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No. 36122

Yo. I was reading about comfort women and was amazed to find that, in 2021, a Harvard professor (picrel) wrote a paper claiming that the Japanese Military never forced any women into sex slavery in WW2. He also claimed that a 10-year old girl from Borneo willingly agreed to become a sex slave for the Japanese. He has also, to date, never apologized about this, and believes that North Korea is to blame for everyone calling him a fucking idiot.

In honor of this, I wanted to make a thread about this kind of blatant misogyny under the guise of higher academia. ITT we name and shame any and all "academics" who are guilty of this. Bonus points if you post screencaps of any academic papers they've written.

No. 36123

I remember some nonnies put together that an academic was pushing his NTR and orgy fetishes into his research but I can't find the posts

No. 36124

Did your picrel lose his job?

No. 36125

>ITT we name and shame any and all "academics"
So what's picrel's name? Makram Seyer? Google Lens only shows Korean sources and google search didn't show anything related with this name weirdly
Was it covered in English media news?

No. 36126

Nope, he's still got a job at Harvard.

No. 36127

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His name is Mark Ramseyer, it's in the damn filename, anon, c'mon. And yes, it was covered all over the English-speaking world and then some.

No. 36128

I think this would fit better in /snow/

No. 36129

>it's in the damn filename
yeah I'm not a mind reader unfortunately and from filename found the clue but misread it kek

No. 36130

99% of modern issues stem back to men inserting their NTR fetishes into things, academia isn't safe from it either.

No. 36143

did anyone see the eunuch archive stuff from awhile back? https://reduxx.info/top-trans-medical-association-collaborated-with-castration-child-abuse-fetishists/

also why im here, ive heard it said blanchard is a chaser but havent looked into it. does anyone know the evidence there?

No. 36730

>world's leading transgender health authority has been collaborating with an academic who had fantasies of castrating and sexually enslaving little boys

> Thomas W. Johnson, a professor emeritus at California State University-Chico who has lectured extensively on gender dysphoria and “expanding the transgender umbrella.” Johnson utilized the moniker “Jesus” on the Eunuch Archive and registered with the forum in 2001.

>One notable example is a story titled “Larry,” which is prefaced as being an “original nightmare by Jesus.” The story is written in an imaginary future where the law allows any adult to “sell himself or herself, or any parent to sell a child over the age of 10.”
>Not even halfway into the story, the 10-year-old child is put in chains and iron restraints before being castrated without anesthetic.
>During a physical examination conducted by the narrator, the child is described as “even more beautiful without his clothes.” The narrator is later described as sharing a bed with the boy and “massaging his little genitals.”
>Under his moniker, Johnson also encouraged site members to submit fantasies of castrating children in a dystopian setting wherein eugenics had become enforced by the government. The framework for the fictional world was drafted by a site member who called himself Erik, in a story titled “The Making of the Modern World.”

No. 37003

i feel like most “queer theorists” fall into the category of “academia misogynists” but idk if it stems from a hatred of women or just a general retardation and lack of comprehension of reality

No. 37004

It's complicated that, cause prominent second wave feminist's(like monique wittig)
It's a little more complicated, because prominent second wave feminists (such as monique wittig) technically also participated in the foundation of queer studies, spearheaded by focault, it was based on rejecting essentially all forms of established methods of analysis and even research, believing that those had been created by those in power to maintain power and any revolutionary movement would end up re-creating those systems(this was their explanation for the soviet union and why communist revolutions turn into dictatorships) so in a feminist example, radical feminists are not marxists but radical feminism uses marxist methods to address the condition of patriarchy(that men are the oppressor class and women are the oppressed class) a queer theorist would argue that radical feminism is doomed from the start because it is a 'cis- hetero-male' method of analysis that was intended only for hetero-male european workers and not for the globally oppressed classes

No. 37971

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>Yale course asks if black and white women can be friends

No. 37975

I remember there was a twitter thread about something similar where people discussed how most academics in the social sciences are complete losers who can't comprehend normal human interactions

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