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No. 866
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It isn't really a radfem work, but "In the miso soup" is about a Japanese man guiding an American tourist through a sex work city. it never states any radical beliefs, but the book describes how much of of a loser the American tourist is for trying to get a prostitute and it shows prostitution in a more realistic and depressing way than most books. The books is one of the rare few "it's not politics just facts' books
No. 1078
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>>1077Ask them why they think it makes them powerful and why men aren't doing it then.
In fact if we look at other species, men are the ones who should make the most effort to attract mates.
No. 1086
>>1077People who think female objectification is essential to female agency are hard to reason with, been struggling with this too.
Maybe find some articles or statistics to share about the sex industry's negative impacts so they won't try to gaslight you about ~redfems being against women's agency~
No. 1092
>>1078That's right, I think they would try to dodge the question babbling about gay males doing makeup but that could be easily rebatable.
>>1086I guess you're right, but there are so many naive girls that think showing off your lingerie or taking provocative photos for social media is completely normal that I kinda want to educate them and help them see the truth. It's not that I'm doubting myself or the movement, but I think it's hard to reach people that had never questioned the social rules patriarchy has imposed on us. It's just like matrix, there's people who don't want to know the truth and there's others who just need a bit of help to reach it.
Anyways, thank you for you answers.
No. 1188
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>>1180Pre-Islamic tribes in southern and central Arabia weren't as patriarchal as Hejaz Arabs ( which Muhammad and his companions were), Arab femicide only occurred in that region
No. 1333
>>1179>all cultures in the world have marriageThis isn't true. are plenty of cultures that had matrilineal inheritance and would thus have had no need for ensuring paternity of children.
>>1180Stop caping for Islam anon. The only evidence we have for mass femicide in pre-Islamic Arabia literally comes from hadiths. Actual historical and anthropological evidence indicates that women lost rights and status after the introduction of Islam.
No. 1334
>>1179The idea that men have always been oppressing women with their strength is so depressing.
I’m short af, 5ft and under 100lbs, I would have no chance if any man or even teenage boy tried anything against me.
No. 1345
>>1339Thank you for bringing up insight into the culture. I'm also wary about any type of society that is regarded as feminist or a matriarchy. I don't think there has been one in all history of humanity. Tinfoil but I believe that:
1. There's people (read:males) who claim there are/were matriarchal societies in the world just for the sake of having proof against feminism like: "Why are you winning so much about patriarchy??? There are matriarchal societies too see???? Women are privileged reeee!!!!1!1!1" (btw I'm not talking about the anons who posted the original posts about matriarchal societies)
2. Women in those societies have it as rough (or more) as any other woman in the world, as they are expected to work TWICE the amount they would be in any other patriarchal setting (because males won't give a shit about housework, as previous anon said). So that ~lovely matriarchy~ becomes a nightmare…
No. 2002
>>1937the beauty industry is inherently anti feminist. I'm not someone who thinks you can't be a feminist (even a radfem) and wear makeup but a lot of radfems really dislike it. I don't know of any radfem who makes content like that. I'm sure there are some, but I can't imagine anybody would advertise their radical feminism on a makeup channel, or their interest in makeup on a radfem channel. They'd be eaten alive by both communities.
Elly Arrow - Used to put out videos more often than she does now, but she's been a little more active lately. her videos are really thoughtful and well done. - Mostly an archive of old clips - She deleted a bunch of her more rant-y radfem videos recently and in the future wants to make videos about media, presumably through a radfem lens. No. 2059
>>2018I am obviously a moron, I just was interested if any exist at all just in case. Actually I was wondering what an aesthetic that's not made to make men hard and so on would look like aside from the femcel one. There are tons of aesthetics that can't make a scrote hard innit? I looked at it from this point. And I have a feeling you wear a lot of makeup and I don't know why.
>>2000I don't, I'm probably more retarded than you but I'm willing to learn about radfem as much as I can I swear. Sad I can't be a radfem though, as an ugly fatcel and femcel with a troons tier beard I am planning on grooming myself so I won't look in horror at myself anymore.
No. 2064
>>2061I suggest looking at radfem or radfem aligned celebrity women like Rowling and Germaine Greer. How do they dress/makeup/present themselves?
Beauty channels exist to serve an industry that hawks $60 palettes at teenagers, so while there are plenty of glamorous radfem women, beauty wouldn't be the sole focus of their online activity.
No. 2066
>>2064It's not really occupied on my mind so much, I just was curious since I too realized a lot of radfems look good, albeit they sound smart and are not focussing on beauty indeed. Thanks either way, sorry for asking stupid questions. (perhaps we need such a thread).
>rowlingalmost forgot that she became a good writer overnight because of certain high quality tweets
No. 3644
>>3629Your black friends probably have a specific type of white woman in mind (the racist kind) when they say that stuff, like your gay friends are thinking about homophobic or dick-pandering straight women, and your rich and poor friends are classist. Those things don't really have anything to do with misogyny.
Funny how men can hate and compete with other men for personal or complex issues and that's normal human behavior. The second women aren't all sitting around a fire holding hands and singing kumbaya it's always chalked up to internalized misogyny lol. Kind of dehumanizing to think that we can't interact with each other with a full range of human emotions and behaviors imo.
No. 3664
>>3644if it was that, I wouldn't be complaining tbh. but there has been a loss of nuance in our discussions lately. everything has become incredibly tribalistic. Karen Boogeyman meme and all of that.
maybe I just need new friends.