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No. 9783
>>9773>BitchHuh. Well look at that.
>>9768>I find it alarming there is a healthy thread for "right wing feminism" on here but not one on abortion until now.Yeah, as do I. The problem is that bickering and complaining is more addictive than planning action, especially on a shitposting gossip forum, so derailing is easy. It seems unlikely anyone is going to openly oppose abortion on this board, even when their mask slips off for a second, so the real discussion is going to be about what to do about it, either to get rights back or to prevent losing them.
What happened in the US to make it even possible? It seems like a bipartisan fuck up, like the common denominator is not any particular ideology but the men who hold the power to shape those ideologies. How to wrest political control back from moids?
What kind of aid or support can be offered in places where abortion rights don't exist? What can be done to secure abortion laws elsewhere? I too am burgerless and think this should be thought of in global terms.
No. 9795
>>9783What happened in the US was just a coalition of pickmes and scrotes being personally upset women can have sex without being punished.
I'm an American and feel pissed that the country which is ground zero for so much SJW insanity also does shit like this. I can't speak for people from other countries. I don't know what to do to help them but I will say abortion pills are unstoppable
No. 9799
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Rabid anti-abortion people creep me out so much, there's some weird sadistic glee at wanting to force women and young girls to give birth no matter how traumatic the pregnancy might be, they cover it all under "saving the babies uwu", disgusting.
No. 9824
Abortion should be illegal.
You shouldn't punish a child for their parents crimes.
>>9799 No. 9839
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>>9835Also,a lot of them don't even really believe it's a person deep down. They just play stupid to push their sick agenda.
when you post what an abortion before 10 weeks actually looks like, right wingers just say it's "clearly not a baby" and "liberal propaganda" No. 10652
>>10644Wow! It’s almost as if the population of actual
victims and children who become impregnated and need to receive abortions in the US is
substantially lower compared to the adult and college age women having consensual sexual encounters that result in pregnancy simply because they were too easily distracted by some guys grey dick cheese to remember to slap on a condom or pop her birth control. Hm!
No. 10653
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>12 year olds being forced to give birth
Meanwhile this is the reality compared to your fantasy about pregnant middle schoolers
No. 10664
>>10653I remember all the Republicans trying to claim the story was a hoax and shit like "only a small number of 12 year olds can get pregnant" or pulling a red herring and trying to claim the mom was covering up the abuse
>>10652Shut up trad thot
No. 10729
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>>10652I'm not sure why anons are clowning on you, it's like they've never actually researched the reasons why women get abortions before.
In almost every study done, or in cases like Florida that record reasoning before the procedure, it's blatantly clear that most abortions are done due to poor planning/lack of foresight.
It's largely women who already have multiple children and continue to get pregnant, women who are not financially prepared for a child and those that state they're not ready to have a child. None of these seem to involve rape, health issues, minors, incest and other factors, yet these factors are almost the defining reasons for abortion in the first place.
Abortion can be a powerful tool to prevent various developmental disorders from getting too prevalent in a population (whether hereditary or non-hereditary like Down Syndrome) or in the above cases.
But in the actual majority cases, would it not just be easier to not have sex with the kinds of men?
The kinds where you think, "having another child with him would be wrong", "I don't want to be a single mother by him", "I couldn't afford a child." (but I'll continue to do the only thing in existence that allows for the creation of one).
I just don't get it, what is the end game here? To be able to continue to have mediocre relationships with unstable males and meander along poverty?
I'm clearly in favor for abortions, but why is it that since modernity, they're basically used to maintain unstable or questionable male partner relationships?
Obviously the direct result of NOT producing a child with an unstable male is a good thing, but that is so much more easily achieved by just not having sex with unstable males. I know abusers can take years to show their colors, and males often flip the switch UPON such events like pregnancy and marriage, but doesn't that just mean women should be even more cautious of having sex?
