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No. 5040
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Homicide is the leading cause of death for pregnant women in the United States
>Nationwide study published in Obstetrics & Gynecology journal>Data was gathered from the National Center for Health Statistics 2018 and 2019 mortality files >2/3 of fatal injuries occurred in the home, suggesting that the perpetrator was most likely a partner>Studies have long shown that intimate partner violence increases during pregnancy>Pregnant women are killed at a rate 16% higher than non-pregnant women, with black women/younger women being particularly vulnerable No. 5041
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Book: Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft is the bible on
abusive relationships. When most people think about domestic violence, they typically imagine thrown furniture, bruises, broken bones and rape. While these things can certainly be a part of
abusive relationships, emotional abuse is an equally damaging and even more prevalent act of violence committed by men towards their partners. This book discusses the many more insidious ways men gaslight, degrade and isolate the ones they supposedly love, making it harder for the
victim to leave. Abuse can happen to anyone whether they have low self esteem or are confident individuals. Our defense lies in education. We are not taught about warning signs and controlling behaviors in school. Take the steps needed to inform and protect yourself on your own.
No. 5042
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Podcast from the NYT: The Decision of My Life
>A New York Times producer, Lynsea Garrison, contacted women in different Afghan cities after the Taliban takeover to discuss how their lives had changed >An 18-year-old called "N" describes how she was cut off from higher education and essentially placed under house arrest>Her father formerly fought against the Taliban and shows concern over becoming a target, so he uses his daughter as a sacrificial lamb and seeks to marry her off to one of their members>N is verbally harassed by all the members of her family: father, mother and brother. The father and brother progress to beating her, sometimes on her genitals>She cleverly resists the arranged marriage through a variety of means, though not without a suicide attempt in the processA very harrowing but inspirational story straight from an affected Afghan girl.
No. 5043
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The New Backlash (A Primer on Transgenderism and Its Pitfalls)
https://thenewbacklash.blogspot.comAn excellent, comprehensive and nonconfrontational summary of transgenderism and why it's bogus. A great resource for peaking trans-sympathizing friends and acquaintances. Describes basic biology in a clear and simple way and shows how trans individuals' attempts to redefine biological sex are incredibly sexist, senseless and dangerous. Presents evidence of how violent and cult-like its community is along with many links to additional materials discussing how trans-identified males are invading women's spaces and using transgenderism as a means to further violate women.
No. 5048
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Only 0.7 percent of rapes and attempted rapes end with a felony conviction
Handy data when people break out the "she's probably lying about rape to get the guy in trouble" argument.
>These figures were compiled by RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network) which combined Justice Department National Crime Victimization Surveys from 2010 to 2014 with other federal data>This figure turned up again outside the U.S. in England and Wales through publicly available and searchable justice scorecards published by the government (>Less than 1/3 of rape incidents are reported to the police in the first place >Despite the incredibly low rate of convictions, at least 89& of victims report some level of distress, including high rates of physical injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety and substance abuse>46% of victims experienced "severe" distress as shown in a report by the U.S. Department of Justice ( which is a higher number than seen among victims of robbery or aggravated assault No. 5076
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The comic You Should've Asked is not specifically rf but it does deal with a prominent issue many women face regarding the "mental load" and how they're required to become a household manager, mommy to kids and their partner alike, often while holding a job as well. It advocates for men to step up if they expect to be in a relationship and start a family. I think it's a good one for women who may not have deeply thought about feminism yet but are wondering if their situation is unique and that it's okay to demand more from a man (and leave if he won't contribute) rather than taking on responsibilities alone. No. 5077
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You're Kiddin', Right? is a great Youtube channel by an intelligent and entertaining black woman who discusses topics like general misogyny, porn and transsexuals.
>This channel is an exercise in sanity, specifically, helping us maintain ours in the midst of, what I like to call, the Gender Fracas. We're subjected to such prodigous amounts of misinformation, misogyny and lies, it can truly make one's head spin. Or drive one to fits of anger or despair. This is a place for truth, however uncomfortable that truth may be for people who don't want to hear it. Here, we know who's female, who's male. We know that men are biologically distinct from women, that changing sex is impossible. No. 5078
>>5059Fantastic resource, here is a full list for browsers and I've added stars to those I personally think I good "intro" texts but feel free to add personal comments:
Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape by Susan Brownmiller
Ain’t I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism by Bell Hooks
Anticlimax: A Feminist Perspective on the Sexual Revolution by Sheila Jeffreys
Beauty and Misogyny: Harmful Cultural Practices in the West by Sheila Jeffreys
Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment by Patricia Collins
But Some of Us Are Brave edited by Akasha Hull et al.
Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference by Cordelia Fine
Doing Harm by Maya Dusenbery
Female Erasure: What You Need To Know About Gender Politics’ War on Women, the Female Sex, and Human Rights by Ruth Barrett
Gender Hurts: A Feminist Analysis of the Politics of Transgenderism
Going Out of Our Minds: The Metaphysics of Liberation by Sonia Johnson
Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism
How to Suppress Women's Writing by Joanna Russ
In Our Time: Memoir of a Revolution by Susan Brownmiller
*Intercourse by Andrea Dworkin
*Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Perez
Killing the Black Body: Race, Reproduction, and the Meaning of Liberty by Dorothy Roberts
Letters from a War Zone by Andrea Dworkin
Men Who Hate Women: From Incels to Pickup Artists: The Truth about Extreme Misogyny and How it Affects Us All by Laura Bates
No Visible Bruises: What We Don’t Know About Domestic Violence Can Kill Us by Rachel Louise Snyder
Not a Choice, Not a Job: Exposing the Myths About Prostitution and the Global Sex Trade by Janice Raymond
Our Blood: Prophecies and Discourses on Sexual Politics by Andrea Dworkin
Pornography and Civil Rights: A New Day for Women's Equality by Catharine A MacKinnon & Andrea Dworkin
Pornography: Men Possessing Women by Andrea Dworkin
Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools by Monique Morris
Right Wing Women by Andrea Dworkin
SCUM Manifesto by Valerie Solanas
Sex Matters: How male-centric medicine endangers women's health and what we can do about it by Alyson McGregor
Sexual Politics by Kate Millett
Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches by Audre Lorde
Sisterhood Is Global: The International Women’s Movement Anthology by Robin Morgan
Sisterhood is Powerful by Robin Morgan
*The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf
The Industrial Vagina: The Political Economy of the Global Sex Trade by Sheila Jeffreys
*The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
The Second Shift: Working Families and the Revolution at Home by Arlie Hochschild
The Sexual Liberals and the Attack on Feminism edited by Dorchen Leidholdt et al.
