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No. 7421
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Bringing this thread back from dead because the US state of Louisiana just implemented a law that requires coomers to use ID to access porn sites and there are meltdowns all over social media.
Also telling is that liberal news sites now suddenly care about online privacy when men can't watch women being abused but give no fucks when women are doxed and silenced for speaking out about rapist immigrant moids and pedo trannies. No. 7423
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>>7421The women responsible for the law is Republican Representative Laurie Schlegal. She has also advocated for banning trannies from being able to participate in girls high school sports.
>>7422I live in the UK and access to porn is supposed to be blocked without ID. The reality is that it only seems to work when trying to access porn sites through mobile internet. Probably the main result will be bigger profits for VPN companies. There was an attempt and I thought it was worth noting as there does now seem to be increasing recognition of how harmful porn is and people are starting to push back against it.
No. 7448
>>7423I'm in the UK and didn't know this. just checked and can access porn sites on desktop and mobile without vpn. maybe it was an idea that is yet to be implemented or was scrapped?
meanwhile, our politicians are watching it in the house of commons. it's all very normal.
No. 7462
>>7456How can anyone argue porn is 'lefty', woke and progressive when just one glance of the fucking titles in porn dispells this shit immediately?.
All media has moderation or we strive to have some at the very least but porn. It's painfully obvious it's the only medium that suffers no repercussions for its portrayals of blatant inhumanity. Take any other medium on earth and people will debate it's worth if there's fucked up shit in it. Take video games for example violence in media, meanwhile hatecrimes, rape, and pedofilia are abhorrent in the real world right? But safely, and acceptably allowed to seek refuge in porn.
No. 7579
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knew a scrote online who thought he was better then other moids cause he only looked at drawn porn, claiming he totally wasn't a degenerate, as if real life pedos in Japan don't get off to this sick shit
No. 7753
>>7579Kek, how many times have you heard this shitty 'argument'?. I'm sick of the 'it's just fiction' meme spouted by just about fucking everyone in order to escape criticism of anything ever that is a fucked up fictional work. This same meme argument is used to dismiss and decry any criticism at all in media and is gobbled up by handmaidens (but mostly scrotes) as a cop out for their knowingly twisted shit.
Bonus points if pedos use it to argue it prevents them from committing real pedo crime/it's a stop gap, despite evidence arguing it does the exact opposite and of anything normalizes abuse. It's baffling how normalized pedofilia is in Japan I wonder how the average Japanese woman feels about that shit on a daily basis. I wonder the kind of mental gymnastics a father would have to pull to ignore the constant pedo shit pulled. I can't imagine seeing pedoshit be openly peddelled in a public space so candidly in media like it is there.
Drawn porn may not have real people ergo no real human suffering but fuck if it still carries the same twisted messages, dehumanizing shit and inhuman coomer shit that's even more extreme than the regular human trafficked kind.
No. 9859
Things are going to get worse before they get better, they say. But it seems so bleak now with deep fakes, cp, revenge porn and trafficking. I watched a documentary last week about children in brothels, they get moved to adult ones (if they survive) when they turn 13 or 14. And yes they shoot porn over there, I assume it gets on the surface web because it's in an adult brothel and they give the kids fake identities. These brothels have medical teams, security, office administration it's like a business organization that makes lots and lots of money. It's not some little hut that is bound to be caught by the FBI. in fact I think the FBI does fuck all with these predators. I just want to cry every night because I think about the kids. I'm a mom too so it just hurts extra knowing that kids get sold into it when they are only 3 years old. I know I'll probably get shit on for bringing a child into this fucked up world, or shaking up with a scrote. I just want to save all those poor kids, they don't know how to read or they don't go to playgrounds, they just get drugged up and they're trapped. I'm never watching porn again, I banned those sites from all devices.
>>7579>>7753>>9626I used to watch hentai while I "quit" porn but I would get ads of real life porn on those sites and sometimes I'd just click on real porn eventually. All porn is bad. Full stop, there is no porn wherein its not promoting violence against women or coercion, incest, pedophilia. It's vile
No. 9864
>>7423oh is that why i saw pictures of her face and equating her with the devil on Instagram pages of green haired queers from numtot? more power to her, i hope it holds up.
related, i keep getting ads for an antiporn group called fight the new drug even more surprising is that i don't see the negative reaction to the antiporn mindset on the if posts as i do on jewbook.
