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No. 6924
Thread for when you're at your peak and need to vent, scream or sperg about troons, TRAs, or related topics but don't want to shit up or derail other threads.
In a world where women are shunned for standing up for themselves, banned from using the word "woman", have their prizes and scholarships given to men, get told to shut up and take the girldick, that thier same-sex attraction is transphobic, that thier kids should have their body parts cut off - it's hard to not go insane.
The fear of getting cancelled, fired or shunned by TRAs and friends around you is weighing heavily on a lot of us, lc is one of few refuges where we are allowed to be honest. So go on, scream into the void about troons all you want.
No. 6927
>>6925Just tell him it is weird for friends to touch each others chests. He probably thinks that in female friendships it is normal for women to fondle and grope each others breast like in
lesbian pornos>>6926it´s barely living
No. 6938
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>>6937>It's embarassing to have bought into troon lies for so longMost of us did. Before I was aware of male aggression, crime rates, and socialization, I saw the argument that a man doesn't become a woman because he lost his penis in a car accident, so why would a woman be a man just because she was born with a penis? And I was like, yeah, the penis seems pretty irreverent when you put it that way. But then I started reading and everything starting adding up.
No. 6941
>>6937what confuses me the most is the people who rejected tra ideology, peaked and went to big gc/
terf circles and then suddenly becames anti-
terf and goes back to the tranny cult for whatever reasons ? like how can people think like that ? its so confusing.. when you learn about what troons ideology is like, and how they're just a bunch of pornsick dudes, i dont understand how u can flip back and agree with them?
No. 6944
>>6941Probably extremely mentally ill people who went to
terf spaces and said something retarded that got terfs to yell at them so they got their ego hurt and went back to their hugbox coom trans corner where no one questions their degeneracy
No. 6945
>>6942>yeah it should be on /2X/This was literally you 2 hours ago. You're questioning why when even you yourself said it belongs here.
>>6943This topic belongs on this board, end of discussion. There is a reason we unlocked the board recently.
No. 6953
>>6936I'm still remembering that moid son of that actress that trooned out. Forgot his name but he was wearing a re:zero maid cosplay. It's horrendous.
>>6937Terfs are everyone and everything they hate. Conservatives are terfs, UK is
terf island despite actually providing trans med health?
I fell for it too, being unaware of what they really beleived in. Ironically enough, being around obnoxious horny and subtly misogynistic male TRAs peaked me kek.
>>6941Lmao the most I saw is radfems curbing them from make up/societally accepted feminine stuff.
No. 6954
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>>6953>that moid son of that actress that trooned out. Jamie Lee Curtis no-neck son?
Speaking of which I really hate these coward celebritites promoting the trans cult. JLC makes more sense because her autistic trooned out child has influenced her to think it's not a bad thing. But the other ones who are openly criticizing it at first, who then get hounded down by trans activists until they apologize and instead say the holy TWAW prayer truly lack spines. I get that it looks like a bad career move but this is a movement that quite literally advocate for harming children and teens physically and mentally. They're not exactly hiding how "life-saving" they think cutting off a 12 year olds breasts is, and how giving a feminine young boy drugs that are used to sterilize pedos is a holy ritual of the trans-gods. I am hoping they just lie low about it to get out of the heat and that they'll be fully terfing again when the tides turn, but god damn is it cowardly of them to back down. JKR is a true hero for still standing up for women.
No. 6967
>>6965I agree about the nuance thing. Sex is binary and gender is a made up construct that has nothing to do with the material reality of women and men. Accepting anything other than that is not only false, but just allows further stupidity to become normalised. I don't care if a small, weak HSTS who wouldn't hurt a fly wants to use women's space. He isn't a woman. And whilst I understand having sympathy for vulnerable gay men, up to a point, that is not for women to take the burden of. And we know that by letting in one "gentle" HSTS who looks the part, we are letting in all the predatory men too.
I think a lot of women don't realise how misogynistic gay men are, and how they fetishise us too, but for different reasons than the typical AGP TIMs. They want to be seen as submissive "sluts" and that is why they pretend to be women. This is who they are defending as women.
As long as it is little threat to my immediate physical safety, I will always state reality. These are trans-identified men. The word woman is already taken.
No. 6970
>>6965I can tolerate it if people have subtly begun to peak, just keep sending them screenshots of what troons do and say about women until they realize they're all just men.
It's so backwards how the trans movement took gender roles and double down on them while pretending to be progressive. "I'm a woman because I want to be treated like a slut" is a fully
valid argument in the trans community that I've seen time and time again. "I'm not a woman because I don't want to be treated like a slut" is seen as equally
valid on the ftm and nonbinary side. I've never met any group of people who are so openly misogynistic and homophobic as trans people. That includes every convservative person I've met and I'm not exaggerating.
Trans people:
>deny science and biology>prevent new studies to be done in fear of it making them look bad>vilify real therapy>subscribe to every gender role>thinks physically and mentally harming children is "helping" them>refuse to accept mental illness is real>have their roots in misogyny>reject discussion, promote violence>say the oppressors are actually the opressad>protects pedophiles over their victimsThey are batshit crazy. The fact that most of my friends are doing mental gymnastics to not have to question it infuriates me so much. You were conned, they tricked you, stop letting them fool you. It's not too late to join the sane side again, unlike trans people we happily welcome you back to the real world. Thank fucking god detrans people now exist and are speaking out against it, I feel like they're the only ones able to take the cult down with their inside knowledge.
No. 6971
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Nonas I am finally doing it, I am cutting off my male enby troon friend for expressing too much pro-troon misogyny that I can't deal with without terfing out on him. I've had it. Every single one of my friends who aren't part of that particular friend group are supporting my decision. I'd love to tell him why, but I also do not want to ever have to talk to his woman hating ass ever again.
And to you, you delusional hypocrite: you wonder why your friends don't talk to you when you choose to routinely ignore them, try to manipulate female friends into touching your moid body while pretending you are one of them, you pretend you're oh so smart and scientific while actively promoting these delusions that harm everyone involved. I hate you, never talk to me again you sexist pig.
No. 6973
>>6972>laser hair removal covered by insurance for trannies>breast reduction surgery out of my own pocketWTF, where do you live? Prioritising tranny hair removal against lifelong pain that is associated with very large breasts.
This reminds me a bit of what that American state that is going to have guaranteed income for people just for being trans instead of the homeless and single mother.
No. 6977
>>6975I am seriously considering trying to scam troons out of money by pretending to be one and then dumping the money into
terf sources. I'm scared it would be tied back to me and I'd get in trouble though kek
No. 6978
>>6972I can't think of a single human right troons don't already have in the west. They can marry, adopt, they get paid more than women because they're men, crossdressing is legal etc
What the fuck are they even asking for at this point? Obviously transmen don't get the same privileges but that's because they're women and women are oppressed and has nothing to do with their transness. If they'd actually pass they'd even get paid more because they're assumed to be men
No. 6995
>>6994>even trans admit it with their afab/amab shitYes this shit is devoid of any logic. They are saying assigning genders at birth is "wrong" because it has nothing to do with your gender. Meaning it would be better according to them if no sex was assigned. So if you're a tim and wasn't assigned a sex - then you can't be trans. Because then you're not transitioning, since you're not of the male sex and there is no female sex. And you're not trans because your "gender doesn't match your sex" because you don't have a sex.
They'd essentially just be a "woman" by default, without getting any of the "perks" of being trans. They can no longer emulate being female - there is no physical thing that defines female. FFS, srs, hormones, clothes, etc - none of that is
valid because there is no femaleness anymore, any man would be as female as any woman.
No. 6997
>>6995They've already cancelled saying amab/afab and think it's terfy to use it.
I've already peaked a long time ago, I have to vent though. I was shopping with my grandma yesterday and we were talking to each other and this elderly AGP decided to stand in front of us and insert himself into the conversation. Afterwards I went to the bathroom, gave the toilet lady the money and she told me to use the handicapped toilet and I overheard that the AGP who followed me got to use the women's toilet. I don't know if I'm reading too much into it, but I'm GNC, so I wonder if they thought they were being woke.
No. 7049
>>7044>sorry this is long.I just have alot on my mind and need to get it outI'm OP, I made this thread so you can rage spam and vent as much you want, whenever you want.
>what made me peak was a scrote comedy made for normies>I'm also mad that it was a show made by moids for moids that peak me instead of the women who has tried to educate me on misogyny I feel embarrassed by that. Would love to know what show it was? Comedy has the power to break through a lot of barriers. TRAs are always warning you about the evil
terf women… but not about moid comedy. So it makes sense that it was something you wasn't trained to fully ignore and dismiss that helped peak you. I relate a lot to what you're saying nona, a lot of us were trans supporters before we peaked. I wasn't super active but I sure reblogged the trans propaganda back on tumblr and thinking about it makes me cringe
No. 7089
>>6929i know necro but nonna if ure still lurking i hope you tell him, go crypto
terf even, that agp is a sickness and he needs to get actual help for his degeneracy. its sad to lose a friendly moid to troonism and coom but if hes unwilling to change, ditch him.
No. 7309
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That drag queen king of the hill episode is so upsetting.
The whole episode is based around peggy feeling inadequate as a woman and instead of telling her different it pretty much reinforces that she is.
When she finally meets a woman who is like her this woman turns out to be a man which reinforcing what peggy was afraid of in the first place. And what solves all of this is caroline telling peggy that she MUST be a woman bc all these men looking to be caricatures of women want her clothes to complete their unrealistic caricatures. That's her uplifting moment.
That a bunch of dudes skin walking women want to wear her clothes.
I used to love the episode as a kid but now I understand not only what peggy was feeling but how peggy was never truly uplifted by her form of womanhood. Instead she was used as a tool to peddle representation.
No. 7322
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>>7309I love King of the Hill but haven't rewatched this episode since I peaked. I bet it will piss me off now kek.
But on the subject, I watched this episode (pic rel) again recently - Bill gets lonely without his ex wife Lenore and starts dressing up as her sometimes, and putting on a high pitched voice - and made me think that if Bill went to therapy for skinwalking his ex wife now, he would probably be diagnosed with gender dysphoria and encouraged to transition.
When Hank said "The only way he could get Lenore back, was to become her" it really creeped me out.
No. 7340
>>7331Don’t back down
nonnie, carry on your ancestors fight.
No. 7354
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sometimes am tempted to de-peak, at least publicly. ignoring this crap is probably easier for normies; for me, someone who will be working in tech, and has a lot of niche/nerdy hobbies besides, it is fucking impossible. reaching that point where i'm like "just accept that she's going by he/she now and you can't call her a woman anymore because ??? ~ gender ~ lol"
No. 7360
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>>7359>Why are we enemy number one, and not the men who murder them? We all know the answer nonas, because they're maleExactly. See picrel. Even their way of thinking is clockable and so unlike women.
No. 7363
>>7362Womens spaces are segregated by sex and sex is black and white (its biology, can't be manipulated like gender shit) so yeah that tranny should not have been there regardless of if you felt uncomfortable or not.
You probably didn't feel much because you were already leaving but would it have been a different story if you were getting dressed/undressed or using the toilet? It's fucked up either way.
No. 7364
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>>7362If we lived in a world where people who were born male were no more a risk to people born female, than I would see what you mean. For me, peaking to begin with came down to safety and trust. We change in front of other women because they're, what, 100% less likely to attack us in some crazed sexual state than people born male? Hopefully another nona has it saved but there is a meme with a glittery cat about how even though men are just 49% of the population, they commit something like 95% of rapes. And men who identify as trans have a similar rate of criminal behavior as any other man. Ergo, to me, first before all else it is a matter of me safety and the safety of the other women around me. There is a certain level of ease you should be able to feel in female-only spaces, and when men force their way into those spaces they don't care that it makes women feel unsafe. This was, for me, the first step to peaking is acknowledging these tinkling perverts don't care how uncomfortable it makes you, and as many of them are rapists/murderers as in the rest of the male population. No. 7373
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>>7370God yes, the shit is beyond creepy. It’s like that is how they see us and it makes me want to crawl out of my skin. Shit that as a woman I have never noticed that they try and ape, you wonder how many years they’ve spent analyzing women’s bodies and expressions like complete psychopaths. All that time trying to peg exactly how we hold our mouths when we take a photo (apparently, always smirking with a cocked eyebrow if you’re under 40, soft out of focus eyes, tightlipped smile if you’re over 40) and yet they can’t pretend to not be sex pests. Maybe spend that time trying to figure out how we don’t let our lives be guided by what makes us coom, troons.
No. 7388
>>7354Same here I really want to unpeak but it’s I possible to do so especially with regards to the enbies who have spread like the plague all over the world.
Enbies annoy me even more because there’s just no logic to what they’re saying at all. I really did try so hard to unpeak and listen to them but it’s just meaningless word salad
No. 7391
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>>7370>we're supposed to look these Mrs. Monty Python Doubtfire dudes and pretend they're not behaving ridiculouslykek. for decades we've been watching shows like monty python and films like mrs doubtfire, comedically showing us how silly men look when they try to portray us. the very idea of it was designed to make us laugh. their male bodies, their voice, their mannerisms and cluelessness about womanhood. and now all of a sudden, we're meant to take this seriously? we're no longer allowed to laugh but to look at Mrs Featherbottom as a real and
valid woman who is just like us in every way?
No. 7400
>>7351KEK he was seething, you and your wife ruined his wlw fantasies
>>7369She might not have encountered any in the wild, or has sympathy for anyone who claims to be abused like troons say they are. Give her time, she'll peak. Maybe show her some statistics about the tranny crime rate like
>>7364 and she'll peak.
No. 7439
I've been on Tumblr since high school and because of that, I always sided with trans rights. At one point, I even self identified as non binary, and I dabbled in presenting myself as a man. Last year, my best friend from childhood genuinely questioned what being nonbinary or trans means, and she was so nice about it. We had a really long conversation and she convinced me that I am definitely a woman, and I should be proud to be one because of all the challenges women face in this world just from being themselves. She was totally right. So from there, I met a transwoman who was obsessed with porn and posting pictures of her own genitals. A total creep, and would post about hating cis woman. Yet was a lesbian? Then I noticed most of them are obsessed with porn and having a ton of sexual partners. Then I found lolcow and after a lot of lurking, I'm fucking done. This whole trans movement is completely covering up actual real problems that women face. And it's literally silencing women who try to speak up. Recently on tumblr a popular blogger got erased from telling radfems he wants to rape and kill them, and encouraging them to commit suicide. Of course, everyone on Tumblr sides with HIM and any radfems who say "this is just another man telling women he will rape and kill them" that he was right and they should die. What is this fucked up world?
No. 7464
>>7453just repent and say
>you're so right, you're actually so womanly that I am not attracted to you any longer since I wanted a man, i couldn't possibly burden you, go be free and live your best life and ask for a divorce. Make it believable though and not sarcastic or else he might murder you. But in any case get out of there males are dangerous when they feel disrespected.
No. 7477
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came across this twitter thread on peaking people. she suggests that the blunt facts + statistics approach isn't always best. what do you think?
this reminds me of how much i was put off vegans because of all the gruesome footage they share of what goes on in factory farms. i was annoyed at them for sharing the reality. it was only a more gentle and mentally appealing argument that cut through my cognitive bias. i think the same could apply here (except peak trans doesn't require a change in lifestyle for most people).
No. 7480
>>7478very true. i try to use mainstream sources where possible and often times unrelated things that still prove a point, such as: the word 'unisex' is more comfy than gender talk, for normies.
No. 7504
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wasn't sure whether to put this in the MtF thread or not. a man identifies as a woman, in order to become a 'mom' and win a custody battle. probably a MRA. troons are pissed because n-nooo you can only use gender ideology to abuse women as long as you pretend you are truly dysphoric.
also this man is clearly very confused about what trans even is because he says "I am not confused about my sexuality" so he probably assumes it's a gay thing, like most normies. No. 7528
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blog, I need to air frustrations out with strangers.
In 2018 I met this scraggly man at a convention. He was okay to talk to, but suffered of nerd desperation that any other nerd-nonas may recognize. He loved Oyasumi Punpun and related to Punpun for example. Despite knowing I was in a long term relationship he still told me once after hanging out if he didn’t know I had someone else, he would have a crush on me. The works.
I’m used to dealing with “desperate” nerd males (mostly, just letting them know very bluntly that the uwu I’m so lonely girls don’t like me shtick is getting them bullied which gets them to drop the act), so I remained unfazed.
In early 2020 he and his girlfriend (yes, he had a girlfriend all along) arrived to a dinner I was hosting on my bday and he was wearing a ridiculous frilly flower dress over his jeans and under a hoodie. Very tacky, but I’m no stranger to fashion disasters. I just didn’t bring attention to it, because it felt attention seeking. The lockdown started briefly after.
Next time I knew of him he had changed his name to Tamara, and was wearing synthetic wigs clearly nabbed from his cosplayer girlfriend. He was still my friend at the time but I think he was part of my peaking, seeing his photos was so uncanny and he called all women around him “baby”, which is a common woman-to-woman term of endearment in that region, that is often used by very feminine, normie women for lack of better terms. It was disturbing how quick the troon-out was. His mom was a religious zealot and last I knew of him, he got kicked out of the house for his impulsive trooning out. The girlfriend also has an “open relationship” with him now, probably not wanting to stick to mentally ill dick. I tossed him off my friends list on FB because I found him too gross but my Nigel has him as a personal lolcow and every time I see photos of him in female character cosplay he is wearing makeup so botched it makes his male features stand out even more.
In 2019, I also met a female cosplayer at another convention, dressed as one of those moe girl pandering league of legends champions (Neeko). She was engaged at the time and in our conversations she was raving about her potential marriage and having children. Again, in a matter of months, he had trooned out and changed her name to Noah, despite being Latin American. She had the teet yeet mid-pandemic, paid out of pocket (per her own tiktok with cheesy royalty free music in pink light) while her mother was having cancer treatment.
I was never a hard handmaiden, but I think these two people broke me. “Noah” split from her fiancé and her IG username has “boy” in it and is a reference to Todoroki from MHA.
There’s no lesson to this, I’m just venting about two people in my life that make me want to nuke earth every time I know of them. Being in nerdy circles and seeing people fall to the cult because they’re lonely and autistic is exhausting, doubly so when you’re also autistic and a gnc woman
No. 7597
>>7595>straight anger from themthat's the one thing you can rely on them for kek.
but no i have never seen a straight answer either. and this "feeling" of being a woman - how do they verify that this is what being a woman feels like? why is it instantly
valid? why does feminine = women when there are so many women like us who aren't particularly feminine in the stereotypical ways?
if it's enjoying wearing women's clothing, then why not just do that? plenty of gender non conforming men have and continue to do so. if it's because they're "gentle" and like "soft" things then why not just be a soft and gentle man? again, those men exist. if it's because they get turned on by the idea of having breasts and a vagina then why is it not immediately obvious that this is a fetish? and what makes them believe that their fetish needs to become their lived reality?
these are just a few of many questions that will never be addressed. it's 100% nonsensical, batshit insane and offensive on every level.
No. 7602
>>7595The concept of "tomboy" is what led to my becoming increasingly terfy. It really fucks with them.
Years ago, a moid tried to explain to me that I should start using nonbinary pronouns because I cut my hair short and have a motorcycle. He insisted it would be impossible to consider yourself a woman if you "present as nonbinary." To refer to yourself as woman if you're not actively doing stereotypically feminine things is wrong, confusing to others, and actively hurts trans people. He said I could help out trannies in their struggle by just admitting to myself that I'm enby, since obviously I was enby. That was the beginning of my peak, because hell no.
(He also tried the same shit on a friend of mine, who works as a carpenter. I ran into her recently, and it turns out he peaked her with his bullshit, too!!)
No. 7621
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>>7595>What defines “feeling like a woman” outside of biologygood feelings. happiness, euphoria, etc.
imo that's what every explanation boils down to even if they do initially vary. "gendered brains", being unable to reconcile their femininity with their maleness, internalized homophobia – it's all the same shit. solving these tough problems with HRT and "transitioning" makes them feel "good"…so that's what womanhood must be. it's "
valid" because if it makes you feel good it must be good.
>>7597>if it's enjoying wearing women's clothing, then why not just do that? plenty of gender non conforming men have and continue to do so. if it's because they're "gentle" and like "soft" things then why not just be a soft and gentle man? well i lurk /tttt/ a lot and some of it also wanting (female) beauty; ugly incel men or scrawny dudes think they'd make cute girls. or they don't want to grow as men
who weren't blessed by the genetic lottery do, they long for a perceived ideal of "women"…hourglass curves or waif-like frames.
it doesn't help that, for gnc dudes, most clothing is simply not tailored to a male frame.
nevermind that most clothing isn't even tailored to most FEMALE frames. a mentally ill dude who wants to be feminine is gonna put on a dress he saw a cute model wear, and just experience everything a wide-shouldered woman is going to. except this is 2023, and instead of maybe i dunno…putting in the effort to dress for his figure, he's gonna troon out because his dysphoria will say "you're a Man, that's why you look like shit"
i get that the above is a really sympathetic view of moids, but i'm more thinking of hsts men and not agps
No. 7633
I work in a very prominent town centre where I help run events. I used to work here many years ago where the ceo was a religious guy who told all lgbt organisations to fuck off, so I came back a few years later thinking it would be a similar chill vibe but no, the CEO is an art karen and all the heads of department are problematic women who see no problem hosting events with drag men. We've had multiple events with drag men in the square where we even had members of the public complain on our socials about how 'creepy' it was seeing the men come up the children. The videos on the screen included men kissing, humping the air, implying docking and showing their bare asses. However my company deleted all these comments and said in our team meeting that these are all just 'assholes' commenting. Including comments of a mother who complained that her child cried when one of the trannies yelled in her childs face.
We have another drag man event coming up and I am just sick and tired of working here. I am sick of promoting this disgusting shit, we have a 'trans pride' concert coming up too.
I don't understand why all the women I work with are so into this, they literally support all of this shit with so much passion, they make me think they hate themselves or something of the sort. They are so happy to have men put on 'woman face' and prance around like a bunch of demons. This does not feel progressive to me whatsoever. We even had an event of a female artist who used children to showcase angry political messages. I feel as though the line between trannies and ped0s is very blurred.
I hate working here, I hate supporting this shit, I hate that I have to faciliate with the promotion of idiocracy. This used to be a cool artistic place to work at, now it is run by women who gaslight you and scream in meetings about how good fag men are.
Fuck me.
No. 7636
>>7635The women I work with you mean? They're between 30-45, I'm the youngest one there.
I was able to succeed in one battle where they wanted to promote a tranny show on our screen in the lead up for 2 weeks, I ignored them for 1 week acting all coy, and when they asked me where the video is I battled with them to make sure the video was only shown after 8pm. This video promoting the event was also showcasing men kissing, humping eachother etc. and the other women I brought this up to had the nerve to say 'oh we didn't see anything wrong with it we just liked how fun and glittery it was!'
No. 7639
>>7637I probably won't reveal the country I'm in for doxxing purposes but I will say that its a western country, not america, but an anglo country nonetheless.
No I can't, because all the higher ups support this. The most recent drag event we ran was during the christmas events and one of the higher ups responded to the 'angry comments on social media' by saying that this is a 'normal way to celebrate christmas'. Mind you he has a young son.
The head of events and the head of marketing are both evil women who support this sort of shit in the first place. During the world cup, the head of marketing said we had to show a 'rainbow slide' before every game.
That's the type of people I work with.>>7637
No. 7706
>>6925Absolutely do not ever give any “femboy” or tranny what they want. Don’t give them womens clothes or makeup tips, do not respect their creepy feminine names or pronouns, and especially never give them some kind of sexual gratification.
He is going to read into that as validation that a girl likes his “boobs” and he’s going to think he’s successfully infiltrated. He’ll also later jack off to the idea and brag about it on tranny Reddit. This place is full of “a girl validated me” stories here: No. 7708
>>7707That's so grim. I knew that shrinks are corrupt and vile but this is just a new level of low. Makes me think that they have deals with surgeons and purposefully groom
victims into becoming clients.
No. 7715
I remember peaking when I identified as an enby years ago. I was so tired of sexism and people expecting me to do and not do things based on me being a female. I didn't want to change myself, I just wanted the sexism to end. This was such a shortlived genuine belief. I remember realizing so many of my other enby friends, mostly males I noticed, were getting off on confusing random strangers. They changed their appearances and it was such a big goal of theirs to make randos stop in their tracks and struggle to not offend them. And they celebrated anytime they were ""misgendered"" (it was usually a male getting ma'am'd) at work or something. I went on a big rant about how I don't want to be the opposite sex, but I'm sure many of us as human would wish it at one point because it's something we could never possibly achieve, but I just hate sexism so much and I can't believe someone would like to act on sexist stereotypes to convince strangers they are "literally" a certain sex. I got so much backlash from my male enby friends. I was quickly convinced I should apologize, even though this is something I said on a private account of about 14 people at the time. To them, it was like I committed a crime. After that, I still identified as enby, but deep down I knew these men were so wrong. Even as of recent, I ran into a couple female friends who identified as enby and they quickly showed how similar in radfem thought they were with me. It's insane.
No. 7732
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I just had this dm'd to me after putting up a listing for old clothes i was giving away on fb marketplace… it'd be nice to believe it's just a struggling transwaman in need but i cannot overlook the asking for used thongs and lingerie
No. 7767
>>7439You mean pissvortex? I've been hating that unfunny roach since 2019.
Sick of seeing argumate too, his little "rationalist tumblr" circle is teeming with some of the most sullen, resentful crypto-incels I've ever encountered. I enjoy radblr but tumblr funnymen are basically a cabal of sex-pest socialism bros and autists who confuse their lack of irl success with befriending normies as evidence of higher intellignce.
it was actually afloweroutofstone and his horrible mutual peteseeger that led me to hatereading
terf blogs and then realizing that all of them were completely sensible. if it wasnt for peteseeger's larp as a butch translesbian i would have had no idea about cotton ceiling rhetoric, which was the final nail for me.
No. 7773
>>7771its male to its core, isn't it?
the man says, if you really thought i was a good guy, youd date me. youd love me. youd let me fuck you. the transwoman says if you really thought i was a woman, you date me, love me, fuck me, on and on.
i have zero libido anyways so i dont really care, but i just identify as straight rather than bi in my various circles, just to be a more high effort target. too much drama back in college when i was honest about my preferences. gay tifs larping as straight men leave me alone because of course they do. i try to imply to women i think are genuinely homosexual that if they were to perhaps turn down a tim or drop some terfy opinions theyd get no push back from me. im an artfag so i gotta listen for the silences and work in some of my own.
i truly carry a lot of gratitude for the lesbians in my life. i also think lesbians have contributed more than enough to women's lib to deserve to have their backs covered by the rest of us. genuinely sickens me how quick so-called feminists were to throw them under the bus.
No. 9263
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I haven't read the whole thread so sorry if any of you already said it but why the FUCK are grown ass male trannies so obsessed with Serial Experiments Lain?? There's this mutual of mine who trooned out days after following me, he has an unhealthy obsession with Lain and his attempts at larping as her (or as a girl in general) are always an awful sight.
Another friend of mine (TiF) came out to me as trans some years ago while I was still into transmedicalism and assorted retardation. I introduced them to my current friend group even tho nobody really believes in trans shit anymore (and this person even knows about me being 100% insufferable towards it, but decided to ignore it apparently?). Despite that I care about them but I'm too scared of losing a valuable friendship, I wish they peak soon
No. 9279
>>9263>I haven't read the whole thread so sorry if any of you already said it This is a vent thread, doesn't matter if others have said it before you, just get those emotions out nona
Either they peak or go deeper into the trans hole. I would attempt to peak them and if it fails you have to abandon the sinking ship.
>>9264Do it nona! If you have anything incriminating such as "I want to be a little anime girl" and ignoring being called out as a pedo (big red flag), screenshot it all as proof before blocking. This way if you have mutual friends you can tell them this guy made you highly uncomfortable and have the proof to show if needed.
No. 9294
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I recently decided to give a try to one of my childhood games which is Toontown, I used to love it as a kid. I knew about Toontown Rewritten for a while, I played it before, the last time was in 2018, but I felt nostalgic the other day to give it a try. What the hell happened in just a few years? Why is there a pronoun picker? Why is there items in the shop with the tranny flag? I always thought Toontown was a fairly niche interest, it makes me sad that now it's full of trannies and the dev team panders to them. It's even worse cuz they continue to advertise it as a child friendly MMO, but they promote children putting made up pronouns in their bio.
No. 9307
>>9297that's so weird. I have also seen many people online call animals for "they" and even admitting that they think it's misgendering and animal cruelty to call an animal "it". I have only seen it online though so maybe it's a language thing. I'm from a culture where we very much love our dogs but even here calling pets for "it" is the norm. The most online thing though I have seen is people calling stuffed toys for "they" because it's apparently
problematic to call a literal object for "it"
No. 9315
>>9314Samefag, but I also fucking HATE how TRAs (and the FA community) tries to use the racism and "ableism" cards as well whenever they see fit. It's as if they want to add as many
trigger words into their movement to have people comply.
No. 9325
>>6924I’ve been thinking recently of two ex-friends I met in middle school. Both one year older than me, one became TIF of FTM variety and the other became non-binary later. I knew them both for 4 years in total.
They cut contact with me because I was too “vanilla” for them when they became super fixated on their sexualities (I considered myself asexual, later dropped that label for being stupid and queer, even though I never saw myself as part of LGBT and still I’m not interested in sex or even relationship). They become so weird, it hurt me a lot then, we seemed to be like a group of outcast friends, understanding each other but with time I saw how they exposed me to unnerving shit. Losing both closest friends as a teenager made me devastated but with time I forgot about it and even felt that I’m grateful for that because I finally saw in a few months how dangerous the trans thing really is.
Now, the proper topic of my vent, I began to think what if they were groomed or traumatized, which I didn’t consider for a long time. First one, the FTM one, I knew she liked various ecchi stuff as a younger teenager, claimed to date various people online (even from faraway regions like Asia). Once she said she had online boyfriend from Thailand (?), don’t know if it was supported to be a real boyfriend or another trans one but I remember being surprised how quickly the relationship lasted. I also felt it’s strange she’s dating that way.
Second one, she told me once she witnessed “something terrible” but never told me what. If I remember vaguely this could be associated with a case of domestic abuse in a family of some girl she knew in primary school to which she was going.
I think they both possibly had some fucked up experiences and their reaction was to find comfort in occasional hypersexuality (or what felt like “too much” for me) or in translation because they subconsciously associated womanhood and girlhood with being weak, etc.
I still think they became insufferable and
toxic at some point, due to queer stuff and personality changes but now I feel like I can see a bit where they could be coming from.
It saddens me that in reality, I couldn’t connect with my peers or with friends I had in other classes at school, because they turned out to be so damaged and society couldn’t help.
Both girls who don’t become trans and these who do, they’re often so left behind.
Last time I found online trace of the FTM one, she now goes by even different male name than she used when I knew her, different surname as well, and seems to be hanging out with a much older guy. Seems like a red flag to me.
It’s also possible the one who was NB dropped this act, has now some “chad” boyfriend but still might use some extroverted persona.
I’m torn between remembering how bitter I feel after having to experience such stuff at young age and losing people I considered my BFFs then, but part of me also wishes that they both might heal.
Now I’m not really caring about having friends or not, I was always a loner and that’s ok for me. While I have other nice relations with people, I wish I could understand more about what happened… And I feel disappointed that even school allowed this (one friend going by male name)…
No. 9363
>>9362Yes. The things she posts there are unbelievable, truly "there's no way this is really happening" inducing.
It makes me want to delete Twitter, I guess I'm addicted to seeing how fucked up things are.
No. 9365
>>9362Also, why "
TERF"? She probably doesn't even call herself "feminist". Knowing that troons are living a lie and that this is being pushed down everyone's throats is just common sense. You don't need to be a feminist to acknowledge this, much less a radical one.
No. 9392
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Dunno if this is the right thread for this, just needed to share.
I got roped into the whole trans movement when I was still pretty young (early high school) and identified as a transgender man for several years. I was totally comfortable with this, (probably due in part to me discovering all of this after being molested at a younger age and completely rejecting every aspect of my feminine body, as I'm now starting to figure out) and I identified as a trans man for around a decade. One day I woke up in the morning and my first thought was that I'm not really a man. Ever since that morning, saying I'm trans never felt right. I never came out aside from online, never did anything to further transition, just mentally told myself I was meant to be a man for years. Thankfully that made things a lot easier.
It's been a few years since I started referring to myself as a woman again and I really couldn't be happier. I feel like I've lost out on a lot of experiences I should have had, though. I kept my hair short, never bothered with makeup, I only wore Tshirts and jeans. My hair is very long now after having it in a short buzz-cut style for many years and I need to figure out how to style it. I don't know the first thing about makeup and I feel like I'm very shitty at it since I've barely practiced before.
Aside from all that, I'm happy. I've had a lot of shitty things happen to me ever since this revelation and I feel like a better person for it. I used to wish all the time I had a dick, I thought it would make everything so much easier. Even before I "detransed" (in quotations because I never really did anything to transition other than mentally) I had doubts about the Trans Rights movement, seeing AGPs set off alarm bells I didn't know I had wired. The TIM thread in snow helped peak me a lot. I know I don't need to make myself presentable to men, I work in a female dominated space and I know that just me is enough. Even so, relearning feminine traits and teaching myself things like how to style my hair, and how to take care of my skin, it makes me feel really good, especially when I see TIMs try to fetishize this about us and expect US to teach THEM how to be women. Now I just think to myself how happy I am to be born a woman.
That's really it, I just wanted to say thanks to AGPs and troons for making me snap out of this shit. To anyone still on the fence, it's ok. It's not too late to change your mind. I promise being a woman is not as bad as the world makes it out to be. You are you, and you are beautiful no matter what, and nobody can take that from you.
No. 9396
>>9314I got kicked out of my dog sport community for being a
terf lol
No. 9398
>>9386>What is it exactly that seperates an “un transitioned trans woman” from a cis guy who just pretends to be female?To give a serious answer
The transwoman (a man who identifies as a woman) is mentally ill in various ways:
A.actually thinks they are female (physically and/or mentally)
B.has one/several sexual fetishes entertained by transition (AGP, "tricking people", invading women's spaces, being degraded)
C.has past trauma (child sexual abuse or
victim of homophobia)
D.has other mental illnesses/disorders that they have been convinced will be cured by transition (autism, OCD, bipolar, etc)
They don't need to match every category, but they typically match multiple of them. There are even transwomen who do know and admit (in their closed circles) that they are in fact gay men but they feel society treats them better if they are transwomen - and they are still considered equally trans by the trans community.
>But what is it that separates that from a man lying about being trans?At a baseline the lying man ("cis", as you called it) is not mentally ill in that he doesn't actually think he IS a woman, the way a transwoman typically does. He just pretends to think it. But since we know some transwomen do know that they are men, perhaps the most accurate way to put it is that he doesn't identify as trans on his own free time. He simply does it temporarily, whereas the transwoman does it "full-time".
>it’s so easy to lie about being trans. Isn’t that dangerous? Yes, this is extremely dangerous for women and it's in violation of our human rights as women. Transwomen are a variation of men - not a variation of women (that's why a "cis" woman can never be a transwoman). Neither group of men should be in women's spaces. If we let transwomen in because "they look like a woman" that is literally just discrimination based on appearance/attractiveness which is ridiculous and fucked up. Men who look like women should still go into the men's spaces. If they knowingly CHOSE to alter their body (surgery, hormones etc) in ways that put them at more risk of other men's violence that's a CHOICE they made that had nothing to do with women. It's like a man tattooed in the words "punch me" on his forehead and then says he should be allowed in the women's spaces because men keep punching him and the women who aren't as violent don't punch him. It's not on women to solve men being violent towards other men because of choices a man made.
>They compared it to women with PCOS not being allowed in girls restrooms for beards and male lookingIn reality almost no single women with PCOS actually looks anything like a man at all. (In fact most women who identify as transmen and take hormones STILL look like women despite their best efforts). This has never really been an issue, ever.
Even then women with PCOS, unusual hair-growth or disabilities, or who are just looking very masculine, or heck who is just super ugly… ARE still women! It doesn't matter what they look like, it has never mattered what they look like, no one has ever questioned that - every woman has still gone into the women's spaces.
>There’s no way to identify if a man is a TIM, no identification or anything.Bingo! Being "trans" is not physically real. It's a belief system, some call it a cult, spirituality or a religion. It's all unscientific ideas that can't be proven because they simply don't exist. You can scan a brain and physically see depression, but you can't scan it and see "being trans", because there is no unifying and identifiable factor.
No. 9404
nonnie. I'm really glad I came out of it, I used to hate looking feminine in any way and avoided all situations where I had to simply because I had learned that's what you do. I missed out on so much to trans ideology. I'm way more confident in myself and how I look now, it's funny how suicidal I was back when I identified as trans and now I feel like my whole outlook on life has changed. I'm happy!
