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No. 6233
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>>6232Samefag, dumping some images to kick off the thread
No. 6234
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No. 6237
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No. 6366
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No. 6367
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>>6366Hoping to find some terfy friends this semester
No. 6438
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Promising reply on a Reddit post. I saw on Ovarit, here is the post there. No. 6657
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In 1920, 92% of women in the US were married. The number is ridiculously high and I think about all the women including lesbians who were forced into marriage with a man against their will. I think marriage rates surged again in the 50s due to the propaganda to get women out of men's jobs after WWII. In 2010, the marriage rate for women is 31% and I'm curious if the number is even lower now. Even if we all don't agree politically, women today have options for the course of their lives and the majority are choosing to live without a man. That's something to be hopeful for.
No. 6665
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i love jkr. she's brave and articulated, someone to actually admire. i feel a connection with her when i think about my past abuse. i don't care if it makes me cheesy or easy to please, it just makes me very happy and hopeful to think about her and shes hot here
No. 6847
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the protests from young iranian girls in the thousands removing their hijabs, cutting their hair, and risking their lives for a better tomorrow is what wakes me up in the morning. Makes me pissed about the "nationalist" thread that makes comments like nuking these countries and that the girls are worth the "sacrifice."
if you can't believe or form solidarity with women you can't see everyday, then you don't actually stand with women, you stand for yourself. they're living and breathing a reality that can befall any one of us in due time. they fight shit no women should have to fight, but they do it anyways for their daughters, sisters, mothers, grandmas..
No. 6892
>>6847Yeah we shouldn't just cut them off and abandon them; nationalists who think the men of their country are inherently better than other cultures are deluding themselves. It's way more to do with the conditions of advanced capitalist economies than the quality of the men or the culture, and those economies rely on the existence of so-called third world shitholes to advance so quickly.
I was served up a youtube video about the British in India outlawing the practice of throwing widows on their husbands' funeral pyres and everyone congratulating the British moid who legislated that, saying "at least the British were against burning women alive" but they weren't, they burned thousands of women for treason and heresy. They did it for reasons that benefitted those in power until they moved on to new methods and pretended to be above the barbarism.
No. 7033
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samefag, also the witch trials in England are only estimated to have killed 500-1000 people(mostly women but also men) the ritual of Sati took the lives of hundreds of thousands of women and those communities that didn't practice sati had a practice of widow disownership, where widows were considered spiritually impure and were locked up in a temple and this wasn't like nunnery where they had books and could look after themselves
in those empty temples they literally couldn't leave or interact with a person, they had to rely on charity of strangers for food otherwise they'd starve
they only could pray and wait to die and this wasn't the fate for a 10 women, or 100, or a 1000, or even a million, this was the fate for every Indian Hindu woman
This was a retarded obligation based on a moronic inconsistent religion and religion is something you have to take seriously, cause those people believed in it
so by all that's decent in this world just stop talking about other cultures cause you can't help anybody and you offend most of us, so go back to talking about how skyscrapers are some nefarious phallic metaphor for domination of cities which represent women, that's the type of shit you are good and you should stick with
No. 7034
>>7032i sincerely hope you develop reading comprehension and reread what was said. CAPABLE of doing the same thing =\= currently doing the same thing. Again, it’s about access to commit harm and the right context to seize it. Obviously women in Iran or other parts of the global south experience way more oppression than the west dipshit. But societies change over hundreds of years and it doesn’t happen by some innate scrote difference from men in the middle-east versus men in other countries. We’re saying it isn’t ethnically genetic, it’s culturally conceived.
And for fucks sake, consider I brought them up as a diasporic individual as well. not everyone on this board was born and raised in the west.
No. 7036
>>7034It can't ever anything resembling Iran though, Iran is following the religious principles that Muhammad had set 1400 years ago when he ruled Medina and Mecca for a 10 year period has basically a priest king, the laws and social values they follow are divine and approved by God, for a true Muslim these laws are the most perfect laws, why would they risk damming themselves and their souls and not implement these laws
Ideologies and worldviews change over time, but Islam doesn't because it is internally consistent religion that has all questions of life answered
No. 7039
>>7037your still applying a western 20th academics perspective towards this, this isn't about reactionary or conservative values(many Muslims actively curse their ancestors for not being proper Muslims)
From their perspective why should your values matter? they know what's right and what's wrong cause Muhammad and his family and friends decided it and Muhammad was chosen by God to be the last prophet, why should your western values that change every 20 years matter to a pious Muslim, they have not a single doubt in their mind, they are 100% assured in their faith
and again Islam's rule are incredibly well preserved, so that is proof enough that their chosen system works, mentally you can't challenge someone like that
also the sad reality is that without actual military support this uprising will fail, and a generation will beaten into submission, this happened with my country as well, you can't possibly understand how horrific the aftermaths are of these uprisings, tens of thousands men, women and children will be beaten, crippled, raped and most probably will be locked up for years
My distant relative was a student protestor who opposed the Islamist military dictator in the 80's, he was arrested and tortured, when my family managed to get him back he was left crippled and mentally retarded and that will likely happen to many protestors and their families
No. 7043
>>7036>>7039why are you putting shit into our mouths? nobody said that shit? yes islam has sexist patriarchal values that have lasted hundreds of years, but you do realize women lost even more rights in the last 50 years in Iran than almost any other portion of time right? not trying to self blog, but my grandma could show her hair, own land, go to college, and head into the city unaccompanied before the coup, but her daughters (my mom and aunts) couldn’t. This just shows how quickly shit can change. nobody is denying the stark differences between there and the west.
