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No. 5974
>>5971This anon
>>5967. I genuinely just want to coexist with other humans. Jumping through these mental hoops to survive is genuinely exhausting. If they're abused, they'll hurt people and if they're not abused they still will. You can't reason with them either. I don't even want to be this blackpilled but it genuinely sucks to not feel like can trust 50% of the population whilst your own half can often be complicit/afraid of speaking out.
No. 5979
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Well, since the thread was bumped I’ll throw in Derrick Jensen, like we were discussing, he was horribly abused by his father as a child. I tried to read one of his books but it was just too much for me emotionally, so I’ve been listening to his podcast, he’s mostly an environmentalist but from some of what I’ve read he tries to work feminism into that since he understands that males and masculinity are evil.
No. 6002
>>4319My dad and i'd say grandad but he ded already, i'm lucky in that they're the only men who've never been
abusive or cruel towards me and they're both good husbands/fathers.
No. 6005
>>6003It sounds like anon wouldn't want to save any male though?
>>5475You're describing my dad, but he manages to be even worse by having a drug addiction, taking advantage of retarded women and being on a watch list in my community. Let the purge take them.
No. 6220
>>5967this doesn't even work they just get worse if they get kiddy diddled
source: my ex who used soft, therapist type communication but was the worlds biggest coomer and polytard
No. 6221
>>5532that's really disappointing. id heard of van Der kolk being a problem but not Lundy.
they really can't be trusted
No. 7862
This may sound riciculous (you can make fun of me if you want) but I'm semi into prepping, as in I have emergency water purification, lots of MREs, and backup generators. It's for natural disasters and potential long-term power outages. But also there's that part of me that wonders about society falling apart and people getting desperate and violent. So, I also have guns and know how to use them. I want to stress that this is just one of the many things I'm into and it doesn't constitute any of of my personality whatsoever, like it does with many moids. Most people I know irl don't even know this about me. Also, I'm not a righty, if that helps.
To get to the point, I'm also married and the more I think about it, I would probably abandon my husband if the "shit" really were to "hit the fan." Pretty dead serious about this.
He gets too emotional and confrontational, and would never have the emotional control to talk his way out of a bad situation. He can only escalate. He would lose his head and get himself – or me – killed if we were confronted by hostile people who wanted to steal from our garden or take our stuff. This might not even apply to a hypothetical "purge" situation. If we were to get threatened or find ourselves in a dangerous situation anywhere, even today, he would only make things worse by being defensive and reactive.
He is big, and knows how to fight, and I am not big, nor I don't know how to fight. So I would be losing a potential protector. However, the risk of being tied to someone with bad people skills is far more risky imo than being on my own, with my socially-functioning brain.
In a "purge" (lol) I would be holding his hand the whole time to prevent breakdowns and outbursts. If I were with a group of levelheaded women, we could prevail together.
So, in answer to the thread question, there is no man I would save. Not even my own husband. I'd slip off into the night quietly, leave him with ample supplies, mourn to myself, and try to find women with skills.
No. 7882
>>7873You think because your daddy was nice to you that he is nice to other women and girls too?
Also "daddy issues" is a misogynistic term. The majority of fathers are
abusive or absent parents many of them even molest their children. But of course a pickme dick lover like you thinks it's the childs fault and she deserves to be shamed for it.
No. 7883
>>7873"Isn't it soo funny and embarrassing (for the children, of course) that they got molested by their fathers?"
-Bravest warrior of lolcow
No. 7887
>>7873>Daddy issuesNta but you mean having anincompotent scrote for a dad blamed on the daughter? Fuck off with scrote logic, void brain, misogynistic, pickme bullshit.
I've never seen a Radfem adjacent here unironically cite made up moid shit like 'daddy issues'.
No. 7888
>>7873Your “daddy” probably watched porn and made your mother want to kill her herself, but a sexist blaming
abusive fathers on little girls probably isn’t ready to hear that.
No. 7899
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i'm unrepentant.