The Spinster and Her Enemies by Sheila Jeffreys
The Story of Jane: The Legendary Underground Feminist Abortion Service by Laura Kaplan
The Transsexual Empire: The Making of the She-Male by Janice G. Raymond
This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color edited by Cherrie Moraga et al.
Unpacking Queer Politics: A Lesbian Feminist Perspective by Sheila Jeffreys
Unwell Women: A Journey Through Medicine and Myth in a Man-Made World by Elinor Cleghorn
*We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
*Who Cooked the Last Supper: The Women’s History of the World by Rosalind Miles
*Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft
Women Hating by Andrea Dworkin
*Women, Race, & Class by Angela Davis
Writings of Sespursongles
No. 5079
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@herspective on tiktok. She does use terms like cis sometimes but afaik she doesn't really address trans people, majority of her videos are shutting down men professing to be "feminist allies" while mansplaining why women are doing it wrong, the pitfalls of liberal feminism pushing us to be more like men, and how men always prioritize other men despite saying they want to have a meaningful relationship with a woman.
No. 5267
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Just a quote but a hard hitter in the gender critical sphere.
No. 5272
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Warning Signs You're Dating a Loser by Joseph M. Carver, Ph.D is kind of like Why Does He Do That? lite aimed at both sexes but primarily women who may be uncertain about whether their partner's behavior is
abusive. Good for when someone you're concerned about complains "I don't have enough time to read an entire book!" A quick, approachable read that discusses common manipulation tactics and negative behaviors. I liked that he doesn't romanticize the situation at all and just cuts straight to the point by calling these types losers.
No. 5274
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Denying the Neuroscience of Sex Differences by Larry Cahill, Prof. at the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior at the University of California was a book that came out called The Gendered Brain by Gina Rippon, purporting that there aren't any differences between female and male brains. This was seemingly done with good intentions in the sense that she wanted to break down stereotypes that girls are inherently born loving Barbie or whatever, which is indeed false, however she chose very biased studies which actually hurt her aim. It ignores the fact that women and men's brains are inherently different which has vast repercussions surrounding physical and mental health. It also proves that troons do not and will never have "lady brains" simply because they like wearing dresses. I also recommend another article linked in this one:≠-the-same-sex-differences-in-the-human-brain/>Across a number of different analytic approaches, [investigators] found a striking and consistent result: The brains of women exhibit significantly stronger patterns of interconnectivity across brain regions-including across the hemispheres-than do the brains of men, which conversely exhibit significantly greater average connectivity within local brain regions (what the authors refer to as modularity). No. 5322
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>>5078Regarding The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf: on one of the main boards it was noted that a lot of Naomi's referenced stats were not credible and sometimes outright distorted. She also went off the deep end regarding conspiracy theories and being an anti-vaxxer. The book's topic and goal was good but not properly supported. For those wanting something on the same topic that is more credible, try Beauty Sick by Renee Engeln (PhD). No. 5324
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>>5322nothing wrong with questioning a narrative pushed by governments and institutions that routinely lie to you, like a patriarchal state gaslights and deceives you from the moment your born and now we're supposed to accept this new narrative just cause
No. 5350
>>5345Did you listen to the video? I just listened to it again today so it's fresh in my mind. She understands that utopian separatism (literal women's communes away from established society) is pretty much a pipe dream but she is for social separatism, that is, only interacting with men as needed for professional or functional reasons like going to a store. She understands maintaining relationships with a handful of male friends/family members if a woman believes it isn't lowering the quality of her life. Otherwise she thinks we should minimize the amount of male relationships in our lives and particularly avoid heterosexual relationships since they are almost always a big L for women in terms of safety and overall well being. She's even said if you're fucking a man and he's giving you orgasms every single time and there's sensual touch outside of sex, you feel completely emotionally fulfilled and safe with him then great, but for 99.9% of women they're not cumming, being degraded, emotionally disconnected from men who ditch them after the act, so what exactly is the point of continually seeking out or tolerating those relationships? You can listen to more about that in her video "Sex, Celibacy, and Female Separatism."
If you consider yourself a radfem, I assume you feel the same. I'm all for discussions amongst ourselves here but I feel like sometimes anons solely want to trauma bond, complain about the shit men put us through and infight as opposed to learning how to protect ourselves, improve our lives and help other women. That's my hope, especially for this thread.
No. 5351
>>5347I kind of get what you mean, I think you're trying to say it isn't feminist activism and I tend to agree that it isn't really like…
activism and probably won't have any meaningful impact on society outside of those groups. But at the same time if you are living in a community of women and are all helping each other and sharing resources I don't really think it's "not feminist" either. It's still at its root politically feminist, but is more of a personal political project for the women who do it than one that will change all of society. Also I really don't think a lot of the women who want to go off grid are gender studies majors kek, gender studies is mostly all about gender identity shit since most people on this board would have been old enough to study on a campus.
No. 5360
>>5350I am aware of this, in fact this was exactly I was referring to when saying this was essentially putting on a blanket in the middle of a storm, it seems pointless cause your still living in constant stress in day to life, the chances of you being attacked/harassed by men does decrease at all
>>5352>forming bonds with women, and creating a sub-society by only shopping at female owned places & spending time with other womenbecause its kinda dumb and doesn't accomplish anything
like if you think that tediously avoiding men will help you with your stress that's fine, but its not in any way a feminist act
No. 5365
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>>5356Planned Parenthood and other groups that help women with abortion access are great. Nothing that quite redirects a woman's life and potentially ties her to a man like a child. For a more international option there's which provides abortion pills (mifepristone/misoprostol) by mail. Contributing to any local women's shelters is always helpful too. Here are some feminist charities centered around safety, education and legal protections.