(racebaiting) No. 10556
Hi nonnies, I have a question. I'd like to know the best way to distribute a video exposing the illegal crimes and rape committed by Facial Abuse, and the part they played in the suicide of a woman in one of their abuse videos in 2019. My ultimate dream is to have them castrated on a livestream before their eventual execution, but the most I could hope for is to have their websites taken down and for them to be jailed. Apologies for Reddit spacing, but I want this to be readable. I also spoilered the names of his sites because they're just disgusting.
I discovered an account on Reddit who is doing his damndest to expose Facial Abuse and the other companies run by "D&E Media LLC" AKA
Donald Emil Vollenweider (Duke Skywalker). If you've ever seen his videos, I believe he's the one behind the camera who says degrading things to the women in his abuse videos and instructs his rapists (
David Bryan Horter and
Paul Kryscuk) on what to do to them. I requested he send me the video he was talking about in his Reddit posts because I suppose Donald had them taken down by his lawyer,
Ernest 'Ernie' T. Rossi. The beginning of the video says this and shows an image of Ernie's house. Anyway. The video is infuriating. It shows the abuse and rape of Meghan Lynai Joel (stage name Kitty Catherine, died age 26) at a
GhettoGaggers shoot, followed by her posting on Twitter that she will never shoot with them again. However, this scumbag has multiple sites and I don't think he makes that obvious to the women he recruits. Meghan was hired to shoot for
Black on Black Crime and the Reddit video captions "he goes as far as to use a different set and even has somebody else do the interview." She posted a strange video the day she died (age 26) saying "send help, I need help" and looking very nervous. It's been speculated she was excited about something and was just acting for the camera, but who knows. There are other deaths/suicides mentioned in the video of women who shot for D&E: CJ Carducci (pseudonym Vanessa Naughty, fentanyl overdose, age 20), Courtney Ann Comfort ('Riley', suicide), Willow V. Balmat ('Ellis', suicide, age 19). This Redditor cites there are '1-2 murder suicides I am still researching and over 200 women who's welfare I haven't been able to check on yet.'
Ultimately, what Donald, David, Paul, Ernest, and all the fucking low life coomers who watch these videos are doing is, or should be, criminal. It's distribution and purchase of videotaped rape and assault. Reviewing the video and writing this is making my blood boil and my hands shake. Nona, I beg of you. I have this video as evidence. What can be done?
The Reddit post I first saw:'s a SFW video of where D&E media is housed, which links to alex's page. attached for documentation, do not watch it. I have recapped what matters in this post. The rest of it is filmed abuse of Meghan. I let my phone screen record most of it in a different room. It is heavily censored but is still absolutely unwatchable. I don't want any nona's day to be ruined because of me, but this video needs to be places other than my phone's photo reel.
Download and distribute, but do not watch. No. 12793
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Woman posts anti-porn video in r/twoxchromosomes and it gets deleted, along with all the comments. Women in the comments are waking up to the fact that sub is run by men, as are all women's subreddits.
No. 12891
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>>10556Just saw this post, and found this in the Reddit user's history. I don't know the best way to distribute this other than blasting his name and actions far and wide. The women he abuses on camera don't get privacy, why should he? Everyone should use their free speech to blast Donald Emil Vollenweider's face and name anywhere and everywhere he wouldn't want it.
Praying all these repulsive pieces of pig shit will get their deserved fate, and so will anyone else who supports and simps for rape on tape.
No. 12892
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>>12891Paul James Cryskuk, one of the co-rapists, is a Neo-Nazi, because of course. Hope jail treats him well.>Paul James Kryscuk, a former porn actor who used the alias “Deacon” while active in the neo-Nazi group BSN from 2017 through 2020, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to damage an energy facility on Feb. 10, with the possibility of receiving a reduction from a 15-year prison sentence in exchange for “substantial assistance” in the government’s prosecution in the case. No. 12894
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>>12892Here's the other rapist, David Brian Horter, aka "cameraguy1995" from Pennsylvania. He has a daughter. Hopefully he gets investigated, most likely more than a few things going on that haven't reached the surface yet.
No. 12896
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>>12894Posting another photo that shows his tattoos more clearly.
No. 12897
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>>12891Donald Emil Vollenweider: "Privacy for me, not for thee"
No. 12906
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You know the world has gone insane when neo-nazi hackers make a good point.
No. 13155
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>>12793NOOOO! CORN GOOD!!!!
delete delete No. 13454
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2 + 2 = 5!
No. 13516
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>>12911The porn industry is actually owned predominantly by jews. Probably going to get banned for this cause it's antisemitic to point this our or whatever.