No. 11802
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Brendan Fraser and his qt redhead son. Purely sexual
No. 11805
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his sons are hot, also Brendan Fraser is like six feet tall so his boys must be even taller, I want to keep their sperm for breeding purposes
No. 11821
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>>11817>>11820>>11805>>11802weak bitches, i bet you would be the first ones to spare a moid in the gender-war if he was cute
No. 11828
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>>1180516 and 18 years old
hopefully their life is better than their dads
No. 12291
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>>11828Don't forget Brendan has three sons, the oldest one is 20, autistic and obese. Kinda "brave" of them to make another two, I would be too scared to have more kids if my first was born autistic (well I wouldn't have kids at all but just hypothetically speaking)
No. 12356
>>12355The wast majority of human sexuality is
abusive and gross though, by the majority I mean heterosexual and between gay men.
No. 12357
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i just think he's neat
No. 14230
>>14184>"huuhh duuuh, cockbreath"Imagine being so bitter because normal people are leading normal lives instead of being some schizo dyke whose entire personality involves being a annoying idpol militant and fearing the bogeyman. Log off, go to therapy and touch some grass.
>>7882>>7888>thinks it's the childs fault and she deserves to be shamed for it>blaming abusive fathers on little girlsNTA and i hate the phrase "daddy issues" but no one is blaming the (imaginary) child, retards. They're at most blaming the adult version of them for directing their anger at strangers who have nothing to do with it.
No. 14233
>>14195You are literally dating your oppressor LMAO
>>14230I'm straight you retard, you can't be a feminist and date a moid. Imagine being so dickbrained that you think simply not dating a rape ape isn't a "normal life"
No. 14243
>>14233So, you are hypocrite, since you are sexually attracted to scrotes and perhaps have had sex with them in the past, lmao.
If you think other OSA women should follow the same path as you, it would be more productive to point out the risks of engaging with men rather than attacking them in a misogynistic way, that just makes you look like a edgy NLOG.
BTW, I don't even have or want a nigel, and the "normal part" is about living your own life in peace instead of reeeing at random women not being "true radfems™", like fundies when they see gays.
No. 14246
>>14233notice how they immediately call you a dyke lmao, these "radical feminists" hate lesbians more than they hate scrotes. Theyre so cock brained that theyll whine about lesbians trying to turn them gay whenever separatism is even slightly mentioned to them
"buh buh muh natural instincts straight women are bound to date men!!"
this is why 6b4T feminists think western feminists are pathetic
No ones saying moid daters have to feminists, just dont larp as one
No. 14254
>>14251Calling a random woman a dyke is more scrotey than calling a straight woman cock brained
The day you osa women stop being lesbo-phobic is the day ill stop calling you all mean names
>This is getting off-topic now so ill move this topic to the blackpill thread for now because i saw people discussing this there No. 14262
>>14246Pretend like it's not ~lesbian~ separatists who started this discourse and are the ones who most defend it today, lmao. Even among non-separatists you see crazies obsessed with who has or has not been "tainted by dick", like goldstars and the "no bi rule" ones (no one is obligated to date anyone, but saying degrading shit is other thing). BTW, radical feminism is not is not the only one that exists, it wasn't even the first to exist.
>>14254>Calling a random woman a dyke is more scrotey than calling a straight woman cock brainedWhat do you base this on, you personal fee-fees? Because you are “muh OpReSsEd” so everyone else owes you reparation?
>The day you osa women stop being lesbo-phobic is the day ill stop calling you all mean namesA lot of you are always saying sexually degrading things against het & bi women, bodyshaming and making “zipper tits” kind of memes about TIFs and calling gay men pedophiles, but dare someone call you the d-word back, lmao.
No. 14267
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>>14254I didn't call you a dyke, I called you a scrote. "3-in-1 shampoo," is common joke about men.
Also, nice Reddit spacing and misuse of greentext, bait-kun.
>>14254>>14265If you don't know why it's fucked up to call women "cock breath," then maybe
you're the one LARPing as a feminist.
No. 14272
>>14262are you dumb? like seriously dumb? i never said i needed reparations or shit like that i’m saying you can’t treat lesbians like shit for decades and expect them not to snap back
osas will never go through anything for liking scrotes, the word “cocksucker” has no material effect on them other than hurt feelings.
No. 14279
>>14265It's not about sucking or not, dumbass, it's about hypersexualising a woman and then slut-shaming her. Would you harass random SSA people talking about their partners to call them "buttfuckers" or "scissor sisters"?
>>14272> can’t treat lesbians like shit for decades and expect them not to snap backI respect everyone up to the moment i feel disrespected. And it's usually you all who attack bi women first anyway.