>Is there anything you think would have helped you peak earlier?Honestly, educating yourself and doing research on different viewpoints would have helped a lot. I know that's a bit counterproductive since I fully agree that trans ideology works like a cult where you cannot consider other opinions or practice critical thinking because the hivemind deems anyone not 100% on their side as wrong. But I remember coming across a "truscum" blog on tumblr during this time and read their explanation on how being trans is a mental disorder. Everyone I saw reacting to it was screaming to the heavens about how wrong they are but I was just here wondering, why are you booing her? She's right? So what if being trans is a mental disorder. It doesn't invalidate your existence. I agreed but kept those views to myself and it didn't bother me, so I guess I'm a bit of an outlier where while I still called myself trans I hadn't completely fallen down the pipeline. And the only reason I even found that blog in the first place was because everyone else was whining about how terrible and awful the things she was saying was, so I went to go look for myself. I really urge anyone to actually read into the opinions "terfs" and "truscum" share even if you feel like you'd be alienated for doing so. You don't have to share that you're doing it, and just because you're reading it doesn't mean you immediately agree with everything they say or are a bad person for doing so. But opening yourself to the views of others instead of self-reflecting/listening to the majority is not healthy in the slightest.
>How would you peak a friend in your position?I'm actually working on this atm with a tif friend of mine who is already on the fence about a lot of social justice stuff currently. I feel like it's a lot easier nowadays with how outspoken tims are getting about their boners for violence against women. I've already opened conversation to other things, nothing trans related, just seeing what point she's at before I lose her for good since she really desires transitioning. I've been thinking about gently asking what she thinks about how people are reacting to anything related to JKR and showing her some tweets. Any other suggestions helpful.
No. 9415
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I only follow aesthetic blogs on tumblr but sometimes they will reboot a text post that implies skirt= woman short hair=man or other stereotypes. I followed them back when I was a tra myself and I haven't bothered unfollowing them yet. I can't believe I was ok with that sort of bullshit for so long it's just gender roles. To be fair I do follow a specific type of trans people who are very supportive of "cis" woman not wearing makeup and skirts, and "cis" men wearing pink and skirts, without trying to pressure them into being trans. They are also supportive of trans women not wearing makeup and skirts and trans men wearing pink and skirts, so it might just be an extension of that. But it's so inconsistent because they will critise gender roles and how they are harmful towards "cis" women but at the same time they think they stop being women when they start speaking loudly and wear band tees. The trans movement contradict itself so much it cant exist without stereotypes.
I also hate myself for still wanting to validate these people. I'm not gonna tell an anorexic underweight woman that she is fat, I'm going to call a white koreaboo who claims to be asian for racist. But when people claim a different gender I feel bad about being honest with them. That's what years of repeating the same mantra does to you
No. 9428
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>Hermione remains a "she" despite artificially changing her appearance
Indeed she does.
No. 9430
>>9428They own themselves like this all the time, it's embarrassing really kek
>>9427JKR: opens a rape crisis centre for vulnerable women, advocates for gay people, women and children
Troons: "she is literally worse than Hitler and must die"
They clearly hate women, gay people and children
No. 9447
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>>9426This is good, I haven't watched any detrans content before but I suppose it's a good idea for myself too to hear other's experiences. I don't think I'm at the point yet where I can send her stuff like that without her being put off by it, but we'll get to that point. I think she'll be receptive to it soon since I usually just bring up a topic of whatever current discourse is going on and she puts her opinions on the table first. She's very rational and level-headed, just got roped into it the same as I did.
>>9434I probably should have worded that a little better, but I was a bit drunk when I made that first post lol. I meant to bring up hair and makeup as a personal feeling, now that I'm interested in doing it I feel annoyed that I could have had a lot more time to practice and improve while I was younger. Oh well though, it's never too late and I am enjoying the process.
>>9416Best of luck to you as well nona! So happy to know there's others out there.
Thank you to everyone for the kind words and advice! I'm gonna stop here so I don't clog up the thread anymore but I'm glad I shared. Remember it may not be too late for any friends or family you have going through this as well. One day they may just quite literally wake up.
No. 9449
>>9447>I haven't watched any detrans content before but I suppose it's a good idea for myself too to hear other's experiencesDetrans videos helped peak me and they give me hope for the future. It also helped peak me that trans people attack them so viscously for "no reason" (to keep them from spreading the truth) it really made me wonder why until I watched them and they explained that they now know they had just been mentally ill and delusional and now feel like the trans ideology is a cult that tricked them into medically self-harming.
It was like the lightbulb turned on above my head and suddenly it made sense that all the trans people are going "reee don't even listen to detrans people, they are evil liars and grifters, make them shut up and kick them off the platform" just for sharing their own experiences, which often involved serious trauma. I don't think anything threatens trans ideology as much as detrans people speaking the truth does.
No. 9456
>>9453If you're not white just call them out for being racist, the woke west (mainly America) still usually fears being called racist lol. Either way you could flip it and call them out on why they think only men can have short hair or masculine interests. Then you can use whatever they say and call them transphobic for it kek
Another tactic is to play dumb using your country as an excuse, "we don't have that in my country", "that's a white ppl/American/western thing I don't know about it", "western ppl always try to colonize my country with their politics so I don't want to talk about it with you" etc
No. 9517
>>9507A lot of us were in the cult before so we know what it's like. Thoughts like
>>9398 were swirling in my mind but no one on the trans side tried to actually answer the questions seriosuly (because they can't without ending up on "bigoted" answers), they just call you a bigot and act like the answer is super obvious like "because a transwoman is a woman, and a cis man is a man, duh!!!" as if that makes any sense when they could literally be identical male twins, neither of them even trying to transistion. We're still told one IS a woman, because he says so.
TRAs are afraid to think deeper and instead accept impossible opposites to be true at the same time just so they can avoid those uncomfortable truths. For me it all finally clicked when I realized they perfectly mimick religion/cults in how they act and think. People weren't just saying it to mock them, they really do function that way.
No. 9518
>>9508>>9509Can you complain to some boss/person in power? Possibly even go together with the others who are fed up, or you could all write separate complaints so they know many people have an issue with it. Cite that everything said is unscientific and link some studies etc
On the religious side, I'm not a fan of any religion but it still is protected by law and you can use that. Freedom of religion means you are free to perform your religion, AND you are free to NOT perform religion. There is no physical proof of transness or gender, menaing it's a spiritual/religious belief. "I just feel this is true for me" with no proof, is a form religion. Every single religion is convinced they are the only ones with the truth. While you can't stop them from making the claims, you are legally allowed to NOT perform their religion. You don't need to avoid pork because muslims says you have to, you don't have to pray to jesus and stone women to death because the bible says so, you don't have to accept the hinduism cast system and insist that some people are below/above you because they were reincarnated that way due to past sins, you don't have to accept a furry as a literal dog and accept them running around naked and humping people's legs, you DO NOT need to accept males can be women and to use their preferred pronouns.
You are not being disrespectful of a muslim colleague if you eat bacon in the lunch room with them. You are not being disrespectful if you keep eating as another says their daily prayer to Jesus. You are not being disrespectful calling a person of the male sex he/him when that is just how language works and "he/him" are not slurs or bad words.
No. 9520
>>9504TRAs are really trying to make it out like all of their opposers are actually secretly old conservatives who are misogynistic, homophobic and racist. It's what will be their downfall, because most people who oppose it are women, LGB and minorities who aren't conservative at all but simply fed up with how the trans ideology treats us… with their misogyny, homophobia and racism. Conservatives are often also against it by default, but they're not usually the ones who oppose it with words and actions the way "terfs" do.
If "women are women becuase of their sex" makes you think "oh so you think women are fuck holes and baby makers" than that's because YOU think that's all the female sex is. To us normal sane people the female sex is just a biological reality.
No. 9528
>>9510I think you put it into words well. I heard a TiM say once: "I knew I couldn't possibly be a dude because I feel so much empathy toward other people, I enjoy cooking and cleaning, and I liked playing with dolls instead of toy guns/cars when I was a kid."
That is so very, very fucking fucked up and harmful. Why can't the people (governments, schools, the sports world, EVERYONE) shilling gendershit see that? By transitioning, this guy was only reinforcing the millenia-old brainwashing that men are not allowed to feel empathy, and only women can comfortably assume domestic roles. It also implies that little girls who happen to like playing cars and action figures must actually be little boys deep down – because for some reason it doesn't sense for a kid to just like what she likes.
It fucks with me every day, especially since I work with 3 TiFs! It makes me feel like they see me as a series of stereotypes instead of a real person.
No. 9557
>>9535If you're brave enough you could try to peak her by poiting out why dating women is so much better and use examples you know a moid would never do. Act like you think her gf is an actual woman, so it would be transphobic to assume she acts like a man and not do the women specific things. She will have to face that her "girlfriend" has none of the good traits of women despite "being one". Works better if you're at least bi so it will seem more credible, but you could always claim you have lesbian/bi friends who have told you all about it.
Example, women statistically do most of the boring housework and troons are the most spoiled kind of mento exist, so we know she'll always be cleaning up his messes. So you can say something like "isn't it nice to have a gf bc they actually clean after themselves, unlike men". "Gf are so much nicer because they don't just sit and play games all day long with no other aspirations in life like men" kek
No. 9558
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The biggest thing that contributed to my overall peak is the fact that my father was a world class athlete. I had competed in sports for most of my life and always felt a deep seated frustration that no amount of training would amount to me being capable of what he or other men could. It has ALWAYS pissed me the fuck off. Sports have been sex segregated for a reason and everyone knew why. Seeing a moid stand on the podium is the most rage inducing thing I've ever witnessed. In recent months I have gently brought up this topic of TIMs in sports to my family and some friends and found that they agreed with me- which was a relief. Get them the fuck out of our competitions (and clinics, bathrooms, unearned positions, earth etc.) I will commit time to protecting women's sports from allowing this.
Last night when I saw that Finnish opening ceremony for figure skating, that graceless, hideous troon on ice floundering around all for representation's sake…it made me lose it tbh. Let that clown moment peak even more people. holy shit I'm done with it all. Thank you all for bringing clarity to me this past year and providing some laughs to help deal with the heinous nonsense we deal with as women.
No. 9565
>>9558>I had competed in sports for most of my life and always felt a deep seated frustration that no amount of training would amount to me being capable of what he or other men could.So many men can't achieve anything in sports either, there are tons of physically and mentally disabled men in the world who simply can't do sports at all despite being part of the bigger and stronger sex. Personally I don't mind because there's no need to be the strongest if you're the smartest and girls always outperform boys in school kek
With that said I really wish they'd all stop pandering to putting troons in women's sports, it's simply cheating and unfair. Even male only sports like boxing have weight classes because even just height/weight being a little different in men makes them unmatched to each other. A 70kg man against a 90kg man would be considered absuredly unfair, but when the 90kg man decides he wants to play another sport against 60kg women he's suddenly oh so weak from estrogen and it's totally fair!!! Fucking ridiculous.
No. 9566
>>9527Avoid troon at all cost. If a child is small enough to not really know the difference there's probably no harm in them thinking it's a woman, or a man in funny clothes. A lot of very small kids really only see the clothes, they might think a butch woman is a man or a normal looking guy with long hair is a woman. It most likely won't register at all because they're just a strange adult they couldn't give a fuck about.
When they get a little older you could start by asking them if they think that person was a man or a woman (after leaving so he can't hear of course) and take it from there.
No. 9593
>>9570I'm dying, I didn't know he was THAT bad. The bar for a real woman would never be that low. Men are living on easy mode.
>>9575Make sure you tell you don't want to stay in touch with them anymore because they care about fake pronouns of literal male groomers more than their vulnerable female
victims who were supposedly their friend. It's 2023 they should stop denying science to protect the imagined feelings of predatory men they've never even met.
No. 9594
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This was posted in the Mtf thread and I felt like sperging out on it because he is such a typical case, but I don't want to spam that thread so I'm doing it here instead.
A small troon case study.
These people are so frighteningly brainwashed. This guy is in his early 20s. First thing to note is the mandatory "I don't regret this at all, it totally saved my life", which they will all say to protect themselves from hatred from the trans community, and to convince themselves that this botched surgery wasn't a mistake.
>"i love having a vagina and it's waaay better than what i had before"
but in the same breath he says
>"can't have sex"
>"can't dilate because it's just too painful and I bleed"
>"has no pleasurable sensation in the cavity"
Why would you have any kind of good sensation in your cut up, scarred, mutilated inverted penis that is only kept open by very painful force? But he is realizing here that he can't actually have sex, despite the single function of the inverted penis surgery being for other penises to be able to penetrate it, for checks notes validation. Anyone would be able to figure that out, unless they were mentally ill and repeatedly told biology isn't real but evil lies made up by bigots. It was probably JKR who made it up.
>"self harmed for the first time in 40 days because i feel so bad"
This implies he thinks 40 days without self harm is a long time, and that his surgery did nothing to stop his urges or actions of self harm. Did therapists, psychologists, doctors and surgeons know that he has a self harm problem, a severe mental health issue, and still let him do the surgery? (Yes, yes they did.)
>"I wish I had gone to a different surgeon"
It's not the surgeons, it's the fact that you are a man who tried to have your penis turned into a fuckable cavity. No surgeon can ever do it, it never works, good srs results don't exist! Even the tranny porn is all fake, they don't enjoy it either but their job is to make you think they do. Blaming the surgeon is just a way for you to affirm that you were never wrong and sold a lie. God these people are tragically stupid and brainwashed.
No. 9615
>>9599I've had to come to terms with the fact that there are no "good ones" when it comes to the trans ideology. It's like saying there are good racists, their beliefs based on their own feelings and fears hurt other people by default.
It doesn't mean all of them are fully degenerate, some are really just trying to escape trauma or pain. But it's just not ok to hurt everyone else just to escape your own pain. The "good ones" are really just quiet about their harmful thoughts.
If they were truly and honestly a "good one" they'd come to the conclusion that men should be allowed to wear makeup and dresses and be as feminine as they want and still be accepted as men. And that by calling that man a woman, even if he accepts not being allowed in female spaces and that his biology is still male, that is just reinforcing the gender stereotypes that said he can't enjoy those feminine things because he's male in the first place, and that women shouldn't be allowed to have female-only words for themselves but must include males somehow. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
No. 9644
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I absolutely can't with TRAs anymore. If someone posted self-harm scars, would it be consider validating? I just don't see what the difference between doing something like cutting yourself vs. having perfectly viable skin tissue removed to make a fake and completely unfunctional flesh tube sewed onto your stomach/crotch area. I fucking hate terms like "ableism". It's just another way to gaslight the conversation at hand. Is it viable? Is it actually helping? After every testimony that's come out about how dangerous and insane these surgeries are, even with the TRAs that don't detransition after the aftermath, it's somehow still the "terves" a.k.a women's fault.
Hate this shit.
No. 9650
>>9644I don't think they see the whole picture of what is going on here. People are not saying that the scars just look gross and horrifying (but it does), it's perfectly natural and
valid to be horrified by great harm having been done to a human body. But the actually horrifying thing is that these girls and women hate themselves and the female body so much they've been convinced the ONLY way to correct it and feel better is by physically harming it. They have a deeply rooted belief that female bodies improve if you harm them and it's lead to them permanently disabling their arms like this (as it can't ever heal and go back to the state it was before) just to have a fake non-functioning tube that's supposed to mimic a dick attached to their crotch - to supposedly heal their mental problems. If anything it's ableism to pay to have your body medically harmed because of your own vanity and fragile ego.
No. 9659
my closest male friend is probably going to troon out.
i love the guy. i find him pretty annoying and autistic at times but he has a good heart and has always helped me when he was able to. over the 4 years i've known him, i've tried to talk him out of it whenever he's expressed anything about wanting to troon out. stuff like admiring women, thinking it would be better to be a woman, thinking women look cute in x and wanting to be cute like that. i tell him that growing up as a woman is fucking tough and there's so much stuff we have to deal with that isn't a passing thought for most men. i also tell him stuff like x isn't gendered female and it's pretty sexist to pretend it is.
i've even expressed my disgust for 'sex work' and have voiced my respect for JKR several times due to her often under reported philanthropy. I EVEN SAID THAT HER ESSAY WASN'T BAD OR RUDE AND I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THE BIG DEAL WAS and she was getting way too much shit for it.
i've told him that he seems depressed and he seems to be looking at it as a form of escapism and he should try his best to fix that instead of thinking of some other option recently. the other day he made a comment about a machine changing his gender and i just ignored it because again, anyone who is somewhat perceptive would pick up that i'm not supportive of it a all.
it's difficult because he is a good person. just meets my expectations of how the friendlier, straight trannies are like – hearing what they want to hear, and not realizing that this is the new form of escapism.
also not to mention, a lot of his DND friends are trannies – there's even a TIM and TIF couple. that's why i don't play DND fuck that shit.
literally a year ago, i told my partner that i'm going to need to distance myself because i can't be friends with someone who is starting their transition. being an acquaintance of someone who has been transitioned for years is no big deal to me. but i'll feel like i'm enabling it if we're friends while he's trooning out.
on the bright side, we come from a country where there's an infamous waiting list to transition. i've moved out of that country, hopefully permanently now so i guess the relationship will fade.
i really wish i could help him see the light but he just hears what he wants to hear.
No. 9660
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What is it with troons and D&D? Before, the average TTRPG groups used to be like four obnoxious nerd guys and maybe a pickme nerd girl. Now it's the same thing except one or two of the guys are nonbinary wankers and/or MTFs and the girl is a he/they any/all disaster. To suit this terminally online set, all the games are now held online through fucking Discord and virtual tabletops, which are an abomination but that's another rant. Now that we can't see each others' faces, the default pronoun for anyone is "they" and that pisses me off because I have an ambiguous pfp and username but an unambiguously female voice. Invariably the male members end up referring to me as "she," but the TIFs persist. Pronouns are part of every introductory post. Even fucking player characters get pronouns, and people spend more time creating elaborate backstories and/or optimizing their characters than actually playing the fucking game. Hell, some of them aren't even playing D and fucking D, they're just making """in-character""" quips and tossing dice around with their friends for five hours, and when they get to a real game they have little to no idea how any of the rules work. I am sick of the backstories, the reader's theatre, the minmaxing, the stupid online games, the bizarre social codes, all of it. Literally all I want to do is to run or play a proper pen-and-paper goddamn dungeon crawl where actions have consequences and combat isn't the only time player characters have agency and it doesn't fucking matter what gender you or your dumbass PC are because what matters is the dungeon delving.
No. 9663
>>9644the double standards considering scars is so damn annoying. I've got self-harm scars, healed, all over my body, I won't hide them as I can't help it anymore but some people look at me like I will murder them, most people gladly ignore it. Still, if I would have certain jobs it would be inappropriate to go sleeveless, no one tells me how brave I am, no one tells me how beautiful my scars are, no one would tell me that it was the right choice to feel okay again or to cure my mental illness (it wasn't and it didn't) and no health professional would hand out razors blades or steri stripes to me paid by my health insurance, health professionals would rather avoid me because I must have bpd (I don't) and no one wants to deal with that shit. And if I post pictures of my healed scars on social media there is a high possibility that my account gets banned or my pictures will be blurred out. So the form of self-hate I chose is wrong, but ruining your whole body beyond function is the right choice if you hate your body, no matter if woman or man.
>>9650>they have a deeply rooted belief that female bodies improve if you harm themI think that this is one very fitting statment and it's not only visible with TRAs, it's visible withing EDs, self-harm, plastic surgery, even drugs, you hurt your body, because you always learned that there is something wrong about the female body, no matter what and the only way to get out of it, is to change something, even though it won't do shit and you are still stuck in your body, as a woman.
No. 9664
>>9660this is part of the reason why i don't play D&D. i love old computer games that attempt to mimic a TTRPG experience and i've been invited to play with a few groups. it makes sense that i'd enjoy it but i don't want to play with any of my friends' groups since i don't want to play with a bunch of dudes or worse, dudes who LARP as women. i played maybe two sessions irl pre-2020 but our group didn't stick together and i couldn't get another girl to join so i didn't see much point in continuing. especially since the DM spoke on behalf of a non binary bitch i hated and kept on using 'THEY' in the most jarring way.
it's funny that you mention the pick-me's trooning out. every single girl that i tried to invite to the aforementioned group are now at the very least a she/they. covid really ruined everything but i guess those girls were diagnosed BPD so it was bound to happen in this social climate.
i would love to play D&D in an all girl group. i don't think it's possible with my current lifestyle but it makes me happy to imagine a group of girls being able to enjoy their hobby free from weirdo fetishists.
No. 9665
>>9660One of the few moments I am thankful for being in a backwater country where this whole gender debate is still a niche I can avoid.
It sucked that you had to deal with this stuff - if it had been me I would have just given up on playing online as well.
I ended up DMing for only close friends I trust face-to-face, and I got very picky with my players to avoid shit. Sucks that I got my start as a player online, and all the potential the platforms may have to connect people is squandered by … well, people.
If you still want to play, I would honestly recommend trying a different system that's less popular and play locally, irl only. Even Pathfinder is marginally better by pure virtue of not being the "cool" thing for gendies to do.
No. 9669
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>>9665>If you still want to play, I would honestly recommend trying a different system that's less popular and play locally, irl only. Even Pathfinder is marginally better by pure virtue of not being the "cool" thing for gendies to do.doesn't pathfinder have a transgender dwarf in it? i'm sure it doesn't matter having a small group with normal people but i feel like the weirdos will eventually catch onto it and we'll get some bizarre new edition with hamfisted queer shit. kind of like vampire: the masquerade, which is another once-great RPG that inspired a really epic computer RPG (bloodlines)
and a sequel that will most likely suck if it ever comes out No. 9681
>>9659Similar situation happening to my partner's brother, who is coming up on a year of HRT but still hasn't asked anyone to use a different name/pronouns or even had a job since March 2020. He's of course scared to get one now, and he's in his mid-20s. Does he think his sibling and I will be footing the bill for him to be a terminally online degenerate when mommy stops paying or dies?
It seems once they get in with an online group like that they each fall to troonism one by one like dominoes. The DND comment makes me sad, as it is very difficult to find online games now that have your regular nerdy assortment sans some flavor of genderspecial who talks too much. I just like telling stories, I don't want to play with someone constantly looking for things to fuck, and that was already an issue with the moids in that space.
I guess my situation and years of asking a lot of the same questions discussed here over my tumblr years while passively handmaidening is peaking me. This shit never made sense. That plus reading what JKR has actually said and done and thinking it quite low on the scale of things to be offended about when viewed from a troon perspective.
No. 9683
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I sure hope my state passes their ban on transing children especially after suicide baiting the fucking state government today!!! Fuck!!!! I hate tranny suicide baiting so fucking much it's unreal!!!!!!!!
No. 9684
>>9663>because you always learned that there is something wrong about the female bodySame old misogyny leading to girls hating themselves.
Wile makeup comes with some downsides too (especially in the age of photo editing and instamodels) I honestly think for most girls it is a mostly healthy outlet of this need to change and improve yourself girls feel. At least it's not actively self-harming.
No. 9685
>>9659Sounds like you did your best nona.
>i'll feel like i'm enabling it if we're friends while he's trooning out.I would tell him this clearly if he starts trooning out. He'll be upset in the moment but when he comes to his senses in a couple of years he can't say no one tried to stop him.
No. 9692
>>9681>or even had a job since March 2020.this is the exact same situation as my friend (ayrt) i met him through a shitty job we had. he managed to get really lucky and hand picked to move to another department that was significantly cushier than the job that he started with (and i continued with) then when they were moving him back to the original stream and they started retraining him so he could probably move to the same department as me, he ended up quitting since our government essentially doubled unemployment due to COVID. the new rate was a few hundred less than working would give and he didn't have to work so he chose to go down that route.
he said stuff about 'muh mental health' and i told him that he needs to be looking for jobs, sorting out his health or learning new skills because the increase wouldn't last forever.
he didn't end up doing any of those things and was unemployed until last year long after they reduced the increase but to his credit he did start taking some classes but cried about muh adhd. i found him extremely irritating during this stage since he barely did anything about his adhd and got upset that his therapist dismissed him for it and wouldn't refer him. i told him to go to his regular doctor who did give him a referral but our country charges $$$$$$$ to get an adhd diagnosis from a psychiatrist… unfortunately he chose instant gratification over getting treatment for something that he claims to be so crippling. apparently that's an adhd thing. i think that's a being retarded idiot thing.
(PL: my case for adhd is a lot more compelling to him since i failed out of school while he has a degree but what do i know haha)eventually he got a job that was great. pay was way better than our old job and the work was significantly less stressful… until he decided to be epic and kick rocks while on duty. they then sent a site-wide email reminding employees to not to visibly fuck around when not on break, and also stuff about personal appearance and hygiene. the hygiene part and uniform parts were bolded even. he apparently was taken aside and told that the breakroom stuff was about him (probably the hygiene stuff and uniform stuff too but he hasn't stunk around me tbf) then he got fired two months later.
anyway soooo back on unemployment and he recently got another job after a 7+ month long break. but this one is too stressful for him because it's court transcription work and they cover some heavy topics like CSA so he'll probably quit soon. also his adhd distracts him too much at home. fair enough but maybe look at treating your adhd first… maybe?
(will probably wear a dress instead of treating his adhd, depression or other issues. i'll keep you ladies updated if anything juicy happens)
No. 9738
>>9660>>9664>>9665>>9681>>9700>>9724Do we have a ttrpg thread somewhere on this board, nonnas? I want to talk about the topic with you more than it just being a setting with the focus on troons ruining it.
To be on the topic here, my troon turned fujoshi ex-friend has been complaining about the time it took her to get the troon diagnosis. She publicly confirmed that she had started taking t by herself before going to the clinic and yet talked about how she was scared of not getting the diagnosis. Of fucking course the doctors were going to let you pass because you already had mutilated your body with the wrong hormones you goddamn donkey. This wouldn’t have happened if she wasn’t part of the troon psychosis friend group that would illegally lend her their hormone shit. I hate their "progressive" jokes of now calling each other whores just because they’re now "men" when they look nothing more than more hairy butch women. I hate that I lost my friends to this madness, but I also am tired enough of what misogynistic shits they have become to not care when their insides start rupturing because of the forced unnatural hormonal imbalance. I’m pretty sure they have only focused at their yaoi larping fantasies and haven’t researched about the dangers nor listened to the advice of older and more sane trans people like buck angel.
No. 9772
Like some other anons here I spent a lot of my teenage years on Tumblr and as a result had this outward unconditional acceptance of trans people baked into me, but I think I'm starting to hit my breaking point. I had a few ftm friends in high school who had started taking hormones and such. I never thought much of it, just blindly supported them. In hindsight they all had some kind of autism and mental illnesses and were very insecure as women and that's probably why they felt they needed to transition. "Whatever, they're not harming anyone right? Just let them do what they want" I thought. I never really thought about it critically.
I only started questioning trans shit in general when I started wearing lolita and was in a comm that unfortunately welcomed every single repulsive, degenerate, pornsick troon with open arms to be around young women and teenage girls. Every single one I have met has the same arrogant male mindset they were raised with and an incredibly shallow, hyper sexualised idea of what they think womanhood is. At best they either think being a woman means being a bimbo stereotype of makeup and boobs who has it "easier" than men, and at worst they are straight up pedos that don't just want to touch little girls, they want to be them. The worst guy I met was one dude in his twenties who is pretty much exactly what
>>6936 describes. He would talk about how he wanted to be a little anime loli girl and how he in his twenties was 'friends' with a bunch of 13 year olds in high school and couldn't understand why he was told to stay away. He had all the typical anime autist traits, was clearly into things like ageplay and petplay and would talk about that kind of stuff unprompted to the girls in the comm. Called himself a lesbian (of course) and would talk about girls he went to college with in the most infantilising and creepy way. One day I did some digging into his social media and found his reddit account which no surprise, was full of posts about his loli porn addiction and how now he's a uwu qt anime girl and feels so validated by all his new female friends (referring to our comm). I talked to a few of my friends about him but at most they agreed that he was slightly weird but ultimately harmless. The more I think about it though the more I am disgusted.
No. 9782
>>9659christ i feel like we're living parallel lives, except my male best friend has been in my life since we were children. its all the things you said: hes gentle for a man, especially considering the masculinity requirements of the ethinic group hes apart of, and surrounded by the terminally gendered in his other hobbies that i dont participate in. his normal, self driven interest in creating better female characters in his creative pursuits (DnD and original comics) has mutated into these constant existential spirals about maybe he's not a man at all if he likes the idea of spunky, cool women so much. this coupled with his lack of success dating and bad relationship with his father… i truly think that despite all is admiration for women, in his heart he sees us as an escape from his "failure" to be a man, which is fundamentally sexist and a waste of my time to entertain.
i wish you luck anon. the worst of it for me, i had to tell my friend extremely firmly that hed been failing to be a good friend to me, only spending time with me if it was to rehash yet another crisis over gender and whether or not his art was "good enough" (attracting twitter clout). hes really shaped up since then, but i worry that under his genuine attempts to be a more present friend in my life is still this persistent desire to transition.
No. 9816
What is gender??? If we all have a gender identity, how come not a single person seems to be able to define it in any kind of comprehensible way?
How come I, a person with a gender- wait actually it's even better than that! I'm a cis person! That means I'm a person with a gender that feels the ultimate level of comfort and in line with my sex and who I am as a person, a 100% match. How come I despite that then have no fucking idea what gender is, why do I not feel any kind of gender? Why can't I as a cis person who should be a fucking EXPERT on feeling comfortable in my own gender, have no fucking idea what gender even is???? Makes no fucking sense at all.
For years I was fully on board with the trans stuff and accepting them, I listened to countless of different trans people. I am not uneducated on it; I know the gospel by heart. It didn't fully make sense, but I still wanted to be kind and respectful. But I cannot lie. And the second I looked a tiny bit closer it all just fell apart. It was all lies, there is no gender. Not the way the trans cult wants you to think it exists anyway. If I say the gender of my cat is female, you know exactly what that means. That it's a cat of the female sex. There is a myriad of different things that makes these people seek out a trans identity, but none of them is because they ARE the opposite sex. And none of them even WANT to be the opposite sex out of thin air, they all developed this idea out of all sorts of reasons. Trauma, abuse, homophobia, fear, pain, a sexual fetish, escapism, for fun, for clout, to rebel against parents, to get access to the opposite sex, to harm society - but it all boils down to mental illness.
A mentally sane person does not believe they really are something they are physically not. It's that simple.
No. 9817
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>>9814Sorry for spam while I post some I stole from twitter
No. 9822
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>>9814I'll stop the spam but this isn't even a fraction of what JKR gets on the daily from trans people. I think these were all old screenshots from around 2020, it's not gotten better since then, only worse.
No. 9827
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I'm a digital design major in a big costal city right now and my program is full of TiMs. A lot of trans nonsense works its way into the curriculum as well, I have to read dribble written by some perverted man about how hard it is being a woman in games. Being honest about my beliefs would be social/career suicide. I make a lot of work that would be considered "terfy" because it focuses on womanhood and our biology. No one's called me out and I don't think they would based on my art alone but they say dumb shit like "oh this really captures the experience of femmes" during critique.
One of my closest friendships is with a gay man, we never discuss politics but he just assumes I agree with him on everything which is getting annoying. He goes on and on about how terfs aren't REAL feminists while simultaneously calling me gross for not shaving my legs and asking what my boyfriend thinks about it. I kind of want to distance myself from him. He thinks just because he's gay he understands what it's like being a woman and ends up mansplaining feminism to me. I need to find some radfem friends.
No. 9831
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I hate dylan mulvafaggy I hate him I hate him so much why is he being shoved down our throats by every media outlet who the fuck is this tranny and what does he have on everyone that they post about his ugly troony faggy man face all the time he gets all the opportunities in a month that women work YEARS for, just because everyone wants to pat themselves on the back for being an ally fuck this fucking bullshit
No. 9832
>>9831The one thing Dylan Misogyny is good for is he is perfect for proving that men get everything and anything they want without effort at the expense of women, no matter how much of a parody he looks like and how much women say it's offensive (even some other trans people say he's offensive, they're right but lol get a mirror) companies give 0 shit about the women and just give him female only products for free, lets him have free facial surgery, which he then gets a highly produced film team for to show off his plastic surgery (worse than even the kardashians), he screams at bugs and acts like girls are weak and pathetic, he gets to meet the fucking president of the US because of it - all within less than a fucking year of "coming out" as trans.
No woman would get these opportunities. He only got them because he's a man.
He's going to be a highly used example of male privilege of the trans craze era in the future, that will be his only legacy.
No. 9855
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A friend of mine decided he's no longer a man but instead a trans woman, this is so frustrating but at the same time I knew it would end up like this.
He was always awkward with women, sadly he was taken advantage as a minor by a horrible sexual abuser, never told his parents or a therapist so never got proper help for that. He never really made any friends when he started uni, also wasn't very successful at it so he's not working on what he studied (at least he has a job thankfully unlike most TIMs), and always told me how much he would prefer to be a woman because of sexual reasons and because life would be "easier". When he said that to me a few years ago I didn't think much of it cuz I was more naïve but now thinking about it it annoys me very much, ignoring what women go through just because he thinks girls get everything for free just for having tits, disgusting. He then started crossdressing a bit before Covid started, I thought it would be a one time thing but then he started doing it more, getting cheap clothing that no woman would wear. Then he started wearing it in public, using cheap wigs as well with skimpy clothing that from afar would make him look like a prostitute. This was all during Covid, I didn't have the heart to tell him his fashion sense was awful.
It definitely all got worse with Covid, isolation, being unable to talk to women in general made him have the idea of what a woman is with anime and video games. He got very aggressive one time I told him to buy male clothes for a change for how awful the clothes he was buying were, and he also got very aggressive one time when another friend of mine called him a femboy. Then last year he started going by he/they, later genderfluid, and now a tranny. He was always the super lefty type complaining about TERFs and being a TRA, it was inevitable.
He just came out to his parents and he's already ordering needles for fucking estrogen, no time to waste I suppose.
We drifted apart during Covid, he's not as close as before and I can just say "hope this is good for u!" cuz I don't wanna cause another scene of him being aggressive to me because I think something different. He's an adult now so he can do whatever he wants, but I know he's just a male in cheap women clothes, he's just an autogynephiliac. I feel partly at fault because I never told him to snap out of it and what I really thought and I'm still not doing so, I just don't know how without losing the other friends I care about.
No. 9887
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There's this tif on /x/ who has been making threads asking why conspiracy spaces are 'anti trans' and each time she gets blasted by anons. She sounds very naive and might be underage (although tifs tend to act like children way into their adulthood) and I kinda hope that she eventually peaks both from the rational responses she gets and from the misoynist crap from other 4fags. One thing that angers me though is that she 100% would not be acting so civil if she was posting in a female majority space.
No. 9894
>>9855im sorry that happened to u and please dont blame urself, it isnt your fault. but
nonnie why did u pick such a creepy picture for this kek
No. 9900
>>9862>>9898You're both right, I wrote all of that when the news just dropped so I didn't know how to process it. He's already saying he's gonna buy needles and HRT online with crypto despite it being legal in his country with a therapist prescription, which just tells me he never actually went to a therapist for this (not that it would've mattered seeing how much therapists push tranny shit nowadays). You're right I shouldn't blame myself for anything, he's an adult, if he wants to be a disgusting mockery of a woman that uses cheap clothes and wigs that's on him. I'll probably distance myself from him more as time goes on.
>>9894Sorry nona kek, I wanted to post a dinosaur to fell better so I just took the first pic I saw on my folder.
No. 9901
>>9900If you're brave enough to share his pics here or in mtf that would be funny to kek at
Also I love dinos
No. 9905
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>>9901>>9902Sure, but I noticed he decided to delete all the pictures on the chat I shared with him, so I had to go my way to see if he posted anywhere else and I finally found his fucking Reddit account. Notice how in the comments people are like "omg ur so pretty, you look like a girl!" while he hides his chin. Pic related is the only pic he posted where his chin is visible, anyway here's all the pics of his fashion style. No. 9909
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Do these people ever listen to these reasonings and think to themselves “hm, does this sound rapey or oddly familiar to conversion therapy?”
I know the answer is no because it’s all about their needs and narcissistic feelings, but it’s just so fucking unsettling
No. 9912
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Tired of the melodrama surrounding this game. So many long rants online. The overreaction is ludicrous. I’m Jewish and I’m tired of troons saying I should be offended by this too. I don’t see it and even if it is secretly antisemitic, it’s not enough to make a big deal out of it. Grow up.
>>9909Might be because I’m stoned but I cannot figure out what point this person is trying to make?? Like it sounds like they’re being sarcastic and intentionally insulting but I don’t know why? Probably the most retarded post I’ve read in a while though
No. 9931
>>9920welcome nona! sorry you have to deal with those people, i'd stay as far away from them as possible.
>>9926You're brave nona kek
No. 9932
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>>9905Thank you nona, this gave me a good kek
No. 9933
>>9909GOD they are so mental, and not right about anything.
>"you don't know what's in someone's pants unless they tell you"Girl I can tell your sex just from reading this post kek
>"Not liking vagina = penis fetish"Those are not even opposites, some people don't like either. A person can be bisexual and like both. Literally as deranged as saying
>"If you don't like cats that means you're a furry who wants to fuck dogs!!!"It's not a fetish to be sexually attracted to the opposite sex's sexual characteristics. That's baseline sexual attraction. It's not called "genderal attraction" now is it? Furthermore people don't "need" their fetish for sexual arousal, it's just one thing that can be sexually stimulating, a fetish is the exact same thing as a kink.
And what the fuck is she going on about having to be attracted to EVERY penis if you're a straight or bi woman? That's obviously not true at all, she knows it through. She's being a retard on purpose. Oh wait- she said you're not straight if you're a woman attracted to male bodies, but actually just a penis fetishist. Unlike REAL straight women who are into female bodies? All this predatory shit because this girl hates boundaries and wants women to be sexually available to her. She's a gross deluded sexual predator, that's all she is.