>>13530>>13531I posted this in a previous thread, essentially it was prejudice, dumb luck and nepotism, and this phenomena is not limited to Jews, there's even a term for this "the mercantile minority" for e.g The Chinese in South East Asia are vastly over represented in every field, the economy, politics, academia, banks and the media, and the Chinese in the Philippines are only 1.2% of the population yet make up more then 60% of the upper class, Igbos(an ethnic group in west africa) are another case, due to a number of factors the Igbos lived in more urban environments compared to other west africans, when the colonizers came they ended up working for them and became a mostly urban educated class and then they had a culture that prioritized education and for this reason they were hated and persecuted
Similar thing in Europe and North America with Jewish people, there is a rational explanation for for Jewish overrepresentation in a lot of industries is that those industries were considered "dirty" one, like film, porn, comic books, record music, etc, and the less respected academic disciplines (at the time) like psychology and sexology and the rest was pure nepotism, so its not some grand Jewish conspiracy but its something that should be acknowledged without accusations or devolving into anti-Semitism
No. 14575
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Utah has joined Louisiana by requiring age verification for adult sites. unlike Louisiana, Utah doesn't have the digital driver’s license system for age verification. MindGeek who owns Pornhub and other porn sites is blocking Utah from accessing their sites in protest.
No. 18788
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Pornhub is refusing to operate in states that require age verification.
The latest state being Arkansas. on Laurie Schlegal who pushed for age verification on porn sites. worked with radical feminist Gail Dines.
>Dines is a self-described radical feminist, sociologist and anti-porn crusader from Manchester, England who has lived in the United States for 37 years. It’s a strange coupling, between an anti-abortion Louisiana Republican and a professor who says her radical feminism “encompasses many socialist feminist principles.” But they know that.
>“It’s not a marriage. Let’s be very clear on this,” Dines told me. Though they share the same goal of diverting kids from porn, they don’t necessarily see it as part of the same larger project. For Dines, “This is about doing the right thing when it comes to controlling capitalism that’s out of control.”Pragmatism works.
No. 19567
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>>19541Isn't the Nordic model just a more "humane" version of human trafficking and prostitution? The tag on the Nordic Model Now website is not promoting prostitution services like OF, its inclusion is to draw attention to the "negative effects" of it but not outright decry it because Nordic model Now is a liberal feminist sex positivity news and promotional site. They don't appear to be promoting OF through omission. There's some information like anon is asking for on prostitution. I do kek at those promoting the Nordic model as if ceeding to a slightly better version of inhumanity is better than eliminating it outright, anything for the sake of male coom. Nordic Model Now and the Nordic model of prostitution create a false dilemma in which it's either their form of "ethical" prostition or the wild west aka outright decriminalization. Even scrolling through the articles on the site they seem to confirm this thought where the Nordic model is the better alternative than decriminalization. This is fallacious and known as the false dilemma. Radical feminists of the 1970s and any woman with half a brain would ask why are either the Nordic model of human trafficking or decriminalization an option? Why is every option a minor variation of inhuman trafficking and child sex slavery rather than outright abolition?
This is like arguing whether organ trafficking should be legal with a ethical model where those whose organs are taken while living are compensated and consenting to being gutted alive or should we just completely decriminalize organ trafficking altogether and let people rip each other open for organs? Clown world.
No. 19571
>>19567The Nordic model’s intent is to criminalize prostitution but not penalize the women involved in it.
Pimps and johns should be criminalized. it’s not sex pozzy borderline libfem slop to not want a sexually abused, trafficked woman to not come out of prostitution with jail time and a criminal record.
No. 19572
>>19567>Isn't the Nordic model just a more "humane" version of human trafficking and prostitutionYes.
Men who purchase sex and men who do human trafficking should be jailed, that's the only good model. Onlyfans is lesser evil in some people's eyes but even then, most women don't even earn minwage after signing up and a lot of creepy men leak their pictures along with the women's vulnerable information like addresses, names, etc.
No. 19619
>>19567>>19572The Nordic model makes it illegal to buy sex. Johns are prosecuted. Women are offered material alternatives and ways out of the industry rather than penalising them as if it's a crime to have been trafficked.
It's not "sex positive" in the slightest. It's not "ethical prostitution". I understand being angry enough at the state of the world to jump to conclusions but you really just didn't read the website nonas. No. 19655
>>19619>It's not "sex positive" in the slightest. It's not "ethical prostitution".Yes it is.
