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gender critical and female politics
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No. 31248

Discuss how women should seperate from men at national levels. Avoid discussing impractical solutions, infighting, and off topic behavior.

No. 31250

Not possible as long as scrotes are alive

No. 31285

I see a lot of 4B stuff on TikTok, it really is mainstream now. But the thing is, normie girls are just upset that moids are BELOW bare minimum these days and the second males become tolerable again women will run full speed into sucking dicks again plese no BJ chan, aahh, dont….dont shit this thread as well…uhh…

No. 31290

If it's 'mainstream' on tiktok… then it's probably just another fad for them that they'll probably forget about in a few months. Those types are never into anything seriously.

No. 31301

no blackpillers. you all are fundementally doomed anyways.

No. 31302

and you think national separatism is possible? kek

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