No. 9943
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>>9942We can't criticize white males with AGP
No. 9960
>>9909The fetish/kink distinction is important not for precision but because it provides a loophole; kinkshaming is not allowed but if it's a whole ass fetish, then somehow it's ok to attack. Because reasons.
Even though straight women are able to be aroused just fine without the presence of a penis.
>>9943Love to see it. How were the comments on this?
No. 9972
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Nonnas I was talking with my friends about why troons are so vicious towards JKR but not say, Tucker Carlson, who has objectively been way more anti-TRA than JK’s “biology is real” essay.
I know this is old news, but moids really just can’t stand hearing a woman say “no”. If they were so concerned with people “literally killing them” you would think they would be chimping out en-masse about anti troon network with 3.5 million viewers. But no. It’s because they feel entitled to women, because they’re incels. And when women speak out about troonery they try to suicide bait us into submission. It’s like an abusive boyfriend threatening to shoot himself because his girlfriend wouldn’t let him film a sex tape.
No. 9975
>>9960>How were the comments on this?Lots of troons and other gendies seething but apparently also some gender critical comments, so a mixed bag. But she did a follow-up tiktok where she supports trannies and criticize the "transphobic" comments. Disappointing.
However, I got linked to this and another tiktok of another troon saying the same thing. The tranny community is hopefully on the verge of eating each other. Lots of support from women in the comments and I'm upset I can't sort by "most controversial" among the comments., I don't know how to embed tiktoks)
No. 9980
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>>9964Welcome to having peaked nona! It's a rough awakening, I was the exact same as you growing up on tumblr with the activism.
Some steps to take! Whenever you feel the rage build up at people's ignorance but you know they'll just cut you out for it just use lolcow as your safe outlet for venting about troons. This thread is literally a vent thread you're allowed to spam and rage in, the mtf and ftm threads are nice for laughing at deluded troons as well.
You peaked from "hate reading", so pretend you're still in that phase and send a friend you want to peak that blog telling (preferably) her about it. Tell her you can't stop hate reading it, make her start doing that too until she hopefully peaks from it too. Send a few things from there here and there. Use your own previous thoughts when talking about it. Maybe you started off with the "it's only a few gross AGPS who are bad, they hurt real trans people!" So push that idea that SOME troons are bad, because they're fake trans anyway so hating on those gross fetishists is oK. Once they've accepted that the pathway to peaking has begun.
Make new friend groups unrelated to the ones you're in now. Any interest you have, find a group free of troons, or at least free of woke troon talk. A group that doesn't really care and doesn't bring up how poor troons have it so hard every few minutes. If those other groups get too much or they find out you're a secret
terf you'll still have this new group. Right now you could look for people who play hogwarts legacy since troons and allies avoid it like the plague kek
Possibly talk to your tif friends one on one about why they think they're trans. If you can innocently question their internalized misogyny that led them there maybe it will help them peak too. "But every cis girl goes through that, I did and I'm 100% cis so there has to be something else to you being trans… right?" Usually these people are narcs to some degree so they'll love to talk about themselves and how special they are. Plant some seeds for them to grow out of it.
Good luck nona! Vent here as much as you want and need.
No. 10005
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A retarded argument from a retarded TRA. Our parents are anti-trans, so wouldn't being pro-trans be the thing that would upset our parents? Hmm, makes you think, don't it.
No. 10006
>>10005I love how he posts this as some kind of “gotcha”
>comedy boils down to saying something we all understand in a way that points out the absurd Um, yes. A dude in a dress claiming to be a woman is absurd, so I’m making jokes about it
No. 10017
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was watching a show on hbomax lmao the way I immediately clocked this tranny a mile away, his hunchback of notre dame posture, the awkwardness every time he’s on screen,
the trademark stringy estrogen curls it’s all so hard to watch
No. 10022
>>10012Just a tip for if/when your friends attack you over it, saying something along the lines of
>but it hurts trans people and JKR is transphobicAsk how many games they've played that have sexist depictions of women. And violence towards women. Many games have literal acutal, brutal violence depicted. Plenty of women have been begging you to not play these sexist violent games, for years. If you didn't see it it's only because you give 0 shit about women and didn't listen, because it's not hard to find. Does that mean you hate women and want this violence to be real? Does it mean you support sexist violent treatment of women? And the age old question: did these violent games turn you and other people violent? Or was it… just a game?
This game doesn't actually depict or promote any anti-trans rhetoric. (If they say goblins are jews call them out on the fact that they're wrong and that's a retarded myth made by antisemitic people)
And taking away the fantasy aspect, how many shitty sexist and
abusive game devs haven't been revealed? Why aren't you protesting against them like you've done for HL? Is this literal sexual abuse of real women (meaning they exist and it happens, not "cis") not as bad as trans people having their feelings hurt that a millionaire who wasn't involved in the game got richer? Does it mean everyone playing the game is in 100% support of that sexist game dev? Or did they perhaps just want to play an exciting game they've been waiting for for years?
To not be accused of being a
terf add in something like:
You know I'm not against trans people, I don't think the staff is against trans people either, I just want to enjoy this game with my friends so I will do so.
If they STILL disagree and think you're a bad person take note and in the future every time they mention a game google to see if it has ANY sexist depictions of women, violence, controversies surrounding staff members etc and ask why the support that. Every time.
If you lose a friend over THIS, they weren't worth keeping around. Go make better friends.
No. 10028
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>>10022Going off your post, does anyone have any media they'd like to share with a creator being "
problematic", as in an actual menace to society? The kinds someone reviling jk would care about, like picrel. Just to ask people what makes support of her worse than others.
No. 10038
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The venus symbol is now comparable to a swastika according to these clowns …
No. 10041
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>>10038Me and the girlies making our entrance like
No. 10058
>>10048Going to have to remind myself of these things too to keep my sanity, been trying to use logic dummed down to a 5-year olds level talking to friends that has drunk too much of the TRA kool-aid, especially the ones that are also autistic (honestly though, why are especially autists so susceptible to this cultthink and so EXTREMELY adamant to be cunts about it?).
>>10057I have a couple of friends in the gaming industry that works with big companies and through them I've heard rumors of developers starting to get really tired of appealing to gendies because it costs too much money and resources with next to no payback. Is that something you've noticed too, or is it something they just made up in hopes of it becoming true?
No. 10072
>>10058Yes, it sucks. I became a dev later in my life after putting it off for so long. Video games are my passion, it’s all I had when struggling with my mental health and I want to help others the same way. Even the gender specials. But it’s not okay anymore.. I have to worry all the time about whether or not an added or missed detail is going to make them go ape shit and get me fired for something that stupid. The reward isn’t even worth the work we do anymore. Fucking corporate cucks making impossible demands and due dates, cutting funding and budgets and then transtards foaming at the fucking mouth over a goddamn character name as if we had fucking time for any of that shit.
Sorry. I’m very emotional right now. My hard work feels wasted.
No. 10079
>>10072It's okay
nonnie, I totally get you and it's extremely understandable that you are upset and fed up! It is completely reasonable to be upset abut this mess, I myself have been so upset I've had a hard time falling asleep last couple of nights not only because of the state of the gaming community but also because two of my friends that worked with promoting HL have gotten harassed and lost friends over this, one got suicidal but the other one is luckily pretty good at shrugging things off and using their logic against them. But it's so fucking upsetting that all this harassment and bullying is condoned.
I can't believe I low-key want gamergate 2.0 to get the troons to gtfo, both figuratively and literally.
No. 10098
>>10072I hope you're feeling better when you read this nona! I wonder how many game devs there are that use lolcow, I already have a couple of
terf friends that are or are studying to become game developers. Maybe we can all start a game studio kek
No. 10101
>>10058>why are especially autists so susceptible to this cultthink and so EXTREMELY adamant to be cunts about it?Diagnosed sperg-anon here and I can give some insight. Autists are one of the groups that are more likely to be naturally gender non-conforming (another example is gay people). This is partly because they struggle with seeing and understanding social rules and norms. Autists have a number of struggles related to being autistic (be it physical, mental or societal) which puts them as highly likely to be depressed and they have a higher suicide risk than even trans people (the high trans suicide risk is a lie though, being trans has seemingly little to no effect on suicidality). Struggling with metal health AND reading social rules leads to isolation.
So you have isolated, depressed, gender non-conforming, confused autists who are trying to figure out what's wrong with them. This often leaves them terminally online, they constantly see ALL the trans propaganda and never go outside to see reality and to see that it's all lies.
Another autist trait is "black and white" thinking. So it doesn't take much to get them to go from "I've always been bad at being a girl… so I must be a boy." or "I'm a failure of a man… I can stop being that failed man if I turn in to a girl instead" through lovebombing them and telling them nice lies while encouraging narcissism. They finally have a place they belong and an explaination to why they weren't "wrong", just trans!
>All those fucked up social situations you caused because of your autism, nope it was actually because you're trans, and it was their fault for being transphobic to you! But we trans people love you for who you are. You will stop feeling depressed if you just… transition. You like anime? Become an anime girl. Be the yaoi-man of your dreams.So they're going to stubbornly refuse to see anything else because for the first time ever they have a community, power, exuses for their flaws, a cause, and a clear "guide" over what to do: transition (or as a handmaiden to support transition)
They actually literally think they ARE the opposite sex, and they actually think it WILL cure them from all their mental issues to transition. That's the black and white thinking. Average AGP and HSTS usually know they're not real physical women even if they won't admit it, but the autists truly think they are.
Now on the other hand, autists are also much more likely to be huge nerds who look into the actual studies and not give a shit about other people's feelings, so ironically they are also more likely to never have bought into the trans stuff to begin with, or to be the ones to detransition first when they realized it wasn't true and they didn't get better. And they don't understand that they're supposed to still lie and keep up the act like every else. So as a result the first wave of detransitioners have consisted almost entirely of autistic people. It's extremely predictable.
Every single non-gamer/not perpetually online autist I've met irl have been unapologetically anti-trans and shut it down with no shame at all.
No. 10120
>>10079>>10095>>10098Thanks, nonnies. I feel a lot less alone in this now. I was afraid to even post here because in the past I’ve been accused of being a transphobe just for not wanting some trans man to use and manipulate a friend. I’m sick of them and their bullshit tantrums. They literally ruin everything.
Even my trans coworker is fed up with the shit and says she’s afraid of her creativity being snuffed and hates being begged to write in “trans representation” in projects by hormone crazed teenagers.
I don’t have any
terf friends and I’m kind of scared of trying to make any. I’m afraid of being doxxed especially knowing there are nutjobs out there that hate me and would do anything to watch my hard work burn. What should I do from here, nonnies?
No. 10147
>>10138For the nerdy autists actual studies and science makes them peak, since none of the actual good studies support trans ideology and the few that support it are flawed af. Just get them interested in reading about neutral trans science. That's how I peaked lol
I think for the less science inclined ones actually disproving what they believe so they see it with their own two eyes would be the way to go. Unfortunately the cult behaviour has an excuse for everything and will tell them it's all fake lies made up by terfs, which they will believe.
I think general peaking advice of slowly introducing gross AGP content and initially stressing they're not REAL trans because they're faking it for a fetish can open them up to see SOME who call themselves trans people are bad. If you can get them to just look out for "the bad ones" they'll have a hard time denying it because they (literally) thought all trans people were good innocent people just wanting to live their lives. I'm thinking mainly of female autists.
Also make sure to tell them ALL teen girls feel alienated from their bodies and that's normal but sucks to go through. The whole beauty industry is based on women hating their bodies. That "cis" teen girls want to change their gender to male all the time especially if they're tomboys or gay. It's possible no one ever told them that and all they heard were "if you ever felt discomfort with your body you're trans".
No. 10149
>>10120Use lolcow as an outlet for terfism if you can't make irl
terf friends. It helps a lot to have a place to vent and see other women who are fed up too.
My go to thing lately has been watching/listening to detrans content on YouTube, see if you can find some interviews there. Seeing real ex-trans people admit they were wrong and seeing how they now work to stop the rest of them from huring more people gives me a lot of hope and positivity. If they peaked even after being so far gone, then anyone can peak.
Just by watching it you boost it in the algorithm so it's more likely to show up for other people and no one can dox you over it since they have no idea you watched it
No. 10156
>>10149nta, but do you have any decent recommendations?
I've only watched this seminar from last year, it's 8 bloody hours long but it features a few different detrans women speaking about their experiences, their various reasons as to why they transitioned, how medical professionals treated them when they wanted to detrans and their theories as to why transitioning is being pushed so hard. It took me a few days to go through it but it was super interesting to have in the background.
No. 10164
>>10154>Has anyone else here had super awful experiences with troon friends and social anxiety afterwards?100% yes, I've even been sexually assaulted by a male troon friend so that has certainly made the anxiety worse. Knowing I can't even talk about it to a woke friend without them saying "um no SHE assaulted you" is keeping me from talking about it to them.
>>10156Genspect is great! They have a lot of counter-troon content that can be uplifting too. Benjamin A Boyce has interviewed a lot of detrans people so try searching his channel for it. Some detrans people on the top of my head are
>Sinead Watson (ftm back to female)>Richie Herron (mtf back to male, also known as Tullip R) he had srs and deeply regrets it now>Exulansic (ftm to female, native american detrans terf) is great because she explains why and how (in depth) trans surgeries and hormones are medically harmful while making jokes. She gets banned from time to time but is currently under the channel name "Ex Aisle" No. 10182
>>10178Why have they seemingly not invented a nonbinary-only sexuality yet? Seems like they'd want to jump on that to prove they're not men or women. If they're separate from the two and people can be only into men or only into women, can't they also be only into nonbinary people? If not, that must mean nonbinary is part of men and women. That or they are SO repulsive no human is capable of feeling attraction towards them.
Anyway make sure to point out to other people behind her back that's she's homophobic for thinking lesbians are attracted to dicks and it made you really uncomfortable as a lesbian. When normies hear it like that from an actual lesbian they're more likely to understand and see how fucked up that girls statement really is.
No. 10203
>>10198Having seen the rise and fall of pansexuality was very informing. At first it was clearly a new cool thing to be and they defined it as
>sexually attracted to both men and women, trans and nonbinary peoplePansexual was the "correct" one to be if you liked both sexes, they saw bisexuality as a little bit bigoted because that was defined as
>sexually attracted to men and womenI remember people saying "I'm pan and not bi because I could also date trans people" and that was fully accepted and endorsed as the righteous choice out of the two. Then a few years in trans people decided that it was the opposite. Saying you were pan was indirectly saying you didn't see trans people as "real" men and women (of the opposite sex), so you should now be bisexual if you're attracted to them.
The remaining pansexuals were the ones who still included being attracted to nonbinary trans people as some sort of third category, but we see far less pansexuals now than when it first became a thing.
No. 10205
>>10201Trans people were really quick to jump on to intersex people (and every other group they use) to push their movement forward despite it having absolutely nothing to do with being trans. I saw a self-proclaimed "gender expert" guy (he was some flavor of trans and wore cat ears) saying "intersex people are cool because they're both binary and non-binary (trans) at the same time". He was clearly not even grasping what "binary" means yet everyone else just accepted it. I was so mad that I couldn't call his disgusting behaviour out without being called a
terf and kicked out forever.
I've also seen trans people wholeheartedly say gender non-conforming people are trans. So… pretty much everyone on earth is trans then?
No. 10242
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>>10048>Only people who aren't already in the cult can be reached, so focus on themI think one of the best ways to peak people now is to ignore trans people, not interacting with them other than when necessary, same way you'd treat a slightly too religious colleague or classmate who gives you an earful for taking gods name in vain if you say "oh my god". Let them do their thing and then you roll your eyes with everyone else the second they leave the room.
And then just make fun of trans people with everyone else. Not straight up being cruel but just point out absurdities, hypocrisy and how silly it all is. Shame them through comedy by making casual memes and jokes. It's a lot easier to get through to people through comedy, it will prevent them from becoming codependent enablers and when it's more common the embarrassment of being a delusional trans person will stop the social contagion because it's just not cool to be trans anymore when you're not oppressed but just the butt of the jokes.
No. 10252
>>10251It's so obvious they just hate her for being a woman who won't shut up. Seeing my woke mutuals seethe over her is both funny and frustrating. How can you even pretend to be on the "riGht SiDe oF hisToRy" when you're on the side that openly sends death and rape threats to a woman simply for speaking up about women's and children's rights?
They all made fun of trump supporters for being ignorant and not looking at all the dumb shit trump said publicly, never checking actual sources and blindly following hateful lies - but they're doing exactly the same thing! They have no idea what Rowling has actually said and done.
No. 10284
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apologies for autism in advance but i recently desisted a few months back (confronted a lot of my internalized lesbophobia, misogyny, still a work in progress obviously etc) but my girlfriend is still sipping the kool-aid
she's not too bad in terms of tras but she has pcos and has been seen as "masculine" all her life so of course troons would take advantage of that and it's honestly kind of heartbreaking and infuriating to see female issues like pcos loop back to TIMs
i wish i could help her peak but i'm an autist and i'm way too intense and clumsy about shit like that. i love her so much and she just deserves better than men preying on her insecurities under the guise of progressiveness
No. 10289
>>10271>one after another, they get a shitty haircut and start dressing in fucking suspenders like old dudesIt's funny how all of these people "being their true self" all look and act the same.
It's annoying to me as someone with an unnatural dyed hair color to have people look at me and think I have pronouns and shitty opinions because they so often have it. I've found that genderspecials nearly always have short hair though, it's extremely rare to find one with hair past their shoulders unless they're mtf troons (in which case you can see that they're men anyway). So the longer the (dyed) hair is the less likely they are to be in the gendercult.
>>10284Happy that you peaked nona! Even though you're clumsy maybe you can still express that you think her fully natural female features aren't actually masculine, because they're literally a natural variation of features on a female body. (Males obviously can't have polycystic OVARY syndrome) There is actually nothing masculine about that when you think about it. Maybe you can tell her you think it's unfair of people to say that makes her or anyone else "less female/feminine" just because they have a female-only condition.
Maybe you can even tell her your desisting situation? Don't tell her what to believe, just express what you felt and feel now, you know?
No. 10317
>>10289thank you
nonnie! i've talked a little bit about desisting with her and she agreed and shared the same sentiments i feel but i haven't talked to her in depth about it (ie. the amount of misogyny in trans activism, the porn sickness, etc) i talked to an irl the other day about all of that and she agreed with everything i said so i feel like that's good practice
knowing there's women out there to help me and that i can help in turn really means a lot… i love all you nonnies thank you
No. 10337
my bio classes in college so far have been troon magnets. last semester had the typical autism TiM. He wore cat ears every day, and indeed used the women's restroom. This semester there's two, a TiM and a Tif. The TiM goes by Alice and wears minecraft merch. The TiF wound up in my lab group, she has a talent for making the guy in my lab group get pissed off, so they end up arguing and by the end of lab I have a headache. I seriously have been bringing ibuprofen with me because I never know if it's going to devolve or not. She clearly has some social issues and so I feel kind bad, but she's genuinely insufferable to talk with.
I feel like there's a very specific breed of 1st gen/raised by immigrant trannies, especially european ones. The cat ear guy was Hungarian and the girl right now is Russian. My going theory is that, much like how super liberal children seem to be rebelling against super conservative parents, european immigrant children are faced with a stricter home and culture, but want to identify with white american kids. I've never seen a single indian or asian transgender (despite knowing they exist), and I think it's because there's still an element of not wanting to disrespect your parents and home culture. The european children couldn't care less because they typically fit in wherever they go. I just see so many kids, especially eastern/central/former iron curtain european that wind up shaving half their head and going bun-self
No. 10361
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I know that Harry Potter Legacy has been discussed in every thread now and anons are probably tired of seeing it lol.
I have been watching some character customization videos of this game and noticed that you can't chose sex. It let's you chose a bunch of preset character and then you can work on your character from there. When it comes to voices you can chose Voice one(male) and voice two(female). I hate that the put the male voice first.
And they ask you what dorm you want to use instead of just asking you if you are a girl or a boy. To be fair, they did put witch first but I suspect it was because it's sorted alphabetical. At least the first preset character they have is a girl but It hunk that they give you a random preset character at each new game. What's the point of this? Harry Potter's fanbase has always is mostly women and girls. 10 years ago many companies didn't even want to add female protagonists in their games and now they don't even want to acknowledge that women exist.
You just know that some moid is going to make a character that looks and sounds like a boy but put him in the witches dorm so he can play out his fetish of spying on girls at sleepovers. Why is it only franchises with female fans that troon panders. Why are women always forced to be "inclusive"?
No. 10386
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Well nonnies, I have recently peaked after seeing all of the Dylan Mulfaggy shit plague my socials. I have always questioned TRAs and the trans movement but never went looking for answers as I was afraid of being outed as a transphobe by my peers. I live in a very liberal state and all of my friends are libs, so I'm afraid of them finding out that I have changed my views on trans people. It really fucking sucks as I have to larp my way through College and fit in with people that I have nothing in common with. I just wish I could find my crowd and not feel like I have to lie about every single aspect about myself in order for people to like me.
No. 10388
>>10384>>10387I can see how it might be more time and cost efficient to just have voice actors do one line instead of multiple takes for both genders, so in some games I somewhat get it, but it doesn't make sense in Hogwarts Legacy if they already have different lines depending on if you're a witch/wizard…
I really hope the gaming industry is not going to erase women altogether, it's already hard to find games where women isn't overly sexualized, but not represented at all? Fuck that. I'm a millenial and I almost got into fistfights with my friends as a kid because I couldn't believe Samus was a woman, because of the lack of female representation at the time it was inconceivable that you could play as female characters, especially strong ones. It took several years for me to realize how wrong I was, and I think that mindset of mine at the time is such a good example of how important female representation is and it has made a few of my friend that previously didn't think it was such a big deal really think when I brought it up.
No. 10391
>>10361Girls used to have to play as male protagonists, with no female option in a lot of games. When there was a female to play she was called Booby McTits and for men to drool over. It slowly changed to be inclusive of females, only to now revert back so we can't play as female anymore. No girl/woman/female option, no she/her. We're back to not existing. In the name of progression.
Yet the 2 body options are always a male and a female body. The voices are male and female voices. But you can't ever acknowledge that it's female, that's evil and bigoted. Male is already seen as the default so it's less of an issue for them (but equally stupid). For whom is this done? The extremely small minority of "nonbinary people who exclusively use they/them" of the already small minority of "trans people"?
If a person is genuinely so mentally ill that hearing someone use he/she in a game and it gives them a panic attack they need to log off and go to fucking therapy. That is severe mental illness and it's not on anyone else to cure them, that's a personal thing they have to do themselves.
No. 10403
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> >post in a women’s sub about men making everything about themselves
> >multiple men come make everything about themselves again in the comments forcing OP to apologize.
I haven’t peaked this hard ever. I’m just at my limit. Reddit hates women so I’m not sure why I still use it.
No. 10404
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>>10403One of the comments from a male.
No. 10406
>>10404Fucking disgusting.
You're not allowed to say AFAB - it exludes males
You're not allowed to say female - it excludes males
You're not allowed to say girl/woman if you don't pretend that includes males
You're not allowed to say menstruators unless you pretend it includes males
You are (currently) allowed to say uterus-havers and birthgivers - but only if you take utmost care to tiptoe around it and make sure males aren't upset by it (but they still are)
It's literally never going to be enough for them, they want women to have no way of talking about ourselves. They hate women. They want us to not exist, so they do the second best thing and make sure we don't exist in language or law so we can be subordinate to the "real women", the transwomen. So a woman will mean a transwoman, and a real woman is just a uterus-haver and future birthgiver.
No. 10419
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two busted most manly looking trannys
comments: omfg!!! stunning yasss queen
kek the overcompensation is so obvious even the troons can tell at this point
No. 10423
>>10406Exactly. That’s why I went into a peaking rage. I actually got on my alt account and DMed the OP saying:
>> Sorry all of those men proved you right about them always making things about themselves. They can’t help themselves even when they call themselves women.Planting seeds to hopefully awaken her even though my chances are slim
No. 10424
>>10404>the use of AFAB and AMAB here comes across quite exclusionaryIt's SUPPOSED to be exclusionary! Because it is! "AFABs" and "AMABs" have different experiences growing up due to their biological traits! You need to be able to talk about the other without including the another because they don't share the same issues! This is the kind of ridiculous language policing and arm twisting these people do because they just want to shut all talk about female oppression up by making everyone walk on this mine field of hurt feelings.
Imagine if they hijacked a discussion about racism like this, whining about how they got bullied growing up too so you can't exclude their white asses out of the conversation. I'm sorry mister sophie_is_trans but your kind of "female" autism sounds very male in its entitlement, disregard of social codes and aggressiveness.
No. 10426
>>10424This is partly why we should never use afab and amab. People tried SO hard to accommodate them by not saying man and woman while still trying to talk about biological reality. They're still pissed off they get excluded. They don’t care if women get erased and suffer because of what they're doing. Always just use man and woman nonas. Ignore anyone commenting "hurrdurr but trans" because they're a waste of time.
The second reason to not use it is because no one is assigned a gender at birth, your sex is just observed.
No. 10463
>>9294holy kek nona im so late on this bc i saw this just now but i came back to ttr a few months ago (before the pronoun update). the pronoun picker update is actually a recent thing, probably was released in october 2022 or somewhere around that time. i was actually surprised there wasnt tranny shit in the game before this considering the fanbase is full of them, but it happened eventually.
the pronoun picker update was so out of left field. instead of QOL shit they could do like implementing chat logs which people have been asking for the longest time, they just HAD to put something to appeal to the trannies. i do know what youre talking about tho with the "tranny colors" in the catalog. before i peaked, i hadn't thought anything of it since those clothes have been in the game for a few years now, but when i came back after my hiatus, i immedaitely had a suspicion that someone on the dev team was a tranny because the pink/white/blue colors are just way too much of a coincidence.
despite how bleak it looks, its hilarious when you check other people's info on the game and 50% of the time, they put whatever pronouns sound the most ridiculous. i've seen ay/e/nis or something like that going around, and even "em/i/nim". i personally use "ay/its/him" (my toon is a boy, don't think too hard on it nonas i just like the boy clothes since clothes arent unisex on this game) or "ay/aye". nobody actually uses the proper pronouns to refer to other people anyway because nobody bothers to check, especially during battle. it's hilarious how the devs had to find a way to forcibly change the order of how some pronoun combinations worked because people were making bad words with them (per/ver/it for pervert, ay/nis for anus).
and then the trannies are mad too because they cant type in a custom pronoun (since that means it would also have to be whitelisted in the chat, which the devs don't like doing because they're afraid of people finding ways to get around the chat filter to say swear words). seriously, this was the stupidest idea ever and no one asked for it except for trannies crying about how they get misgendered on a disney game because they made their avatar 5 years ago but now theyve transitioned, so now every time someone says "he" or "she" they get unbearable dysphoria kek.
trust me nona i felt the same dread as you when i saw the pronoun picker at first, but i stopped caring once i saw how people were putting the most ridiculous shit on there kek. you can definitely tell there's people who dont buy into the pronoun shit on this game and it makes me smile every time i see them. otherwise you can usually clock a tranny if they put "they/them" or "it/its". it doesn't impact gameplay much since people usually refer to each other by the species of their toon anyway. don't let it stop you from enjoying the game nona.
No. 10507
>>10493Because sex = stereotypes now thanks to TRAs. If you're not a stereotypical hyper-femme bimbo performing for loser men, then you're clearly genderspecial!
We're moving backwards as a society and becoming more sexist now thanks to these people.
No. 10508
>>10486kek go right ahead
>>10463forgot to mention in my post but thankfully, no children actually play this game. its very obscure since the game originally shut down 10 years ago, so the only people who know about it enough to find it are people who are college-aged (main demographic of tranny shit) who just want to relive their childhood nostalgia. most children are probably playing mobile shit nowadays
No. 10521
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Hi ladies it’s me, autism-chan. Back again with my Second Peak of the Week. I can’t believe this is happening again within 3 days. Again, this is in the autisminwomen sub. Men are actively taking over a space meant for women who have trouble standing up for themselves, What a shock! And female autism is directly linked to PMDD so YES biology matters and affects how we navigate the world outside of just presenting autism symptoms differently.
From the screenshot I shared here the other day, the guy complained that it’s been hard for him to get diagnosed. The diagnosis process is VERY thorough and if you don’t get diagnosed you just don’t have autism. Stop acting persecuted and talking over real women in our space! I’m going to lose my shit.
This is proof that no matter how much of a handmaiden you try to be, they will always hate us for being women and especially if we ever dare to remind them that they aren’t.
No. 10804
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Guys I feel pretty radicalized lately in a generally angry way. Like I just want to individually tell every single troon that he’s not a woman. The only issue I really even have with TIFs is that they enable and support TIMs. Someone tell me, am I getting too passionate about this and caring too much? Or is it everyone else that’s too relaxed?
No. 10832
>>10804I feel like normies really haven't exercised a lot of critical thought about it yet, so – yeah, I think almost everyone is fairly unconcerned about the issue right now. Maybe the more men in wigs the see, making an absolute mockery of women, the more they'll start to wake up. Maybe it's already happening.
Anyway, you're justifiably enraged. I get livid every time I see another hulking manbeast sashaying around in an ill-fitting outfit, trying to parody myself back at myself. We should all be mad.
No. 10855
I'm tired, nonnas. I'm tired of losing friends on this madness.
I'm tired of call "he" or neutral pronouns (which don't exist in my language so we have to cut the last syllabe and doing unnatural sounds, for us) obvious girls otherwise they see it as a hate speech.
I'm tired of calling "she" ogres otherwise I'm afraid I'll get shout at, and I'm a victim of domestic violence so this kind of shit makes me panic, or even being afraid of being beaten.
I'm tired of seeing gender norms being reinforced (shirt and pants means I don't feel like a girl teehee), I'm tired of seeing men being praised for wearing eyeshadow but women being called pickmes if they do.
I'm tired of dragqueens and their living consisting of hating women.
I'm tired of "kinky people" (dog fuckers and borderline pedophiles) being accepted at pride, meanwhile couple of lesbians are still being molested.
I'm tired of "allies" going to prides only to get wasted.
I'm tired of HRT talk and getting denied/hard to find hormonal therapy of my pcos due to some man in a dress deciding he has priority over me, a woman with a dysfunctional uterus
"Don't engage in that" IS HARD.
This is hard, nonnas.
When your friends of 15-20 years is buying into the gender bullshit, is hard.
Seeing them falling into a cult state over your friendship is hard, being alone is hard.
Being afraid is hard, changing your fucking language is hard. Everything is hard when you feel alone in this. PLease, let this bubble burst…I'm tired…….
No. 10877
>>10876I will vent and reeeeee about the worst troons on lc in secret, but I still think irl to peak friends you need some compassion (which I do have). I fully get why girls want to be boys in this world, and I get why the slightly feminine men think being a girl would be easier for them. I don't think their various mental illnesses that lead to trooning out is easy to deal with. I feel for a lot of them.
However it's just… not ok, almost none of it is. Telling people the other gender has it better so they hurt themselves chasing this ideal is not ok. Advocating for hurting kids medically isn't ok. Insisting boys wearing pink makes them less male or more female isn't ok. Denying science isn't ok, saying real therapy is "conversion therapy" isn't ok. Saying dead-naming or using the "wrong" pronouns is bigoted isn't ok. Saying men are oppressed by women if they put on makeup and a dress isn't ok. Silencing women for expressing any kind of mild concern isn't ok.
No. 10895
>>10876anon are you me??? to be honest it started a little before the jkr thing because one of these fucks moved into my basement and trashed it to shit and decided to subtly insult me every time he saw me.
THEN after the whole “i’m not a trans woman, i’m a real woman” started picking up i had enough. especially with weirdos talking about their periods when they can’t even have one. what the fuck? is that all a woman is to you? dresses and periods? but i can’t say shit to my boyfriend because a trans person he works with got to him first with their fucking propaganda. i can’t even explain that there are some men that “transition” just to harm women without him getting skeptical. now i have to word my shit so carefully.
i feel bad calling the person i spoke about a he but if he’s going to disrespect me for simply being a woman with a vagina, i’m going to disrespect him.
i don’t even hate all of them. i just can’t stand the level of entitlement and how they decided to just change all the rules to pander to them and everyone else sucks and just doesn’t understand, especially women.
i’m sure i’ll relax on the amount of anger this topic brings me but right now i’ve fully peaked and i feel both guilty and not at the same time.
No. 10899
>>10895hii nona! i'm ayrt as well as the same anon who referred you to this thread from the mtf one. i like this thread a lot as it serves as a reminder that we aren't the only people who feel this way in this clown world and it's not uncommon to feel guilty about it. we just have to remember that we're anonymous here and we don't have to worry about anyone finding out or catering to their pronouns while we vent as much as we want and need to. it's nice.
i wish it was easier to openly discuss how trans ideology effects the rest of society. i know there's ways to do it without expressing hatred towards trans people, but they tend to be so entitled (especially TIMs) that any woman bold enough to try and start these discussions is almost immediately written off and labelled a
terf. i hate how entitled they are in general. there are times i feel like going on tangeants about how estrogen doesn't give you a cycle, about how women should be prioritized for uterine transplants before transwomen, about how trans rights directly work AGAINST womens rights and how the narrative went from being against gender roles to reinforcing them, and the list goes on and on and only grows longer as the days pass but i can't. i feel helpless.
i also hope to be able to move on eventually and hopefully the nagging tranny voice in the back of my head gets quieter as time goes on as i continue to advance in my own life, but this is also the most comfortable i've ever been with myself as a person so i also wonder if this newfound happiness is what made me finally able recognize the disrespect exhibited by these people towards women. it's very conflicting and exhausting.
No. 10914
>>10900>i wish i could say that the walking on eggshells feeling goes away but it really doesnt.I have several peaked friends now and it feels SO much better to be able to talk to people about it irl without having to pretend you buy into it at all. Even just one person to physically talk to freely irl helps a lot.
>they tend to be so entitled (especially TIMs) that any woman bold enough to try and start these discussions is almost immediately written off and labelled a terfUnless it's a close friend you care deeply about: do NOT waste time on these people, see
>>10048Especially the point
>When frustrated by the trans ideology, ignore the ideology and instead directly support people taking actions against it, or supporting victims of it (not social media influences, but real organizations)speaks to me because most troons spend all of their time online yelling on social media but they don't actually do much outside of it because they're lazy autists without social skills who just want to be angry and consume their coomer material. Real organizations actually have power to stop them and educate others about them.
And reminder that TIMs are mentally ill MEN who will see you as a target if you go against them, they are a real potential threat to your safety as a female. Do not engage with them at all in person as they can get violent and hurt you. Please stay safe.
No. 10970
>>10895Nona I'm right there with you in the sense that i don't actually hate trans people, I'm just aggravated by the entitlement and narcissism, and getting increasingly mad at how women's issues are being appropriated and fetishized, all while the country i live in is making abortion illegal.
I just wanted to say that regarding not being able to talk to your bf about it, maybe just give it time. At some point I had given up being totally honest about how i felt when discussing it with my husband, especially the part where i believe it's a trend, because he saw it as me being intolerant and reading too much weird shit online. He basically was like "this doesn't actually happen as much as you claim, put your phone down you're overthinking it". Then one day his best friend told him his teenage daughter who had always been into super girly stuff was now going by
instert boy name and they/them and asked for a binder. And that half her classmates were doing the same shit. Long story short my husband was telling me about it and actually said something along the lines of "i owe you an apology you were right". Sometimes they just need something that's closer to home to believe it, especially in a climate where voicing any dissonant opinion will get you labeled a bigot.
No. 10994
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My friend has a TIM acquaintance she occasionally hangs out with, she is usually pretty terfy but she considers this one pretty friendly (as in, he stays in his own lane and dislike the TRA cult think) so she is on good terms with him. She talked to him about how she keeps getting "genderneutral" men with full beards and occasional twirly skirt pic trying to hit her up on lesbian dating apps, and of course the troon goes "wow, it's weird that you keep having issues with those", and didn't fully see why she considered it insulting, but then later on complains about how he could never date a butch lesbian because in that case he might as well date a man. My friend's face was basically picrel.
No. 11006
>>11004It's men sympathizing with men, and men lashing out at women when they talk down about a group of men, nonna. Same reason why most of them are quicker to drill a rape survivor instead of provide support.
A lot of them find TiMs gross, but will be quicker to blame the woman in the TiM's life, whether "it's his mom's fault he's a sissy" or "his wife and daughter should be more supportive instead of abandoning him. Men don't have the best solidarity until misogyny comes up. It's almost a subconscious thing. I've had it happen to me by a scrote when I said lesbians are allowed to exclude TiMs at their clubs/parties. It
triggered a way-too-long Discord rant out of him about suffering trannies. Same guy later on got flashed and hit on by one of his TiM friends who'd been crushing on him and just gets nervous or dodges tranny topics now.
Also keep in mind that a lot of these straight men who seem like the last type to defend troons could already be on the pipeline, as the majority of the troons we're dealing with were once exactly like these guys and are now "translesbians." Men are sensitive little buttbeasts. It's best not to overthink their random attacks. They certainly don't put any thought into it.
No. 11008
>>11006Yeah you're right and it's depressing.
