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No. 5384

So I think the biggest problem with current radical feminism is that its kinda cringe and it attracts mostly cringy people who really should focus on being less cringy rather then on feminism

so first off aesthetics, a lot of current online radblr tries too borrow heavily from riotgrrl and feminist punk rock scene and the problem with that is that almost all of that scenes consisted of what we might call proto-libfems and now those women are currently promoting women like Hillary clinton and publicly supporting troons and nowadays the punk aesthetic in general is associated with baby zoomer industry plants

secondly changing the way we express male hatred, this isn't me saying "uwu don't be mean to men" rather anytime I see a radfem quote/song angrily going on how she hates men and she'll kill them, I almost die of the shreer cringe of it cause it comes across as a sixth grade nerd acting out against a high-school jock, I can't help but imagine men snickering when hearing this, knowing damm well that they could easily kill the physically weak female academic and most women with their bare hands in seconds, so it ultimately come across as pathetic Impotent rage so my solution is the way the redscarethots express male hatred, though using male supremacy rhetoric against them, "go die in war" "build a house like a real man" "real men don't spend time arguing with women" work way better then the ctingy impotent rage most radfems express

feel free to discuss more ideas to make radical feminism less cringe and improve on it

No. 5387>>5388

My idea is that feminists should stop worrying so much about how they present their beliefs to men who don't give a shit about what they have to say regardless of how it's expressed and spend more time actually supporting women in the real world.

No. 5388

exactly, I thinking helping the material reality of women should always be the top priority, but to appeal to more women we need to remove the overall cringyness

No. 5389>>5390

I feel like a radical feminism suffers from either terminal facebook boomerism or unnecessarily aggressive zoomer sperging, there isn't a middle ground because that's where the majority of people fall into. Memes for example are a key factor in making a movement attractive and with radical feminism they are either straight out unfunny shit your mom would post or "KILL TRANNIES AND ABORT MALE FETUSES <3" level exhausting a-logging with no nuance. Neither is appealing to the masses. A lot of the radfem spaces fall victim to black and white thinking and border on relying on conservatism for allyship while I feel like a lot of the libfem leaning normie feminists can actually have a good, inspiring conversation with people despite me not agreeing with them. We live in a world where most women choose willingly to ignore the everyday sexism so they need to be woken up in bite-size chunks, not dumping the entire works of second wave unhinged polilezzies as entry level material. They only get intimidated and stray further away despite deep down being fully aware of the sex based oppression and intergenerational trauma they all have.

No. 5390

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this reminds me of one of the worst upcoming trends I've noticed recently is all the edgy imageboard pickmes picking up "radfem" as a term just to piss off the wokies and troons. when obviously they don't even give a shit about even basic feminism but weirdly think it's some edgy queen shit label they can hang up on the mantle to epic troll everyone. Like picrel who spends her days posting conservatoid discourse, she's also anti abortion, anti feminism, extremely right wing, and just overall contrarian

No. 5398

i think it should stay cringe to repel infiltrators and political hipsters.

No. 5455

>my solution is the way the redscarethots
I agree there are a lot of cringe posts out there, but literally never go to Red Scare or scarethots for solutions to things kek

No. 5959>>6908>>7059

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One thing radfems could work on is their memes. The anti-troon memes are pretty good but memes about other stuff are like pic related.

No. 5961

normie women need to stop falling for concern trolls, they don't actually want to learn anything about feminism, they just want to waste time. also the boomers need to stop with the shitty toddler tier jokes, some of them sound like trannies when they use the fart acronym

No. 5984>>5997

Promote separatism defemale socialization and material/skill gain over "this is all the ways men have hurt women today how sad".

No. 5997>>5999

Based. I think this is the best way to go, though I don't really think it's 'cringe'. Men shit themselves when women realise they need us more than we need them.

No. 5999

Nta, there's a female self sufficiency server listed on the friend finder thread

No. 6004

Well be the change you want to see op. Make some memes you find uncringey.

