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No. 629
Found an interesting article on psychcentral about how this sort of behaviour links heavily to narcissism and sociopathy in females
No. 630
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No. 633
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Most of reddits feminist are unironic pick me's. Reddit has no idea how good they have it with every feminist making their 'I love mens lib' post, 'incels are right, but they're actions are wrong', and sex positivity shit.
> No. 644
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You guys every watched 2 hours of trash level TV then got on Reddit to tell all the younger women how feminism turns them into abusers?
No. 650
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Well, this subreddit is a fucking goldmine.
No. 651
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No. 652
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No. 657
>>649They're trying to be the Cool Girl trying to fix all thr problems men create for themselves. When was the last time an mra listened to feminism with the same attitude?
>>650>>651>our men need women :) Kek. This has to be a male desperately trying to reel women into a false sense of security with that shit.
>>652Alot of posters on rpw are just men larping. For karma points or just to convince other women into joining their movement that reduces their agency and rights. Real women there are pretty homely, interlized misogyny, desperate and scared of being alone. Mrs Midwest was really active on that sub before she nuked all her accounts once she got caught and despite her preaching about how feminine and perfect women must be, she married a porn addicted cop who hates being around her. I don't remember if this woman as active or not, but I did remember seeing a post from a woman who gave ~makeup tips~ on how to hide the bruises on their face and body that her husband gave. Because there is no such thing as domestic abuse, just discipline according to them.
No. 663
>>652Maybe Taylor Swift appears "classy" because she represents the image of the ideal woman to them. She is a wealthy blonde white woman with a
victim complex, doesn't show off to much skin and sings about fairytale romances which is considered "high quality" to the pickmes on RPW.
No. 682
>>657Yes I saw that in the tradthot threads. Mrs Midwest is also very very boring and extremely lazy, not the “high oestrogen personality” that they all desire so much.
What these women don’t realise is that when it comes to reeling in the scrotes and keeping them there is; its all about the chase. Scrotes want nothing more than to conquer women, and these women are literally conquered before they even get to fuck. If you want a man to worship you then you must never give him what he wants; allude and evade, give him a taste of what he wants and nothing more.
Their men are glad for their services but as human beings they are looked down upon and hated because they’re weak. Their men don’t want to spend any time with them because they’re like needy little dogs, begging for affection. That’s one reason why so many of those bitches get divorced, neglected and cheated on.
No. 689
>>657>>657Dude I knew some tradcunt exactly like that! She would fight with her soyboy husband alot (and she would always cope by deluding herself about how masculine he was). She hit him too but when he hit her and she just went to discord to attentionwhore about it, and then got mad at ME for telling her to get help. She sperged about how she isn't a
victim this and that. She believed in shit like sexual market value too, along with being a general hick racist.
Sorry I'm stoned btw
No. 816
>>627>>800You’re retarded. Fuck off
>>766Handmaidens go here, they’re basically the same thing
No. 932
>>915you did warn about the extreme cringe but still i was unprepared.
also the main bitch saying circumcision is peak issue over fgm etc yet seeming to know fuckall about it besides the fact that it exists was so embarrassing, honestly. she can't even pick-me right smh
overall 9/10, had not seen a thirst for male attention so pronounced before, however, i am withholding a point for possible future improvement.
No. 941
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>>915>volunteer to literally be emotional comfort women punching bagskek
You can tell they don't even value themselves anyway. Women like these are sad.
Part of me wants to wish they are just doing this go get money from retarded men. But maybe I'm being too optimistic.
Also I just notice that this was made 2 years ago, surprised that the Medusa lady left her embarrassing comments, potential pickme/handmaiden cow?
No. 946
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Her channel tried to piggyback on the anti-feminist rave a few years back and no one gave a shit about her channel lol
No. 950
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>>946She has such an intellectual audience
No. 1079
>>661She's gay lol
>>803FDS is about accepting patriarchy and trying to take the best out of it. But what these women don't realize is that they will never win by playing by the patriarchy's rules.
I'm also convince they don't know any "successful" man or are in these circle by the way they talk about these men.
No. 1083
>>663I think Taylor is considered "classy" because she sings about being unhappy with her break-ups with her many boyfriends (even though this is obviously a stage persona of always playing the spurned
victim), while singers like Miley get loads of hate because she sings about being proud of being sexually experienced (even though ironically this is also an OTT stage persona and she doesn't seem to have had as many partners as Tay irl). So you have this fucked up dynamic where it's ok to have had several partners but only if you didn't enjoy it.
No. 1087
>>1048Kek gimpgirl555 is there to say
>Let's see…>Sex>Male companionship>Kids>Help with kids>Dependability>If men were leeches then women wouldn't be trying to marry them. Duh.Amazing. He
is a leech and those rpwomen are coping for having such low standards like "he helps me out sometimes uwu"
Then the response under saying how he gives you the FMF
you wanted.