>"it's his mom's fault he's a sissy or "his wife and daughter should be more supportive instead of abandoning him.I've seen men say this online but I thought it was mostly incels, MRAs and future trannies. You'd think the average man who has a good relationship with his mother and a girlfriend would relate more to them than AGPs, but apparently not.
No. 11015
>>10899 and fwiw my husband is one of those "raised by women" dudes, i don't think it had anything to do with him siding with other scrotes, it's more him being afraid of coming off something-phobic or bigoted. I never even brushed the AGP shit with him, just the narcissism and social contagion aspect. It's also generally not a subject i bring up in public, I have a customer facing job in a close-knit industry and I'm not trying to shoot myself in the foot.
No. 11016
>>11004I think there are a lot of factors.
>Men protecting other menNo matter what they say they see TIMs as men and instinctually want to protect their homies. They'd never date them unless they're bi or gay but they pretend they would, especially when they don't have to because they're already in a relationship with a real woman. Luckily for them most troons are straight ("lesbians" kek) and therefore have no interest in them as men, and their own girlfriends are straight so they won't get taken away by this "trans lesbian".
>They don't want to go against their depressed autist friendEvery gamer guy knows at least one. It's rare that regular offline scrotes are handmaidens but every second gamer guy is. When it's their friend it's harder to be objective, and it's easier to pretend when they're just a name on the discord screen and you don't see how obviously male they look and act irl.
>They're a slave to female attentionGirls and women have been pushing trans ideology the most, being onboard gets you female attention, laid, a girlfriend/wife. Men also fall for the peer pressure and want to feel like they're part of the cult.
>Men like to fightThey're more competitive in general, that's why they need to have a sports team to cheer for. They're easily roped into a "us VS them" mentality.
>They get to hate women and minoritiesFor the ones who have some kind of inclination towards hating these groups they now get to openly express it. They get to hate women = terfs. They get to hate gay people for not wanting to date troons (or not dating them, if they're lesbians). They get to spew their racism and nazi ideas "black women look like men, jews are goblins". And they get praised for doing it.
I know more men than women who haven't bought into it, but the ones who are chronically online are pretty lost to the ideology. The most handmaiden scrote I knew was an autist who really tried to use science to explain why troonism was
valid. He did the classic mistake of taking a statement ("transwomen are women") and assuming it was true to then prop it up with any evidence he could, but of course never questioning if it was even true in the first place. And naturally discrediting any source going against the first statement. It got more and more infuriating seeing him claim false sources I've seen disproven many times before (such as AGP being debunked when it wasn't) but I couldn't say anything without outing myself as a
No. 11019
>>11016>but I couldn't say anything without outing myself as a terf.This. This is such an infuriating position. I have been in so many discussions where, despite me having way more undeniable proof of why these made up sources handmaidens and troons spread as gospel are false, my autist friends are too busy digging their heels in to listen to reason so I end up reeling myself in so I don't out myself. If I end up outing myself as a
terf anything I say or have said about the subject will be considered moot, and if I managed to at least have them question, even for a wandering moment, if this truly is the hill they want to die on, then that's at least _something_.
No. 11039
>>11019>and if I managed to at least have them question, even for a wandering moment, if this truly is the hill they want to die on, then that's at least _something_.I'm trying to figure out seemingly innocent statements that could make people start to think and peak. Maybe starting off from "trans isn't a fetish or connected to sexuality right?" And when they say "of course not, trans ppl just want to live their life in peace" I could send them screenshots of AGP troons talking about how it's a fetish for them and saying "so these guys are just faking being trans, right??? How could they do this to poor real trans people!"
This is a bit more terfy sounding but if they're female, asking if a transwoman having a boner in the female changing room would make them uncomfortable. Then link some "I'm always having euphoria boners from putting on skirts tehe uwu" posts from troons where all the commentary agrees that it happens to them too and is normal for them
No. 11069
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Trannies have ruined fandoms for me. It's probably a sign that I need to grow the fuck up and stop participating in them, I guess. There was a time when I didn't have to filter out every tag related to trannyshit on AO3, when my favorite male characters were never drawn with titchop scars or binders. When gay ships were actually gay and not just one dude and one mentally ill chick on steroids, before people were harassed if they didn't accept popular trans headcanons. I'm tired of fucking EVERYTHING being political, that you're not allowed to like something unless you agree with 100% of the creators' viewpoints or statements. I deeply miss being in a community with other women who were just… women. For every normal woman I meet in fandom spaces, I meet like eight who are Aidens or enbies or what the fuck ever. I miss when the worst things that happened in fandoms were people being cringey at conventions. I miss when no one gave a rat's ass if you shipped something "problematic." I miss when chatrooms and VCs with other women didn't devolve into sperging about being "transmasc" or "such a ghey faggot uwu."
I am so, so nostalgic for the cringey anime and Tumblr fandoms of twelve to fifteen years ago. Just… shamelessly being a bunch of weird teenage girls. You could dress up as your fuckin' husbando, and it was still understood that you were just a girl cosplaying her favorite anime character. Slash was just a fun hobby for straight or bisexual women who like to draw or write about cute guys kissing. You didn't have to ask anyone about their pronouns; if you met someone online through BL or whatever, you could be reasonably certain she was another girl. It was just so fun to be in a space with other nerdy women who were okay with the fact that they weren't hyperfeminine or popular.
That's gone forever now. I'm deeply envious of the people 5-10 years older than me, who got to enjoy it all when they could drive themselves places and buy shit with their own money. Now I have a disposable income and free time, but the fun is gone. Everyone either moved the hell on or cut their tits off. Fills me with ennui.
No. 11076
>>11068I agree nona. I have had a hard time remaining crypto lately. Like getting into arguments with TRAs on my main Instagram and tumblr bc I’m too lazy to make alts. I think it’s because I need a friend to vent to or it’ll come out in ugly ways.
idk if this is allowed but if you look at the thread for making friends (in /ot/ I think? or /g/? I don’t remember) I posted my discord on there like a month ago. I’m probably the only person who is 30 that’s posted any time recently to help you narrow it down kek and I think I mentioned that I like girly anime like Nana. Feel free to add me if you think we’ll get along
No. 11093
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>>11069I fucking feel this
No. 11104
>>11069I feel you nona. Meeting a TIF for the first time in fandom is how I peaked. Before, I always figured that most of the people calling themselves trans were attention seekers in the same way people on Tumblr called themselves gay for attention. I still believed "trutrans" people were a thing, much like how gays and lesbians (who aren't spicy straights) exist.
The thing that immediately set me off when I first read my first trans smut fic was how homophobic it was. It was PIV sex yet it was somehow still "gay" just because they were both "men". Characters saying shit like "your genitals don't matter to me, I love you for who you are!" which is the biggest fucking cope and just obvious tranny self-insert. Gay men and lesbians have been constantly told that they just haven't tried the right pussy/dick yet, but somehow they can just ignore genitals as long as the person identifies as the same gender as them. Fucking incredible.
I miss those times as well when girls were just allowed to be cringey shippers and actually talked about the chemistry and dynamic between the characters rather than how gay and trans they are. My fandoms are small but thankfully, most of my fandom friends don't believe in tranny shit either. I really think I'm lucky, but I'm also very careful about interacting with people who set off my spicystraight/tranny detector. I ignore anyone who has pronouns or flags in their bio, and check to see what kind of discourse they engage in. If it's someone who just retweets art and never gets into discourse on Twitter, they're generally safe to befriend.
It sucks that I will never be able to get involved with a larger sphere of my fandoms, but I'm at peace this way. I write fics on AO3 and almost all of the people I've befriended are people who comment on my fics; I don't talk with people on Twitter at all unless they're people I already have added on Discord.
There was one time when a TIF tried to interact with me and befriend me because of my fics, but I grey rocked her very hard kek. Honestly, yes, it is annoying to see tranny fics on AO3, but it also motivates me to finish my own fics, because I'm sure there's people out there who want to read fics that aren't homophobic as hell.
No. 11113
>>11068i feel this
nonnie. it's to the point where i wonder if i'm not really on the "wrong side of history".
No. 11116
>>11069i was just thinking about this the other day nona! the stuff i gravitate towards usually has moids as their biggest fanbase so i don't see a lot of tranny shit but the trade-off is… moids obviously lmao.
still see the occasional lesbian ship with one being turned into a TiM because women can't have sex without a penis being involved obviously jesus christ
No. 11129
>>11004 If I may answer as a straight male, although also a loner that's more familiar with the views of certain online communities than IRL normies.
You definitely have the incels and anti-feminists that blame women for allowing certain ideologies to spiral out of control and relish in seeing women join them in their misery now that feminism is biting them in the ass.
For the more normie men, it's the fact that their media, political parties, institutions, corporate PR departments, all seem in lock step on gender ideology. Accepting that so much of society is pushing a big huge lie and are on the wrong side of history is a tough pill to swallow. That's especially true for the more liberal leaning men (the conservative men might already consider these institutions to be corrupt so it's less of a leap for them). Many men still value being respected by society as "good" and can get away with not thinking too hard about inconsistencies because trans ideology ultimately doesn't negative impact them that much. Like imagine being a man naturally inclined to be a liberal because you care about the less fortunate, women, gays, equality, the environment, all these good things. But now you have to also admit to yourself that not just the politicians (which most people don't really like, so that's ok), not just the corporate PR teams but also medical and educational institutions, social workers, psychologists, journalists, bloggers, etc that you follow are propagating this lie that's undermining women? The cognitive dissonance would just too much. A lot of people don't spend that much energy thinking deeply about these issues, don't have the time to do all the research, and if the result is that it turns their world upside down and leads to cognitive dissonance, that's not really gonna encourage them to look into it too much. Hence the response of "don't be crazy" if someone suggests their institutions have it all wrong.
You still have a decent segment of men who think a lot of this is BS, and they tend to skew more conservative for the reasons listed above. Thing is once you reject these institutions, it becomes easier to turn to "alternative" views on other issues that validate their feelings of ostrasization, insecurities, and get drawn to redpill, Andrew Tate, etc and develop misogynistic views.
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>If I may answer as a straight male-
No. 11136
>>11129You're not suppose to identify yourself as a moid, chronically attention deficit moid. Enjoy the ban.
>You still have a decent segment of men who think a lot of this is BS, and they tend to skew more conservative for the reasons listed above. As for the bulk of what you've said it's all drivel anyone with a fucking brain would know and greatly distorted to make moids out as
victims when they've brought these problems on women and other moids on themselves. These shit tier takes you've spouted have been severely watered down to piss, are bland, and are as distorted as possible with poor moid grammar.
>Thing is once you reject these institutions, it becomes easier to turn to "alternative" views on other issues that validate their feelings of ostrasization, insecurities, and get drawn to redpill, Andrew Tate, etc and develop misogynistic views.If these moids are "skewing conservative" to begin with they aren't "decent men" at all. Everyone with a brain questions institutions scrote. Everytime a woman is assaulted and her rights are waived she questions institutions.
Victims of Male crime question institutions. Male socialization makes moids like this and their inhuman nature not institutional trust or lack thereof. Who do you think built such twisted institutions, retard? Why would patriachical moids be distrustful of a system they propagate themselves and have full control over? The bulk of the damage of troons is TIMs not TIFs. Troons are a male made problem that women must bare as the brunt of their inhuman shit, as usual. If your inferior moid brain that lacks any semblance of critical thought sees other males hacking themselves to pieces and carving holes in their bodies and then somehow blames women for this who ceede everything to you, that's your fault. Trannies are evidence of the extent to which patriarchy can expand, not somehow feminists fault.
No. 11140
>>11136I'm not blaming women for redpill misogyny. Nor am I blaming women for the existence of TIMs who are generally adult compared to the TIFs that are more typically minors. Just pointing out why between liberal men and conservative misogynists there won't be that many men speaking out against trans ideology.
>> The bulk of the damage of troons is TIMs not TIFsagreed
>>Troons are a male made problemalso agreed
>>greatly distorted to make moids out as victims I did say men are less likely to question trans ideology because it doesn't negatively impact them as much as it impacts women. The question was why don't men question trans ideology and gave my thoughts as to why liberal men don't question the institutions pushing it.
No. 11150
>>11129AYRT. There's a lot of propaganda and it can be a difficult realization for sure but still, I'd expect them to be able to have a discussion about it with the person they're supposedly closest to (their partner) without being worried about transphobia. Sucks that most men against this ideology are (or become) against women on other issues.
>>11139Gendies are incapable of logical thinking (otherwise they wouldn't believe in gender identity BS to begin with). And some of them are pedos. So yeah.
No. 11159
>>11139Because rejecting aspergers as a term let's them bully a mentally challenged group with disabilities openly without having to feel bad.
Rejecting science of the movement they worship hurts their cause so of course they pretend to not see it or that it's fake news. It is impossible to be trans without accepting cognitive dissonance and being a massive hypocrite, so it's not difficult for them to be a hypocrite with cases like this too.
No. 11254
>>11207I'm wondering if I should start looking for explicitly
terf spaces. Something like a "
terf gaming group" would at least not have troons flocking to it and could be run anonymously online. It might be time for us all to make alternate accounts on all sites where we can be fully honest terfs
No. 11259
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>>11168>non-binary demonThey'll take care of it.
No. 11263
>>11254I'm all game (no pun intended) for a
terf gaming group!
No. 11266
>>11207It's quasi impossible to avoid if your hobbies are even somewhat online. I went to a smash bros tournament last week, hadn't gone since covid basically. The amount of troons just shocked me, it's an infestation. Wasn't ever this bad before.
They were the only ones still wearing masks kek, as if they could hide it
No. 11326
>>11295I feel the same
nonny. Constantly questioning my sanity because I pride myself in forming opinions based on truth and logic (not to sound like faggy Ben Shapiro but it’s true). We’re all being gaslit. And it doesn’t help when there are things like pseudoscience and shitty doctors “proving” a bunch of bs gendie claims. There is a lot of money from the top going into the trans movement but I can’t quite tell what the end game is.
No. 11341
>>11295>it still baffles me how someone can see the concept of being nonbinary and go "yep, this absolutely makes sense"One thing I've realized is that people don't want to admit that they're "stupid" and don't know things. So when someone says "look, totally real science that I made up 5min- uhh I mean that scientists found 5000 years ago" they don't want to be like "huh I don't get it, that… doesn't actually make sense" because it will make it seem like they just don't understand the science (which doesn't actually exist). And since the science isn't actually there no one can explain it in a way that makes sense, so they all sort of pretend to get it and just shame and gaslight people for not getting it so no one ever speaks up.
>"Nonbinary is when someone isn't male or female but but both or neither or fluid">"But that doesn't make sense- how can someone not have a gender if everyone has a gender like you said?">"uhh well agender IS a gender, it's just a genderless gender!! See, makes perfect sense! Only a stupid person wouldn't get this simple thing!">"But then how can it be fluid and change, doesn't that mean trans people shouldn't have surgeries because their gender could change back?">"N-no! That's so dumb omg we trans people don't owe you anything, go read a book! All the science supports this, I'm so tired of ignorant cis bigots expecting us trans people to educate them for free when we just want to exist!! I am begging you to just open a book!!!"If you actually look into studies on trans people that are well executed, unbiased, peer-reviewed and have standards you quickly find that the evidence is overwhelmingly against what trans people advocate, not for. But none of them have actually looked at the studies, they all just sort of pretend like they have because they all assume surely someone on their side confirmed it or it would have been called or disproven by now. But of course all the evidence against it is just disregarded as hateful lies. We can also confirm this by looking at how they've taken most "pro-trans" studies out of context and completely missed the actual points it made. It's a cult mindset.
No. 11370
>>11069>>11093Bless you anons for trying to wade into the HxH fandom
I liked the show a lot but noped out of the fandom when I saw everyone was drawing Gon’s dad with mastectomy scars
No. 11374
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Does anyone else seemingly reach a new peak every day? My anger is mostly at society for allowing it to get this far. It’s almost traumatic for me because I am someone who cares about social justice. I don’t seek to be edgy and “bigoted”. But everything in my brain tells me that supporting troons goes against true social justice. Why do I have to feel shamed for this? It feels so fucked. I don’t want to be the baddie but I have to be a “terf” to be true to myself. I’m in constant conflict with myself but I always land back that this is what’s right because otherwise we’re back to coddling males at the expense of women’s comfort and safety. Ugh. Please tell me I’m not alone. I’m really grateful for this space and for all of you brave ladies btw
No. 11375
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>>11374I 100% feel this and I've exhausted myself so much from it. I have no energy left to keep fighting or arguing. It feels wrong to be pro-trans but then society tells you you're the one who is wrong and bad. I am tired of this shit.
Sorry for using your vent to segway into mine but as someone who doesn't want to be a bad person either, I guess I'm really done and I'm just pretending none of those trans things are real now. I'm tired of everyone saying shit about terfs. I'm tired of seeing this shit getting bigger and bigger. I just want to live a comfortable life and not think. I'm very exhausted. I just want to retire from society. They win.
No. 11387
>>11385nta but i recognized the artist, i think it's just an original work but this is from their pixiv the link works because i'm not too experienced here)
No. 11389
>>11377>>11376I know this is a little derailing for the thread and I'm sorry but please give me a little info on Ethel Cain if you could? I have a fellow homeschool child interest in him. Never heard of him until someone brought him up on /ot/ and I guessed he was homeschooled from a picture. Haven't looked into him since then but this interested me:
>His fetishization of incest and molestation under the guise of "bringing awareness" Genuinely curious what a man has to say about this. It's 10000x worse for girls but this is actually a problem in homeschool families (going homeschool to avoid abuse being discovered is common) so I really want to know what he has said about it and if he's doing anything good at all.
No. 11397
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I hate when troons find AGP men and convince them they're trans. I've seen it on other comment sections too. I once saw one that was like "I'm not trans I just think being a woman would be cool" and then 30+ comments of trannies flooded to it calling it an "egg". It's a cult and they're making this world worse by convincing AGP men to become AGP """"trans women"""".
No. 11418
>>11409There's an edgy tryhard subtype of TIF that draws really gross blobby hairy art, calls herself "stinky," has a thing for rats and possums and is usually a furry with one as a fursona, skins animals, etc. They can also be found in every fandom stanning the least likable villains and drawing FTM porn of them, and sometimes stanning real life serial killers too.
Despite all their attempts to act like a shamelessly gross violence-loving moid, they still come across as painfully insecure women with anxiety disorders in every interaction.
No. 11442
>>11432God same
nonnie. Men will always try to take things away from women and now they can escape being called a misogynist by simply saying they are also a woman.
No. 11452
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>>11389most of his discography is just singing about taboo shit but it feels forced asf. inbred the song off inbred the album is supposed to describe a loving relationship with her older brother, but the way he goes about it is super weir. unnecessary details about being naked under a nightgown, pissing and "sucking on the back of his leg" etc. it starts to talk about sexual abuse as well and although it's phrased somewhat ambiguously it's very straightforward to interpret it as the brother violating him. there's also his unreleased song two children in a motel explicitly about incest. he also posted it as a love song to a horror movie brother and sister couple, gross. more fanfiction than a work intended to portray the horrible circumstances at hand. i looked into his actual trauma and aside from being gay + ostracization from the church he never mentions csa or anything of the like, and he speaks positively about his family growing up. so it's even worse that a creepy moid is trying to write about experiences he's never had through his sick lens
No. 11454
>>11452I already hate him and I didn't even know about this, I hated him purely for his shitty larp, so thanks for giving me more ammo. Can't really say much more without alogging but I really do hope karma pops him for this. What makes him different than any other moid obsessed with pedophilia, incest, and abuse? His thrift store granny slips? Fucking please.
>>11389He could never survive if he had to live the life of the girl he pretends to be. He'd fucking kill himself if he had to feed and diaper his 8 siblings, teach himself math, and fend off his creepy youth pastor every Wednesday night. Can you imagine him in a jean skirt and a walmart clearance button-up? I can't fucking stand this shit, I have to hold myself back in the mtf thread all the time because no one wants to read a wall of text about how much I hate this neanderthal browed haunted fucking jack in the box and his goddamn nightgowns. There are plenty of troids more vile and amoral than him but his particular brand of larp makes me want to commit violence. Some moids want to be bimbos, some want to be the girl who rejected them in highschool, but he wants to be an abused little girl.
No. 11459
>>11444>>11453^^ Imo this is a better video to ease people into peaking, it starts off with different subjects like DID fakers on TikTok and eases into trans stuff so it might be better for someone like him. Also it's made by a woman which is much better than showing a video made by Matt Walsh… that will scare people away. You could say that you stumbled upon it and wanted to see what he thinks? It focuses more on de-transers and botched surgeries than "hateful" approaches against trannies.
If he reacts well to that, this one is better for showing some of the vile shit that TIMs do: No. 11487
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A gay moid I met irl that I have added on socials shared a TWAW mantra post and it made me want to ask him if he’d eat FTM pussy to make him dance on the tips of his toes excusing himself, but I’m too much of a pussy to out my skepticism to real life people, which is tragic
No. 11520
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I have a friend (she is not a Troon) who I recently befriended cause she was depressed and I wanted to help her since I know how that feels but she is now exposing terfs and has been shitty overall to me even after I paid for her and her gay friends (that she invited herself) some mcdonalds just cause she said she was feeling like wanting to die.
I was trying to ignore that but those exposing terfs stories really were retarded and I never felt like dropping a friendship so bad before.
Fucking hate men and her so much.
Don't know if this is the correct thread to post this, hope I'm not wrong.
No. 11558
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I really fucking hate this tranny anime, they even made him do the twirly shit
No. 11584
>>11571You're right, but if you continue to constantly say things like "REAL gay men eat pussy, like you. So glad you're not a bigot like them! They shouldn't even be allowed in gay speces with their transphobia. They should just man up and eat manly vagina like a real gay man. You and every other gay man I know say they love boypussy so clearly they're just bigots" it's eventually going to get to his male ego. There's probably less obvious ways to say it to not riase suspicion but you get the point.
Gay men love talking shit about vaginas and how gross they are, he won't be able to resist getting mad.
No. 11602
>>11601I've also seen posts floating around about how if someone doesn't list their pronouns and searching their timeline for "trans" gets zero results, they're probably a crypto
TERFIt's getting to the point where they'll get mad at you for straight up saying nothing
No. 11614
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I hope this is the right place to vent but this shit makes me hate being a lesbian so much because my girlfriend has said something Similar about being able to relate to trans “woman” more and it’s all such stupid bs ?? Like how do you as a woman relate to a man in drag?? It’s so annoying and all these lesbians forcing themselves to like men, gay men, and drag queens and trannies like it’s all about men it’s all for men it really sucks I just want to be a lesbian in a lesbian place with actual woman who are lesbians I’m never going to get thag bevaus of how fucked the world is
Everytime I think about “maybe I’m being too harsh on trans ppl maybe they do just want to live their life” i find something insidious they had said or done and I get even more angry at all this
No. 11626
>>11619if that's true why don't we just let trannies have it?
I'm being overly flip about it and I know the reasons that a problem such as predators using a female identity to get into female spaces or avoid male jails, but seriously why don't we let TIMs expose stereotypical femininity as a facade and the costume it is?
No offense to women who like it, I've worn heels and makeup at times myself but I know it's a costume and a game of dress up just as much as the first time I put on my mom's lipstick at age 4 and was like "this makes me pretty". I was raised to think it was proper. but if a bunch of men are running around doing it I think I would feel less compelled to practice it myself as an obligatory thing. galaxy-brain bullshit maybe but this is an anonymous imageboard where I can express my stupid ideas.
No. 11628
>>11626Because firstly that's cruel to women to say they have to give up what they actually like to men who just take it because they can and because they want to copy women. You can call it a costume, but that's not fully true. Our natural bodies aren't a costume, and clothes that are made to fit a curvy female body as opposed to a straight square male one isn't made to perform femininity. It's just made to fit a female body.
Secondly it wouldn't work, because troons don't want femininity, they want to copy women. So if all women decide to stop doing feminine things the troons will just copy the new thing we do. If women acted exactly like men instead, they'd start to copy our natural physical features even more. They'd say they're smaller and weaker than other men so they're just like us women, that their moobs are the exact same thing as female breats and so on.
We've already tried this. We've tried going along with troons and giving them ehat they wanted. They were saying "i feel like a woman, i just want to be accepted" and that quickly turned into "i am a real woman, we want to be in your spaces and to have you kicked out if you oppose it". You give an inch and they take a mile. Women do not have to give up anything to troons, troons are the ones that need to fuck off.
No. 11639
>>11633Because they know it's all just blackface, reinforcing stereotypes, and mockery of a marginalized group. Toons are fucking misogynists to their bones.
You could also say femininity and masculinity are HUMAN constructs. They exist nowhere in nature so why go through the hell of acting out thinly veiled hatred.. summoning outrage.. offending people . enduring shunning and extreme marginalization when all of its based on stereotypes and constructs anyway?
No. 11647
>>11628>they have to give up what they actually likeyou are one of the women i was thinking about when i posted this
>clothes that are made to fit a curvy female body as opposed to a straight square male one isn't made to perform femininity. It's just made to fit a female body.yeah they are, plenty of women don't have this curvy hourglass shape you're thinking of. some of us have shoulders that are wider than our waists. you are suggesting women perform femininity even as you deny the fact.
hell i don't have that sort of body, i grew up shopping in the men's sections because my shoulders would stretch out all my tops
>troons don't want femininity, they want to copy womennope, troons want femininty, it's just that in so many people's minds (and even yours, apparently) woman is a list of traits rather than simply being female.
>>11626because too many women want to be feminine kek; the connection between it and the female form is almost impossible to sever. even in rf spaces you get women going "i actually love my makeup!! i love shaving and feeling silky! don't tell me what to do, i'm a woman, this is natural!! aaaa!!"
>>11633i've always thought it was just internalized homophobia, or maybe they're wrapped into the poetry of it
No. 11734
Nonnies I’m curious what your first experience with a troon irl was?
Mine was in high school. I befriended this loser that I got sat next to, I thought it was funny to listen to him talk as a brony. He started saying shit tho like “you’re my clone”, told me about his fetishes (spiders on his dick, I wish I was joking), and eventually confessed to me. I rejected him cause I had a gf and lied that I wasn’t into guys cause you don’t know how someone like this will react. Sometime later, he troons out (takes a famous singers name kek). I think he was the first out troon at our school so he attracted every pasty-white, computer nerd chaser. Literally never went anywhere without some guy next to him. I found him again on instagram recently and he’s still greasy, still posting trans memes. Every troon I’ve given an inch to in my life, wants to take a mile. They feel entitled to women’s affection or pity but as soon as you disagree on something, they’ll insult you. I was still supportive of trans people till recently but I just can’t anymore. There’s probably some perfectly fine trans people out there but for my safety and sanity, I’m not taking any risks.
No. 11742
>>11736I was assuming that the original anon I was responding to meant that we should let men "have" femininity (as in the high heels, the shapewear, the carcinogenic makeup, the botox) in order to expose it as being a harmful sham. I don't have a problem with that, let them have all that shit they claim we're gatekeeping from them. Good riddance and I hope they enjoy the foot pain. I wasn't sure if she also meant that we should call them women while we're at it, which I do have a problem with.
>>11734Anon are you me? First one I met was a dude I met in highschool as well, typical slobby gamer who had trouble making friends but we shared a hobby in common and he was fun to talk to so we ended up becoming friends. He also propositioned me and I turned him down. He transitioned two years later and I'm honestly surprised he never tried again since he's a "real girl" and can totally date lesbians now.
>Every troon I’ve given an inch to in my life, wants to take a mile. Yes. He still takes advantage of the fact that we were friends (we had a falling out a few years ago over something unrelated thank god) to try to take up my time and attention. Very entitled.
No. 11758
>>11647>you are one of the women i was thinking aboutWomen are allowed to naturally be kind and like cute things. If you give toddlers the choice of what toys to play with the majority of girls pick dolls, plushies and animals to play house with. And guess what, the majority of boys pick cars, inanimate objects and sticks and they can hit and play fight things with. Turns out…. males and females…. are different!!!!!! Like right from the start even! We develop differently! Science is amazing. Does that mean this will happen 100% of the time? No, naturally not because people are also different as individuals.
>>11647>you are suggesting women perform femininity even as you deny the fact.If you look at any anatomical figure chart you will see that women have different proportions than men, I don't know why you act as if men and women are identical physically, that is helping no one and harming women. Did you know in a shit ton of fields women have been (and still are) working with equipment designed for men who are seen as the default that don't fit their female bodies and it negatively affects their work and their comfort? Why did you shop in the men's section, was it because men on average are larger and have larger shoulders and that fit felt better for you who also had wider shoulders? Almost as if you preferred that because it fit your body better hmmm…… almost like the fit of clothes matters to feel comfortable…
>nope, troons want femininty, it's just that in so many people's minds (and even yours, apparently) woman is a list of traits rather than simply being female. Troons want femininity BECAUSE they see them as what makes a female female. Females do things they either naturally like or are forced to do and society goes "that's feminine now" and then troons go "then I shall also do that so I can be female". Does this mean every female likes every feminine thing and stereotype and act super feminine all the time? No, and it's silly to pretend that anyone here actually thinks that. LC is full of autist women, and autist women are more likely to be tomboys than your average woman anyway.
>even in rf spaces you get women going "i actually love my makeup!! i love shaving and feeling silky! don't tell me what to do, i'm a woman, this is natural!! aaaa!!" You sound like you have a deep hatred for socially constructed femininity and a dislike for women who perform it. Internalized misogyny is pretty common but there's no reason to take it out on other women. I'm guessing you're either a bit of a tomboy who never liked those things and therefore assume all other women secretly hate it too and that it's not something that has any basis in women's actual hobbies and interests. That or you initially liked it but got real fed up with feeling like it was mandatory and you were forced to do it. I'm a tomboy who always had zero interest in makeup, but I don't shame other women for liking to put paint on their faces.
No. 11783
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>>11647>some of us have shoulders that are wider than our waistswho the fuck doesn't do you think there exists women who are shaped like literal pears…
No. 11792
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>>11783i have no idea what anon was going on about because typically unless they are obeasts, shoulders will be bigger than someone's waist.
No. 11798
>>11758>the majority of girls pick dolls, plushies and animals to play house with>the majority of boys pick cars, inanimate objects and sticks and they can hit and play fight things withthis is because of male/female socialization (which does begin even before birth), not inherent gendered traits.
rest of your post seems like uninformed rambling. i don't read radfem theory myself but you probably should. dunno where to point you though
>>11763i've seen some tims in my female-dominated hobbies. mostly bi/gay men (self-proclaimed "femmes")
No. 11808
>>11791Absolutely, we're already at the end of it. I used to see everyone cry about racism and cultural appropriation every second post for years until people got tired of it and it all switched over to their brand new toy of transgenderism. I honestly thought the cultural appropriation debate would never end or go away and we'd be stuck with it forever. Now I see the term at most once a year, and even then it's not at all seen as a cruel unforgivable sin like it once was. White women would get cancelled, sent death threats, get called racist and lose their jobs - for having braids that were too thin and deemed to look too "black". Now at most I see an eye-roll over it looking bad on them.
I see the two social justice causes mirror each other a lot. Both are mainly driven by white people, but they hold up a supposed oppressed minority who can do no wrong. Anyone of the minority who has the wrong opinion has "internalized" bad thoughts and is dismissed entirely. Everyone thinks it's kind of exaggerated and dumb but don't want to be called racist/transphobic and try to stay polite. In the end they both hurt the people they think they're helping, and they only divided people further away from each other.
No. 11826
>>11824Troons are always lying by saying one thing and denying it in their next breath, it's why "they say it never happens" is a bit of a slogan with all of the thousands of sexual predator troon news and pictures they keep denying even exist. They shout at the top of their lungs that kids need "life saving" medical care consisting of hormone blockers that mentally stunt them and to have their bodies cut up permanently. The next minute they claim "no one" is saying children should transition, of course it never happens! Only adults get surgery! No one under 18 has ever had their breast cut off, don't be ridiculous you
terf! It's reversible anyway!
It's why you can't argue with them as
>>10048 said
>You cannot use logic and reality to reason with people who do not believe in logic and reality No. 11827
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No. 11829
>>11758You're bleak anon. Your image of womanhood is so shallow that it amounts to wearing pretty pink shit so why not just align yourself with moids and troons at this point?. Positive stereotypes are still stereotypes retard, by making claims like "women are naturally kind" you're shooting women in the foot by fueling the flame of the chivalry hypothesis used by moids. You are glorifying what you deem as stereotypical feminine shit and clumping things in with femininity like kindness. Kindness is something all humanity should possesses, not women. Kindness isn't innate in anyone including women, you could argue cruelty is innate in moids by sheer data but I won't stereotype all women be it positive or negative because it is harmful. Anyone looks kind compared to moids depravity.
>Does that mean this will happen 100% of the time? No, naturally not because people are also different as individuals.Which one is it then? Is it nature or nurture, your flip flopping is cowardly. You don't get to make sweeping statements and broad generalizations about all women then backpedal.
>I don't know why you act as if men and women are identical physically Anon didn't mention this once, this is a complete strawman. Obviously biological differences are innate but anon was discussing socialized differences not biological. Anon mentioned they have a body that isn't representative of femininity since your argument is weak relying on essentialist logic, but nature doesn't conform to your arguments, natural variation exists in moid and female bodies. You back peddled and corrected that most women have xyz body (which I'm not even sure if that's true) but you've still lost the substance of your argument and agreed to anons because of this.
>Almost as if you preferred that because it fit your body better hmmm…… almost like the fit of clothes matters to feel comfortable…What are you even saying here? Anon said they found male clothes comfortable you fucking idiot, did you not listen to what they wrote? I don't understand your argument, is it that people shop for comfort rather than gendered conformity?. But you just argued that when a women wears feminine clothes it makes her more feminine ergo female. Your argument is tranny logic.
>Females do things they either naturally like or are forced to do and society goes "that's feminine now"You can't make these statements, women are coaxed into hobbies by society not the other way around, we don't live in a female dominated world where women own the majority of wealth and land and aren't exploited everywhere across the planet. I would think you'd know this since you projected about anon having internalized misogyny when you're arguing all women like xyz while providing no actual evidence of this like a moid. People have different interests, you don't know all women from knowing one. Women are not a collective hivemind if kindness like you harmfully argue.
>LC is full of autist women, and autist women are more likely to be tomboys than your average woman anyway.Well your certainly aren't feminine by your own admission since you're a cruel childish person who associated tomboys with autism somehow. Peak retardation. Autism isn't "what I don't like". Tradthot. Don't throw around the term like a average internet moid.
Your assumption that anon is a tomboy somehow is absurd; you don't know this person. Tomboys are unironically a social construct and your projection is actual internalized misogyngy. Its painful in its irony. Performing femininity can be harmful, bleaching every inch of your body is harmful, and so is taping your waist catty-chan. These aren't fun hobbies women were innately attracted to doing, they're moid inventions designed to keep women in their lane. Criticisms of makeup are fine and women are free to critique aspects of femininity invented by moids to "keep women in their place", as they please. You sound like a retarded libfem defending moid inventions designed to subjugate women keep them in their lane. What amount of libfem brain rot is required to cope yourself into thinking bbls, Botox, bimbo culture and drag queen tier makeup is muh feminine, so natural?. How do you not see your blatant hypocrisy when you claim anon is anti feminine hobbied women but in the same breath shit on tomboys as being autistic? You actually unironically have internalized misogyngy for non feminine, conforming women.
I'm confused by your argument, is femininity a performance or is it innate? Catty-chan you sound as catty as this fag moid troon anons describing
>>11737I don't see it as helpful to stereotype women just as trannies do as pure and kind and attack other women for criticising fucked up moid inventions that act as uniforms under the guise of muh femininity that is libfem pickme logic. I like makeup and many feminine things as well but I won't shit on women for criticising them. I also did not like makeup or dolls "innately" because they were invented by moids to instill specific behavior in women, therefore you can't argue that a child preferring dolls over toy cars is "innately" feminine/female. Troons also like feminine shit when they are children but that makes them moids that like feminine, performing shit, not women.
No. 11831
>>11829How it goes is that people assume women are a certain hyper-commodified/consumer-friendly way and so judge and backlash far more against women that don't fit into the hyper-specific, restrictive mold of soft-girl femininity and often seek to render than powerless and invisible to the public eye. A failed woman. It is misogyny tbh. I knew someone like that
nonny and she was the first to violently hate any woman that didn't contort to her suffocating idea of femininity because she fetishized it and craved it herself. She also whined extensively about aging all the time, kek.
Why, yes, in this society, people are obsessed with women presenting a certain way because they personally benefit–and instead of at least admitting "well it's my taste", many of these morons go, "b-but it's only natural!" as if we don't live in a maximumalist society that has milked out everything to its most extremes. Devil's advocate, let's say baby girls did feel more drawn to faces, dolls, etc, even with the exact same conditioning as a baby boy. That still doesn't change what we have in society and the expectations involved is beyond natural.
No. 11838
Chronically Attention Deficit Moid In Useless Mode
No. 11842
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gee you'll never guess what the qrts are gonna be
No. 11843
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longscroll screenshot bcs I'm not gonna bother going through this wreck
No. 11872
>>11865>I hate that I might sound like a tinfoiler or right-winger by feeling this way but it’s undeniable.No, you're right they are literally the same people. I saw the movement grow and how the exact same individuals said you could never be racist to a white person (and every white person is a racist and can never fully unlearn it so they just are racist forever by default) because race is unchangeable, wearing it as a costume is the worst thing you could do and won't give you the true experience of being that race, and that no matter the society white people were still the oppressors and couldn't identify out of it.