>I understand being angry enough at the state of the world to jump to conclusions but you really just didn't read the website nonas.And you may not have read my post since you completely ignored the point about this false dilemma. No rapist male is owed prostitution and no prostitute should be obliged to their humiliation and masochism. If someone has a fetish for cannibalism and organ trafficking it isn't obliged by society and touted as ethical under an ethical model. Snuff is not regulated by a ethical model and it's laughable to think any inhuman, degrading activity like human trafficking can be "regulated".
>I do kek at those promoting the Nordic model as if ceeding to a slightly better version of inhumanity is better than eliminating it outright, anything for the sake of male coom. Nordic Model Now and the Nordic model of prostitution create a false dilemma in which it's either their form of "ethical" prostitution or the wild west aka outright decriminalization. Ceeding to a slightly less shit version of sex trafficking is still ceeding to sex trafficking, no woman in existence should be ceeding to this unless they actually genuinely believe women are inherently subhuman and should be treated as such. Women in the developed world who encourage trafficking should be punished just as women who encourage organ trafficking and other forms of inhuman trafficking. Men shouldn't be "prosecuted" and "punished" for engaging in human trafficking including child trafficking; they should be killed.
No. 19699
>>19660Maybe, but with a pretty low punishment akin to littering or jaywalking with a maximum fine. Deterrence is solely important for the perpetrators of human trafficking and if one end is starved the other will soon follow. Organ trafficking carries a fairly high punishment for perpetrators convicted with jail time. But to call all trafficked prostitutes
victims is difficult, for example OF retardation is prostitution/human trafficking but it is an idiotic developed world equivalent.
No. 19835
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>Pornhub CEO Mike Farley spoke with an undercover reporter over dinner, and revealed that execs at the porn site are aware of this, and that human traffickers and rapists use this feature of bypassing age verification to "make a lot of money."
>Farley said that everyone knows about this, and that "everybody is just rolling with it.""Why do they roll with it?" the Sound Investigations reporter asked Farley, "Why don't they say something?"
"Because it costs money," Farley admits. "It would be counterintuitive to the business."
No. 19836
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>>19835The worst part about this is that not enough males still won't fucking care. If you told them at a large portion of their porn consumption is actually them jerking off to a woman getting raped by contract, or even a trafficked child that's been "disguised" to look like an adult, most scrotes still look you dead in your face as they essentially tell you they do not care. Just look back on their reaction to PornHub doing that age verification thing. They seethe at any fucking thing that gets in the way of their porn consumption, even when it's for the goddamn best. If you told males that possibly 60% of their favorite porn site is actually a disguised house of women and children being exploited and their rapes having "makeup" to look consensual, they'll say they do not care, or make a five minute mental gymnastics as to why that's somehow not a bad thing at all. At worse, their gross fucking dicks are only gonna get harder at the thought of getting off on something morally heinous. Males already sexualize young women and even other scrotes when they're "barely legal". "Teen" is one of, if not, the most popular searched category in porn. If males sexualize adults who are still technically teenagers, imagine how much lower scrotes actually want their porn. Let that sink in as you realize that if scrotes could set the age lower and watch full on CP without getting into trouble, they absolutely fucking would. Society has already reached the point where men go on Pornhub and sexualize the concept of family members fucking and raping each other like animals. Now if you told scrotes that they likely did jack off to a straight up child before (due to how corrupt the porn industry is), their pedophile penises are gonna start smiling. I despise coomers. They are so morally depraved for how much they clap for and contribute to such a malicious industry, but have the audacity to sit on sites like reddit and victimize themselves because "muh adDiCtIoN". No. Not the women who have been groomed since teenagehood to think porn was empowering or just wanted to escape their poor circumstances. No. Not literal children who are getting abused on camera, but thought to be adults because of the title and tags. It's the fugly, smelly, worthless, morally stripped male that jerks off for twelve hours straight to such awful content that is SOMEHOW the "REAL"
victim in all this, because for coomers? It's all about them and what gets their rocks off in the meantime.
No. 19850
>>19832Nta but wouldn't that discourage women who have been trafficked to the developed world or were
victim of the loverboy method to come forward and try to get help? They're not exactly the types to be able to pay fines. They'll literally end up being punished for trying to get help and they'll be more underground and difficult to reach.
>>19699Like here you say take littering as an equivalent, but can they even afford €450 in fines when they were trafficked to here or a
victim of loverboy method, a pimp takes the money and they might not even speak the language.
No. 19855
>>19836>The worst part about this is that not enough males still won't fucking careMales don't care period. And clearly women don't either enough to topple this shit. Whether women don't know because of a lack of exposure may be relevant but regardless women are complicit in the circulation of CP and victimization by allowing the shit to spread in the first place and treating it as blasé and no big deal.
