive or feminine enough>Life is a nightmare where i feel like i dont belong anywhere>Joins tumblr in teen years>Ohno.jpg>Only people who hang out with me are gendies online (aka weird girls who felt forced to poon out), some of which are really old and normalize trooning out and mutilation to me>"I act like a guy, i dont belong alongside normal women, the only people who accept me are tifs, theres no reason why i shouldnt transition">Classic he/she/they genderfluid identity crisis>Super cringy anime boy inspired haircut, hiding tits with baggy clothes>I'm a big transmedicalist and edgy so the troons who i am friends with end up leaving me for being too bigoted>Have a mental breakdown because i'm lonely again>This is not who i am>Starts getting skeptical about the trans ideology as a whole>Finds out about after it gets mentioned on 4chan, finds out about lolcow in there>Learns about actual feminism and talks to radfems online>"There are many women who feel like me, i'm not alone"All of this happened years ago when i was younger and i still don't have many friends, but the ones i do have now don't care that i am terfy so i don't feel alone anymore, it seems like every day more zoomer women are waking up to the ideology and embracing feminism, it makes me happy.