The same individuals now say being born male or female is totally changeable, wearing gender as a costume is encouraged and makes the costume the reality of being that gender, and no matter the society all men stop being oppressors the second they say they are women and are now instead oppressed by women.
No. 11887
>>11879"someone stole my bike. What should I do? Go to the police? Nah, ACAB. Better go to a hotel room to steal clothes and claim I'm a woman. What can go wrong?"
That was wild to read.
No. 11930
>>11928Spicy straights are really annoying nona, I feel you. I don't know if you want advice at all but here goes anyway, maybe if you run into the neighbour who apologized you could ask if she did that because of those two and politely tell her you don't agree with their cult antics. Calling an obvious female a female word like girl/woman/she isn't in any way a bad or mean thing… unless you look down on females and see those words as inherently bad. Saying you don't look female anymore and might actually be a man/enby because you don't wear a dress and paint your nails is utterly sexist of them. Just reassure her she wasn't being a bigot and those two are in the wrong. If you're a lesbian (unless you just meant the butch look in general) you can even bring up how silly/offensive it is to you as an actual gay person that they're straight but pretend like they're queer/gay.
It's actually great for you to know that your friendly neighbours are "bigots", it means they're not insane and not buying their trans cult crap kek. I'd try to connect to your neighbours about it, maybe even spread the gossip and let them know the spicy straights are calling them bigots behind their backs (and how you don't agree with that). It will build community trust and protect you and the others from their creepy backwards ways.
No. 11933
>>11930Thank you, it was so long ago now (before halloween I think) that I would feel weird bringing the incident up unless she did, but as for the rest yes it's totally possible. There's nothing these people love more than gossiping.
>Saying you don't look female anymore and might actually be a man/enby because you don't wear a dress and paint your nails is utterly sexist of them. It's funny you brought this up because I actually said this to someone who recently asked if I was nonbinary because of the way I dress and act (one of the boys type of personality, plus I'm gay so ofc I have to be a gendie these days). I told her no, that I actually find that kind of thing sexist. I explained how I was raised with extremely strict gender roles and was told that girls couldn't do this or that, but I love doing those things, so does that make me not a girl, or does it make my parents misogynistic? It seemed to really leave an impression on her.
No. 11934
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No. 11945
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>roommate is planning to troon out
>tiny guy, but mega square man jaw
>super deep voice
>obviously driven by degeneracy as he doesn't hide that he's a furry and likes hentai
>nonbinary roommate of course is hyped and wants to take him to queer events
>she is undeniably female, have yet to peak her
>other friend has been posting trans memes and thirst traps in high socks and skirts
>guy who i worked with followed me with his crossdress account on instagram (ew)
>is now his main account
>friend who moved to another country trooned out a few years ago but might have joined the 41%
>a lot of the women around me are either nonbinary or handmaidens
Why the fuck do more and more people around me get infected by this shit? Thank god i peaked my nigel years ago, just by showing him things that troons post online, and most of my close friends know that i'm a raging terf. It's nice to have safe spaces like lolcow and terfy friends, but i'm tired of having to walk on eggshells. On women's day i was talking to a friend irl (who was always gender critical) about some post i've seen on instagram (picrel) and she was actually supportive of it? Told her it was sad that she betrays women like that, left, and have been ignoring her messages since. Nonnies, i'm so done
No. 11962
nonnie. My coworker is a troon and I want to post about him but I’m worried including too many details would lead to me getting doxxed and fired because our workplace is VERY woke. He’s getting SRS soon and I have conflicted feelings about it - on one hand I’m like “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes” but on the other hand I feel bad because he’s clearly a lonely individual with body issues, but the only thing I’m allowed to say is “OMG YASSS GUUUURL congratulations on becoming your true self!!!” because otherwise I’d be a hateful bigot. I hate that wanting a mentally ill person to
not cut their body parts off is seen as the evil conservative position.
No. 11966
>>11962Spill the tea and tell us about the troon nona, I want to hear it. Just change the parts you need to.
I saw 2 huge men wearing women's clothes in town, at first I wasn't sure if they were drag queens or troons but since they didn't have the exaggerated drag makeup and clothes I think they were just regular AGP troons out and about. They had leopard pattern fluffy jackets, bad wigs, short skirts and heels. I've never seen women here dress anything like it, but they were middle aged men so I'm guessing they tried to emulate what was in style when they were teens. I don't know how to explain the feeling of both how comical and scary they looked. Knowing they're trying to mimick their own sexual idea of what I am as a woman feels so scary. They weren't even smiling or acting like they were in drag for fun, they were huge, hulking and looked seriously deranged.
No. 11968
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time to send my flying monkeys to shut down the tranny hate organization
No. 11991
>>11945That "woman" (is a TIM IIRC) closed the comments of that post since no one took the "joke" and said "I love trans women even more" and is quite much like "say all you want, but TRAs are known for stabbing backs if stuff aren't done in their way".
>>11964That post and many "top or bottom surgeries" made me think that "grass isn't always greener" too. And the fact they are claiming "kids, please ask to your parents for a surgery or else you'll die for dysphoria" when the surgeries are a horror post over and over made me lose any respect to any TRA that want teens to alter their bodies like that, not mention also how some doctors are using it to earn money easily without knowing what to do (just see those "phalos". Even an urologist can do a better work).
No. 11996
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Saw this when I wasn’t even trying to look at GC/peaking shit and now my mood is ruined. I think I might be angrier that the notes are filled with handmaidens like “omg so cool let’s eat ice cream and cry together!”. Like girl if you saw what these men looked like I guarantee you wouldn’t want them near you while you’re on your period. I get how estrogen causes hormonal fluctuations btw but don’t care. Not a period. I feel like this is one topic that will peak a lot of people who otherwise wouldn’t, so in a way I almost hope they keep at being this ridiculous and intolerable. More women need to wake the fuck up.
No. 11998
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I study Japanese history and it always bothers me when people call wakashu a “third gender” when really it was just a societal role. It's like saying “prostitutes" are a 3rd gender because society viewed them as being separate from others. It was an othering role that separated those boys from the rest of society.
No. 12015
>>12011introduce him to, @transwimmin on tumblr, the harassment faced by satoryuga and stacaesar
No. 12019
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PragerU is a scam university but the qrts are proving them right. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. it's mainly fugly "femboys" and TIMs. they see the phrase men in dresses and immediately think of themselves kek. so they do have a sense of self awareness. I don't really give a shit if men wanna dress girly but it objectively never looks good because those clothes were made with a female body in mind
No. 12029
>>12024Best thing is to ignore them and make them feel awkward and excluded so they can cry about it on reddit. If they force themselves into a conversation just do a humble-brag by talking about your period cramps or something they'll never experience (no matter how much they lie about it)
>>12019PragerU is conservative retardation. "Men should not wear women's clothing" is a line I don't like to cross bc it invites people to argue that women shouldn't wear pants and it becomes a slippery slope. If the account wasn't ran by a retard they might focus on the fetishization and nasty intent behind the cross-dressing instead of the clothes themselves
No. 12043
>>12011>“maybe there can be specific circumstances where trans people can use the services of their choice for safety.”Ask him if he would still think that if that action put the women there at risk, for one troon to be safe from other MEN. And if so, shouldn't other men at risk also be allowed there, like disabled men or gay men?
He'd probably say because those men "don't want to go to the women's spaces" so then why are we letting men in only of the basis of "they WANT to"? Men who want to go into women's spaces is the exact ones rules and laws are made to keep out.
The brain scan study showed that trans identified gay men and women are both sexually attracted to men, that's it. There is no evidence that the "trans" people used in the study didn't detrans later and now live as gay men.
Statistically trans identified males are equally likely to commit a crime as another man. The only statistical difference is that troons are MORE likely to commit a sexual crime than men who aren't trans. Roughly 50% of trans women in jail committed a sexual crime, usually against women or children. Those stats persist regardless of if they've had hormones and/or surgery. Another statistic is that men who are in jail for sexual violence are more likely to also commit it again in jail… and they're sending these men to women's prisons. And then letting them into women's spaces when they're out of jail.
Most troons are attracted to women. Most still have their dicks. Show him the twitter thread of thousands of videos of troons masturbating in public female bathrooms. Show him troons talking about "skirt go spinny euphoria boners". Show him the ones that admit it's a fetish and the people cheering them on.
No. 12046
>>12024Send the signals to other women!
Give them scared looks and stay by them as a form of protection from the troon. Send the other women "this person is a danger and is bothering me" signals to them and try to avoid the troon. You don't even have to pretend because troons are a danger and you should be vary about these men who want to infiltrate women's spaces on purpose even though women keep having reasonable questions about it that they then get aggressive over. I've been sexually assaulted by "innocent" troons in public spaces when I was still a handmaiden. If the troon is perceptive enough to notice it will get under his skin, if not other women will still be alerted that something is up with that man in a dress. It goes both ways, if a troon comes in as you're about to leave (a bathroom for example) then go back in and stay near the other woman protecting her until you can both leave. If she asks about it afterwards just say "pretty that person has been bothering women, just wanted to make sure we're both safe" or "I think that person might be dangerous" (which is true because he was in a space he's not allowed in as a male).
You can also exchange amused looks and roll your eyes over troons that look ridiculous. Be visibly uncomfortable or annoyed.
No. 12051
>>12047>How do I try and unpeak myselfoh nona I don't think you can unpeak unless you literally get amnesia and forget everything you now know. Vent as much as you want in this thread, spam if you must, just get it out.
I find it helps to put words to what I feel and it's easier to process when it's written out in front of me. Everything they say contradicts itself so getting it all sorted factually helps calm my brain. Like how gender dysphoria is SO awful they want to die and they need all the medical care and they need it NOW before cancer patients, but don't you fucking dare insinuate that trans people all have dysphoria or that dysphoria is what makes someone trans, you bigot. That doesn't add up.
You were once an enby like them, and you managed to peak - so they CAN peak too. If they're obsessed with talking about gender you have an easy way in to bring up AGP and men who admit it's a fetish for them. See where their breaking point is. Is it troons pretending to have periods, is it when they want to breastfeed, is it the ones who say being a woman for them is being degraded and sexual, do they think it's reasonable to expect euphoria boners in women's changing rooms in front of little girls? Find their buttons and gently push them.
No. 12067
>>12047Nona I feel like we live in the same city lmao and even if not, trust me theres more than just us out there. I let go of a lot of those kinds of friends last year and I'm happier for it. I can't stand people who say "this is my gender" about everything, it does feel like their entire personality. Also those TIFs aren't interested in feminism in the slightest cause they think it somehow doesn't effect them anymore. They live in a delusional bubble that WILL get popped in the future. You've just gotta find other sane people to talk to imo.
For un-peaking though, legitimately the only thing that works for me is fiction. Not like shitty comics written by trans uwus but speculative fiction that looks at how gender would work in for instance a genderless or matriarchal alien race. I can't imagine our society ever "abolishing" gender roles so it's interesting to read and it kind of makes me see what the trans movement is saying? But then of course, I remember they're all basement dwellers in reality and don't do any actual self reflection. So basically you can only unpeak if you pretend trans people aren't real.
No. 12085
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>>12069 not that anon but this book is great
The Gate to Womens Country by Sheri S Tepper
No. 12105
>>12069I only started looking for this topic recently so just the Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula le Guin for now! Some books on my to-read though are Octavia Butler's Xenogenesis series, The Power by Naomi Alderman, and I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman.
>>12077I agree. I think when anyone first learns about trans people, you pity them and want to be supportive but the more you learn, the more fucked up things sound and you have to do mental gymnastics to stay supportive. I felt like I was gaslighting myself constantly. It's absolutely not worth it to try un-peaking, as in accepting the whole trans culture wave or whatever you'd call it. I think if I got to know someone personally tho that's trans/enby but doesn't identify with the community and has their own reasons/views, then I could talk with and understand them.
No. 12110
>>12089you should
terf her up some more, it's a nice way to bond and she'll feel more secure in her terfy views
No. 12156
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Got a video about the trans legislation and I swear to God they are overusing the word "genocide" way too much.
No. 12157
>>12156Stage 7 is the stage where they start getting the camps and hit squads ready btw, after already going through the stages of completely gutting their legal rights and revoking citizenship, forcing them to mark themselves as members of the group by wearing a symbol, empowering extremist paramilitary groups that hate them, etc.
None of those things have happened or are happening to trans people
No. 12170
>>12108I agree that Left Hand of Darkness is pretty bad. "Detached" is a good word for it. Le Guin idolized her academic father and I think that influenced her fiction in a lot of boring ways.
>>12067>>12069>>12085I recommend Suzy McKee Charnas' Holdfast series, especially the second book Motherlines, which has no men in it at all. Four books but they don't need to be read in order. I'd also recommend James Tiptree Jr. (a woman writing under a pseudonym), particularly her story "The Women Men Don't See." The Female Man and We Who Are About To by Joanna Russ are also good, though I prefer her Alyx stories. Kate Wilhelm wrote a lot of good domestic scifi short stories about women's daily lives, work, and family relationships.
I'd also recommend looking into the Women's Press SF, which was a feminist sf publisher in the 80s. I think they released like 200 titles, a mix of reprints and new releases. Here's a (partial I think?) list: someone starts a women's sci fi thread in /ot/ I will sperg out hard because I had never heard of the Sherri S Tepper book posted above and there is so much SFF by women that I want to discover more. And outside of the overtly feminist authors there are a lot who explore women's lives, feminist issues, sexual violence, etc like CJ Cherryh, Joan Vinge, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Elizabeth A. Lynn… and I have a particular interest in women who wrote genre fiction pre-1960s like Andre Norton, CL Moore, Judith Merrill, Leigh Brackett…
Sorry, sperg over.
No. 12174
>>12116>when I point out how many things are wrong with the world all stem from rich moids wanting more money would go absolutely apeshit if I pointed out how most countries that do not have privatized healthcare have been walking back their “transition is the only way” approach while the US have become even more loud about medical transition being the ONLY approach. >I’m sure it’s just a “coincidence” that Canada is talking about opening their borders to “trans refugees” mere moments after deciding to move towards privatizing healthcare.This is such a good point, I would've expected it to convince more people. I hate that trannies infest every left-wing space that isn't already full of incels and brocialists, but at the same time advocate for the exploiting the mentally ill through super expensive, destructive surgeries and treatments, aggressively support porn and prostitution, and spam their disgusting misogynistic porn everywhere (even if it's "femboy" or tranny shit and doesn't involve actual women, it still manages to be extremely misogynistic by calling moids "girls" and associating femininity with humiliation and degradation, as well the implication that women only exist to be worthless sex objects… you already know how it is). I hate how everyone even remotely to the left has been indoctrinated into thinking those are good things and that you're literally Hitler if you even think there's something off about any of it.
>Every time my Aiden friends bring up trans rights I want to screamI want to scream every time I see any troon make a post or comment related to anything I like online. Especially if they bring up "trans rights" out of fucking nowhere. They're so fucking obnoxious, that they don't even have to mention transgenderism in their comment because they feel the need to announce their mental illness through their username and profile pic, ESPECIALLY TIMs, they are an eyesore both online and in real life.
Everybody else will rush to defend them too if there's one or two people who had the guts to call them out. If you do that you'll be spammed with fake as fuck "facts" about how trannies really are the opposite sex just because they "feel like it" (and it's almost always MtF, not FtM, obviously), how TWAW and how you're a fascist who is literally genociding trannies for not being extra nice and encouraging tranny delusions by "affirming their gender" and pretending they're actual women.
Every one of those TRAs should watch the video "What Is A Woman: Wrong Answers Only" by Skirt Go Spinny that's on bitchute and try to defend trannies after that. They'd probably cope by saying something like "oh but those are just exceptions those aren't real trans women those people aren't actually trans, AGP has nothing to do with transgenderism, those are very rare cases, #NotAllTransWomen"
>I’m glad to know there are SOME sane people standing against this mess.There's a lot of people who aren't terminally online who are skeptical or outright reject the idea as well. The scary thing is that most of those people are unaware that a massive conspiracy is taking place to create as many trannies out of mentally unstable or insecure people as possible and drain the working class of their money as well as use trannies as a political weapon. I'm afraid of what's to come because of this. On top of that, just the thought of trannies becoming universally accepted (even if only because you'll be punished for not doing so) and becoming more common irl where I live, repulses me deeply, both because TIMs are disgusting, and because of the implicit misogyny of it all.
No. 12181
>>12157Normal people: "It's illegal to go around people's comforts and approvals for what they interact with sexually, that's a form of rape, so you have to let people know you don't have a natal vagina if you want to sleep with them. All you have to do is make sure your partner knows and consents."
Troons: "This is literally genocide omg stop killing us!!!!!"
No. 12205
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>>11998These arguments are always like "you think transgenderism is a modern perversion, bigot? well this civilization 1000 years back had castrated boys sexually serving adult men which we directly parallel to modern day transgenderism." like the vast majority of "third gender" or "two-spirit" roles cited in academia as examples of "transgenderism" in ancient or primitive societies were of some men fulfilling roles traditionally held by women, and adopting some superficial feminine characteristics (in dress, make-up etc.).
No. 12217
>>12214The fuck is a thon kek
I first read thong
No. 12233
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I can't believe I didn't peak until my mom told me about Lia Thomas. In high school my first mtf loved a comic called Y: The Last Man and I hated how the feminists were portrayed as insane bitches. He honestly didn't see the problem when I tried to explain and I realized we were fundamentally incompatible. It's not misogynistic for them to be unsympathetic harpies because they were probably terves I guess is the logic. Picrel is eeevil misandrist looking kinda based
No. 12271
Late reply but
>>12051Unfortunately I am terrified of trying to peak them. They hate "terfs". At uni there were fuck terfs stickers being posted around too and they commented how cool that was. I've never seen them go to the extent of terfs should be killed or raped though. But they were all very upset about the HP game too. I'd rather not risk my social reputation to peak them. I'm not scared of them, but I'm scared of other men finding out and trying to attack me. They're friends with trans women who say they have periods and shit too so. If they are willing to believe in that shit I think theyre too far gone.
>>12067I've been distracting myself and trying to escape into fiction too. Or worlds where gender and sex don't matter.
Anyway I feel really conflicted at times. Like I feel horrible having these thoughts and noticing things when some of my friends are like she/they enbies and some are even trans women. At least from what I've interacted with them, none of them have been perverted or rapey around me or others so they're not like the most extreme cases. But whenever they all talk about how they can have periods too I try to not let my distaste show. I pretend its like listening to a flat earther. Except unlike flat earthers they as a group are beginning to fucking impact laws. Sometimes I oscillate between anger at the state of women's rights today because of the movement to apathy or slight guilt that I harbor these thoughts. I try and think of them as mentally ill or GNC but whenever they bring up gender and trans shit I can't help but notice things more. I don't mind their company when were not talking about this stuff. Idk how many of you actually have trans friends but the guilt and trying to play along with their bs is eating me up inside. I am becoming more and more tired of nodding my head and pretending I agree or care. But at the same time they're my friends and we get along for the most part whenever we don't talk about this shit. I want to make friends with people who don't believe in this but then those types of people are usually in right wing circles so I feel like there's no hope. at least not here.
No. 12275
>>12205From what I understand pretty much all of the castes held up as examples of trans people existing in ancient times are either gay men being othered and seen as less than "real" men, or misogyny escalating until women were seen as too unclean and impure to do things in churches and had to be replaced by crossdressing men in their rituals.
The modern medical stuff is obviously new, which makes me wonder where all these supposedly inevitable trans suicides were before transition existed.
No. 12289
>>12271I haven't buy the HP game yet because I know people would tell me "why did you gave your money to that
terf when you could send money to a poor trans person". Hell no, you weren't there when I needed money, why should I give money to a random person that I have never speak with in first place?
No. 12302
Boring asf peak because I started off being apathetic towards trannies, but actually witnessing them turned it to disdain. There's this…unbearable MALENESS around them that's ridiculous. Like, wow, you'd think they'd be more like women, but nope!
>the language around women is now far more policed than the language around men for very obvious reasons (protecting mens' feelings)
>they mostly exist because they buy into retarded gender stereotypes and see femininity like a commodity to emulate/consume
>obsessed with colonializing womens' spaces–like regular men
>harassing and abusing nonviolent, relatively kind "TERFs" like JK Rowling
>widespread pedophilia, many are fixated on anime girls too
>sticking out like a sore thumb in womens' groups, even online
>harassing women that actually want women/pussy because they need to bully women into their delusion to feel better about themselves
Look, I'm a very exhausted person, there's not much hate to spare in me. That they managed to flub this hard is amazing. They might be freaks of the patriarchy, but they're still agents of it.
No. 12306
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>>12303She sounds retarded honestly. Literally 2 days ago saw a thread on Reddit of some handmaiden complaining about her TIM husband not helping her take care of their baby and using weaponized incompetence like a typical moid. (Picrel) There’s no fucking way their entire childhood brain programming is just overwritten by hormones and surgery even for the most passing troons. Especially since TIMs experience euphoria any time they even remotely go through something that’s awful for women, like being catcalled or creeped on by gross men.
No. 12311
>>12283I saw a random sticker that said something like TEAM SISSIES or some shit. My friend is a normie and thought it was like, referring to sissy as some child calling each other a sissy. I immediately thought it was the same people who post TERFS GET THESE HANDS type stickers.
>>12289I honestly have 0 interest in HP. I never liked the books or movies. But the outrage is making me interested in the game at least because I like open world rpgs. But I will never buy it on steam, maybw GOG because my friends will watch my steam and see I bought it and confront me.
>>12297No. My university is a state university. It is prestigious in some fields but its not like the Ivys or MIT. Though it wishes it was. However all of them have their tuition paid by their parents. Ironically they have joked I'm rich before because I'm the only one with a job. I have to work to pay for my tuition and I get grants from the university… I'm not sure if its a class thing or its just a general city culture thing. Some of them are genuinely GNC though, so for somr of them I chalked it up to them thinking having a dislike of feminine things means you're not a woman. I know what you mean though, when you're more affluent you have more time to get into this stuff. I really really hope all of them grow out of this. Only one of them are on hormones at least so if they ever do change their mind its reversible and a phase they can grow out of.
No. 12315
>>12306You're right on that she's pretty much retarded. I have lost a lot of respect for her because I have tried so hard to prove the science behind TiM minds yet she chooses to remain delusional and believe they're more capable of understanding the struggles of a woman than a TiF who was socialized as a girl her whole life. I guess her failing all her biology classes was a sign. That pic of the handmaiden complaining while the one she was replying to is prioritizing the feefees of her moid husband infuriates the shit out of me, goes to show how none of these scrotes actually care about women and never change.
>>12307She's been my friend ever since we were kids. I'd hate to let go of her and she's the only one in my friend group who knows I hate troons. I should probably stop ranting about TiMs to her though, because she only cares about degrading TiFs and keeps backpedaling for moids like a typical libfem even when I show her evidence.
No. 12382
>>12364I'm a tall woman and have gotten a lot of shit for it growing up and have a hard time finding clothes so I'm incredibly insecure about it so I get really excited when I see other tall women, especially ones that have no problem wearing heels or showing off their body since I always try to cover myself up due to BDD. One evening I was walking across the train station when I saw a really tall woman walking ahead of me and since I walk pretty fast I got gradually closer, and the closer I got the more I gradually realized
>Huh, their thighs look a bit manly and shapeless even in heels, poor girl>Wait, that stringy hair…>Ill-fitting top…>When i look closer I realize she had no hips…?>Oh god it is not a womanMy disappointment was immeasurable and my evening was ruined
No. 12383
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>>12375She will never be him.
No. 12387
>>12376The cringe peaks higher!! her last skinwalk was Viktor from yuri on ice and included all his accoutrements…including buying the fucking dog (still has it doesnt and never cared for it at all) and a new girlfriend to be her Yuri (and became a throuple with her husband)
>>12381Ye but im 30+ lol so it was quit a while before the term came about. Think when yaoi paddles first came out.
>>12383Absolutely never. Her phases only last 2-3 and with the show ending…hoping she doesnt chop her tits off before she realizes it was a mistake
No. 12397
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I am so fucking done and frustrated with this world that keeps kissing tranny ass. All my colleagues have been constantly propagating the idea that gender is something you can choose at will despite science saying otherwise. Have people been so terminally online that their idea of what entails a man or a woman has been distorted? Back then I'd complain about genderspecials and trannies and everyone will just laugh along. Now everyone will get offended on their behalf and burn me on the stake just because I'm a gender critical feminist. I was forced to drink the Kool-aid during the pandemic but I was always uncomfortable and rolling my eyes at their bullshit made-up identities. Browsing on LC again reminds me that there's a sliver of hope for all these retards to wake up and I have high hopes that a time will come when the troons make a mistake and anger everyone on the planet enough to make them socially unacceptable again. I am just so exhausted with having to walk on eggshells around all these whiny bastards.
No. 12417
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George Takei with a shitty take. wtf is "not fully cis"? non binary? Yeah, George, I'm not really worried about boundaries and rights of women, I'm just projecting because I cannot accept that I'm not even a woman myself - because I don't wear makeup. I'm just a uterus-having enby I guess
No. 12422
>>12417The first part is the old myth that homophobes are just secretly gay themselves when statistically that's unlikely and it's a way for straight people to blame gays for their own oppression. Men use this exact excuse all the time, they also say women have it bad not because of men but because of feminism. It's never men's fault when they oppress people.
No one fears they're not fully cis, all sane people just recognize they're not cis because it doesn't exist because men and women come in different variations within the limits of sex and a feminine man and a masculine woman are still their sex and not some magic third or hundredth new gender.
No. 12438
>>12374I haven't actually watched that show because I know there's some stuff in it that would really upset me but doesn't that character abuse his little sister? Fucking classic TRA behavior I guess,
abusive men are admirable in their books
No. 12466
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I don't want to spam the main mtf thread with old news and I don't know where else to post, but I just again remembered how a semi-famous jrock wannabe (who's been rumoured to be a tif but I've never seen any real evidence) from my country loudly defended troons on twitter saying no one can tell any difference and that he dated/slept with a mtf as a teen without knowing they were trans.
I did the math on it and there is no way that 10+ years ago which was before the trans train started a minor here would have been approved for bottom surgery and breast implants, actually had the surgery and healed for years to the degree that another person can't tell and somehow nobody knew about it. I highly doubt parents here would secretly have taken their 14-15 old son to like Thailand to have his dick inverted back then either. Assuming this wannbe jrock guy isn't just lying and actually believe in what he says… that means he dated some cringe scene nlog who told him she was born as a boy and this guy was stupid enough to buy it and still hasn't figured it out to this day. This guy is known for being an asshole so the thought of it is hilarious to me.
No. 12468
>>12466God I want to fucking rant about one of his old buds that now has been featured as a drag queen on our country’s version of drag race. He recently made an Instagram post about how he believes he might be trans while wearing an outfit so fetishy to “represent his feelings” even most unhinged troons would tell him to dial it back. But he’s addicted to attention, is known to have posted himself on 4chan several times and probably is the one behind the two extremely dead topics about him here on lolcow so I don’t wanna write his name or post his image because he 100% googles himself on a daily basis.
If you know who Seike is then you probably know of this guy.
No. 12488
Not sure where else to scream about this but I fucking hate the fact that we have all of these legitimate reasons to dislike TRAs, and conservative fucktards overshadow it. I hate that they’re the ones most likely to get anything done, because we can’t ignore that they’re the party of homophobes and retarded religious zealots. It shouldn’t be about hating trannies because they’re faggy or gnc! There are so many
valid reasons they don’t acknowledge because it would show solidarity with women or LGB. Sometimes I read tweets from someone from pragerU or TPUSA that I half agree with but they just take it too far in some shitty moid direction. It’s honestly embarrassing to agree with them at all
>>12481I saw one of the hottest girls of my life on a mutual’s ig last night and I was feeling hopeful bc I saw people referring to her as “she/her”… I clicked her profile and it said “they/she”. Womp womp.
No. 12498
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what a surprise moid treating being female as a fetish gets his balls removed and no longer wants to be female
however could he have known.
No. 12511
>>12455YEAH. Same here. It wasn't even that one that she used though, I would've been pissed off enough if she had but she had to say 'manic depression' was someone's gender… So, bipolar disorder. I am bipolar and it's hell on earth, not a 'gender' you can slap on for quirky aesthetic points. ESPECIALLY if you don't even HAVE it.
Sorry. I'm just still so pissed off.
No. 12563
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>The UK's first-ever Intersex trains
….wtf? nonas please help me understand what the fuck is going on. has anyone seen 'SOGIESC' used before? or 'intersex' being used as an "umbrella term" in this way?
No. 12579
>>12563The oppression olympics flag really is ugly on things. It's weird how they managed make a happy rainbow look bad.
Intersex does NOT describe natural diversity in sex characteristics, that would mean every human is intersex because we are all naturally a bit different. Intersex and DSD refers to "differences/disorders in sex development", it's a medical condition that affects a very small number of people. It is "natural" for disorders to appear in people but it's misleading to say that they are natural. Just like how it's natural to die from getting shot, but it's not a natural death to die from getting shot.
What does it mean to be "intersex inclusive" and how is it different from being "gender inclusive", "sex inclusive" and "disability inclusive"? What makes a regular train not inclusive to intersex people? They are just tooting their own horn for painting an ugly pattern on a train for political reasons.
Sometimes I feel silly writing out the obvious like this, but I also feel it helps to actually formulate it into words and to get it out. And perhaps it helps people who haven't been able to formulate the thoughts on their own yet to read it idk.
No. 12589
>>12584You should have laughed at him saying menopausal women don't even get periods and they have all the right hormones and biology for it. If you can and dare, make sure to tell the other friends in private that it was both incorrect and rude of him to say that him being gassy is the same as a period in front of actual women who do get periods. They may have been holding their tongue or rolling their eyes as well so you could gain a terfy ally.
If they're handmaidens you can instead pretend to be concerned since if he's having "period" symptoms as a male it means something could be very wrong medically since he can't ever have anything even resembling a period because he doesn't have a uterus, not does his hormone intakes mimic that of a female cycle.
No. 12593
>>12584>we can get like, mood-swings and bloating I guessWow, so can moids who aren't on hormones and women who aren't currently menstruating. Almost as if these symptoms can be the result of many different things and the shedding uterine lining part is the only thing that actually makes it a period.
I don't get why troons think they have "cycles" in the first place when they take flat doses of hormones at regular intervals.
No. 12627
>>12620Samefagging but what exactly is a question that has complications SO bad that asking them in a safe setting of a school where education and conversation takes place wouldn't be ok?
Surely even asking something controversial like "are gay people mentally ill" or such can be safely discussed to come to the conclusion that "no,they're not" or even "yes but that doesn't negatively impact anyone else and they still live happy lives so it barely even matters" if you're religious or something. I can't think of any question that is truly bad to ask, because all you need to do is to disprove/confirm it.
It seemingly ONLY benefits ideas they don't want you to question.
No. 12629
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I'm about to lose it nonnas. The female mathematical youtuber Vihart had all her pronouns changed to 'they' on Wikipedia. I thought it was some overzealous editor who misunderstood her video 'On Gender' where she talks about how she thought gender was dumb until she met trans people, and she was just trying to understand them. Turns out that she posted this zinger on Twitter. Even when I was in gender ideology, I would have thought this phrasing was disgusting and misogynistic. I really looked up to her as a woman in STEM and I hate that meeting people with ridiculous ideas on gender caused her to think that because she sees herself as a human being and a not a wOmAn that she is therefore not a woman. Fuck them, and fuck her for spreading this lie and not bothering to apply an ounce of critical thinking to this. Imagine if all the people who said "I don't really see myself as (race)" here just started claiming they didn't have a race because it wasn't the most important thing about them and everyone decided we needed a 'raceless' category. Same bullshit.
I'm so tired of this ideology that states that if a literal female human does not feel like a gay male performing a hyperfeminine ideal or a straight man who sexually fantasizes about turning himself into a woman, then actually she's not the woman and they are. I've seen so many tomboyish women claim they're not women because apparently the standard for womanhood is MtFs and Ariana Grande. If you are not bursting with joy at the idea of being a female all the time, apparently you're not a female. It's gotten to the point where I never see any young tomboyish women call themselves women anymore, they're all calling themselves non binary or genderqueer or agender. God fucking bless all the adult tomboy women who didn't give into this shit and just keep being themselves, because it's so lonely being a gnc nerdy woman. There used to be so many of them in the 2000s and now not only have a bunch of them just stopped calling themselves women, the ones I see now are identifying as non-binary or "trans men" from a very early age. Feels like the whole concept of the nerdy boyish woman is dead, and it's been replaced by the non-binary who is the same damn thing but with a sideshave.
No. 12631
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>>12630Linguistics is absolutely full of people obsessed with gender. But there are some people who don't obsess over this stuff and do good work. Debbie Cameron's blog actually talks in depth about why replacing 'woman' with 'menstruator' and 'pregnant people' isn't actually inclusive, but just makes it harder to see where discrimination against women is happening. Her posts are very thoughtful and you can share them with anyone, I don't think you can even call her transphobic. She has decades of both linguistic and feminist work. Picrel from No. 12633
>>12613samefag as
>>12630 I didn't read everything before writing my response lol. Why is it always the people who study things with solid rules who want to change stuff the most and refuse to acknowledge actual questions or criticisms? It's disrespectful and puts incoming students at a disadvantage. They/thems are drawn to gendered languages like moths to flame I swear
No. 12655
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I stg these "Cis own Trans people (insert whatever shit)" posts are so unfunny. Yes, I'm not obliged, but you don't see "give women money on Women day" (which tim would leech into).
No. 12661
>>12495Pretty much summed up exactly why I peaked!
>>12655The idea that "cis"/sane people owe anything to trans people is laughable. What exactly have we done to them? Is giving them constant hand-outs in the form of government or insurance-funded cosmetic surgeries, laser hair removal, and HRT not enough? My handmaiden friend actually gives them money whenever she sees stuff like this and will share every single post that's like "TRANS PERSON NEEDS MONEY FOR RENT!". Why do they deserve help for rent more than a single mother for example, or anyone else struggling in this world? Give me a break
No. 12665
File: 1680305462184.jpg (44.02 KB, 614x960, 91dff387-fcf2-4249-80c9-3395fd…) a couple hours making fun of trannies with my boyfriend to celebrate trans awareness day
i feel so bad for lesbians
as if hetero dating isn't bad enough
you get the same low quality males calling themselves female for a different angle
No. 12670
>>12584Samefag back again to complain about the same tranny once more.
In our Discord server we have a channel made for people to vent about everyday grievances. Two times in this week alone this tranny has swooped in to complain about shit like a newly released video game not being cracked fast enough and his tank top ripping immediately after someone else has used it to vent about finances and mental health.
The vent channel doesn't have any restrictive rules to it and anyone is allowed to vent about anything that is on their mind of course, but considering this same tranny has posted fresh self-harm images and talked about suicide in explicit detail in the general chat unprompted before it's frustrating to see him use the vent chat for such insignificant shit so soon after someone uses it for
valid reasons, you know?
Not to mention, he wouldn't have to worry about pirating games if he hadn't quit his job due to it being "miserable", even though he only worked two 4HR shifts a week and get's disability/tranny checks or whatever the fuck.
No. 12683
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So I think the thing that pisses me off the most is that there’s this huge facade of wholesome feelgood stuff surrounding transness, particularly TIMs. TRAs don’t see or think beyond the stories we’re fed of these sad little boys who were born into the wrong body, and all they want is to live their truth as a woman! It sounds okay if you don’t think about the fact that nothing is ever enough for them and they keep taking and taking. They demand more or else they will kill themselves and they name us as the aggressors and bullies. At protests they shout at women calling them fat, old, ugly, “no man wants you” etc. Typical abuser mentality. But everywhere you go they’re coddled. How can so many people be blind to what’s happening?
No. 12685
>>12673You seem like a very caring person and loyal friend who truly wanted to understand and help a person you cared about. I hope your friend wasn't suicide baiting you personally, no one deserves that kind of emotional stress. Do not feel bad about having went along with trans ideology, it is very carefully presented and framed in a way that manipulates people's goodwill toward vulnerable members of society. I never bought in to trans stuff, having seen people make fun of furries very early on I thankfully understood that there were large groups of terminally online people with significant mental illnesses and emotional problems at the same time trans stuff started gaining more mainstream attention (early-ish 2010s).
I do understand what it's like to just "sit down and shut up," I watched a girl I sorta knew deteriorate over the years in high school until she transitioned. It's hard seeing someone so obviously suffering hurt themselves, and I recall this actual feeling of desperation the last year I was around her. It was a sad sense of understanding and genuine frustration, I had the urge to shake her and ask her to truly explain how trying to live as something she's not and fighting her mother and therapist constantly made her feel. A part of me feels guilty like you mention, for not pushing back, for passively (or actively? in your case idk) contributing to their echo chamber. But people caught up in any sort of situation like this regarding a significant part of their identity (transitioning, eating disorders, mental illnesses, maybe religion or politics etc) don't want an echo chamber, they want a void they can scream into. I don't like terms like echo chamber or circle jerk because they imply taking the person out of their confirmation group and putting them in group that counters them will make them change, which is not how it works. It is impossible to go through life without having a personal position challenged, and it doesn't matter by whom (family, friends, randoms on the internet), the position isn't going to change unless they want it to or are open to it in the first place. It's rough to watch it play out with others, but don't feel guilty or stupid for changing yourself.