>>1068She's(possibly a larping man?) the type that once he leaves her, she'll have nothing and still blame feminism on her failures. That dependence won't last long.
No. 1276
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Guys, how many lives does your piece of shit husband have to endanger before you do anything about it instead of commenting about it on livejournal like it's just an irritating trait your husband has instead of him, you know, fleeing the scenes of crashes he causes.
No. 1279
>>704It was obviously a joke.
>>765FDS is nothing like this.
>>797No. It's literally not. Can you lurk a little bit more to understand what pickme/pp is etc before making these comments?
No. 1282
>>644>>651>>652This is 100% written by LARPing scrotes
>>687Patriarchy valiantly overcoming the problems caused by itself, kek.
No. 1420
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A woman calls men childish, and this other woman needs to come in with personal attacks and muh half the population don't insult the mens comment
No. 2364
>>2360Weird logic.
In which way are boys, on the average, not trouble?
No. 2381
>>2360She's gonna raise such a fucking bastard because
her sweet boy would never cause trouble…!
I knew so many moms like this. Treated me like Satan's mistress while their teenage boys were monsters. They always will blame others for their male child's shortcomings too, typically their girl peers.
No. 2435
>>2429Most of them are 15/16 because most weebs are
toxic pedophiles who only keep them around because most of them are desperate and insecure enough to stay around
No. 2447
>>2424So this 15 year old girl being groomed by a 21 year old, who is also shown to not have a very nice homelife from her obesity to her drug problem, is a horrible pickme because she said something about your flat tits. She's not an adult, she's a groomed child not aware of the consequences.
Anyway I remember your spergout on ot with this character you've written who gets called flat by jelly fatties. I'd like to believe this is just your fictional writing, and you're not actually a NEET in your 20s competitively obsessed with a teenager in your unwashed ass male group of losers.
No. 2450
>>2441He acknowledges it is wrong and we always joke about how gross and weird both of them are. It's not like I can force him to cut off friends just because I don't like him or break up with him, if he started showing signs of accepting this behavior then I'd be concerned.
>>2447What are you on about? You really believe only one girl on the entire planet gets body shamed by fat girls?
No. 2457
>>2450your boyfriend is friends with a pedophile and you're picking on his
victim online, what's wrong with you? has it occurred to you that she's like that because she's insecure and has been manipulated by him?
No. 2482
>>2457>Pretending 14/15 yr olds are literal children and holding both people accountable for their actions is evilHave you never been 14/15 before? You should know wrong from right by that age. Choosing to baby teenagers says more about you than it says about me
>>2469How so?
No. 2485
>My boyfriend is into nerd culture so is surrounded by pickmesyeah you lost me there. This is such a male mindset. Plenty of women are into nerd culture and it has nothing to do with men. The way you're talking about this 15 year-old is fucking foul. I hope she gets away from you an your
toxic friend group.
As someone else said, he only pickme here is you an the fact you're threatened by this girl who could probably use a friend and some guidance. Does shitting over these women help your self-esteem, anon?
No. 2486
>>2435>>2450Your bf is a pedo if he's hanging around with them. Only pedos hang out with other pedos. No good person associates with them. Great choice. Now you know if you continue with this shit you're no better.
Also there's 0 chance you don't have a weight problem yourself because you are OBSESSED with everyone elses weight.
No. 2487
>>2482>you should know right from wrong You're retarded. You didn't post her here because she made fun of your tits (and btw you're supposed to be the mature one who dismisses insults by teens), you posted her here because you argued she was a pickme. Most women have no fucking clue how to be in relationships, and it's unsurprising that a teenager is being insecure and trying to pander to your gross bf and his pals because she's being, gee, SEXUALLY GROOMED?
You're an awful human.
No. 2491
>>2424Posts like this really put into perspective how I was at 15 and how I viewed teenage-adult relationships. When I was 15, I would have done and said the same things as that girl and found my relationship with the 21 year old legit because 15 year olds are just little adults anyways and 15 and 21 is
just 6 years. Now at 21 I realize 15 year olds, even 16 year olds, are indeed children and that anyone seriously entertaining them romantically at my age are predatory or extremely mentally delayed. I think it's fucked up you're taking a silly 15 year old personally. I said a lot of dumb things at 15 and got bullied for it by a bunch of women in their early-mid 20s which fucked with my internalized misogyny for awhile. You bullying her and acting competitive is not gonna help with whatever mindset she'll have towards women later on.