> - Protects Indian girls from being killed or trafficked, provides them with an education and financial support.> - Working to end female genital mutilation and child marriage in Kenya through education and health centers.> - National Women's Law Center. They use litigation to help women and provide grants for outreach services for survivors of assault (US-based). > - International network of lawyers, activists and supporters that reform laws to protect women's rights. > - A crowdfunding loan platform where you can donate money to an individual or group. As it's paid back you can reinvest that amount in another borrower. Available to both men and women but 81% of the borrowers are female and you can sort for women only. Many have a social impact in their community as farmers, students, shopkeepers, etc. > - US-based org specifically identified as radfem that engages in lawsuits to protect women such as keeping TIMs out of female prisons. Also provide public talks and organize polling data to help show lack of support for allowing men to identify into female-only sports and sterilizing children. No. 5374
>>5372Lovely, did not know that… thanks for the heads up
No. 5395
>>5078>Female Erasure: What You Need To Know About Gender Politics’ War on Women, the Female Sex, and Human Rights by Ruth BarrettI just bought this one a week or two ago, and its literally the size of a textbook almost. I can't wait to get into it, I just flipped through and its an anthology that pulls from several womens writings, including reprinting some old second wave stuff from the 70s and possibly earlier.
>Sisterhood is Powerful by Robin MorganAnother anthology. Its all second wave stuff, from before Roe V Wade in the US. Your mileage may vary with each individual essay, but definitely worth a look.
No. 5417
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Loving to Survive by Dee L.R. Graham is my favorite feminist book and what fully opened my eyes to men's hatred of women and my own internalized misogyny. It has a comprehensive focus on sexism throughout all levels of society, is well supported by many studies and gov't data, and is written in a very even-keeled way so it's impossible for sensitive libfems to dismiss as angry/hysterical/any demeaning adjective if they're even the slightest bit open to learning about patriarchy. It also actually addresses why so many women leap to the defense of men with such impassioned dedication, so I really recommend it for anyone who wants a better understanding of that. The base thesis is this: Womankind has developed Stockholm syndrome towards mankind, which is reinforced by their violence, degradation and the societal "captive scenario" they've created around us. It seems like a big claim but she supports it so well and there are tons and tons of quotable segments that debunk everything from the pay gap to domestic violence, casual sexism, who comes out of divorce better, abuse, the concept of femininity as a whole, and more. I wish all women would read it. No. 5419
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>>5417>Womankind has developed Stockholm syndrome towards mankindDworkin says something very similar in Right Wing Women.
No. 5423
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>>5419>>5417see this is what I mean when I state that western radfems have a clear sense of superiority over women
>um ackshually all other women women are living in stockholm syndrome and us enlightened upper class white and jewish women in academia are the only one's who the real truth, our proof is the work of other upper class women in academiathese parasites have never done anything for womankind, women who pump gas at a pitstop have done more for women then most of these losers, also stop citing a subhuman fatass who died cause of her own gluttony
No. 5440
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A Girl’s Place in the World anthropological article about more "primitive" societies and the roles women are forced into within them. Discusses how this has influenced modern communities and has insights from primatologists since primates are our closest animal relatives and they wanted to examine sex-based roles from an evolutionary perspective.
>Male cults would punish women with rape or execution for intruding on their rituals. They are found across cultures all over the world, from hunter-gatherers to agricultural societies. >Data on age at marriage across nearly 200 hunter-gatherer societies [shows] the average age at first marriage is recorded as 14 for girls and 21 for boys. >Marriage arrangement is a form of male coercion and a way parents can benefit by supplying the most influential males with brides.>Describes how girls are beaten by their families until they are broken enough to accept arranged marriages. Some attempt/complete suicide when other forms of protest fail. >Male aggression against females in primates, including humans, often functions to control female sexuality to the male’s reproductive advantage.>There is little reason to believe that there are, or once were, societies of primitive matriarchs, societies in which women predominated in the same way that men predominate in the societies we actually know.>Male dominance characterizes the majority of several hundred other species that, like our own, belong to the order Primates. >Modern advances toward sex equality reside on a “unique foundation of historical conditions, values, economic opportunities, heroism on the part of women who fought for suffrage, and perhaps especially technological developments which led to birth control and labor-saving devices and hence minimized physical differences between the sexes." No. 5447
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Male Aggression Against Women: An Evolutionary Perspective is by Barbara Smuts, one of the academics cited for her research on primates in the article above. She has bachelor's degree in anthropology from Harvard and a Ph.D in neurological and biological behavioral science from Stanford. This is a journal article but it's not difficult to read. Male aggression is typically explored from a social perspective but this is based on evolutionary reasons which should not be dismissed. I'm providing more extensive notes but I recommend reading the whole thing.
>Why is male aggression against women common? Why is aggression often linked to sex? Why is male aggression against women more frequent and intense in some societies than others? >An evolutionary analysis assumes male aggression against women reflects [sexual] selection pressures… but it does not imply male domination of women is genetically determined or that male aggression toward women is an immutable feature of human nature. In some societies male aggressive coercion of women is very rare, and even in societies with frequent male aggression, some men do not show these behaviors. Thus, the challenge is to identify situational factors that predispose society toward or away from the use of sexual aggression. >Male eagerness to mate, combined with female reluctance to reproduce with any male who comes along, creates an obvious sexual conflict of interest that is universal. Sometimes males improve their chances by offering benefits to females, such as food, protection, or assistance in rearing young. But sometimes males attempt to overcome female resistance by employing force, or the threat of force. >Many Old World monkeys form strong, life-long bonds with female kin in order to protect against males. Compared with female orangutans who are primarily solitary, they experience far more sexual aggression. (Female spaces and relationships are important while isolation is a risk.) >Female primates also reduce their vulnerability to male aggression by relationships with particular males. For instance, in savanna baboons, each female forms long-term relationships or "friendships" with one or two particular adult males. Males protect their female friends and their infants against aggression by other troop members. The female, in turn, often shows marked preferences for mating with her friends. (Having the presence of a man is a detriment to other men, as we all know. Male "friends" can also come to see us romantically or expect sex.)>Pair bonds (long-term, more-or-less exclusive mating relationships) that are embedded within a multimale, multifemale group distinguish humans from all other primates. This benefits women as it was often a deterrant to violence and infanticide by men who only wanted their offspring to survive. >In a wide variety of societies, women are particularly vulnerable to male violence, including abduction, rape, and infanticide, when they lack the protection of a mate.>Dramatically illustrated by… a Brazilian woman kidnapped by the Yanornamos. When men from another village tried to rape the kidnapped woman, no Yanomamo male would protect her because she was not yet married to one of them. Similarly, the Mundurucus recite a myth in which a woman said to "have no owner" is gang raped.