Source for responses: No. 10779
>>10729the poster you're replying to is probably baiting by repeating tired old anti-abortion strawman arguments (or maybe they really believe it, idk). I don't know if it's the same poster(s) on 2X that have been posting like this for days but if it is their posts have included things such as 1.) having sex is what causes pregnancy and not having sex would end all abortions, simple as. 2.) insisting that irresponsible horny sluts who aren't thinking ahead are using abortion as convenient after-the-fact birth control and also helpfully suggesting that these imaginary women could simply practice abstinence or take responsibility and give birth. 3.) if you are raped you just need to get a rape kit to get an abortion, simple as. 4.) insisting they aren't anti abortion and none of their posts are about being anti-abortion even though they're coming up with scenarios where abortion is restricted and explaining why it wouldn't be a problem. 5.) akshually they know what they're talking about because their mother had so many abortions her womb rotted and she needed half a hysterectomy (which I guess means they think their mom is an irresponsible slut?) and also she almost aborted them too which would have been just tragic. So on and so forth with other tangents I haven't followed, etc.
I don't know why you are taking their side, even the study you linked literally includes a paragraph to debunk the myth that women get abortions for convenience (although it's kinda weak about it.)
While I'm on about the study, you should consider that a woman at an abortion clinic because she was impregnated by a rapist almost definitely is not going to want to answer random survey questions about it. Statistics from a study are not always representative of reality, and this is a known issue in regards to rape statistics. I'm surprised they even found 1 out of 1,209 women who wanted to write it down.
Plus, the study is focussed on asking why a woman is choosing to terminate her pregnancy, not how she got pregnant. The rape/incest question is the only one addressing how the woman got pregnant. No part of that study asks how many of the women they interviewed were using a contraceptive method that failed or what the situation was that led them to becoming pregnant.
That anon has decided most abortions are the result of consensual willfully-unprotected sexual encounters, something that has been proven false again and again. Your post is kinda dumb too (like, yeah, in a perfect world no woman would get involved with a trash scrote and they would have the perfect number of babies together if they wanted to and contraception would never fail but that's not remotely the world we live in and the option of abortion is not what's keeping women in bad relationships). Whatever.
No. 10848
>>10836They're honorless beings with 0 conviction so they always move the goalpost.
So, they want sex to be as dangerous and irrational as possible for women in order to make a weak man feel powerful. The more of a loss for a woman, the more of a win or a man. Abortion is one of the few things that actually equalizes the playing field and that's the real reason why they hate it so much; when they talk about "taking responsibility" they're just
triggered that 100% of the control and power isn't in their hands.
Pretty much why so many of them rage out so much at women that don't want to touch men because it defies their insane entitlement towards punishing women.
No. 10853
>>10652Future "the only moral abortion is my abortion" recipient. I do not know a single anti-choicer/conservatard/religious nut woman who does not have multiple abortions under her belt, all of which were sooo different from the abortions those slutty other women get, you know.
>>9799Ultra late but given that a woman's body flushes out something like >60% of all embryos, wouldn't that make every woman who isn't celibate or homosexual a serial killer? Why don't these looney tunes ever call for research into miscarriage or failed implantations, since that kills way more "babies" than abortion ever could?
>>9824But punishing women and girls is fine, of course. Go die of an ectopic pregnancy.
No. 11867
>>11402I really just want to deploy a powerful curse that gives several of these evangelicals a sudden heart attack. this hell state is so regressive and so bass ackwards that they even want to restrict birth control? abortion wasn't enough? what's next? covering our ankles? skirt checks? women only curfews?
abbott and his cronies both local and statewide can fucking die in a fire for all I care, I am tired of this shit
No. 11870
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>>11867Picrel is a sticker I have on my dresser. The tree should’ve crushed his skull.
No. 11882
>>11870I've always prayed and manifested for a tree to fall on him again to finish the job. Also that Ted's flight goes down next time he tries to leave the state or country during a crisis
Useless wastes of air