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No. 5824
one radical feminist germaine greer did talk about something related to this, she argued that female attraction towards male beauty had been denied for centuries, and for the past 2000 years or so (really more) men have pretty openly lusted after women in their teens. Not only had that not really changed in the mainstream at the time she wrote her thesis, for her female attraction towards beautiful young men was is as natural as life its self
>Germaine Greer's latest crusade is the young male form and an older woman's right to enjoy it. Peter Fray reports.
>Soon, in what promises to be one of the year's more intriguing intellectual stripteases, she will be telling other women that it is all right to do likewise. And the subject of her gaze is neither men nor women, but boys.
>Having popularised feminism and then scrutinised the menopause, Greer, 64, has turned her formidable academic glare to the hairless chests and slim waists of pre-adult "lovely boys".
>"I know that the only people who are supposed to like looking at pictures of boys are a sub-group of gay men," she wrote. "Well, I'd like to reclaim for women the right to appreciate the short-lived beauty of boys, real boys, not simpering 30-year-olds with shaved chests."
>She referred to a billboard featuring a "truly lovely bare-chested boy, sitting legs apart and arm stretched along the back of a sofa with the flies of his jeans unzipped just far enough to reveal the designer name woven into the waistband of his underpants".
>She also confessed to having a relationship with her own "boy", although she declined to give any details or say whether, at the then age of 60, she had found true love in young arms. "I want to take what this man is offering and be content with that."
>"A boy is only a boy for a very brief space. He has to be old enough to be capable of sexual response but not yet old enough to shave. This window of opportunity is not only narrow, it is mostly illegal. The male human is beautiful when his cheeks are still smooth, his body hairless, his head full-maned, his eyes clear, his manner shy and his belly flat."
so there are some radfems who do agree with you
No. 5853
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>>5845>I have no sexual attraction and no desire for a romantic relationship with males, I just like looking at themNtayrt this might be more common than we think, welcome to the club I guess
No. 5876
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>>5874I'm actually sorta spergy about it, I really like the way men look, not in the way fujos or gay men lust after male bodies, I truly appreciate the aesthetic more then anything
the oh-natural muscles, the straight or curly hair and the clear skin, I love looking at men, especially paintings, there’s something really special about true male beauty. It’s a shame men in real life don't appreciate their natural beauty and sick in the brain they’re beautiful as a concept. If only they were unable to speak or hold opinions.
my issue is I have yet to find a friend who appreciates male beauty the way I do
No. 5920
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>>5913I am someone who thinks of themself as a potnetial radical feminist and I am aware that hetro relationships and sex are touchy topics with in radfem communities, but I have never seen someone with my tastes ever be discussed so I don't know how I will be viewed, as for my sexuality, I am fine with sex personally, It has been enjoyable for me but I can be celibate for the rest of my life and I wouldn't care that much, my issue is that I am disgusted by the sight and thought of other people having sex, both same and opposite sex
>>5918I have never considered even once that I could be a lesbian cause I have always been attracted to the male aesthetic and wanted to be in an idealized relationship with a male, but I never had an outright sexual desire for males other then a desire to smooch every pretty boy I can think off, I think my attraction towards the male aesthetic started when I watched Terminator 2 as a kid and fell in love Edward Furlong as John Conner, I used to make my dad play Terminator 2 almost every other day just so I could see him, I would even kiss my pillow and pretend it was him, so yeah I'm pretty sure I'm not gay
No. 5942
>>5920OT but that scrote aged terribly. How come your being disgusted by sex is an issue? I personally think that since you guys are a minority and as long as that doesn't result in homophobia then what's the issue? Like I said in
>>5913 it is not unnatural. I have also said people don't take you guys to well because they associate you guys with invading lgb and they think that there is an underlying reason to why you are the way you are. Like you are scared of men or feel alienated in such a pornified society. Many view you guys akin to troons. So the fact that you think men are hot but don't want to fuck them will just make many think you're attention seeking even if you're not. Sexuality is complex and many anons on here can be reductive. However none of this opinion on asexual identity is feminist. Any lady can be radfem.
No. 5951
>>5949more or less, but I only ever fuck them if they are attractive
>>5942I guess asexuality is the wrong term to describe me, I am attracted to males but I am generally sex repulsed
No. 7344
>>5816I’d say if I had to be attracted to anyone, it would be men, I was always hetero except sexual. Back when I knew TIFs I identified as asexual but then I realized how warped this term became and I dropped it. I guess this name can be fitting for some but I really how how the queers changed it. And honestly I wouldn’t consider it any separate orientation (for me it’s a lack of sexuality).
I like men aesthetically but only some of them of course (those in my type).
When I was young I believed maybe one day I will have a loving husband and children, then I wanted to adopt and then I realized if I want to pursue celibacy I can’t fully trust any living man. I have male friends but realized my ideas about future relationships were very vague and only based on societal expectations. I feel much better being single.
I accept romance in fiction but when it’s not sexual (because I avoid this in media). Romance in fiction isn’t something I care much for though, so it’s only in case when it is present.