>Female relationships are again shown as a deterrent to male aggression. In the black Carib community in Belize married women typically reside near their mothers, and if a husband beats his wife, neighbors immediately alert her mother. The mother's arrival, combined with the shaming gaze of other female witnesses, is usually sufficient to stop the beating. Interestingly, in this community even unrelated women will help one another because, they say, "we're all women and it could happen to any of us." (Female solidarity. Let's all make a pact to use "shame gaze.") >Even in the absence of strong bonds between related women, situations that foster female cooperation may lead to coalitions against males. In a cross-cultural statistical analysis of factors associated with wife beating, Levinson reports that the existence of female work groups was significantly associated with reduced frequency of wife beating because these groups afford women both social support and economic independence from their husbands.>In humans, the relative weakness of female coalitions is paralleled by unusually strong male coalitions… For men, maintaining bonds with male allies, on the one hand, and protecting related women, on the other, may often represent conflicting goals. If a man's daughter or sister is being beaten by one of his friends, should he defend her or ignore the beating and maintain good relations with his friend? The ethnographic record indicates that societies may vary systematically in this regard.>Men fail to support female kin because "most men are more concerned to maintain male solidarity than to redress the wrongs done to women." (This is why most men are not going to "save" you or preference you over other men even if you are related.)>Men face a trade-off between the development of bonds with wives and the development of bonds with other men; the elaboration of strong marital bonds interferes with the development of effective male alliances, and vice-versa. This tension between male-female and male-male bonds is evident in such cultures as the Awlad'Ali Bedouins, where open display of affection toward a wife results in ridicule by a man's allies. (Male relationships are often centered around the degradation and subjugation of women. Men are accused by other men of simping, white knighting, being pussy-whipped, etc, if they show empathy towards women in western society.) >The trade-off between male-female and male-male bonds will depend, at least in part, on the importance of male alliances in intergroup warfare. When these alliances are critical, men apparently sacrifice the benefits of developing affiliative bonds with their wives in order to maximize the benefits of male cooperation. In contrast, we may speculate that under other conditions, including perhaps lower rates of intergroup conflict and particular types of subsistence strategies, men benefit relatively more from development of affiliative bonds with women. >In societies in which relationships between men are fairly egalitarian and in which individual differences in male ability to provide parental investment are slight, men will gain less from cooperating to promote sanctions against female adultery, will tend to rely more on individual tactics to prevent cuckoldry, and will tend to support their female kin in disputes with their husbands. As a result women will have more sexual freedom and be less vulnerable to wife beating. (This is partly why we see women from poorer countries subject to more abuse and constraints - i.e. Afghanistan - than in others, because of the vast economic disparities.) >In societies at the extreme of this end of the continuum, often characterized as "honor and shame societies," high-status men not only refuse to protect their female kin from wife beating in response to adultery but actually beat, or even kill, their own female kin for this transgression. This act benefits the women's kin in two ways. First, it demonstrates the family's commitment to the code of female chastity and fidelity, which protects their ability to obtain husbands for their women in the future. Second, it prevents the need for punishment of the wayward woman by her husband's family, which would result in interfamily feuding and the disruption of valuable marital alliances.>In nonhuman primates, females rely on their own efforts to obtain food and do not depend on males for any material resources. In human societies, in contrast, women typically depend on men for at least some critical resources. Both evolutionary theorists and cultural anthropologists often emphasize the cooperative nature of the division of labor in humans: women gather and men hunt; men plow the fields and women harvest the food. What these accounts ignore is the widespread existence of sexual asymmetries in the control of resources, including food, land, money, tools, and weapons, that allow men to use resources as a means of controlling women. (Get and maintain your OWN resources separate from a man, always.) >In societies that are less powerful, women must rely on husbands for protection. Given this reality, it is no wonder that women prefer as husbands men who demonstrate their protective abilities by maintaining control over their dependents. In other words, women's adoption of cultural values that appear to go against their own interests may in fact be necessary for survival. (Heroizing one's abuser becomes a necessity in order to avoid even worse repercussions from other men, a la Loving to Survive.)>Conversations with village women indicate that they experience the threat of male violence as pervasive. Presumably the threat of gang rape alone was sufficient to make women frightened of men. As a result, women are more likely to obey men in other domains. "It at once expresses the subordinate status of women and the solidarity of men… It is the sanction by which men as a group keep women as a group from participating in the religious and political systems as equals. It is an overwhelming and supremely effective symbol of gender inequality.">It's often stated that men benefit from promiscuity while women do not, however this is a human development which occurred partly due to the threat of male violence. Nonhuman primate females are often both highly sexually motivated and highly promiscuous. >In a variety of cultures, women have had their genitals cut out or sewn together to discourage sexual activity; their movements curtailed by mutilation of the feet, the threat of rape, and confinement to guarded harems; their noses bitten off in culturally sanctioned responses to adultery; and their bodies beaten and mutilated during gang rapes considered a normal part of adolescent male sexuality.>These and other countless examples of cultural constraints on female sexuality support that male-dominated systems foster a kind of female sexuality that responds to male needs and desires rather than one that has needs and desires of its own. >If female sexuality is muted compared to that of men, why must men the world over go to extreme lengths to control and contain it? Women can gain important reproductive benefits from mating with multiple partners. Evidence from nonhuman primates and from women in societies with relatively few coercive constraints on female sexual behavior, such as the !Kung San or modern Scandinavia, indicate the existence of an active, assertive female sexuality that is excited by, among other things, sexual variety. No. 5449
>>5447I have always been interested the evopsych understandings of the patriarchy and cultural misogyny, that said I'm skeptical of using current primates as comparisons to modern humans, we split off from Apes around 8 to 9 million years ago, that's the same gap between lions and housecats, plus even when we were more "ape" we were hunter gathers and persistence hunters, so even in our most primitive state our social struture would have been more similar to wolves then either chimps or bonobos
though I find the latter parts about anthropological probes of different forms of tribal patriarchies to be fascinating
It reminds me of how there was also an evolution of misogyny in roman life as they got more and more Hellenized Ancient Romans (the Romans who predated the both late Republic and Empire) also had some fairly progressive laws and beliefs for their time. Archaic Roman Law allowed wives to divorce their husbands if they laid hands on them, and Cato the Younger (an arch-conservative of his time) believed it was more important to be a decent husband than a decent statesman. though I know many libfems might deride these studies as racist somehow
No. 5450
>>5449Thanks for your thoughts! I agree, the studies on tribal cultures are intriguing and sometimes horrifying. Regarding similarities to other primates and the housecat analogy, I feel like you still find similarities. That is, domestic cats retain a lot of behaviors you find in their wild ancestors, so making comparisons like that can be another helpful tool in determining what factors lead men to act the ways they do. I appreciated that the study never reached too far in making explicit links between primates and humans but also considered how humans have deviated from their evolutionary past. Also, while chimpanzees primarily eat plants and fruit I think it was Jane Goodall who first observed them hunting for meat in groups (chasing and killing monkeys) so they do have some overlap as hunter-gatherers. I've been meaning to read the book Demonic Males to better understand further links to human behavior.