No. 2493
>>2484They're literally 3-4 yrs away from becoming an adult. Treating them like literal children fuels the problem
>>2485>Gets mad that a woman hold women to their accountant Okay then
Nerd culture IS surrounded by pickmes. I'm sorry, but what exactly did you expect from a pickme thread? Acknowledging there's a lot of pickmes amoung weebs and nerds isn't saying "literally all women are pickmes". God forbid you ever work in a high school if you're this pissed at 15 yr olds being held accountable for their actions
>>2487>What do you mean you post a pickme in a pickme thread????Again. What do you expect?
>>2492When I was 15 I knew damn well not to get into BDSM relationships with strange greasy grown men, shit on other women's bodies, and call myself a loli. Some actions are excusable but that doesn't mean we shouldn't say anything in the moment. I don't hate her or think I literally want to send her to the gas chamber like y'all are writing me out as. I just think she needs help and that she is infact a pickme, because this is a pickme thread. Don't know why your brain explodes at pickmes being discussed in a pickme thread
No. 2505
>>2502Yes. This is a small site. Chances are most of the people are the same
>Pedo apologist >Says the person who makes excuses for teenage girls whoring themselves to adult men No. 2507
>>2482>>2450>>2493>>2450>>2424>>2505You are an adult woman shit-talking a teenage girl who's being groomed by a grown man. Your boyfriend is friends with this groomer, and simply makes light of the whole situation without any concern for the girl. He makes this into a "both sides" issue, when it's clear who the real problem is here (his "friend"). He has done more than accepting this behavior by keeping this man in his social circle, and belittling the girl. He's co-signed it.
You don't care, either. You're just irritated by the girl and also pull no punches in mocking her. Somehow, you thought you'd be praised for this behavior on a female-centric website, on its female politics-centered board.
Please, anon. Step back and look at yourself. Normal people don't act this way.
If you never change your mind on this, I beg you to at least avoid having any children. I don't know what you're going through, but right now, you're sounding like exactly the type of mother who would call their daughter a whore if she told you she was raped, and/or would feel some bizarre sense of competition with the child 24/7.
No. 2513
>>2505Let's just cut the shit about what's going on here. You were the only girl in a group of loser weaboo guys. Then along comes a younger girl than you that your "friends" take more notice of because they're all pedos. You start lashing out at her because of jealousy. She lashes back and calls you no-tits. So you come here in hopes that you can get some support and oust the girl that's ruined your status as the only girl in the group.
Man, girls like you in nerd culture are a dime a dozen. The girls that compete with EVERY OTHER girl that comes along and refuses to be friendly because you HAVE to be the only girl. I genuinely feel bad for you. Your self-esteem is non-existent and the only way you can sustain yourself if on male attention. I wish you the best, anon. You're gonna need it with that pedo bf of yours kek
No. 2517
>>2507This is a pickme thread where we shittalk pickmes, not analyze strangers lives just for doing exactly what the thread is for
>>2516Where did I say she was? It is sus to defend teenage girls whoring themselves
>>2513The only thing I said about her looks was that she was obese because she was. That's just a fact. Sorry you are for whatever reason hurt
No. 2522
>>2520Maybe just move on and stop getting mad or go to another thread since this subject clearly
triggers you
No. 2542
>>2534 and
>>2528. that’s literally it, sorry to disappoint. take your tinfoil hat off please
No. 2543
>>2541How did I "let teenagers get to me" ? I made one post, not even insulting her, just describing what she does and y'all lost your minds
>>2542So you just got involved with a random infight to result in more infighting for no reason because?
No. 2544
>>2543Here's your serious answer: she's being groomed and you and your bf, both adults, are allowing it to happen. She probably is very annoying, yes, so are ALL teenagers, but that doesn't give your friend free license to rape her.
You need to cut ties with your "friends" and report this to the police. If you're not willing to do that no one here can help you because you are certainly not a feminist or pro-woman.
No. 2551
>>2547Your point being?
>>2548How is my boyfriend a pedophile? That's like saying being friends with druggies makes you a druggie, or being friends with a murderer makes you a murderer. Just because your friends aren't saints doesn't mean you're a bad person unless you encourage it yourself
But how do I have low confidence just for being annoyed at what she does? I haven't insulted her or other anons, literally just lists what she does on a pickme thread, that's it, that's literally it. What is the problem?
No. 2552
>>2546Somehow, this thread managed to attract a literal pick-me who feels actual resentment toward teenage girls and is okay with befriending the men who prey on them.
>>2551Everyone has explained to you what the problem is, you're just refusing to see it and dragging this thing out. Just do better, or drop it.
Being friends with a drug addict is one thing. Being friends with a predator and even making fun of his
victim? Nope. Take that shit elsewhere. Nobody who supports women or girl's wellbeing will accept that. You're saying she "needs help" and that you "hope she gets help", but all your posts reek of spite and rage. What are
you doing to help her, as an adult and woman? Don't say there's nothing. Seriously, do better.