also you’re arguing literally nothing, the ONLY point that was being made was
this this isn’t fucking genetic, nobody is applying western values by fucking saying that??? you are only proving what was being said again and again. it’s not comparing western values to say “in a few hundred years, it can be anyone regardless of genetic lineage.” It’s even more retarded that you don’t understand that the original point was that it was fucked up that people in the nationalist thread are advocating for the nuking of said societies including all the women. like i can’t understand why you think anybody was saying that we need to apply western standards. you just made that up.
No. 7045
>>7043not this again, I dislike you for making me almost defend the revolution
the situation in Iran was different from the situation in Egypt or Algeria, after WW2 in the 20th Century, Islamism or political Islam was irrelevant in terms of wider politics, people were still Muslim but most of what is now the "Muslim world" had secular nationalist authoritarian leaders, Islamists did exist, but they were led by molvis and mullahs with no sense of military tactics, rather they had complete blind faith and they were crushed with in weeks, with barely a mention in most newspapers
most of the "progress" that happened in the middle eastern nations was top-down, coming from authoritarian socialist leaders, but they weren't morons, they used a combination of populist and nationalist talking points to convince the people accept social progress, "not this is how we should be cause we are ignorant, but this is how we were and this is how we will be again"
but cause the US was so terrified of "communism" they funded, worked with and helped spread Islamist ideology, they helped facilitate Jihadist networks and gave them training and tactics and most deleterious gave them the ability to enter the mainstream politics of their nations
The situation in Iran was radically different though, while 15% of the women might have enjoyed a westernized lifestyle, most of the country's population were still peasant live in unbearable poverty, living as feudal peasants while the Shah let the resources of Iran be taken by foreign oil companies, the Shah had also locked up communists, socialists and even ethnic nationalists who went against his rule, when people finally had enough and overthrow the Shah it was the mullahs leading the revolution cause everyone else had already been locked up, like I'm not defending the Islamists(I hate them more then you can fathom) but I think this premise that the Iranian revolution happened cause conservative people were just mad about progress is both outright false and gets used in a lot of false narratives
people don't revolt in the millions and risk death over short skits, they revolt cause their children are starving and they don't know what else to do
No. 7046
>>7045Once again, nothing you are saying is in disagreement with the argument you are refusing to acknowledge you completely derailed. The points: (1) this isn’t genetic, (2) we shouldn’t end entire countries filled with women fighting (3) societies can change over hundreds of years. How did we apply western values? Quickly.
Also lmaooo do you seriously think rural Egypt and Algeria weren’t experiencing extreme poverty under British or French rule? You think the Egyptian sultanate didn’t also have urban “liberalized women” with freedoms that women in the fringe weren’t afforded? The situation in Iran was not unique.
No. 7048
>>7045Same anon adding onto
>>7046 that even after independence the same issues persisted. I just find it disheartening that in a thread meant to talk about uplifting hope for women around the world, you took the most dishonest and random interpretation that no one was making. Advocating that nothing will change without military intervention isn’t the fucking point of this thread. Also this is an anonymous board, stop saying “you have no idea” or shit on what it’s like. You don’t know who you’re fucking talking to.
No. 7235
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there's a girl on tiktok posting a lot of radfem/terf rhetoric right now. she's getting thousands of views and likes on her vids, not fully sure how I feel about her yet but shes definitely got guts for sure.
No. 7291
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>>7235I've been seeing a shit ton of stuff like this from all kinds of girls on tiktok, im excited.
People are peaking naturally at this point, it's only a matter of time.
>>7086some more tiktoks, checkout the view count! this is just a slice of the antiporn movement tiktoks i've seen.
No. 7293
>>7291good to see but… that third one
>porn is desensitising>username: milfmagic kek
I love corpsemom. seen a few of her videos pop up and love the way she talks , she makes very clear points for other women to relate to. plus she really
triggers troons so that's a huge bonus.
No. 7315
>>7291its so refreshing to see this many girls and women peaking right now, especially on tiktok of all places.
it may not be that surprising though considering all the trannies that make fools of themselves on there daily kek
No. 7319
Just wanted to share my personal story that reinforces my hope.
I stumbled on this post
>>6711 that I found inspiring. I wanted to to the same for another woman, but before I could, another woman did for me.
