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No. 37672
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I used to be a radfem, mainly because I hate trannies infiltrating female spaces, but what really made me hate radfems almost as much as troons is the way that radfems constantly try to equate anything that they personally disapprove of with rape. As someone who has been a
victim of actual rape, it's just incredibly insulting. No, sorry, but my brutal rape is not even remotely the equivalent of someone selling foot pictures on OnlyFans.
Here, for example, is a popular thread on Ovarit where radfems unironically argue that Lily Phillips choosing to have sex with a hundred men is worse than Gisele Pelicot being raped by dozens of men because Lily Phillips chose to do it:, a woman like Lily Phillips choosing to have sex with multiple men is TOTALLY the same as a woman like Gisele Pelicot being raped by multiple men. In fact, it's even worse BECAUSE she chose to do it!
Nobody trivializes rape and insults actual rape
victims more than radfems do.
No. 37673
>>37672Ill agree what happened with Lily is not the same as the years long nightmare that Gisele went through because of what her monster of a husband did to her. However, to say Lily was completely informed in her consent is also inaccurate.
Lily did not get those men properly tested for diseases. She didn't even know you could get stds via oral. Her ignorance is something akin to a child's. The fact that her parents enabled and helped organize the 100 guy challenge is messed up in its own right. But its not as blatantly, open and shut evil as what Gisele went through.
Im sorry you got raped. In a perfect world we would have publicly executed any man convicted of sexual assault long before you were born.
In an ideal world we wouldn't have stories like Gisele OR Lily.
No. 37678
Observing radfem behavior on this very site is what alienated me. Radfems will cry about "pornsick moids" one minute and post yaoi shotacon the next minute. They'll claim that they want to exterminate all men and cheer male suicide rates, yet they'll focus all of their energy on nitpicking, harassing, and tearing apart other women, even wishing rape on other women for not feministing right. The rhetoric that I see from radfems on here (and other sites filled with radfems) is even nastier than the rhetoric that I see from male incels. Radfems are a fucking joke. They are nothing but bitter, miserable
femcels. The best description of them I've seen is from a Crystal Cafe thread about Ovarit:
>I remember when they were on spinster and planning on making it. Tbh spinster had basically the same problem, you have these main pearl clutching terminally online losers who are obsesed with controlling everything bc their lives are a mess. Another spinster orbiting site was which was also basically exactly the same except the authoritarian woman running it was some 28 yr NEET with a xan addiction, so at least you could laugh at her. You can't laugh at these 50 year old tinpot tyrants, they're not even good as lolcows No. 37707
My issue with feminism is that it seems to be a distraction for what the actual problem is and just another way for scrotes and women to generate $$$
Radfeminism is the psychotic version of feminism, I stand with some points and sometimes not like:
>>37673>did not know she could get STDS via oralCan you please not believe that lying whore? She’s literally lying about not knowing HIV is an STD. I secretly wish she gave the men HIV instead. Yikes.
No. 37718
>>37713Actually most lesbians have HPV or some sorts. You’re telling me that celibate
femcels are the only pure ones? But lesbians don’t find them pretty, they’re
femcel for a reason. It’s gonna be a rough world. Ok I hate men too but to say all women are whores if they want to have sex with men just because they don’t wanna be lgbt is kind of unfair. Some just believe in adam and eve instead of adam and steve. Or Eve and Stacy.
No. 37736
>>37718>Ok I hate men too but to say all women are whores if they want to have sex with men just because they don’t wanna be lgbt is kind of unfairWhy are you adding your own words to something that I said kek
I said if they HAVE sex, not if they want to have it. I can totally get having sexual desires, but having them and acting on them are two different cases. I can be attracted to someone's body but acknowledging they're evil by nature and therefore I won't be fucking them. And what's about the lgbt part? Where did I mention ldbt? You can't "become" lgbt, I don't believe in political lesbianism, you're either gay or not. I'm not a lesbian myself. I'm bisexual and I never fucked men and it was by my own choice.
No. 37754
>>37750Oh I agree both men and women are evil and both are capable of heinous shit.
But I also think men commit the lions share of evil deeds. Also sometimes it feels like when women do fucked up shit they are actively groomed into doing it whereas men are more likely to do horrible shit independent of influence.
Like think about the
femcel shooter and her gang of nazi edge lord groomers (and of course the retard dad who gave her the gun). Without those men in her life there would be no way she would have shot up the school.
I'm not saying there aren't completely and independently evil women. But they are the exception and not the rule.
No. 37804
>Radfems will cry about "pornsick moids" one minute and post yaoi shotacon the next minute.Many radfems are actual pedophiles. Germaine Greer is a perfect example. Greer is a known pedophile. Germaine Greer published a book that was just pictures of prepubescent boys:
>Andresen, who shot to fame as a 15-year-old in 1970 when he appeared as Tadzio in Luchino Visconti's film Death in Venice, was furious Greer used a photo of him taken on the set by David Bailey.
>"Adult love for adolescents is something I am against in principle," Andresen told Britain's The Guardian newspaper. sourceGreer writes:
>Finishing the current book is more difficult than it should be, because I just can't let it go. Working on it has been the best fun in the world, because it is a book of pictures of ravishing boys. Ravishing pictures of ravishing boys. I know that the only people who are supposed to like looking at pictures of boys are a sub-group of gay men.