No. 2559
>>2552I'm afraid you listed the opposite of everything
I don't hate her, as I haven't insulted her, I just described her
My boyfriend acknowledges it's wrong and we both make fun of both of them
Holding teenagers accountable for their actions isn't evil, if she was literally 3 yrs older y'all wouldn't say anything
>Everyone has explained to you what the problem is, you're just refusing to see it and dragging this thing out. Just do better, or drop it.
But then refuse to have an actual discussion and just insult me, I also had words shoved in my mouth, even in your same post as you claim I resented her. It's hard to have a discussion when you can't discuss without insulting me, every single post that replied to me either insulted me or strawmanned me, I would love to see your point but none of you decided to calm down and explain, just insult insult and insult and not use actual words I have said
>>2553Family?friends? Etc? Also 15 is the age of consent in a lot of countries, are people in those countries some how not pedos or what's your logic behind that? They're both stupid but late teens who date middle aged teens is a lot more acceptable to most people and not blantantly evil so there's no need to be as extreme with it
>>2554You're on lolcow, unlike other anons I haven't insulted,strawmanned, made up hypothetical theories about other anons lives, which is textbook crazy. And if I did by all means please tag the posts where I did. Having a debate and disagreeing with me isn't ~crazy~ tinfoiling about strangers lives just because they described annoying things a 16 yr old does is.
>>2557I love how you refuse to ask or look into anything deeper and just insult. It's legal in my state because of the Romeo and Juliet law but I don't support them. I'd go more into my beliefs but you seem more focused on insulting me and explaining as to why I'm the next Hitler than to actually listen to what I say
No. 2565
>>2564obviously you don't give a fuck about what we have to say so why would i waste my time explaining to you why blaming underage
victims instead of pedophiles is bad
No. 2566
>>2565I am literally asking for you to explain, I have said I want to have a simple discussion to see your side but you refuse and just insult me and will probably just do the same in the reply
Also he isn't a pedophile according the law where I live which is just what I'm use to and I'm sorry you aren't use to it, the entire reason teens eventually stop being annoying is because people like me call them out, if you can't call them out they'll end up like pathetic binkie princess level bitches because people like you constantly protect them from any sort of criticism. This thread is for pickmes, which is why I mentioned her, if we had a thread about pedophiles or men in gross relationships then I would mention him, and I do in fact hate on him all the time, as I've mentioned but like always you never read anything I say and just insult and strawman
No. 2568
>>2567As I predicted, just insulting, no explaining
Just move on if you have no argument, I don't know why you keep going
No. 2570
>>2559How are you holding her accountable? Once more, how are you helping her? Why do you make fun of "both of them"? What has a 15 year old done that makes her just as bad as a pedophile (calling you flat does not count), and why are you still friends with a pedophile?
People are insulting you because you keep making excuses for men (in this case, a predator and your boyfriend who keeps him around) and showing your ass. That is how a pick-me acts.
>21/22 is now teen and your boyfriend's "friend" is now no longer a pedophile You have now crossed into actual pedo apologism.
As for Romeo and Juliet laws:
>The law as it appears in the statute.>(c) Is not more than 4 years older than the victim of this violation who was 14 years of age or older but not more than 17 years of age at the time the person committed this violation.She is 15 or 16, he is 21 or 22. That's higher than 4 years, sorry.
No. 2573
Compulsive and obvious lying isn't healthy nor should it be defended, and she insults other girls, which is also unhealthy. She manipulates people out of their money as well, she has done a lot of bad stuff, not ~as bad as pedophilia~ but you putting words in my mouth isn't a surprise at this point
>Why are you friends with a pedophile
I'm not
>You keep making excuses for men
What are something invalid I used? All I can think of was mentioning it was legal in my area so there would be no point to report it to the police, I honestly don't know what you want me to say
>She is 15 or 16, he is 21 or 22. That's higher than 4 years, sorry.
His mom already went to the police and the police gave us that. I literally don't know what you want me to do. This is a pickme thread, we vent about shitty girls we know, she is shitty and right now the subject is about her, plain and simple. Anyone who has a younger sibling knows they are not literally children and should know better as well as knowing as to why someone can call out dumb shit they do. Again it is very unhealthy to not only be against calling out teens but also defend them, that's why so many women are adult children nowadays because everybody is so scared of any sort of critizing. I hope you don't become a mother of you can't explain why things teen do are wrong
No. 2576
>>2573>Compulsive and obvious lying isn't healthy nor should it be defended, and she insults other girls, which is also unhealthy. She manipulates people out of their money as well, she has done a lot of bad stuff,So, how are you helping her? How are you holding her accountable for her actions by talking behind her back? Have you ever called her out from a place of concern?