>>19850What is Loverboy method? Is this just some form of elaborate grooming? Unless anyone is willing to create laws around grooming I doubt that it can be stopped. Grooming is barely seen as a crime and it isn't a crime even when it's done to literal children as is. The only counter to grooming is to educate and disrupt/deregulate inhuman behavior in society and encourage critical thinking in women. When women think of themselves as subhuman they will sell themselves and treat themselves as subhuman. If you promote a culture that fosters hatred and degradation then of course women are going to sell themselves and never see themselves as human. Poverty amplifies this even more.
>They'll literally end up being punished for trying to get help and they'll be more underground and difficult to reach.Yes, you're right there, this shit would more than likely drive human trafficking underground like drug dealing and all other kinds of black market dealing. There is still an argument in reducing the rate of it occuring though. Unfortunately the scenario you give sounds more like an immigration problem resulting from poorly enforced immigration policy and human trafficking. Especially the language barrier, there has to be a better way of combating human trafficking rather than creating a wild west for human traffickers and/or normalising and regulating human trafficking. The false dilemma created here is really the crux of my argument, not punitive means of punishment for prostitutes. In my country is basically catch and release anyway for prostitutes and that's enough, but I worry that prostitutes may willingly collude with offenders. It's idiotic to say "you just hate prostitutes" and is not a counter point. Everyone hates prostitutes, this isn't internalized misogny or some form of idiotic misogyny it's reality. Everyone hates prostitutes because they remind women throughout history that they are worthless and exist to be degraded, while enabling rapeapes to justify their logic of reminding women they are worthless and exist to be degraded. It is possible to see prostitutes as
victims and perpetrators of their own suffering, there is nuance in the world. I wish it was possible to punish males solely while obliterating trafficking but it will never happen if women opt themselves into it. In an ideal world all buyers would be arrested, publically humiliated, kept on a list with sex offenders and shunned and "pimps" would be arrested and imprisoned, while prostitutes would be given the resources to not sell themselves. But this would never happen, males don't see women as human have never through history and likely never will. Prostitutes are valuable for communicating the vital message of rapeapes that women are subhuman commodities to be bought and sold without even hiding this, therefore prostitution will always be upheld and protected in some "inhumane" or "humane" form like with the Nordic Model.
No. 20203
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New report on violence in porn
>90 percent of the pornographic videos hosted by the four most visited sites in France - Pornhub, HVideos, Xnxx and Xhamster - feature real acts of physical, sexual or verbal violence against women. This is one of the conclusions of a report presented last week by the French High Council for Equality between Women and Men, after more than a year and a half's work.
>The report paints a dark picture of the pornographic industry: the study estimates that over 1.4 million videos contain sadistic practices or acts of sexist or sexual violence, and 1.5 million contain racist categories. No. 20414
>>20222Most of them have lower fertility and trouble getting it done. A lot of women in reddit used to complain about their husbands not being able to get them pregnant.
Most pornsick guys can't get wives and the ones who do cant get them pregnant naturally so unless they can afford ivf, they're pretty much infertile
No. 20510
File: 1698242100708.jpeg (276.8 KB, 731x1493, 0633519F-74B1-4670-A992-60FD16…) This report on AI generated CP/CSAM is just suicide fuel why we should have never left the stone age.
>In total, 20,254 AI-generated images were found to have been posted to one dark web CSAM forum in a one-month period.>We’re seeing AI CSAM images using the faces of known, real, victims. We’re seeing the ‘de-aging’ of celebrities and AI CSAM using the likeness of celebrity children. We’re seeing how technology is ‘nudifying’ children whose clothed images have been uploaded online for perfectly legitimate reasons. And we’re seeing how all this content is being commercialised.>There is now reasonable evidence that AI CSAM has increased the potential for the re-victimisation of known child sexual abuse victims, as well as for the victimisation of famous children and children known to perpetrators. The IWF has found many examples of AI-generated images featuring known victims and famous children.>Images show the rape of babies and toddlers; famous pre-teen children being sexually abused; BDSM (bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, and sadomasochism) content featuring tweens and teenagers. And more.>Examples of individuals asking, ‘who is this?’ in reply to images – only to be informed that the images are not of real children – have been found.>Some users claim that AI CSAM will never match real CSAM because it lacks the“sense of danger.”