No. 12691
>>7595The only explanation that ever made any sense to me was the dysphoria one, that their brains irrationally hate their sexed characteristics like their penis, balls, masculine body shape, and facial hair, and they feel an overwhelming urge to have these changed to be feminine. There are no drugs that seem to work at taking these feelings away, and I don’t know if any research on talk therapy or CBT exists. So doctors tried changing the body instead. I experienced some dysphoria as part of social contagion - when everyone around you is talking about how much they hate being seen as a woman and how they want to look like men, you can internalize it like a new body standard - and it was really unpleasant. Thankfully once I stopped reading those news articles, the dysphoria went away. But I imagine if you’ve felt like this constantly since a young age, you’d be desperate for a solution, including changing your body.
Some of them have no dysphoria though, and I’ve never sympathized with those. The agreement with trans shit is that it was always limited to a small number of medically confirmed people who basically could not live their life otherwise. It was basically Witness Protection for gender dysphorics. If you don’t have dysphoria, then there’s no argument that you NEED to access opposite sex spaces or transition. And if your dysphoria is social like mine was, I don’t see why you shouldn’t try talk or exploratory therapy to cure it instead of rushing to become a permanent medical patient. Depathologizing dysphoria and gender identity was a bad idea because “I want to go into women’s spaces because I feel like it/people confuse me for a woman” is a way weaker argument than “I need to go into women’s spaces because I have to medically transition or I’ll be forced to spend every waking moment in agony, and being reminded of my birth sex makes me suicidal”. The latter is still not that strong, but anyone with a heart would want to figure out SOME compromise to help out people who are obviously suffering in a semipermanent way. The former just wants to rearrange society, wants to pretend that their feelings are rational (as opposed to the obvious irrationality of gender dysphoria), but have their cosmetic changes treated with the same seriousness as the psychiatric patients treatment. It’s dumb and blows the entire argument for letting a handful of people go through Gender Witness Protection out of the water.
No. 12693
>>12673Lots of us were handmaidens (or close to it) before peaking. There's nothing we can do about the past except learn and grow from it. It usually takes a lot of effort to actually change your worldview so drastically when you're part of/close to a cult mindset like the trans ideology is, so the fact that we managed to do that is honestly really impressive. We truly are more open minded and inclusive than those people have ever been, because if we weren't we wouldn't have listened to and tried to see "the other side" to begin with.
I think it's quite "funny" that the woke side that preaces inclusivity now tends to be in the news because a white male who identifies as some flavor of trans got offended by something a non-white person did. Like the recent "female
terf TSA agent hit my nuts, i'm so being trans hate-crimed rn" white guy was of course complaining that the non-white woman (who he sexually assaulted by not telling her he has a dick and balls before she had to touch him when she's only there to touch women) had somehow wronged him for doing her job. The straight white guys did it, they turned the movement that hates straight white racist guys into one that hard core supports straight white guys being racist and sexist.
No. 12694
>>12683>So I think the thing that pisses me off the most is that there’s this huge facade of wholesome feelgood stuff surrounding transness, particularly TIMsAbsolutely agree. There's a special vibe of it that comes of as very pedophilic to me and it always turns out those guys have weird gross fetishes, sometimes being actual pedos. Some of them just seem childlike because they're autistic as fuck tho, and are copying anime girls because they've never interacted with an actual female who isn't their mother. It's gross and off-putting to look at but not exactly the same horrid vibe as the obvious pedos.
What pisses me off even more is that pretty much ALL tims know there are gross AGP fetishists in every single trans community. They all know at least one. But even the supposedly "good" ones won't admit to that publicly and instead deny it. But they fucking know, they see these people more than we do. If they're so good and innocent unlike the AGPs, then why do they actively try to protect the gross "harmful" ones in their community?
No. 12699
wow, thank you so much anons, i'm really blown away by the support and kindness here. long post ahead
>>12684i'm happy you liked my post. i really denied my own feelings of discomfort at that time. a big part of it was because "
terf"s were demonised and presented as crazy out of touch women (a lot of misogynistic stereotypes basically). i think lots of handmaidens are scared to be seen as cruel and bigoted against a "vulnerable" minority. i know that's what i felt. what helped me peak was seeing r/MtF posts and reading more radical feminist books and opinions. radfem makes so much more sense to me than the confusing, constantly shifting trans ideology.
>>12685thank you anon, that's really kind of you. i wasn't personally suicide baited but everywhere i went suicide was used as a weapon. no access to hrt? no children transitioning? no surgery on the nhs? trans people will kill themselves. i felt too scared to even question this stuff because there was so much guilt associated with it. i hate how much i was manipulated.
>>12693thanks anon! i completely agree. the really good thing this has taught me is to think more critically and examine every possible viewpoint. YEARS ago i stumbled upon some radfem blogs and i found myself agreeing. then i cut myself off because i worried i'd mindlessly absorb all those opinions and accidentally become the evillest awfullest bigot ever. that's why all those
terf blocklists exist on tumblr, that's why so many people believe terfs are obsessed with upholding gender roles and other random bs. they have no idea what they really believe. anyway, i never again want to be in a situation where i am against something without being able to explain why. this experience has helped me become more open minded, interestingly.
actually i feel like my best friend is going down a similar journey. she's a very sweet soul but she's getting frustrated lately with all the stuff about dylan mulvaney and the prison laws and everything. my cousin is the same way actually. all three of us have expressed such an immense amount of relief that we can TALK about these things and not have to be scared. i think a lot of women feel like us, anons, they're just frightened to face it and discuss it. the tide really is turning though and i can see it
No. 12712
>>12699>the tide really is turning though and i can see itI think so too! I see so much more public opposition to trans ideology, when before it would be completely silenced the second it showed up. The fact that Dylan Mulvaney is openly getting deserved hate and critic for his misogyny is so wonderful to see because I remember when everyone would have gotten banned on the spot just for saying "he" one time.
The misinformation on terfs is weirdly working in our favor sometimes, because TRA and handmaidens simply don't know their enemy. They've been told it's all conservative, straight, old white people who "lack education" on trans issues. But in reality the most outspoken people I've seen have been lesbians, minorities (in particular black women), highly educated people (often ones who've worked with trans people for years) and detransitioners. Naturally most of the old conservative white people are also against it, but they're typically busy being normies and only tutting at trans people on the rare occassion that they see one. The people actually working against trans ideology are all the other groups.
No. 12714
>>12703>What was it that ultimately peaked you and made you change your mind anon?nta, but can we get a little "what peaked you" train going? It would be helpful to see how everyone got here so we can use the same things to peak friends.
For me it started with
>friend sending me gross AGP stuff from lolcows mtf thread >I was vary in the beginning because I had been told those things were bordering on bad terfy things to say. However she liked a few HSTS/trutrans social media influencers who I knew of so she'd use them as an example of "good" trans people so I knew she wasn't a big bad terf.>friend sent me videos making fun of trans cringe by other trans/lesbian/minority people so that made me see it was ok for me to laugh at them since even people in the trans community laughed at them>lolcow + videos made me agree that transtrenders and AGP fetishists made the trutrans people with real gender dysphoria look bad and harmed them>It worked because obviously I had "being trans is not a fetish and has nothing to do with sexuality" drilled into my mind, so seeing those with an obvious fetish talk about spinny skirt euphoria boners made it real easy to see that those people weren't the trans people I had been told about, and thus they weren't real trans and I was allowed to hate them.>I eventually started going on lolcow on my own accord and peaked further the more I looked in the trans threads. My autism switched on and I started researching the medical side and found out everything the trans side says is a thinly veiled lie and that every "life saving" medical intervention actually just harms trans people, in particular children.>Once I realized even the "good ones" are advocating for things that irreversibly harm people, mostly children, they lost me completely No. 12730
>>12714I peaked way the fuck back if I was ever on board to begin with. In 2010 I was taking a bus across the Canadian border to get some paperwork done, sat next to this guy around my age who extended his hand and first thing out of his mouth was ‘hey, I’m Dani, I’m a girl.’ I was nice and had never met a trans person before so we talked about it a little bit, I complimented his choice of name, the usual shit I guess? I was even understanding as we got held up for 3 god damn hours because he was there to have the sex on his passport legally changed to female.
It stopped making sense right about then. Gender was one thing but when you’re changing your legal sex it’s not about gender anymore. A passport is a supposed to physically identify you, how is it okay to change a legal document to reflect a fantasy? I remember standing in the shower that night wondering whether it’s okay to play pretend just to be polite. I could just never fully convince myself.
It’s harder to pinpoint when my polite disagreement turned to disgust, but it’s in the past few years for sure. The reporting of rapes and serial murders by men against women as being perpetrated by ‘women’ went a long way in making me just hate them outright.
No. 12739
I just can't seem to understand how people are fully aware of extreme fetishes, like ones where they get turned on by the thought of being amputated, and that some go to extreme lengths to get there. But getting turned on by the thought of being the opposite gender is completely unthinkable for some reason? How does that make ANY sense?
There are so much proof of troons online verbally attacking people that don't kiss the ground they walk on, but it would never happen? All trannies are peaceful and just want to be themselves? How do you convince yourself that ALL dangerous troons are just
terf and leftwing trolls trying to discredit TRAs? How can you be so deluded? How does ANY of this make sense? I. DON'T. UNDERSTAND.
>>12714For me it started very simply by looking around me and go "…huh, there have been a weird rise of transgenders lately, haven't there?" and then see the increased aggression towards anyone that has questions, even the most innocent ones when someone just wants to learn. I guess since a friend and I used to talk a lot about young transgenders and how we understand how easy it is to get pulled into it since you feel uncomfortable a lot in your own body as a teen, and since questioning trannies and the intensity of the TRA movement has always been on the table for me and a couple of friends it was easy for me to peak.
No. 12753
Sage for long, boring blogpost. I was thinking back to my relationship with my ex. I was an NLOG at the time and rejected feminism because I hated all the libfem shit I associated it with and had yet to learn about radical feminism + get over some pick-me behaviours I got from feeling alienated / rejected by female peers growing up. He was a male "feminist". He was also a violent and abusive narc and it would not surprise me if he ever trooned out.
But anyway, during out time together he kept trying to push me to "get more in touch with my feminine side". I am not particularly masculine nor feminine, just like most women, and it was really annoying that he was pushing this onto me like I was a deficient woman. But here is the thing, his idea of me being more feminine wasn't typical tradwife shit, it was connecting with my ethereal feminine spirit that he saw in me but felt I was denying. And he was really interested in witches and this idea of women having special powers. He also claimed he always felt like he was more of a woman, and was more in touch with women and hated men (whilst having all the worst qualities in men himself). Of course when pressed, this would amount to him painting his nails sometimes and preferring to hang around women and shit like that. He would also say "if I was a woman, I would ___" as if he was giving me fucking tips on how to be a woman kek.
In reality, he was utterly clueless about women, which will come as no surprise, no understanding of our experiences physically, socially, historically, emotionally etc. and all his feminism was surface level infatuation with women and basic libfem sentiments. He thought being attracted to (fetishising) women with shaved heads and hairy armpits + being pro equal pay made him a feminist.
I get the feeling this mindset plays a part for a lot of TIMs. Most are simply just degenerate coomers, of course, but there are also a lot of other factors and I think this is probably a common theme. Basically men see us as mystical creatures who can literally create life, and it makes them seethe that they don't have this "power". They desire it for themselves and trooning out is some sort of sick, deluded way of pretending they can have it, spiritually and that it's a cruel punishment that they cannot live it physically.
I know this is not a new theory or anything - I just felt like getting it off my chest. It always really annoyed me in that relationship and I think about it whenever I see witchcraft-obsessed TIMs.
No. 12770
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by some grace of ancient gods I am seeing stuff like this come up organically in feeds on my accounts on instagram, none of which interact in any way with gender or tranny anything.
i hope they're reaching others on the edge or already there too. and the fact the comments are largely supportive is such a nice sight that the "u R a PICKME cuz u don't belieb trannies" comments are just laughable instead of annoying.
No. 12778
>>12769He sounds like someone who's wasting money and won't be happy with the results even if they're "good".
It's insane that mental health in all areas are getting worse and are left untreated simply because everything just means you are trans now. ED or body dysmorphia? Nah, you actually just hate your body because you're trans. OCD or depression? Well of course being trans in a transphobic world makes you depressed. Autism or ADHD? No, you just act different because you're really the opposite gender. Treating the things you struggle with? No, who even does that?! We're putting you on harmful drugs for life until you die while affirming your delusions.
No. 12780
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>>12766You're right anon, if the game was actually any of those things (it's not either in any way, it's literally all lies and slander with no basis in reality) it's fucked up to equate "someone who feels slightly uncomfortable with trans people" to "someone who actively wants to kill all jews". Those aren't even close, and they still somehow think the transphobia is worse!
On the topic of Hogwarts Legacy I'm pretty sure what actually happened is a mixture of a few things. First the projection from trans people who used to be nazis and white supremacists. There are countless of them, they make memes about the "nazi to trans pipeline", so they all openly admit to it being a real and a common thing. They still have nazi thoughts so they project them onto others: including doing it to see themselves as holocaust
victims this time, as trans women. Basically they think that because they want/wanted all jews to be eradicated, everyone who is against them must all have the same mindset about them and want all trans people to be dead. Occasionally you'll see troons say they "know how terfs think and are full of hate" and their reason is "because I used to be a neo nazi myself before transitioning". Pure projection. Because they "secretly" still have nazi thoughts they also take great delight in making everyone say "the ugly greedy goblins are clearly meant to be jews". No one said that before trans people made it a thing. They get to eat their oppression cake and have it too.
But that all came after the transphobia allegations. And that's because even with them all crying about the game, saying buying the game makes JKR personally strangle a troon for every sale, that they're begging on their knees for allies to not play it… normal people for the first time… didn't give a fuck. For the first time the troons failed to persuade people to bend to their whims. So they changed tactic to their old hateful ways, and tried to call JKR, the game makers and everyone who plays it a nazi, because if they don't care about troons maybe they at least care about publicly being called a nazi. Basically the allegations just became worse and worse because people didn't care, so they had to amp it up to make it seem worse. People still didn't care, so they told them it's even worse than that. And even worse!
In the end they failed and HL was a massive hit, it even broke records on several platforms. I honestly think the game was an important turning point of troonism, because for the first time they publicly failed despite the massive campaigning (biggest they've ever done) against it. It let both normal people and corporations see that you really CAN go against the TRA without repercussions.
No. 12783
>>12753>He was a male "feminist". He was also a violent and abusive narc and it would not surprise me if he ever trooned out.He sounds like he's halfway there already, glad you got out of that relationship.
Sometimes when a narc a-hole seems on the verge of trooning out I kind of hope they do it just because all that really does is harming themselves and ruining their own lives. Of course it would be better for everyone if they instead just stopped being dicks, but I'm petty and want them to have karma slap them in the face. I don't wish for me or anyone else to cause them harm, but if they self-destruct on their own I'm not gonna stop them and I'll grab some popcorn to watch it.
No. 12796
>>12792Considering how much JK Rowling
triggers them, an owl would be fitting imo
No. 12854
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>>12792>>12796>>12850Owls are the official peak symbol now
No. 12876
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I don't know if we need a thread for nonbinary discussion specifically, but I find women calling themselves nonbinary to try to escape gendered expectations really sad. Like Janelle Monae (picrel) came out as nonbinary a while back saying something about embracing "all her energy" but after reading more about her, it seems like her heart isn't really in it. She says she "stands with women, stands with black women", also uses she/her, and says that if someone calls her a woman, she "gives them grace." It seems clear to me that the reason she's calling herself nonbinary is because she's a same-sex attracted black woman in an industry that expects black women to be attracted to men and to be hypersexual. She probably also spends a lot of time with people talking about how queer it is to have a nonbinary identity.
Halsey's one that even though she's using they pronouns and throwing a fit about 'they', is clearly someone else who is only into this shit because she's attracted to women and thinks that being a woman requires having "girly girl" feelings. Like she literally said she didn't experience "binary" feelings during her pregnancy because she didn't feel like a fertility goddess. Girl wtf. Plenty of women don't "feel" like fertility goddesses during pregnancy. Anyways she hasn't actually officially come out as non-binary, she's just changed the pronouns.
If anything, I'm glad Monae and Halsey are not going into the idea that they're men. It's much easier to come back from a non-binary identity and just be a lesbian or gender nonconforming woman than it is to come back from binary transitioning. I was a masc-presenting woman who felt like the only way to find comradery was to call myself nonbinary. And it worked but it felt so inauthentic, like I was throwing women under the bus. I hope we'll see celebrities just being she/they women. I don't care about the pronouns, I care about the message it sends to say "I'm not literally euphoric about being a woman all the time, so I'm not really a woman."
No. 12878
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saw this on the mtf thread in snow. it made me tear up. why do they hate us so much. why do they want to rape us, to kill us, to hurt us? the amount of burning hatred and envy scares me so much… i just can't cope with knowing that they can see me that way. they hate us so fucking much…
theres a tim that takes my bus sometimes. i get so uncomfortable when i see how he shoots little glances at me. like he's taking me in. i guess i present pretty feminine, i have long hair and wear a lot of florals and dainty details. what does he think when he looks at me? does he think of me this way…? fuck, does he want to hurt me? would he try to emulate me, taking note of my hair and my clothes? does he post on boards like this talking about his hatred and envy, does he get a wave of support from those that feel the same way? i feel crazy typing this out. they scare me so much. i just want to escape from men. i'm scared and tired of all the porn and the catcalling and the harassment and the stupid fucking andrew tate memes. i want to be alone where they can't hurt me. why can't they just treat us like people? i hate being so scared all the time.
No. 12880
>>12878I feel you nona. I stopped posting outfit pics in a forum after a TIM said that it made them “jealous” and “they wished they had my body”. This would have been inappropriate if it came from a woman, but it felt doubly inappropriate because it implied I was
triggering their dysphoria. I don’t understand why they can’t keep their feelings to themselves. They want to be in women’s spaces so bad, but they also want to be pitied for envying us. Every time I’ve been in a space with them, even when I try to be nice and inclusive, it comes out eventually, the fact that they’re angry they can’t be someone like me. And I’m someone who’s polite and even tried to make them feel accepted because I felt bad. I won’t bother anymore, they don’t want to take any advice even though they also want to learn about “girly” skills. And all that to get guilt tripped for posting pics of myself? I don’t understand why they have to be like that, even to people who want to help. Let alone people like picrel who hate women for existing, like it’s our fault they were born with dysphoria.
No. 12898
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I’m (unfortunately) part of the FGC. There’s very few women - only creepy hentai-addict men. Though I’m lucky to have managed to befriend other female gamers and we’ve started a women-only group of sorts. But troons have begun to think they’re “one of us” and invade our streams and convos.
My favorite franchise used to be Guilty Gear (you know where this is going). The tranny-pandering in Strive came as such a shock to me. When I heard a troon won last year’s EVO tournament I wanted to pull my hair out. It’s never going to get better for us huh.
No. 12912
>>12904>a lot of normie women who think TIMs are womenHonestly I think the number of women who actually think that TIMs
are women is very very low. Women perceive TIMs like "safe" gay besties or harmless mentally ill men who need protection. The issue with normie women is that they don't know how degenerate the average TIM is, but if things keep going like this, they will be confronted with the degeneracy/entitlement/misogyny more and more (which is sad and even dangerous but at least it will peak people). I agree that there could be a compromise (gendered bathrooms for genderspecials and sexed spaces for everyone else), but TIMs already see "female/AFAB spaces" as "dog-whistles" and more practically I don't see schools, stores etc creating/building sexed spaces on top of gendered ones.
No. 12913
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>>12902Compromise is exactly how most people, including GCs/terfs, inititally responded to the concept. Like 'okay they aren't actually the opposite sex, but there's no harm in using their pronouns' kind of thing. But that was not good enough for trannies, nothing is ever good enough for them because they want something impossible - actually being the opposite sex, and if not that being fully integrated and accepted as the opposite sex in all situations, except situations in which they can use it to their benefit by being a poor oppressed minority. They move the goalposts at every opportunity, particularly with language (eg now they aren't happy with women being called AFAB, a term they invented). Moreover, men want access to women's spaces, they want women silenced, and if they get the 'third gender' status they cannot do that. What good is being a sick fuck AGP tranny if you have to use a unisex bathroom instead of a bathroom with real live women to intimidate and perve on?
No. 12921
>>12916>pedo pandering BPD ageplayer with dubious actions attributed to herLol I didn't know about this and the cancellation. Though now that you mention it I remember she had a whole era that seemed children/school themed but I never listened to it.
>saying "people who menstruate" is hellishly politically correctRight but somehow I still can't believe that that this shit is this normalized. She isn't making a speech about ~inclusive~ healthcare or whatever. Plus it's sad and ironic that even women who supposedly ""celebrate"" women and their bodies fall for the gender shit.
No. 12923
>>12913Nta but AFAB isn't even a term they invented but a term they stole. But I agree with everything you said, especially about the terms and language. I remember when I was trans and we referred to "cis" people as bio men and bio women and it was no big deal, it wasn't literal violence, no one was
triggered shaking and crying by these terms, nobody cared, transitioning was our goal and for that to work you had to recognize the sex differences, (though the TIMs were always obnoxious and nasty about it). Then suddenly it's all AFAB and AMAB, and then it's not okay anymore even that when they wanted us to use these terms to begin with.
No. 12924
>>12902As others have pointed out, trans people aren't just "normal people who are a bit different" they are legit mentally ill people with delusions, so a compromise isn't ever going to be possible. Their goal isn't "to be accepted as the other sex", it's to get to do whatever they want without consequences. You have perverted men who want to be able to sneak into women's spaces for his own sexual gain, and the same with tifs going into gay spaces. Gay trans people usually just want to escape from homophobia so they can be gay without the consequences. Girls troon out in an attempt to escape sexism, but will happily perform hyper femininity now that they're "boys". So the problem is that "being trans" isn't real the way they're trying to sell it as.
Honestly I think the only compromise that works is for them to accept that it's a religion and to make gender churches. In their church they can have all those rules and have men be women, infinite number of genders etc and they have religious freedom so they're protected by law. They can larp as much as they want and believe every weird gender thing they say within the church and everyone will play along there, but people are free to disagree outside of it.
No. 12939
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>>12913 a compromise might be pointless since using even neutral pronouns to be nice rather than outright he is still seen as "misgendering"
No. 12957
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Anyone else feel like TIMs are straight up evil? I was called a “Female incel” by one for literally just saying things about how men can’t be lesbians and it’s related to their maleness, not their lack of femininity. Surely they know that calling me an incel makes no sense, but they intentionally use language that more accurately describes themselves as a way to steamroll over women. Sometimes I feel so shocked by the things they say and do. Their lack of willingness to concede ever. It feels like evil but do they really think they’re in the right? Are they aware of what they’re doing? I try to be strong and stand up to them but sometimes I honestly feel a little afraid of how much contempt they have for women (probably due to my trauma).
>>12926Sounds like narcissism to me. Some people simply cannot handle being considered normal and have the need to always be NLOG. I’m sure pregnancy and the changes that come with that, feeling like you’re losing your youth etc caused a panic in Halsey that made her feel like she has to reject simply being a woman/mother because then she’ll lose her super specialness. Kind of sad but also I don’t care about rich people creating problems for themselves.
No. 12959
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>>9909Trans people ruined sexual liberation.
You're "evil" for having a sexual orientation that doesn't include them. What was all that stuff about how "I can't control how I feel" that LGB spent so many years protesting their rights over, just for troons to show up and shit up the whole message.
>If you don't wanna fuck me you have a genital fetishPicturing a drooling mongoloid writing this without even looking up definition of "fetish".
No. 12982
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oh no. how horrible. chicago police department is literally killing trannies. however will we cope. defund. defund.
No. 13076
>>13067Turn your frustration into some sick music. He has slut punk and you can have crypto
terf punk where you sing about what it’s like to be a real woman (without explicitly saying things about troons..just call them men)
No. 13077
>>13076nta but I like this. I also think
TERF punk is or could be a modern version of 70s/80's feminist punk - women's rights, rejecting stereotypes and beauty standards, began underground, counterculture. channel your anger!
No. 13080
>>13078saaaaaame. It always surprised me that so many autistic people are sucked in when we are (were) known for being sticklers for logic and science. despite realising all the ways in which some are vulnerable to this ideology (sense of belonging, something to obsess over, an explanation for alienation and discomfort in one's own body etc.) and how some are drawn into fantasy worlds - a lot of autistic people literally cannot get drawn into fantasy worlds at all. I am one of them. I can't even enjoy reading fiction books for this reason. I could not engage in imaginary play. I think this is very common among us.
and autistic people are known for being more gender non-conforming, mainly because we don't observe the gender stereotypes in the same way, picked up by social cues. and I guess for some this has translated into a hyperfixation on gender as a remedy? it's just a stupid made-up thing that makes no sense.
No. 13115
>>13078>>13080It's been said before but I've noticed autists are both more likely to get pulled into gender ideology, but also the most likely to get out of it or to never have fallen for it at all. We're just statistically weird on all fronts kek.
Autists are over-represented in the trans community but they're still just a small portion of it, but a majority of detransitioners seem to be autistic. We autists are uniquely vulnerable to getting caught up in it and to think surgeries actually makes us the other sex (because that's what they all sell us), so obviously once someone has the surgery that illusion disappears since it didn't help their mental state, nor did their sex actually change. Us autists are then to socially inept to realize we should shut the fuck up to keep the trans lies up, to say the surgery was life-saving and everything is perfect now like the other botched troons.
For the autists I know the majority is peaked by now and it's all logic and science based why they're now against trans ideology. There is one single autist troon who is a social loser playing video games all day who's still in it. He's so unknowingly sexist and vile from wokeness the rest of us just make fun of him behind his back.
No. 13166
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Couple days back MrBeast hit the news cycle talking about something something trans (rly don't care who he is). Seems like his assistant came out trans and that's somehow a big deal justifying headlines everywhere. (Didn't bother reading deeper, headlines everywhere was enough for me)
Now there's a movement to cancel MrBeast because he's afraid of being cancelled? Seems like Troon Mafia has taken over society from politics to business. Not falling in line with troon agenda will immediately get your corporation's ESG score cratered through the floor and run out of Wall Street.
No. 13170
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>>10017Okay I can hold it back no longer, here's my theory on the TIM nightmare known as "stringy estrogen curls"
Anyone who has curly hair knows that 1) our hair produces natural oils and 2) "normal" hair products, i.e. those intended for type 1 straight - type 2 wavy hair, strip the hair of its natural oils. Curly hair tends to be a little more drier, and gets damaged by harsh shampoos and over-washing.
Curly hair is notoriously difficult to take care of, as most mainstream hair care products and advice is catered toward straight or wavy hair. There's also a lot of women with curly hair who have had it damaged over the years due to terrible products, lack of information, and professional standards deeming curly hair as "unprofessional." There's also a lot of anecdotal stories about people with type 3 curly - type 4 coily hair who have their hair damaged from not having figures in their lives who could teach them how to take care of their hair. Yet for some reason, MTF troons tend to have oddly curly hair. As someone with very curly hair (3C) whose family literally had no idea what they were doing (genetics are funny, my grandma was biracial and I got her hair), I fully believe that the reason troons are prone to stringy estrogen curls is because they're not fucking washing their hair.
Basically, because they're gross men, they went from infrequently showering with short hair to infrequently showering with long hair once they transitioned. This means that completely unintentionally, they're not stripping their hair of natural oils. Because they are incompetent men who can't be bothered to spend money on anything, they're also not accumulating product build-up. Lastly, because they've never had long hair before, they don't have the years and years of damage that women can have from harsh products and heat damage. Curly hair doesn't produce as much oil as straight hair, which is the only reason why troon estrogen curls don't
always look like grease balls.
Ironically, the fact that troons are unhygienic messes who will never face female beauty standards means that their hair can thrive in its stringy glory.
No. 13173
>>13166MrBeast secret
terf kek
But in all seriousness it's SO nice to see someone admit they know it's an act on the troons part but that they HAVE to play along or risk getting cancelled. It points out the reality that the troon isn't naturally feminine, girly, "just being themselves" in any way but that they did a 180 and act completely different as they're parodying their own sexual fantasies. Everyone knows.
No. 13184
>>13182Sounds rough anon. Can they force you to actually write it or are you free enough to just never do it? My only advice is don't do it, put it off for as long as possible, do everything you can to not do it. Because once you start all the troons will flock to it, and all the sane people will leave in disappointment, so all you're left with are the troons who will demand and expect more troon content. If you then try to stop they'll cancel you in a heartbeat. You'll be stuck forever.
If you need woke excuses, find a troon comic by real troons and say you recommend them and that you'd rather let brave and stunning trans people tell their authentic trans stories and that you as a cis person feel it's not your place to tell trans stories over real trans people.
No. 13186
>>13184I don't know about other comic industries but the NA/Canada ones are fucked and you can get on a "blacklist" if you get into a scandal. I can fire myself and not disclose why at least but I can't do this shit everytime when I get suspiciously in contact with any trans materials. I already do what you say, I always push the "well it's not my position since I would prefer someone educated to work on the subject and give that voice to them" thing and let me tell you nonita, I read some troon stories and they can't write for shit lol, it looks like a child doing homework assignments for their elementary school, that's why you see a lot of troons at comic panels but none of them directly touched the comics, it's brownie points, but we have to work for them. I also hate how they try to relate to me because I'm a woman and by some retarded logic, I'm the same as them because it's hard for them to stand out due to being a minority, what the fuck, you are everywhere, you're no minority.
I have to keep it cool on instagram and twitter and sigh everytime my follower count adds up with names containing the trans flag but man, feels like a trap. I wish I could go indie and find a based
terf artist to work with.
No. 13230
I know it probably has been discussed to death on snow, but I avoid the tranny threads there because they give me a headache. But I genuinely worry that the tif shooter won't inspire other severely mentally ill troons the way Elliot Rodgers inspired incels.
>>13211>>13212I think the fact that young detransitioners finally, but slowly, is starting to get more platforms to speak about their experiences on. The more people listen to them the more people believe they're getting a "nuanced" view on the insanity of it all, and with it also learning that kids getting gender reassignment surgery isn't just a "
terf lie" but a very real and ongoing tragedy.
No. 13235
>>13211>has anyone else noticed that people in general have less patience for the gender cult?Yes I've noticed it and it's such a relief. These trends never last forever to begin with and people are starting to see how bad it really is and how kids lives have been ruined for the sake of proving that a bunch of old mens fetish is "
valid" and makes them women, but that they all just did it to be pervs and to harm real women. Slowly but surely people are mass-peaking and the more troons try to stop it the more unhinged they reveal they are.
No. 13239
>>13211I feel like an average normie is more likely to consider gendie stuff cringe now for sure, when before they would have thought of it as this rare special thing that they didn't understand and needed to be nice about
The true believers are going harder than ever, but that just peaks bystanders faster
No. 13267
>>13211I have this impression overall with the general public, especially online, but the more time passes, the more my close friends are becoming TRAs. I explained how in a post not long before yours and I think in their case that means that if they ever stop caring about tranny rights it'll happen in a very long time, not until some research or study becomes widely accepted about how trans kids who are now becoming destrans adults were used by adults and traumatized by their homophobic or munchie by proxy parents, or what exactly involves a medical transition. If there's no scandal similar to how lobotomy is in fact fucked up and needs to stop being used, they'll keep bitching about TWAW and how Elliot Page is so brave and stunning and handsome.
I feel like the people pushing back against that shit right now are normies who only noticed this type of discourse recently and never ever believed that TWAW o begin with, younger people who had no clue about any of it 10 years ago because they were too young to be online and follow the news. While a decade ago online the few people I saw who didn't agree with that shit were already a niche because they were either huge nerds specific online communities like in fandoms or in academia or whatever, ameriboos, and the LGB + feminists. And even then on tumblr not all libfems thought that troons belonged in female only changing rooms or rape shelters, but they were trying to sound nice about it.
No. 13268
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I keep seeing pro-Dylan memes in some of the fandom groups I'm in and I want to reeeee about that ugly mysoginistic twerp who got his 15 minutes of fame making a mockery of women. I probably will at some point but for now I'll just vent here.
No. 13285
>>13271The only purpose of women is to look pretty in a dress to moids. Troons are incredibly reductive and misogynistic due to a lifetime of being socialized to think of women this way and inherent male cruelty/fetishism.
>>13268Tons of faggots make a mockery of women and get away with it. Many gay men dress as campy drag queens and have fake falsetto forced voices in their attempts to embody the exaggerated femininity. It's repulsive, misogynistic and inhuman.
No. 13288
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>>13271I’ll do you one better. This video made me so mad last night that I went on a mini rampage of telling trannies they’re men. Felt cathartic. Fuck this particular troon. Dylan skinwalker No. 13309
>>13289The reason it's confusing is NOT because you are stupid, it's because:
>they deny real science while spreading unscientific liesSuch as "puberty blockers are reversible" when they are 100% not reversible, the damage is permanent and harms all children who take them without a shadow of a doubt. But they deny the proof and say "no look how happy trans child Jazz Jennings is" meanwhile Jazz is actually depressed, can't ever have an orgasm and has an underdeveloped brain that can't ever be fixed. And Jazz is a success story and currently doesn't regret the blockers, THIS is the "good" outcome.
>they believe directly contradicting things but pretend it makes senseThey will tell you a man knows he's really a girl because he always loved pink and dolls as a kid. And a girl says she's a boy because she always hated dolls.
But then they tell you pink and dolls have nothing at all to do with what sex and gender you are. These statements can not be true at the same time. IS there a correlation or not, does liking pink and dolls mean a man is really a girl? Does a girl not liking dolls means she's not a girl at all?
>they value (trans) feelings over realityIt doesn't matter that we have countless reports of trans women raping and harming women and children (statistically at higher rate than even cis men), and that they have an advantage in sports over women and that countless of women are saying we don't want males in our private spaces - the feelings of one trans woman is seen as more
valid than all women's reality combined.
Even the TRA and handmaidens who allow themselves to be terfy enough to say that "trans women aren't biological men" will follow it up with "but they're not hurting anyone so we must pretend they really are women or it will hurt their feelings".
>they manipulate your feelings and make you think even questioning it is evil and bigoted even when validEven questioning if a they/them is really trans is bigoted enough that trutrans people are ostracized by the larger trans community. They are taught to never question, always affirm no matter what. They think that even if the suddenly out as trans child is an abuse
victim with autism, has severe OCD and trauma those things aren't related at all, how dare you question it?!
>they do not believe in logicYou can't use logic with them because everything they say is illogical and they've been taught to not question it. Trans god said it is so, so it must be true. Trans ideology IS a religious cult.
>They deny everything when appropriate for their cause"trans women are women just as much as biological women, we are exactly the same"
"well obviously no trans woman thinks they're a biological woman, no one has ever said that you're so stupid for even suggesting we said it"
"trans women have real periods and bleed just like cis women" - said by the same same trans woman 5 minutes apart
It's fucking infuriating to deal with them on all levels.
No. 13376
>>13288Bless you
nonny! This is why troons aren't women. They will never get it. Try telling them women couldn't open a bank account by themselves until the 1960's. The fucking 60s… we are still being told to be a certain way.
No. 13382
>>13185I don't have any advice but I really relate to this. I have quite a few "controversial" opinions so I've grown used to just stay silent when my friends discuss woke shit but as I grow older I feel like it's harder and harder not to try to discuss and disagree, even if I have to play dumb at first. Being branded a bigot at uni seems like a social death sentence but in private one-on-one discussions with close friends there's more room for discussion even if I still need to thread lightly lol. I hope you can make like-minded friends or at least friends who don't talk about this.
>>13289You already got good replies, but is there a troon argument in particular that makes you feel like that?
No. 13446
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>GNC man wears a dress he is clearly unaware that he is actually a brave and stunning trans woman!
drives me up the bloody wall that morons are erasing the concept of gender non-conformity or just the idea of paying no attention to ridiculous stereotypes and wearing whatever the fuck you want. you know, free expression. Bowie was actually saying fuck YOU to people who reinforce stereotypes and try to label people.
>>13271did you see Stanza's apology video? he took it down after he got a lot of negative comments and was all "uwu sowee it was just a joke pls don't be mad". it wasn't a joke, Stanza. It's literally your logic, it's all you have. what else is he basing his "girlhood" on if not clothes, make up and behavioural stereotypes?
oh well, hope he peaked some people.
No. 13452
>>10201hey nonna, old post but I also have swyer syndrome so I get you. I've never come out and claimed my intersex-ness irl because I'd be too scared to go through what you're describing. The one time I told a friend they said "wow so you're like a cis nonbinary person that's so cool, I'm so jealous." It made me feel really gross. If anything my intersexed body and experience growing up with this shit made me even more of a raging
TERF, my nigel calls me a terfmaphrodite kek. If it makes you feel any better most of us can't stand troons, get more involved in an intersex community and you'll see the negative attitude towards them. They always use us as pawns/gotchas in their arguments while knowing dip about our disorders, drives me up a wall. I do like being able to tell genderspecials that they're appropriating my lived experience but that's a very small upside lmao.