>has no material effect on them other than hurt feelingsJust like any shit I say here??? It's a word not a punch after all.
Whatever, i'm getting tired of this shit, bye.
No. 14283
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>>14279>i respect everyone up to the moment i feel disrespectedso why the fuck do you not understand why lesbians feel that way? hypocrite.
again osa women don’t go through shit for liking men
> And it's usually you all who attack bi women first by telling you guys not to date men? the stereotype that all lesbians are violent and predatory towards bi women is so fucking stupid. it’s perpetuated by tiktokfags and twitterfags who have never picked up a book.
the only reason lesbians shit talk you guys is because of how bad you guys treat us. and it’s not even because you’re bi it’s because you’re not a lesbian. You guys see us as men and it shows. To you guys we’re predatory, we constantly go after the innocent osas. and want to “convert” them to lesbianism. Like you osas assume everyone who is pro separatism is suddenly a lesbian. (proof: the person calling the opposite sex attracted separatist a dyke). you all get aggressive towards every single person who brings up separatism in a way that is fucking weird towards the lesbian community. because you all see us as predatory men. yet then you tell us we somehow started it?
> Just like any shit I say here??? It's a word not a punch after all.Except the word dyke has historical context, it’s a violent word towards lesbians, it portrays them as violent, mean, aggressive. it is used to actually cause harm to our community. it literally the shortened version of the word “bulldyke” (literally look at some of the definitions of that word, especially how people on urban dictionary describe masculine lesbians) unlike the word cockbrained and words like it. it doesn’t have historical context, it’s recent. “it sexualizes women” no it criticizes how obsessed they are with putting men over women. You all need to cope with the fact that osas will never experience any sort of bigotry relating to their attraction to men
No. 14285
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My baby
No. 14304
>>14283Nta but
>Words = violenceis literally a tranny talking point. And it doesn't matter anyway because you came in here calling women disgusting shit long before someone clapped back by calling you a dyke. Like
>>14279 said, you're slutshaming women and reducing them to sexual objects for male fulfillment, and that's inexcusable regardless of how delusional you are about how your sexuality makes you a superior feminist.
Yeah all the anons in here sticking up for their nigels and celebrity crushes are being cringe, but you 100% deserve to be clowned on for taking the thread to seriously and coming at everyone with your scrotebrained, misogynistic insults. Idk where the hell you came from, but please go back.
No. 14326
>>14283NTA, it's not about being "predatory" (it's usually straight women who think like that), it's because it's not so uncommon for some lesbians to bully bi women specifically 4 dating men (and sometimes, late blooming lesbians for dating them in the past), I don't judge
nonny for thinking that was the case here.
>>14310Okay, tradcath.
No. 14332
>>14330I didn't call you an unwanted femcel, I was just wondering. Ofcourse any woman can have interest and sex, having a healthy relationship for a woman though is as hard as it is for a man to have sex with an attractive woman.
You say you were blackpilled in your late teens, what age range are you now?
No. 14337
>>14330Nta but femcel isn't a woman that can't get laid, she's a woman who can't get a man that treats her right, which is what you are. Even the ugliest most autistic woman can get a bf but he'll be a weird
abusive ugly autistic man which she obviously wouldn't date, that'd make her a femcel.
No. 14347
>>14337So going by your definition, if a woman is in a relationship with, or married to an
abusive man, because she couldn't get a non-
abusive one, that's a femcel too.
That would be silly.
No. 14359
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These 3 mother fuckers, 2 of them are already out but I would keep them as crazy beat producing grandpas in a special grandpa tower. If they want to go outside they would have to run around with techno party lasers and sound boards bolted on them to make everybody know they are out in the streets.
No. 22081
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The da vinki twins. Their videos are so stupid but always make me laugh so I'd keep them as a sort of court jester
No. 22258
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If he weren’t dead and there was a gender war I’d sneak across enemy lines, kidnap him, and make him sing for us like a personal prisoner- of-war bard.
No. 22313
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>>22308Well then I guess I choose the guy writing Spy x Family because I want to know how it ends. After he finishes he can be executed.
No. 34607
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Barney Greenway. He supports women's rights and he's vegan. He has said some dumb "all genders are welcome here" shit at shows, but I can save him. I hate being attracted to moids period, but idk why I'm attracted to mid looking bribing mods.