>an evolution of misogyny in roman life as they got more and more Hellenized This is interesting, do you have any articles or other material you'd recommend to learn more about those developments?
No. 5452
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>>5450to understand the evolution of Roman misogyny we have to first understand Greek misogyny, contrary to our notions of continuous progress in social issues, women's rights and political and social freedoms have degenerated various times throughout history prior to the pre-modern age, Greek misogyny as we know it, seems to have come gradually with the mercantile greek city states who imported "civilized ideas" from societies in the near east, these ideas became the de-facto norm in much of Greece with the Athenian ascension(one thing you'll find interesting with many of the famous and 3 dimensional women in ancient Greece who weren't just simple wives or mothers of famous men, they were all either were from pre-Archaic Greece or from regions of Greece that were considered half barbarian, such as Macedonia which was influenced greatly by thracians and Sparta) women such as Sappho, Arete and Hydna, who were a poet, olympic athlete and a philosopher respectfully
similarly with Rome
>Classical Roman law did not allow any domestic abuse by a husband to his wife,[72] but as with any other crime, laws against domestic abuse can be assumed to fail to prevent it. Cato the Elder said, according to his biographer Plutarch, "that the man who struck his wife or child, laid violent hands on the holiest of holy things. Also that he thought it more praiseworthy to be a good husband than a good senator."[73] A man of status during the Roman Republic was expected to behave moderately toward his wife and to define himself as a good husband. Wife beating was sufficient grounds for divorce or other legal action against the husband.[74]I suggest reading "Debating women's equality" by Ute Gerhard, it goes more into the history of the fluctuating state women's political freedoms and why specifically Europe developed of what we might consider the framework of Feminism and not other cultures, also picrel if your just into the history of ancient Greek women
No. 5464
>>5452Great stuff!
>more praiseworthy to be a good husband than a good senator.If only more men still held this view. Mostly I feel lucky to be born in the place and period I was, but it's fascinating to learn about older civilizations which had decently egalitarian views and what factors contributed.
>regions of Greece that were considered half barbarian, such as Macedonia which was influenced greatly by thracians and SpartaThis makes me think of Adrienne Mayor's book The Amazons, where she discusses how Scythian culture and their nomadic lifestyle lent itself to cooperation between the sexes and even female-dominant tribes. I have less knowledge about how modern feminism developed on a worldwide scale (outside of an overview of the different "waves") so I will check out that Gerhard book.
No. 5543
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>>5464>>5452another examoke, its literally the oldest sentence written in Polish is in "Book of Henry" or in Polish "Księga Henrykowska" and it says:
>"Come, let me do the milling, and you take a rest"its about a Knight who see's his wife struggling grinding grain and so he tells her to rest and let him do it, its interesting cause it would mean that even a landed knight helped out with the house work
No. 5547
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Sage for OT, but has anyone else here been heavily influenced by manifesto-chan? The discussions on evolution are very interesting - she’s the one who encouraged me (indirectly) to learn about the application of evolutionary theory/psychology to women’s liberation, and I wonder if the same is true of other anons. I remember I found her posts in the MHG around 2018 at a time when I was beginning to fully accept the possibility that the origin of misogyny lies in the biological fact of maleness. I really miss her tbh. Wish this board was more active - YOU ARE ALL BASED!
No. 5549
>>5548>>5547Eugenics and social darwanism came about because males took the role of leader and healer from women. They misinterpreted and perverted laws of nature to fit their own goals and nature. Before patriarchy "eugenics" meant just respecting nature and letting people have quality of life. Like don't try to keep a deformed baby alive because it will just suffer and won't be able to have healthy kids. Or letting vegetables die. Or getting rid of people born with things like psychopathy. After patriarchy it became "kill anyone who isn't like me/I don't like".
"Social darwanism" came about because men have little empathy and cannot connect or collaborate effectively. So they come up with the rugged loner fantasy, even though in reality humans have survived and thrived because we help eachother. Males cannot even conceive of this kind of reality, they just see care love and collaboration as things to be exploited.
It's def biological, reproduction is war. And the censorship and lies about our biology hasn't gotten much better since the "big skull mean smarter" era. Truth I've come to is that men were created for reproduction, to be vessels for women to exchange and recombine X chromosomes between eachother. After the loss of parthogenisis, or as a project to make our genes stronger since clones can be wiped out by disease easily. Why is the male body so shoddily put together? Why is the y chromosome degrading? Why are all babies originally female? Why do men's pleasure part and reproductive parts the same, while women's are seperate (clit and vagina)? Why are they so obsessed with reproducing at all costs?
Men are a late stage biological experiment about to die off.
No. 5572
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This inspired me a lot. With the trans movement, porn, abortion rights (or lack of them), incel culture, femicides, blatant misogyny across all spheres and more, I believe many women are starting to experience that "terrific shock." I know it looks bleak at times nonas but have faith.
No. 5618
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>>5607Here’s one I personally like instead, otherwise I would need to compile a state by state basis of local clinics that need support. No. 5626
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It's actually pretty hard to find a basic explanation of what radical feminism is since search results are polluted with articles about how evil TERFs are. Here are some details and links if you're looking for simpler summaries:
The "radical" in radical feminism is not about being extreme (although it was/is often viewed that way), it's a reference to the Latin word rādīx or rādīc- meaning of or pertaining to the root. Radical feminists believe that women's oppression is "rooted" in patriarchy as opposed to legal systems (liberal feminism) or class conflict (socialist feminism and Marxist feminism), although they do recognize there is overlap between these issues because patriarchy led to them. They believe that because our current societal systems are fundamentally flawed and biased against women, we should support women in forming their own communities, organizations and grassroots initiatives rather than solely trying to modify existing structures. That being said, although they want women to build their own spaces, they have always advocated (and often succeeded) in achieving reforms within governments and other mixed or male-dominated structures.