No. 6908

No… all radfem memes are that. Literal paragraphs instead of the quick and easy meme format of "haha funny words" because they want to use memes as infographs instead of having memes be the gateway to bite sized info graphs and links to actual material. Radfems just have no idea how tf to market themselves to the mainstream without infodumping on normies and coming off as schizo speds.

No. 7059

I think the problem is that women are thought to accept misogyny as soon as we are born and we are not allowed to criticise it because it will make us harpies/buzzkills/etc. You are allowed to be open about other issues in society. Everyone agrees that long working days sucks so it's easy to make a snazzy meme about it and align it with whatever your political alignment is. However if you where to point out that it sucks that women has to apply make up everyday otherwise they seem unprofessional you will have both men and women shut it down. Either by sperging about personal choice or hygiene or whatever. It's hard to make catchy radfem memes that appeals to non raffem women because they are too busy defending misogyny

No. 7098>>7099>>7100>>7101

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i agree with op and i've thought about this a lot myself. radical feminism has an image problem. it sucks but in order to attract people to any kind of movement there has to be surface level appeal. even conservatives can be cool to some people because they're seen as being more logical and rational than liberals, and many people are attracted to contrariness in itself. libfems are perceived as fun and sexy, queerios are seen as both empathetic victims and inspiring rebels. what are radfems perceived as? the left sees radical feminists as evil bigots literally promoting genocide, the right sees radfems as child murdering perverts or, at best, as token women useful occasionally as props.
the problem lies in the fact that radical feminism is against many things that would give it widespread appeal. you cant try to make radical feminism seem sexy because radical feminists are critical of mainstream sexuality, you cant try to make radfems seem young and hip because radical feminism values womens wisdom as they age instead of prizing youthful beauty, you cant make radical feminism fun because it draws attention to all the ways in which the world is evil. even the red scare thing you suggested doesn't really work because radical feminism is still against gender roles for men. it's funny, but it's funny in a distinctly non radical feminist way. (cont)

No. 7099>>7100>>7101

imho, radfems trying to lessen the cringe factor should focus on just being normal. that means talking about other things alongside radical feminism. one thing that made me peak was seeing radfems talk about radical feminism and also seeing them be normal, funny people who i felt like i could be friends with. i've had more than one person tell me that i made them peak for similar reasons. anyone who is too single minded about a topic is acting autistically, i.e., cringey. so don't be single minded about radical feminism and involve yourself in other communities too.
another way is to be funny. this is harder to suggest for everyone because some people just are not funny. but if you are funny, try to make jokes and memes about more than just trans stuff (which is the most cringey to normies). make jokes that arent mean or cruel and especially avoid edginess for the sake of edginess, like jokes about killing male toddlers or whatever. memes with creative formats are funnier and more likely to get engagement vs text-heavy memes on simple formats (like the stupid drake meme). post all the memes you make, you never know which ones will take off.(cont)

No. 7100>>7101

be open about your other political beliefs that are likely to make a genderist realize youre not a tradcath. one problem w radical feminisms image is that it's associated with right wing retards. because of this association, radfems quickly became excluded from normie leftist spaces, meaning they had to go to conservative outlets to get published or interviewed, which in turn further confirms to lefties that terfs are conservatives. its a vicious cycle. you can remedy this by using leftist terms, mentioning leftist theorists (even if they arent radfems), describing yourself as a marxist or a socialist. radical feminism IS a leftist theory. reclaiming that goes a long way to restoring our image. (cont)

No. 7101

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finally, i think radfems should lean into contrariness. never underestimate how much people want to be perceived as unique and how smart it makes people feel when they disagree with the mainstream. we live in a world where pornography, extreme beauty standards, and bio essentialism are the mainstream. lots of young women realize this. it is honestly at the point where extreme kink is more common than normal sex. so radical feminism can gain appeal by presenting itself as an alternative to the average normie lifestyle. women arent stupid, they know that the world they live in is misogynistic, and if u present a framework they can use to understand that they will jump on it. maybe a good first step would be to create content focused on consciousness raising.
i could honestly go on but i think i've sperged enough. tldr; you need a good image to attract people to your movement. radical feminism has an image problem bc it is inherently opposed to mainstream values, meaning what radical feminist support can never be the same as what the mainstream thinks is cool. radfems can improve their image by showing that theyre normal people, by spreading memes that have broader appeal, by being openly leftist, and by embracing being controversial. (end)
sorry for the multiple posts, i see the new word limit is up and running.

