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No. 3762
>>3760Well GC discussions usually develop naturally after conversation about certain TIMs and TIFs
No. 3765
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>>3763>>3764I was thinking about a GC Screencap thread, basically posting various old r/GenderCrtical and /snow/ thread screencaps regarding Troonism
No. 3767
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Writing to you nonas from my G*nder Studies class. How do I radpill my liberal teacher?
No. 3780
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Anons, what do you think of Harry Potter 20 anniversary reunion movie?
They will include everyone _but_ JK Rowling and I think that's stupid. That taking into account how Daniel and Emma both were screeching that they will never touch anything HP related ever again because of Rowling's views. Idk about Rupert's opinion over it but as far as I remember he stopped being an actor rather quickly and just bought a cafe, unlike the other two.
No. 3790
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Last time this board was around I was merely a lurker, but now I am back with a lot more knowledge and experience. I hope the future brings us many interesting discussions.
No. 3830
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>>3781> the seminar not so much but the lecture was based and talked about how women were not allowed to do sports because men thought their organs would fall out through the vaginal openingdid your lecturer care to give any sources to that statement, cause that is bullshit, its likely one of those things were they take a 1 or two statements by crackpots and try to present it as the common opinion at the time
See the American eugenics movement was fixated on the proliferation of physically and genetically fit white (i.e. Western yuro) families and culling of everybody else, so they extensively promoted the idea of female fitness and playing sports which the Nazis would also adopt as doctrine for their Bund Deutscher Mädel(League of German Girls)
This is why you shouldn't take Gender Studies, its a bunch of pretentious retards who have never cared to do some actual historical research
No. 3835
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My issue is that I hate men, like I really fucking despise them and If there was a button that would make every single man on the planet disperser I'd press it in a heartbeat but my problem is I also dislike other women
My dislike of other women is not near my level of hatred against men but its still present, see I view humans as truly magnificent creatures and a marvel of evolution and yet It seems everyone destroys themselves and their bodies for the same pointless small pleasures, acting like literal subhumans and showing themselves not being worthy to procreate
I guess I'll never fit in a patrichial society but I can never join radfems either, The uberwoman's dilemma
No. 3839
>>3830Uh, there's a whole lot of history outside the eugenics movement. And yeah, a lot of people have had stupid ideas about women's athletics. This isn't some stupid flukey thing "pretentious retards" came up with, it's incredibly well documented. There have certainly been conflicting ideas about whether or not women can exert themselves over the course of history – in the Victorian era, you simultaneously had growing interest in bicycling among women and women's colleges like Mt. Holyoke that mandated physical exercise. But you absolutely also had actual doctors arguing exercise like bicycling gave women dysentery, goiters, and fucked up their female parts. Google A. Shadwell's writing on that. Edward Hammond Clarke, who taught at fucking Harvard, wrote best-selling books about how reading too many books literally physically damaged the female reproductive system, and that exercise during your period was especially dangerous. That's literally just the start of it, there are thousands of years' worth of stupid ideas as to how moving improperly could irreparably damage women's bodies. Like, yes, eugenicists were interested in physically robust women (to a point, but that's probably not worth getting into with you). The Nazis promoted things like Leni Riefenstahl out on the slopes, being a strong proud skiing fraulein. How the fuck is that supposed to disprove the fact that plenty of men in other times and places argued that women exercising for their own enjoyment would cause uterine prolapse?
No. 3841
>>3840If I had to simplify my views so that someone like you can understand I'd say that I fill ill seeing physically unfit people, regardless of gender and race, for me just looking at someone who has ruined their fills me with disgust and even some anger
I also hate stupid people who think their smart
No. 3845
>>3841Oh yeah, "someone like me." God knows, we're all just hapless rubes who've never encountered someone on an imageboard who thinks selectively shelving their theory of other minds when they want to blow their unthinking disgust at "unfit" people into an intellectual pose constitutes penetrating critical thought. No one here has ever heard of r/fatpeoplelogic, or whatever the fuck it's called. Yeah, we're all simpletons unable to understand your grand philosophy, which I'm sure doesn't boil down to a skimmed Wiki article's worth of solipsism-justifying doom-mush that asks nothing difficult of you, slimes everyone you even slightly dislike for any reason, however unthinkingly venal or petty, as lumpenprole non-persons, and elevates every bias you have into transcendent truth. Yeah. This is all brand new to us, here on an imageboard full of women who have literally ever met an anime club misfit who bases their entire sense of self worth on being put into gifted classes before. I don't even say that without sympathy: I too was once an unhappy teenager who thought skimming Kant and Mencius Moldbug's bs made me more of an actual person that peers who were mean to me. But then I grew the fuck up.
I hope, for you're sake, that you're either male or a child. If you're a grown woman thinking this way, you need to be a whole lot braver in your thinking before you expect any intellectual respect.
No. 3852
>>3849What kills me is the utter lack of self awareness. Like unless you're some marathon running biglaw litigator, there are scores of people out there who consider you lazy and undisciplined relative to themselves. Since you're wasting time on an imageboard, it might even be true that most people think of you as a subhuman lol
It's depressing when women eat up this /pol/ ubermensch garbage. It's intellectually lazy, cut that shit out.
No. 3861
>>3841>stupid people who think their smartkek
IME it is always the dumbest people who say shit like this because they lack self awareness, they convince themselves they have a 200 IQ and infinite wisdom and have figured out everything in life but lead average lives like everyone else and have absolutely nothing to show for their supposed intelligence
No. 3867
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Does anyone here have radfem audiobooks? Sometimes I don't have the time/energy to stop everything I'm doing to read, but audiobooks are always good to listen to while doing other stuff at the same time. I'd be a blessing if anyone here has links/files/etc
No. 3873
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Where did everyone go? I feel like there were a lot more anons here before. Did some from the main site not get the memo that this board is up again? Or did everyone leave entirely and go somewhere else?
No. 3919
>>3913My view isn't that white western men are better, rather other cultures are far worse
patriarchal oppression does exist in the west but to say that Sweden is on par with Sindh, where young hindu girls get raped by Muslim men as a form of righteous Jihad and acid attacks are an almost weekly occurrence, its just bullshit and its testy cause a lot of radfems get offended by that fact, that other cultures are a lot worse
they always reply "all men are shit and we all suffer under patriarchy, so stop complaining" and then bring isolated cases and not a civilization problem that most women under third world suffer
I'd say women in the middle ages had more rights and freedoms then the vast majority of the third world today