I was at work and a man was being rude to me. A woman who was also at the bar (Im a bartender) confronted him and told him “whats wrong with you? Why are you being so rude? Shes doing what she can, this is out of her control”. My eyes started watering hearing that, and Im so grateful somebody was on my side, because it feels so rare. After that guy got kicked out I thanked her. She said no problem and that she couldnt just stand by when someones disrespected, and of course he called her a bitch afterwards.
Does she just stand up for service workers from experience? Maybe. But I find comfort in the fact that a woman stood up to a man for another woman. Lets keep it up!
No. 9258
If you're the type of person to be bossy and stand up to authorities, you should consider being a medical advocate for your friends.
I've been an advocate for a couple of friends. You have her discuss her medical concerns with you before the appointment and you make sure that her wishes are heard during the appointment. Without thought, doctors will brush off legitimate concerns. Make them give a more in depth answer, push until they tell you what they would do if it was this disease/disorder for certain. And if they say, "Well I would order an MRI/blood work/ect," request it. And if they decline, tell them you want her concerns and their decline of the procedure in the medical notes, and you want a copy of the notes before you go home.
They'll claim that they cant', push for whys and ask to speak to the practice manager or the patient advocate. Because if the doctor's dismissal of the procedure is in the medical notes, that means if your friend does have the disorder, that the doctor didn't do their duty of care and can be sued for medical malpractice. And the doctor knows that, so they'll authorize the procedure because it's safer to do so for their license.
No. 10407
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do it for her, ladies.
No. 10795
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I've had the same thoughts as the highlighted part. They're doubling down but it's not working. The manosphere is mainstream but the grievances of men aren't improving, every year they complain more and more. South Korea had an "incel election" but it seems like nothing is getting better for them there.
No. 10798
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>>10795I posted about this before, but I wonder what might happen to Korea and Korea the coming generation, their brithrate I think is the lowest in the world and their population might see a significant decline but people will still be having children, if the next generation will be mostly the children of mentally healthy people we might see some societal improvement
No. 11333
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>>11332in a similar vein, i would like to take a moment to bring attention on the pure ridiculousness of "women's month" marketing. and highly ironic that last year they made all the m&ms androgynous because it is more inclusive, but now want the wimmin m&ms on their bags to sell candy?
No. 13128
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I found a libfem substack that is rabidly anti beauty culture. Just all of it. It’s a really popular one too, I see it linked from many other feminist substacks. The author sounds like one of those holistic health people, but I am more shocked that someone can tear down all of the beauty industry’s propaganda so cleanly and get rewarded for it. Picrel she’s pointing out that succubus chic is not a defiance of feminine norms but just another beauty standard for women to submit to. I hope this sort of critique gets even more popular with other writers. I’m convinced beauty culture is one of the biggest stumbling blocks for feminism.
No. 13209
>>13128do you have a link
No. 13265
>>13255copying a youtube comment
Luka: I think parents should be able to stop their kids from transitioning without feeling guilty
Samantha: That would take away from human autonomy and kids should be able to make the decision themselves
Luka: Ya well look how that worked out for me
Samantha: Ok well that's your parents' fault they should have stopped you
No. 13780
>>13606I long for the day when a friend asks me to "hit them with that
terf shit"
No. 14541
>>7039>also the sad reality is that without actual military support this uprising will failThat's the unspoken part of this mythology and the most blackpilling point for me, that all of this is actually wanted (where it exists),
allowed by the moids.
To clarify, there are two very distinct topics being discussed here.
The first is separatism
>>14537. It is achievable and already exists without the moids in power having directly created it. They tacitly allow it, probably don't care, and I can't see these groups disappearing anytime soon unless they were to be presented as "deviant sects". For me, this is the healthiest, most accessible and achievable way and the one that allows a total separation, even if it could be subject to troonish infiltration attempts.
The second is the gain of influence in the moid society
>>6681 , the access to positions of responsibility, the taking of power in the current system. It seems illusory to me. Generally, for a fundamental social change to occur, there has to be an insurrection, or even a revolution. There have been militant women, even feminist fighters, but nothing analogous. All that was allowed and phagocytized by the moids, at least some moids, the wealthy and powerful ones, obviously. However, the internet has really allowed for the emergence of real mass alternative currents created organically, and this is a note of hope. Too bad it can't exist in a country like Iran that has tight control over its intranet.
But until women have the physical, or at least material (guns), capacity to lead an insurgency, this is all mostly wishful thinking. Even if it seems to be materializing in reality, all this is actually very precarious. To take an extreme case, see Afghanistan. I know it's not quite comparable because religion is much more important there, including for women, but the way everything turned around in just a few days blew my mind. Nothing is ever immutable and the greatest empires have collapsed, but our foundations depend entirely on their goodwill, or rather their interests.
No. 35128
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>>10795This is very enlightening. No wonder the most patriarchal societies run on scam, like India.