No. 5255

not gonna lie a lot of these are cringe asf, like they come across as pathetic and whining more then anything
>>5254I don't really get the "message" of this song either, like she's saying she doesn't care but her actions contradict that
No. 5319
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>>5298Men have no problem shutting women out from their media. I wish most of us were the same instead we get shit like this.
No. 6087
Song about parasitic males
>He's a protozoan, he's just a filthy protozoan
>He's a protozoan, he's just a filthy protozoan
>The roads are dry and dusty
>The roads are dry and dusty
>And we're taking in the scenery
>Waving to the people in the fields
>This is life to me
>As far as the eye can see
>And you are dead, you are dead, you are dead to me
>I was twisted up in Cwezi shrines and you were the anomaly
>A conceited disease
>Time spent in foreign lands is a cure,
>It seems, and it triggered a change in me
>This is an unfamiliar strain, I have no immunity
>Ravenous and unrelenting, pathogenic and parasitic
>This is unclean and it has to be treated
>Parasite in the bloodstream: this is unclean, this is unclean
>And he's feeding, he's been feeding on everything
No. 6344
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>>5780Calm down, I copy-pasted the translation from the subtitles on the video.
No. 12706
>>12705not this again, listen I's an atheist and will be the first tell you that bible is a misogynistic trashfire, but the way so many radfems and libfems seem to talk about religion makes me cringe, first no one wrote the bible with a specific intention, the old testament is a collection of myths and exaggerated historical events of a bunch of iron age Semites, regarding Adam coming from Eve through his Rib, In various Semitic creation myths, the creation of the first man and woman usually comes from the separation of a single joint genderless being by the gods
Adam and Eve is just one variation of this common Semitic creation myth, in the Babylonian version the first man and woman came from a two-sexed being (male and female) that was joined at the back like Siamese twins and the gods divided this being into two as an afterthought, despite this there are still traces of original telling, in Genesis
>“Male and female created he them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam”i.e our first parent was originally both male and female
No. 12707
>>12706>not this again, listen I's an atheistI don't think anyone asked kek
>i.e our first parent was originally both male and femaleI'll take the christfags over the steam of consciousness that led to this conclusion
No. 12709
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>>12707>I'll take the christfags over the steam of consciousness that led to this conclusionIts not an opinion, most Semitic religions thought of the fist human being as a conjoined(though not dual-sex) human being, you still find traces of this with early Judaism, God did not create mankind, he created Ha’Adam(from earth) and from Ha’Adam (humankind) God made them Ish (Man) and Isha (Woman). its stupid but in a different way, you can only dismantle faith when you truly understand it.