>Well, I'd like to reclaim for women the right to appreciate the short-lived beauty of boys, real boys, not simpering 30 year-olds with shaved chests. The real snag is that everywhere I turn I find new pictures of absolutely outrageously lovely boys, and it's too late to get them into the book. But I keep downloading them, scanning them and printing them, just in case, and just for fun. source
>A woman of taste is a pederast — boys rather than men. sourceIn an article in the Sunday Times titled "Pretty boys get Greer excited":
>"This book is going to get me into a lot of trouble," said Greer. "I'll be called a paedophile after this."
>Greer, who first shot to fame with her feminist tract The Female Eunuch more than 30 years ago, defiantly sets out to counter the argument that "everyone thinks the only people who like looking at young boys are gay men". "That's not true," said Greer. "I, for one, love looking at them."
>The twists and turns of the feminist icon's pronouncements have shed many of her followers over the years, but her interest in young boys may prove the last straw.
>Miranda Devine, Australia's best-known female columnist, commented: "Once you get over the hypocrisy of the godmother of 1970s feminism salivating over boys as sex objects, you are left with the fact that in promoting this book Greer is using the language of paedophiles."
>Greer, who two years ago suggested that Tony Blair "stay off" Cherie when she became pregnant at 47, cites the sort of young man who really excites her. "It's the billboard advertisement of a truly lovely bare-chested boy, sitting legs apart and arm stretched along the back of a sofa with the flies of his jeans unzipped just far enough to reveal the designer name woven into the waistband of his underpants."
>The book will point out how the beauty of the young boy has been admired from ancient Greece through to the Renaissance artist Caravaggio. In the 20th century the young male body once again became an object of beauty and sometimes desire — whether in the shape of the dancer Nijinsky or the actor James Dean. No. 37877
>>37804Greer's point in that book is comprehensible but it is kind of cringe (correcting the imbalance by going after boys…okay). I think this book reflects her position in the 2nd wave. She has a very different angle from say, Dworkin, she's more brash and less about trauma, plus she's from a country (Australia) where 1st wave feminism didn't really happen. Australians are massive degens (kind of like south koreans and other countries that rapidly moved from backwards traditionalism to full-fledged porn-infused cultures). So it's not surprising she's
like that in comparison to american or euro 2nd wave radfems, who spent more time thinking about sexual ethics. Her difference is what makes her works so interesting imo. And she often uses 'boy' for adult young men, she's always been a little edgy.
>Many radfems are actual pedophilesCitation needed
No. 37892
>>37891Nothing terrible. The energy in the room was just kinda off. You could tell that a many of these women are terminally online and have no political thought outside of internet radfem frameworks. Someone went on a rant about how white women were being attacked on ovarit for having opinions and I couldn't have rolled my eyes any harder.
I plan on trying out a SSA women's group soon. Hopefully that goes a bit better.
No. 37898
>>37895They are desperate because feminism at its core is politically orphaned. The feminists who think conservatives will save them are absolutely retarded. I understand democrats also suck but at the very least it feels like they are slightly more open to anti trust laws and not moralfagging so hard that women die from miscarriages.
any woman that cucks herself into believing the shit conservatives say is less of a radfem and more of a pickme.
Also them thinking Trump, the guy who fucked a porn star while his mail order bride took care of their autistic son, would EVER ban porn, is especially laughable.
No. 37941
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Like all authoritarian movements based entirely on identity politics, radfems spend far more time attacking each other than they do attacking the people that they claim to hate (in this case, men).
No. 37987
>>37984>I'm not pro-porn or pro-troon btw I just think it's easier to bring normie libs around to our side than it is to remove all the misogynistic bullshit from the Christian right.I used to believe this but it's obvious now both are just as hard. Libfeminism has been the mainstream flavor of "feminism" for decades now and it's only getting worse. Imagine the state of libs men when even libfems are promoting prostitution, being a bangmaid, gender ideology, porn. And they do all the things tradwives do, just with a girlboss cope. They aren't even delusional about their moid being faithful and moral, they know and accept that he's a lazy slob cooming to underage tiktok dancers. Both sides are shit, women are going to pick what's more relatable or useful for them as selfish as it is. Also, people not
actually believing in tranny shit is the default, it doesn't make them a member of the GC/radfem community. Realistically radfems are still very rare, it's mostly online discourse, whereas the vast majority of women IRL actually believe in libfem bs or at least parrot it without seeing anything wrong with it. We're doomed. I wish 4B was an actual thing in the West.
No. 38004
>>37987>And they do all the things tradwives do, just with a girlboss copeTradwives think God wants 12-year-old rape
victims to die in childbirth. Tradwives want to give up the right to vote in exchange for headpats from Nigel. They are seriously not the same. Libfems are retarded but at least they believe in basic civil rights and body autonomy. If you seriously believe that Trump is better than libfems you need to get off the internet for while.
No. 38005
>>38004>me: both sides are shit and difficult to bring around to our side>you: you think trump is betterAnyways, libfems want men to access women and girls' spaces, libfems think it's empowering for teenage girls & young women to prostitute themselves, libfems think it's fine for gay/gnc children to get sterilized and transed because they can consent, libfems think the porn industry (full of minors and human trafficking
victims) is OK, etc. Both sides openly promote pedophilia and misogyny. Most women (like you it seems) are in denial because that realization is too bleak.