>not ~as bad as pedophilia~ but you putting words in my mouth isn't a surprise at this pointYou repeatedly insisted that you make fun of both of them, implying they're on the same level. Here, you admit they're not, but I bet you're going to continue pretending they are.
>I'm notSorry, you date men who are. That's so much better.
>What are something invalid I used? Your concept of "middle aged teens" and bringing up other countries to try and justify it, comparing him to family and a drug addict so it sounds less bad that your boyfriend's friends with him, etc.
>I literally don't know what you want me to do. How about, actually try to help her and be there for her if you're so against pick me-ism? Get him jailed for the definite stash of nudes he has of her on his phone or PC (nudes of people less than 18 is still considered CP)? Not bringing your anger at children to us and derailing an entire thread over it?
You've repeatedly shown that you're a textbook example of someone who should never be a mother, because instead of helping your child, you'd rather attack her, call her a slut and complain behind her back when a grown-ass man creeps on her.
No. 2578
>>2576I have infact, I even discussed it with my boyfriend about her self esteem issues.
Making fun of both of them isn't saying on the same level sorry if you think that way
>You date men who are20 yr olds dating mid teens is kinda a debatable subject, especially if you're like me and live in a place where it is legal and not exactly uncommon, which is why although I disagree I just leave it be until they start doing something more eyebrow raising
>Your concept of "middle aged teens" and bringing up other countries to try and justify it, comparing him to family and a drug addict so it sounds less bad that your boyfriend's friends with him, etc. How is using comparisons invalid? Do you need read books? Do you not know what a figure of speech is?
>How about, actually try to help her and be there for her if you're so against pick me-ism? Get him jailed for the definite stash of nudes he has of her on his phone or PC (nudes of people less than 18 is still considered CP)? I talk to my boyfriend about it and he does what he can, at the end I can't control the lives of other people. His mom is already trying to take care of it and I don't know if they exchange nudes
>Not bringing your anger at children to us and derailing an entire thread over it?I'm literally not angry and it was the people fighting me who debated it? I just listed out annoying things she does and everyone flipped there shit because I didn't treat a manipulative high school bully like a precious little innocent
victim who needs to be coddled
>textbook example of someone who should never be a motherWhy is that?
>you'd rather attack her, call her a slut and complain behind her back when a grown-ass man creeps on her.There you go again. This is why so many girls repeatedly get hurt by grown men. Instead of explaining why they shouldn't do what they do you write them as
victims, also how is willingly dating a guy (who has tried to break up with her on several occasions) make her someone that's getting creeped on? I literally just list out things that she does and describe her behavior. The fact you're villianizing me for doing exactly that says a lot about both you and her. Everyone just hates the truth I guess
No. 2580
>>2578Your "comparisons" are completely unfitting. It sounds like you're the one who doesn't read ("Why is that?" when the sentence literally continues with "because"), and your "whataboutism" and self-victimization ("villainizing me!!!", "she's a BULLY") is honestly pathetic.
After reading all the BS you thought would be good to post, I don't even care to break it down line-by-line and respond anymore. It's like talking to a brick wall. You'll just make more excuses and insist you've done nothing wrong.
All I can say is: Just leave the thread already. Hide it. Go camp out in the long-dead nymphets thread and offer it your "truth" if that's your bag, but we won't follow you. Everyone here disagrees with you and has explained why, but you just don't want to see it. I hope that young girl gets far away from you and your
toxic friend group full of pedophiles and enablers. No wonder she's a pick-me with adults like these in her life.
I understand now that replying to you at all was a complete mistake, because all it's done is given you an avenue to smear your shit on the walls. I read most of the other responses, and they all make sense, especially the one that said you were just mad at no longer being the only girl, and the other one that said you had a male mindset.
I hope someone posts some real pick-me stories soon.
No. 2582
>>2580>Your "comparisons" are completely unfitting.How so?
>It sounds like you're the one who doesn't read ("Why is that?" when the sentence literally continues with "because")I asked for an explanation of the statement, which was not provided
>and your "whataboutism" and self-victimization ("villainizing me!!!", "she's a BULLY") is honestly pathetic. I am using the textbook definition of things. She bullies other girls, which is literally just factually describing her, and I was repeatedly insulted since post one "you're vile!you're grooming her!you're jealous! You just want to be the only girl! You're a pick me!"
Did you forget about that? Why does it hurt your feelings that I am literally describing what is happening? Why are you offended by reality?