No. 13472
>>13446>Bowie was actually saying fuck YOU to people who reinforce stereotypes and try to label people. Exactly this! I don't know any group that is more insistant that sex stereotypes are real than trans people and that's not a joke. Extreme conservatives will think a tomboy isn't acting right and that she should be more girly but they don't deny her biological reality.
Trans people will insist she is a boy because acting out the sex stereotypes of a male makes her physically and/or mentally male on some level. As well as it makes her less female, so she can decide to be non-binary, but she can't just be a girl because then she's an egg who hasn't realized she's trans yet. They are absolutely insane.
Gender isn't real. From now on anyone who uses the term must be asked to clearly define it in a way that makes sense, and if they can't or if it doesn't match what the trans community is saying then their statement will be dismissed. Defining sex is super easy when you realize gender isn't real, so even if they try to reverse UNO card it on you it will only backfire on them. If they're so fucking stupid that they can't tell the male sex from the female sex then that's on them and they're not worth wasting time on.
No. 13474
>>13468One thing troons do that is annoying as fuck is they'll chop everything up and make half-true statements that are misleading on purpose.
>TRAs saying you can't guess someone's sex based on chromosomes because there are exceptions Like this statement is only "true" because chromosomes aren't the one single only thing that makes male/female different. It's just one on a million different things. So in reality that speaks against troonism, because it proves despite the fact that in most cases the chromosomes match up sometimes disorders happen and guess what, they're still their biological sex and still not a made up gender. Yet instead they pretend that means chromosomes are fully irrelevant and doesn't have any kind of effect on what sex someone is.
No. 13488
>>13382>Being branded a bigot at uni seems like a social death sentence but in private one-on-one discussions with close friends there's more room for discussion even if I still need to thread lightly lol.I feel like that doesn't apply to my group of friends. I get what you mean, if my friends were normies that could be true but they're not. They're terminally online, as I am, but they seem to lack the common sense necessary to do their own research and critical thinking skills instead of just reading screenshots of headlines taken out of context saying that JKR is a fascist. In uni I was studying with many people like this tbh. One of the girls in my course followed me on instagram after we graduated and before I deleted my account a year ago, and she had neo pronouns in her bio while still being super girly for instance.
>I hope you can make like-minded friends or at least friends who don't talk about this.I honestly think it's nearly impossible. I'm working fulltime now, I don't think I'll be able to meet a lot of people easily in general, and even if I did, I feel like I'm more likely to not get along with most people for a lot of reasons. At least I get along really well with my coworkers, which is pretty cool but I'll never see them as friends, we're not close like that.
No. 13514
>>13500I think most normies and handmaidens (who aren't at the deepest core) peak after having been through a few of their trans switches. Troons keep contradicting themselves and changing words and definition, constantly trying to push further in. Everyone has a breaking point where they can no longer keep up with their antics unless they are terminally in and part of it full time, and thus at their first mistake they become the transphobes and bigots by default.
Suddenly saying "trans people have gender dysphoria and that's what makes them trans" isn't correct, and it's transphobic to say so. The first few times the handmaiden might think "oh I guess I got it wrong…I must unlearn it and relearn the true trans gospel" but it really starts to shatter their illusion when they try their god damn hardest to be good allies, to be open and kind and support trans people - only to be called a nazi
terf bigot. For saying something the trans community taught them in the first place! But troons are so narcissitic that they think they can get away with abusing the people who support them, because it has worked pretty well until now.
No. 13518
>>13514That’s definitely what peaked me. I watched it go from “these are severely mentally ill people who haven’t improved with a decade of therapy so just play along” to “they really are a different gender and gender is separate from sex” to “gender is more important than sex and should take priority in law” to “sex is fake and only gender exists.”
Sometimes I wonder how intentional all of this was. Was the current state always their goal but they knew they had to start grounded in reality and work their way up to pomo nonsense to get people on board? Or did the trans people themselves start off with more sane views and radicalize over time?
No. 13519
>>13518>Was the current state always their goal not to sound too dramatic or tinfoil-y but transhumanism and the compartmentalising of the human body has always been the goal for technocapitalism. I think most troons are probably just along for the ride though (individuals have their own reasons and agendas). at the start it was the emphasis on dysphoria as a mental illness for which the only treatment was hormones and surgery and now we're at the point of biological denialism not just for them but for everyone. and this comes at the brink of the age of artificial intelligence with over a decade of social media + smartphones (living online disconnected from real life) already behind us.
the changes in language that we're seeing also coincide with things like surrogacy and sex work, anything where the human body can be commodified. eg. 'birthing people' = human incubators.
the goal is part of a bigger issue that seeks to disconnect us from ourselves with the promise of freeing us from the shackles of our humanity, which we know ultimately isn't possible, or desirable. perhaps only for the few elites.
No. 13523
>>13521>collective effort by a shadowy group of villains neither is capitalism, really. it just runs its course and biotech is just a progression in a world where everything can be commodified and profited off of.
of course there are lots of factors at play and i'm not downplaying any of the other conditions that allowed this to happen. misogyny is a huge part of it.
No. 13528
Sorry this is pretty rambly cause I'm really stoned right now. I hate that we can't have a single group for GNC people, or SSA women, activism, or anything even remotely related to fashion and accessories without troons and tifs flooding in and making it gross and being extremely unpleasant and combative. Oh, and don't forget their misogyny, racism, and ableism too! God I hate that I share or have shared so many interests with them that I can't even connect with a community without them ruining everything and trying to make it all about them. And any kind of group for same sex attracted women? You have to deal with both tifs and tims and they always act really gross and hypersexual. I wish we could just have communities without them, I don't care if tifs are technically women, they're super aggressive and also deeply unsettling and I almost wish they were real men because it's such a sickening perversion of the female body that I don't want to accept that they're biologically the same as me. You can't have anything about gender nonconformity without them flooding in and ruining it. As a woman you're expected to just accept any tif or tim who comes your way, while men are allowed to be exclusively men. It's like these freaks see women as like some sort of "gender dumpster" and anything relating to womanhood is treated like it has to be shared and de-womanized. Anything to do with animal rights? They come in and ruin it. I can't fucking stand how racist they are for one, and they're always so extremely misogynistic that as a woman it gives me whiplash to hear the kinds of things they say without any semblance of shame. They're really condescending and disrespectful to autistic people. I always feel kinda uncomfortable around them because they genuinely believe that womanhood is about wearing makeup, doing your nails, and being feminine, so I can't really ever trust them because no matter how nice they seem they always try to claim I'm not a real woman because I don't feel any femininity at all. They straight up show hostility when they find out that I still identify as a woman and get aggressive when anyone says that women do not owe anyone femininity. They hate GNC people, and yet they never fucking leave us alone.
No. 13579
>>13528>I don't care if tifs are technically women, they're super aggressiveNever be afraid to distance yourself from them over their actions regardless if they're a tim or tif. They're typically roided up on anabolic steroids, they're not in any way pleasant to be around. If you're in a group I recommend taking screenshots of the things they say and keep them filed away just in case someone calls you out for being "transphobic" for avoiding them. You may even want to report them to authorities/moderators/whoever is in charge for their aggressions.
If you're ever in a super woke group there's always the possibility of pretending you see them as 100% men and can accuse them accordingly. "I don't think Aiden should be allowed to talk about periods since he's not a woman. It's offensive of him to pretend he knows the pain of women when he's always been a man." and just fully play into it like you literally think trans men ARE men. Either they will agree or they will have to actually think about and argue that Aiden isn't a man and has female only experiences. It forces them to actually think kek
Might work on enbys too, treat them as if any and all female only experiences is something they couldn't possibly ever truly understand as non-women. That's what they wanted isn't it, to never be seen as female. Give them a taste of it.
"You as an enby don't understand because you were never oppressed for being a woman. You merely knew you weren't a woman and that the oppression wasn't ever really meant for you, but us real women have to endure knowing that our true selves as women are being oppressed. It's not fair of you as a non-woman to pretend you know what our oppression as women feels like." They love playing the oppression olympics so it will really offend them kek
No. 13582
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Idk where else to put this but I’m feeling pretty whitepilled after reading this article last night. NYT and their readership are generally very pro-tranny and this article is no exception, so I was stunned to see that the comments are almost entirely critical of trooning out kids. Some of them are still couched in pro-trans statements, but I think this is the first domino. Once you’ve accepted that transitioning kids can have terrible results it invites questions about transitioning adults, and about what every aspect of transition even accomplishes or means. I think the end is nigh. I’ve been skeptical of this shit for ten years, I’ve lost friends over it, and now I finally feel the tide is really turning. If it weren’t leaving real victims in its wake I’d feel downright smug.
But its going to leave scars on society, I find the last comment especially relevant. The unquestioning embrace of gender ideology by my friends, institutions including my job, and the government has shaken my trust in all three irreversibly. I don’t think that genie is going back in the bottle and we’re going to feel the effects for a long time.
No. 13622
>>13592>its really frustrating how many young women sign themselves up for invasive surgeries and to become a lifelong medical patient all to escape womanhood.It's fucked up but they have to take responsibility for their own choices too. Most of them chose to be vile to anyone who warn them out of love and compassion. They are spreading this hatred of the female body on their own accord and encouraging medical self harm for everyone and advocating that kids and teens get it the second they want it. It's not always their fault they got sucked into the cult, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be held responsible too. They all joined a hateful cult by choice and will suffer the consequences, we can't do much about that except use them as cautionary tales.
For the
>Its upsetting seeing them in making strides in high places or male dominated fields but calling themselves men or enbies.kind I think we should give them what they want though and completely exclude them from any woman/female/girl accomplishments. You don't want to be a woman, then fine I will not see you as an inspiration, I will not celebrate you as a female succeeding in her field, I don't care about your thoughts on female issues - because you're not one. You're a spoiled privileged non-woman stealing female spots that should go to real women. Your accomplishments "as a woman" are retroactively taken back. You can't sit with us.
No. 13690
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I love how people are missing the point OP is trying to make: They need to know your biological sex so they can make sure you're getting the correct test. And then they cry and whine the evil cis doctors are horrible in the hospital because they cannot let a man make an appointment for a gynecologist.
No. 13695
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My old school friend just posted an Indian "non-binary" troon's post on her story about a "conversion therapy" that his parents spent lakhs on which wouldn't have fucking happened if that fucking twat didn't meme himself into thinking he's supposed to be a woman, worse of all he says what his mother is doing is stupid for an educated woman, when he thinks he can become a woman, even the "baba" asks him how he can go from a man to a woman just because he says so? He got humiliated on TV, serves him right but WHY DID SHE HAVE TO MOVE TO THE US, WHYYYY, SHE'S STARTING TO PANDER TO TROONS
No. 13698
>>13697I hope she doesn't mind me posting it here, but a nonna in the Neocities thread made this website, and it has a page with peaking material: whatever you think is appropriate
No. 13699
>>13690This person is honestly just naive and stupid for even trying. These people aren't using logic and reality so you can't come at them with logic and reality. Doing things like putting XX or XY isn't going to work either because we already tried that. Many times. We tried calling them "transwomen". Wasn't good enough, had to be "trans women" with a space. Ok, fine. Except that's not good enough either, just "women". Except they want to be young so you have to call them "girls".
Of course you can still talk about the reality of your female sex! Just don't say "female" anymore, say "biological woman". But trans women are biological too so that makes us biological women too. And don't say "assigned female at birth", that's transphobic to trans men.
No. 13704
>>13701They think estrogen is enough to make a man a woman. Even though all men and women both naturally have it.
But no matter how much estrogen a woman has she can still be a man if she says she is, so in that case estrogen isn't enough to make her a woman and has no effect on woman-ness. And the man was a woman before he took the estrogen too, becuase he said so.
Literally nothing makes sense.
No. 13727
>>13700iirc tifs on testosterone have a 4x increased risk of heart disease compared to normal women, the risk is even higher than it is for normal men. plus vaginal and uterine atrophy are guaranteed with high amounts of testosterone in a woman's body after a few years, that's why they eventually need to get a hysterectomy
in terms of cognitive effects, there was a swedish study that found that tifs have higher rates of criminality than normal women, tho it was still lower than men and tims. i mean testosterone is one of the main reasons why men behave like chimps, so i'm not surprised that it can also make women more aggressive
roid rage basically No. 13741
>>13674I'm the anon who made the original comment about making normie friends. I myself am bisexual (although I'm in a relationship with a moid, so I'm functionally straight) and I generally don't talk about (my) sexuality and topics related to sex with my normie friends - we talk about books, plants, current events, our jobs, traveling, etc. When I was friends with SJW weeaboos all they wanted to do was talk about was pronouns, queerness, oppression, gender, politics, etc., and it's been really nice to make new friends who I can explore new hobbies with, especially outdoor hobbies that involve physical activity.
I completely sympathize with the fact that it's really hard to find other same sex attracted women to talk to about issues related to sexuality who haven't swallowed the TQ+ Kool-Aid, but I've made peace with it by hiding my nerd and sexuality powerlevels when hanging out with normies IRL and expressing my feelings on gender, sexuality, and TQ+ insanity on places like lolcow and my anonymous social media accounts.
No. 13749
>>13699People were suggesting them the XX or XY, but some monkeys said "but what about XXY? Or XXX? People have chromosome problems". And using AFAB or AMAB? "Those are only for Intersex people".
They can't be pleased at all, even if is for their own health.
No. 13779
>>13613I get what you mean, but it's easier said than done. I'm trying to find my own place first, depending on where I find a place it'll be easier or harder to meet people just from how long commuting takes. Then I'll know how much free time I'll have to socialize with others. I don't try to befriend my coworkers because I believe in not mixing work and private life, and everytime I get along with coworkers they turn out to be huge nerds too. My first job was in retail part-time while studying in uni, I befriended several of the girls and one of them started sperging about how a lesbian childhood friend of hers trooned out to date her gf and how her dad doesn't talk to her anymore and she expected me to nod and tell her how beautiful that was… and the other coworkers I befriended found this story beautiful and moving. Keep in mind they're unrelated to the friends I described in my first post and it was in 2017, so as soon as I quit I ghosted them all. I keep meeting gay men in ALL my jobs and they also love sperging about how TWAW. Once when I worked in a call center a gay guy was debating with his straight, moderate north african muslim coworker and friend about how TWAW and his friend was genuinely asking him if he'd date and have sex with a transman (as in, a woman on T) and his reaction was hilarious. Said gay guy looked like he wanted to insult me because I said some specific plastic surgeries could be reimbursed by public healthcare depending on conditions and he mistook it as me saying sex change surgery is plastic surgery, which I believe but I wasn't refering to that at all, I meant that in France women with breasts that are too small or big can get surgery if theh prove ir causes psychological issues, and children with big ears can get work done for free until they're teenagers to avoid low self-esteem and bullying (well, it also depends on private healthcare as well for some cases). Anyway, now that I think about it, most of the people I meet aren't normies at all. The few ones I know I don't get along with them or we're just cordial due to circumstances. I sometimes feel like I'm too in-between because I have completely normal, average informed opinions on a lot of things but I can't fit in.
Anyway, all of this to say I could join sports club or clubs or classes related to other type of hobbies and I could still meet either insane nerdy perpetually online TRAs, or racist, sexist normies who would avoid me as if I'm some sort of leper and I could only find out months or years after befriending them. It's exhausting.
No. 13784
>>13613This is actually really funny to me lol.
>kickballI joined my friend's female sport team last year and met several tifs there, she/theys, they/thems, and regular "transmascs" too. It's a rough sport so I was pretty surprised that these wilting violets made it out onto the field.
>mural paintingthere is a tif near me who is very involved in the local art scene and recently participated in a mural for my city. Lots of pics of her doing her best tough guy pose next to her paintings of butterflies and flowers lol.
>volunteer to plant trees or pick up garbage in a parkunsurprisingly, lots of tifs love an opportunity to feel good about themselves and spend time in uwu nature and a few of my former gendie friends have indeed posted about participating in similar activities. Especially if it involves "community outreach" or anything that makes them feel like they're building whatever communist utopia they envision for the future where srs is free and all terfs get the chair.
Not trying to shout you down or anything, these are all good suggestions, but gendies are starting to become more and more common everywhere you go. It's really hard to avoid. Hell I recently saw a tim dressed entirely in spandex at a small catholic thrift store that's usually only frequented by grannies and normie poors like me.
No. 13810
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Wasn't sure where else to share this but it's funny af to me.
This is Jessica Ann Pin - a woman who lost genital sensation after a labiaplasty (she felt her vagina was ugly) and now campaigns to educate women about labias and how they come in all different shapes and sizes.
>she comes across an artist who created sculptures of labia from real-life models>noticed some of them looked "mutilated". >artist confirms some of them are from post-op TIMs>Pin says neolabias look more like FGM which is harmful to promote "If we incorporate post op trans vulvas into a cultural conception of “normal female anatomy” what we are doing is normalizing vulvas that look mutilated."
>says it's unfair to transwomen that they've been led to believe their "vaginas" look natural when they don't>predictably gets called a TERF etc etc>points out one that is obviously from a TIM>handmaiden porn star replies that it looks just like hers!>Pin argues with her that it doesn'tPin is a total cow herself and goes on to tell this porn star that she is wrong and needs to provide proof. then Pin actually goes out of her way to find her porn videos and shares a link to a clip to show that indeed it doesn't look like a TIM's rot pocket. Kek.
full thread: No. 13818
>>13816Oh ok, thought you were making fun of her.
>>13817The pornstar probably got her labia minora augmented surgically so she thought hers didn't look like the ones in the collage.
No. 13862
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This is quite what I mean to say when TIMs assume of women by standards of femininity. They assume beauty and a sort of match to a common woman, or their ideal woman. They don’t imagine the ugly, or masculine womenz By surgery, someone is making an idea of what should be, but the way women develop and born as are not all that similar in natural context. This does not apply only to the face.
No. 13864
it's so ironic that trannies fought so hard to get rid of gender dysphoria in the DSM-V and actually succeeded it. but to this day, still justifies their existence by using the said disorder, even making up side effects and other word salads to prove their right about themselves. and everyone's wrong. even go as far to medically transition to ease the dysphoria that don't exist at all.
one of the most common criteria that you can find in every disorder is the distress and dysfunction that disorder has to you like physically, emotionally, mentally and socially. and that hits everything trannies face, they can't look at themselves because of their born features, gets emotional when faced/forced to pursue gendered expressions and expectations that's out of line of their ideal gender, mentally their perception of ideal self and actual self aren't aligned and they socially have to change their mannerisms and behavior that fits with their ideal gender - going as far to buy new clothes, sometimes hurtfully act out in stereotypes, deadnames to new names and their dynamics with their friends, family, and society have to be changed and adjusted to minimize said dysphoria.
but i do believe gender dyphoria is merely a symptom to other disorders like ptsd, anorexia and some forms of philia. even autism and asperger's could be included.
im ired that these people can chaos and allies and other people can brushed them off as being true to themselves when there's other issues that needs to be said about them
No. 13865
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>>13862The nose of the left is so gorgeous, makes me think in greek or roman statues.
And what you said is right: TIMs only want to look what society expect to women to look like. "Women wearing make clothes because they're comfy and do not care of their nail/hair? Gimme me that instead, please!"
No. 13872
>>13852If she thinks children should be taken to watch adults being sexually provocative then she is immoral. The whole "not inherently sexual" thing is a half-truth used as misdirection, it's what groomers do.
Nothing little kids do is sexual they are just innocently playing around. But the man watching the kids with his dick in his hand thinks it is sexual, because to him it is.
Nothing is inherently sexual about a man putting on a dress and makeup. It could have been a shirt. But drag, as in drag queen shows, is a genre which very heavily relies on being sexually provocative. Just like how there is nothing inherently sexual about a woman taking her clothes off, yet stripping is sexually provocative.
So why on earth do men who dress up to perform sexually provocative shows while calling themselves names like "Orgasma Sexbomb" insist on reading books to little children while dressed in the attire they use to be sexually provocative. Because to them that has sexual undertones that they get to enjoy. The same men NEVER show any interest in children or childcare unless they get to wear the clothes they act sexual in on the regular. They don't give a fuck about reading to children unless they get to wear fake tits at the same time.
No. 13914
at this point I'm convinced that transitioning is seen by the medical industry as profitable thanks to big pharma and organizations that get money from human rights groups. For smaller countries that are stereotypically more "conservative" like
>>13898 it's a way to show big fancy countries and organizations that they are totes progressive too, please send lots of money so we can continue to transition people in a country presumably very hostile to people that challenge gender norms.
No. 13954
>>13898Is there a way I can get a breast lift covered by insurance if I claim troonery and muh dysphoria?
TBH, it IS dysphoria, just body dysphoria.
No. 13990
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>>13984>women can hump men as easily as men can mount women good lord. I knew this guy was behind a lot of this but had never seen this book before. very disturbing.
No. 14004
>>13954While I don't think mental issues such as body dysphoria can actually be solved with physical interventions and therapy is probably better, I'm also not against plastic surgery and if you can scam your way to get it for free then hell yeah go for it kek
I would absolutely encourge anyone who wants plastic surgery to attempt to get it covered by trans funds. If you live in a place where such a thing is possible and you can legally change your gender/sex marker on your birth certificate here's what I would do:
>google if therapists have access to see that there's been a marker change (it seems like it's typically not recorded) Also check if they have access to your medical records, specifically medicine. If it's all clear go on.>get a meeting with a super pro-trans therapist, as LGBTQA+ friendly as you can find>buy a troonesque autist outfit for the occasion (think weeb: anime shirt, mismatched skirt, don't do your hair and let it grease up beforehand, tiny bit of very badly done makeup on purpose, highlight your worst features, if you have a bf maybe borrow his shoes to make your feet look bigger) and hunch your back as best you can>claim to be a trans woman (who got blockers early so your voice never dropped and you are grateful to have such a passing voice now) if they ask say you had your legal marker changed but you were born a boy>Say hrt helped and you're wearing a padded bra, hence why you visibly have a chest, but you actually feel your breast don't look cis at all and it's making you super dysphoric. So you need that free plstic surgery boob lift.Alternative route is if you're in a suuuuper progressive place like Canada you might be able to get it if you just claim to be nonbinary. Just go cry to the therapist about how gender dysphoric your chest is and it might just work. Just say it's not a female chest, but a nonbinary chest. Channel your inner autistic crybaby, pretend you really buy into troonism.
If they at any point accuse you of lying, obviously deny it and play offended and call them transphobic. If they're not a pandering idiot and actually get what you're doing you can just leave and you never have to see that person ever again so there's no real harm done. You can always back yourself up by saying they were being transphobic.
No. 14008
>>14001>>14006You're lucky nonas, I think this site that other nona shared here in neocities and personal sites thread will make you happy (to know which brands to avoid, as they are pro-troon). the moment I don't know any other site with similar content but I'm glad this one exists.
No. 14009
They/them females are some of the worst troons, they encourage EVERY girl to hate their own body and to chop it up and boast and brag about how non-female their mutilated chest now looks. It doesn't even look male, it literally looks like the mutilated female chest it is. It looks scary and disgusting.
I hate these nasty women for spreading such hate, they are doing FAR more and worse damage than the most plastic influencer or Kardashian celebrity. They encourage young girls to deny science, sterilize themselves, to mutilate their bodies, to make it so they can never breast feed a baby, to take drugs that will ruin them and make them dependant on big pharma for life, to normalize the hatred of anything female, to celebrate mutilated female bodies. Lip injections and diet pills may be stupid and unsafe, but it's not on the same level as cutting off your healthy organs for the aesthetic, the aesthetic of being as non-female as possible. Doesn't even matter if you're a gender dysphoric girl, anyone can be nonbinary. Join the cult that chops of body parts of children today, and you too get to go straight to hell the second you die!
No. 14012
>>14008Thank you so much.
>xX..About..Xx>Hi, my name is klichka dark'ness dementia raven way and I have long disliked dylan mulvaney (that's why I made this site) and AGP fetishists and HSTS transitioners and tifs who act like limpid retards and a lot of people know that I hate consumerism (AN: if u collect funko pops get da hell out of here!) I'm not related to JK Rowling but I wish I was because she's a major fucking icon. I made this site but my code is messy and broken. I have to fix stuff a lot. I'm also an american college student, and I go to a real person school where I have to study and share bathrooms with autists wearing cat ears (I'm serious). I hate gender ideology (in case you couldn't tell) and I sometimes discuss it online. I love reading articles, books, and other people's thoughts on the transgender movement and I read content from trans people too. For example today I was looking at r/mtf and I saw several men explaining how estrogen turned them into anime girls, before discussing their fetishes. I was sitting in shock, despair, and frustration. I try not to browse online too much. It is upsetting and there is so much degeneracy, which I am very unhappy about. A lot of normies and handmaidens don't see it so they don't understand the problems with the trans movement. I put up my middle finger at them.>AN: STOP FLAMING DA WOBSITE TRANIEZ OK! odderwize fangs 2 da gendr kritikal ppl 4 da good reveiows! FANGS AGEN NONNIES! stup flaming da site if u do ur a foken tranz n ur jelous ok!11I'm in awe.
>adidas featured an ad celebrating men winning in women's sportsFUCK I just bought a new pair of adidas shoes but I'll certainly not reup my hoodie.
Nike is on the evil list too, how do I properly present my socioeconomic position without both of these?
No. 14018
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>>14007picrel is so true. good to see more women coming together on this issue
No. 14022
>>14009most enbies i've seen don't go for medical transitioning. but i do agree with you on them being irritating, even moreso than aidens at times. so many of them are only "enbie" because they don't really see women as people; too lazy to find milk atm but most enbies are going to say something like "well i'm not a woman, i'm just me (a person)" or "i don't FEEL like a woman lol i FEEL like a human being with thoughts and opinions" as if women can't have those things.
plus they don't even ever experience dysphoria. irl and online all the enbies i know are women who are hyper-feminine externally, and/or hyper female-socialized, but want to be taken "seriously" or not judged as people usually judge women. which is super funny because…lmao, nobody looks at this 5'2" girl with short hair and thinks anything but a 5'2" girl with short hair, doesn't matter that you dress like tumblr's idea of a teenaged boy.
No. 14024
>>14022>most enbies are going to say something like "well i'm not a woman, i'm just me (a person)" or "i don't FEEL like a woman lol i FEEL like a human being with thoughts and opinions" as if women can't have those things. This infuriates me so much, they think women cannot be intelligent or ineresting in any way, if they are they simply must be Not Woman. And they expect everyone to agree that they are oh so special and not like other girls. You're not special, you're just massively sexist.
>most enbies i've seen don't go for medical transitioning.A lot of them do though, and even the ones that don't do it still encourage others to do it and think it should be a legal right for the kids who want it. Even just binding the chest is harmful to female bodies.
No. 14039
>>14008I lurk on all the trans adjacent threads, so if you have a brand you like or anything you want added please just post about it. Also the lists are just meant to document things, it's mainly an anti-dylan list not an outline for how to live your life. I'm actually gonna remove a few brands whose only crime was publishing a generic blog post about inclusivity and making an lbgtq7ru5wdhs donation. It's not their fault that they have to do that because a xey/xem employee will flip out.
>>14012I would like to say that the autistic cat ear troon is real. He carries a scooter with him around campus. He referenced something hungarian once so I spoke to him in hungarian and instead of acting like a normal person in a normal conversation he started ranting about Orban. I had fucking asked him about ribizli. He couldn't speak hungarian and had never been there.
The current troon I see regularly though is a minecraft uwu discord troon. His name's Alice
No. 14055
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not sure where else to share this but came across this deleted post from a mumsnetter and thought it was pretty great. 'We Just Want to Pee' by BickerinBrattle
No. 14086
>>14055anyone else ever notice their phrasing was "we just want to pee"? why was it not "we just need to urinate"? perhaps a nitpick but why phrase it in terms of wanting to rather than needing to? does anyone actually want to relieve themselves - not really, it is a biological
the phrasing of "want" already indicated this was not a need for TIMs in the first place.
No. 14099
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didn’t know where this would be appropriate but I saw it on ovarit and thought it should be shared. So true too bad we’re not allowed to ever talk about this. I think she should have included how homophobic it is too though
No. 14158
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I know the HER app is awful and lesbophobic but… have they always been this openly aggressive towards women? I was looking at their timeline for the first time and it's all like this kek
No. 14202
>>14141Seconding other nonas. The best way is to play innocent and/or ask for exact proof and wording of what she said. The only slightly bad thing she's said aren't even bad in context. For example she used the phrase "penised individual" to refer to men to reflect them calling women "uterus-havers" and so on and trans people immediately went "omg look how ridiculous she looks for reducing men to just being dicks" without even a hint of irony. They literally proved her point for her and never realized it.
Also would mention how she's been an important voice for the gay community, she wrote in powerful gay characters in a time when that wasn't allowed in kids books. And she still supports LGB people visibly to this day.
If you're brave you could just refute everything they say. It's not hard, and you don't need to be terfy or hateful, just lines like "I think being physically female comes with unique risks and she's right that we need to be able to talk about that. If you agree then why are you saying what she said was evil and transphobic for saying that?"
If you think a literal rape crisis shelter should be attacked for only taking in females - not excluding trans people, because trans men and nonbinary people are welcome as they are also "afab" - then you're a sick freak who hates females.
No. 14242
>>14158their account just got suspended lmfao.
someone's getting fired
No. 14299
>>14240That makes them so suspicious, any normal good faith group would kick pedos out on the first sign. Even if 90% of trans people aren't pedos themselves you'd expect a 0 tolerance for it from them, yet somehow they all hide, protect and deny literal evidence of pedos in their community. They have big pro-trans organisations openly supported by pro-pedo groups and people. And the kids that are
victims of them aren't even
terf-kids, they're typically trans kids or from woke families.
Interestingly the only other groups that do this… are religions. Trans ideology is a religious cult in so many ways. They never cared about "trans kids" it's always been about protecting their trans faith.
No. 14331
>>14300>>14306Do nonnas have any tips on crypto peaking?
I think it's pretty hopeless here as a lot of these girls are anime pornsick, have close moid friends (I get so pissed off when they try to rationalize these men's open and unrelenting horniness by telling them thay they have the taste of lesbians), and identify as NB. But who knows, maybe the seeds can be planted.
No. 14373
>>14357AYRT, I agree and when the moid in question is a TiM all criticism flies out the window. Suddenly you can't judge anything because "there are some trans women out there who like that and it's how they interact with gender!" No, troons like it because they're men and a lot of them are on an extra level of degeneracy.
This is getting personal but I frankly find a troon who obsessively identifies as a pubescent anime girl to be disgusting and divorced from reality and I really do not see how other women can look past the cognitive dissonance of how creepy and wrong it is for a man to want to look like this and also constantly talk about how horny the concept of sex as that makes him. Pornsick weeb troons are genuinely scum of the earth.
No. 14391
Ask if they think being trans CAN be a fetish for some people.
If they say yes - say that's transphobic and leave forever. They're a lost case if they just openly accept that it's a fetish and they're ok with it.
If they say no - agree, then proceed to 2.
Ask how they feel about AGPs being part of the trans community. Grab a few clear examples of in the mtf thread beforehand from reddit/twitter (gotta be from a mainstream place like that), preferably ones that explicitly talk about how they're trans as a fetish or mention AGP by name.
If they're disgusted by it, point out AGP behaviour in the troons around you and say you think they are AGP, and use that to peak them further. Make sure to mention they ruin it for the "real" trans people by making them all look like fetishistic degenerates.
If they say "well some women are turned on by themselves" and they're an enby then you can say an enby wouldn't understand how a woman thinks because they're not a woman kek
No. 14494
>>14391I think for some on the extreme end of the koolaid scale they'd immediately assume you were a
terf as soon as you asked if being trans could be a fetish. You need to be careful, every peakable person is different
No. 14507
>>14331>>14503I just talk about mental health problems. Not a word about legality or pronouns or legislation or anything, most of the times I don't even say anything about trans people. I just talk about how traumatizing the teen years can be for girls, and internet addiction, and whatever other mental health aspects or emotional/life disturbances are contextually relevant. I frame myself as a simple person who simply understands how dire the mental health crisis is and worries about the ways internet addiction manifests as escapism and disconnect from reality. Everyone knows that people are mentally iller and more addicted to the internet than ever, so you just have to tailor it to what they have the most experience with. After we talk about mental health and the internet's role in messing people up, I'll gently relate it to trannies.
These are kinda how I talk about trans issues (I have never been canceled so they at least sort of work?):
>puberty can be so traumatizing, especially for girls. I personally felt x way or experienced y. I can totally understand seeking refuge in (online community or whatever). I just worry that for those people clearly seeking escapism, they can be easily misled by others who are mentally struggling into believing they can fix all their problems by "transitioning" to their strict idea of what it means to be a "man"
>a lot of men struggle in school and drop out, we all know the jokes about neckbeards and incels but they are very real and very unwell people who feel like society has turned their back on them. I can see why some people might feel as though they can't fulfill societal expectations of their gender and might even be disillusioned enough that they seek to permanently change genders to one where they feel they might be treated better by society
>I can totally see why people are mad at JKR, she really shouldn't be on twitter antagonizing people all the time. I do see where she's coming from about having spaces for women, I personally experienced X or I know someone who was a victim of Y and it had Z emotional impact on me. I could imagine how scary it must be for women or young girls to have to share a space with someone who might still be male presenting and while I don't think JKR is right to say rude things, I actually think there's something to be said about female only spaces. Don't bring up your own chronically online niche internet stuff, nothing good is going to come from sperging about big pharma, discord servers, neopronouns, autism, and fetishes. Instead, relate the topic to a problem either you or the person has experienced, and then connect it to why someone might transition or why transitioning may do more harm than good. I just go on a tirade about mental health issues and that tends to work out. Don't say trans, try to avoid even outright saying the word transitioning, just substitute it with escapism and disassociating from reality. Also bonus points if you can fit something in about how there seems to be a pattern of these people having a very strict concept of gender roles, which is silly because no one ever 100% fits with their gender's stereotype. If you're talking about younger people you can mention impulsivity and possible future regrets and bring up something you or the other person might have experienced. If you're talking about older people, specifically older men, I always think of veterans and PTSD and an unstable or "contaminated" sense of self and the desire to "start over." I've managed to talk about trans stuff for years this way without getting in trouble and recently one of my friends started sending me stuff she saw on twitter about dylan mulvaney (who she knew I didn't like) THEN she started sending me stuff about chris (the mr. beast friend who trooned out) of her own volition without me ever even mentioning him, so I think she's pretty much peaked.
No. 14518
>>14511Point out that it's hypocritical to be mad about someone using the wrong pronouns, yet to accept sending rape threats. Those aren't equal crimes on any level despite (in their view) being similar because they both attack someone based on identity. They're only sending JKR rape threats becuase they know she's a woman and therefor see her as "rape-able". They're also doing it while knowing she's a
victim of domestic abuse.
If you walked into a room full of trans women and all of them had either recently sent a cis woman a rape threat, or they happily accept and support the rest of them having sent those threats - how comfortable would you be as a cis woman in that room knowing that? What do you think will happen to you if you say the wrong thing to them? Remember that they don't send rape and death threat to transwomen specifically, because they don't think they deserve it. Yet somehow cis women do. Almost as if they see them as different groups somehow.
No. 14530
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not a vent just wanted to share this somewhere kek. I love this analogy.
(from a Reduxx article about the HER app drama)
No. 14534
>>14516 has been really effective in my experience. I also like to incorporate how one of the most common and life destroying side effects of puberty blockers is extremely early onset osteoporosis. You can say stuff like how medical professionals are lying by omission by not telling them all the side effects.
The most important part is to never even imply it's their own fault that they end up with fucked up lives and bodies, ALWAYS blame someone else, it's what they do anyways, so make it seem like you're upset on their behalf.
No. 14539
>>14534>You can say stuff like how medical professionals are lying by omission by not telling them all the side effects.This is a good point, it's true and it can be used to explain why TRA think/say surgeries are safe, because doctors lie to them. Countries like Sweden used to allow puberty blockers but recently rolled it back becauseit turned out kids were getting the bones of 80 year olds in their teens/20s. It takes blame off of trans people and instead paints them as
victims so it's a good crypto-peak I think.
No. 14596
>>14570other than the fact the interviewer is also a retard, it annoys me that they only interviewed young women (or maybe only the women agreed) because there were mostly grown-ass men from what I could see looking at pictures of the crowds from Let Women Speak. And obviously their presence was the most threatening.
Also these women look like teenagers or early twenties and are just gullible. The woman in the pink coat seemed kind of well-meaning but dumb, until she said it was OK to punch a
No. 14601
>>14596>it's ok to punch a terfI wish they were pushed on this. "So you condone violence on people? But only if they don't agree with you? So in that case it should be allowed for other people too, and terfs are allowed to punch you for not agreeing with them? Or are you a hypocrite who wants only yourself to be allowed to be violent without anyone being able to defend themselves from you?"
If they don't agree and say it's "obviously a joke" then why would they believe it if a
terf says they want to punch a trans person? There's practically no evidence of terfs harming trans people ever. Angry men are the ones punching trans women for trying to force them to unknowingly sleep with a man.
No. 14630
>>14625>i feel like an enabler.I say this with love, but yeah you kinda are an enabler. Imagine you were the one doing something delusional and misguided and your friend secretly was against it but didn't even try to stop you and instead cheered you on while you self-harmed. I know calling them out or even raising concerns is probably asking too much because of how hard it is though. I also don't know your position and if it would risk other social standings or getting cancelled and so on.
