File: 1469937563143.jpeg (215.09 KB, 960x960, image.jpeg)

No. 105487
File: 1469938994805.jpg (425.74 KB, 1240x863, bachelorette-contestants-2016-…)

I don't think most men have a say in which girls get picked
Besides, have you not seen the Bachelorette
No. 105490
File: 1469940851866.jpg (15.93 KB, 236x354, stepford_wife.jpg)

>>105484Pretty sure beauty pageants are all run by old WASP men.
If you plan to become a Stepford Wife, yes there is a certain look to shoot for.
No. 105495
File: 1469950657066.jpg (34.98 KB, 592x592, CkEAQHAVAAAEyZ6.jpg)

This is true though.
No. 105499
>>105497I have no clue what OP was trying to say either. This pageant isn't the "world census of men's preferences for dating"…it is a fucking beauty pageant.
It doesn't shock me that girls with a certain "look" have become finalists…it isn't scientific. They are picked by judges.
No. 105501
>>105484I honestly thought OP's pic was just a collab of photos of the same person. Christ.
>>105487>>105488>>105489All of this. Who the fuck would want an incest-induced jock with a fuckboy haircut?
>>105492Always reminds me of that one South Park episode where all the child beauty pageant judges just kept loudly masturbating to every kid during the show
No. 105502
>>105484And people say Asians/blacks all look the same, jesus.
How do you even decide which one should "win" the pageant when literally all of them look the same?
No. 105505
>>105502>and people say asians all look the samethey do tho. there's like 20-30 different types of faces and then beyond that, you can sort everyone into those 20-30 categories.
or maybe i should say 19-29 since 1 of them is had-too-much-plastic-surgery.
No. 105508
>>105504>>105505Not really. The only people who say things like this are people who have seen a maximum of 7 people per race, to be honest. And it's still kind of funny considering how samefaced/homogenous white people often are, especially in European countries known for having the "purest" white genetics (unless they're gingers or have dark hair I guess, and even then they're not that distinguishable when they're placed in a group of other gingers/dark-haired white people).
I'm starting to think the only way most people can tell people of other races apart is through pure exposure.
No race bait intended, and I'm not going to derail the thread further. Just thought I'd point out the obvious.
No. 105509
>>105484Have guys anything to do with Miss Teen USA?
I rarely ever heard guys actually liking the girls in "beauty contest".
No. 105511
>>105510Over here (not the US) I usually hear guys saying Miss Universe/Miss MyCountry are bland twigs. Usually they like the rare mixed girls we have from the West Indies.
Maybe stereotypical blonde Barbies are an American guy thing.
No. 105532
>>105522Their hair texture is virtually all the same too (straight). It's not as if you see east asians with naturally curly hair commonly.
>as if that's the only thing that matters about how a person looks.Those are several aspects of physical phenotype, so yes, Asians do look more similar to one another.
It's interesting you bring this up since in a fair few Asian states this extreme homogeneity is a point of pride. E.g. North Korea, the whole point of the mass games, and the women of the exact same height, hair color/type, eye color, in the exact same clothes is meant to be a sort of demonstration of the homogeneity of the Korean race above other races.
No. 105537
>>105532Sure it's all generally straight, but there is variance to asian hair textures, even between different kinds of straight.
I dunno, I see differences in asians all the time, it's how I can tell if a woman is asian from the back of her head even if it's possible she's a white lady with straight black hair. Or even if it's an asian lady with bleached/colored hair.
No. 105540
>>105537>even between different kinds of straight. Alright, but that's variance within one category. Not variation across several.
I'm not even insulting asians, straight jet black hair is beautiful. But they are more cosmetically homogeneous as a rule than Europeans.
No. 105557
>>105549Are you really going to suggest that naturally curly hair is common among Japanese, Koreans and Han Chinese people, weeb chan?
Next you'll be claiming brown and blonde naturally occurring hair is also common but thay they dye it all black to cover it up.