More info here:
>Radical Feminist theory analyses the structures of power which oppress the female sex. Its central tenet is that women as a biological class are globally oppressed by men as a biological class. We believe that male power is constructed and maintained through institutional and cultural practices that aim to bolster male superiority through the reinforcement of female inferiority. One such manifestation of the patriarchy is gender, which we believe to be a socially constructed hierarchy that functions to repress female autonomy and has no basis in biology. Radical Feminists also critique all religions and their institutions, and other practices that promote violence against women such as prostitution, pornography and FGM. The subjugation of women is a social process that has no basis in biology or any other pretext, and thus can and should be challenged and dismantled.Excerpted from recommend the brief Redstockings Manifesto from one of the first radfem groups: of radical feminism's key focuses:
>Reproductive rights for women including abortions, access to birth control and sterilization >Breaking down traditional gender roles in private relationships as well as in public policies>Understanding pornography as an industry and practice that harms women>Viewing prostitution under patriarchy as the oppression of women, sexually and economically>Critiquing motherhood, marriage. the nuclear family and sexuality, questioning how much of our culture is based on patriarchal assumptions>A critique of institutions such as government, healthcare organizations and religion which historically center men No. 5649
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Another anon recently posted this in an /ot/ thread so credit to her, but I think it's relevant in regards to gender roles in relationships. I thought I was very into sex in prior relationships, but with hindsight and space from those individuals, I realized it wasn't sex itself but absolutely the emotional validation of being wanted by a man. It had little to do with my own desires. I have since discovered things that actually do turn me on, but I can't imagine trying to indulge in those things with a man bringing so many of his own concepts of what sex "should" be like to the table. I do actually believe respectful men are out there, but I don't want to risk my well being again. No. 5773
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>>5754This study from 2020 is interesting. It looks at older data (from 1930 and 1957) but shows partnered mothers who mainly worked part-time had the best cognitive function, followed by mothers who worked full-time, followed by mothers who were unpaid caregivers (full-time SAHMs).
Women’s Work-Family Histories and Cognitive Performance in Later Life ->Complex work tasks or stimulating work environments and social engagement have been linked with delayed onset of cognitive decline>Caring for other dependents, particularly when caregivers become socially isolated and less stimulated has been linked to higher stress and poorer physical health >European women who were older, were more disadvantaged as children, and who had had less education had lower average cognitive scores >Women who spent long periods not in paid work had significantly lower cognitive scores, verbal fluency, numeracy, immediate recall, and delayed recall scores compared with women who worked for pay, regardless of family trajectory. >Persistent exposure to work and family role stress, or the strain of managing both, might have consequences for cognitive health. Acute and chronic stress have been linked to cognitive health in prior research. Exposure can lead to negative physiological changes and dementia onset by triggering increased levels of glucocorticoids and neuroinflammation >Chronic midlife stress is also associated with decreased gray matter volume in certain regions of the brain, with potential maladaptive consequences for cognitive functioning Here's another study that shows less of an impact from being a SAHM, but it measured fewer cognitive abilities over a shorter period.
'Mommy brain' isn't a thing (Based on research from Valerie Miller at Purdue University)->Looked at three areas of attention: alerting (vigilance), orienting (moving between tasks), and executive control (conflict resolution)>Mothers and non-mothers were equally adept in all of these areas except executive control where mothers were slower but more accurate than non-mothers>Speed-accuracy trade-off may be beneficial when parenting, as children sometimes resolve their own conflicts given time>Other scientific studies have used functional MRI to show that women actually increase the amount of grey matter in their brains after having a baby (not enough research to determine how this effects daily cognitive function, though) No. 5776
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Anons who have brought up Dianic Wicca, do you have any particular books you recommend? I looked up Zsuzsanna Budapest's books and it seems like there are a few. Not sure which would be best to start with. I'm also open to other feminist religious or spiritual practices but preferably not ones that center around a cult of motherhood/fertility/childbirth, which is why Dianic Wicca's focus on autonomy is refreshing.
No. 5778
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>>5776I haven't read anything yet because I'm in the middle of exams but I've searched for PDFs. My summer reads are awaiting me! I think you'll find them easy online.
-The Holy Book of Women's Mysteries by Zsuzsanna Budapest 1979
-Lesbian Rituals and Dianic Tradition by Ruth Barrett 2008
-The Festival for Bona Dea and the Thesmophoria by Hendrik Simon Versnel 1992 [thi one's an article]
-From Good Goddess to Vestal Virgins꞉ Sex and Category in Roman Religion by Ariadne Staples 1998
-Women and Gender Issues in British Paganism 1945-1990 by Shai Feraro 2020
Hope you find this interesting!
No. 5788
>>5778Thanks very much
nonny! These look great.
No. 6027
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For U.S. anons, since Roe v. Wade has been overturned:
Remember to stock up on Plan B. If it's expensive at your local pharmacy, the generic medication (Levonorgestrel) is only $17 online. You can order it here: - Explains how you can get access to the abortion pill (Mifepristone and Misoprostol) via mail based on your state.
Further information about abortion clinics:
https://www.ineedana.comResources and chat support about abortions and miscarriages: No. 6028
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>>6027For those who would like to support American women getting access to abortions, as has been stated earlier in this thread, Planned Parenthood has pivoted away from focusing on women and more towards supporting children transitioning. A better alternative are abortion funds, which are groups which provide women who cannot afford to get abortions on their own with the travel and medical funds needed to do so.