>Everyone here disagrees with you and has explained why, but you just don't want to see it. I hope that young girl gets far away from you and your toxic friend group full of pedophiles and enablers. No wonder she's a pick-me with adults like these in her life. She's literally in there because people like you just continue victimizing her instead of explaining why what she is doing is wrong. I did what I can and still hold her accountable for what she does, unlike you who is desperately fighting as to why she's the
victim and needs to be coddled, if nobody explains why it's wrong and just keeps saying she's a poor
victim she's just going to find some other greasy dude to cling to. Just look at how mad you are for describing literal reality and what she does. That says everything. And you aren't helping me help her by screaming at me about how evil and horrible I am for talking about annoying stuff she does, infact it just causes the opposite reaction
>No longer being the only girl, and the other one that said you had a male mindsetOh? So you can explain to me what I have said or done to make it seem like "I was mad about being the only girl" or "I have a male mindset", right? Because please do
No. 2586
>>2585>There's a reason why minors can't legally give consentYes. As in literal 12 yr olds. Once they turn 14 or 15 there's tons of laws allowing them to consent, age of consent is 16 in most countries in a lot of states
>How many people do you know reflect that everything they did as a teenager was completely sane and that they were perfectly mature enough to handle important decisions? Nobody does that, they live, learn, and regret and know what they did wrong. Constantly forcing the narrative that young girls who purposely go for older men, sign up for BDSM forums, even lie about their age to some extent, that they're
victims doesn't allow them to learn from their actions, rather just keeping them in a
victim mindset and how exactly will they learn better if all they know themselves as is a
victim and nobody tells them that they have to get their shit together?
> It doesn't mean that you can't point out what what teenagers do is stupidGreat so argument over right?
>But to try to put equal blame on the kid as a pedophile is just idiotic. I don't. This conversation was simply about HER, not where I place most of the blame, just because I don't spend every dying second blaming him and obsessing over him doesn't mean I'm erasing blame from him.
>They don't have the same life experience and neurological development as adults. If you can't see the huge difference between a 21 year old and a 15 year old then you must have never mentally matured past the age of 15 yourselfLiterally where did I say that? Can you guys form an argument without making up things I say?
Obviously they're very different, but she isn't a fucking vegetable ffs. In high school you should know not to make fun of other women or their bodies, be slutty on social media and towards adult men, compulsively lie, or take money from others. Teens are dumb of course but me discussing about dumb shit a teen a know does doesn't make me vile,
toxic, unhinged or whatever else insult that was thrown at me because nobody can apparently argue without making 99% of it blank insults
No. 2609
>>2566you are literally a pickme, hanging around with a bunch of pedo weaboos, defending them for criticism in a way they wouldn't dream of defending you, and shitting over other women.
>>2573Holy shit at you hanging around with a guy who gets his mum to go to the cops to check it's ok for him to fuck at 15 year-old.
This has to be a tranny. The contempt for women is seeping off their posts.
I hope your bf and his pedo friends die, anon. I genuinely mean that. I hope that girl gets the help she needs and realizes the non-titted drama queen is just jealous of her.
No. 2610
>>2599Anon this sent me. This whole thing is ridiculous. What's the bets OP's pedo bf had been texting this girl and now OP is panicking.
"haha babe yeah she's so annoying, so gross and fat. Don't look at my phone."
No. 2613
>>2517Are you that anon who would sperg out at farmers posting about their underage abuse and blaming them for it? You sound male-identified and deranged.
>>2551Normal people don't want to be friends with child predators, anon. The same way most people who hang out with crack addicts are fellow crack addicts because who tf else would put up with that sort of behaviour?
No. 2617
>>2609 Defending them how?
>>2615>Why does this annoying behavior bother you??? Why don't you just let teens be bullies and not say anything??>>2613Already debunked, stop recycling arguments and use something I actually said
>>2612More conspiring about my hypothetical life you make up in your own head
>>2601What are you on about?
>>2599More victimizing her despite it being debunked and again recycling arguments I have already debunked
Now I please beg, can someone make a decent argument with me that isn't writing off her as nothing but an innocent
victim, "why don't you contact the police" or "you're just must lol get over it" or anything else I already refuted?
No. 2624
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Anyone seen how women are redrawing those old quirky pickme comics? It's nice when men can't pit us against each other.
No. 2627
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>>2624I love those a lot!
Especially since it makes men in the comments seethe lmao
No. 2628
>>2624This is my favorite trend. It's cute,gay,makes men angry,and get rid of the "pitting women against each other" patriarchal bullshit.
I adore it.
No. 2629
>>2617>imagine being a grown ass woman crying that a 15 year old girl is bullying you on a Taiwanese basket weaving forumLmao.
>>2622That's probably a man.
No. 2630
>>2629I'm sorry, but I am literally begging you, where exactly did I "cry"?