> At some point on this timeline, realistic full-motion video content will become commonplace. The first examples of short AI CSAM videos have already been seen – these are only going to get more realistic and more widespread. No. 20684
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i want to kill people who make these and like these
No. 20991
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I don’t understand how porn isn’t banned across the board yet. Google, apple, all social media websites, and the government know how easy children are able to access pornography yet they do nothing about it. Fucking why? Why is pornhub not shutdown after hosting videos of underage children? Why are these websites so widely accessible? I really wish there was a whole movement to have pornography in general taken offline, because this needs to end. I’d donate to that cause.
No. 22327
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Article on how the owner of PornHub intends to save the company. article is paywalled, so either disable javascript or use to access the article.
>One of the most visited sites on the internet, Pornhub is also among the most controversial. It’s now the subject of a series of lawsuits from people who claim its former owners failed to stop images of child abuse, sexual assault and other illegal, non-consensual sex from being posted to the website. More than 2.2 million people have signed an online petition to shut down the site.
>News of its mid-March purchase by Ethical Capital Partners stunned many of those in Ottawa’s tight-knit legal community.
>Friedman worked closely with Edelson on a series of high-profile cases, including those involving Catholic Bishop Raymond Leahy, Ottawa police officer Daniel Montsion, and Pembroke dentist Christy Natsis. He defended the jihadist recruiter Awso Peshdary in a complex, years-long case that ended with a guilty plea.Raymond Lahey was charged in 2009 with the importation of child pornography
>The new owners have vowed to engage with law enforcement officials, child safety experts, sex workers, academics and critics to discuss how to make Pornhub a better, safer, more responsible internet actor. The firm intends to sponsor research papers, academic conferences and create other forums to destigmatize and demystify the business of internet porn.
>Mastercard and Visa have not restored their payment services. Meanwhile, critics call the Pornhub website a “crime scene” that should not be monetized by its new owners.
>“I think they’re trying to whitewash history,” says Laila Mickelwait, a California woman who launched a spirited online campaign to shut down Pornhub. Micklewait contends Pornhub’s new verification system for uploading content does not go far enough because it does not ensure that all those depicted in the material are consensual participants. More lawsuits, she says, are forthcoming.
>For his part, Friedman says the new management group is committed to putting in place measures to ensure only consensual sex is featured on Pornhub. That is not only the right thing to do, he says, but will be good for MindGeek’s business since it will bring more visitors to its websites. No. 22465
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The owner of Only Fans Leonid Radvinsky, donated 11 million dollars to AIPAC. wonder if sex workers are going to boycott Only Fans in support of Palestine.
No. 22483
>>22479Correct, thanks nonna. I thought that was obvious after
>>22474 but probably should have specified again.
No. 22503
>>22473IMO don't do it if you don't like being a whore. In the spiritual communities you can read women calling the female position in het sex with names like: "a dark goddess", like there's this woman who's in a "loving relationship" with a man and she still called her role in sex "dark". It accurately describes the gender roles in sex, read about mind-body connection, since mind can't be detached from the body and physically a woman is in these positions then mentally she is as well. This act and a couple others disprove all the popular ideas about sex and romance humans have and points out the inherent female submission in sex. Since the outrage when someone speaks facts like this always happens just as when a woman says that men shouldn't be the caretakers of women and children because of their biology and since people are too lazy to use their imagination, then force yourself to look at pictures of sex or stand up and imagine a naked person in front of you bowing their head down to the floor and putting their ass up, literally their whole bottom and asshole is out(I'm sorry? That's real), women bottom in sex with men. Also imagine right now in this moment, someone stuffing their filhy penis into your mouth with you consent but oh well. That's the reality people blatantly deny or lie about, the act in question is patriarchal, submissive and degrading, I don't know how its possible for a woman do be able to do this to themselves, by anyway, we are programmed through our minds, through the lies about the nature of sex and through this act being a social standard, ofc other women also get offended by being called cock suckers but men don't get offended by being called a pussy lickers even tho both of these just describe the mechanism of this act, women just make it into an insult themselves, treat it as their personal identity other women offend therefore we should suppress our anger at an angering, degrading, sado-maso thing, that's a female socialization. In radfem adjacent spaces this thing should have never been allowed, at least in a one space we deserve the freedom of thought and a realistic view on straight sex. This particular act brings zero physical pleasure to the women while demanding a pretty humiliating physical movements from her/physical uncomfortableness. It's a service to men as most sex is despite the feminine pleasure of which most is empathetic or comes from physical servilness. "Romantic love" now looks like something else to me, straight sex leads to a pregnancy and female reproductive organs evolved for pregnancy as well. I think oral sex on men proves that women are more disgusting than men in a certain way and on the level of faggots. Before the blowjob whores get offended(maybe even lurking faggots, cause I've offended them online before too): first, "but humans always sucked penis!1!1!1" - that can also mean that women were always raped this way, that's bad. Second, "how are women more disgusting" - you're the one performing it on men, either be a real misandrist or blah blah, Third: people of both genders have no right to be offended by getting called a cock suckers since that's their choice to do it.
