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No. 102784
>>102779Um no doesn't she want to implement an investigatory powers bill to allow governments access to corporate meta data? Essentially the end of freedom and liberty as we know it
Also the irony that people who voted for brexit because of lack of democracy are now receiving an unelected priminister
No. 102800
>>102771Doesn't matter since many of those foreign students come there with the specific intent to weasel themselves into a job and stay. The only people who can afford to study in the UK are rich daddy's money kids who study in for-profit non-Russell unis and party all week, so it's not like they're in any way downtrodden and unfortunate.
How do I know this? I studied there for a year myself (double degree programme) and literally 100% of students who were not locals had an endless supply of money from their parents and didn't really need to work but many did because they all wanted to stay and work as fashion designers and dumb shit like that.
Just look up all the visa and tuition fees, insurance and cost of living. It's pretty clear they're only there to make sure only rich people can get in. And I say that as someone from a relatively rich country in Northern Europe with free education that's considered among the best in the world. For those people, studying here is 'too common' so it's not like they're interested in the quality of teaching or anything.
No. 102804
>>102800Yep. Most are here just for the work permit and shit like benefits.
Oh well. So does that mean Starbucks and Subway will finally have people who can speak English?
No. 102821
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Literally me.