Hint: literally just saying what she does isn't "crying"
No. 2632
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>>2627>>2624I love these so much! I would love to see more of them if anyone can post the ones they have.
No. 2635
>>2617Before you accuse me of being one of the posters above, it's the first time I post something itt.
How old are you, anon? If you're actually female your posts look like you're barely an adult. I can see why you can hold someone not much younger than you accountant for dumb shit we all did as teenagers.
Yeah, her behaviour is bad. Mostly because she's being groomed by an actual adult which I hope she leaves. But you mocking her for dumb shit all awkward teens say won't help. Like an anon pointed, she'll grow to hate women even more because she will believe only males are on her side. Because girls like you mock her.
Are you mad that she called you flat even though you have an F cup? Who the fuck cares? If you're really an F cup the only thing that must concern you is that horrible back pain you're going to get.
If you'd be friendly to her she will eventually regret what she said and you'd both feel better about all this.
It's easy to be an asshole when you're young. Hell, many people are assholes later as well. But you don't have to be one of those people. Try to befriend her or leave her alone. She'll grow out of it.
>t. Oldfag No. 2639
>>2635The thing is, if you've got big tits someone saying you're flat chested isn't going to bother you. There's nothing wrong with being flat chested anyway, but you don't go around with F cups and get bothered if someone says you're flat.
tbh has it been considered by sperg-anon the tit thing was a joke if she really IS an F cup? idk this is fucking dumb.
>>2634I love all of these. Post 'em if you got 'em.
No. 2640
>>2639Again, how was I bothered? I just listed out something annoying she did, similar to how someone who is fit wouldn't like being called fat
>>2635All this I have debated and debunked, enough with recycled arguments
It's not even about the are the ones blowing it out of proportion. I just said it was annoying and I moved on, you are the ones who keep bringing it up and act like me entire problem with her revolved around her doing that despite me constantly bringing up her compulsive lying, stealing, manipulating, etc
She's annoying, this is a thread for annoying pickme girls. Why is it hard for you to understand that I don't baby her?
No. 2643
>>2624>>2627>>2632>>2634Can i be sappy for a min? It's kinda beautiful how even libfems agree with this trend. I find it strangely beautiful when a thing brings opposites together.
(too bad some people make the girls trannies by putting the trans flag on them or smth, though)
No. 2647
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No. 2649
>>2640>how was i bothered?>she's annoyingThat's not the only example, but it's your general word choice. You do NOT sound like someone simply describing what they observe in a detached manner, like you're trying to claim. You keep describing her as a bully, annoying, making fun of her, all things which point to the conclusion that she has gotten to you in some way and that you don't like her.
>>2628>>2627lol what kinds of things are men even saying? i can't even guess what would piss them off about this.
No. 2650
>>2640I get it, you don't want to debate, you want someone to agree with you.
Go back to reddit or something.
No. 2653
>>2640Point blank, your friends are the creeps for hanging out with teenagers.
Teens naturally want to rebel and seek attention. Is the girl a pick me? Possibly.
However instead of bullying the kid, maybe try to help her or something. Get to know her. Maybe she has a bad family life and trouble making female friends. Seeking affection from an older male is an unhealthy coping mechanism.
The pedo she is dating is 100% taking advantage of her teenage stupidity.
Children including teens SHOULD be held responsible when they are making bad choices. But holding kids responsible doesn’t entail bullying, does it?
Helping a teen is difficult bc they can be obnoxious and snarky but the fact is you truly sound jealous an intimidated by her youth. Your actions towards her will just make her double down on her bad behavior. “Women are all mean snarky bitches! Older men know how mature I really am!”
No. 2658
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>>2624>>2627>>2632>>2647I live for those. Pls post more if you have them
No. 2670
>>2649And? You can say dogs are annoying, you can say babies are annoying, but somehow when I call someone in my life I find annoying, annoying everyone loses their shit. I don't care that she made comments about my body, I just find it annoying and pathetic, similar to how if a dog keeps barking you can be annoyed but not personally bothered, which is what you are acting like I am.