Yeah you could call them a
victims if you do enough mental gymnastics but eh. This is a patriarchy that even found it's way to the manifesto chan thread which I have read like two days ago fully and they argued over the critique of the "cock suckers", in the same exact thread that they call men a parasites. So for gods sake follow what you preach
This pig act is what gets women sexually harassed since they were young. There's a woman in my country that's getting trolled for calling it gross on social media and someone mailed her a fucking ice cream machine(in my country people call sucking dick " ice cream"). This a sexual harassment, moids and women do.
>>22495I don't this the "female" is psychoped, I think it's biological pickme behavior but who said that female sexuality isn't self opressive. However as a "mind" or a consciousness we are programmed through our minds which I think operate our sexual energy because I have managed to "get rid" of my sexual energy manifesting itself through horniness and desire for physical romance anymore, I got rid of my sexual identity but acknowledging biological facts is important to do it. I've also noticed that I associate fear with arousal and with no fear I don't get urges no more. You need to get your human mind to allow you to be released from this, there's a reason I hate sex positivity. Our minds is how programming happens. But someone has to fuck men since um I guess the xx chromosome allowed the y to exist but then the y one is what allowed the human form as we have now to evolve so maybe that's why women are so male identified. This mentality belongs in spaces detached from the collective for obvious reasons, it's like a personal liberation.
No. 22538
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>>22504The point was to be made about how there's something wrong within sex positivity, there's zero truthful and realistic takes on sex how other people or just other women program women to be okay with degrading things but when someone sees a picture of oral sex
then they are shocked1!!11 now they see that it's extremely degrading even if it's just human biology, they lie and deny then just straight up admit, it's a proof that "they" force other women to be okay with degradation. And on the pictures like this women and faggets look like a retarded humiliated bitch kneeling to cock, why would you wish this on anyone, is this what I was supossed to be doing as a teen like on the picrel from a post where they talk about painful throats after blowjob on a non sexual subreddit? This is what people deny, the female role in sex being dark and submissive, then they go and have it, it's like a secret that is open, a dark secret everyone knows.
This obscene thing is a natural part of womanhood and seeing pictures of acts like this or of other sex positions where women look like two lumps of fat with their upper body bowed down to the floor gives me body image issues despise it being natural. People defend nature then when it's visualized or literally photographed then they get shocked and see it as vulgar, but before they demanded that someone accepts it even if it's an angering thing which proves it's violative, it's like the world/society is terrorizing us with it and it all because of our sex, a gender role we can't escape cause it's biological. Male lovers no matter what their gender is are called cock whores cause their behaviors in sex is dick worship ping, if you could film any average gay or hetero sex you would literally see a cockwhore. People spread false ideas about sex and love to narrate things as love and it programs other women, sex positivity denies natural gender roles in sex. People don't understand why some women hate womanhood due to this. Seeing these pictures is like seeing a monster as well as hearing them be described but it's a (straight)female or faggot natural behavior in sex. Untimely, it's happening on a mass scale so I wanted to brag about how misandry can be so fake too, cause?? And last thing, when the topic of sex is mentioned (and people reduced l sex to just the word "sex" which is already a false idea) people bring up proofs of animals sucking dicks or yap about how humans in the past did this while it only means that women were always raped this way, how feminist. This is what people expect us to be okay with doing, things that only please men, you just end up servicing dick and have the burden of whoredom on you constantly.