But it's not mentally healthy for you to be in this relationship where you have to blindly accept extreme medical self-harm without being able to even question it, it's frankly
abusive of them to make you endure it. I'm sorry your friends turned out this way, but you have to leave for your own well-being and find friends you can be honest with. You really really have to. YOU are being harmed by their actions, and they don't care.
No. 14632
>>14625then just get called a
terf, you could lose her and others as friends, but you can make up, you could get other friends, but that girl won't be able to grow her breasts back, and all she'll think is why didn't anyone stop her.
No. 14634
I have peaked and I can’t lie anymore. Can’t even hide it now. I was in denial for a while but shit. Done. Fuck these faggots with extra steps. I came to lolcow for lolcows about 3 years ago (whenever shayna had like single digit threads wise lol) then began reading gender critical threads out of curiosity. At first it was “man, these women are angry” and now it’s “I AM ANGRY TOO”
I could go all day about TIMs. Apart of this peaking was realizing my ex was closeted AGP coomer. If we had stayed together I had a while before he told me he was a woman. We broke up around when I truly began to peak, thank god for that. My friend was raped by a TIM. Still says no one should be transphobic about it. She’s not the only victim. It makes me so sad that as a cis female she would still cater to her abuser. My childhood best friend becoming a TIM cuz it was more okay then being gay. I don’t speak to him anymore but he’s still dating the same guy who cheated on him… with other TIMs. They live together. Like gross. I think he’s getting a axe wound soon as I have his mom on Facebook still. They went to a surgery consult and well… she’s one of those Facebook moms. Tags herself in at places. Plastic surgeon who does rot pockets. So sad.
TIFs just are always so misguided. After spending time with them for years… I feel horrible for many of them. Body dysphoria, self esteem issues, needing dissociation from being a woman after trauma and sometimes outright internalized homophobia. You can’t be a tomboy anymore. I can handle being around them more, to me they are just another awkward autistic girl. I don’t see them as men but see them as the tomboy who was told it’s better to be a boy then a GNC girl. Being trans has become such a self defense mechanism for women who have been sexually abused. Being obese doesn’t cut it anymore. Shooting you yourself with testosterone and cutting off your tits is supposed to make men stay away..
I have met entitled, bratty, annoying TIFs then some that were genuinely good people but really misguided and broken.
Next bit tho. Gets personal and I will take criticism on it cuz it’s welcomed tbh.
I am starting my own detransition. I stopped HRT around when I started to peak, 3 years ago. Being GNC and pressed into this shit has been a trip. It really was all because I was told it was who I was. I don’t see why I can’t just be me. It’s offensive to people. You need that gender label, you can’t just exist. It really started as a dissociation from being a woman after being sexually abused (and some other stuff that has nothing to do with this so). It didn’t make them stop from hurting me. If anything it made me a target. I have taken down so many past posts I have made on social media that talks about being trans or supporting it. I have taken my pronouns out of my bio. Yeah, I unfortunately am keeping the name change but that’s for honestly a different reason. I don’t care about pronouns. I don’t care. My pronouns are leave/me/alone.
I just want this shit to end. It’s made society so much more entitled. I am angry too. Thanks lolcow.
No. 14637
>>14601right and the woman in the pink coat says, in response to what violence she has witnessed from terfs, "well this is my first one and there hasn't been much but my brother said…"
like doesn't she have eyes and ears? can't she just look for herself and see a crowd of gentle and (mostly) middle aged women peacefully talking to one another? and can't she see the angry, violent men on her side that are threatening violence? has she noticed that the police are escorting the trans people TO the women? these women are not following around trans people and shouting at them are they? she seems young so hopefully she will develop her own mind soon but it's depressing to see women fighting against women's voices.
No. 14638
>>14636Good luck
nonnie! I hope that's more than enough to get the gears turning. As for me I found out my libfem friend browses lc for art drama so that's fun.
No. 14640
>>14630>>14631>>14632>>14633thank you for the responses anons. i should have clarified, i brought up potential complications with the surgery but she was already aware of them so i doubt it did any good. she has a history of self harm and a disregard for her own health. this is something she’s been planning for a few years so i think her mind is made up unfortunately. i’m gonna keep pushing it but i’m trying to handle it delicately because if she senses any “
terf rhetoric” she’ll brush off my concerns as transphobia and double down on her decision. it feels hopeless because everybody else in her life is celebrating it and cheering her on. she has many other close friends, most of whom are troons themselves, and i’m sure she values their opinions more than mine. how do you reason with someone stuck in an echo chamber like this? it honestly feels like trying to deprogram a cult member. i know ultimately, it’s her decision and if she’s hellbent on it i can’t stop her, but it hurts to watch.
No. 14650
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Was reading this great long post on tumblr about the dangers of pregnancy that nobody talks about, and the whole time I’m like YEAH! Then get to this retardation at the end. Please shut up there is literally no reason to bring up “men” needing midwives. We don’t need to shoehorn these people in to every fucking thing about women.
No. 14654
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>>14647Genderspecial parents already have a day for them, why do they have to invade the one for mothers? (it's a rhetorical question, I know why)
Did they send out any similar emails for father's day?
No. 14675
>>14669>I'm just so tired of kids getting dragged into this nonsense. If trans people have existed for millennia and you don't need dysphoria to be trans, why is it so important that kids get plastic surgery ASAP? Let them be.I think it's partly older AGPs at the forefront who want validation that got kids dragged in. They know they weren't gnc as kids and only developed the fetish later, but if they can convince everyone else they "always felt this way" it's more plausible than "I got hooked on this niche porn". To prove their point they have to use kids to point to saying "see, trans kids are totally real just like me when I was a trans kid".
To support this theory we can look at how most troons are older straight AGP men (as opposed to mostly young gnc/gay females). If you look at the young male troons, they're more likely to be gay/gnc. So you have these old manly men AGPS using these young gay men as "proof" that they were also like that, when in reality they weren't, and the gay men act gay… because they are gay, not because that's any indication of them actually being female/trans. They use the young gay/gnc people the same way they use women and they use kids, to further their own fetish.
The second part is of course teenagers wanting a thing and wanting it NOW. Which is extremely typical for teens, has always been, will always be and everyone knows it. So you can't really blame teens for acting in the most predictable stereotypical teen way. But AGPs then affirm their teenage delusion, to affirm their own fetish. "You want this because you're a real girl, like how I'm a real woman".
It's all very sick and twisted. And this isn't even touching on the woke women who play into the whole savior complex.
No. 14684
>>14634You sound pretty based. Congratulations on detransitioning
nonnie <3
It is tough to be a biological female in this world with all of the misogyny we face every day, but it’s better to be brave and fight to change society for the better, rather than cutting off our body parts and doing drugs to try and escape the reality that we will always be female.
No. 14734
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I swear if I see this TIM from my country in my TL in Facebook I'll scream. We know he's a pedo/weird yet people decides is better to call him by his "female name" and use "female pronouns" because "even if he has done shitty stuff and God knows why he hasn't end in jail yet, is better to be a best person and treat her as woman???".
No. 14768
This might be on the long side, sorry nonas. I really need to get this off my chest.
I am basically trying to use doublethink so that I don't lose my closest friends.
I started to peak when I saw TiMs being celebrated in music tech, a field I had to abandon because I was treated like shit, as though they'd ever faced a single sex based hardship or barrier to their success. It hurt a lot but I felt like I couldn't voice this without being called transphobic.
I peaked fully last year after leaving my ex, a violent TiM (came out when we were still together, during the period of time he had the most control over me). He hit me, would pin me down by my wrists and scream in my face, got angry and violent when I spoke to my friends or wanted to leave the room, dictated when I was allowed to eat and sleep. It was unequivocally male pattern violence.
My two closest friends are 1. an HSTS and 2. a butch lesbian who has been with TiMs in the past and was treated like utter shit by them, but is nonetheless a handmaiden for some reason. They are both very sweet and sensible people and they have never antagonised me for my experiences or concerns, and have listened and agreed with me even when I've said things that approach """problematic""", but I feel like peaking them will never happen - especially the HSTS who is completely surrounded by other trans people and is immersed in the trans drag community in my city.
I wish there was a way I could make them understand how damaging this all is as an ideology. It's not about your individual choices and mechanisms of self-expression, it's about gender as an idea, its deeply cultlike social infrastructure and what it does to sex-based rights. Whenever I hang out with them I tend squash my feelings about it, but it's getting difficult. Sometimes I imagine what would happen if they found out I frequent here and listen to radfem podcasts or whatever and it kind of breaks my heart. I wish everyone would wake up
No. 14786
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This kind of post makes me feel so blackpilled.
No. 14787
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>>14786This one too
>>14777Troons latch onto any non-mainstream political ideology that doesn't outright exclude them like radical feminism, and find excuses to justify their "condition" by said ideology. See: Far-right trannies. Troons who claim to be communists think a utopian communist society would not only develop magical technology to change sex, but also give them complete freedom to modify their bodies in extreme ways (even though unnecessary plastic surgery often exploits people's insecurities for profit, capitalist degeneracy), and of course the more outspoken pedophile troons think such a society would treat children as adults in all ways which would make pedophilia legal. It's also kind of why they identify as anarchists, because they think that's the fastest route to transhumanism. They don't think about all the work and physical effort that they have to put into if they want society to change, or that in the many centuries before such a society can be possible they'd still have to contribute a lot to society before money is abolished, either. It's so retarded. In a hypothetical perfect communist utopia, trannies wouldn't even exist because gender roles, porn, mass child abuse, human trafficking, misogyny, unnecessary platic surgery for the sake of profit, the medical-industrial complex, post-modernist psychology, etc. in other words, all of the things that allow trangenderism to exist right now would NOT exist in that scenario. Troons lack the mental capacity, sociopolitical literacy and foresight to realize any of this. They're only capable of thinking of their tranny utopia fantasies.
I once asked a communist tranny who had just "come out" whether he thought he'd still be trans if gender roles didn't exist, he seemed to hesitate and to be confused when he said maybe not. I'm not sure if it's whether he actually believes in gender shit and had a brief moment of realization, or if he already knew he's not a woman and he was fully aware he was just LARPing for the coom. Anyways, this was a key moment for me in my handmaiden days when I began questioning tranny shit (I never fully thought men can literally be women, I just felt bad for them and thought they were mostly harmless so I defended them from misogynistic and transphobic moids, before slowly realizing troons are also misogynistic).
No. 14797
>>14787Thanks for the explanation anon. I saw an anarchist/socialist type of event in my area recently and a lot of the workshops and attendees were the "sex work is work" "we must gatecrash the evil
terf events" type so I guess that's what got me thinking even if I'm not overly political myself, I just consider myself left wing. A lot of the time when they're extra loud about their political beliefs it gives the impression that it's all an effort to appear as counter-culture and morally superior as possible which makes sense when I think about how much troonshit is like an alternative fashion and aesthetic choice for people (like all the art of tit chop scars etc). They're literally obsessed with how they look and what others think of them and treat sexual oririenation like a collection of stereotypes (instead of what sex you're attracted to) because that's how they perceive gender.
No. 14800
So I have 2 moid friends (I'm borderline normie, we can't all avoid men) I've been fairly close with for many years.
>moid 1
One is leftist as fuck, claims to only support science, want the best for as many people as possible and to have a high moral code. He sees himself as against racism, sexism, transphobia and all that, is pro-feminism. He supports any social justice cause wholeheartedly while at least making some effort to look into the science of it (although of course discrediting anything going against his narrative as false and not caring about the quality of the study…) He identifies as nonbinary trans, but will at most paint his nails black once a year to express that.
>moid 2
The second is a more typical dark-humor loving moid. He thinks gender ideology is bullshit. He's told me sexist jokes to my face, I've watched him make fun of disabilities to a disabled persons face, I've seen him laugh at racist jokes. He'll literally make fun of anyone and likes to push people's boundaries. Moid 1 sees this guy as evil, sexist, racist, immoral, a terrible bigoted person. Yet at the end of the day when he makes the jokes I laugh along, the disabled person laughed along, and the other races laughed along too. At no point have I seen him actually upset anyone. He has friends of all races and despite making fun of them, he really truly does treat everyone equally.
Guess which one of them ended up sexually assaulting me after multiple attempts to manipulate me into sex? And which one made a joke-but-not-joke about us having sex one single time and after me simply saying no never brought it up ever again, and to this day hasn't ever tried to touch me inappropriately?
You guessed it, the enby-troon assaulted me and the edge-lord has shown me nothing but respect.
So anyway I have 1 moid friend, and 1 moid on my hit list.
No. 14804
I was in a teen outpatient program, right when the quarantine was coming to an end. I was still a minor and grouped with people 13-17. This super cocky kid joined my group, he was very attention seeking, he pretended to be autistic, while I could see through his facade, it was even worse pretending than the good doctor guy. He acted upon stereotypes and was trying to act like he was too good for therapy. While he was there, he got tested for autism and he was told he didn’t have it. He got very defensive and had a breakdown during group therapy. He started blaming all the mental health workers and said that they were being unprofessional. I thought it was hilarious, a fauxsperg-sperg out. The next week, he started talking about transitioning, out of nowhere, and started acting like a stereotypical femboy with me. More days went on, and I realized what had happened. He was trying to be me. He would follow me around, i thought he was just being nice but after he was told he didn’t have autism he started copying me and taking interest in all my favorite things. I never disclosed to anyone in my group that I was an autist, he must have figured it out. I suspect the reason he tried to get an autism diagnosis was because he wanted to be babied and excuse from all the terrible things he had put his parents through. He had extremely wealthy parents, and he was always wearing streetwear and yeezy. During family groups he would yell and tell his mom he wishes she was dead, and this woman was one of the sweetest and most spoiling moms I had ever met. When he started trooning on the group, he would not speak in a “I’m so dysphoric, I’ve been a woman all along” way. He would go on about “yea I want to buy thigh highs and pastel crop tops and chokers. I want a boyfriend. I want to be his cute little girlfriend. I might not even transition, I don’t know. I just want a boyfriend.” I realized he was one of those gays that projected onto what he thought was a lovable, objectifiable woman. He was objectified at his school, seemed to enjoy it, and of course he was one of those furries with a fursona with giant breasts, on par with that canadian teacher TiM. He was very dramatic and loud and would get angry to anyone who questioned what his further transitioning plans were. He would compliment me all the time, saying he wants to be like me, smart and a girl. It made me realize that he had not been seeing women as being capable of being smart before. Just like the “autism”, he behaved on how he perceived stereotypes.
No. 14806
>>14805*she, she’s a woman. Even if she looks masculine naturally she’s still a masculine woman. She clearly has issues. Recognize her as a woman she is.
Did she ever spoke about
why and
when she thought she is trans?
No. 14811
>>14809>>14808I see, sorry to hear that you have to deal with that. I guess that this friend uses they/them pronouns or some set incorporating they? You can start by referring to her with female pronouns, at least here if you're afraid to do it elsewhere or if you can get persecuted for that.
Did she have a history of being obsessed with yaoi for example? Some of such girls (but not limited to that) have obvious fetishization of male appearance, especially in twink/youthful or androgynous version.
Do you know whether she has history of sexual abuse or eating disorders by any chance? Did she ever share some views about being trans or women or growing up that you found weird or that got your attention?
No. 14817
>>14813>hormone blockers since the age of 12Big big
oof on that one. I think you're going to outgrow her soon enough, the blockers make it so her brain will never properly develop and she'll never have the adult brain she was naturally meant to have, instead she'll be stuck with a stunted one, like the (in)famous Jazz Jennings. She'll most likely be perma-depressed from it too.
To some degree if she was that young it's not entirely her fault she got groomed into thinking these drugs would change her sex and turn her into a man, but it's not a kind thing to do to play along. I get that outright telling her that wouldn't feel right and she wouldn't listen so if I were you I'd just slowly distance myself from her.
No. 14825
>>14818>why do tifs think everyone is against them?Because the trans ideology (and even woke ideology at large) is playing oppression olympics. Not only are you seen as more innocent, having the most authority and being trustworthy if you're the most oppressed, you also HAVE to be oppressed in some form to be
valid and trustworthy AT ALL. Except it's not actually about oppression, it's about self-perceived oppression. For example these people aren't fighting for native american rights, and they made up the "2 spirit" bs that have been debunked by natives many times. Even the few that do try to support natives don't do so by supporting the most oppressed group aka the women who are some of the most vulnerable people in all of the US, instead they'll focus on non-issues such as a man in a dress not being allowed to join an all female group setting.
To them seeing themselves as oppressed is proof that they're better than everyone else. They can't stop, or they become evil bigots by default, at the lowest point of the hierarchy.
No. 14832
>>14829yay another native anon!
>the idea of two-spirit doesn’t even exist in my tribeThis is the part that gets me the most, and you're right that it's usually reconnecting natives or people with little ancestry. Two-spirit doesn't even mean trans in northern tribes, it can also mean you're gay and is considered more spiritual. Either way two-spitit doesn't mean trans, and a lot of the southern natives claiming it don't have those concepts in their tribes like you mentioned. Panindianism is anti-native and silly. It reminds me of native people with zero connections playing dress up with other people's cultural attire.
>gender binary is white supremacyWomen have always been revered and considered scared and distinct from men
No. 14835
>>14829>the idea of two-spirit doesn’t even exist in my tribe.>>14832>it's usually reconnecting natives or people with little ancestry. I think it was exulansic who made a video (she's a native detrans woman) where she showed an enby/trans woman who went to ask the elders about two-spirit/trans and the elders hadn't ever heard of it so she took in onto herself to "educate" the elders on it… about their own native culture. The fucking nerve of thinking you know better than them. They hadn't heard of it because it didn't exist.
Trans people are incredible entitled and racist.
No. 14855
>>14848When people have asked for my pronouns I've played slightly normie-dumb every time. I've answered things like:
>"regular female pronouns" >"whatever you think is appropriate"So far no one has questioned it even in woke circles. I like the first one because it implies the pronouns are supposed to be used for females (which is true), but the second one is my favorite because all I'm really doing is telling them to use pronouns the way they're supposed to: you look at a person and see if they are male or female and then use the right words based on that. Maybe 1% of times you're wrong, but upon finding out you typically change your word use to the correct ones. Whatever the person in question thinks about themselves is fully irrelevant. It also gives people the power back, YOU decide what pronouns to use for someone - they don't get to dictate what you call them when they're not even around.
If the person is fake-woke pandering and don't actually care about pronouns they'll relax because they now know you don't either.
It also helps to act innocent and add padding to your speech so it doesn't sound so calculated. For example saying "huh? oh umm whatever you think is appropriate when you look at me i guess haha". If they insist on calling you they/them you can act innocently confused as if they're referring to multiple people, or say "umm I don't like being called they, can you use something else?"
Always avoid answering what they want you to (in this case she/he/they/xe) and lightly rock the boat by using a different phrase.
No. 14856
>>14849>I straight up just said “what do I look like?” and the therapists got madGood job nona! Don't tolerate their gender bs. You should have asked if they would have been mad if a trans person asked that, or if they admit that there's a different between a real woman and a troon calling himself a woman. Watch their brains implode kek
I would write in to the facility itself and complain about it anonymously. If you think they're too woke to listen you could even lie and pretend you're an upset not-out-yet/still questioning troon who is forced to choose between outing themselves or lying every single time they come there and how damaging that has been to your poor troon-self.
No. 14868
>>14855Pretending to be a turbo normie works great, and if they start pestering you about gender identity you can always go
>"I'd prefer not to discuss this">"sorry but this is a deeply personal matter">"umm this topic is making me feel uncomfortable"That way you can guilt trip them by playing with their own rules and they won't be able to accuse you of anything without coming off as huge jerks.
No. 14870
>>14865Look at it this way nona: is it ok to cut off people who are coddling a mentally ill person in a religious cult that promotes self-harm and harming of children? If it was any other cult than the trans one, would you even be asking yourself if it's ok to cut them out of your life?
Even if they are ignorant passive handmaidens and don't know the cult promotes self-harm and harming of children, question why if you told them about it with hundreds of screenshots and pages of scientific evidence - why they'd deny it and call you a hateful liar. They'd probably block you and never speak to you again. Meanwhile you have tried your best to stay friends with them despite knowing your opinions differ, because you're truly more tolerant than they've ever been and able to see the larger picture. They wouldn't give you that courtesy if they knew you had any kind of terfy views. They aren't truly your friends anymore, they're acolytes of the trans gospel.
If someone came to you with genuine concern about something and they had a ton of evidence and science to back it up, wouldn't you at least hear them out? That's what most of us did with the trans stuff, we saw what they said and had a handmaiden phase until we realized the science wasn't actually there and it's all built on religious and perverse lies. And much like you we STILL tried to stay friends with them despite their views. But there comes a point where your own mental health can't take it anymore. It's not healthy to not be able to be honest with your friends. It's not healthy to watch them do harm without being able to tell them to stop. There's a line from an old post in here that I like
>>10048>You cannot talk a cult member out of a cultThe trans cult got them and you can't save them, they have to save themselves. The best and healthiest thing you can do for yourself is to cut them out of your life, it will feel SO much better to not have to lie anymore. You are absolutely doing the right thing! If they one day manage to wake up and get out of the cult you can become friends again, if you want to.
No. 14874
I saw another anon describe a similar feeling elsewhere, and I'd like to ask for insight on this. I had a very close female friend from preschool to early high school. We mostly drew and played video games together. She had a troubling upbringing, not like overt abuse, just something inexplicably 'off' about their home life that you don't fully understand until you're an adult and you look back upon it. Won't go into unnecessary detail. She was straight, I wasn't, friendship started to feel a little awkward and we just kinda drifted apart. Then she came out as non binary, then soon after that, a trans man. Started taking T. I was supportive of the decision back then even if I was a little bit confused at such a sudden change. She'd been dealing with some psychological stuff at the time and I wasn't going to pry. I ended up spending time with her and her family around graduation time as well as at the local art gallery where we got our stuff included in an exhibit. I really did wanna be supportive but something just seemed so wrong with her that I couldn't describe. She just had this totally different personality. She was no longer bubbly and creative. She was incredibly cold and walled off to everyone and I found out later she had even very publicly lashed out at her employer who was also quite a bog deal in town. She became very isolated and spent a lot less time with other people, went out less. I don't really talk to her anymore, but what exactly is that drive to isolate oneself? I'm not really friends with her anymore, but it's still a little scary. It would have been one thing if she just didn't like me anymore, but it clearly wasn't that. Her life seemed to slowly decline until she trooned out and that slow decline devolved into a rapid tailspin of isolation and crazy behavior. I was always a little worried about her when we were older, and was a little bit protective of her because she was a deeply sensitive and vulnerable person. I'm not even angry, I'm just disturbed. Was this sone kind of self-isolation akin to that of an animal that doesn't want to be seen in its final moments? I'd be willing to bet my story is not particularly uncommon around these parts. I'm not going to say I made any specific mistakes that lead to this, but sometimes I wonder when she was well and truly lost for good.
No. 14878
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Who is going to tell them that real punks would misgender them and piss them off just because?
No. 14883
>>14874I agree with the other anon. Remember that trans ideology will start off by doing 2 things, firstly they love-bomb new members: "we accept your true self, you'd make such a handsome girl/boy, we love and support you"
and secondly they alienate you from your real family and friends: "they don't get you, they're terfs, they're ignorant evil cis people who could never understand the harm they're doing to us trans people, we are
victims and they are oppressors"
They're doing immense damage to their mental health on several levels. They make them dependant on validation from stangers online. They cut them off from real life interractions with people who actually care about them. They make them think everyone around them hates them and their kind. They make them think they as trans people are actively being
victims of a world wide genocide by cis people, and that people around them simply don't care that they're being killed in front of their eyes.
We know from other groups of ex-woke people that this kind of
victim mindset is incredibly harmful to a person. There are for example black people who say when they were woke they were convinced everyone was horribly racist and hated them, they lived in fear and disgust of white people until they finally distanced themselves from woke people and realized it was all a lie. Suddenly they realized Susan saying "wow your hair is so cool, can I touch it?" isn't a violent deeply racist attack like they thought before, but actually Susan… just liked their hair and that was it. Their entire lives revolved around spotting racism and being on edge, it took up all their mental energy and left them exhaused and paranoid. Same thing trans people are doing now.
No. 14892
>>14886I'm very annoyed that people don't dare to point out how hypocritical trans people are on every issue. Take literally any important trans talking point and see how they define it and you'll get two direct opposites at once. And they act like the first point isn't real one second, but the next it's totally real.
For example "trans people are people suffering from gender dysphoria" is eqully accepted as "many trans people are happy with their natural bodies because dysphoria doesn't define transness". When they want free surgery and to play
victims they will claim all trans people are dysphoric. When they want to come off as strong and flaunt their fetish they call their natural bodies sexy and "hotter than cis people". And you'll hear it from the same individual!
Or if a girl liking sports and cars means she can be trans or not. They'll say "yes that is totally a sign that she's actually a boy because those are boy things". But if you ask them if only boys can like sports and cars and if they're related to gender they'll say "of course not that's stupid". If it's so stupid, why do you keep using that as a reason to literally butcher kids bodies???
Even just ignoring the whole trans issue, this is a horrible way to groom people into having a naive, weak and easily manipulated mindset. I think a lot of religions do the same thing, but at least in the westen world we've decided that the state and church are separate. Faith isn't seen as science the way trans people are trying to make it be seen. It's dangerous.
No. 14904
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Stupid fandom shite but I swear to god these kids are so retarded that they'll see trans allegories everywhere and claim it's real kek. Not to mention they're transing characters of real human youtubers lol.
No. 14905
>>14896Everything trans people say is a projection of their own insecurities. They have to say "transwomen are women" over and over because they don't believe it to be a true obvious fact. We can compare it to racism, which was the trendy woke topic before trans, yet we didn't hear "black/asian/native women are women" because literally everyone knows they are women even if they're deeply racist. It's just a fact, so it never needed to be stated. Water is wet.
Trans identified men never relate to real women, they don't feel represented by real women in media, they don't celebrate "female" achievements unless it was done by a transwoman, they don't support women's causes or charities unless it relates to transwomen. Because they truly do not think they are women, they know they're just men pretending.
No. 14939
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Today, I found this in the women's bathroom. I'm so sick of it all. Sometimes, I wish that I was still more libfemmy so that I could cope with the blatant audacity.
No. 14948
>>14945When I was still in a passive handmaiden phase I considered adding a trans character to my comic to seem inclusive, I'm so fucking glad I never got around to it because once you cave they will NEVER let you go or forgive you if you make a mistake or wrong-think. You can't give them anything or any reason to think you're a trans ally or they will expect you to chop of tits from teen girls with your own two hands.
Any time an artist or creator goes down the trans ally route they end up attracting the most vile people as their following, it's not worth it even if you can grow your account and following by a lot. They're constantly looking for someone to cancel over transphobia. They're all the most entitled and self-centered people on earth so it's never going to translate into paid work anyway.
No. 15001
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Life really is a parody, isn't it?
No. 15003
Sorry if this is excessively long, i've been away from lc in an attempt at stoicism but everything has just been building up
i've read irreversible damage, i've been online long enough to understand WHY so many young women are transitioning, but fuck if it isn't still heartbreaking.
over the 2 years i've been in school and involved in the arts community i've seen dozens of such wonderful, talented, outgoing, confident girls fucking ruin themselves. seeing one of the funniest, kindest women i've met, who would have talked to ANYONE, someone who was inclusive in the non-annoying sense, just wanted to make everyone feel seen, watching her become withdrawn to the point where she just stares at the floor and doesn't speak above a whisper. watching her become angry and completely withdrawn, the fucking bleeding painful cystic acne covering her face because she's now hormonally imbalanced. she can't sing anymore because her voice is ruined. the only time i hear her interact with the world is when she's talking about the "trans genocide." and she's just one person. i've seen this happen to dozens of women at this point and i don't know how i'm supposed to stay sane and keep my head down about this shit. i hurt so badly for them.
No. 15008
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>Our First Pride was a riot. It was brought to you by drag queens & trans community…
The first pride was on 1915 and was made by LGB people.
Trannies added themselves later and they're fighting "tooth and nail"? They would cry as soon you misgender them.
No. 15011
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so this is what the right side of history looks like, huh?
No. 15023
>>15003Feel free to vent here any time nona. I think things like that is making people peak. We've been sold the lie that this will make them happy, but they all become more miserable the further down the trans hole they go.
It's what made trans kids clinic whistleblowers speak out, they noticed they were actually harming the kids and making them feel worse.
No. 15024
>>15006Sorry you went through that nona. As a woman there's nothing really masculine about you, you've always been feminine by default and you still are. No matter how boyish something is about a girl or woman it's always the female version of it, and it's always natural. Even if a woman has a hormone imbalance and grows a beard, it's a rare female beard and only seen as unusual exactly because she IS female. Even if a woman took artificial hormones to grow a beard, her body reacted to it that way BECAUSE she is female and that's how a female body reacts to it.
Your body is still just as female as any other female body no matter how altered it is. I hope you can find comfort and confidence.
No. 15025
>>15011>>15013Men pissing everywhere, what's new.
I bet my country would have reported this if it was anti-trans activists, but because they're trans there will be radio silence as usual.
No. 15041
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>>15009Same here. The fact they loooooove to ignore the prior pride because is not tranny enough make the whole movement show their real faces.
>picrelI love how they preach "love and respect" but they suddenly become in violent if you do not respect their shit. Still, they would just faint and cry if someone call them by their deadname so I don't take their "threats" seriously.
No. 15044
>>15041They're such hypocrites, they'll happily shout "kill all terfs" wearing a "punch a transphobe" pin while draped out in trans flag colors, but when a woke leftist woman suggests "maybe people with dicks should be in women's dressing rooms" she's "literally genociding trans people".
These people will be so embarrassed in the future when they realize what they've been supporting and cheering for. I hope detrans people can all find the strength and courage to ask every woke friend why they supported their self-harm and delusions, why they ignored all the red flags and why they think that harm was a fair price to pay for "real" trans people to get to mutilate themselves too. How many harmed children and mentally ill adults are worth sacrificing in the name of trans rites?
No. 15059
>>6924I've come to the conclusion that trannies are being used to push back against the LGBT rights. Like that one photo of a dumbass parent who brought their kid to a gay kink party, but on a wider scale and trannies actually embarrass themselves on a weekly basis.
Also I think this all goes deeper still, and the whole gender discourse is a distraction from the real world issues like the fucking climate change and the fucking wages and the fucking billionaires stealing from all of us.
No. 15075
>>15054It's ending soon enough nona. I recommend following groups like genspect, they're an organisation that offers help to trans people that isn't medicalization and instead looks at science and other aspects such as trauma, homophobia, fetishes, online communities, autism, and so on. They don't believe in gender or queer theory but since they're trying to save people from the cult they don't use aggressive language or say those thigns out right, they do it professionally. They organize counter conferances to wpath/epath
>wpath: World Professional Association for Transgender Health (the people who self-identified as the leading experts in trans health care despite not actually having the authoriy to do so)>epath: local european section of wpathThis april genspect invited all the wpath/epath guests to come to their counter conference for free to show what harms are actually done by the pro-trans people and doctors and to talk about what we DON'T know about transition since there are no
valid studies. They've done it so well that epath for the first time had to acknowledge that ROGD is a real thing in young girls, and it's making the medical professionals start to question what they've been doing and switch sides. Genspect also showcased plenty of detransitioners which wpath/epath just magically can't ever find because "regret is SOOOO unusual, only less than 1%, can't find them anywhere". Some of these detrans people are currently working on sueing doctors and once that ball starts rolling… all doctors will pull out and transition will be stopped and questioned.
Following genspect has given me a lot of hope and they have podcasts/videos discussing trans stuff with nuance and without the trans brain washing (nor is it just short angry anon posts, as much as we like to vent they don't give you that must substance), it's very refreshing.
No. 15123
>>15101>apparently they can't disagree with the statement "Same sex attracted is just another word for nazis." Get better friends nona. Or see if there are any small ways you can peak them. Do they think AGP is still "
valid trans uwu" or can they see it's a fetish?
Or do they have interest in any person or topic on lolcow? Then you could send them there and if they stick around they'll probably end up peaking. Just make sure to tell them it's an anonymous gossip site so "some people" are transphobic or trolling but everyone else just ignores it. Gotta make them tolerate it for long enough to get used to it kek
No. 15128
>>15127>i'm so tired of TRAs not bothering to actually look into radfem ideology at all.they call anyone who disagress with them
terf, they literally called Trump a
terf. yet in theory they should be down with the radfem stuff and only hate that they exclude troons, they pretend to be the REAL feminists after all
No. 15130
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Fifth day in a row where I go to a cafe or a restaurant and there’s a random person with pronoun pins. Fandom spaces irl are contaminated. I give up, I need to acknowledge I must at least tolerate them and be up to befriending #them if I want any social life. My four most important interests are populated by gendies. It’s either this, or die alone. All the terfs in this Latin American country are polilez who won’t hide their distaste for bisexuals so I think fandom gendies are my best option. I’m attending a con next week and there’s already several ftms in the group. I need to unpeak. I need a thought to help me cope with this.
No. 15131
>>15123I have tried to peak them, one I think has actually slightly peaked, but she still has troon friends so she probably wont full on peak. On the other one I think I went too hard, talked about AGPs and how men are forcing themselves in lesbian spaces and it was apparently too offensive. I have no idea if she thinks that AGPs are
valid, because she is a person who never has any opinions on her own, she copies what she thinks from social media. It's like she wont even allow herself to think freely, as if someone was going to cancel her or something.
Sending them to lolcow is a good plan kek, I just don't think they have any interest in any of the topics. I have talked about being on lolcow in the hopes that they would come see what it is and end up staying.
No. 15134
>>15131I think you can push the AGP topic further with her! Send her screenshots from the toon thread of the worst diaper pedo AGPs, and tell her they are making the "real" transwomen look bad hiding behind a fetish. That way you give her an "out" because she's not agreeing "real" trans people are bad, just these fakers pretending to be trans kek
If they're at all interested in gossip/anime/weeb/influencers, you could lead with something like "i went down a rabbit hole of this big influencer woman who is pretending to have DID and autism when she's not diagnosed and earning money from it" (or whichever thread) I think using a faker who is actually harming real DID/trauma/autists is a good hook because they get the "i'm holier than thou" dopamine hit from judging them
No. 15143
>>15125Watching youtubers talk about any topic still somehow results in them pandering to troons regardless of if it's relevant or not. Every review of any media form seems to find it "
problematic" that there aren't any "gender" representation in the characters, it fucking pisses me off when you have media made for girls that naturally centers only girl characters and these smug assholes have to go "umm what about the MEN in dresses tho" like fuck off. I cannot wait for this all to blow over so people can see how stupid they were for blindly buying into a harmful trend.
I also long for the day when troon culture is old and boring and young people roll their eyes at it going "ok zoomer", the same way hippies were once counter culture cool and trendy and "on the right side of history" and are now seen as lazy stinky weeded out hobos who can't keep a relationship or job because they just want to fuck around.
No. 15185
>>15169this kek
but I think one super narc troon could probably convince a handful of depressed autist troons that the world wants to kill them for being trans so they should all commit mass suicide and it will save every other trans person because the world will be in shock. it could totally happen, they're already convincing these men that cutting off their dicks makes it EASIER to coom and it will make them happy. they can be manipulated into doing any horrid shit
No. 15197
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Today in: One thing is not like the others.
No. 15209
>>15178I agree with this, when dealing with handmaidens you have to first make them stop coddling trans people as if they're babies incapable of basic hygiene. At the very least hold them to adult standards.
This man wants you to call him a she/her woman, and if you don't you're being "disrespectful" - but when "she" pisses all over the seat which is something that could give you actual real life health issues because it's not sanitary you should give it a pass? Clearly the respect isn't mutual, making another human clean up your piss is degrading and disrespectful.
No. 15223
>>15181I'd understand trying to run more if it actually worked
There's so much disdain for "afabs" and "tme people" in their own community, I don't know how they haven't realized that the world still hates them for being women even in places where everyone is forced to pretend they aren't women
No. 15231
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Can't even shop for dresses online without being greeted by ugly troons as models. Good luck selling this dress to women, Zalando.
No. 15312
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I just found a post of a pride drawing with someone saying "respect this character's pronouns". IS A FICTIONAL CHARACTER! Is not going to die because someone called it a "her" instead of "him", I stg.
No. 15453
>>15237didn't you know that it's literal genocide to expect TIMs to clean up after themselves??
This kind of shit is what peaked me. You can't criticize TIMs about literally anything because it immediately makes you an evil nazi
No. 15693
>>11143Yeah I disagree with her on that. Sure, if you're talking about volleyball or basketball, that will only be accessible to unusually tall women at the highly competitive level. But I think most women will have at least one sport where they have a realistic shot of being competitive if they make it their passion. Some sports like soccer don't have much of a size bias. And some sports like gymnastics or light weight categories in weight lifting or boxing are basically designed for smaller individuals, and people tend to naturally gravitate towards activities they can do well in due to the positive reinforcement. But in all of those sports, men will still have an advantage.
Even at the less competitive levels, it's not appropriate. First of all, even on a high school team, the boys will tend to behave pretty competitively and aggressively. I've played co-ed intramural soccer, but at least there you know what you're signing up for rather than having a surprise male. And even there, the males can be aggressive although most of them have enough common sense to recognize their physical advantage and not shove as much when they come up against female players (it depends though, they're not all equally respectful, even at such a low level of competition). And I wouldn't count on a delusional troon to be among those that recognize their biological differences…