No. 7103

I agree with this. Tbh imo feminism has always been lame in the public eye no matter how normal women try to act. Even in protests where women are simply holding signs with nothing racy on them, many people would still cringe at them and wonder why they are wasting their time. There is no way to really fight this, if anything the only way feminism has prospered is by being annoying as possible. I will say i'd like to see less shit like the weird pussy art or that one woman in scotland who had the merkin over her tights, that needs to go. I wish there was a better way of distinguishing ourselves from cringey libfems.

No. 7107>>7124

Certain radfems act like mlcommie twitter fags with how they try to police other women. The majority of feminists around the world are radical but you wouldn’t know that if you listened to one of these zoomers lecture you on how wearing girly shit is supporting the patriarchy. What I’m trying to say is that we need to focus on the big issues. Radical feminism is inherently intersectional. We need to focus on talking about fgm, honor killings, oversexualization of young girls instead of writing ten page essays on why you shouldn’t wear makeup.

No. 7108>>7109

Gonna write out a lot of thoughts and it’s gonna be really long, sorry.

I think one of the biggest things that woke me up was realising how we aren't as far removed from these international feminist issues as we might think. Women's rights are always vulnerable and things can change really quickly. It was only last century we were even legally considered people, allowed to vote and obtain rights. Reproductive rights in the US as an example of how fast we can lose something that was taken for granted.

It doesn't matter how much girlboss utopia propaganda is churned out, we know the world is run by and for men and always has been. And we know that men and women, on the most fundamental level, have different needs and desires. What is good for men, very often isn't good for women and our goals clash in many areas.

We need to stress the importance of women as a class, our differences and where our needs differ to men's (regardless of our other politics + identities) and raise awareness of our oppression without using victim talking points. Instead we should focus on how we can improve our material reality, particularly for those most vulnerable women all around the world, on both a personal and political level. 


No. 7109>>7110>>7111

In terms of making it less cringe, I think the problem is a lot of people now think of radfems as white women being precious pearl clutchers (even though it's probably mostly non-white, working class women - globally speaking) because some of the biggest talking points are seen as anti-progressive and are written off as moral panic. And of course white women = Karen, now.

1. So I agree with making the tone less moralistic, like some other nonas have mentioned. And making it more about freedom, lifting oppressive thought patterns/beliefs and offering a new liberating way of being for women. I think many of us would agree that although it's kind of bleak and depressing to learn about a lot of feminist theory, it also feels really good and freeing to apply it to your own life.

2. There is nothing more cringe than being out of touch [with reality] so driving the situation home with facts and data is important. As well as connecting us closer to women around the world and taking their problems more personally. We're all women, their problems affect us as a whole.

3. Memes. I was thinking about this and realised that all the radfem and TERFy memes I love the most are the kind that would get immediately reported and banned on Twitter (well, maybe not anymore, I dunno) and the ones I currently see on mainstream socials are clearly designed for and by boomer women. So maybe something in between is needed. 


No. 7110>>7111

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The most important thing though is female solidarity and community. Women used to congregate alone together most of the time and it’s only in recent years that we’ve all become so disconnected. People in general but particularly women who always worked and socialised together.

Now we’re not only disconnected from each other but we’re disconnected from our own material reality. When you live life online, you’re not really faced with female and male differences as much. When women congregated more we used to swap stories and vent about how cringe men are and console + support each other. But now we’re more vulnerable to male manipulation due to being isolated and stuck in certain echo chambers.