Ohhh years ago I researched reddit because of male degeneracy and it led me to seeing female degeneracy too, around 100 subreddits with 1k-1m subscribers where women post themselves, if you search terms like a "cum dumpster", "cum slut" or references to certain sexual acts and turn off the safe search then you will find the most insane degeneracy coming from women, 1/3 of them are teens and they are subreddits specifically for them. Imagine my confusion, yeah I shouldn't have looked but. And when you go to forums discussing sex, the woman role in sex is revealed as the most burdening, monstrous position like "my throat hurts after blowjobs help!!11", " how do I deep throat", "how do I sexually surprise me bf?", "where do you dump the jizz after you suck off dick ladiezz". People lie to others face, while this is what women/womanhood is, everyone knows that female or faggot behavior in sex is gross. I did meditations cause of this psycho sexual issue and even it didn't change my mind on most of it but it erased all of my sex drive instead. I've seen all perspective on sex (through mental shifting) due to obsession given to me through being gaslighted and forced to over explain myself, saw why people are defending sex and it only proved me right kek
I don't even know how to call all of this mess in human sex culture. Schizo pattern perceivers can see what I mean by all of that. The pain… the masochism…the lies
No. 22539
>>22504I wasn't asserting that you do nor targeting you in specific just the mentality that both you and
>>22474 have where you're acting like opting into humiliation is a passive unchanging act that women have no agency in when it's clear that they do. Women choose to degrade themselves and have self-humiliation and porn addictions too. It is a moot discussion to ask 'when did blowjobs come into fashion?' and is not only silly but also completely irrelevant to the fact that women still are choosing to do them.
No. 22577
>>22539Right they act like nothing women do is these women doing it willingly, everything is a victimhood or they try to change the topic sometimes bring up some excuses like animals sexual behavior cause supposedly animals are a cocksuckers. Meanwhile women are out there online or irl, publicly bragging about how they give piglike blowjobs literally over sharing and flexing on being bj queens for their nigels who probably wouldn't love them if they didn't hunch over their dicks in extreme submission and humiliation thats requires a woman to not have any disgust response that's why it's such a scum, women can't have love without their own degradation and having to be piggish, snap a picture of it and you see human nature at it's most exposed, dumb behind the eyes, deformed looking face because of the dick in it and mouth in suction mode, retarded ass male worship which to do a woman has to train herself like a prostitute but the Nigel havers who screech "love uwu" forget to mention the price women pay for it and how to date you have to do this shit, then brainwash all other women to self opress cause women act like a lunatics when it comes to het relations and don't wanna give up on dating men. The
victims are the women shamed into it through female socialization and terrorized with these images and sex culture, men and the patriarchy, overall why women do it is because of these factors: women are self opressive, lack of self control and mastery of their own sexual energy, female socialization, people are attached to their sex drive and since they have a female body and sex drive they can't turn off then they will defend engaging in sex even tho it's submissive and degrading. Also society, the concept of hetero romance / hetero culture and dating, social status from dating a moid, men enable women's self opression too, false ideas about sex also enable all of this bullshit like in radfem spaces they will even cope and call female role in sex dominant and say women get served by men in sex therefore female role is superior and it follows the same logic people use to call male role superior because of being dominant however the male one is actually dominant but female isn't so it changes nothing.
External and internal forces program woman through their minds and sexuality but the shoe fits too much so women do it willingly cause they have no self control, which some people deny because that would mean that women are a cocksuckers and false ideas can't be used to disguise it anymore. Heterorealism(real stories about heterosexual relationships aka the ragebait) basically expose how patriarchal these relationships are and how all these sex acts are like a sex work, to stay in a mental state that allows a woman to do this shit she would have to be feminine permanently and submitting to the moid in sex mentally, also even men find this act disgusting and have a love/hate relationship with the "whores". Even nature does cause we have teeth in our mouth and gag reflex(I cry when I brush my tongue and
trigger my reflex), no one sane wants to gulp on dick cheese, spit and other filth and having their mouth smeared with it and licking it with their tongue while choking, smacking their mouth, shaking their head and hands like a retarded freak and sucking and squeaking like a pig and hunching over it looking like a cow while bowing down to a moid who's a misogynistic rapechimp that will fuck you over and is looking down on you but relationships require it from women so? human biology of both sexes, society, men, female socialization…. it is seen vulgar for a reason while oral sex on women is not seen as vulgar same as people see porn as vulgar specifically the women in it but never men, it's all because of the natural power dynamic. I'm saying it all as a schizo pattern perceiving obsessive autist with extreme male and rape phobia, my body refuses to submit in male presence and I feel fear cause I see their physical body as masculine since it's bigger than women body and male physiognomy suggests dark traits, dominance etc. I can't imagine submitting to that, our subconscious knows that men are masculine and dominant based on their appearance which is caused by their biological sex.
No. 26056
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No. 26116
>>26056I hate men so much.
Also, where is picrel from?
No. 26247
>>26092Ayrt, that post is nearly a year old kek.
>so calling women engaging in consensual sex degrading is MisogynisticThis just in; defending degrading yourself is degrading. Die mad about it and vent on a relationship vent thread. I'm not here to tone police and be nice; this board is about critical discussion of women and female politics.
No. 35009
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