WRRAP - Women's Reproductive Rights Assistance Project
https://wrrap.orgBrigid Alliance
https://brigidalliance.orgIndigenous Women Rising (For indigenous and undocumented women) groups above provide support across the country. There also additional state-specific abortion funds you can find here: No. 6070
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I posted this in a previous threads but it seems a better fit here, Satanic Feminism
It's a book that examines association of Satan and specifically lucifer as the liberator of women, from the 11th century many patriarchal church figures built up this association of women being the "natural followers of Satan"(cause of eve) and of course this was meant with negative conations, however in the 19th century certain proto-feminists performed counter-readings of these misogynist traditions
Lucifer was reconceptualized as a liberator of womankind, and Eve became a heroine. In these reimagining's, Satan is a beautiful man with a knightly-essence(this isn't even out of nowhere either, Satan was supposed to be the most beautiful out of all the angels) fighting against an unjust God and his male male priests
This wasn't a global phenomena of course, it was exclusively in the Anglosphere and lasted only to the early 20th century before fizzling out, it also requires context of the various esoteric movements that were popular at that time, including Romantic Satanism or luciferianism(a recontextualization of how lucifer was presented in Christianity) which Satanic Feminism is a sub-sect of essentially
Its interesting right, women had these feminist ideas and knew the system was fucked up but didn't have the correct discourse to talk about the issues, It was Marxist feminism that eventually became the ground-work of the many radfem positions we have today
No. 6076
>>6070I can’t wait to read this,
nonny. When reading Genesis as a kid I had this thought come up that maybe Satan was the good guy kek
No. 6079
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>>6076Satan is a combination of various entities hc'd as one being by early Christian authors and later picked by Muslims, the snake in the Garden of Eden, The Angel that challenged God's most faithful servant Job and Lucifer Morningstar who rebelled against God, all leading to a being with confusing characterizations
No. 6196
>>6195i don't have the link you're talking about but you can find everything she's written for download on libgen plus i think a lot of them are on that french radfem site "feministes radicales"
libgen has a funny outdated ui, just search whatever book and/or author you want, click a title with the file type you want, then once on the page for the book click the hyperlink of the book title to go to a dl page
No. 6391
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Looking for radfem resources about radical feminism in Japan and South Korea. Thank you nonnies.
No. 6638
>>6442Take what people write in the MTF thread with a grain of salt unless there's a source attached. People in there write things like MTFs can't get raped and if they do, they enjoy it anyway, which is deranged and nonsensical regardless of whatever fantasies people find on r/MTF.
Regarding your actual topic, I haven't found anything on sex offenders lying about child abuse in particular, but sex offenders do just lie in general.
> Sex offenders comprise a group that is particularly notorious for socially desirable responding. This should come as no surprise. Given the fear, disgust, and condemnation that sex offenders evoke in others, it is not always in their best interest to be honest and self-disclosing about either their illegal sexual acts or their deviant sexual preferences. Indeed, they often face an irresolvable bind in forensic evaluations: Honest disclosing of the extent of sexual deviance can result in criminal sanctions and further punishment. one notes there's a discrepancy between self-report rates of sex abuse and self-description of sex abuse. Ignore the polygraph shit, they don't work.
> The use of emotionally-laden terminology may also influence the proportion of child sex offenders that discloses experiences of childhood victimisation. A study by Simons et al. (cited in Simons 2007) found that 30 percent of child sex offenders responded in the affirmative to the question ‘have you been sexually abused?’ Descriptions of the act of sexual abuse, however, produced prevalence rates of 58 percent (Simons 2007). As Simons (2007) argues, this finding may be due to male child sex offenders being reluctant to disclose histories of sexual abuse due to shame, or perceiving the abuse as consensual. This may be particularly the case if the abuser was female (Simons 2007). It should be noted, however, that the reverse may also sometimes be the case; that is, child sex offenders may exaggerate claims of childhood victimisation ‘to justify their offending or to elicit sympathy from therapists, courts, and parole board members’ (Simons 2007: 61). No. 6689
>>6638> People in there write things like MTFs can't get raped and if they do, they enjoy itKek what thread have you been reading? ESL? Maybe try actually reading the thread kek. I’ve only seen people post that most troons are potential rapists who claim to fear being assaulted by men in single sex spaces but want women to accept them, men, in their single sex spaces, while refusing to accept that women have the same right to fear males like mtfs. That or that troons will lie about rape/victimisation to larp harder as a women since they know it is one of the crimes which are mostly female
victims, as it adds an element of fetish to their fetish larp. Look at mtfs like Jake Alley or Yaniv, etc.
No. 6692
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>>6638It's a common tactic for men to claim worse treatment then women to distract from tackling male violence and sexism in culture and society, so they will exagerate claims to match what they believe women claim either to deflect and excuse the lack of care they have about certain issues, or to try and be like "See, it happens to me too, therefore I am totally a vulerable woman as well!" with the claim being either real or fake depending on the accuser (straight ones are usually lying and have a kink for assault as we've seen with the troons wishing to be a part of rape
victim subreddits with no history of assault and usually being straight, or the ones asking to be placed in womens rape shelters and gloating that they will be walking around with their dick out). Like the troons who have posted in the mtf thread calling anons the real paedophiles for saying troons are predators who prey on children because they are talking about children being preyed on kek. It's the typical male DARVO of actual
victims. Men like to claim harassment the same as women to deflect or excuse or larp because men don't fear it the same way women do. You must remember, a lot of straight mtfs and even some of the gay ones are incel men. Men will claim that wanting men out of womens single-sex spaces is assault eg. picrel the referred to Jake Alley, because men don't fear actual assault and treat it blasely the same way they do when coining terms like 'divorce rape'.
No. 6693
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>>6692The man posting these fears of victimisation and genital inspections? Picrel, often privileged fat white incel guys since the majority of mtfs aren't the actually pitiful gay men who have been abused like used to be the case before. It's part of their fantasy. This is what women are like, right? Is what they're thinking.
No. 6920
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>>6812>>6916>I'm convinced the way our society is so completely structured after the male that our biggest help to combating sexism is learning as much about our bodies as we can.AYRT here. Yes, I totally agree!! That's why I want to work on this idea. Thank you for sharing this, I'll make sure it gets into the document I'm working on; I want to make sure it's thorough and has links to scientific articles/studies to back it all up.
It also reminded me that many women have insomnia before their periods/ovulation due to the hormonal shifts, although I'm still not sure what the best treatment for this issue is because I've yet to find something that works for me.
Maybe I should make a thread for this so we can keep it all in one place? (I've never made a thread before and I'm afraid to try but I'm willing to do it if there's any interest at all.)
No. 6921
>>6916thanks nona that sounds interesting, i will try and find some more on this. it made me think of how the recent intermittent fasting craze, touted by male influencers, turned out to make a lot of women's periods go haywire. i constantly notice how society is designed for male bodies over female. the fact they've only
just started using female-focused crash test dummies this year is a perfect example. medical research has always been conducted with men as the basis for clinical studies and women's reproductive health is chronically underfunded, misunderstood and ignored. educating ourselves on this as much as possible is a self-directed feminist act.