Not really sure how to overcome this bit but it’s really important. Part of what I love about LC is about is how strict we are about keeping scrotes out. Even if it does result in retarded false accusations and infighting, it’s better than the alternative. So I would love to see more places do the same, IRL groups and underground communities.

No. 7111>>7113

I agree with you and I think the big hurdle to job through is dealing with envy women trying to complicate what makes us oppressed when doing this irl.

I disagree with the regardless of our other politics and identities. The reason why a lot of western women who aren’t white don’t mess with radfem is because the version that doesn’t discuss racism/ethnicity is always highlighted here. No one wants to join a movement where they feel ignored. We need to talk about issues women face all over the world. It’s impossible to think radfem isn’t able to be intersectional when you’re enter with that.

No. 7113>>7114

Samefag I meant enby women who insist that being seen as a woman is what makes you oppressed so mtfs are oppressed too

No. 7114

ayrt, no i completely agree with you. I just mean that we need more women to wake up to how all women - regardless of what they might believe - have biological differences to men and our needs and goals need to reflect that.

So whether some women might be more conservative and others more left wing, different races, sexualities, whether they choose to do sex work, wear make up, conform to stereotypes or not etc. We all have something basic and unchangeable in common that unites us and informs our experiences. They won't all be radfem but radfeminism will include them all regardless because they are women (even if they try to identify out of it). And TIMs will never be part of it because they are men, no matter how "nice" they seem to some people, they are coming from a completely different place. It's more of a starting point.

>no one wants to join a movement where they feel ignored

A very very good point and something else that needs to be addressed.

No. 7117

Every time something is decringeified it attracts people who just want a new aesthetic in place of a personality, people who don't actually understand it at a profound level and who will inevitably move on later to describe it as their "cringe <trend> phase" and ironically enough increase the cringe associated with the movement.

I get that it's dumb to hold a movement back just to gatekeep agaibst normies but it is something to consider. The plan has to have more steps than making it less cringe. There will only be a narrow window of time to get shit done as quickly as possible and then hope the backlash doesn't undo it all.

No. 7124>>7138

>We need to focus on talking about fgm, honor killings, oversexualization of young girls instead of writing ten page essays on why you shouldn’t wear makeup.
Hard agree on this. I see it all the time in radfem spaces and even on here. Radfems going after women for "supporting the patriarchy" by wearing makeup, or insulting them for having boyfriends/husbands because "all men are evil and you are feeding into the patriachy by dating/getting married to them". A woman getting bashed for those things isn't going to want to listen to the rest of radical feminism, she's going to think the whole movement is full of extremists. Not all women are separatists or lesbians. We need to put more focus on the bigger issues that are harming women, not criticize each other.

No. 7138>>7149

They can never stop women from dating men and loving men. Yes you can advocate for female separatism, de-centering males in your life and for women to actually have standards with the males that they pick but I get a lot of "secret girls club" energy from a lot of online radfem spaces where if you don't fit the extremely specific demographic then you will openly get bashed for even trying to discuss an alternative approach or solutions.
Radical feminism needs to focus on its goal: do you want the movement to remain at the edge of society, or do you want to actually recruit more women who align with your beliefs? I'll constantly hear "we need more women to peak/become radfem" yet in the same sentence they'll insult women for not adhering to every single principle. It's really inconsistent in a lot of these spaces, and it just reeks of elitist fart-sniffing where you won't even accept the reality that if you want everyday "normie" women to peak you're going to have to accept some losses now and then - no, that doesn't mean it will end up like liberal feminism, nuance does not mean opening the gates for males.

No. 7149

I need to know how fast movements like MRA and MGTOW can soar because it's pretty much a "no women allowed" space that looks cool enough to round up sad little moids. Some of them have wives and gfs so I was thinking how radical feminism could be centered as a group of support and reassurance for most women, without necessarily going into circlejerking.