She didn't "get to me" she just came to mind when I saw a pickme thread and thought I'd share about her but somehow her being a teenager made everyone lose their fucking minds and scream their damn heads off despite most anti-pickmes doing this same thing that I am doing
>>2650No I actually would like to see the opposing side but it's hard to when the only arguments are recycled and debunked arguments and the vast majority of the posts are just dry insults
>>2653>You're bullying her!!! By talking about her on an anonymous form and respecting her as a person in real life while discussing with people around her about how they should help her? You automatically villianize stuff like this without even understanding and wondering why you can't progress. In order for you to work with me to help her you have to TRY to understand what I'm saying and quit throwing around false insults
>She has a bad home life!!!If that's the excuse we're using them this thread wouldn't even exist because most pickmes have bad home life
>You're just jealous!!!Another reason why I can't take you seriously. I haven't said a single thing that even hinted I was jealous of her, but this is lolcow and anytime you attempt to call another woman out you're immediately marked as jealous
>Your actions towards her!!!Oh? Like what? Do you somehow magically track me, monitor my thoughts and actions, and record every communication I have with her? Last I checked, I haven't mentioned a word about how I communicated with her face to face (outside of this post where I did mention I just respect and tolerate her when she is around)
No. 2674
>>2672Mm if only you spent your energy to form rebuttals instead of hypocritical baiting
Also, I know this takes your few brain cells to think about this, but did you know a lot of people can access lolcow mobile while at work, school, gym, etc? And it only takes a few seconds to reply?
No. 2678
>>2675Also, may I remind you, it was you guys who insisted I was so hurt over her comment, when in reality I just mentioned it once and moved on. You are the ones who kept bringing it up, insisting I was hurt, insisting I was jealous, etc. When in reality I wanted to discuss bigger issues with her like lying and stealing, but since I mentioned how she makes vile comments on other women's bodies by all means let's all just focus on how I'm just in a corner injecting my titties just because of what she said or whatever tinfoil you guys want to write about my life.
Is that projection or are you just out of arguments?
No. 2680
>>2677BTW I know another strawman is coming so I'll highlight an extra important part of my post
>You are the ones who kept bringing it up, insisting I was hurt, insisting I was jealous, etc. When in reality I wanted to discuss bigger issues with her like lying and stealing, I really hope you prove my wrong but with how this is going I'll either get insulted, the whole "she's still going!!" Thing while you are still going, bait, or another strawman/recycled argument
No. 2700
>>2696>You're okay with it!!Debunked if you read my posts
>"I'm better!! She's being groomed!!"Debunked if you read my posts
Just read my posts if you still want to repeat argument that have already been used and debunked, by keep repeating arguments you just show yourself as a mad idiot who doesn't want to read and just wants to stay mad because for whatever reason, I said something that upsetted you deeply to the point where you strawman and look for something extreme to claim no matter how many times I prove myself, you just keep repeating it. Either projection or you related to her in my OP so are now mad just because I describe her behavior and find her annoying (and not being deeply bothered like you bitches are desperately trying to convince yourselves) while trying to help her
>>2697Men just have fantasies about women fighting over their attention, so when women refuse to follow their fantasies they just get mad
No. 2705
>>2701Proving my point again
No. 2708
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Anon is cringe but she made a good observation about the difference between men and women.
No. 2718
>>2712Don’t be retarded. This is clearly the same person sperging about how jealous she is of teenagers
>>2708Ok you faggot. Fuck off back to 4chan, plenty of weeb pedos to be picked by there.
No. 2794
>>2624based comics holy shit
girls liking / loving each other is always a net positive.
No. 2796
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>>2624Took me awhile to find this one again but it's so cute. Lol.
No. 2837
File: 1579627694142.jpg (172.14 KB, 350x386, creamsicle.jpg)

>>2833there's two separate but similar memes being conflated here.
>>2634 is creamsicle, which dates back to 2012. It started on tumber and was generally quite wholesome. top comic in
>>2658 was commissioned as de-bimbofication fetish art and spawned a similar meme of it's own. Most of the art is cute and wholesome but I don't think it's too far of a leap to imagine that there are men who get off on the concept.
No. 2901
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The best one
No. 2946
>>2914you’re not wrong but people have literally said this exact criticism of Lauren Southern over and over and over again, you’re not insightful
also Southern turned out to be a complete grifter
No. 3049
File: 1579880821902.jpeg (Spoiler Image,92.22 KB, 675x1200, 6C8A1D32-FA65-4084-8A0E-41EFDB…)

>>3047>>3038>>2991Is this really her though?
I mean even if it’s not, it still fucked up her trolling career before it even began. Which is funny af.
No. 3089
>>3080true. You don't see her ever talking about women unless they're liberals who need to be harassed. Kait reminds me of Lauren southern when she complained about misogyny in the alt right because they went after her. Like she doesn't know who she's pandering to lol
>>3085It could be anyone and its probably a shopped pic but it's every where she posts. So it's apart of her lore now kek
Who knows if she's telling the truth though. I don't think she'll admit it like how most tradthots bury their party days when they go full conservative. Tomi Lahren from FOX in the old days of living in Dallas would tweet shit like "gonna pop my pussy at the bar!"
No. 3133
>>2718Who's jealous of teenagers?
No. 3612
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'it's ok to fap to loli' cool girls are the worst