No. 6948
>>6916wow, i had no idea that was even a thing. it's insane how little women know about our own biology. i've definitely noticed that depending on whether or not i've had my period yet i have an easier time losing weight or i feel less hungry.
>>6920if you made a thread i would definitely be interested!
No. 6981
>>6948>>6951>>6920I'm off for Xmas break this week so I'll try and get a thread together so I can stop shitting this one up.
Thank you for the interest!
No. 19752
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forgive the necro but I wasn't sure of the best place to post this. I've been a radical feminist for years now and recently got back in touch with a woman I was close with circa 2016. she's still, to my dismay, a complete gendie and recently "came out" as trans. she knows I'm RF and is surprisingly is open to learning more about the ideology. I told her I'd make her a little list of resources but it's been a week and my brain is refusing to cooperate (pms I think) despite the fact that I used to be quite the theory nerd and discovered RF thru Marxist feminist spaces (she is currently in her Marxism phase). seeing as how I'm not on places like fb or Twitter I've come here to beg u nonas for suggestions. I'm also very eager to peak her but have no experience doing so, let alone even being friends with gender-likers. obvious names that come to mind are Kollontai, Dworkin, Firestone and MacKinnon, but I'm struggling with actual pieces by them to suggest. she's kinda male identified–are there any notable leftist men who have written on the subject of feminism/sex class/gender criticalism? I guess I'm also worried that I'll scare her off it entirely bc we all know how touchy TRAs can be about things they think are ~transphobic~. apologies in advance for my rambling. accepting any and all suggestions, please halp me
No. 19753
>>19752Firestone's major work was 'The Dialectic of Sex', which tries applying socialist theory to women's issues. I'd tell her to ignore the Freudianism in it (it's from the 60s after all). Firestone is an engaging writer and she brings up issues of hetero-coupling quite accurately for a non-separatist het woman.
One modern book that's not radical but may be important is "Gendered Brain: The New Neuroscience that Shatters the Myth of the Female Brain." Many of the more scientifically minded trans activists try to explain cross-gender identity through brain sex, which should be a falsifiable notion. Learning about the significant methodological struggles in studying "brain sex" should put a serious dent in any theory of "female brains in male bodies" and vice versa.
If she's open to books that are more explicitly critical of gender identity and self-id, I recommend "On the Meaning of Sex: Thoughts about the New Definition of Woman." It's quite new and it comes from a Swedish perspective, not an American or UK one. The author doesn't do the cringy ovarit thing of talking about "cocks in frocks" or "men who put a bit of lippie one" and instead takes a mostly neutral, detached tone throughout. She is a Swedish feminist, so she is not famous in the English-speaking world and your friend won't have any knee-jerk reactions to her (compared to books by Helen Joyce or Kathleen Stock).
No. 19754
>>19752>>19753Double post, but you mention she's "male-identified." One way to neatly bring up that male violence is an issue that predates culture is pointing out how common male violence is not just across the world, but across primates. Evolutionary biologists Richard Wrangham and some other dude wrote "Demonic Males" about how male Great apes are violent not only against other male apes, but against female apes too. Richard Wrangham seems to be against violence against women but he's not a feminist. There's also "The Bonobo Sisterhood," about the importance of female solidarity in the face of male violence.
You should think of a particular issue you want to talk to her about. "Gender identity isn't real and is making it harder for us to talk about sex" is going to be a hard sell for most people because we've had years, of propaganda telling us that trans people are the gender they say they are and that it is equivalent to a hate crime to bring up their sex in any meaningful way outside of their transition needs. Women are especially likely to relate to people they're told are vulnerable
victims of male violence, and the "trans women are the most vulnerable population on the planet" meme has been extremely effective in convincing women that they need to go mama bear on anyone who MTFs feel bad.
The pillars of the critique of institutionalizing "self-reported gender identity" are as follows. You should focus on getting her to internalize these pillars before moving to a more direct criticism:
1. It is not just culture that affects sexed beings, but our bodies. There is an unequal burden of reproduction such that one half of the population can walk away and another is tied down for at least several years. Recommended reading: "Ejaculate Responsibly." Short, no-nonsense book on why treating women as responsible for reproduction is unfair and impractical. For other aspects on how female embodiment affects women, try "Period. End of Sentence.: A New Chapter in the Fight for Menstrual Justice", another short book on how period shame causes millions of girls to miss out on education, work, and power. Finally, there is the difference in physical strength between men and women. I can't think of any books that address this, so you may have to do some searching yourself, but a lot of gendies are in denial about the fact that women are not as strong as men, and believe mentioning this is anti-feminist somehow.
2. Gender identity is unfalsifiable and therefore not a reliable indicator of sexism. It often has elements of gender role wrapped up in it. There are plenty of feminist critiques of gender role. Simone de Beauvoir's "The Second Sex" is a classic for a reason, as it's one of the first to make the distinction between "woman" (adult human female) and "woman" (socialized feminine female). There is a new translation out that restores some of the original text, but unfortunately none of the translations are great. It's also long as hell. I'd also recommend just… philosophy of science? A stunning number of people, including people in fucking STEM, have no notion of statistics or philosophy of science or epistemology, so they don't understand why it matters that gender identity be a definable and falsifiable concept, and why the studies supporting things like puberty blockers and brain sex (see Gina Rippon book) have methodological problems. Jesse Singal's articles on issues with the methodology of pro-puberty blocker publications are IMO a must-read (
3. Prioritizing "gender identity" over sex obscures issues mentioned in (1), and because it is unfalsifiable with no coherent scientific definition (2), it does not actually give us useful information without further breakdown by age and, if it includes transgender people, age and extent of transition. "The meaning of sex: on the new definition of woman" points this out neatly.
You really don't need to get into the weeds on things like autogynephilia or intersex conditions. That stuff just scares people off and confuses them. The point that organizing by sex is important and that replacing sex with the fuzzy notion of gender identity makes it harder, if not impossible, to organize, is enough. There are gendies out there who basically believe the same thing, just using their own language of AFAB/AMAB. Do not focus on "converting" her to radical feminism. Focus on making the most coherent, logically consistent argument you can for a single point.
No. 25083
The Radical Feminist Library (g drive)'s not me who compiled this treasure chest, I just came across it some time ago. All the books you mentioned in this thread and more are available here as pdfs.