No. 7155>>7159>>15672

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i kind of get what op means.

the tranny shit has spread so far so fast because it does have a sense of style. defining womanhood (i focus on "womanhood" because let's be real, ftms are totally irrelevant in the grand scheme of things – nobody is arguing over what a man is) in terms of aesthetics and fantastical things like "spirit" and wrapping it up in a bunch of poetry just…sells, lmao.

painting troons as people trapped in the wrong body & valiantly going against "gender" by transitioning sounds cooler than anything radical feminism has to offer. just watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffNwiGVPhFE. i'm a terf hardcore but even i was kind of moved watching this troon compare his womanhood to the ocean. it sounds pretty.

but radical feminism suffers from being a "bitter, ugly woman" thing. trans crap is like art and religion bundled together.

No. 7159

also, people generally don't like thinking. trans ideology actually encourages not thinking, or challenging its tenets. like, we all know how quick their rhetoric falls apart when you just ask them questions like:

>what is gender?

>if anyone who says they're a woman is a woman, then why do they (men) transition? how do trans women know what hormones to take if (the female) sex doesn't actually exist?
>what did jkr actually say that was transphobic?

but to ask these questions is to out yourself as a "transphobe, and so their minds will lock up hard against them. so it's a whole thing of just blindly going along with vibes. also helps that troonshit is just building up off of stereotypes we've all been drip-fed since birth, e.g. the most basic pink = girl blue = boy shit.

radical feminism isn't like that. you have to sit down and challenge your internal biases to understand it. you have to look behind the curtain. your average person isn't going to do that.

which is fair, because your average person has ten million worries more pressing and immediate than men calling themselves women, or overturning the patriarchy. it's sad but true

No. 7200

KAM is pretty concise but men and libfems just hate dark humor applied to moids, lol.

What does decringify even mean? Have you seen how fucking cringey tra memes are? Do you want radfem memes like that too?

As someone who has been in tra zoomer reddit spaces before, it's not much better, it's way worse and it's just that people are inclined to misogyny which is why fds/femcel/radfems/trad/whatever are lumped together without nuance even though they have distinct qualities.

No. 7212

What about just encouraging women to talk to women? Men talk to each other all the time without intrusion and without the community policing itself. Women get shit on for “gossiping” and being “hysterical” for talking about our lives or other womens but it’s a powerful thing to look around at other women and see them agreeing with you or shutting you down for harmful ideas.
Lolcow was the first womens community I existed in that didn’t push “women are gentle and soft and there’s only acceptance and kindness here” or where men were told explicitly to gtfo and not return. I’d never experienced that and while it’s in an online space it helped me get my shit together and deprogram some fucked up fetish shit I’d normalized. Lolcow is the whole reason I found radfem ideas and places.
We don’t necessarily need radfem memes just womens truths, and then when another women comes along to say “well ackshully” enough women will reply “it’s our lived experience, count yourself lucky. We’ll be here for you when you realise.” Or a man comes along and says their typical disturbing and uninformed take women will just ignore it and tell him to stfu and get out.

No. 7952

Radfem ideology and Radfem spaces don't need to be 'less cringy' because what defines cringe is a subjective, elastic bullshit definition anyway. Scrotes are going to call anything that doesn't align with coom and degrading women 'cringe', pickmes are going to follow suit.

More critical eyed anons are going to pick apart arguments on the basis of actual logic unlike the former, which isn't bad in itself but it's holding up standards where the opposition has none at all. Because of this its actually honestly unintuitive and uncessary for growing radfeminism.

Women having impotent rage over moids is justified and not cringy to me. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a forum that exists just for shitting on men that's what TRP is and MRA and that's why it's ideology and pundits are so successful. I see no issue with a gender reversal of this.

No. 15672

>puberty is thickness and thickness is ugly but the ocean is thick and a woman so i am a beautiful woman too
Nonna please. This is pathetic.

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